OBI hypermarkets. Jobs company "OBI. Useful materials for download - Catalog of Ob products

With the discovery of modern construction hypermarkets in Moscow, the apartment, country and other questions of this "series" in the blink of an eye received a canceled decision. On huge shopping Squares These stores of German "origin" are all that the residents of the capital need to have a high-quality construction, repair needs and an unforgettable country rest.

AT stores Ob. A stunning range of various building materials, products, without which the modern decor and interior design is unthinkable, as well as the technique of the last word fashion and of various products For children's entertainment and leisure. A special interest among Muscovites, accustomed to the stone-concrete megalopolis, will cause the department "Garden Paradise", where, in addition to living hedges and real proteins, you can buy furniture for cottages and techniques for gardening or lawns.

To date, in Moscow, it is open 5, sales in which are organized in the popular European format DO-IT-YouRSELF (i.e. "DIY"). All visitors to these stores will certainly appreciate the convenient distribution of different departments, high level Service, reasonable prices and amazing discounts.

Useful materials for download - Catalog of Ob products

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You can receive the latest OBI catalogs and always keep abreast of stocks and sales, for this you can download the official Ob to Google Play Store and Apple Apple Apple.

Addresses of stores and fare schemes:

Obi Belaya Dacha

Address: Kotelniki, TRV "Mega"

Work schedule: around the clock, store break from 3:00 to 3:30, return cash register 7:30 - 23:00.

Break of the work of the delivery department from 3:00 to 3:30 and from 23:00 to 1:00.

Obi Borovskoye

Address: Crossing 47 km of Moscow Ring Road and Borovskoye Highway.

Schedule: around the clock without interruptions

Obi Warsaw

Address: Moscow, Warsaw Highway, House 97

Work schedule: around the clock, technical break from 23:55 to 00:05

Return Cash Operation Time from 7:30 to 23:00

Delivery is drawn up daily from 7:30 to 2:00

Ob Warm Stan.

Address: Moscow, intersection of 41 km of Moscow Ring Road and Kaluga Highway, TC Mega

Work schedule: around the clock

Technical break at the box office from 23.55 to 00.05

Cash schedule of instructions from 7.15 to 22.45

Return Cash Return Schedule from 7.30 to 22.30

Obi Filison

Address: Moscow, Bagrationovsky Pr-d, House 5, TRT Firan

Work schedule: around the clock

Cash Return Schedule from 8:00 to 22:45

Opening hours of delivery department from 8:00 to 22:30

Obi Khimki

Address: Khimki, Microdistrict IKEA, Corpus 3, Mega TC

Work schedule: around the clock

Technical break from 23.55 to 00.05

Return Cash Operation Time from 8.00 to 22.45

Delivery Department break from 00.00 to 00.10.

Ob is the world that we build together.

And in any construction site - a solid foundation. Therefore, we initially invest in employees those knowledge and skills that have accumulated. It is important for us to step by step, the floor behind the floor, our employees could build their future together with Ob.

We put the goal of developing employees and prepare an internal personnel reserve. All training in OBI is carried out on the basis of an assessment of competencies during the annual evaluation of employees. There are special programs for the development of each competence. Trainings in OU companies conduct internal coaches and regional training managers. Programs for the development of special and functional knowledge are conducting external training organizations from among the leading trainings of Russia or representatives of the Department of the Central Office.

Opportunities for learning, professional growth and development have every employee of the company!

Ob Novators

The company successfully works special programwhich allows you to track the initiatives of our employees and encourage them accordingly. Such a program was the competition held in the company annually. According to his results, best ideas Implemented, and initiators receive prizes and gifts. Each of the employees can take part and make the company and the world around themselves better!

In this department, the decor in the hypermarket Ob Tula did not work for a long time, only 3 months, in this department, the head of the department of Vedenov Dmitry (who communicates with suppliers and decides who should work and who does not have) I worked in a hypermarket properly, it always came to work on time , I performed all the tasks (stocks, sales or just inserting wallpapers in color scheme and price category) supplier I was very pleased with the whole product that was supposed to go to return all tried to sell!
Vidseneev Dima was constantly not happy with something, everything was not so delivered or did not make a price tag, then you need to quit my job and go to the electrician to change the concept or collect a refund (and the annusalelet is not so human, but in an order, you should It makes it up and still putting time) if I don't know the electrician! Attitude towards employees of the department at all is not like a leader (and like a cattle (sorry for the insecurity, but there is no other words) for him there is nothing saint.
I know one employee Evgenia who worked in the department, you know honestly a wonderful guy, every morning at work, something goes on the department corrects. All the ends will correct all the ends, it will contact the buyer to help the buyer will help in choosing I.T .d, but his failure and disappointment he died (killed) his native son, all employees of the department were condoled to him and tried to support him! But this sneaky man took the leaders and simply deprived him of work, closing him to the store and the work was afraid that the guy with the coils would flirt or quit his job! In general, many former employees came to Ob and nothing good could tell about Vedeneev, something did not do it by him immediately closes access.
W. former employee Evgenia Mama is a disabled person who has been walking around the house, in which the metal needles are inserted in his leg and behind which he is in every way cares and me as his friend is very sorry for him, his mother and the deceased son! (You can vote for him) on the site of the leaders and director of the hypermarket , Could give him a second chance and leave at work.
I lay at the temperature of 39 at home, about what I got sick of the supplier warned, I wished me the supplier (speedy recovery), but I called Vedeneev and said that I would urgently come to work and installed the sale wallpapers and the camarkets them. I explain to him that with a temperature. But he didn't want to listen to it, he received it in response - (I do not care, the director said me to fulfill such work until 15:00, I should do it for you)
In general, Vidseneev is not worthy in general to work as a manager, to substitute people, from under Tishka to take and dismiss and close the access of I.T.D. This is not worthy of the head
I communicate with this guy in social suites and how hard it was hard for him and with the loss of my son and loss of work, but he tries and holds!
About the new director Abdulaeva Marata, I can only say one thing, it is not the head of the store, for him there is nothing as soon as his warm place (come to him, it is not necessary to rinse some work, in response, I will not decide any such questions and do not go to me) The previous director looked at the situation, tried to appreciate his employees (even if they work for the company's company), heard the opinions and wishes for the healing department or by ordering the range!
In this Tula hypermarket, I can list who is really worthy of his posts and careers:
Shurygin Ilya-- Put the head of the department decor light (it works, it helps others)
Andrei Samolyuk to put the deputy director of the hypermarket (with the working approach decides the sales questions)
Now I work in a hypermarket line and know only one thing, I have already noticed many times that one employee from the Hypermarket OB, by the way, works on the wallpaper Katya Drevina (so on the bageik it was written), comes to our hypermarket in the zholot of merchandiser (which according to the store rules is By malicious violation), it was perfectly seen, Vidsenev was introduced into the course of the case and for some reason, he did not cover access to her and did not inform the director or the Sat Shop. Wonder why?
And a simple employee who worked without refusing, he removed