The project and its life cycle. The life cycle of a project task. Costs by project phase


Faculty of Economics and Management


On the topic "Project life cycle: Phases, stages, stages"

Romanovsky Artem Konstantinovich


Khabarov Vladimir Ivanovich

MOSCOW 2015 g.


Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations of Project Life Cycle Management

1 Concept of the project life cycle

1.2 Project life cycle and its main phases, stages, stages

3 Project management by phases, stages and stages of the life cycle

Chapter 2. Analysis of project management by life cycle on the example of a company

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

2 Conceptual project plan

3 Analysis of project management in the pre-investment phase

4 Analysis of project management in the investment phase

5 Analysis of project management in the final phase

6 Network simulation


List of used literature



At the moment, stability and efficiency modern organizations, largely depends on the ability to work in the field of Project Management.

Project management is one of the main weapons of an organization, so it makes sense that the more organizations in a particular industry implement or improve project management experience, the more productive and competitive the industry and the organization will be. Professional management the life cycle of the project is an indicator of the correct direction of the strategic development of the organization in accordance with its capabilities.

The project life cycle is very important in the Project Management process. The better and more efficiently the management process is arranged at all stages of the project life cycle, the better the fate of the project will be. The project is characterized by specific goals, ways of organization, values \u200b\u200band relationships with the environment. Due to the temporary nature of the project, the processes of its launch and completion are of great importance.

Relevance research is caused by the need for a very accurate and in-depth analysis of the life cycle and practical significance in the activities of the enterprise. At the moment, any company, before starting to implement its actions, is engaged in project planning, takes every step of the enterprise in accordance with a clearly defined plan, professional management of the project cycle is a very relevant and important issue in the modern conditions of work of enterprises in any field.

Over the years, a new scientific discipline has developed - project management "project management". This is a new and interesting area, in which it is definitely worth understanding and actively introducing and developing new ideas and introducing them into production.

Object research: is a project for the construction of a cottage "YAKHROMA"

Study subject: The life cycle of a project, its phases, stages, stages

goal bachelor's work: is to study the life cycle of a project of its phases, stages and stages, as well as its further consideration on the example of creating a project for the construction of a cottage "Yakhroma".

In accordance with the set goal, the following tasks:

1. The concept of the project life cycle and phases, stages, stages of the life cycle

2. Explore project management by phases, stages and lifecycle stages

3 .Develop a Conceptual Project Plan

4 .Analysis of project management in the pre-investment phase

5 .Analysis of project management in the investment phase

6 .Analysis of project management in the final phase

7 .Network Simulation

The information base for this work was theoretical researchin the field of project management, namely, the works of domestic and foreign authors, such as I.I. Mazur, V.V. Volodin, A. A. Dulzon, V. D. Shapiro, N.G. Olderogge, Dimitriev D.M., Dimitrieva Z.M., Rybakov M.Yu. and others.

The following research methods were used in the work. :

method of literature analysis, analysis at the pre-investment phase, analysis at the investment phase, analysis at the final phase, analysis of economic and statistical data on the indicators of the company in question. method of project structuring, analysis and modeling, also analysis of graphic models.

Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations of Project Life Cycle Management

1.1 Concept of the project life cycle

Before embarking on the study of the main characteristics and the most important components of the project life cycle as the main topic for studying the work, it is necessary to dwell on the concept project, what it is? What does it mean, and what does it include, and most importantly, what is the project in general.

In project management, there are several different concepts of the concept of “project”.

Project- A set of interrelated activities aimed at creating a unique product or service of temporary or resource constraints.

A.M. Pokrovsky in his work "Fundamentals of Project Management" defines a project as a complex, non-recurring event, limited in time, budget, resources, aimed at implementing the planned actions. The main goal of the project is to create the final product.

Project features:

· Availability of goals;

· Availability of changes;

· Limited time;

· Closure;

· The specificity of the organization.

The process of implementing any project takes place in time and is a series of successive stages. Their complete set is life cycle project. There is no way to talk about a universal life cycle due to the fact that all projects are different, and its specificity will be determined by the conditions of each specific project.

The concept of the project life cycle is one of the most important aspects of project management.

The project life cycle is a set of usually sequential and sometimes overlapping project phases, the names and number of which are determined by the management and control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project, the nature of the project itself and its application area.

The life cycle can be documented using a methodology. The life cycle of a project can be determined or shaped by unique aspects of the organization, industry, or technology used. Since every project has a specific start and end, the specific results and actions that occur in this span vary widely for each project. The lifecycle provides a basic structure for managing a project, regardless of the specific work involved.

The most important element of the project life cycle is the project participants. Project participants are the main element of its structure, which ensures the implementation of the project intent.

The main participant is the Customer, i.e. the future owner and user of the project itself. It can be physical or entity, as well as organizations that have combined their interests and capitals;

An investor is a party investing money in a project;

Designer - developer of design and estimate documentation;

Supplier - logistics of the project;

Contractor - a legal entity that is responsible for the performance of work in accordance with contracts;


Project management is usually the project manager, i.e. a legal entity to which the customer delegates the authority to manage the work on the project (planning, control and coordination of the work of the project participants);

A project team is an organizational structure headed by a project manager and created for the duration of a project in order to effectively achieve its goals;

Licensor is a legal entity or individual, holder of licenses and know-how that are used in the project;

Costs and headcounts are low at the start, increase as the project progresses, and fall rapidly at the end of the project. These changes are shown in Fig. 1

Project life cycle characteristics

Projects vary in size and complexity. Regardless of their size and degree of complexity, all projects can be represented as a life cycle with the following structure (see Figure 1):

Start of the project;

Organization and preparation;

Execution of project work;

Completion of the project.

Figure 1 Typical Cost and Staffing Levels for a Project Throughout the Project Life Cycle

The generalized structure of the life cycle usually displays the following characteristics:

The cost and staffing of a project is low at the start, peaks as work progresses, and plummets towards completion. The dotted line in Figure 1 represents this typical example.

Project stakeholder influence, risk and uncertainty (as shown in Figure 2) are most significant at the start of the project. These factors decrease as the project progresses.

The ability to influence the final characteristics of a product or project.

In fig. 2 reflects the idea that the cost of revision and error correction tends to increase substantially as a project approaches completion.

Figure: 2.the impact of a variable based on project timing

In a snippet of this lifecycle structure, the project manager can identify the need for more effective monitoring and control of outputs.

Traditional and non-traditional projects.

There are many categories and types of projects such as: Monoproject, Multiproject, Innovative Project, Investment Project and so on.

In addition to the above, a separate group of projects can be distinguished, which are called non-traditional projects.

Such a conditional concept as “Traditional project” implies repeatability, i.e. the main characteristics of this enterprise are the same, although each project of this type is unique. For example, a construction company creates new projects every time, but such processes as the formation of documentation, construction itself, payment of salaries, investment papers, project delivery, all this is not something new for the project participants.

But an unconventional project, on the contrary, is a completely new event for the project participants and involves a very high degree of uncertainty. Non-traditional projects are the emergence of an unforeseen situation (which occurred not by the will of the organization or management) requiring immediate and deliberate intervention. But it is necessary to remember that situations of this kind do not always bring negative actions, but also positive ones (for example, additional opportunities for the project that suddenly emerged).

So, the key reason for the emergence of non-traditional projects is the emergence of a situation that was not previously expected and requires a quick response. Traditional projects are preempted by serious research, analysis and feasibility studies.

The emergence of an unforeseen situation does not depend on the will of the management, therefore, a non-traditional project is not something artificially created, goals and objectives are imposed on organizations from the outside and, most importantly, a very quick solution is needed, and this changes the very approach to the project. The need for an immediate response to this situation, as a rule, forces management to create a dedicated project management team, which is endowed with special powers. Comparison of the main characteristics of traditional and non-traditional projects is presented in the table

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of traditional and non-traditional projects.

Traditional projects

Non-traditional projects

Designed to achieve the strategic goals of senior management. · Objectives, tasks, costs, terms of work performance, quality of the final result are clearly defined. The intensity of resource use follows the traditional distribution. The project is managed within the existing corporate system. Project management operates within the prevailing corporate culture.

Strategic goals are imposed from the outside on top management. Goals, objectives, costs, terms of work, quality of the end result are formed throughout the life cycle of the project. The intensity of resource use does not correspond to the traditional distribution. The project is managed from outside the existing corporate system. Project management creates a unique project culture.

In traditional projects, the life cycle is usually divided into separate phases, distributed over time sequentially. And in non-traditional projects, overlapping in time is often found.

In this case, a situation may arise when the project has already begun to be implemented and certain resources are spent, but, at the same time, the strategic prerequisites continue to be clarified and adjusted.

A) Life cycle of traditional projects:

B) Life cycle of non-traditional projects:

Fig 3. Features of the life cycle of traditional and non-traditional projects

1.2 Project life cycle and its main phases, stages, stages

Project life cycle- the time interval between the moment the project appears and the moment of its liquidation. The project in the process of its development is going through certain stages that are typical for most projects. The combination of these stages is usually called phases life cycle of the project.

Phases of the project cycle

The state through which the project passes are called phases (stages, stages). See fig. five

In the classical division, the life cycle consists of four successive phases

Fig. 4 Four-phase project life cycle.

Fig. 5. Life cycle phases.

There are 4 phases of the project life cycle:

Phase 1 - pre-investment studies;

Phase 2 - investment;

Phase 3 - project operation;

Phase 4 - post-investment research.

Although many projects may have similar phase names with similar results, few are identical. Some projects have just one phase, as shown in Figure 6. Other projects may have multiple phases. Figure 7 shows an example of a project with three phases. The different phases usually have different durations or lengths.

Fig. 6 example of a single phase project

Figure: 7.Example of a three-phase project

Does not exist one way to determine the ideal project structure. While it is generally accepted industry practice to seek a preferred structure, projects in the same industry can vary significantly from one another. Some organizations enforce rules that standardize all projects, while others allow the project management team to select the most appropriate option for each specific project.

Processes and stages - two different aspects of the project. A project can be divided into interdependent processes and design stages. Design stages are a means of planning and controlling the achievement of goals and assessing the risk of associated hazardous events.

Design Processes are mandatory activities required for project management as well as project development.

The stages of the project life cycle can differ depending on the scope of activities in which the project is born and the adopted means of organizing work. But for each project, you can distinguish the initial stage, the stage of project implementation and the stage of completion of the project work.

The classic is the division of the project into four major stages:

Formulation of the project,



· Completion.

The importance of project cycle management cannot be overestimated or underestimated.

The project cycle helps to optimize the efforts made, allows you to determine the duration of the project (its beginning and end), with the help of the project life cycle, cost items and employment of project personnel are formed, the project cycle helps to clarify the main stages of the cycle, helps to establish control over the project implementation process. Also, on the basis of the project cycle, the structure and list of work on the project is determined.

The traditional life cycle of project management. It is also known as the waterfall method. PMBOK 5 standard refers to this method as "Predictive Life Cycle"

The project life cycle has 5 phases:

When modeling according to the ‘waterfall’ principle, the work on the project moves linearly through the row (Fig. 8):

Figure 8. Waterfall model of the project life cycle

Analysis requirement (research environment)


Development and implementation of subprojects

Checking subprojects

Checking the project as a whole

Also other life cycle models:

Iterative model

Fig 9. Iterative model.

involves splitting the project life cycle into a sequence of iterations, each of which resembles a "mini-project", including all development processes applied to create smaller pieces of functionality compared to the project as a whole. The goal of each iterations- getting a working version software system, including the functionality defined by the integrated content of all previous and current iterations.

Spiral model

Fig 10. Spiral model

It is important to understand that the spiral model is not an alternative to the evolutionary model (IID model), but a specially developed version. Unfortunately, the spiral model is often either mistakenly used as a synonym for the evolutionary model in general, or (no less erroneously) referred to as a completely independent model along with IID

A distinctive feature of the spiral model is the special attention paid to risks affecting the organization of the life cycle and milestones. Boehm summarizes the 10 most common (prioritized) risks:

1.3 Project management by phases, stages and stages of the life cycle

A project is a unique set of processes consisting of coordinated and controlled tasks with start and end dates undertaken to achieve a goal.

A project is a temporary venture designed to create unique products, services, or outcomes.

The temporary nature of a project means that any project has a definite start and end. Completion occurs when project objectives are achieved;

or it is recognized that the objectives of the project will not or cannot be achieved;

or the need for a project has disappeared.

The project may result in:

A product that is an element of another product or an end product;

Ability to provide services (for example, business functions that support production or distribution); or

Results, such as consequences or documents (for example, a research project produces data that can be used to determine if there is a trend or the benefits of a new process for society).

Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to the work of a project. Project management is accomplished through the application and integration of 42 logically grouped project management processes grouped into 5 process groups. These 5 process groups are as follows:




Monitoring and control;

A very popular method of network planning. It is based on the critical path method and the plan evaluation and revision (PERT) method, in which network models are used to display certain actions or situations, the simplest of which are network graphs. Gantt charts are also used for the same purposes.

Fig 11. Arrow diagram

Gantt charts have their own terminology. The operations are called jobs. Each action or operation is assigned a sequential number, followed by the name of the work, and in the lines corresponding to the operations, the following are noted: the moment of the beginning of each of them, the time of performance and the moment of completion.

Figure: 12 Gantt chart

And also the work-top schedule

Network diagrams graphically display the network model as a set of nodes corresponding to activities, connected by lines representing relationships between activities. A graph called "top-work" or precedence-succession diagram is the most popular representation of the network.

Fig. 13 Network diagram top job

Studying the theoretical part, I found that many projects to improve efficiency should be divided into phases. You need to know each phase and correctly place them throughout the cycle. Although many projects may have similar phase names with similar results, few are identical. Some projects only have one phase. Other projects may contain multiple phases.

We also figured out what is the difference between traditional and non-traditional projects. In traditional projects, the life cycle is usually divided into separate phases, distributed over time sequentially. While in non-traditional projects, overlapping in time is often found.

In this chapter, we have become closely acquainted with the concept of the Project Life Cycle. We figured out what the project means and what impact the life cycle and all the processes taking place in it have on it. We came to the conclusion that it is not possible to make a project according to any one system, and we have considered some of them.

The ability of the project team to quickly adapt and select a specific structure of the life cycle will allow the organization to quickly establish production and come to the right decision creating a product.

Chapter 2. Analysis of project management by life cycle (on the example of the project for the construction of a residential building "Yakhroma")

2.1 general characteristics activities of the enterprise "HouseMaster"

Zodchestvo is truly responsible for the quality of houses. The company owns a full cycle production and controls the entire process: from logging to the installation of a house on the site.

« HouseMaster" is the oldest and most experienced manufacturer on the timber construction market. Over 23 years of operation, the company has built more than 202,000 houses and baths

The history of the company began in 1992, when the company was founded, which became the progenitor “ HouseMaster ”. This year the first luxury cottage community was built. However, the main task set for " HouseMaster”, Was and remains - the construction of houses and baths for the mass consumer. Every year the Company develops and develops new effective actions in the construction of houses, such as: Development and implementation of a new effective profile and corner joint Labyrinth. 2014 - introduction of a 20-year warranty. The warranty periods established by " HouseMaster»On the material of our own production - became its new competitive advantage. " HouseMaster»Was the first in Russia to install on glued laminated timber own production guarantee up to 20 years. This is another breakthrough in the Russian market in terms of responsibility to consumers, in terms of business culture.

2015: Increasing the warranty line for 180 glued laminated timber to 23 years, expanding the range of cottages and standard houses, modernizing country houses ... And this is only the beginning of the year, the story continues ...

HouseMaster is a stable and vigorously developing construction company. We offer a wide range of services such as: construction, renovation, restoration, renovation, finishing work and much more.

Our primary task is to build long-term relationships with our Clients. Thanks to this direction in the work of the company, we have achieved high performance in construction business... We can offer the best combination of such important factors as: price, quality and terms.

The company's priority is an open relationship with a client. We strive to establish long-term and friendly relations with our customers, who often give recommendations about our company to their acquaintances and friends.

The main principle of our company is reliability, in the broadest sense of the word. Following it at every stage of any project, strictly observing the agreed terms, the company has secured an impeccable reputation among construction organizations Moscow and Moscow region.

The strategy and mission of the company has been developed. The main goal of the work was to form a market for professional suburban housing construction. And "Zodchiy" offered its customers a new revolutionary approach: "Without prepayment, with high quality, with a guarantee." The introduction of the post-payment system (the customer pays for the work after its completion) has become a qualitative leap, which made it possible not only to separate from competitors, take a leadership position and win the trust of buyers, but also set a new bar for the entire construction community.

The results of the company's development in priority areas his activities.

Financial indicators of the Company in dynamics (in million rubles) Based on the results of the Company's activities in 2014, the following financial results were obtained in accordance with RAS:

The balance sheet currency was - ______12 754 231_____ thousand rubles.

Net assets as of December 31, 2014 amounted to ____2 567 896____ thousand rubles. (exceed the authorized capital by __5.8_ times).

Net assets fully and completely provide the liquidity of the Company.

Current assets (including stocks, receivables and cash balances on accounts) amounted to 11,000 750 thousand rubles, long-term and short-term liabilities on the balance sheet are - _9 785 365_ thousand rubles.

Current assets fully meet the Company's obligations.

The reserve capital (fund) was formed in accordance with the legislation in the amount of 15 796 thousand rubles. and is 5% of the size of the authorized capital of the Company. The indicators of the implementation of the business plan for 2014 were fulfilled in full and amounted to: sales revenue - 14,765,134 thousand rubles,

balance sheet profit - 2,036,171 thousand rubles,

net profit - 1,713,078 thousand rubles.

The current debt to the budget and extra-budgetary funds. There are no arrears on payments.

Table 2. Economic Reporting


2012 (in million rubles)

2013 (in million rubles)

2014 (in million rubles)




Other activities

Net profit

Including development



The main parameters of the implementation of the Company's Budgets, taking into account subsidiaries for 2014.

The performance indicators of the business plan for 2014 exceed the indicators achieved in 2013. The profitability of work (net profit margin) at the end of 2014 according to the business plan as a whole is 12%. In general, in 2012, the revenue of the group of companies according to RAS amounted to: _16.297_ billion rubles, which is _28_% more than in 2013, and, accordingly, the net profit - 1933.7 million rubles.

The Company's solvency and stability are characterized by positive financial indicators. At the end of 2013, the current liquidity ratio was 1.19, the equity ratio was 0.19. In general, the financial condition of the Company in 2013 made it possible to avoid delays in payments wages and to make timely payment of current tax payments and payments to off-budget funds, as well as payment of dividends to the Company's shareholders. Taking into account the sharp jumps in prices for material resources of construction, the Company was looking for ways to reduce the total cost of work and services, to reduce the cost of maintaining fixed assets, some of which were not used in the production process. Major transactions, based on the aggregate of property sales carried out in 2013 and valuable papers (there were no shares of subsidiaries).

In 2014, 100% of the company's total sales in new projects fell on the Moscow Region, the key region of the companies' operations. At the same time, the main volumes of sold real estate, as before the crisis, fell on housing under construction (cottages, villages). In particular, these are objects in the Moscow region - located in the Leninsky district, Ramensky district, pos. Ostrovtsy, Kotelniki, residential complex "Parkovy", as well as facilities located in the city of Solnechnogorsk. The average monthly retail sales in 2014 amounted to RUB 288 million. For comparison, in 2013: 169,755,882.94 rubles.

.2 Conceptual project plan

Project summary.

Consider the project “HouseMaster ":on the construction of the cottage 'YAKHROMA'

Objective of the project: Construction of a two-storey cottage for a family of 4-5 people.

Fig 14. Yakhroma

Project product description:All customer preferences were met.

A suitable site was selected and purchased in the Moscow region, 45 km from Moscow and 5 km from the city of Zelenograd. The territory of the site meets all the wishes of the customer. Not far from the house there is a picturesque lake with a park, shops, as well as a 5-minute drive from a school and a kindergarten, an excellent road at the entrance to the house, a clean forest and 2k to the railway. A miniature cottage made using frame technology for owners of a miniature land plot. Despite its relatively small size, this house can become a wonderful center for winter and summer countryside recreation for your family. The main feature of the cottage is that in addition to the living room, dining room and kitchen, there are 3 separate rooms and a large cozy terrace, as well as a spacious balcony. This is convenient for families of different generations. Being on a joint vacation, everyone can do their favorite thing without disturbing anyone. The cottage also captivates with its pleasant "appearance". A glass balcony, two bay windows located on different sides of the building give its appearance nobility. It is in perfect harmony with the surrounding nature, regardless of its features.


Figure: 15.1 Floor

Terrace view

Fig 16. Terrace of the house

Fig. 17 Second floor plan


Fig. 18 Facades of the Building

Specifications:Total area: 109.0 m 2

Living space: 80.00 m 2

Building area: 60.18 m 2

Dimensions: 9.0 x 9.0 m

Technology: Frame

Construction time: 74 days

Cottage cost:

The total cost of materials is -2 527 260.

Total: 2 854 260 rubles.

Project Objective:

1.Phase 1 (Preparatory)

1. Formation of the site

Cadastral survey of the site

Development of a plan for the location of objects

Concluding contracts with suppliers

Hiring workers (drawing up a contract).

2.Phase 2 (Investment)


Foundation preparation

Construction of the foundation

Construction of house walls and floors


Facade works

External finishing works

Interior finishing works

Installation of windows and doors

Sewerage system installation

Plumbing installation

Installation of ventilation and air conditioning

Installation of electrical wires

Security system installation

Fire protection system installation

Installation of video surveillance

Preparation of the territory for delivery

3.Phase (final)

1.Plot registration

Finalization and preparation of documents for the delivery of the project

Electrical connection.

Completion of the project

Figure: 19. Project goals tree

Fig 20. Hierarchical structure of project work

The main tasks (stages) of the project are described and a hierarchical structure of work is built, in the future, all work should be brought together and network schedules and a schedule ( see section 2.6 Network models).

Prerequisites for project implementation

In the YAKHROMA project, the customer's prerequisites are:

1.Purchase of a plot, A suitable plot was selected and purchased in the Moscow region, 45 km from Moscow and 5 km from the city of Zelenograd.

Environmentally friendly place with clean air

Good road next to the site

Near the park area

5. The presence of 2 floors in the house

Wireframe construction

Cozy terrace

Glass balcony

The presence of cameras on the territory of the house

Availability of security systems

Table 3. Project estimate

The total cost of materials is 2 527 260 rubles.

The total cost of labor costs is: 327,000 rubles.

Total: 2 854 260 rubles.

All prices are shown in table 2. The total cost of the house will be 2 854 260 rubles.

2.3 Analysis of project management in the pre-investment phase

It is very important to consider all the conditions for its implementation throughout the entire life cycle before making a decision on the implementation of a project for the construction of a Yakhroma house.

At the stage of the pre-investment phase, a parallel type of activity takes place, which partially extends to the next, investment stage. Management in the pre-investment phase contains the following steps:

identification of investment opportunities;

The project team;

the control.


During the pre-investment phase, studies are carried out to determine the investment opportunities of the project, analysis of alternatives and preliminary selection, as well as project preparation - preliminary justification.

The pre-investment stage of the project will start in 2015.

At this stage, a land plot was selected, suitable for the construction of this project and meeting all the customer's requirements. At the moment, a cadastral passport has been received for the land plot and the next stage of capital investment of the main works is coming into force.

Currently, the following works on preliminary preparation of the project have been completed

The project team is being formed.

Project Manager - deals with the definition of the project, such as drawing up the project team, building a hierarchy of relationships in the team, draws up the project rules. Engaged in project planning, such as drawing up a calendar and financial plan, risk management plan. And the project manager is also involved in the largest project management function in terms of time, evaluating the progress of work, coordinating actions, etc.

Suppliers- carrying out different types supplies on a contract basis - materials, equipment, vehicles, etc.

Budget committee - The budget committee is entrusted with the functions of resolving issues related to the formation, coordination, approval and control of the implementation of the project budget.

Foreman - is responsible for the allotted area at the construction site, organizes the process of putting the facility into operation on time, by completing the assignment plan, monitors the implementation of production technology, keeps records of work performed.

Programmer - responsible for analysis, design, development of design solutions, preparation of documentation, implementation management.

other jobs:

· Search for the location of the building;

· Cadastral survey

Development of a plan for the location of objects

Search for material suppliers

· Recruitment of employees.

Site formation

A land plot with a total area of \u200b\u200b109.0 m 2 has been formed that meets all the criteria for the implementation of this project and the criteria of the customer;

Cadastral survey of the site

A cadastral survey of the site was carried out, with the help of it we received accurate information about the land, obtained the position on the ground and in the system of all coordinates, and also established the boundaries using geodesy

Development of a plan for the location of objects

A cartographic image of the area was produced, which reflects the position of the object in the landscape-planning area. Established a connection between the territory of a site of a certain size with the environment.

Obtaining a building permit

Coordination of all papers. Getting permission.

Concluding contracts with suppliers

For the delivery of materials to the construction site

Set of workers

Search for workers at the enterprise and conclude an agreement with them

Table 4. Responsibility matrix


H- observer

AND- executor

TO- consultant

After the formation of the team, each was assigned their own individual responsibilities and tasks.

Control and regulation the project is carried out by the project team as it is implemented, and also observes all the wishes and changes made by the customer.

We summarize all the stages of the pre-investment phase:

Table.5 Rolling up of stages

Fig. 21 Network graph in the Pre-investment phase

Gantt chart for the Preparatory phase of the project

Figure 22 Gantt Chart (Phase1)

2.4 Analysis of project management in the investment phase

Earthworks and foundation preparation:

The commencement of the land works is preceded by preparatory measures for geological research and leveling of the construction site. The thoroughness of their implementation will save you from possible design errors and additional costs during the construction process. In addition, the construction site is cleared of trees and shrubs, the demolition of existing buildings, if necessary, the removal of the vegetation layer, the planning and arrangement of access roads, and the fencing of the construction site. Upon completion of the preparatory measures, you can proceed directly to the land work - the development of pits and trenches. Their main purpose is to build the foundation of the future house, lay future communications and install other engineering structures. Excavation work on excavation begins, as a rule, from the downstream side in order to ensure the pumping of possible groundwater. The final stage of land work during the construction of a house is soil compaction. If necessary, compaction can be carried out using various rollers and transport machines to achieve a compacting effect during rolling. The most widely used in soil consolidation is silicatization and cementation.

Foundation construction:

The foundation serves directly to accept various loads from the structural elements of the structure with their subsequent transfer to the ground. The foundation should always be laid with high quality, because mistakes made in the manufacture of the foundation lead to unpredictable consequences and, moreover, it is practically impossible to eliminate them.

Monolithic plate F-17F

The most optimal design is a single monolithic slab with unified reinforcement, having the same thickness over the entire surface. Slab foundations are built mainly on problem soils, water-saturated and subsiding, such as: clay, loam, peat. Slab foundations are used for soils with low bearing capacity, and significant loads on the foundation, when the width of the strip foundation required to obtain the permissible pressure on the ground becomes economically unjustified, as well as, if necessary, to reduce the likelihood of uneven settlement of buildings and structures, because the slab foundation redistributes the loads on the soil in such a way that the pressure in areas with weak soils decreases, while the areas with soils of higher bearing capacity are additionally loaded.

Construction of house walls and floors:

Aerated concrete (Aerated concrete) is mainly used in low-rise construction. The composition of this material includes: lime, Portland cement and ground quartz sand.

A high-strength cellular structure is obtained as a result of gas paring of the molding material. Processing increases the strength of the material by reducing porosity. Wall blocks of strictly defined dimensions are produced. The thickness of the joints when laying with cellular concrete does not exceed 3 mm, which has a positive effect on the thermal properties of the walls. Walls made of aerated concrete do not block air exchange, as they say they are able to "breathe". This material also has good sound-absorbing properties. Also, foam will be present in the construction. It is these materials that will be taken for the construction of the house. Aerated concrete blocks must have a strength of at least B2 in conjunction with a solution of at least M50. Such recommendations should be followed, but with a preliminary calculation of the load and bearing capacity of the structures.

Overlappings in private houses made of aerated concrete are also constructed from wood material. Both are light enough to pair well. Wood gives a minimum load on aerated concrete bearing walls. The choice and installation of beams is carried out taking into account the following factors:

§ holding a certain distance between individual elements, which will exclude the possibility of bending;

§ the thickness of the beams directly depends on the expected load;

§ the thickness of the structure depends on its performance of thermal insulation and sound insulation.


Roofing work is a special concept that includes not only repairs, but also roofing. In any of these cases, the purpose of roofing work is to bring the roof of a cottage or country house into good condition. the roof covering will be made of ceramic tiles or metal tiles.


Facade works

Facade works - a complex of construction services designed to improve appearance facade of the building and protect it from environmental influences (rain, dry and wet weather, as well as pests and other influences). Experts understand the facade of a building not only to the front of the object, but also to its side, courtyard sides.

Decoration of the building with special materials, installation of platbands on windows and doors, decoration of the porch and varnishing of wooden parts of the building.

Finishing work (External)

In our case, the exterior decoration of the house will be aerated concrete + foam. Before starting installation, level the surface of the edge of the foundation horizontally using a level. Then we lay waterproofing from two layers of roofing material on bitumen mastic, to prevent capillary suction of moisture from the load-bearing walls of the foundation into the material of the load-bearing walls, and the amount of concrete for laying is planned and aerated concrete + foam is laid out on dry to avoid defective, chipped, see how the concrete will rise in the window zones and doors in the corners.

After laying aerated concrete + polystyrene, we finish the facade of the foundation with thin-layer plaster. Foundation cladding starts from the corner of the cottage and works are carried out from right to left. In order to prevent shattering, all structures must be reinforced with metal rods. There will also be clinker finishing of external walls.

Finishing work (Internal)

Each room has its own design, but the most optimal options for all rooms of the cottage will be plasterboard wall decoration. One of the best qualities of drywall is that it is moisture resistant, it is not difficult to mount it. First of all, we mark with a tape measure and a pencil, where we will have a metal profile attached. Then, along the lines drawn in advance on the walls and ceiling, we mount a frame made of a metal profile.

Installation of windows and doors

The house will have shuttered windows. For this we need. level, drill, tape measure, screwdriver, plastic chisel, rubber mallet, hexagon, polyurethane foam, gloves, anchor bolts, spacer wedges. Install the window in the opening without sashes to install the frame in the correct position and secure with anchor bolts or screws, then the window sashes are installed back. Double-glazed windows are inserted into the window sashes and glazing beads are installed with the help of a mallet. All sashes are checked for opening and closing, if something interferes, the fittings are adjusted using a hexagon. Then the seam between the frame and the opening is foamed. After the foam dries, the ebb and the window sill are mounted and at the end of the window installation, the external and internal slopes are mounted.

Doors are installed in the same way as windows. Installation is carried out in the door frame opening using screws, the seam between the door frame and the opening is foamed, the door itself is hung on the hinges and the door frame, and everything is closed by the casing.

Sewerage system installation

To drain wastewater from the house, we need a 100mm pipe. The slope of the pipe should be from 2 to 15%, whatever the clogging of the waste tubes occurs. Through special tees that change the diameter of the pipe, the drain of the toilet bowl, kitchen sink, bath, shower, washing machine, etc. is connected. Then a ventilation pipe is installed, equipped at the end with a deflector, It is arranged in order to exclude pressure changes during the flow of drains in the system, as well as to carry out its ventilation. Everything that has been listed and done refers to the internal installation of the sewage system.

The installation of the outer part of the sewage system is carried out with the same 100mm pipe with a slope of 2 to 15%, but before installing it we need to dig a septic tank, consisting of concrete septic rings, the seams between the rings are oiled, with a special solution and the bottom is concreted, the septic tank should be at least 15 m from drinking water (wells, wells, etc.). Then we dig a trench with a depth that provides the necessary angles for unhindered drainage of wastewater, and also takes into account the level of soil freezing. A small cushion of sand is placed on the trench in advance, then a pipe is laid, the seams of which are thoroughly smeared and sprinkled with sand, then they are finally covered with earth.

Plumbing installation

To lay the water supply, we need 40 polypropylene pipes for the main riser and smaller ones for water supply to boilers, washing machines, soul, etc. To connect the polypropylene pipes, we need a melting iron. Having planned how and where our pipes will go, we cut them, connect them with corners at a certain degree or tees where necessary. We install expansion tanks, install boilers, install a pump in a well, install a pressure sensor and turn off the pump. We bring pipes to a diesel boiler for water supply to heating radiators and a water floor heating

Installation of ventilation and air conditioning

Determine the place of installation of the external and internal block of the air conditioning system. Where the indoor unit will be mounted, we drill a 50mm hole using a drill. We mount the external and internal block of the air conditioner, connecting them with each other with a freon line, which consists of copper pipes wrapped in thermal insulation, and power wires. cut off excess wires and tubes, then roll and screw the freon tubes to the fixed external block. Next, using a vacuum pump, we evacuate the freon line. Then we open the taps and let the freon into the vacuum system. We pour drainage and close the inner section of the track with a decorative box.

Installation of electrical wires

When installing electrical wiring, it is necessary to establish the total power of the electrical equipment. We determine the place of installation of the power panel, with which it will be possible to control the electrical equipment of the cottage. Lighting equipment is connected to separate power supply groups. Then we lay the electrical wiring of a certain section, which was chosen at the planning stage, we install machines of a certain load in the power panel, so that when a short-circuit occurs, the automatic device disconnects the house from the power supply. Since the interior decoration is plasterboard, we remove all the wires under it.

Security system installation

The installation method of the security system is no different from the installation of video surveillance. Since the system is also wireless, it is connected to a router, thus we get protection from illegal intrusion, protection from attack, round-the-clock technical support, and an unlimited number of emergency response crews.

Fire protection system installation

The fire extinguishing system is installed on the ceiling of each room with a connection to the main module, with which it is possible to turn off the system or turn it on again. When receiving smoke data, the main module calls the crew of the fire brigade. Closing contracts are calculated when finishing work

Installing CCTV

Purchase of large-format video cameras (number of video cameras 5 pieces) and their further installation around the entire perimeter of the house.

Installation of a video surveillance camera. Installing the DVR. Monitor connection.

Preparation of the Territory for delivery

Completion of final works, cleaning of the territory.

When building houses with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 80 sq. m - all models of the "Balchug" series, cottages "Yakhroma", "Kanadets", "Karelia", "Kolomenets", "Vetluga" and "Eden", as well as baths of the "Ladoga" series - the first installment of 40% of the total the value of the house specified in the contract is made after the construction of the foundation. The second - when the installation of walls and roofs is completed. That's another 40%. The final settlement is carried out after the delivery of the finished house to the customer - the remaining 20%.

At the same time, if the client plans to start the construction of any country house or cottage later than 30 days from the date of the conclusion of the contract, he must pay a certain deposit that guarantees the seriousness of his intentions. It is 5% of the total cost of a fully equipped home.


foundation: "Yakhroma" is installed on a monolithic foundation F-17F.

Exterior walls :

Doors: Wooden, paneled

Roofs and eaves: Made of galvanized profiled (smooth eaves) sheet steel.

Sheathing of the ceiling with clapboard: 300.00 rubles / sq.

Flooring: Floor board 35 mm (grooved) for vapor barrier: at a price of 450 rubles.

Ceiling: 520m *

Thermal insulation of floors: Mineral wool 100 mm for windproofing

Floor insulation: Mineral wool 100 mm

Doors: Wooden, paneled

Windows: Single-leaf, double-leaf hinged, opening inward, window cover - twin

This kit will cost the customer 39,900 rubles.

We summarize all work in the investment phase in table 6.

Table 6. Reduction of stages

Investment phase


Foundation preparation

Construction of the foundation

Construction of house walls and floors


Facade works

Installation of windows and doors

External finishing works

Interior finishing work

Sewerage system installation

Plumbing installation

Air conditioning installation

Installation of electrical wires

Security system installation

Fire protection system installation

Installation of video surveillance

Preparation of the territory for delivery

Fig. 23. Network schedule in the investment phase

Investment Phase Gantt Chart

Figure 24 Gantt Chart (Phase2)

.5 Review of project management in the final phase

Final work

In this phase, the set goals are achieved and the project is completed. At this stage, the following works are performed:

a project completion plan is being developed; preparation of documents for the delivery of the project; summing up the final results and outcomes of the project ;; closing the project; disbandment of the project team, completion, contract closure

Site registration

The plot of the house begins with a gravel path, on either side of the lawn. There will also be a garden fountain and a gazebo on the territory of the house.

Completion and preparation of documents for the delivery of the project

In the house, minor improvements are being made and documents are being prepared for the delivery of the project, as well as summing up the final results of the project.

Connections to electrical networks and sewerage

After the project is implemented, the house is built, there will be connections to all vital networks (sewage, electricity).

Completion of the project

Demonstration of the cottage to the customer and all its functions. Transfer of all documentation for the construction and layout of the cottage to the customer, all schemes of electricity, water and gas supply.

We summarize all work in the final phase in Table 7.

Table7. Reduction of stages.

Figure 25 End Phase Networking

End Phase Gantt Chart

Figure: 26. Gantt Chart (Phase 3)

2.6 Network models

At this stage of the project, we will look at network models to determine the project timeline and critical path. The first model is arc work.

Table 8. Summary of stages

Figure 27 General View Network Diagram

According to the model, we see that the timing is 91 days.

Fig. 28. General Gantt chart

Thus, using the example of building a house from a young and promisingly developing company HouseMaster we can fully see what the project life cycle consists of. In this example, we have analyzed such steps as developing a conceptual project plan, analyzing project management in the pre-investment phase, analyzing project management in the investment phase, analyzing project management at the final stage and network modeling, with which we see the process of implementing a project to build a cottage.

We also applied such methods as work-arc, construction of Gantt charts.

In general, the economic part of the project is at a fairly high level, this company provides a very profitable terms, satisfies all the needs of its customers.

The goal of our project was the construction of a two-story cottage for a family of 4-5 people, the construction of the house will take 91 days, all the customer's preferences were taken into account and involved in the project. Projects such as cottage construction are carried out very often, and these projects give a detailed picture of the life cycle of the project.


In this thesis we considered the concept of “Project life cycle: phases, stages, stages” and considered the project for the construction of a house “YAKHROMA” using the example of the company HouseMaster.At the initial stage, we figured out what a Project and a Life Cycle are.

A project is a set of interrelated activities designed to achieve, within a given period of time and within a specified budget, set tasks with clearly defined goals.

Based on these concepts, we realized that there are many such interpretations, but the meaning remains unchanged. The life cycle of the project and its phases and stages is the most important function in project management, without sufficient knowledge in this area, serious problems can arise and as a result the project will get out of control and go into decline, in the worst case, the project will end at the development stage. Throughout the work, we were assigned the following tasks:

We figured out the basic concepts of the Life Cycle a little higher.

Then the project for the construction of the cottage "YAKHROMA" HouseMaster... The goal of this project was to build a house and follow all the instructions of the customer. Cost of this project: The total cost of the project was 2 854 260 rubles. cost of materials - 2 527 260 rubles.

The total cost of labor costs is: 327,000 rubles. The construction period is 91 days.

Throughout the entire project, cycle management methods were used, a professional project team was selected to manage all the processes, network and scheduling was also done ( see section 2.6).

Also, a hierarchical structure of work was built, the project and the tree of goals, the estimate of the project, the economic data of the company, all the actions of the construction of the project were described step by step, all the equipment for building the house was provided. All the wishes of the customer were taken into account, the house was built on time.

Thus, we can conclude that this project on the construction of a cottage in the Moscow region, 45 km from Moscow and 5 km from the city of Zelenograd, has been successfully completed.

life house building simulation

List of used literature

1 GOST R 54869-2011. Project management. Project management requirements

1. Baguli Phil Project Management: Per. from English / Phil Baguely; Per. V. Petrashek. - M.: FAIR-Press, 2002 .-- 208 p.

2. Volodin V. V. Trends in the formation of a multilevel structure of an industrial and construction holding // Materials of the scientific and practical conference (April 7, 2014): collection of articles. Art. ed. V. I. Khabarova. - M .: Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy", 2014

Volodin V.V. Improving the effectiveness of intersectoral diversification using project management... V.V. Volodin - M .: INION RAN, 2005

4. Volkov IM Project analysis: textbook. Neck of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation / I. M. Volkov, M. V. Gracheva. - M .: INFRA - M, 2009 .-- 494 p.

5. Gray C.F., Larson E.W. Project Management: A Practical Guide / per. from English - M .: DIS, 2010.

Dimitriev D.M., Dimitrieva Z.M., Rybakov M.Yu. Project Management: A Practical Guide. - M .: YURKNIGA, 2009.

7. Dulzon A.A. Project management: tutorial... Part 1 / A.A. Dulzon. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - Tomsk: TPU, 2010 .-- 334 p. - Internet resource.

8. Ilyina O. N. Methodology of project management: formation, state of the art and development: monograph / O. N. Ilyina. - M .: INFRA - M: University textbook, 2011 .-- 208 p.

9. / O. N. Ilyina. - M .: INFRA - M: University textbook, 2011 .-- 208 p.

10. Larman K. Iterative and incremental development: short story / K. Larman, V. Basili // Open systems. - 2003.- N 9

11. Mazur I. I., Shapiro V. D. Project management (reference book for professionals). - M .: Higher school, 2006. - 880 p.

Mazur, V.D. Shapiro, N.G. Olderogge. Project management: a textbook for students / I.I. - - 8th ed., P. - M .: Omega-L, 2007 ..

Miroshnichenko E.A.Programming technologies: textbook / E.A. Miroshnichenko, 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - Tomsk: Publishing house of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2008. - 128 p.

14. Pinto D.K. Project management. - SPb .: Peter, 2009.

15. Tovb. A.S., Tsipes G.L. Project Management: Standards, Methods, Experience. - Per. from English - M .: Publishing house of Olimp-business, 2006 .-- 240 p.

16. Project Management: Fundamentals of Professional Knowledge, National requirements to the competence of specialists / under scientific. ed. IN AND. Voropaeva. - M .: Project Practice, 2010 .-- 255 p.

17. Project management. Fundamentals of project management: textbook / ed. prof. M.L. Once, - M .: KNORUS, 2006 .-- 768s.

18. Project Management Institute, Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Fourth Edition

19. © 2015 The Role of Business in Transformation russian society, (p. 33, Project Life Cycle Models, Volodin, Dmitriev, Romanovsky.

20.ISO / 21500: 21012.

Volodin's lectures.




foundation: "Yakhroma" is installed on a monolithic foundation F-17F

Exterior walls : Frame from boards 35x150 mm. Insulation - mineral wool 150 mm. Sheathed with 12 mm clapboard, outside by windproofing, inside by vapor barrier

Internal walls: Frame boards of 30x100 mm, sheathed with 12 mm clapboard on both sides

Flooring: Floor board 35 mm (grooved) for vapor barrier

Ceiling: 12 mm clapboard

Thermal insulation of floors: Mineral wool 100 mm for windproofing

Floor insulation: Mineral wool 100 mm

Doors: Wooden, paneled

Windows: Single-leaf, double-leaf hinged, opening inward, window binding - double. The windows are double glazed.

Ceiling height of the 1st floor: 2.60 m

2nd floor ceiling height: 2.50 m

Walls and ceiling of the 2nd floor: Frame plank 35x150 mm. Insulation - mineral wool 150 mm. Sheathed with 12 mm clapboard, outside by windproofing, inside by vapor barrier

Roofs and eaves: Made of galvanized profiled (smooth eaves) sheet steel.


· Foundation

Replacement of the monolithic F-17F foundation with the F-17F monolithic foundation with an additional row of blocks 20x20x30

o Replacement of the F-17F monolithic foundation with the F-17F monolithic foundation with two additional rows of 20x20x30 blocks

o Replacement of the monolithic F-17F foundation with the F-17F monolithic foundation with an increase in the monolithic part by 200 mm

o Replacement of the monolithic F-17F foundation with the F-17F monolithic foundation with an increase in the monolithic part by 400 mm

o Replacing the mounting board with a larch board

o Replacement of galvanized iron foundation sills with galvanized polyester sheet sills (white, brown)

o Replacement of sills under galvanized iron windows with sills made of galvanized polyester sheet (white color)

o Replacement of galvanized iron foundation sills with aluminum ones (white, brown)

o Replacing the galvanized window sill with aluminum (white, brown)

· Floors

o Floor covering device (except for the bathroom) made of Kponospan Komfort laminate (Alpine Oak, Royal Oak, Flanders Beech)

o Treatment with a tinting antiseptic (colorless, pine, teak) of flooring in 1 layer

o Processing with fire-retardant protection for wood in 2 layers of subfloor, floor log and lower strapping on 2 sides

o Arrangement of a hatch in the floor of the 1st floor (0.73x0.8 m)

o Replacing a sub-floor from a 10 mm edged board with a 20 mm edged board

o Replacing the porch flooring with a terrace board

o Preparation for laying tiles or linoleum with a waterproofing device for a bathroom

o Replacement of a 35 mm floor board with OSB-9 mm on a continuous flooring from a 30 mm thick edged board

o Additional insulation of the floor of the 1st floor with mineral wool up to 150 mm (roll)

o Additional insulation of the floor of the 1st floor with mineral wool up to 200 mm (roll)

o Replacement of floor insulation on the 1st floor with insulation K-37 100 mm (roll)

o Replacement of floor insulation on the 1st floor with insulation K-37 150 mm (roll)

o Replacement of floor insulation on the 1st floor with insulation K-37 200 mm (roll)

o Replacement of the floor insulation of the 1st floor with stone mineral wool "Isolight L" 100 mm (slab)

o Replacement of floor insulation on the 1st floor with stone mineral wool "Isolight L" 150 mm (slab)

o Replacement of floor insulation on the 1st floor with 100 mm Rockwool stone mineral wool (slab)

o Replacement of the floor insulation of the 1st floor with a 150 mm Rockwool stone mineral wool (slab)

o Painting floors with a glazing compound (impregnation, color of your choice) in two layers

o Painting floors with a covering compound (paint, color of your choice) in two layers

· Ceiling

o Raising the ceiling height of the 1st floor by 400 mm

o Additional insulation of the 1st floor ceiling with mineral wool up to 150 mm

o Replacement of insulation of the 1st floor ceiling with insulation K-37 150 mm (roll)

o Replacement of insulation of the 1st floor ceiling with 100 mm Isolight L mineral wool (slab)

o Replacement of insulation of the 1st floor ceiling with stone mineral wool "Isolight L" 150 mm (slab)

o Replacing the insulation of the 1st floor ceiling with 100 mm Rockwool stone mineral wool (slab)

o Replacing the insulation of the 1st floor ceiling with a 150 mm Rockwool stone mineral wool (slab)

o Additional insulation of the ceiling of the 2nd floor with mineral wool up to 200 mm

o Replacement of insulation of the ceiling of the 2nd floor with insulation K-37 150 mm (roll)

o Replacement of insulation of the ceiling of the 2nd floor with insulation K-37 200 mm (roll)

o Replacement of the insulation of the ceiling of the 2nd floor with stone mineral wool "Isolight L" 150 mm (slab)

o Replacement of the insulation of the ceiling of the 2nd floor with stone mineral wool "Isolight L" 200 mm (slab)

o Replacement of the insulation of the ceiling of the 2nd floor with a stone mineral wool "Rockwool" 150 mm (slab)

o Replacing the insulation of the ceiling of the 2nd floor with stone mineral wool "Rockwool" 200 mm (slab)

o Painting the ceiling with a glazing compound (impregnation, color of your choice) in two layers

o Painting the ceiling with a covering composition (paint, color of your choice) in two layers

· Partitions

o Sound insulation of partitions with mineral wool 100 mm

o Sound insulation of partitions with K-37 insulation 50 mm (plate)

o Sound insulation of partitions with K-37 insulation 100 mm (plate)

o Sound insulation of partitions with stone mineral wool "Isolight L" 50 mm

o Sound insulation of partitions with stone mineral wool "Isolight L" 100 mm

o Soundproofing of partitions with stone mineral wool "Rockwool" 50 mm

o Soundproofing of partitions with rockwool mineral wool 100 mm

· Window

o Replacement of OD 2O UO windows with OD OSB B windows (wooden, white windows, double-glazed window)

o Replacement of OD 2O UO windows with OP OSB windows (PVC, double-glazed window)

o Do not install windows OD 2O UO (the whole set at home)

o Installation of mosquito nets on PVC-profile windows

o Installation of a VELUX roof window

o Installation of the VELUX light tunnel

· Doors

o Replacement of the entrance door DF 2071-870 with a metal door "Zodchiy-01/86"

o Do not install DF internal doors (set) (openings are not finished)

· Joinery

o Installation of sill boards

· Exterior wall decoration

o Replacement of external wall insulation with K-37 insulation 150 mm (plate)

o Replacement of the insulation of the outer walls with stone mineral wool "Isolight L" 150 mm (slab)

o Replacement of the exterior cladding of the walls of the house with OSB-9

o Home decoration with "Encore" siding (colors to choose from: Colonial White, Sandstone Beige, Light Maple, Heritege Cream, Warm Sand, Oxford Blue)

o Decorating the house with Sayga siding (white, yellow, beige, cream)

o Cladding the walls of the house from the outside with a blockhouse

o Sheathing the walls of the house from the outside with a false beam

o Replacement of the standard edging of windows with a wide edging (when finishing with "Encore" siding)

o Replacing the standard edging of windows with a wide edging (when finishing with "Sayga" siding)

o Finishing the house with textured fiber cement board (choice of texture and color)

o Processing of fire-biological protection for wood - (structural part of the house) of wall frames and gables, ceilings, rafters and lathing of the house from 4 sides in 1 layer

o Treatment with a tinting antiseptic (colorless, pine, teak) outside at home in 1 layer

o Treatment with a tinting antiseptic (colorless, pine, teak) of window frames, doors, corners and wind bar (outside in 1 layer)

o Painting the house outside with a glazing compound (impregnation, color of your choice) in two layers

o Painting the house outside with a covering compound (enamel, color of your choice) in two layers

o Painting of walls and gables outside with a glazing compound (impregnation, color of your choice) in two layers, with separate painting

o Painting of walls and gables outside with a covering compound (enamel, color of your choice) in two layers, with separate painting

o Painting platbands, corners, cornices, headbands, entrance lobby and doors from the outside with a glazing compound (impregnation, color of your choice) in two layers, with separate painting

o Painting of platbands, corners, cornices, headbands, entrance lobby and doors from the outside with a covering compound (enamel, color of your choice) in two layers, with separate painting

· Interior wall decoration

o Waterproofing of walls and ceiling of the bathroom on the 1st floor

o Waterproofing of the walls of the bathroom on the 2nd floor

o Replacement of the bathroom cladding with PVC panels (white pine, maple, green marble, pink marble, beige marble) along a 24 mm edged board lathing (with a step of 100 mm)

o Replacement of the inner cladding of walls and ceilings with OSB-9 (except for the bathroom)

o Replacement of interior decoration with clapboard for a blockhouse

o Without inner lining (the partition frame remains, the door unit is not installed)

o Treatment with a tinting antiseptic (colorless, pine, teak) of interior walls and ceilings in 1 layer

o Painting the walls inside with a glazing compound (impregnation, color of your choice) in two layers

o Painting the walls inside with a covering compound (paint, color of your choice) in two layers

· Roof

o Replacement of the metal roof of the house with the Monterey metal tile (brown, red, green, graphite) with under-roof ventilation

o Installation of end strips (with a basic roofing S-20) along the gable overhangs (color - galvanized, brown, red, green, graphite)

o Installation of a sealer (with a base roofing S-20) under the eaves

o Replacement of the metal roof with a soft roof "Shinglas" Classic Flamenco (Valencia, Granada, Toledo) according to OSB-9

o Replacement of a metal roof with a soft roof "Shinglas" Ultra Foxtrot (Sandal) according to OSB-9

o Replacement of metal roofing with soft roofing "Shinglas" Country (Arizona, Atlanta, Ontario) according to OSB-9

o Replacement of a metal roof with a soft roof "Shinglas" Finnish tiles (red, green, brown, gray) according to OSB-9

o Replacement of a metal roof with a soft roof "Tegola" Top Vintage (red, green, brown, gray) according to OSB-9

o Replacement of a metal roof with a soft roof "Tegola" Classic (green with shimmer, brown with shimmer, dark gray) according to OSB-9

o Replacement of a metal roof with a soft roof "Tegola" Alpin (brown with ebb, blue with ebb) according to OSB-9

o Replacement of a metal roof with a soft roof "Tegola" Nordic (brown with ebb, red with ebb) according to OSB-9

o Replacement of metal roofing with soft roofing "ST-20" (Evergreen Blend, Cedar Brown, Tile Red Blend) according to OSB-9

o Replacement of metal roofing with soft roofing "Land Mark" (Hunter Green, Burnt Sienna, Cottage Red) according to OSB-9

o Arrangement of a temporary roof (roofing material in 2 layers on a continuous flooring of edged boards with a thickness of 20 mm) (minus the standard)

o Arrangement of a temporary roof (roofing material in 2 layers on a solid flooring from OSB-9 on a crate made of edged board 30x100 mm) (minus the standard one)

· Gutter system

o Installation of eaves strips along the roof slopes for the drainage system (for metal tiles "Monterey" color green, red, brown, graphite)

o Replacement of eaves strips along the roof slopes for the drainage system (with a soft roof)

o Arrangement of the drainage system to the level of the foundation (white, brown)

o Arrangement of the drainage system up to the level of the plinth (white, brown)

· Engineering equipment

o Arrangement of mortgages for fixing kitchen furniture

o Installation of inserts for fixing ceiling lights

o Arrangement of a ventilation system for the kitchen and bathrooms with the installation of insulated ventilation outlets with pass-through elements on the roof

o Installation of a ventilation outlet for a sewer riser (1 unit)

A typical project life cycle, as seen in Fig. 2, consists of four phases:

1. Initial phase (concept).

2. Development phase.

3. Implementation phase.

4. Completion phase.

Figure: Project life cycle.

Each phase usually ends with the creation of one or more intermediate products. For example, the concept phase can end with the writing and subsequent approval of the survey report, the design phase can be completed with the assembly and approval of a prototype of a new product (prototype), etc. Quite often, it is possible to perform work in parallel in different phases, which causes overlapping of phases and a reduction in the duration of the project as a whole.

What works are included in the main phases of the project ?

The concept phase is dedicated to the development of the project concept and includes:

Collection of baseline data and analysis of the existing state (preliminary survey).

Identifying the need for changes (in the project).

Project definition:

Goals, objectives, results;

Basic requirements, restrictive conditions, criteria;

Risk level;

Project environment, potential participants;

Required time, resources, funds, etc.

Definition and comparative assessment of alternatives.

Submission of proposals, their approbation and examination.

Approval of the concept and obtaining approval for the next phase.

In phase developmentthe main components of the project are being developed and preparations are being made for its implementation.

The main activities of this phase:

Appointment of a project manager and formation of a project team, primarily key team members.

Establishing business contacts and studying goals, motivation and requirements of the customer and project owner, other key participants.

Concept development and development of the main content of the project:

End result (s) and product (s),

Quality standards,

Project structure,

Major works,

Required resources.

Structural planning, including:

Decomposition of the project, incl. WBS,

Schedules and enlarged schedules of work and support,

Estimate and budget of the project,

The need for resources

UP procedures and control techniques,

Identification and distribution of risks.

Organization and holding of tenders, conclusion of sub-contracts with the main contractors.

Organization of the implementation of basic design and development work on the project.

Design development presentation.

Obtaining approval for the continuation of work on the project.

AT implementation phasethe main work required to achieve the project is performed.

This phase includes:

Organization and conduct of tenders, conclusion of contracts.

Full commissioning of the developed control system.

Organization of work execution.

Commissioning of means and methods of communication and communication of project participants.

Implementation of the incentive system (participants) of the project.

Detailed design and technical specifications.

Operational work planning.

Establishment of a system of information control over the progress of work.

Organization and management of material and technical support of works, incl. stocks, purchases.

Execution of works stipulated by the project (including the production of construction and installation and commissioning works).

Management, coordination of work, coordination of rates, monitoring of progress, forecast of the state, operational control and regulation of the main indicators of the project:

Work progress, their pace,

The quality of work and project,

Duration and timing,

Cost and other indicators.

Solving emerging problems and tasks.

AT end phase (or end phase)of the project, the final goals of the project are achieved, the results are summed up, conflicts are resolved and the project is closed.

The main activities of this phase:

Planning the completion process.

Performance testing of the final project product (s).

Training of personnel for the operation of the created object.

Preparation of documentation, delivery of the object to the customer and commissioning.

Evaluation of project results and summing up.

Preparation of final documents.

Closing works and projects.

Resolution conflict situations.

Implementation of the remaining resources.

Accumulation of factual and experimental data for subsequent projects.

Disbandment of the project team.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that until recently very little attention was paid to the project completion phase in modern Russian practice. The goal of finalizing a project is to improve the efficiency or return on investment for the next project by making changes to the organizational and technical project management systems, based on both positive and negative experience of the completed project, by changing the organization structure, financing scheme and supply, or by developing a more efficient management style.

Annotation: The content of pre-investment, investment and operational stages of the life cycle of an investment project is considered.

Table 2.1. Functional and dynamic aspect of project management
life cycle stage control function type of management work
pre-investment analysis
  • marketing research;
  • analysis of the feasibility of the project;
  • comparative analysis of all possible sources of investment and selection of the optimal source;
  • comparative analysis of possible options for the territorial location of the object;
  • choice of the designer.
  • development of a scheme for financing capital investments;
  • business plan development;
  • development of a design assignment;
  • conclusion of the necessary agreements between entities investment activities;
  • holding a competition for the implementation design work;
  • conclusion of a contract with a designer.
the control control of the results of all the above works
investment analysis operational analysis of the current situation;
  • production planning;
  • planning the acquisition of property;
  • planning of recruitment and training
organization practical steps to organize design, construction and start-up of production
the control
  • control over the progress of design, construction and production launch;
  • control of the movement of financial flows.
operational analysis
  • analysis performance indicators the work of the enterprise;
  • analysis financial condition enterprises;
  • analysis of the situation on the market of manufactured products.
  • production planning;
  • sales policy planning;
  • logistics planning, etc.
organization practical actions to implement the drawn up plans;
the control control of the results of the implementation of plans.

Concept life cycle performs a number of functions in the management of an investment project. The following functions can be distinguished life cycle investment project:

  1. Determining the duration of the project.
  2. Determination of the list of work on the project.
  3. Calculation of cost items.
  4. Detailing and timing of work on the implementation of the project.
  5. Monitoring the progress of the project.

Main characteristics of the investment project for pre-investment, investment and operational stages are different. So, on pre-investment stage the level of costs is relatively low, for investment stage it rises sharply, by operational stage remains fairly stable at the end operational stage (when the project is liquidated) decreases sharply. Risk of failure ultimate goal project on pre-investment stage maximum, during life cycle it gradually decreases.

Brief summary:

  1. Investment project life cycle - this is the time interval between the moment the project appears and the moment of its liquidation.
  2. The life cycle of an investment project includes 3 stages: pre-investment, investment and operational.
  3. Pre-investment stage of the life cycle - this is the time interval between the moment the initial concept of the project appears and the moment of making the final decision on its implementation.
  4. Investment stage of the life cycle - this is the period of time from the start of design and survey work until the enterprise reaches its design capacity.
  5. Operational stage of the life cycle is the time interval between the enterprise reaching its design capacity and the completion of the project, that is, the liquidation of the enterprise.


  1. Determine duration project life cycleif 6 months pass between the appearance of the project idea and the adoption of a decision on its implementation, between the beginning of the design and reaching the design capacity - 3 years, after that the plant will operate for 20 years.
  2. Determine the duration of the pre-investment stage of the life cycle, if marketing research will last 3 months, development of a business plan - 1 month, analysis of investment opportunities and search for investors - 2 months, selection of a designer on a competitive basis - 1 month.
  3. Determine the duration of the investment stage of the life cycle, if design and survey work takes 8 months, construction - 2 years, installation of technological equipment and commissioning - 6 months. The formation of the assets of the enterprise will take place simultaneously with the commissioning work. The release of a pilot batch of products will take place within 1 month, then the enterprise immediately reaches its design capacity.
  4. The brick factory was built in 5 years. After that, it works for 20 years and closes. How long is the operational stage of the life cycle?

Topics for term papers, abstracts, essays:

  1. Features of the life cycle of an ecological project.
  2. Features of the life cycle of a social project.
  3. Risks of the pre-investment stage of the life cycle.
  4. Risks of the investment stage of the life cycle.
  5. Risks of the operational stage of the life cycle.

There is a considerable amount of scientific literature that defines the life cycle of a project, but my closest thing is the “Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)”, which describes it in more detail. In this source, the project life cycle is presented as a set of sequential and sometimes overlapping project phases, the names and number of which are determined by the management and control needs of the organization or organizations in the project, the nature of the project itself or its application area. First, consider what the project itself is. A project is a complex of interrelated activities aimed at creating a unique product or service in conditions of time and resource constraints. 8 The temporary nature of a project means that any project has a definite start and end. The project can be divided into phases depending on functional or partial goals, intermediate or deliverables, certain milestones within the overall scope of work, or the availability of finance. The phases are usually time-limited, and have a start and an end or checkpoint.

The life cycle can be documented within the methodology. The life cycle of a project can be determined or shaped by unique aspects of the organization, industry, or technology used. While each project has a definite start and end, the specific results and actions that take place in this interval vary widely for each project. The lifecycle provides a basic structure for managing a project, regardless of the specific work involved. nine

In the "Code of Knowledge on Project Management", a project is a certain task with certain initial data and required results (goals) that determine the way to solve it. The project includes an idea (problem), means of its implementation (problem solution) and results obtained in the process of implementation. The project operates in a defined environment that includes internal and external components that take into account economic, political, social, technological, regulatory, cultural and other factors. A project is always aimed at a result, at achieving certain goals, at a certain subject area. The implementation of the project is carried out by the authorized project management, the project manager and the project team working under this leadership, by other project participants who perform certain specific activities, project processes. Representatives of line and functional divisions of companies responsible for the execution of assigned tasks, activities, functions, including planning, leadership, control, organization, administration and other system-wide functions, can participate in the work on the project - usually on a part-time basis. ten

Projects vary in size and complexity. All projects can have the following life cycle structure:

This generic lifecycle framework is often referenced when communicating with senior management or others who are less aware of the details of the project. It should not be confused with project management process groups because processes in a process group are made up of activities that can be performed and repeated in each phase of the project, and also be specific to the project as a whole. The life cycle of a project is independent of the life cycle of a product produced or modified as a result of project execution. However, the project must take into account the current phase of the product life cycle. This high-level view provides unified system reference when comparing projects, even if they are heterogeneous in nature.

Figure 3.Typical levels of cost and staffing in the generalized structure of the project life cycle 11

Usually, projects are divided into phases, the content and composition of which is determined by the needs of management and control. The phases of the life cycle are executed in a logical sequence that has a beginning and an end, and apply input information to achieve a result. For project management to be effective throughout its life cycle, a specific set of actions must be carried out within each phase. Project phases can divide a project into a number of separately managed entities, the sum of which organizes the project's life cycle. Lifetime program includes the period of time from the start of the project to its end according to the regulations or premature completion. The face of the phases of the project life cycle are the decision points, the number of which depends on the organizational environment of the project. Decision points simplify project management. At the end of the last phase of the project life cycle, the achievement of results is evident.

In the project management plans, throughout its life cycle, the project management procedures will be applied both for the project in the main and for its individual phases by the project team or subprojects. 12

Life cycle project shows:

    what work will be done in the specified interval

    at what stage of each phase the results will be achieved

    who is the participant in each phase

    how to control and confirm each phase

Using the project life cycle, you can identify:

    start and end of the project, its length;

    creating a logical framework for the project and establishing a list of works;

    as a first approximation, the dynamics of costs and employment of personnel involved in the creation of the project is determined;

    based on the structure of the project life cycle, the important stages of the project are determined for creating control and management.

The project can be divided into absolutely any number of phases. A project phase is a chain of logically linked project activities that end in the achievement of one or more deliverables. Project phases are used when the direction of the task being performed is unique to a part of the project, and are associated with the creation of a key deliverable. The phase separates processes from a specific group of project management processes, but most or even all of the processes will be executed in some form. The phases of the project are mainly executed in order, but there are such design situations when they overlap. The different phases usually have different lengths. The high-level nature of the project phases designates them as part of the project cycle.

The structure of the phases makes it possible to divide the project into logical subgroups for the most simple management, planning and control. The number of phases, the need for them and the level of control imposed are subject to the size of the phases, the complexity and impact of the project. Regardless of the number of phases organizing a project, all phases have similar characteristics:

    The activity has a clear focus, which has distinctive features from any other phase. At the same time, different organizations, locations are involved and all kinds of skills are applied;

    To achieve the main outcome or goal of the phase, you need control methods or processes that are unique to the phase. Repeating the processes in each of the five groups gives an auxiliary degree of control and shows the phase boundaries;

When a phase is closed, a certain kind of transfer of the resulting product takes place in the form of a delivered phase result. This completion is a natural point for re-evaluating the actions taken, for changes in the project, or its completion. This point can be called:

    Stage gateway;

    Milestone event;

    Phase analysis;

    Phase gateway.

In most cases, the completion of a phase must be approved, in one form, before it can be called closed.

There is no single correct structure that will apply to every project. While it is common industry practice to tend to the preferred structure, projects in the same industry (or even in the same organization) can differ significantly from one another. Some projects have just one phase. Other projects may contain two or more phases. thirteen

There is a generally accepted definition of the project life cycle, which contains four phases, which are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 4. Phases of the project life cycle 14

Phase 1. Initiation.

In this phase, work includes marketing activities, preparation and participation in tenders, and the rest of the work before the conclusion of the contract. During the initiation phase of the project, a work plan is drawn up for the temporary working group of the project and the development of basic documentation for the upcoming project is carried out. The planning horizon is the expected date of signing the contract.

Phase 2. Planning.

During the planning phase, co-executors of the stages and activities of the project are appointed, and a basic project plan is formed. The planning horizon is the expected completion date of the project.

Phase 3. Execution.

The moment of fixing the baseline is the starting point in the process of project execution. It ends after all the conditions and obligations of each of the parties, according to the contract, are fulfilled. Included in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the project manager.

Phase 4. Completion.

The end of the project is characterized by the solution of all issues among the management, data collection, analysis and ordering.

Quite obvious and clear - the division into phases, however, this can lead to dangerous mistakes in the practice of implementing a company management project, which will entail the collapse of ideas and project management methods. The first of the above phases does not yet contain a project, and the last one no longer contains. Each project, except for those that start from the directive, is preceded by its own phase of work, which is called pre-contractual. It includes marketing analysis, lobbying, economic feasibility studies and risk analysis. in the end, all this leads to the conclusion of an agreement, and the company begins to publish a special initiating document, which is called organizational and administrative. The market situation can hardly be manageable, and the chance that the contract can be concluded is incredibly low: the company has the right to consider the contract unprofitable from the economic point of view, not to win the tender, the risks can be estimated too high. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the number of project phases can be quite large. Distribution into phases is an individual matter and depends only on the project itself, clear boundaries and lack of framework. The executive phase is usually divided into sub-phases. For example, during the construction of a turnkey energy facility, it is reasonable to highlight the design phases and the construction itself.

Often the phases follow each other. Their completion is considered the delivery of those. information or a specific object. In order to speed up the execution process, you should apply the phase overlay technique. But such measures are taken only after a thorough analysis of all kinds of risks. Usually, both the start of work on the project and the fact of its elimination are supported by documents. The stages through which the project passes are usually called stages or phases. There is no general rule to sort the project into phases. The creators of the project independently develop a plan of stages, based on various criteria: experience, role, conditions. It follows from this that the practice of dividing into stages is diverse. Its main essence is the selection of peak points.

Figure 5. World Bank Project Cycle (According to Waren C. Baum "Project Cycle", World Bank Edition, 1993) 15

Each stage is divided into phases of a different level. This is used in large projects such as highway construction, development of natural deposits. In such cases, the number of phases increases. New stages are added, since the construction time is very long, in addition, it is necessary to scrupulously coordinate all the actions of the enterprises that take part in the project. Such activities take place on a time-and-space schedule. But it is essentially impossible to evenly distribute all the phases. Issues of this kind are resolved empirically, applying the knowledge and practice of people working on a project

Figure 6. Life cycle of a system / product (for example, a software product) 16

The approximate composition of the stages of the life cycle of the project, applies to modern regulations russian Federation, and they are shown in table 1.

Table 1

The problems associated with this are solved with the help of the experience, knowledge and art of the specialists working on the project. eighteen

In addition to structuring the project participants, it is characterized by a preliminary structure. At the time of development and implementation, he conducts several successive phases, starting with the initiative and ending. Despite the difference in subject matter and content, each project has a similar life cycle structure. The life cycle of a project can be defined as a logical-temporal structuring within the boundaries of a specific area. project management is a special structure of the life cycle, which consists of two stages: development and implementation. The stages of creation are understanding the results of the project and developing their structure, constructing generalized and private models of the project, analyzing and developing planning within the framework of the model, and accepting a business project. The stages of implementation are the execution of plans that were adopted before, the implementation of decisions on the project, the creation of a model, entirely, without violating the boundaries of the exact area of \u200b\u200bthe subject, taking into account the impact of the dynamics of the external environment. There may be no specific time line between the two phases of the project life cycle. The activities that characterize the development stage depend on the subject of the project and are carried out at the same time as the implementation, supervision and finish processes. Each of these two stages has its own distinctive features. Let's compare these stages:

    spending on a project at the development stage is much less than at the time of implementation, but the level of effort on the project as a whole depends on the time spent, on the graph it looks like an asymmetric curve with a distribution of a random variable with a shift to the right;

    at the development stage, the number of participants is reduced, in contrast to the implementation stage;

    the chance of failure is high at the development stage, risks decrease gradually, the closer the project finishes, the less likely they are;

    the probability of the participants' impact on the project at the time of its development is quite high, at the implementation phase - much less, and by the end it actually disappears.

Figure 7. Dependence of the level of total project efforts (a),opportunities for risks (6) and cost of changes (c) from the life cycle phase 19

Life cycle modeling is not a vague concept, but, in fact, it is an essential way of project management. With the help of modeling, you can integrate projects, take into account its strategy. Life cycle modeling should take into account general characteristics, and taking into account characteristics such as the specific properties of a particular project. This combination of general and specific properties is important for every model used in a project. This should become a basic principle. 20

Each project, from the emergence of an idea to its full completion, goes through a series of phases. The complete set of these phases represents the project life cycle. The life cycle of a project is a set of sequential phases, the number and composition of which is determined by the needs of the project management organization or organizations participating in the project.

The life cycle of a project has a defined start and end point that can be tied to a timeline. The life cycle of a project can be divided into phases, phases - into stages and stages.

One of the definitions sounds like this

The project life cycle is a set of sequential phases set aside for better control and management.

Phases of the project life cycle:

1. Concept formation

2. Development commercial proposal

4. Manufacturing

5. Delivery of the object

6. Completion of the project

There is no generally accepted concept of dividing the life cycle of a project into phases, and there cannot be, since each project is unique. Solving such a task for themselves, the project participants should be guided by their role in the project, their experience and the specific conditions of the project.

However, key lifecycle phases are present in any project and are inherent in almost all successful projects.

Each project, regardless of the complexity and volume of work required for its implementation, goes through certain states in its development: from the state of "the project is not yet" to the state of "the project is gone."

There are some differences in the definition of the number of phases and their content, since these characteristics largely depend on the conditions for the implementation of a particular project and the experience of the main participants. Nevertheless, the logic and the main content of the project development process are common in all cases.

Conceptual phase. The main content of work in this phase is the definition of the project. Development of its concept, including the following stages:

1. Project initiation

2. Formation of a business idea, goal setting

3. Appointment of a project manager and formation of a key project team

4. Establishing business contacts and studying the market, motivation and requirements of the customer and other participants

5. Collection of baseline data and analysis of the existing state

6. Determination of the main requirements, restrictive conditions, required material, financial and labor resources

7. Comparative assessment of alternatives

8. Submission of proposals, their examination and approval

Commercial proposal development phase. The main content of this phase is the development of the proposal and negotiations with the customer on the conclusion of the contract. The general content of the work of this phase:

1. Development of the main content of the project, the final results and products, quality standards, the basic structure of the project, drawing up the terms of reference.

2. Planning, decomposition of the basic structural model of the project, estimate and budget of the project, the need for resources, identification and distribution of risks, calendar plans and enlarged work schedules.

3. Conducting and drawing up a feasibility study and business plan.

4. Signing contracts, agreements with the customer, counterparties and investors.

5. Putting into operation means of communication of project participants and control over the progress of work.

Design phase. At this phase, subsystems are determined, their interconnections, the most effective ways project execution and resource use.

Typical works of this phase:

1. Organization of basic design work on the project, development of private technical specifications.

2. Implementation of conceptual, sketchy detailed design.

3. Drawing up technical specifications, sets of drawings and instructions.

4. Submission of design development, expertise and approval.

Manufacturing phase. Coordination and operational control of the project, production of subsystems, their integration and testing are carried out.

1. Organization of experimental design work and their operational planning.

2. Organization and management of material and technical support of works.

3. Preparation of production, construction and installation and commissioning works.

4. coordination of work, operational control and regulation of the main indicators of the project.

The phase of delivery of the object and completion of the project. Comprehensive commissioning tests, trial operation of the system are being carried out, negotiations are underway on the results of the project and on possible new contracts.

Main types of work:

1. Complex tests.

2. Training of personnel for the operation of the created object.

3. Preparation of working documentation, delivery of the object to the customer and commissioning.

4. Maintenance, support and service.

5. Assessment of project results and preparation of final documents

6. Resolving conflict situations and closing the project.

7. Implementation of the remaining resources.

8. Accumulation of experimental data for subsequent projects, analysis of experience. Conditions, determination of development directions.

9. Disbandment of the project team.

The following mistakes are most often made in the initial phases:

1. In determining the interests of customers.

2. Concentration on unimportant, outside interests.

3. Incorrect interpretation of the original problem statement.

4. Wrong or insufficient understanding of details.

5. incompleteness of functional specifications (system requirements).

6. Excessive workload.

7. Errors in determining the market niche and positioning.






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