The most effective ways to promote a VK group. VKontakte: effective advertising in communities How to properly advertise a group in VK

Let's say right away that there is no universal solution to how to advertise a group in VK. A good result can be achieved only through systematic, systematic and high-quality work.

The basics

Before proceeding to the advertising of the Vkontakte group, we will consolidate the truism about the creation of the groups themselves. First of all, you need to be sure that the chosen topic / project idea is really relevant and interesting. There is a pattern: what more interesting topic - the faster the group's audience grows.

Chances are, there are already groups online whose concept is similar to yours. Your task: to finalize the idea, make it wider / narrower, look from the other side, add zest and buns that competitors do not have. The group should help users solve an existing problem (having an interesting pastime, getting information about a product / service, communicating with like-minded people, etc.).

We decided on a profile, now we are choosing a name. There are 2 options: positioning by service / product and by activity. That is, the name should reflect the main field of activity: "Windows installation in Moscow", "Laptop repair in St. Petersburg", "Wedding limousines in Tomsk". If there is a ready-made recognizable brand that has an impressive number of customers, we simply call the group the same as the company.

Please note that the social network VKontakte is perfectly indexed by search engines, provided the name is correctly composed. That is, if you make the name in accordance with the most relevant search queries, it will provide an impressive influx of users from search. The Yandex Wordstat tool will help you create an attractive name.

And last but not least on our list is content. 3 criteria for quality content: relevance, uniqueness, virality. After reading the material, there should be a desire to repost. If the user found the information useful, he shares it on his page and it becomes visible to his friends, which provides an additional influx of subscribers to the group. The number of shares and likes are the best indicators of content quality. If there are few of them, it is necessary to change the direction and / or topic.

How to advertise a group in contact: effective ways

As you know, the Russian person is terrible in improvisation, various limits and restrictions are a challenge for us. Therefore, there is a workaround for this mechanism: we buy fake pages and add friends to people who meet the criteria of the target audience (CA) of the group. Next, we send them an invitation to join the group. In this case, the user receives an invitation from a friend, which increases the level of trust.

It is logical that, due to the existing limitation, you will need not 1-2 pages, tens or even hundreds. Services and programs, for example, SmmLaba, will help with this. Issue price: 350 rubles for the purchase of pages (50 pcs for 7 rubles) + 1500 rubles for the purchase of a proxy for each fake (50 pcs for 30 rubles) + 700 rubles / month for software.

Targeted advertising. These are the same annoying messages that appear on the side and in the news feed. Learning the intricacies of targeted advertising is an independent science. We will describe only the essence of this advertisement for VK publics: advertising posts and offers are displayed only to the target audience, which you can specify by gender, age, interests, place of residence. Looking for young mothers from 25 to 30 years old living in the Moscow region? The system will find them by itself and will show your offer, which they cannot refuse. For self-configuration targeted advertising will be useful service Getuniq.

  1. Advertising of the Vkontakte public through posts in other publics. This method as old as the social network itself. The principle is obscenely simple: you acquire posts in promoted groups and communities, from where the user can follow the link to your site. An advertising post is placed for a specific time, the time of publication and removal is negotiated in advance. The most commonly used scheme is 1/23: the post is held in the first place for an hour, and then it is in the feed for 23 hours and gradually drops as other posts are published. To facilitate the process of selecting a "promoted" group, controlling the publication time and payment, special services allow, we will talk about them below. You can directly negotiate with administrators. The cost of the post will be 10-20% lower, but there are practically no guarantees.
  2. Inviting. The method is suitable for promoting a specific meeting / event. Create an event, mark the beginning and end, provide an organizer and invite guests. The difference from the first method is that invitations are sent by other groups in which your target audience sits. Scrolling through the community feed with jokes, you probably saw invitations to webinars, master classes or trainings. This is inviting in its purest form.
  3. Contests. Today there is no more effective way to advertise a group on VK than to conduct contests. In order to take part in the competition, the user needs to perform an action useful for your group - repost, comment, subscribe, and so on. Where to post posts that you are running a competition if the group being advertised has few subscribers yet? Communities like "Contests (city name", "Freebies in" city name "," Promotions (city name) ") will come to the rescue, they have already generated an audience ready to perform certain actions.
  4. Mutual PR. That is, you advertise a post of another group / organization, and they post your post. There are a number of nuances here: the number of subscribers should be approximately the same, the content and topics should be similar, the owner / administrator should be adequate to be able to accept the offer and not throw surprises.
  5. Expert opinions. This is a promotional post with a link to a group, commissioned from a celebrity / blogger / expert. For example, through a group, you sell clothing for sports. You can order from famous person post that he chooses your online store for sports.

Texts for advertising a group in VK: standard templates

The most common is direct advertising. Such posts convey the proposal head-on. The effectiveness of the message in this case directly depends on the art, talent and level of professionalism of the copywriter. There is only one rule here: the text should be maximally selling and minimal in size.

Direct advertising is effective both for building a group's audience and for sales. You need to list the benefits of the product / service, convince the subscriber of the need to purchase, interest and attract to the group / site, etc.

An example of an advertisement for a group in VK: “The object of desires of women of fashion from all over the world at a bargain price! Ugg boots from UGG for only 4000 rubles! For subscribers of the group receive an additional discount - 10%. Hurry up! The time of the action is limited: from May 1 to June 1, 2018 ". The ad post gives you a lot of creativity, don't be afraid to experiment.

If you are looking to grow your followers, the post should describe the benefits of joining a group. The group must be clearly positioned according to interests, then people join more willingly.

For example: "Developing logic" - these are new logic problems every day, these are lively debates and discussions, these are effective methods and techniques for the development of intelligence, these are interviews with experts in the field and much more. "

The second type of post is a cliff post. The bottom line is that you post an interesting text, or rather its beginning. And to read the sequel, the user must follow the link to the group.

The full version of the text is displayed in a group, above the wall, so that every visitor sees it first. If you do not fix the text, you cannot avoid a sea of \u200b\u200bnegative reviews and comments, and this will not add subscribers. Used properly, a torn post can generate thousands of new subscribers. According to statistics, if the content is really interesting + the post is posted in a high-quality thematic community (with a real audience, not a fancied one), every fifth visitor will stay in the group and subscribe.

And the last view is a wiki post. These are informative, informative posts arranged in the form of articles from Wikipedia. The better and more relevant the material provided in the vivic post, the more users will join the group. For highly specialized professional groups, this is the very thing.

How to set up ads in VK for a group

Specialized services will help with this:

  1. Here you can keep track of advertising campaigns and keep them, track the number of new subscribers from advertising, the number of clicks from a post, etc.
  2. The service itself is looking for the optimal communities for placing advertising posts, monitoring the group's statistics.
  3. He also searches for ad groups, analyzes competing groups, and monitors trends in partner programs.

Let's take a closer look at how to set up targeting. First of all, we open the VK market platform and create a profile here. To create an ad, open the "Targeting" section and select its type: "Community", enter the name of our group, as shown in the figure: Finally, we define how we will pay for ads: for clicks or for impressions. And click "create ad". That's it, targeting is running.

Group advertising in VK: the cost that will have to be paid

We figured out how to advertise a Vkontakte group. Now let's talk about how much it will cost. Again, there is no universal figure or rate scale. The cost advertising company groups can be up to 1000-2000 rubles, and maybe exceed 20,000 rubles. The most important thing is basically to start doing something.

If you attract 10,000 subscribers, then it will be much easier, since the mechanism has already been launched. Bring the audience to 20 thousand, then 30 thousand, 40 thousand. And do not slow down, continue promotion, its cost will be lower and the effect will be greater. But already you need to come up with original posts and unique offers, something new and original.

Let's analyze the estimated prices of the main types of advertising:

  1. The price of targeted advertising depends on the click-through rate of the submitted ad and the competition for the specified target audience. On average, 1 transition in Moscow and St. Petersburg costs 25-30 rubles, 1 click - 5 rubles. An adult subscriber who enters costs from 10 rubles. In the Russian Federation and from 25 rubles. in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
  2. An advertising post in the community costs between 500-3500 rubles per day, depending on the audience.
  3. The price of an expert opinion post - as agreed, even barter for a product / service is possible.

So, how to advertise a VK group? The answer is simple: differently. Try all the methods, conduct analytics and keep track of which method yielded results and what should be abandoned. Only an integrated approach and comprehensive coverage will yield results.

Thank you subscribers and creative inspiration!

"VKontakte" has long ceased to be just a platform for communication. Today it is a powerful resource that even combines the capabilities of a search engine and video hosting. It is a platform for searching and offering, which is especially important for consumers and businesses. Some can collect opinions and recommendations before becoming a client, others - to conduct an analysis and accurately find the target audience. Advertising in VKontakte groups today is more effective than classical advertising, but it must be presented, observing some rules. Much depends on the right customer acquisition strategy. Then the VKontakte advertisement will work.

Advertising in the groups "VK" and VK-target

What to choose: target or group

  • In the target, everything is stricter: the moderators will not let pictures and provocative headlines.
  • You agree about advertising in a group with its administrator, you do not need to wait for the moderation of the VK service.
  • In the target, the size of images and text is limited, you will not be able to present a case or other version of an advertising strategy.
  • Choose the right group - get a large coverage of the target audience.
  • Advertising in VK groups is usually cheaper than targeting.

However, you don't need to think that through groups you can sell everything and write whatever you want in an advertising post. This is not true. Your task is to attract the attention of clients, not law enforcement officers. Don't break the law.

Selecting a group for advertising

In which VK groups is it better to advertise? Advertising in a group will be useful if users mostly fit the parameters of your target audience, and the group itself is active and updated with posts and members. What you need to pay attention to if you decide to place an advertisement in a group:

  • the number of participants and whether it is cheated, what is the ratio of bots and real users;
  • how often unique visitors appear;
  • group activity and updating;
  • geolocation - city, region, country should be suitable for the delivery of your goods;
  • how many likes and comments are there: active groups of up to 18,000-20,000 members must collect at least 100 likes for each post; if views are sporadic, up to 10, for example, a group with wraps is actually unpopular;
  • daily audience coverage;
  • cost of accommodation - the more participants there are in the group, the higher the cost of accommodation.

How to start an advertising campaign

  1. Sociate - the service offers a wide variety of affordable platforms and easy client search tools. On the service page, select a suitable advertising campaign, drag the text of your post into a special field along with a picture and create a task. You can go the other way: select "Find sites", add filter categories to search for the target audience for your advertising post, and then analyze the selection results. Before placing an order for advertising, check not only the age and gender of the audience, but also the correspondence of the activity. If you install the smm-helper service, you will get access to extended community statistics, as well as the number of group members who got banned. The process of placing an advertisement ends with the registration of the advertiser block by the administrator. It will contain data on the number of selected sites, the amount of placement, as well as the number of unique subscribers.
  2. Hollypasta is a free service with a strange name, translated as “holy macaroni”. This is an alternative Sociate service, with its own features for placing an advertiser order. True, the "holy macaroni" is somewhat easier to use. The exchange allows you not only to specify the parameters of the group, but also to analyze the advertising posts of competitors. The service tools are simple. In the "Search by communities" you will have the opportunity to choose from almost a hundred categories that you need. Set a "portrait" of your client: age and gender, and then search parameters. You can research their activity: how many members, likes and reposts. Those groups that will be useful in promoting your product and service can be added to Favorites. The service allows you to track the parameters of the uniqueness of visitors, audience in percentage, by gender and age, as well as the geography of group members, devices from which they often enter the community, and sources of referrals: by direct links, through "My groups", "News" or pages users.

Important: administrators of highly popular groups cooperate with advertisers mainly through the official advertising exchange "VKontakte". The service receives a percentage of the agreement.

Advertising campaign cost

How much does advertising on VK in groups cost? In placing through groups and communities "VK" there is no clear pricing policy... A separate price list has not been developed by anyone, but some conditions for determining the cost of a post work behind the scenes, and their admins, of course, honor.

So start placing in medium-sized, low-paying groups. With the promotion of the product, the growth in popularity and the number of orders, you can move on to expensive and large communities.

Placement of an advertising post

How to place an advertisement in the VK group? Once you've prepared a selection of groups with a suitable target audience, you can start negotiating with administrators. Once again, carefully review your post, and then send it to the admin. After his consent, discuss the placement options.

The most successful and proven conditions are those under which an advertising post on the "title" is placed for at least an hour, and then goes to the feed. Here it should not be "moved" by other advertising posts for at least a day.

In the first hour or two, you will be able to understand how successful your chosen strategy and group was.

Pay attention to what times people are most active in the group. You can collect this data in the "Subscribers" section. By setting up the "Now online" filter, you can analyze the number of visitors by time of day or by hour.

Such an analysis can next time, if you decide to stay in this group, to "adjust" the post to the most active part of the day.

Creating an ad post

Advertising in VK groups will be effective if the post is correctly composed. Regardless of which product you will be promoting on the Internet, there are several universal advertising components that are best used.

Making a "corrupt" post:

  1. Start with a striking headline.
  2. Divide the prepared text into several parts: each block is one thought.
  3. It is better for the post to contain the entire ad copy. If this is not possible, the most important and catchy information must be kept open.
  4. Add emoji, but in moderation, otherwise emoticons and signs will create variegation, which will alienate the user.
  5. Finish the post with a call to action: "go to the site", "find out more", etc.
  6. Attach only high-quality pictures, to each of which add a product description and a link.

And do not neglect the analysis of competitors' advertising posts, and also take into account the format of the group in which you are posting. For example, let's say you sell T-shirts with prints. After placing your post in the group dedicated to the racer Ayrton Senna, attach a photo of the T-shirts with the image of the racer.

How to make your post effective

Advertising in VK groups largely depends on the effectiveness of the post. How to make an effective post? The most effective are advertising posts with useful information... That is, at the beginning of the text, you give a couple of tips on a topic related to your product, and then go directly to the advertisement. It's important to strike a balance here so that the offer doesn't get lost in utility items, and the advice doesn't seem drawn to a call to buy your product. Tips and your suggestion should be in tandem. For such a post, you will have to think carefully about the title, it should not be flashy, like "Read - Buy", etc.

The advantage of such text is that thanks to reposts, it can spread and be visible for a long time.

Social media opportunities for your advertising

Focus on trends and relevance. For example, Kissing Day you shouldn't miss if you sell cosmetics. Write interesting kissing text, link it to your proposal, add pictures and links.

Focus on the audience: a youth group - you can add a slang word or two, for groups of car mechanics, young coquettes, fishermen, etc. - their own rhetoric, thought out and aimed at these users.

How to make money on advertising in the VK group

Earning money on advertising in "VK" is possible subject to the presence of a well-promoted site, a large number of participants and the activity of the administrator. For example, if you do not have your own group, and you are just thinking about its content, then remember that the more the chosen direction covers the interested, the better for the group as an advertising platform.

It is necessary to think over an interesting design and content. Posts should appear regularly, several times a day. For the initial development of the community, arrange polls more often and ask the opinion of subscribers on a particular issue. Don't forget about quality photos. Browse through groups of similar topics to figure out how to make a page original.

When the group is promoted, create offers for advertisers. Your contacts or contacts of the group administrator should be visible. Place conditions on your ad: the lower the cost of placement, the more likely there will be a large number of applications.

Alternatively, place the group on an ad buy / sell exchange or affiliate network.

"VKontakte": advertising features

How is social media advertising different? Advertising "VK" differs from placement on classic sites not only in format. In a social network, an advertiser himself does analytical work: he selects an audience, composes a post to be sold, calculates activity indicators, etc. He is included in the process at every stage, thus ensuring the effectiveness of VK advertising. This is the peculiarity of this advertising platform, and here the "lazy" business will not last. If, placing on radio and TV, an advertiser is waiting for a client, then in social networks he goes to his audience, adapts to it and adjusts the offer. This format is flexible and therefore effective. Of course, provided that the advertiser does not neglect any of the rules.

Social networks, besides their main purpose, have acquired one more thing - the promotion of goods and services to the masses. Now everyone can make money on advertising, but there is one problem. To generate income from placement, you must first advertise the group and recruit enough members. For a novice administrator of the Vkontakte community, it turns out to be a vicious circle.

In fact, patience will help to promote your own community or a public Vkontakte page.

How to advertise the group and how much does it cost? To answer these two questions, let's decide on the method of advertising placement. Vkontakte advertising is of two types: targeted and regular posts in thematic groups. The placement and cost of each method is different.

Targeted advertising of the Vkontakte group

If we consider the second method, then this is a banal theft of followers from competitors. Find the most popular public with a similar topic and send out invitations containing information about the promoted community. To send invitations, stock up on fake accounts for excessive profile activity, it will be blocked for spreading spam. One page should send about 30-40 messages per day.

Contests and prize draws

Tools viral marketing... The way to attract traffic is absolutely legal, don't be afraid of temporary blocking. It should be noted that this way promotion is not entirely free, you still have to spend money on prizes. If the group sells products or services, offer a free unit as a prize, or gift Certificate... The systematic holding of contests will ensure a constant influx of new subscribers to the group in contact, and at minimal cost.

The prize in the competition must be related to your product or service, otherwise you will receive non-targeted subscribers.

Mutual PR

Includes close collaboration of two or more community administrators. It is difficult to cooperate with competitors, for mutual promotion it is better to make a list of groups on related topics with a similar number of subscribers and offer them joint advertising publication. For example, a community selling cosmetics promotes makeup artist services and vice versa.

Activity in other communities and attracting users from external resources are the weakest advertising methods in terms of effectiveness, but, nevertheless, they are working. Free advertising is placed in comments under the posts of promoted groups and under thematic articles on blogs, information sites, etc. Before leaving comments with links in popular communities, study the group rules, otherwise the administrators will ban the user for sending spam.

Texts for advertising the VK group

If choosing a bright and enticing photo for a post is a matter of a few minutes, then writing a good selling text can take more than one hour. You don't need to reinvent the wheel in writing your ad copy. Effective templates have long been developed that will tell you how to write a selling text correctly. Here are some really catchy options:

Example for selling groups:

  • “The ****** Rejuvenating Facial Mask will not only remove wrinkles, but also bring freshness to your look. You can order here: _____ "
  • “Brand watches ***** are back in STOCK! Hurry up to place an order and we will give a discount to the first 10 customers !!! "
  • "SENSATION! For the first time in our store discounts up to 70% !!! CLICK ____ "
  • “Only today there is a 50% discount on the 2nd purchase !!! Conditions of the promotion here: ____ "
  • “Don't know where to find branded items at a low price? Then you _____ to us. Join and get a 20% discount on your first purchase "

An example for entertaining publics:

  • “Do you want to have a slim and elastic body? Subscribe to the ****** community and get the first results in 7 days! "
  • “Do you like copyright photographs? Then you ***** here. Here are collected only the TOP professional images of 2017 of the year"
  • "SHOCK!!! The second grader came home after school, and there ... Continued in the source. "
  • “Do you want to win any dispute? Then sign ______. "
  • “Finally I found a flying group! New memes every day HERE "
  • “95% of 100 will ignore this entry. Hi, my name is Alexey, and I will tell you how I made my first million ... "

This is only a small fraction of how users are hooked on Vkontakte. The most ambitious and original admins regularly come up with new ways to attract subscribers. Although ad templates consist of 1-2 working phrases, they are all based on classic psychological techniques. Some of them evoke curiosity, others - catch pride. And most importantly, they work!

You can't bet on one ad when you're promoting a young community. Experiment, try, amaze and subscribers reach out by themselves. Whatever the method of Vkontakte advertising, only the most active and enterprising users manage to promote their group. We read less and do more, then luck will surely smile.

2 votes

Welcome to the Start-Luck blog pages. For some reason, in the minds of a lot of people, advertising for a group is a stupid distribution of messages with pleas to join random accounts. For the second time in a week, the owners of quite impressive publics in my city, when asked how they are advertised, answer: "No way, there is no desire to add 40 friends a day."

It's amazing that people using cool, convenient and cheap don't even know what advertising methods exist in it. It amazes me personally.

A very important method

I started by telling you that I was asking the big regional owners. I still managed to find out something from them. It turned out that the most effective option for those who promote their services, business on the Internet, namely VK, is offline communication. Highly effective method, which I highly recommend everyone to use if you can.

Now many owners own businesscoupled with services, photograph the result of their work (manicure, tattoos, hairdressers and even installing doors), and then upload them to the community. Of course, a person has nothing against the fact that the master wants to lay out the successful fruit of his work for the world to see, and they themselves willingly subscribe to a public in which their own photo will be uploaded.

Another friend helped convince one of the customers to give up the short-sighted act. It was one thing, I told him that it wouldn’t work, and quite another when a message came from the administrator of a group of several million people.


You select a post or create an ad that will be shown on the left or displayed in the news feed of the person who matches your description. You decide to whom to show the post - whether it will be a woman or a man, married or in an active search, whether higher educationwhat age the person is and where he lives.

You can select subscribers of a certain community, in this case the post will be shown to them. You also decide how you will pay - if you only want to pay for the transitions to your group - please, but you will have to pay a little more for this. You can also pay for impressions only. It's cheaper, but there is no guarantee that a person will not flip through your publication and travel further.


Many people underestimate it as a waste of money. Too copied method. At one time, every third site offered to bring a bunch of people to the group for mere pennies. In principle, now the situation has not changed too much, if you go nowhere.

I suggest you pay attention to the service ... At first, you can choose a cheaper tariff. Remember, the more subscribers in your group, the more willingly other members subscribe to it and the more you get paid for advertising.

In order to develop normally, you need to have some base. At least 20,000 people. Then you can use more effective ways.

This site can also help you with targeting. Well, how to "help figure it out"? The specialists of this company will do everything for you if you decide to pay for the VIP status. You decide what age and region you are interested in. At the same time, you significantly save, because all payment will be made for specific action and people.

Who knows how many people, even clicking on your ad, will join the public? With service it will not bother you at all. You paid the money and are just waiting for the result.

So that is all. Now you know everything about promotion methods and you can get down to business. Do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter, see you soon and good luck.

After reading this article, you will learn:

  • How to choose the right advertising sites
  • How to correctly compose a post / repost for an advertising group VK, OK
  • How not to lose money and reduce costs
  • How to wind up subscribers and how to check for cheating
  • New. Examples of effective posts

External optimization

And so, we prepared our community: we made a beautiful and understandable avatar that complements the name of the group, made a clear description of the group, conduct discussions and write interesting posts (in the case of advertising our group, and not an external site). Now you can go to the search for an advertising group, and then, and to write the post itself.

Advertising in Vkontakte groups - the beginning

Most of the mistakes that lead to ineffective advertising in VK groups are associated with incorrect selection of the advertising group... Many people mis-prioritize when viewing group characteristics.

What characteristics can a group have:

  • Unique visitors
  • Views
  • Reach audience
  • Feedback
  • Participants (how many subscribes)
  • Section views
  • Activity
  • Demography
  • Name
  • Avatar
  • Posts

What group characteristics are important when selecting an advertising platform:

  • Group / public page topic
  • Number of members / subscribers
  • Demography
  • Feedback
  • Price per post / repost
  • The number of unique visitors per day (then you will learn how to quickly find out)

So, as in the examples above, public page « Bucha Aquarius Schedule “, Then we will consider the selection of a site within the framework of this example. Advertising in VK groups, with the right approach, can be more profitable than targeted advertising.
Group / public page topic

The closer you select an advertising platform on the topic to which your group belongs, the more effect you will achieve.

The public page "Bucha Aquarius Schedule" is more related to Cinema, although there is also Arts and Entertainment. So we need to look for communities of this particular subject, Cinema .. But!!!

How to search ad groups

There are currently two search methods:

  • Through the search for VK (not through the search tool, but search in general in the vastness of VK)
  • Using the sociate exchange (you can try, more convenient interface, more flexible settings)
  • You do not know what you are looking for: you need a search by topics and target audience (target audience)
  • Distrust of group administrators to "newbies" who want to buy ads
  • Difficulty getting statistics from group admins
  • You will not know in advance the price for advertising in a specific group
  • Time consuming
  • The largest base of advertising platforms among advertising exchanges
  • Convenient search by sites
  • Transparent group statistics
  • Fast organization advertising campaign
  • Payment is made after the end of the advertising campaign, in fact. ("They won't throw money for money")

Sociate's database now contains more than 29907 advertising platforms (groups and public pages)

  • About 900 sites have more than 100,000 members / subscribers
  • All sites are categorized
  • The search has a large number of filters: it is convenient to find your target audience ( target audience) in different groups
  • Real statistics are open in each group

Algorithm for finding a suitable group for advertising on

You need to approach the search for advertising groups with all responsibility, because not the number of likes and reposts depends on it, but the effect for your business. The right approach to finding ad groups will allow you to spend money on ad group ads more effectively.

And so, let's move on to finding such a group using the advertising exchange

Let's define what our group is about:

  • Aquarius Local Cinema Page
  • Informing people about movie sessions
  • Schedule publication, trailers, movie information
  • Conducting polls
  • Communication with visitors
  • Girls and boys)
  • 14 to 35 years old
  • Ukraine
  • Bucha, Irpen, Vorzel, Kiev

After registration, you can additionally watch the video, for greater clarity and benefit (you can start watching from the first minute):

Still, let's continue 😉, go to the "Sites" page

Expanding advanced search

Setting up advanced search for target audience. First of all, we find communities from Ukraine. But the main thing for us is the visitor, and he should be as close as possible. We choose the theme first Cinema, then Arts and Entertainment. When choosing keyword Bucha finds nothing. You can choose Kiev (although for this case where the exact location is very important, it is better to use Vkontakte search or targeted advertising). The price is not important at the moment. We are only interested in socio-demographic parameters and the number of communities.

Let's see what kind of groups were found using such filters. We got 3 advertising platforms where you can advertise.

In sociate, it is very easy and convenient to look at the statistics of groups in order to know when it is better to advertise and whether it is worth it at all (in there are statistics and it works more stable). The community should have good activity and growth of subscribers and views.

But let's assume that Kiev suits us ... We order advertising in these 3 groups (let's say that post / repost). We definitely need to think about how for these groups we can adapt our posts / reposts.

Think for yourself, here you subscribed to a public about "Advertising", and here they broadcast about baby diapers and where to buy them. You cannot find a "client" in such a group, but you can drag him to your community using a thematic post / repost in the advertising group "about advertising diapers"

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with them: go to them and read-look at 20-50 posts in order to understand in what style you can make your post / repost for placement in this group.

Adaptation of posts / reposts allows:

  • significantly increase the efficiency of placing advertising posts
  • it becomes possible to advertise in different communities, regardless of their topic

Now we know for which sites we will adapt our advertising posts / reposts, which means that it remains only to draw up tasks for placement and send them to sites

We create a post or repost, which is adapted for the community where we will advertise

The most important thing when writing a promotional post - this is to come up with an interesting post that will be beautifully designed, and the user should have a desire to go and get acquainted with your community or site. Advertising in groups is also good because the average post size is much larger and visually more noticeable than Vkontakte advertising (target).
I strongly advise against publishing a post without pictures, as well as using links like
It is best to use links with a short address (it is desirable to do this at the beginning, when creating a community). The design looks good:

In Buchansky cinema

try posting it on your wall. What is in square brackets before the vertical line is the address of the group, what is in front of the closing bracket is how the link will be displayed. You can add the required text outside the brackets. Don't forget to add quality pictures.

Well, that's it, the task has been created, you can give it for placement.

there is important point when choosing a group for advertising. it define, whether most of the subscribers are screwed up. If the group consists of the majority of the winding up subscribers, there will be no point in advertising in it. More on this further

How to wind up Vkontakte subscribers and check for cheating

Often in a personal VK they ask me how to wind up Vkontakte subscribers. Personally, I don't do this. But then people write that they ordered a cheat there, and after a while, subscribers began to turn into "dog faces." And then what to do? I decided to briefly add information here, maybe it will be useful to you. Let's start in order.

Sometimes you can find groups with clearly fanned subscribers (bots). This can be seen by clicking on the block "Subscribers" or "Members", it often contains "dog faces":

When switching to such a profile, there are messages like “Unfortunately, we had to block page"For such and such a reason. It is highly likely that this is a bot.

Why cheat is usually chosen? This is only justified in cases where if you think for example, it is easier to promote an account with 1,000 members than with 50 (and only then publish ads and attract customers). Even groups where there are more members on average higher are displayed by queries in the VK search.

Based on the reviews and experience of friends, I can recommend the automatic service for online promotion

But even in it, with a basic cheat, there is no guarantee that these subscribers will not turn into those in the photo above. To make subscribers real, and not bots and they did not "spoil", use the tariff of the Vip cheat.

Examples of effective posts

In the comments, they asked to show examples of effective posts. Then I added a few:

Utility collections

Have you noticed how actively they share collection posts? Such posts least like advertising... You just place your proposal at the beginning (by 1-2 positions), add a few other "usefulness" from non-competitive areas (preferably no more than 5-7) and order placement in a group of suitable topics. You can add a few more hashtags to the items (names by which mentions are tracked) and it is possible that in addition to the community subscribers, your advertising post will be re-posted by those you mentioned in the post. Such "useful" collection posts can travel through social networks months, sometimes for years.