What people buy in winter. How to make money in winter. Effective ways. Snow and icicle cleaning

Banal, but very profitable idea business for the winter. Organization costs are small:

Costumes - about 15,000 rubles. You can rent, but it's better to have your own.
- Advertising - about 10,000 rubles. With a creative approach, you can get by with minimal costs.

The cost new year greetings depends a lot on the city in which you live. Average indicators for the country:

Home call - from 1,000 rubles.
- Corporate - from 5,000 rubles.
- Children's holiday - from 5,000 rubles.

It is important to come up with several scenarios for different categories of clients, find innovative ideas, and use funny jokes. Be smart in advertising your services. All types are effective - ads in crowded places, the Internet, word of mouth and many others.

Use new technologies. Appeals to children, recorded on video, letters or congratulations on Skype, work great.

Rent of skis and other types of equipment for winter entertainment

The rental can be organized both near the ski resort and in the city. The first option offers great benefits, but a lot of competition will have to be sustained. You can purchase a cargo "Gazelle" and organize a mobile ski rental with the delivery of sports equipment. Away from resorts, profits are less, but with proper organization, incomes can be quite good. We are talking about the rental of skis, snowboards and equipment for those who go on vacation to the mountains or a point near a park, a forest strip in the suburbs or a recreation area. Cross-country skiing is more appropriate here. It's not a bad idea to organize an ice rink and rent skates.

To start this business, you need to issue an individual entrepreneur and purchase:

At least 10 pairs of skis of various sizes;
- at least 5 snowboards;
- helmets, gloves, ski boots and other types of equipment.

The minimum start-up costs for organizing a small rental is about 500,000 rubles. Most of the amount will go to the purchase of skis, providing the widest possible selection of equipment is critical to success. If you manage to organize the process correctly, the costs will pay off within one season.

Snow removal

Many residents of Russia are faced with the problem of snow-covered roads every winter, because heavy snowfalls are typical for our climate. Often, utilities are simply not able to cope with snowdrifts, and a huge field of activity opens up for entrepreneurs, which will bring significant profits and benefits to the residents of your city.

To create a business, you must purchase:

- a car for removing snow;
- a trailer for the same purpose.

This technique can be bought for 150,000-170,000 rubles. Consider options with the purchase of used machines or under a lease agreement. In both cases, start-up costs are lower.

Make up an individual entrepreneur, place advertisements in various sources and wait for snowfalls. When the first snowdrifts form, there will be no end of customers - this is an extremely demanded service. Your customers will be managers large enterprises, trading companies, parking lots. Utilities often subcontract private snow removal companies.

The average cost of cleaning 1,000 m² of snow is 4,000-5,000 rubles. Substantial price adjustments are made depending on the region and the size of the city. But even with the most optimistic forecasts, start-up costs pay off within 3-4 months.

This business has additional directionsalso worth covering to increase the firm's profitability:

Cleaning roofs from icicles and snow. Need a shovel and special safety gear. 1 hour of work is estimated at around 2,000 rubles.
- Winter industrial mountaineering. This service consists of removing snow and ice in hard-to-reach places, which is in great demand. It is necessary to hire a highly qualified specialist and purchase special equipment. 1 hour of work is estimated at not less than 9,000 rubles. All costs are paid off very quickly.
- Additional income can be obtained from the removal of snow, removed by snowblowers of city utilities and even private customers.

Sale of decorations and souvenirs for the New Year holidays

This idea is seasonal and can only be implemented before new year holidays, but will bring impressive profits despite high competition. Your goal is to find the supplier with the lowest prices for Christmas decorations and select the new items that have appeared this season. Traditional toys and garlands are also in great demand.

If you have the time and ability to create crafts, you can make some of the unique toys and souvenirs. Such products are sold out instantly and are highly valued.

Toys and jewelry with symbols of the coming year are in great demand. Use not only numbers, but also animal figurines that will become a symbol of this year. When forming the range of these products, it should be borne in mind that in next year no one will need them.

You can offer spruce from artificial materials. They use everything every year in great demand... Offer shoppers a selection of New Year and Christmas gifts, fireworks, and shopping wrapping services. The wider the assortment of your store, the faster the goods will be sold. In the pre-holiday bustle, customers prefer to buy as many items as possible in one place, because there is a sorely lack of time during this period.

Purchase and rental costs trading place in a shopping center or on a busy street are impressive. But with a well-formed assortment, you can get a good profit in just a month. It is not necessary to curtail trading at the end of the New Year holidays, because Valentine's Day, March 8, is ahead. You can update the assortment with souvenirs and other goods that will be relevant on the eve of these holidays.

Snow fortress

Do you know children who are indifferent to different figures and constructions made of snow? That's right, there are no such children. Build a majestic medieval snow fortress in a park or city center and create a celebration for local kids.

To implement this idea, you should take permission from the local authority. Sign a contract with a sculptor who will create a project of the fortress, figurines fairytale heroes and animals, an ice slide and a skating rink. To implement the project, it is necessary to hire workers. Construction material - snow and water. According to the rules, the fortress is built from large ice blocks. They are made using special shapes. The finished fortress is poured with water and at sub-zero temperatures gains impressive strength.

The professionalism of the builders and the competent organization of work make it possible to build a fortress in a few days. No advertising needed. The completion of the construction of such an unusual object will be eagerly awaited by hundreds and thousands of kids.

Having set a reasonable fee for entering the fortress, you will reach payback in just 1-2 months. But this is not the only source of income - you can offer toy and candy dealers the opportunity to work near your fortress on a sublease basis.

This idea is especially relevant for regions with harsh and long winters.

Snow tubing

This is a new entertainment for the people of our country, but snowtube riding is incredibly popular in Europe. A snowtube is something like an inflatable sled made of very durable fabric. To go down on this vehicle the slide is very fun. To start a business, it is important to build a good slide, purchase a few snow tubes and keep customers safe. The ideal location for organizing the attraction will be the snow-covered slope of the river.

The cost of starting a business consists of purchasing a snow tube - one costs about 2,000 rubles. You must have at least 10 European sleds. It is necessary to complete all permits.

In Russia, snow tubing is just beginning to appear in large ski resorts or in large entertainment centers... This niche is practically free. Snowtubing is a lot of fun. Clients, children and adults, you will have instantly. Organize advertising campaign the Internet is very simple and almost cost-free. Very quickly, the rumor about funny attractions will spread throughout the city, and you can buy new snootubes, because everyone who wants them will simply not be enough.

Growing and selling greens and vegetables

The lion's share of the winter vitamin assortment comes to Russia from abroad. Associated with this is the high cost of fruits and fresh vegetables. And in this case, it is naive to expect ecological cleanliness - without treatment with chemicals, long-term transportation is impossible. The niche in the domestic market for growing greens, vegetables and berries in greenhouses is not yet occupied, and ample opportunities are open for enterprising farmers.

Setting up such a business is pretty simple. The procedure is as follows:

Greenhouse construction.
Purchase and installation of equipment for heating and additional lighting.
Watering system installation.
Purchase of seeds.
A small greenhouse can be operated by two people. Employees must be hired to work in multiple greenhouses. The profitability of this business in winter period, especially on New Year's holidays, is very high.

But greenhouses can also be used in spring. Grow seedlings of summer crops or ornamental plants for landscaping for sale.

Every year, winter not only brings us New Year's fun and beautiful snowy weather, but also gives us the opportunity to bring many seasonal business ideas to life! What kind of business to do in winter? The answer to this question is primarily associated with winter fun and New Year's holidays. Winter has not yet arrived, and now is the time to think about how to make money in winter! Most of the business ideas presented below do not require lengthy preparation and large financial investments, so you still have a chance to start your seasonal business this winter!

New Year business

Of course, the greatest profit can be obtained thanks to the holiday New Year, which our people for the most part celebrate cheerfully and on a grand scale. New Year's business ideas include the following: sale christmas trees (both real and artificial), sale of fireworks and other pyrotechnics, sewing New Year's costumes, congratulating children and adults as Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, selling Christmas tree decorations and New Year's souvenirs (figurines, candles, calendars, toys, postcards). All these ideas can bring very, very good profit. However, the competition is quite high here, so it is worthwhile to think in advance how to take your "place in the sun".

For people who are not devoid of talent, methods of making money on hand-made products are perfect. Handicrafts are always in price, and if you know how to make handmade exclusive cards, Christmas tree decorations, candles, figurines (for example, from polymer clay), New Year's accessories and so on - then open your point of sale in some shopping center and you are guaranteed success. Moreover, a large area for the implementation of such a business idea is not required, therefore, high rental costs too.

Snow removal and destruction of icicles

Bringing this business idea to life is a very useful business for society, and for you, as an entrepreneur, it is beneficial financial plan... A large amount of snowfall in the courtyards makes it difficult for residents to move, both on foot and by car. Therefore, the need to clear snow will always be relevant. Not all people want and can remove snow in their yards on their own, then who should do this? The snow removal company you create can solve this problem and make good money. To carry out the service, you need to have special snow removal equipment - it is not cheap, however, if you correctly extend your service to several districts, then all costs will pay off. The snow removal service should be offered through the housing office and house administration, and if you plan to "clean up" the entire city, you can directly contact the city administration.

The service of destroying icicles from rooftops can be added to the same business. The formation of icicles on roofs is a very dangerous phenomenon for human life, so there is no need to explain the need for their timely removal. In this business, the main thing to take into account is its most important aspect - the safety of employees while they are performing work on the roofs. You must be confident in the skills of your workers and provide them to all necessary equipment (up to mountaineering equipment when it comes to tall buildings).

In the list of services of such a company, you can also add anti-slip materials to the sidewalks and roads.

Warming of premises

Everyone knows that in the CIS countries, far from everywhere and not always the state can provide good heating in winter. And not all people can afford to buy heaters - firstly, a good heater is expensive, and secondly, it consumes a lot of electricity. So people have to insulate their homes in every possible way. Think about how exactly you can do this and offer your services.

For those who do not have money for plastic windows, offer the service of insulating window frames with various materials. Walls can also be insulated in different ways, for example, with foam or special system spraying. If you decide to do such a business, take care of good advertising of your services in advance, because here you will deal with each client directly (as opposed to the previous business idea). An excellent option is advertising in the subway, distributing leaflets on the streets, posting ads at entrances.

Greenhouse business

This business idea is inherent, perhaps, the longest preparation and the obligatory availability of special knowledge. It is worth starting a business growing plants in greenhouses only if you want to do it seriously, and for more than one season. You can grow flowers, vegetables, fruits, herbs.

Why is this business idea so difficult? Because the correct installation of greenhouses requires a lot of resources (money to buy materials, territorial space, knowledge and skills), and this entire business should be planned in advance so that your products have time to grow at the right time. Everyone wants to eat fresh vegetables and fruits in winter, so the products will be in demand. You can implement it through grocery stores, supermarkets, vegetable shops.

Sale and rental of winter equipment - sledges, skis, snowboards, skates

All this can be found in specialized sporting goods stores. all year round, but few people buy sledges and skis in the summer. But in winter, the demand for these goods increases significantly, so this business can be considered seasonal. To get hold of maximum amount customers, two conditions must be met: 1) competent advertising; 2) the optimal ratio of the price of the product to its quality.

It will be easier for you to start this business if you already have a store that sells any products. In winter, you can simply expand the assortment by adding all this "winter transport" to it, or completely retrain the store. For example, in the summer you sell products for summer vacation (inflatable mattresses, diving equipment, mini-pools, etc.), and in winter - for the winter, respectively (snowboards, skis, sledges, skates, snow-scooters, snowmobiles, ice skates, etc.).

Trade in hot baked goods and drinks

It is impossible to say unequivocally that this is a purely winter seasonal business. Tents and kiosks with hot baked goods and hot tea / coffee can be found on the streets of cities all year round. However, it is in the winter that this activity gains special demand. When it's cold outside, you just want to warm yourself up with a glass of hot drink. How exactly to organize this business - a kiosk, a moving tent, a van or a point inside a metro station - you decide.

In recreational areas, such as city parks, you can organize a point of sale for mulled wine and other warming drinks.

Snow town for children

View winter business on entertainment, aimed at a child audience. Every child dreams of visiting an ice castle with many interesting sculptures, towers, slides and other entertainments. And caring parents will not deny him this. It remains only to build such a fortress in your city, and start accepting small clients. There will be plenty of them during the winter holidays, and the business will pay off in just 1-2 months (depending on the size of the town). You can place a snow town in an existing recreation park by renting the required area.

If resources permit, you can build your own separate ice park. And if, in addition, you supply it with entertainment for adults (for example, mini-cinemas and other small attractions), plus set up a couple of points of sale for food and drinks, then not only children, but also their parents will be happy to visit your park - which means that your profit in the long run can increase significantly.

Winter hunting

Every man has a hunter. Namely, winter hunting is of particular importance for the Russian people. Organize a company that will provide winter hunting services - a so-called hunting club. Business, of course, has its own nuances and peculiarities - it is necessary to obtain special licenses to carry out activities. Payment from clients is charged for the services of escorting the huntsman, rental of hunting equipment, registration of licenses for a hunter and other services.

As additional service you can organize a Russian bath, which will be difficult for clients to refuse after a successful hunt. This business does not apply to those that can be quickly organized, get your profit for the season and quickly close. Therefore, for the success of the business, it is better to immediately organize a year-round hunting club, which will provide services for both winter and summer hunting.

Car towing

It is relevant for those regions where winter is accompanied by heavy snowfall. Motorists can often find themselves in unpleasant situations in which they cannot "free" their transport on their own. To organize a car "rescue" service, an entrepreneur needs at least his own car and a telephone where customers can call and call for help.

You can also provide services such as: clearing cars from snow in parking lots, replacing tires, opening frozen locks, etc.

Alesia 4 years ago

Yuliya nikolaenko2 4 years ago

Hello! You have already been recommended snowmobile rental and animation services as a business, which is very interesting and profitable. But if you want to work seriously and purposefully on a project, I would suggest starting from a type of business that can be easily adapted to the change of season to be profitable all year round.

What could it be?

The first thing that comes to mind is the organization of a street fast food (or drinks outlet) that will offer hot and warming drinks in winter and soft drinks in summer. Very interesting in this context. And I advise you to consider devices that have the ability not only to warm, but also to cool drinks. And here is a very beautiful holiday idea described:

Secondly, you can build on winter sports, which are relevant at any time of the year: in winter you can work in your region, in spring and summer you can focus on your activity on the Internet and work with a foreign segment. Pay attention to .

If we disconnect from winter on the street, we will remember that it is in winter that the audience of shopping and entertainment centers increases significantly - this is where the bonanza is! can be different: you can organize a whole court, or you can just put one device (for example, such as) and make money on it.

Also a profitable business is the sale of seasonal accessories -, scarves, gaiters (and there are many interesting solutions, such as, for example, a glove for a couple holding hands).

Olga_1975 4 years ago

In winter, you can engage in such types of business that will be relevant this season, and can be quickly reoriented to other seasons. The choice of the type of activity will depend on the size of the available start-up capital, location (metropolis, small town, village), existing experience and consumer demand. After the business niche is determined, it is necessary to study the interests and characteristics target audience, competitors in this and related industries; calculate the main indicators of cost and profitability,register as an individual entrepreneur.

"Winter" types of business are determined by the basic needs that are relevant for this time of year.

The sale of hot drinks will be relevant in winter and other seasons of the year. In summer, you can add refreshing drinks to the assortment. Business specifics - the need to purchase and re-equip a car, purchase equipment and components for making drinks. You can place such a coffee car in crowded places - at bus stops public transport, near the markets,

train stations, near shopping centers... Advantages - the ability to vary the range of drinks and small sweets, depending on the wishes of the target audience.

Disadvantages - work outside in any weather.

2. Growing greens at home.

This type of business will be relevant for those who live in the private sector. Growing greens - dill,

parsley, onions, some types of vegetables will be relevant both in winter and in other seasons. The main stages will be the search for sales channels, the selection of suppliers of seeds and fertilizers, and the arrangement of the greenhouse. Business advantages - small investment, high profitability. Disadvantages - short shelf life of goods, the need for a close location of points of sale.

3. Sale and installation of heating equipment and climatic equipment.

The main concept of the business is the organization of an online store or retail outlet for the sale of heating equipment: radiators, convectors, equipment operating on gas, solid fuel, electrics, etc. Such activities can be reoriented in the summer to the sale and installation of air conditioners and other climatic technology. Searching for reliable suppliers and a team of builders who will produce quality installations will be important steps. Advantages - demand, the ability to work with different regions. The disadvantages are the presence of a sufficiently large start-up capital.

A small kiosk located in a good location can bring its owner up to two to three thousand dollars net profit per month with the correct selection of the range. If we are not talking about stalls specializing in something specific, for example, baked goods, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fast food, but about the usual kiosks with a popular grocery set, then the popularity of certain goods will vary in different time of the year. On the other hand, some items are in steady demand throughout the year. So, cigarettes, juices, cookies, snacks, chewing gum are always popular. But chilled products, that is, carbonated soft drinks, beer and ice cream in winter, will obviously not be the most popular and relevant product, therefore, it is better to limit their presence on display windows in the cold season. When planning bulk purchases, temporarily discard those items that are unlikely to be sold quickly enough. Since the profit of the kiosk is directly related to the turnover, your task is to find those goods, the demand for which not only does not decrease in winter, but, on the contrary, increases.

A set of 500-600 items is considered an acceptable assortment for an ordinary stall, since it is difficult to place a larger number on the display case.

Sources of additional income in winter

If your kiosk is located in the relative city center, then in addition to the all-season assortment, you can add heated pastries and hot drinks. This does not require unnecessary costs, since you can literally buy a microwave oven and a thermos kettle for a penny. Imagine how many people dream of getting warm while waiting for transport at the bus stop - these are your potential customers who are easily attracted by the smell of hot baked goods and coffee. In addition, you can offer simple take-away meals such as dumplings or dumplings. However, it is necessary to monitor the quality of products in order not to lose customers.

Please be aware that some types of goods require a permit. Better to worry about getting it than to conflict with the supervisory authorities.

A glass of hot tea or coffee is good when you need to wait for the bus or have a quick bite to eat on the way to college, but in dormitory areas a slightly different assortment is usually expected from the stalls. A person returning home from work is not interested in pies and hot drinks. But such people are often interested in buying products for the home, and here the cold season can be at your fingertips. For example, by installing a portable tray with frozen vegetables, fish, semi-finished products, you can significantly increase the turnover, especially if you closely monitor the shelf life of products. At the same time, you do not need to buy special freezing equipment - winter will do everything for you.

The most difficult period for making money for almost every entrepreneur is winter. Pick up a reasonable one, the best option it is quite difficult for a successful implementation. How to make money in winter, so as not to spend all the remaining savings on materials, but on the contrary, to replenish the budget for a couple of "0" after the main figure, you will definitely find out at NYiGDE ?. In the section about business we are ready to offer you a variety of options: from small to large, from "cheap" to "expensive". Just a moment of attention and you will light up with new ideas.

How to make money in winter:

Business idea from NYiGDE? 1. Sale of hot drinks.

Perhaps this is one of the easiest ideas for making money in cold weather. Of course, from simple street coffee and tea sales to buy a car or square meters in the city it will not work, but enough for bread and butter and sausage. If you want to earn more reliable money, then you will have to spend.

In order to attract more consumers to your product, lure them with a wide assortment, beautiful presentation and creative packaging. First of all: you need to make a beautiful sales center: a wooden carriage, a house, maybe a pumpkin or any other option, preferably a mobile one, so that at any time you can put your business in the most crowded place. Secondly: if you serve latte, cappuccino, glace you will be with a small cookie, marshmallow and decorate at least simple drawing made of chocolate, cinnamon on foam, it will be much more interesting for people to buy hot drinks in your kiosk, and not in the next one, even if your product is 1-2 UAH. expensive. Always and everywhere, first of all, the feed is evaluated, and then everything else. Thirdly: the aroma and taste should be really good.

If you have a clean, tidy, polite seller, drinks are beautifully decorated and also have a delicious aroma and taste - your business is guaranteed success! Buy good grains, tea with pieces of dried fruit, brew aromatic mulled wine (expensive wine is not necessary) and there will be a queue to your kiosk in two rows.

Method 2. Food preparation and delivery.

It is profitable to be engaged in the food business in any conditions, since people want to eat anytime, anywhere. This is part of every person's vitality. If you can refuse coffee / tea when your pocket whistles, then you should always have a snack.

If you have a limited budget to start and pay taxes, rent is expensive for you - prepare food to order. Nowadays a lot of organizations need such services. Ukraine goes to Europe, and abroad office workers lunch is paid. Make a menu and price list. Take a look at the firms, offer your services. If you do not want to go - submit an ad, place your small start-up business on the Internet, on the NYiGDE marketplace ?. They will see you, get interested and definitely ask for services. Take advantage of long-standing connections, tell your friends what you do, you know, word of mouth works well. True, there is a flaw in this business: delivery is important, timely delivery of food. You need to carefully calculate the number of servings, buy fresh products on a daily basis, but the main thing is hot delivery! All food you bring to your customers should be hot, people paid money and should not receive a cold meal. Moreover, not all offices are equipped with kitchen appliances and if you bring a slightly warm snack, they will not be able to warm it up. These are not their problems, first of all, it is your reputation. Delivering cold food will fail to keep the customer. Think about it.

3. Snow removal.

Taking into account the weather forecasts in Ukraine, the amount of snow for last years, then it will not be possible to make money on such a business for a long time. This is not just a seasonal business, but rather a "couple of weeks" or even "several days" business. Of course, not in all of Ukraine there is little snowfall in winter, but alas, most residents see snow instead of 3 months, at most, a dozen days a year. There is no need to abandon this idea either, since there are few such services and you will be able to earn money. In order not to spend a lot of money on special equipment, buy simple equipment. If you are young and full of energy - save on workers too, you can fulfill orders yourself or reduce the number of employees.

4. Chopping firewood.

It is necessary to be engaged in such a business from the fall, or even from the very summer. There are many people who are unable to cope with this work: someone does not have time, someone lacks strength and health. Let's advertise in newspapers, stick on the pillars in rural areas... People often need help, because the chance to earn is not small.

Idea for winter business # 5.Sale of warm goods.

In summer, you need to sell cold, and in winter, warm, and more. Sell \u200b\u200bhats, scarves, gloves, mittens, warm socks for children and adults. Simply buying goods from wholesale suppliers is an option, not so interesting and attractive for the consumer, but economical both in time and money. It is much more attractive if you, your grandmother or mother know how to knit. There are many lessons on creative knitting on the Internet, an excessive number of ideas, sketches finished works And so on. Create a page on the Internet, upload photos of possible works and knit to order. Lure customers with discounts, promotions. Handwork - it is always expensive to sell and buy, therefore do not bury talents, do not waste time on meaningless things, but do what you love that will bring seasonal income.

Dear novice businessmen and experienced entrepreneurs, remember: everything that people do not need in the summer is in demand in the winter. The world is full of new ideas and the business environment is no exception. Let your imaginations run wild, believe in yourself and your creations will bear fruit!