Musically theatrical entertainment winter patterns. Musical and sports entertainment “Secrets of the Winter Forest. V. Simulation exercise "We walk through the snowdrifts"

Synopsis of the musical thematic lesson "Winter's Tale" using information technology for children of the preparatory group for school

Works took part in the competition "Teacher of the Year"

Software content:
1. Accumulate musical experience.
2. Promote the development of creative thinking.
3. To create artistic images by means of information and communication technologies (ICT).

4. Favorable emotional field.
5. To contribute to the intellectual and emotional, spiritual development of children.
1. Musical-rhythmic exercises: to consolidate children's ability to move in accordance with the diverse nature of music, to distinguish and convey in movement the beginning and end of musical phrases, to mark with movements the rhythmic pattern, the tempo of a piece of music. Achieve expressiveness, ease and emotional transmission of movements to music.
2. Listening to music: to continue teaching to listen to music, to trace the development of the musical image, to perceive the work as a whole. To develop the ability to consciously speak out about the emotional-figurative content of a musical work.
3. Song performance: to consolidate the skill of natural sound formation, to sing in a natural voice, without tension, to follow the correct breathing.
4. Singing: to develop pitch hearing, the quality of singing, the ability to follow and accurately sing the movement of the melody, to follow the correct breathing. Strengthen the ability to play the simplest melodies on the metallophone, foster interest in musical creative activity.
5. Dance performance: stimulate participation in collective dance compositions, develop an emotional attitude to music through the culture of movement, expand the range of expressive movement skills, rhythmically and easily, at ease perform elements of dance and dance movements.
6. Creative tasks: foster an active interest in playing music, creative musical activity.
Course of the lesson:
Children enter the hall to greet. The music sounds quietly.
The work of P.I. Tchaikovsky's "December" from the cycle "Seasons".
A presentation is broadcast on a stationary screen (slide 1 - "Winter fairy forest")
Music Director: Guys, look at what you see in front of you? What is shown in the picture? (listen to children's answers)
Yes, indeed, this winter forest is very fabulous! And I invite you on a journey through the fabulous winter forest, where we may meet our beloved fairy-tale heroes, and possibly the Zimushka itself, in winter! How do we get there? In winter, in the forest, there are even a fabulous set of obstacles and obstacles on the way, but you are brave guys! Ready? Then let's go!
Performed by T. Lomova's play Calm Step. Children are doing the task. The musical director accompanies the assignment with analytical remarks.
Musical director: Let's walk as the music tells us! Do not bump into each other, be tolerant, the path is not easy! Which step are we going, cheerful or calm?
Performed "March" by M. Robert. Children perform appropriate movements.
Musical director: What movements does this music suggest to us? That's right, marching, vigorous, clear, rhythmic, we trample ourselves a path through the winter forest!
Careful, there is a bridge, let's join hands and carefully walk sideways! Performed Russian folk melody processing
muses. E. Tilicheeva. Children perform appropriate movements.
Musical director: Well done, guys, together we got to the very depths of the forest! Look around! Beauty!

“The fairytale forest decorated the winter
Lace patterns.
Calling friendly guys in the breeze
Visit yourself.
Here snowflakes are carved and
Shaggy coniferous paws of Christmas trees.
Miracles await us here
And meeting your favorite fairy tales "
Musical director: Guys, do you want to meet the very mistress of this beautiful winter forest? (music hand.changes into Zimushka)
Moose. supervisor: Hello guys! I am very glad that you came to visit my fairy forest. Do you want me to wave my magic wand and turn you into light fluffy snowflakes?
The waltz "As if in the past" (from the cartoon "Anastasia") sounds. (Slide -...)
Children improvise a dance with paper snowflakes in their hands.
Musical director: Guys, what do you like to play outside in winter? Now we will play snowballs with you.
The finger game "Snowballs" is held.
One, two, three, four, five, (bend their fingers).
You and I made a snowball (children "mold").
Round, strong, very smooth. (They show a circle, squeeze their palms, stroke one palm with the other).
And not at all sweet. (Threatening with a finger).
Once - let's throw it up, ("Throw it up").
Two - we'll catch ("Catch").
Three - drop ("Drop").
And ... let's break it. (Stomp).
Musical director: Something is getting cold in the magic forest. Brrrr.

An exercise is carried out according to the method of V. Emelyanov
Snowstorms whistled (children perform glissando to the sound "y" from top to bottom)
Snow flew (children perform glissando to the sound "o")
A big blizzard made the beds (glissando to the sound "and")
She made the bed with frost (she abruptly pronounces the sound "a" in high register)
And it was snowstorms all night long not to sleep (they amplify the sound "u", spreading their arms, they subside, joining their hands in front of them)
Moose. leader: Now listen, I'll tell you a story. Lives in a fairy forest, where white snows and hard frosts reign, apparently invisibly birds and animals. All animals and birds love winter fun, I propose now to ride on three snow-white horses. (We got up in threes all over the hall and galloped)
The song "Three white horses" sounds (slide - Three horses)
Moose. head: Wow, let's go for a ride! Now sit down comfortably. Who cares about the birds and animals? (listen to the children's answers) A presentation is being broadcast on the screen (slide 4 - "Snow Maiden with forest animals")
Musical director: And they are taken care of by a small, hardworking girl who lives with Grandfather Frost himself in a painted tower! Who is this girl, you guessed it? Of course, Grandfather Frost's granddaughter is Snegurochka, his main assistant! The kindest, most modest, hardworking. They live well and amicably. and the Snow Maiden sings a tender song. And now the Snow Maiden continues to sing. Want to hear her song?
The song "Winter's Tale" sounds in the recording (music by A. Pinegin, lyrics by A. Usachev)
Asks to answer the questions: What does the music tell you? What feelings does it convey? Did you like the song of the Snow Maiden?
Musical director: We heard a wonderful song in the fairy forest performed by Snegurochka. Look, who else came to listen to the song of the granddaughter of Frost? And for a hint, a riddle:
"Eyes are coals, Nose is carrots,
All cold and big, Who is this? "
A presentation is broadcast on the screen (slide - "Snowman")
Guys, you know that the Snowman also loves to sing! Want to listen?
The musical director offers children a musical didactic game "Ladder" (including a musical ladder, a house, a Snowman toy, a metallophone)
The course of the game consists in the fact that the musical director calls the Snowman from the house and invites him to walk with the children along the musical ladder and perform the melody, setting the pitch in the range (F - Up to II octave). During the game, children perform an exercise song for the development of voice, pitch hearing "Ladder" of muses. E. Tilicheeva, words by M. Dolinov. Children perform the melody several times with piano accompaniment. Further, the musical director attracts children in a playful way to depict a "ladder" on their own on a metallophone. Several children are invited to participate.
Moose. leader: Snowman thanks the children and invites you to a forest clearing. What do you see in a forest clearing? (children's answers)
Do you know the song about the Christmas tree? (I suggest singing a song about a Christmas tree)
See what tools I have prepared for you. Now we will compose our own melody.
The game "Conductor" is being played to the music "Waltz" from musical illustrations for A. Pushkin's story "Snowstorm" (music by G. Sviridov)
(children disassemble the instruments, stand up in a semicircle, the "conductor" comes forward, as the music progresses, the conductor points out with a stick which of the "musicians" to play now)
What a beautiful crystal music we have!
A presentation is broadcast on the screen (slide - "Smiling Snowman")
Music Director: Thank you guys, you did a good job. Pay attention to the screen, who else is happy about your success? The snowman gives you a smile for your efforts! Let's give the Snowman a smile too!
Guys, look, Snowman invites you to play! Now you will see your favorites on the screen fairytale heroes... Please determine what mood each of them has and try to portray it! Ready?
A presentation is broadcast on the screen (slide - "Cinderella is sad"),
slide - "Karabas Barabas - angry", slide - "Santa Claus - joyful",
slide - "Snow Maiden - funny")
The musical director conducts a game for the development of the emotional sphere "Guess the mood of the hero." Guessing the hero, children determine his mood by gestures and facial expressions and expressively convey in their movements, facial expressions. After the game, the music director thanks the children and invites them to stay in a good, good mood!
A presentation is broadcast on the screen (slide - "Christmas candles")
Musical director: Our winter fairy tale is coming to an end, we visited a magical forest, met fairy-tale characters, played and had fun with them, time flew by unnoticed and it's time for us to say goodbye! Look at our magic screen, what do you see?
Yes, these are candles - they twist, wriggle, rush into the sky. Now we will imagine that each of us has a New Year's candle in our hand ... Now, make a wish, and blow out the candle with a long, long exhalation!
Breathing exercises "Blow out the candle" are carried out.
Relaxing music sounds.
Musical director: Guys, did you like our trip to the winter fairy forest? What do you remember the most? What have you learned today?
Our meeting ends, but the winter fairy tale does not end. She is always next to us, Come up with your winter fairy tales, draw them, and then you will tell each other.
You danced well, sang, played, I really liked it and for this the snowman gives you magic snowballs.
(Winter gives a treat)

Scenario of entertainment "Zimushka-winter" for the preparatory and senior group:

Goal: Create a joyful holiday atmosphere.


Consolidate children's knowledge about winter and winter phenomena.

Develop imaginative, expressive speech of children;


The path is covered with white fluff. How clear the air is in winter!

Wait a little, admire how the snowflakes fly over me!

Winter scatters them everywhere, gives everyone a silvery outfit.

As if a fairy tale comes to life around, and the snowflakes are spinning, flying!

Both adults and children love the winter! Therefore, they call it affectionately - winter-winter!


Dear guys, today we are gathered in this hall to meet Zimushka-winter! Tell me, what winter months do you know?


December, January and February.


Right! And every winter month is different. December is the first month. The month of the first snow and everyone's favorite holiday - New Year. January is a holiday of Christmas, winter games and fun. February is the last and most severe frosty month of winter. In February, there are blizzards and blizzards. In winter, everything is white and beautiful!


How many of you can tell what kind of winter it is? Let's try to describe it:

Children's answers: (frosty, white, silver, cold, icy, snowy, beautiful, sparkling)


Right! She is such a beauty! She is also cheerful, because it brings with it a lot of joy, fun, games, holidays. Tell me, what games can we play in winter?

- Children's answers (in "snowballs", making a snowman, going downhill, skating, sledding, skiing, building a fortress).


Here's how much winter fun has. You probably can't wait to see our guest. Let's call her to us:


Winter, come!

Bring us a snowball

We will play with you

Have fun and dance!

All together: Winter, come!

Winter enters the hall to the music.


Hello guys! I heard you called me, I am very glad that I am a welcome guest with you! And I am happy to meet you.


You are such a talented artist - how you decorated everything! Guys, it's true, it's beautiful around - everything sparkles, glitters, When will you see this again? Zimushka is winter, the children are very glad to you and want to give you poems:

Favorite winter

Beautiful winter
It's freezing outside.
I will get dressed soon
and as warm as possible!
I'll put on mittens
Mom tied them to me.
And a fur hat
I'll pull stubbornly.

The whole lake is in ice
The trees are silver
And everything is in the snow
I'll go skating.

On skis I will go down
from a steep mountain rather
I'll ride on a sled
And, falling, I will keep warm.

How I love winter!
Perhaps this is strange.
There are times of the year
Where it rains unexpectedly.
When the mushrooms grow
And the kidneys swell.
When they bloom in the garden
Beautiful flowers.

Winter is more beautiful than everyone!
It may be cold, but still
Blush, more fun,
It looks like a holiday!


Wonderful poems, this is a very valuable gift for me! I have prepared many different surprises for you too. When you meet me on the street, we play snowballs, make a snowman, but here, in this hall, we will not be bored. Want to play? Then let's get started!

The game "Snowdrifts"

Divide the children into two teams. In front of the teams are two circles of Whatman paper. Standing on one circle, take another and put it in front of you - stand on it. The action is repeated until the child reaches the Christmas tree through the snowdrifts. Back you need to run to the team, pass the snowdrifts to the next.


Guys, I brought you snowballs, let's play.

The game "Snowballs" is held

There are snowballs scattered on the floor. Each team has its own basket. At the signal, the children collect the "lumps" in the basket. The winner is the team in whose basket there are more "lumps".

The game "Dress the Christmas tree" is being held

The outline of the Christmas tree is drawn on two Whatman paper, markers are in the cups. To the music, the children begin to dress it up (draw balls). Whose team draws more balls on the tree, he won.

"Snow fight"

Put tinsel on the floor. Teams stand on either side of it. Teams are given equal snowballs. A snow fight begins to the music. As soon as the music ends, it is counted, in the half, whose team had fewer snowballs. This team is winning.

Winter :

Now listenpuzzles:

1. Barely breathe in winter, they are always with you.

Two sisters keep warm. What are their names? (Mittens).

2. In a round dance of colorful masks, characters from different fairy tales.

Having fun and circling, what a holiday? (Masquerade).

3. I live under the roof, it’s even scary to look down.

I could live higher if there were roofs there. (Icicle).

4. He is busy all the time, he cannot go in vain.

He goes and paints white everything he sees on the way. (Snow).

5. Fish live warmly in winter

The roof is thick glass. (Ice).

6. The village is covered with white velvet - both fences and trees.

And as the wind attacks, this velvet falls off. (Hoarfrost).

7. Two snub-nosed girlfriends will not lag behind each other.

Both are running in the snow, both are singing songs. (Skiing) .

8. First you fly from the mountain to them,

And then you pull them up the hill. (Sledge).

9. Powdered the paths, painted the windows.

I gave the children joy and gave them a ride on a sled. (Winter).

10. Stars circled in the air a little.

They sat down and melted in my palm. (Snowflakes).

Leading :

Well done, they did the job.

Game "Magic Snowflake"


I invite everyone to join the circle. While the music is playing, we pass the snowflake, as soon as the music stops, whoever has a snowflake in his hands, he performs the task (sing, dance, recite a verse, etc.).


Guys, let's sing a song for the winter.

Song "Winter Song"


Well done, guys! I'm so interested in you! But it's time for me to go out into the street - pour snow, whiten the trees - I have a lot to do! And see you on the street - just dress warmer! Goodbye, guys!

Educators distribute candy.

Musical celebration for elder children preschool age, dedicated to the music of R. Schumann

Hall decoration:Silver Christmas trees, candlesticks with candles, small tables, trays with flower cards in bed colors, a portrait of R. Schumann.

("Melody" by R. Schumann from "Album for Youth" sounds quietly, candles are lit, children enter the living room, greet the guests.)

Music Lounge Mistress: Hello children! I am very glad to see you again in our music room. See how beautiful it is! (The music stops.) You have entered the magical realm of music that will tell us about winter. Today the works of the greatest German composer Robert Schumann will be performed here. We all know very well that a winter road starts from the far North. From there winter winds come to us and sing their songs, calling for winter to come.

(The hostess of the living room invites the children to sit comfortably on the chairs, get ready to listen carefully to the music, as is customary in the music living room.)

(The "Northern Song" by R. Schumann sounds.)


Decorated winter:

Fringe on the headdress

From transparent pieces of ice

Snowflake stars.

All in diamonds, pearls,

In multi-colored lights

Pours around the radiance

Whispers a spell:

"Lie down, soft snow,

To forests and meadows.

Cover the paths

Fluff the branches!

On the windows, Santa Claus,

Scatter crystal roses.

Light visions

Tricky plexus.

You blizzard, chudi,

Round dances of the backwater

Soar like a whirlwind white

The field is gray!

Sleep, my land, sleep

Keep your dreams magic:

Wait, dressed in brocade,

New dawn! " (M. Pozharova)

(Music piece by R. Schumann "Winter" is played.

Towards the end of the piece, the hostess of the living room gradually extinguishes the candles. It's dark in the music room for a few moments, then the lights come on gradually.)

You probably heard and understood everything, felt how the poet spoke about winter in poetry, the composer painted a winter picture with musical sounds. Try to become artists and, with the help of different colors and their shades, convey the mood that composer Robert Schumann expressed in this work.

(The musical piece "Winter" is played again, the children select cards with the desired color and lay out the color scheme on the floor.)

I see that in your compositions you used warm, gentle tones ... What kind of winter did you get?

(Answers of children.)

You are right, winter is different. You have a quiet, sad, sad, thoughtful winter ... But Robert Schumann has another work on a winter theme of a completely different nature. Listen. (The musical composition of R. Schumann "Santa Claus" is played.)

What winter did the music tell us about in this work? (Answers of children.)

Yes, the winter there is cold, prickly, wicked, frosty, with a blizzard, howling of the north wind, angry ... The composer called this piece of music "Santa Claus".

Now remember what verses you know about Santa Claus. (Children recite poetry.)

Now I will read you a poem about Santa Claus.

Santa Claus slept in bed.

I stood ringing like icicles:

“Where are you, blizzards and blizzards?

What don't you wake me up? "

Blizzards flew

Howled: oo-oo-oo!

Whistled: sss-sss-sss!


The forest groaned: mmm-mmm-mmm.

Oaks groaned: mmm-mmm-mmm.

Birches groaned: mmm-mmm-mmm.

And Santa Claus conjures:

“Play it out, blizzards!

Bend down, pines, eat!

Everything in my forest

I'll fall asleep, I'll bring it in! "

(S. Marshak)

We are not afraid of frost! Remember, children, how fun it is to play snowballs in winter!

Snowballs fly and flash

Snowballs cover my face,

Snowballs blind our eyes

Snowballs amuse us all!

(E. Alekseeva)

(A musical piece by R. Schumann "The Hunting Song" is played.)

So our evening in the music room, dedicated to the work of Robert Schumann, has ended! Until next time!

Holiday script for children middle group "Meeting Winter", during which children guess riddles about winter, play interesting games, sing funny winter songs, reveal the secrets of Winter, dance with the Snow Baba and happily greet Winter-Winter.


To foster an emotionally stable, positively colored attitude of children to music. Learn to convey the content of the lyrics in motion, develop the purity of intonation, the ability to sing without shouting. To contribute to the development of the rhythmic and pitch hearing of children, as well as their creative abilities.


Snowflake costumes, Snow Woman costume, Winter costume, Hare costume, Fox costume, Wolf costume.


Mittens for all children, snowballs (small balls made of cotton wool), a message from Winter, snowflakes with secrets from Winter, "magic wand", candy cockerels, a snowball (a ball 15 cm in diameter, made of cotton wool or padding polyester).

Room decoration:

On the central wall of the panel "Winter", the walls of the hall are decorated with garlands of snowflakes.


Snowflakes, Baba Snezhnaya, Winter, presenter (teacher), author (child of the middle group), Wolf (child of the middle group), Fox (child of the middle group), Bunny (child of the middle group).

Holiday progress


Today is a holiday, and the holiday is not quite ordinary, funny, mischievous. We gathered to meet Zimushka. Children, do you like winter? Why do you love her? (children's answers). Do you want Zimushka-winter to come to us for a holiday? Then let's call her together.


Winter, winter, winter

Come to our holiday!


Winter does not hear, she is probably far away.

Let's sing a funny song

Let's call winter for the holiday.

The song "Winter-Winter"


Winter does not come to visit us. Doesn't hear us. What to do? Invented! Children, let's close our eyes and imagine that snowflakes are spinning in the air and quietly sinking into our palms. (Children close their eyes and stretch their hands forward, at this time gentle music begins to sound and girls-snowflakes appear in the hall).

"Dance of the Snowflakes"


We are white snowflakes

Messengers of Winter.

From a snowy sweet winter

We have brought you a message.

(They give the leading snowflake, to which a message from Winter is attached).

Leading (reads):

“Hello guys!

I'll write everything in order.

I can't come yet

I was delayed on the way.

All forests, gardens and parks

I need to cover with a snowball.

Putting the clubfoot to bed

And freeze all the rivers.

So that you don't have to wait long

I need to unravel all my secrets. "

The first secret is to guess my riddles.

The presenter reads riddles to children about winter (choose, taking into account the age of the children).

Second secret -

Blind, children, snow globe,

Then a couple of smaller ones.

Then put a lump on someone

And someone will come out familiar to you.

Make eyes from coal,

Carrot spout.

Well, the hat is out of the bucket.

There was such a question:

Have you solved my secret?

You guessed or not,

Whom do you need to blind?

Kind and gentle ...

(children's answers)

Of course - Snow Baba.


Well done, children, they have solved the second secret of Zimushka. Let's quickly blind the Snow Woman .

Song-dance "We sculpt a snow woman"

At the end of the song, the Snow Woman appears in the hall.

Snow Woman

I am Snezhnaya Baba,

Gentle to the guys.

You blinded me cleverly.

Instead of a nose - here is a carrot,

Instead of a peephole - coals.

And in my hands is a broom:

You kids are great.

I confess I'm tired of

Here alone to stand idle.

Granny I'm not simple

Curious, mischievous.

Tell me guys

What do you do in winter?


Children will not only tell what they do in winter, but also show.

Game "What do we do in winter"


It's not a problem for us,

We are not afraid of the cold.

We wear fur coats and earflaps

And we go sledging.

Snow Woman: How?

Children: That's how!

Simulate sledding.

Snow Woman: And then?

Children: Then we will get up on skis and start skiing down the mountain.

Snow Woman: How?

Children: That's how!

Simulate skiing.

Snow Woman: Well done! What else?

Children: And we also take skates and we run to the rinks.

Snow Woman: How?

Children: That's how!

Simulate ice skating.

Snow Woman: And then?

Children: Then we play snowballs, we hit very well.

Snow Woman: How?

Children: That's how!

Simulate a snowball fight.

Baba Snezhnaya: I really love to play snowballs! Will you play with me?

Leading: Wait Snow Granny. How will the kids play snowballs?

Baba Snezhnaya: How? Like everyone else - with your hands. So, you take the snow, sculpt and throw it. (shows)

Leading: But, outside it's frosty, the snow is cold, the hands of the kids will freeze. And they can get sick.

Baba Snezhnaya: Oh, but I didn't think about that ... That's it, the snowball game is canceled.

Leading: Not at all. Children, what should you wear to keep your hands warm?

Children answer.

Leading: Yes, of course mittens. Look, each of you has one mitten on the chair, and I have the other. You see, someone was mischievous and confused all the mittens. Find a pair for your mitten.

Find a Pair

To cheerful music, children run up to the presenter and look for a pair of their mittens. Whoever found, puts both mittens on his hands and sits on a chair. The game ends when all pairs are found.

Leading: These are our great children! All have coped with the task. What else do they wear in winter when they go outside?

Children's answers

Baba Snezhnaya: Well, everyone, now are you ready to play snowballs?

Children: Ready!

The boys stand in front of the girls, they all hear a couple of snowballs.

Children sing a song, performing the appropriate movements and throw snowballs at the words "Now throw at me".

Snowball game song

We play snowballs boldly (pretend to make snowballs)

Oh what a deal

We love a frosty day, (imitate a snowball fight)

We are not too lazy to play snowballs.

Clap, clap, don't yawn (clap their hands)

Don't run away from us. (nod their finger)

Clap, clap, don't yawn (clap their hands)

Now throw it at me. (show themselves with their hands)

  1. Let winter freeze us (rubbing cheeks in a circular motion)

We will warm ourselves now: ("Warm hands" - rub hand in hand)

We'll clap our hands (clap their hands)

Let's sink our feet! (stamp their feet)

Baba Snow :

Well done, kids, you sing beautifully and throw snowballs deftly. Can you dance?

Children: Yes!

Baba Snezhnaya:

Make me laugh, dance.

"Cheerful dance" (for the choice of the music director)

Baba Snezhnaya:

What good fellows you are. And you sing and dance. It's good to play and have fun with you. But, I have to go. Many important things await me. Grandfather Frost needs help. Goodbye kids ... (Leaves)


I wonder what other secret we need to solve. Let's see.

(Picks up a snowflake, reads):

Here's my third secret:

Well children guess

Why in winter

Bunnies in white fur coats?

Children's answers.


We completed all the tasks of Winter. So soon she will be here. Let's listen, maybe she's already very close.

The sounds of a blizzard are heard, the howling of the wind, Winter appears in the hall.


Hello, here I am!

Glad to see all the guys.

I swept the paths in the fields,

Snow poured a little

To gardens and forests

The whole earth is white.


Hello, Zimushka. We were waiting for you very much, we learned all the secrets, we completed the tasks.


Do children really know why a hare has a white fur coat in winter?


Of course they do! They can even tell you a story. Do you want to listen?


Of course, I will listen with pleasure.

Children show the fairy tale "Why does a hare have a white fur coat in winter"

The bunny is sad on the lawn

So much snow covered.

Poor bunny in a gray fur coat,

And everything around is white and white.

Bunny (shaking with fear):

You can see me in the snow

I can't hide anywhere.

Bunny sits and trembles -

Look, the Fox is running to him.


That, frozen, I suppose, oblique

In a summer coat and barefoot?

Let's go, I'll feed you lunch,

Seagull with raspberry booty.


I know, I know your lunch

My answer: of course not! (runs away)

Though chilled to the tail,

But, he started as fast as he could.

I wanted to go under the tree, and there was a wolf.

All teeth click and click.


While wandering through the forest

I'm very hungry!

Yes, and you are frozen, oblique,

Let's go to my house.

After all, we are neighbors -

I'll buy you lunch.


No, you and I are not on our way! (Runs away)


Well, well, Hare, wait! (runs after the Bunny)

Bunny sat under a bush, sheds tears -

Suddenly Winter is walking by.


Don't cry, honey, dear,

Come with me.

Hear, don't hang, Bunny, nose.

I will help you in the cold.

I found it in my hut

White fur coat for you.

And in addition to boots,

Put it on, my little one.

How happy Bunny was -

You can run on the lawn.

Even if it snows

And everything is white and white.


Here is the answer to my question:

And so it happened.

In the summer Bunny in a gray fur coat,

And in winter, warm, white.

Well done, children, made me happy. I am very glad that you were waiting for me, that you completed the tasks. Do you know songs and poems about me?


Of course, Zimushka, our children were preparing for the holiday, learning poems and songs. Have a seat, rest, and we will amuse you.

Children recite poems about winter.

Song "Hello, Zimushka" (for the choice of the music director).


Well done, kids. It is evident that you were waiting for me, preparing. I really want to play with you.

Snowball game (Winter invites the children to stand in a circle and pulls out a "snowball" from the basket. Introduces children to the rules of the game: while funny music is playing, children should pass the "snowball" in a circle, when it stops, then whoever has a ball in their hands should sing or dance).

The words:

You roll, snowball,

Quickly, quickly from hand to hand.

Who has a snowball

He will dance (sing) for us now.

Objectives: Development of cooperation in a group, the ability to feel a partner; development of children's figurative speech, motor musical memory; acquaintance of children with musical notation, with children's musical instruments and methods of playing them; play training in joint performance of music, education of love for theatrical art.

Musical director training: selection of musical and poetic material, script development.


  • Leading
  • Doll Katya
  • Bunny
  • Snowman
  • Teddy bear
  • Wolf cub
  • Squirrel
  • Sparrow

"Magic" music sounds, children-spectators freely enter the hall and sit on chairs.


Magic music calls us into a fairy tale,
Sit back, a miracle awaits all of us!

Winter came after the fall. Snow fell, it became cold, the animals changed their fur coats to warmer ones. Once the fox was walking along the path, looking in the mirror, admiring her fur coat and singing.

Fox. (sings)

I'm a good fox and my soul sings for a reason
I walked along the forest path
I found myself a mirror.
I look into it, I look
And I sing, sing all day.

Leading. So she reached the Katya doll house.

(A doll Katya comes out of the house)

Fox. Hello Katya.

Katia. Hello Chanterelle. I see you are happy with winter?

Fox. Yes, I'm glad. In winter my fur coat becomes fluffy and shiny. Just a lovely sight!

Katia. And I love winter, because in winter you can go sledding, play snowballs, make a snowman.

Fox. Let's call our friends and make a snowman?

Katia. Let's call!

(Katya is ringing a bell, Bunny, Teddy bear, Wolf cub, Squirrel, Sparrow come running. They greet each other and agree to make a snowman.)

Bunny. Now let's play!

Everyone is performing a round dance game "Snowman".

Bunny. And only in winter is the New Year holiday!

Fox. Oh, and I love the New Year holiday! We need a Christmas tree for the holiday!

Hedgehog. I know where to get a pretty Christmas tree. Bear, come with me.

Bear.Let's go quickly.

Leading. The Bear and the Hedgehog went to the forest for the tree, and the others prepared everything in the clearing for the New Year. ( Hanging decorations)

The bear and the hedgehog bring the tree.

Leading. The Hedgehog and the Bear brought a fluffy Christmas tree from the forest. And then friends all together decorated the tree with toys.

To the music, friends decorate the tree, perform a round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

The clock strikes 12 times, everyone happily counts the beats out loud. After the twelfth blow, the Owl unexpectedly flies in, leaves a shiny rope.

Leading. Friends were surprised at this and decided to pull this rope. They pulled and pulled out a huge package.

(actions on the text)

Fox. This is a New Year's gift from Santa Claus! And here is the letter. Read it, Katya?

Katia (is reading). "Happy New Year! Grow up friendly and obedient! I give you musical instruments. Learn to play them. Santa Claus".

Leading. Everyone was delighted, began to examine the musical instruments.


Here's a handsome saxophone
He will play any tone!

(improvisation of a rhythmic pattern on a saxophone)

Teddy bear.

And this is the accordion!
It has many keys.

(improvisation of the rhythmic pattern on the accordion)

Wolf cub.

Here are the tambourines and the drum
These instruments are beaten
They are called drums.

(improvisation of a rhythmic pattern on a tambourine and a drum)


What kind of ringing?
This is our metallophone!

(improvisation of a rhythmic pattern on a metallophone)


Here are the musicians gathered,
And together they all began to play.

Children dance to the music of Chichkov's "Scherzo" and each play his own instrument.

They hum, strum, try
And the music ... doesn't work!
And the Fox got angry here:


It's not good fun like that!
The musician plays the notes,
He reads them like letters!

Beasts. But we don't know the music!


Call the owl soon
Let him teach all friends!

Beasts. Owl, teach us!

The Owl arrives, performs actions on the text.


The owl flew in, turned its head
And she got down to business.
She wrote down on paper
The whole letter is skillful!


Now I will tell you, friends,
All about the notes, without melting!
Seven notes in total, remember
And if you forget - ask again
Repeat aloud after me:
Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si!

(shows and sings)

Everybody sings the song "Every sound has its own name" Arranged by Metallidi (song about notes)


To make notes easier to write,
They came up with five lines.
The notes settled down in places,
Like swallows on wires.
Each note has its own voice.
The voice is called high.
The thinner the notes are the voice,
The higher it is, my friend.
I ask you a lesson
Execute on time!

The owl distributes the assignment sheets. The animals, seeing the assignments, show their sheets and answer the lesson.


"C" is a low note, and behold
"Do" lives below all.


"C" - this note is above all,
Climbed to the very top!


To write a whole note
Let's draw a white circle.


And if we write a half note -
White circle and long stick.


The quarter is as black as a check mark
Black circle and stick.


Well, and the eighth is a black circle,
A stick and a jolly flag!


To let musicians know
How to play correctly
There are special keys,
Wonderful musical!
Not for doors and gates
These keys are for the notes!


The treble clef is beautiful to look at
He orders to sound high.

Wolf cub.

The bass clef is bent, angry.
He tells us to play low.


The musicians sat down in the meadow,
Now they all know about music!
Concerto for piano and orchestra
They play the notes smartly.

All are performed by the orchestra "Sweet Berry" by EA Antipina.


The applause is thundering
The artists came out to bow ...
Who made friends with music
Never part with her!

Glory! Glory to all the artists!
Musicians and singers!
Their magical art
Makes you kind of heart!

Everyone sings the song: "What are fairy tales" muses. N. Derevyankina


While they sang and danced
The day is over and now
The stars flickered in the sky
The month rises over the river.

Everyone distinguished themselves today
Everyone, everyone is a fine fellow.
Now it's time to say goodbye
The holiday is over!

The artists bow. Children leave the hall to the music.


  1. Magazine "Musical Director 2007 No. 8
  2. Magazine "Musical palette" 2005 №6
  3. Scripts with the musical application "Musical Holidays in kindergarten", Antipina E.A.
  4. "All About Music", S. Volkov