What are the names of the dolls, children of fairytale heroes. Ever After High dolls. Fabulous friends for young princesses. Hunter Huntsman and Ashlynn Ella dolls

Dear friends!

Today we will tell you about a series of wonderful, very bright and incredibly beautiful dolls - Ever After High (Ever Afte High), characters from the animated series "School Long and Happily". The plot of this cartoon is distinguished by its originality and an extraordinary look at the heroes of everyone's favorite fairy tales from childhood. The events take place in an unusual school where children of fairy tale characters, heroes of folklore study different countries the world and even one heroine of the myth. According to the well-established rule, the younger generation of fairytale heroes is obliged to repeat the fate of their parents, but not all girls and boys agree to accept what is destined for them. A group of young people called “The Apostates” firmly believe that everyone can change the scenario of their life and decide their own destiny for themselves. While the "Heirs" are ready to follow in the footsteps of their parents and act out the role intended for them. See what came out of this in the animated series, and we will introduce you to the Ever Afte High dolls from Mattel, which laid the foundation for this amazing story.

In our online store site you can buy these and other Ever Afte High dolls at the most attractive price. You can view the entire range of Ever After High dolls from Mattel on our website in the section.

The choice of modern toys in children's stores is amazing, and one wants to return to childhood in order to fully enjoy the extraordinary diversity. When they appeared on store shelves, which caused a storm of multifaceted emotions among the parents of little girls, it seemed that nothing more extravagant could be expected, but now it happened - it appeared new puppet series “Ever After High”.Any of the dolls from the American company MATTEL will be a wonderful holiday gift for a little princess.

Ever After High - not just dolls, they are real children of famous fairy-tale characters. Remember your childhood, personally I was annoyed with “happily ever after” at the end of fairy tales. Therefore, I was incredibly happy about the appearance of the series “Once Upon a Time”, which crossed out all “they lived happily ever after”, it gave adults a chance to revise the established meaning of fairy tales and perceive them differently. Modern children have such an opportunity to develop their own unique after-final stories of fairy tales together with the High dolls and the cartoon “School Long and Happily”, which is popular among young viewers.

These dolls are not Barbie and Ken, but at the same time, they differ significantly from their predecessors. They will already be able to buy not only advanced parents. As my friend would say: they are more human.Traditional appearance, but at the same time, a grain of their own unusualness in each doll is an undeniable plus in their favor.

Let's start a detailed review of the fairy-tale school "Happily Ever After" with the descendants of characters from the fairy tale about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Apple White doll

Snow White's Daughter

2299 rubles

Raven Queen doll

Daughter of the Evil Queen from the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

2299 rubles

Unlike their mothers, girls are not at enmity, so they can be easily given together, they will not fight. Another company that is better to buy in a set, but it only partially refers to the fairy tale about Snow White - is the son of the Hunter and the daughter of Cinderella in love with each other.

Hunter Huntsman and Ashlynn Ella dolls

The son of the Hunter from fairy tales ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Little Red Riding Hood") and the daughter of Cinderella

from 3599 rubles

Next controversial character Ever After High - a young prince who can hardly be attributed to any fairy tale, since his father Prince Charming was mentioned in many of them, and, in general, the royal family of Charming is ancient and numerous. But the trouble is, the older generation is already occupied by a fabulous heroine, so the appearance of a new prince, albeit without a horse, gives hope to little princesses. His older brother Daring should also join the collection soon.

Dexter Charming doll

Youngest son of King Charming, better known as Prince Charming

2040 rubles

A galaxy of representatives of the well-known and beloved fairy tales of Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland" and Alice Through the Looking Glass. These not quite normal, if not insane dolls-characters will appeal to absolutely all little princesses, especially since among them there is another fairy-tale male character - Alice's son.

Alistar Wonderland doll

Alice's son from magic Wonderland

2950 rubles

Doll Madeline Hatter

The Mad Hatter's daughter from Wonderland

2090 rubles

Kitty Cheshire doll

Daughter of the Cheshire Cat in Wonderland

2350 rubles

Lizzie Hearts doll

Daughter of the Queen of Hearts from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

2899 rubles

also in school "Happily ever after" there are also children of characters from many other popular fairy tales and cartoons, familiar from childhood not only to modern girls, but also to their mothers and fathers, and sometimes even to grandparents. So, be happy to meet the kids of your favorite characters!

Blondie Lockes doll

The adorable daughter of Goldilocks

2400 rubles

Doll Ginger Breadhouse

Daughter of the Gingerbread Witch from the story of Hansel and Gretel

2940 rubles

Doll Cedar Wood

Daughter of Pinocchio

2450 rubles

Cerise Hood doll

Daughter of Little Red Riding Hood and Big Gray Wolf

from 6000 rubles

Doll Briar Beauty

Sleeping Beauty's Daughter

2290 rubles

And finally the only one representative of mythology - the daughter of the Greek god Eros. Although, who knows, maybe later other offspring of the Olympic gods will join her.

Doll C.A. Cupid

The adopted daughter of Eros - the god of love in Greek mythology

2570 rubles

And that's not all the characters from the line of dolls “Ever After High”.Already in some online stores you can find: Lilly-Bo Peep (daughter of the Scattered Shepherdess), Hopper Croakington II (son of the Frog Prince), Darling Charming (eldest daughter of Prince Charming), Fayebelle Thorne (daughter of the Evil Fairy), etc.

And soon a large replenishment is expected at the school. American mATTEL company promises the appearance of dolls Humphrey Dumpty (son of Humpty Dumpty), Coraline Finn (daughter of the Little Mermaid), Jamie Hook (daughter of Captain Hook from “Peter Pan”), Daring Charming (eldest son of Prince Charming), Sparrow Hood (son of Robin Hood), Adele Beast (daughter of Beauty and the Beast) and many other fabulous kids with superpowers and the same appearance.

When buying “Ever After High” dolls as a gift to your daughters, nieces and granddaughters, do not beware of the fakes that have flooded the market. High-quality and original cannot be cheap! Give a dream without saving on children's smiles and happy eyes!