Didactic games on the theme of birds. Didactic games for the project “Wintering Birds. Inventory: cat mask

Yulia A. Epifanova

Didactic game "Bird's canteen"

Goal: Consolidate knowledge about wintering birds (names, food preferences).

Game progress: On the table there is an image of a feeder, on which birds "sit", the teacher invites the children to feed them, choosing a picture with a picture of a suitable food. Children take turns "feeding" the birds, if the child gives the correct answer, takes the bird for himself. When all the birds are “fed”, the number of correct answers for each player is counted. The one who has the most birds wins (the number of birds increases depending on the knowledge of children).

Didactic game "Whose tail?"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge on the topic "Wintering birds", to create conditions for activating the dictionary, to consolidate the ability to form possessive adjectives.

Game progress:

Younger age. The teacher distributes the bodies of birds to the children, and then shows the tails one by one. Children should name "their" bird and choose the right tail for it.

Average age. The teacher asks the children to name whose tail is lost.

Older age. Children independently look for the "owner" of the tail and pronounce the name of the bird, name whose tail.

Didactic game "Who has arrived" (find out by description)

Goal: Exercise children in drawing up and guessing descriptive riddles about the wintering birds shown in the pictures. Develop imagination, speech. To cultivate attention, observation.

Game progress:The presenter (an adult or a child, facing the players, takes one of the cards, makes up a descriptive riddle about the bird shown in the picture, without showing or naming it. The players name the answers. The presenter gives the card to the player who correctly names the bird. the player who has the most cards at the end of the game.

Didactic game "Who is superfluous?"

Goal: Learn to distinguish between wintering and migratory birds. Develop visual attention, observation, memory, speech.

Game progress: Participants of the game are invited to carefully consider the illustrations depicting birds and say which one is superfluous, explain why.

Thanks for attention!

Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: "Birds"


Expand children's knowledge of birds.
Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
To consolidate knowledge about size (large-small), color (yellow, red, blue, green), position in space (top-bottom, right-left), geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).
Continue to learn how to count a given number of objects and indicate the number with a number (1 and 2).
Improve the skills of drawing with fingers and pencils, sticking, modeling.
Develop thinking, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Develop auditory and visual perception.
Foster a desire to help birds.


Demonstration pictures (crow, cuckoo, sparrow, nightingale, starling).
Pictures depicting a peacock, buttons of different color and size.
Clothespins, silhouette images of birds.
Pictures depicting a large and small nest, cards with numbers 1 and 2, eggs cut out of cardboard.
A silhouette image of an egg cut into two parts.
Plastic eggs, small bird toys.
Picture background for drawing berries, red finger paints.
Image of a seagull on a stick.
Paired pictures depicting birds.
Picture background with a feeder, glue, cereals, birds, cut from paper.
Cardboard blank "bird", wings cut out of paper, glue. Black plasticine.
Silhouette images of fish.
Pictures-backgrounds with the image of a birdhouse on one edge of the sheet and birds on the other edge, pencils.
A picture depicting a woodpecker, a tree trunk with beetles and a caterpillar, which are sealed with plasticine, stacks.
A picture depicting a birdhouse scheme, geometric shapes from colored cardboard, corresponding to the scheme.
Blank picture with a titmouse, black plasticine, yellow finger paints.
Audio recordings of bird voices, a song from the m / f "Who are the birds?"

Hearing the voices of birds

Look at the picture - this is a crow bird. Listen to her voice. Try to say it yourself like a crow "kar-r".

Look at the picture - this is a sparrow bird. Listen to his voice. Try to say it yourself as a sparrow "chik-chirik".

Look at the picture - this is a cuckoo bird. Listen to her voice. Try to say it yourself like a cuckoo "cuckoo".

Didactic exercise "Whose voice?"

Images of birds are placed in different parts of the room. An audio recording of the voice of one of the birds is played, and the children must find the corresponding picture with their eyes, and then approach it.

Didactic exercise "Eggs in the nests"

Here are the nests. Count them. How many nests are in the picture? Two nests. And the nests are the same or different. Various. One nest is large, the other is small. Show a large nest. Show small nest.

Place one egg in the small nest and two eggs in the large nest.
Place the number 1 under the nest that contains one egg. And what number will we put under the nest with two eggs? Number 2.

Didactic game "Put a whole egg from parts"

This egg is broken. A chick was sitting in it. Grew up and broke an egg. To go outside. Let's try folding an egg. Make the whole from the parts.

Game "What's inside the egg?"

Take an egg from the basket, open it and see what's inside.

Children open plastic eggs and find toys that represent birds inside. Children call their bird, if they cannot themselves, an adult calls and asks the child to repeat.

Finger drawing "Berries for the bird"

In winter, birds feast on berries left on the branches of trees. Let's draw some more berries for the birds.

Playing with clothespins "Bird"

Attach clothespins to the bird so that it has a beak, legs and a beautiful tail.

Application "Birds at the trough"

On a winter day among the branches
The table is set for guests.
The board is new
A canteen for birds,
Calls to dinner
Taste the crumbs.

Spread glue on the surface of the feeder, pour cereals on top. Now the birds will flock, peck the grains. Stick the birds onto the picture.

Musical exercise "We will pour crumbs for the birds"

Children are ringing bells to the music.

Designing "Birdhouse"

People help the birds when they feed them. People also help birds when they build houses for them and hang them in the trees. Here is a house - a birdhouse - for a starling bird.
Let's lay out a birdhouse from geometric shapes.

What geometric shapes did you use? What color is the square? Triangle, circle, rectangle?
Now take a stick and attach a perch to the birdhouse, on which the bird will sit. And here is the starling flew to your birdhouse.

Visual activity "Help the birds to fly to the birdhouse"

Pick up a birdhouse, a birdhouse, and attach it to a tree. Well done. Let's glue it on. Now let's take pencils and draw a path from each bird to the birdhouse.

Dynamic pause "I hurry to get on the road"

Children move to music, depicting the flight of a bird (walking, running, jumping).

Listening to music: "Nightingale" by Alyabyev.

The corresponding audio recording is played back.

Look at the picture carefully and think, who is not a bird in the picture? How did you guess? And who is it?

And now you need to find a bird in the picture that is different from other birds. Where's she?

Didactic game "Find a Pair"

Choose a picture of a bird. Find your bird another exactly the same second bird.

Finger gymnastics "Sparrow"

You are a baby sparrow
In the cold, do not be shy.
Hit the feeder with your beak,
Eat up quickly.

Children interlock their thumbs and wave their palms, imitating the flight of a bird. Then they put the rounded right hand with the pads of the fingers on the table and tap with the pad of the index finger. Then the same is done with the left hand.

And here is the bird called the peacock. The peacock has a beautiful tail.

And we will make it even more beautiful when we arrange the buttons on the feathers of the peacock's tail.

Paper construction "Bird"

Glue your bird's eyes made of black plasticine, one on each side of the head. And then glue the wings, also one on each side of the bird's body. (After finishing the work, it is proposed to beat the craft).

Outdoor game "Warm, cold"

Now let's play the game "Warm, cold". You guys will be sparrows. At the command "warm" - fly and chirp, and at the command "cold" - ruffle and squat next to each other.

Visual activity "Tit"

Children make a bird's eye from a piece of black plasticine. And yellow paint is painted over the bird's belly with a finger.

Exercise "Help the woodpecker to find food"

A woodpecker searches for bugs and worms under the bark of a tree. Take the stacks and peel off the top of the bark to find woodpecker food underneath.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Seagull"

And here is the seagull seabird. Let's follow with our eyes her flight.
Here the seagull flew up. Flew to the left. Sank down. Flew to the right. Spun over the waves.

Dynamic pause "Seagulls are fishing"

And now children are turning into birds - seagulls. Seagulls are sea birds, most of all they love to eat fish, which they themselves catch in the sea. Go for fish. Catch and bring two fish. (The teacher asks the child how many fish he caught and what color they are).

Card file

didactic games on the topic "Birds"

for children of middle preschool age.

Made up:

teacher GBOU SOSH № 10 SPDS "Alyonushka"

Budak Tatiana Mikhailovna

"Where is what bird is"

Goal: to form the ability to recognize wintering birds and migratory birds, to name them correctly; develop the ability to navigate in space, using in speech the concepts of "above", "below", "left", "right", "between", "under", "above", "on"

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to look at the birds that have flown to the feeding trough and name the birds that are to the left of the bullfinch, sitting under the roof, on the roof, between the magpie and the bullfinch under the sparrow, etc. There can be many options for questions.

You can invite the children to change the location of the birds so that the bullfinch is between the magpie and the pigeon, etc.

"Which of the birds is superfluous"

goal : exercise in recognizing wintering birds by their appearance; clarify the concept of "migratory birds", remember their names, be able to distinguish with wintering birds, develop attention, memory.

Game progress : the teacher places a migratory bird especially among the wintering birds that have flown to the feeder. Children carefully examine the birds and name the extra bird. The teacher invites children to explain their choice. Asks to name for example migratory birds, find them in the pictures.

"Who lives where"

Goal: clarify and expand children's knowledge about birds; develop the speech of children, enrich their vocabulary;

Game progress. Each pair receives an envelope with cards with images of birds. Guys must determine the habitat of these birds and place them under the appropriate models

"Swamp" - heron, stork, crane

"water" - swan, wild duck, seagull

"forest" - cuckoo, woodpecker, owl, crossbill, wagtail, songbird

"city" - sparrow, dove, crow

"poultry yard" - chicken, goose, turkey.

"Continue, find the reason"

Goal: reinforce in children the ability to understand the relationship between living and inanimate nature throughecological chains.

Game progress. Fly south first in autumnbirds, who feed on insects because ... / insects are hiding and have nothing to eat /

A woodpecker can be called a forest doctor, because ... / he gets bugs and insects from under the bark /.

The cuckoo does not incubate its chicks, because ... / she does not build nests for herself /.


Goal: To form generalized ideas in children about wintering and migratory birds of our region, their habits, appearance, nutrition, habitats.

Learn to distinguish birds by their appearance and find them in pictures.

To cultivate love for the nature of the native land.

"Find migratory and wintering birds"

Children are offered pictures with images of migratory and wintering birds. With the help of magnets, they attach migratory birds to one side of the magnetic board, and wintering birds to the other.

« Find by description "

The teacher gives a description of the bird: appearance, lifestyle features, some habits, etc. The child finds a bird from a picture or photograph.

"Find someone I will name"

It is necessary to find a bird by name using didactic material.

"Describe, and we will guess"

The child can describe the bird or name several distinguishing features without mentioning the name of the bird. Children guess.

"Who is gone?"

The teacher invites the children to look at the birds, and then close their eyes. At this time, the teacher removes the picture from one of the birds. Children from memory name which bird is gone.

"Recognize the bird by silhouette"

Goal: to contribute to the consolidation of children's knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, to exercise in the ability to recognize birds by silhouette.

Game progress : Children are offered silhouettes of birds. Children guess the birds and call them a migratory or wintering bird.

"Who eats what?"

Goal: reinforce children's knowledge of bird nutrition;to establish a connection between the disappearance of food and the departure of birds; to acquaint with the main difference between wintering and migratory birds: differences in nutrition.

Develop memory, attention, speech.

Expand the range of ideas about wintering and migratory birds.

Game progress.

On two circles are located different kinds feed: millet, seeds, bread crumbs, rose hips, berries, beetle, worm, apple. The task of the children is to distribute food for wintering and migratory birds.

"The birds introduce themselves."

Sparrow: I am a mobile bird with a rounded head, short neck, ovoid body, short and rounded wings. My beak is hard and pointed towards the end. In the cold season, we sit, huddled closely to each other, fluffed up.

Tit: I am very beautiful bird... I have a black hat on my head, white cheeks, and a black stripe on my throat - a tie, wings and tail are gray, my back is yellow-green, and my abdomen is yellow.

Woodpecker: I have a beautiful variegated plumage: the upper body is black, on the head and neck there are white spots, the undertail and crown of the head are red, the beak is strong and sharp.

Bullfinch: I have the top of my head, wings, tail - black, back - bluish-gray, and belly - red. The beak is short, thick, conical, black.

Crossbill: I am a small red bird with tenacious legs and a characteristic cruciform beak.

Magpie : My head, wings, tail are black, but on the sides there are snow-white feathers. The tail is long and straight, like an arrow, and the beak is strong and sharp.

Crow: I have a large, elongated body and large strong legs. I walk with long strides. I have a very large and strong beak. The head, throat and wings are black, while the rest of the body is gray.

"In the world of birds"

goal : to consolidate children's knowledge of birds.

Game progress : The page contains a top with multi-colored sectors and color frames corresponding to the sectors. The child presses on the top, the arrow of which swings and stops at a sector of some color. A question to which the child gives an answer is hidden under the frame of the corresponding color.

Questions under the boxes:

1. Where and from what do the swallows nest?(Under the roof of the house, from lumps of damp clay, grass, straw moistened with saliva.)

2. Why can't swallows be kept in captivity?(Because she can die, as she gets food on the fly.)

3. Where do tits and starlings winter?(Tits are in our area, starlings - fly away to warm lands.)

4. What bird likes to peck at furry caterpillars that other birds do not touch?(Cuckoo. It is of great benefit to the forest by destroying caterpillars.)

5. Where do starlings nest, which did not have enough birdhouses?(In gardens, parks, tree hollows)

6. What are the benefits of birds?(They destroy May beetles and insect beetles, save trees from caterpillars and other pests.)

7. How do we care for birds?(We protect nests, prepare food, help in trouble, hang out feeders and birdhouses.)

8. How to explain the meaning of the word "birds"?(The bird's body is covered with feathers, hence the word for birds "Feathered".)

"Wintering and migratory birds"

goal : to consolidate the ability of children to classify birds by species - migratory, wintering; to consolidate in children the ability to understand the relationship between living and inanimate nature throughecological chains.

Game progress.

There are birds on two circles: bullfinch, starling, tit, sparrow, rook, cuckoo, woodpecker, swallow, crow, nightingale. The task of the children is to arrange migratory birds in a circle with the sun, and wintering ones in a circle with a snowflake.

"What is missing?"

Goal: educate curiosity, sympathy; develop coherent speech;

The teacher exposes the silhouettes of birds(no beak, paws, wings, eyes, tail, etc.) /

Game progress.

Children should be told what the birds lack.

"Compare the birds"

Goal: to generalize the knowledge of children about migratory birds, their habits, lifestyle;

Game progress.

The sparrow has a small body, while the heron has. The sparrow has a small head, while the heron has. The sparrow has a short beak, while the heron has. A sparrow has narrow wings, while a heron has. etc.

"What's unnecessary"

Goal: development of visual and auditory memory and thinking, activation of children's vocabulary.

Equipment : cards with a set of 4 words(pictures) : three words - one generalizing concept, one word - another generalizing concept.

Stroke games :

The child is invited to listen(look) and memorize a series of words(pictures) ... Time of presentation of each picture is 1 sec. After presentation, the pictures are closed or removed. Then he is asked to repeat these words(name pictures)... Next, the child is askedquestion: "What do you think, what word(picture) unnecessary? Why?". Then the child is asked to remember and list the other three words(Pictures) ... After that, the child is again asked to list the entire series of words.(pictures) in the order it was presented.

"Say it kindly"

Goal: to consolidate the ability of children to form nouns and adjectives with diminutive meanings.

Stroke games :

Sharp beak - sharp little beak

Thin feet - thin feet

Long neck - long neck

White breasts - white breasts

Black wing - black wing

Thick neck - plump neck

Short ponytail - short ponytail

Light feathers - light feathers

"The fourth extra"

Goal: to generalize the knowledge of children about migratory and wintering birds, their habits, lifestyle and differences from each other.

Stroke games :

Sparrow, rook, magpie, tit

Dove, woodpecker, bullfinch, swallow

Magpie, sparrow, cuckoo, woodpecker

Crow, starling, tit, jackdaw

Nightingale, pigeon, magpie, sparrow

Tit, stork, woodpecker, bullfinch, etc.

"Who is gone"

Goal: form grammatical categories, the formation of nouns in the genitive case

Stroke games :

On the board or on the table, 5-6 pictures of wintering and migratory birds are laid out, they invite children to name all the birds and remember them. Then the children close their eyes, at this time the teacher removes one of the pictures. Children open their eyes and name which bird is gone.

D / and "Home and Wild".

Goal:classification of wild and domestic birds

The playing field is a circle divided into two parts: on the one hand, a person's house is depicted, on the other, a forest, conventionally denoting home and wild birds... The top spins. If the arrow points to a person's house, the child calls some poultryif on the forest - wild.

How does the crow's voice cast? ( She croaks: “Kar! Kar! ")
How does the nightingale sing? ( The nightingale clicks: "Tekh-Tekh")
What does a sparrow do? ( Sparrow chirps: "Tsvirin-Tsvirin!")
What does a cuckoo do? ( The cuckoo cuckoo: “Ku-ku! Ku-ku!)
D / and "Each bird has its place"

C: Exercise children in the correct selection of pictures with images of birds of prey, waterfowl, wading birds, using the information obtained from short stories about one of the representatives of each species of birds. Explain that the appearance of birds (the structure of the beak, legs, etc.) indicates a certain lifestyle, habits.

Course: The teacher invites the children to listen to short stories about the birds shown on the table. He asks to pay special attention to the descriptions of the structure of the legs and beak, as this is important for the way of life of birds.

D / and "What kind of birds you won't see at the feeder in winter?"
Goal: to consolidate the ability to find, recognize and name wintering birds.

D / and "What birds are there on the tree?"

Objectives: assimilation of the category of genitive plural.

There are many forty on the tree.

There are many woodpeckers on the tree.

There are many crows on the tree, etc.

D / and "What bird is gone?"

Objectives: assimilation of the category of genitive singular.

On the board there are four or five pictures of wintering birds. The teacher, imperceptibly for the children, removes one picture and asks: "What bird is gone?" Children answer: "The owl is gone." Etc.

Д / и "Cheerful counting of birds"

Goal: consolidation of the agreement of numerals with a noun. One sparrow, two sparrows, three sparrows, four sparrows,

five sparrows.

The first crow, the second crow, ..., the fifth crow;

the first dove, the second dove, ..., the fifth dove.

D / and "The fourth extra"
Goal: teach to recognize and distinguish wintering birds from migratory ones.
Sparrow, rook, magpie, tit. Dove, woodpecker, bullfinch, swallow. Crow, parrot, dove, sparrow (parrot); swallow, cuckoo, nightingale, titmouse (cuckoo) "; rooster, turkey, chicken, crow (crow)"; crane, stork, heron, rook (rook).

D / and "Whose is this?"
Goal: to consolidate the ability to form possessive adjectives.
Whose wing? - pigeon, passerine, etc.

D / and "One-many"

Goal: agree on singular and plural nouns.
Rook - rooks - rooks, bird - birds - birds, swift - swifts - swifts, stork - storks - storks, lark - larks - larks, starling - starlings - starlings, wagtail - wagtails - wagtails, crane - cranes - cranes, goose - goo-si - geese, duck - ducks - ducks, drake - drakes - drakes, swallow - swallows - swallows, nightingale - nightingales - nightingales, swan - swans - swans, cuckoo - cuckoo - cuckoos, nest - nests - nests, egg - eggs - eggs, chick - chicks - chicks.

D / and "Pick up a sign"

Goal: Learn to select a sign for a noun.

crow (what?) -…, dove (what?) -…, bullfinch (what?) -…, tit (what?) -….

Д / и "Find and feed the wintering birds"

Objectives: develop memory, attention, generalization operation; foster a desire to help birds, especially in the winter.

Materials: cards depicting migratory and wintering birds (goldfinch, swallow, rook, starling, finch, lark, swift, cuckoo, tit, sparrow, magpie, crow, dove, jackdaw, woodpecker, bullfinch); card with a picture of a feeding trough.

Children should divide the birds into groups, place the wintering birds near the feeder, talk about the types of feeders, what can and cannot be fed to the birds in winter, how often it should be done. For each correct answer, the child or team receives a token. Children play the role of conservationists.

D / and "Each bird in its place"

Objectives: develop attention, memory, generalization operation; to form interest in games of a natural nature.

Materials: a table divided into nine cells. The first column contains vertically drawn: eagle, crane, goose. Several object pictures depicting raptors (kite, owl), waterfowl (swan, duck), birds living in the swamp (heron, stork).

1. The players choose a card with the image of a bird, name it, choose a place for it in the table, explain why they have placed it on this place. For example: “The owl should be placed next to the eagle, since she too predatory bird... The owl hunts for mice and other animals. It also has a curved beak and strong claws. "

2. The teacher puts all the pictures in the cells of the table, making mistakes on purpose. Children need to find these mistakes and explain them.

D / and "Birds, animals, insects"

Objectives: develop the ability to compare, generalize; to form a desire to know more about native nature.

Materials: a table divided into nine cells. In the top row - a sparrow, a dove, a woodpecker; on average - wasp, fox, dragonfly; in the bottom - a wolf, a butterfly, a bullfinch.

The teacher hangs out a table in front of the children, offers to consider it and quickly answer his questions. For the correct answer, the player receives a chip.

How can you name everyone who is drawn in the front row?

How many birds are there on the table? (Four.) Name them. (Shy, pigeon, woodpecker, bullfinch.)

Who is in the table more: animals or insects? (More animals.)

How many groups can be divided into all who are drawn in the table? (On three.) .

Look at the pictures in the third column. (Not to be confused with row-house!)

What do everyone who is drawn there have in common? (All these animals fly.)

Compare the animals of the first and second columns. What do you see in common? (Each column shows a bird, beast, insect.)

D / and "Say the opposite"
Goal: reinforce children's knowledge of antonyms.
The beak is thick - the beak is thin,
Long tail - short tail

D / and "Name affectionately"

Purpose: to teach children the correct formation of nouns and education, and the use of adjectives, diminutive.
Chick - chick, feather - feather, head - head, little head, nightingale - nightingale, neck - neck, lark ~ lark, wing - wing, starling - starling, goose - goose, gosling, duck - duck, swan - swan, nest - nest, crane - crane, beetle, wagtail - wagtail, stork - stork, heron - heron.

D / and "Name the chick"
Rook - rook - rooks, stork - stork - storks, swift - sheared - sheared, crane - crane - cranes, cuckoo - cuckoo - cuckoo, swan - swan - swans, starling - little bird - squat, duck - duck - gosling - goslings.

D / and "Fold the bird from parts"

Objectives: to develop analytical and synthetic activity, visual perception, imaginative thinking; educate, perseverance, patience, dedication.

The teacher shows the children the parts of the bird's body, suggests guessing what kind of bird it is, and folding it.

D / and "Big - small".
Goal: to consolidate the ability of children to form nouns and adjectives with diminutive meanings.
Sharp beak - a sharp little beak.
Thin legs - thin legs.
Long neck - long neck.
White breast - white breast.
The black wing is a black wing.
Thick neck - plump neck.
Short tail - short tail.
Light feathers are light feathers.

D / and "Flies - does not fly"

Objectives: develop auditory attention, speed of reaction; cultivate endurance.

Children raise their hand only if a flying bird is named and say: "It flies." At the same time, the teacher can raise his hand to the name flightless bird... Whoever makes a mistake pays fant. Forfeits can be wagered.

D / and "Continue the sentence, find the reason"

Objectives: develop logical thinking, speech, analytical activity, educate intellectual feelings.

The teacher reads the sentences of his choice, the children finish them.

In the spring, birds build nests because ...

Many birds died in winter, because ...

Birds that feed on insects are the first to fly to the south in the fall, because ...

Waterfowl fly away in the last autumn, because ...

The female or male incubates the testicles in the nest until the chicks appear, because ...

The heron has long legs and a beak because ...

A parrot could not live in our forests, because ...

The eagle has a very large nest high in the mountains, because ...

The woodpecker can be called a forest doctor, because ...

The cuckoo does not hatch its chicks because ...

All people love to listen to the nightingale, because ...

By the spring, the crossbill chicks had already grown up, because ...

Chicken, duck, goose are called poultry because ...

The albatross bird is listed in the Red Book, because ...

This year in the garden the caterpillars ate all the leaves of the vegetables, because ...

D / and "Find Mom a Chick"

Objectives: develop memory, the ability to compare; improve the grammatical structure of speech (education of nouns with suffixes - at, -yat).

The teacher offers children pictures with a picture different birds or hats, medallions, etc. One of the children plays the role of a mother bird, and the others are cubs. Mom must correctly call one or several cubs so that they fly. If the mother bird calls the cubs incorrectly, then the children stand still.

Rook - rook - rooks. Stork - stork - storks. Swift - haircut - haircut. Crane - Crane - Cranes. Cuckoo - cuckoo - cuckoo. Swan - swan - swans.

D / and "Who screams how?"

Objectives: develop memory, attention; develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher.

The teacher calls the bird, and the children must find the appropriate concept, which means how the bird cries.

Example: The crow - "kar-kar" - she croaks. The goose cackles. Duck quacks. The chicken clucks. Rooster crows. Chicken - squeaks. A turkey is a balabolite. The cuckoo is a cuckoo. The crow croaks. The swallow chirps. Nightingale - floods, whistles, clicks. The crane is chirping. The lark is ringing. Rook - shouts "gra".

D / and “Tell me which one? Which one? "

Guys, if a bird has a white side, what is it? (White-sided)

And if the bird has a yellow breast, what is it? (Yellow-breasted.)

If the bird has a red breast, what is it? (Red-breasted)

If a bird has a thick beak, what is it? (Thick-billed.)

If a bird has a short beak, what is it? (Short-beaked.)

Di "Divide the birds into wintering and migratory ones."

Goal: reinforce children's knowledge of wintering and migratory birds

The task: plant wintering birds on the image of a winter tree, and migratory birds on the image of a summer tree.

D / and "Collect the bird"

Goal: teach the perception of a holistic image; develop attention.

Children put together an image of birds from cut pictures, each calls his own bird. The teacher asks each child to find on the easel the bird that is depicted in their cutaway picture.

D / and "Name what flock?"

Goal: Learn to form adjectives from nouns

A wedge of swans - swan, a caravan of cranes - ..., a flock of ducks - ..., rooks - ..., nightingales --....

Logic exercise "What word is lost."

Tell your child: “The first graders had sentences written in the primer, but the evil Bukvoed stole a few words. Help return the words to their place - guess which word was stolen by Bukvoyed. "

In animals, the body is covered with wool, and in birds it is covered with ... (feathers)

The fish swims in the river, and the bird flies ... (in the sky)

A person has a nose, and a bird has ... (beak)

A person has a small child, and a bird has a small ... (chick)

A man has two arms and two legs, and a bird ...

Speech logic problem for children "Who flew to the bird's canteen?"

(after N.F. Vinogradova)

On Monday, little gray birds that love bread crumbs flew into our dining room. On Tuesday, birds with yellow breasts arrived. They love to feast on lard. Guess who?

On Wednesday and Thursday, small fluffy birds with red breasts and a white stripe on dark blue wings arrived. They pecked rowan berries. Dined in the dining room on Friday big birds... They are gray, white, white and black, with fluffy tufts on their heads. Who has visited the bird's canteen?

Logic task for children "Feed the birds"

You will need: a bowl of millet, a tablespoon, three pictures of winter birds (titmouse, sparrow and dove).

Show the child pictures or toys of three wintering birds and offer to feed them. Pour it yourself or ask your child to pour two tablespoons of millet for a titmouse, two tablespoons of millet for a sparrow and four tablespoons of millet for a pigeon. Pour the millet in a heap - this is very important! You will have three slides of millet on your table. Ask, where is more millet? Why? Then scatter a pile of millet for titmouse in a thin layer on the table top. Who has more millet now - a sparrow or a birdie (A high pile of millet occupies a small area on the table, and millet scattered in a thin layer on the table occupies a much larger area, which causes difficulties for children). Ask why the kid thinks so. Compare a pile of millet for a titmouse to a pile of millet for a pigeon. Which one is bigger? How can this be verified? (You need to measure how many spoons).

Didactic exercise "What can birds do?"

Children, let's remember what birds can do.

They walk, peck, take off, fly, take out, jump, wind, feed, look after, incubate, sing.

Attention game "Birds"

Objectives: to develop attention, quickness of reaction, memory, to bring up the ability not to disturb others during the game; listen carefully and react to the words of an adult.

The presenter names different birds, and if he says something different, the children should clap their hands. The wrong person is eliminated.

Birds have arrived: Lapwings, siskins,

Doves, tits, Jackdaws, swifts,

Flies and swifts ... Mosquitoes, cuckoos ...

Birds have arrived: Birds have arrived:

Doves, tits, Doves, tits,

Storks, crows, Jackdaws and swifts,

Jackdaws, pasta ..., Lapwings, siskins,

Birds have arrived: Storks, cuckoos,

Doves, martens ... even scops owls,

Birds have arrived: Swans and ducks.

Doves. Tits, And thanks for the joke!

"Guess the bird by description."

Goal: recognize familiar birds by description. Strengthen the ability to follow the rules of the game

Today I saw a bird on the street: small, pink breast, sitting on a branch like an apple. Who is it? ( Bullfinch)

"Word game"

Goal. Expand and activate vocabulary. Develop auditory attention, thinking, memory.

Material. Subject pictures: rook, swallow, swan.

Children look at the image of one bird. The speech therapist offers to clap your hands on a word that fits the description of this bird.

The words: migratory, large, small, forest, field, lake, flies, dexterous, black, white, white-breasted, fast, swims.

"Tell me about the bird."

Goal. To develop the coherent speech of children with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams.

Material. Subject pictures from the series "Migratory birds", a set of graphic schemes.

The speech therapist invites children to tell about the bird using diagrams.

This is a swallow. She is black with a white breast. The swallow is a small bird. It has a head, body, wings, and a fork-like tail. The whole body is covered with feathers. The swallow builds a nest and hatches chicks under the roof of a house or on the river bank. She flies all day and catches midges and mosquitoes. With the onset of cold weather, the swallow flies to warm lands, and in the spring it returns home.

Play exercises

Game exercise "In the winter dining room"

Goal. Consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds and their names. Develop the ability to imitate their habits.

Material. Silhouettes of birds, a branch on a stand, a stern fly.

Description: The teacher fixes the silhouette of a bird on a branch, draws the attention of children to which bird flew to the feeder. He offers to name her and show how she screams. Children name birds, imitate their sounds, depict how they fly, jump.

Game exercise "What kind of bird is this?"

Goal. Strengthen the knowledge of children about what sounds the birds make, teach them to clearly pronounce the sound "R".

Material. Colorful images of birds.

Description: The teacher, imitating the cry of a bird, asks the children who is crying like that. Children, guessing, choose the appropriate picture and put it on the panel. For example:

Who shouts "kar-kar"? Come, Olya, show this bird.

We'll all scream like a crow.

Who's screaming "tweet-tweet"?

Let's scream like a sparrow.

Game exercise "Birds"

Goal. Exercise children in the ability to coordinate their words and actions, to activate the speech of children.

Description: The teacher recites a poem:

Two birds flew

Small by itself.

How they flew

All the people looked.

How they sat down -

All the people were amazed.

The teacher invites two children to play the role of birds. Everyone sits on chairs and listens to the words of the nursery rhyme read by the teacher, and the selected "birds" imitate the movements of real birds.

Then new birds are selected and the exercise is repeated again.

Game exercise “Who wintered, who will fly?

Purpose: To teach children to classify birds into wintering and migratory. To activate the speech of children.

Material: illustrations with migratory and wintering birds.

Description: Children are divided into two groups, some of them select pictures with migratory birds, others - with wintering ones. After the game, a model of migratory birds is placed on the panel.

Didactic game "Not a magpie, not a crow"

Purpose: Teach children to recognize different birds in pictures. Promote the development of attention and intelligence. Give children the pleasure of live play.

Material: pictures of birds.

Each team chooses a leader who quickly approaches any player of the opposing team, shows a picture and says: “Not a magpie, not a crow or a seagull. What kind of bird is it? Guess. " Answer: "Not a magpie, not a crow, but a bullfinch." I named the bird - a point, did not name it - ask the team for help: take the hand of the one who will answer for you. If a friend answered, the team gets a shelf, no - the shelf burns out. For the other team, the words are different “not a crow, not a tit. So tell me, what is the name of this bird? "

Tips for the teacher: the cards should be in the suggested order.

Word game: "Birds have arrived"

The teacher names the birds, but makes mistakes. Children should notice the mistake and respond with claps, stomping, etc.

Birds arrived:

pigeons, tits, flies and swifts ...

Doves, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta ...

Pigeons, tits, lapwings, siskins, jackdaws and swifts, mosquitoes, cuckoos.,

pigeons, tits, jackdaws and swifts, lapwings, siskins, storks, cuckoos,

even scoops, buns, swans, starlings ... All of you are great!

Word game: "In the poultry yard

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about how pets scream, to develop the correct sound pronunciation

Game rule: everyone pronounces sounds loudly in chorus, imitating birds, after the words "in the morning", "in the middle of the yard", "above"

Game action: onomatopoeia.


The teacher invites children to remember how geese, chickens, ducks cry. Children say in chorus: "quack-quack-quack", "ha-ha-ha", "ko-ko-ko", etc.

The teacher says:

Well, you all remembered how differently poultry cry. How does a pigeon coo? How does a rooster crow in the morning? Etc.)

Game "Who Looks Like"

Purpose: to fix the names of parts of the bird's body in the speech of children.

Game rule: The teacher calls the bird. One of the children describes the bird's appearance without seeing its image. At the same time, the other children are shown a picture and they check the correctness of the answer.

Game action: Sample of children's speech: “The rooster has a small head with a red comb and a red beard, black eyes, sharp beak... The rooster has wings with which it can fly up the fence, its legs are decorated with spurs. The rooster also has a beautiful variegated tail, the body of the rooster is covered with multi-colored (or white) feathers. "

Game "Domestic and Wild".

Purpose: to teach children to classify birds into domestic and wild.

Game action: The playing field is a circle divided into two parts: on one side there is a person's house, on the other - a forest, conventionally denoting domestic and wild birds. The top spins. If the arrow points to a person's house, the child names some kind of poultry, if to the forest - wild

Game "What birds eat".

Purpose: to teach children to name what the birds eat.

Game action: The teacher announces that the bird canteen has opened and displays large pictures of bird food at the blackboard. Children in paper hoop hats, on which pictures of various birds are attached, come up to the board and choose food for themselves. Sample speech of children: “I am an owl, I eat mice. I am a chicken, I peck grains. " Etc.

Game "Chicks".

Purpose: Teach children to correctly name adult birds and their chicks.

Game action: Hats from the previous game are used. Children are divided into two groups - some depict adult birds, others chicks. Children move along playroom... At the signal of the teacher, they are combined into pairs.

Sample speech of children: “I am a duck, here is my chick. I am a duck, here is my mother. "

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to imitate birds.

Game action: Children are divided into pairs. The first child imitates the voice of a bird, the second guesses what kind of bird it is.

Speech sample of children: 1st child: "Chirik-chirik",

2nd child: "It is a sparrow chirping."

The game "The most important"

Purpose: to educate children about the benefits of different birds.

Game action: Speech sample of children: “I am a chicken, I give people meat and eggs - I am the most important one”, “I am an owl, I am a forest orderly - I am the most important one”, “I am a nightingale - I make people happy with my singing. I am the most important. " Etc.

The game "Flies, does not fly"

Purpose: to develop auditory attention in children, to bring up endurance.

Game rule: you need to raise your hand only when a flying object is named.

Game actions: patting on the knees, raising a hand, playing out forfeits.

Course of the game: Children sit in a semicircle, put their hands on their knees.

The teacher explains the rules of the game: I will name the objects to interrogate: “Flies?”, For example, “Does the pigeon fly? Is the plane flying? " if I name an object - which actually flies, you raise your hands. If I name a non-flying object, my hands should not be raised. You need to be careful, because I will raise my hands both when the object is flying and when it does not fly. Whoever makes a mistake will pay a fant.

Patting on the knees, the teacher and the children speak; "Let's go, let's go," then the teacher starts the game "Does the jackdaw fly?" - and raises his hands.

Children answer: "Flies." And they raise their hands too. "Does the house fly?" - the teacher asks and raises his hands. The children are silent.

At the beginning of the game, many children have their hands involuntarily raised every time by imitation. But this is the meaning of the game, in order to keep in time and not raise your hands when a flightless object is named. Those who could not resist pays forfeits, which are redeemed at the end of the game.

Didactic game: "What a bird"

Purpose: to teach children to describe birds by characteristic features and recognize them by description.

Game rules: It is necessary to describe the arriving bird not only in words, but also by imitation of its movements. Whoever correctly named the bird becomes the leader.

Game actions: Imitation of the movements of different birds, guessing which bird is being told about. The choice of the driver is a little bit.

Game progress:

This game requires a lot of long-term preparation. Children observe birds, pay attention to their special features (for example, the size and length of the beak, legs, color of feathers, where this bird lives, what it eats, how it screams or sings), by which you can find out what it is for a bird.

The game begins with the appointment of the driver, who guesses what kind of bird has arrived. He chants his riddles, and all the others repeat certain words in chorus. Here, for example, how in such a game the driver describes the crane.

Driving: I have a bird

Like this, like this! (shows with his hands how big his bird is)

All the players say:

The bird is flying,

Flies to us!

Driver: Bird's wings

Here are, here are! And he shows, with his arms outstretched, what large wings the bird has.

All the players say: A bird is flying, flying,

Flies to us!

Driver: This bird has a beak

Like this, like this!

But the driver is not yet sure that the players recognized the bird. He says where the bird lives, what it eats, etc., and ends with the question: "What kind of bird flew to us?" Not all children answer the question, only one (whom the driver will point to). If the child answered correctly, the children say: "This is what a bird has come to us!" The one who guessed it becomes the driver and gives a description of the bird, the driver says to him: "Not such a bird came to us." Then he turns to: the other player and repeats the question. The one named by the driver can only guess once.

The new driver describes another bird that has special signs, for example, an eagle, a parrot, a woodpecker, a crow; rooster, goose.

Didactic exercise: "Forest Songs"

Purpose: To promote the development of creative activity, the ability to think, analyze, compare.

"Give me a word"

Dove - (cooes).

Cuckoo - (cuckoo).

Duck - (quacks).

Goose - (cackles).

Nightingale (whistling).

Owl - (hoots).

Crane - (churls).

Magpie - (chirping).

Raven - (croaks).

Sparrow - (chirps).

Tit - (squeaks).

Verbal exercises

Answer the questions

What birds winter in our area?

(Crow, sparrow, magpie, woodpecker, crossbill, owl.)

What birds come to us from the north?

(Bullfinch, waxwing.)

What birds fly away to winter in warmer regions?

(Crane, swan, duck, wagtail, cuckoo, nightingale, starling.)

Why do I crane long legs?

Why does a crossbill need a cruciform beak?

Which bird hunts at night?

Which bird has chicks in winter?

What bird is called the best singer?

What kind of bird is called "icebreaker"?

What bird is called the "forest newspaper"?

What kind of birds are called "birch birds"?

Chicks, what kind of birds can swim from the first day of life?

Which bird lays its eggs in other birds' nests?

What birds dance in spring?

Finish sentences

The sparrow is small, and the crane ...

The crow is big, and the tit ...

The owl sleeps during the day, but hunts ...

The titmouse has a short tail, while the wagtail ...

The woodpecker has a long beak, and the bullfinch ...

The duck is gray, and the swan ...

The tit has a thin beak, and the woodpecker ...

The crow is big, and the sparrow ...

The bullfinch is inactive, and the tit ...

The cross is smart, and the sparrow ...

Tits hatch chicks in summer, and crossbill ...

If a bullfinch moves little, then what is it? (Sedentary.)

If a titmouse has a black head, what is it? (Blackhead.)

If a magpie has a white side, what is it? (White-sided.)

If a magpie has a black tail, what is it? (Black-tailed.)

If a bullfinch has a red chest, then what is it? (Red-breasted.)

About which of the wintering birds can we say:

mine (crossbill, woodpecker, bullfinch, sparrow, dove),

Mine (crow, tit, waxwing, oatmeal),

my ... Do you remember who sings how?

Why do the people say:

A forest without birds and birds cannot live without a forest.

The bird knows that it will not do without the Motherland.

Every bird is proud of its feather.

Every bird sings in its own way.

Every bird is fed with its beak.

Each bird has its own habits.

The sparrow takes off right away, but the rook needs a run.

A crow cannot be a falcon.

Voronenko's nest is a darling hut.

The titmouse is small, but the claw is sharp.

A little tit eats, drinks, but the village lives.

The magpie does not chirp for no reason.

Forty brought the news on the tail.

Owls and owls feast in the night.

Sparrows under the roof, and owls to catch.

If the bush was not nice, the nightingale did not pitch its nest.

The nightingale takes with singing, and the person with skill.

The nightingale sings the month, and the crow all year round croaks.

The cuckoo kukuet, it grieves at the house.

No matter how many cuckoo kukui, fly away by winter.

A swan across the skies, a moth over the ground - everyone has their own way.

Swans flew, carried a winter on their wings.

Swan chest, peacock gait.

The crane flew in and carried it warmly.

The crane flies high, but does not fly off the river.

Word game

Clap your hands when you hear a word suitable for a sparrow (crow, woodpecker, titmouse ... duck).

Explain the choice of each word.

Vocabulary: curls, small, lively, forest, gray, flies, dexterous, red-breasted, swims, agile, quacks, city, jumps, cheerful, swamp, gray, chirps, brave, omnivorous, smart, hollow, big, lively, birdhouse, restless, long-tailed, cheerful, chirping, "ice breaker", predatory, snow-white, white-sided, long-legged, croaking, small, dancing, agile, dives, hunts, wintering bird, migratory bird, migratory bird ...