Interesting facts about Kiwi. Kiwi: Interesting facts about a unauthorizing bird. Kiwi and their overall characteristics

For its origin, the kiwi bird is unique and unusually interesting. The original birthplace of the unauthorized type of scientists consider new Zealand. The woundless representative of the Aprahygidae family is part of the Kiwi-like detachment, where nature is divided into 5 species characteristic of New Zealand.

Kiwi and their overall characteristics

Yurka bird, which is not destined to soar in the sky, has two paws and a long beak. It could be adopted for a wonderful animal, because Kiwi has no tail and wings, and feathers resemble short undercoat.

Life on Earth without flights in the air has made its own adjustments to Kiwi chairs. In this case, the bird is considered a very ancient view. Kiwi ancestors on the assumption of researchers fell to the New Zealand Islands from Australia almost 30 million years ago.

For a long time, the low-spirited and already extinct birds of Moa were considered genetic conifers Kiwi. The genetics then conducted a deep analysis of DNA Kiwi, and found out that this bird in its genes is much closer to Ema and Kazauram than to Moa.

On New Zealand lands, there are 5 varieties of the Blueless Bird. Consider them in more detail:

  • Southern look;
  • Northern brown;
  • Big gray;
  • Small gray;
  • View of Rovei.

Today, the population of all 5 species is quite sustainable thanks to the efforts of the defenders of nature. The most common in the expanses of New Zealand is considered the view.

Kiwi appearance

Nature made heartless creatures with a conventional chicken. Due to the dimorphism of the female, the larger males. A small head deftly rotates on a short bird neck. The average weight of creation varies from 1.4 to 4 kg.

Kiwi heavy, legs are powerful with 4 fingers and sharp claws. Residual wings at 3-5 cm in some birds are still present. Kiwi kept the habit to hide the head under their symbolic wings, as flying birds do.

The eyes of these birds are incredibly small - the diameter of one eye is only 8 mm. In the space of birds oriented with the help of smelling and hearing.

A strong sense of smell like Kiwi, in nature, birds are rare. Similar olfactory abilities only have Condor.

The body temperature of the bird is 38 degrees Celsius, which makes Kiwi similar to mammals. From the feathers of individuals, a strong smell of mushrooms comes from which, unfortunately, predators track them.

How do kiwi live?

Kiwi - Twilight birds living in forests and swampy terrain. In the afternoon, they live in voupels, badges or under the coregami. At night they are sent in search of food.

To some extent this species can be considered omnivorous: berries, worms, insects, mollusks and fruits make up the basis of the bird diet. From June and until the middle of spring, Kiwi form a couple for several seasons, or for life. The female lays just one egg of impressive sizes. It can be addicted to a half-kilogram.

The chick hatches after 75-85 days. After a couple of days, he already stands on his feet and begins to feed. At the age of 5, birds reach their full size. The lifespan of the individual with a successful circumstance is equal to 50-60 years. For life, one female demolides up to 100 eggs.

Features of the population

Another 1000 years ago, the number of Kiwi in New Zealand was 12 million individuals. Now the birds on the island are only 70 thousand individuals. Cats, dogs and affection - the main fighters of this species. Contributes to the disappearance of birds and human activity.

The country has a state program for the protection of this species. Kiwi bird has long been recognized as the official symbol of New Zealand lands.

Gray, as well as large and small species are enrolled in the Red Book. There they are assigned the status of "vulnerable."

Many at least once heard about Bird Kiwi, as well as that she could not fly, but few knew and know about these birds the following:

  • The territory of habitat of one individual is 1 km. On his land, Kiwi can make up to 50 day shelters;
  • Having done a house, birds do not celebrate housewarming, but waiting for a couple of weeks until the nora tacks to use natural disguise;
  • Bird egg shell white with greenish splashes;
  • Chicks Kiwi leaves exactly 3 days to break the shell and get out;
  • In honor of the birds are called the eponymous fruit, the similar "appearance" affects;
  • When the female of this species puts the egg, it does not eat for several days, as it occupies most of her body.

Kiwi is an endemic that lives on the two main islands of New Zealand. It is known that New Zealanders sometimes use her meat into food. To maintain the population, special reserves and reserves are being built, from where the grown chicks are released on the will. New Zealanders are proud of their symbol, depicting kiwi on coins, stamps and souvenirs. This bird is also a hero of local literary works for children, several animated films are filmed with its image.

In the bright, sunny family of fruit there is one, externally resembling a "poor relative", inconspicuous, low-surpical, and not a relative, in essence. What is this fruit?

We are talking about kiwi - the fruit of the plant of the kind of actinidia of Chinese (or delicate). These plants are tree lianami, whose homeland is China. What else is known about him?

Kiwi has many titles. Based on the fact that the fruit of a kiwi-berry, and the wild predecessors had a mass of about 30 grams, many of him are called the Chinese gooseberry, for the similarity of cultural fruits in shape and color with potatoes and "fluffiness" - shaggy potatoes. But by his name, he "owes" a small bird of Kiwi.

Wide distribution in the world, this culture received relatively recently. At the beginning of the 20th century, wild actinidium was cultivated in New Zealand and Kiwi's fruit began to achieve in weight 100g, their taste characteristics improved significantly. Currently, countries with subtropical climate will be eagerly grown and sell Kiwi. The most common plantations of actinidia in Italy, Israel, New Zealand, Chile. In Russia, they also grow kiwi on the coast of the Black Sea, in the Krasnodar Territory and in Dagestan. Hundreds of interesting recipes dishes from this tasty and useful fruit can be found on the Internet.

The fruit of Kiwi has a color from lightly brown, to a more dark shade, with the pulp of green or yellow color (Gold Kiwi grade); Soft to the touch in ripe condition. It is believed that the aroma and taste of the gooseberry, banana, strawberries, melons, apples and pineapples are harmoniously combined in Kiwi. Tastes could not be discussed!

Ripe and tasty kiwi fruits are distinguished by a wonderful feature in comparison with many fruits - combining useful and taste qualities, possess a very small calorie content: 100g kiwi is only 48 kcal.

Kiwi consists mainly of water, up to 84%, a small amount of carbohydrates, 1% protein and dietary fiber (disaccharides, monosaccharides). The usefulness of Kiwi is due to the content of vitamins in them: more than in citrus, quantity of vitamin C; Vitamin E, extremely important for pregnant and nursing women, for those who are on a diet; Folic acid, vitamin B6, necessary for all, especially - pregnant, elderly and children; Macroelements - manganese, zinc, iodine, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium playing an important role in ensuring the livelihoods of the body.

Proved the beneficial effect of the fruit of the "Chinese gooseberry" in the prevention of colds, strengthening the body's protective forces, in bringing harmful cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, enhancing metabolism. Kiwi contains a wonderful enzyme - actinidine that helps to split proteins, improving the digestion and normalization of the blood consumption process.

Kiwi is better in half an hour before meals or after meals, after a half - two hours. Most before use clean the peel with a knife and cut on slices. It is more correctly considered to cut the "cover" of the fetus and choose the flesh with a small spoon with a tooths on the rim.

A pair of fruit kiwi per day will improve the mood, will save from depression, the mask from the fetus fetus will give the tone of the skin, she gratefully shine.

Sep 15, 2014 Marina.

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Kiwi is one of the most delicious fruits and contains many healthy phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. These fruits lead their origin from the Chinese province of Shaanxi. Kiwi - subtropical fruits. They belong to the Actinidiaceae family, the genus Actinidia. Their scientific name is Actinidia Chinensis. At the beginning of the 20th century, the seeds of these fruits were brought by missionaries to New Zealand, where they had taken root. From New Zealand, the spread of these, like sweet red pepper and lemon rich in vitamin C, fruits in the world.

They are currently being grown in Europe and California (USA). On the pages of the Nutrition and You, it says a lot about how the fruits of kiwi human body can be useful. From September to November, Vine Kiwi fertures oval brownish fruits. The size of the fruit of kiwi approximately with egg And weighs approximately 125 grams. It has a soft, juicy flesh of emerald green, containing small black edible seeds.

According to its texture, Kiwi pulp reminds strawberries and Sapodilla. The taste is something mean between strawberries and pineapple.

In addition to the most common green kiwi, other varieties of these fruits are also grown - winter-hardy (a.arguta), which are also called "Baby Kiwi". They are significantly less than the usual kiwi. Each fruit size with a large berry of grapes and has a smooth edible peel. The color and texture of this variety resembles ordinary kiwi, but has more pronounced taste and sweetness.

Golden Kiwi (Gold Kiwifruit) is grown on a hybrid technology by the Department of Agricultural Research in New Zealand. This variety is characterized by a lubble bronze color, cracked "hat" from one end and a golden yellow pulp, which is less tall than that of ordinary kiwi, and has a more pronounced tropical taste. This variety is considered more valuable on the market than the usual green kiwi fruits.

The benefits of kiwi for health

Kiwi is moderately calories and in this respect are comparable to grapes. The energy value of Kiwi is 61 kilocaloria per 100 grams. These fruits contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and food fiber.

Kiwi are a good source of food fiber (3.8 grams per 100 grams, which is 10% of the recommended daily consumption rate), which makes it a good laxative means. The food tissue contained in the products protects the mucous membrane of the colon, reducing the duration of the effects of toxins, as well as communicating carcinogenic chemicals in it.

Kiwi fruits are an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin C, providing 154% of the daily rate of consumption of this necessary vitamin. Eating food-rich foods rich in vitamin C contributes to the production of resistance to causative agents of infections and eliminates malicious free radicals.

In significant quantities in Kiwi, vitamins A, E, K and flavonoid antioxidants are also contained - beta carotene, lutein and xanthine. Vitamin K, presumably, plays some role in the formation of bone mass, contributing to osteotropic activity in the bones. It also has its role in the therapy of patients with Alzheimer's disease, since this vitamin reduces the damage to the neurons of the brain. The overall antioxidant indicator (ORAC) of raw golden kiwi is 1210 μmol TE / 100 grams.

In the course of the research it was noted that certain chemical substances In Kiwi, like aspirin, contribute to the discharge of blood. Thus, they contribute to preventing the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels and can prevent stroke and heart attack.

The fruit under considerations are also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that eating products rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and help prevent the development of the development of attention and hyperactivity deficiency syndrome, autism and other developmental disorders.

Fresh kiwi fruits are a very rich source of helpful health of potassium electrolyte heart health. 100 grams of Kiwi contain 312 milligram potassium, which is 7% of the recommended daily rate of consumption of this electrolyte. Potassium is an important component of cells of cells and an organism that helps adjust the heart pulse and blood pressure by eliminating the harmful sodium effect.

Kiwi also contains such minerals as a manganese, iron and magnesium in noticeable quantities. Manganese is used by the body as a factor concomitant with a powerful antioxidant enzyme superoxiddismutase. Magnesium, like calcium, is needed for bones.


Allergic reactions to Kiwi are rare. Children and pregnant women should use kiwi in food with caution.

Nutritional value of kiwi

In brackets, the percentage of the daily consumption rate is given. Nutritional value is given at the rate of 100 grams of fresh green kiwi according to the Ministry agriculture USA listed on the Nutrition and You resource pages.

Energy value - 61 kilocaloria (3%);
Carbohydrates - 14.66 grams (11%);
protein - 1 gram (2%);
Fat - 0.52 grams (2%);
The fiber, which is part of the food - 3 grams (8%).

Folic acid (vitamin B9) - 25 micrograms (6%);
Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) - 0.341 milligrams (2%);
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.025 milligram (2%);
thiamine (vitamin B1) - 0.027 milligram (2%);
Vitamin A, which is very much contained in dandelion - 87 international units (IU, IU) - 3%;
Vitamin C - 92.7 milligram (154%);
Vitamin E - 1.46 milligrams (10%);
Vitamin K, an incredibly rich source of which is sage - 40.3 micrograms (34%).

sodium - 3 milligrams (~ 0%);
Potassium - 312 milligrams (7%).

calcium - 34 milligrams (3.5%);
Copper - 0.130 milligram (14%);
Iron - 0.31 milligrams (4%);
Magnesium - 17 milligrams (4%);
Manganese - 0.098 milligram (4%);
Zinc - 0.14 milligrams (1%).

Beta carotene (ß-carotene), which is rich in carrots - 52 micrograms;
Beta-cryptoxanthine (ß-cryptoxanthine) - 0 micrograms;
Lutein Zeaxantine - 122 micrograms.

The sourish, refreshing kiwi love many children and adults. But do you know why this fruit is so called? We present a selection of interesting facts about Kiwi - Surprise with us!

Kiwi is delicious, useful and interesting. Judge for yourself!

1. Kiwi has many titles. His homeland is China, in taste, he reminds a little remind of the gooseberry, so it was called a "Chinese gooseberry" until the 20th century. But in China, he was called "Monkey Peach": everything is because of hairy skin. Its name under which we know it now, the fruit received in New Zealand. The government did not want to pay extra tax during the Cold War, so they decided to call the fruit in their own way - all the more, the main export share of Kiwi by that time was grown in New Zealand. The fruit was called in honor of Kiwi birds, very similar to this unusual fruit.

2. Kiwi is the result of selection. Approximately 80 years ago, he was tasteful, and only thanks to the experiments of New Zealand farmers, he became such as now - to the measure of sour, juicy and pleasant to taste.

3. Kiwi is a berry. At home, in China, Kiwi was very valued by emperors: they used him as aphrodisiac.

4. Kiwi is growing on Liane. This plant is one of the most unpretentious: it does not like garden pests and insects, so farmers do not have the concept of "crops of Kiwi." The only thing that is sensitive to the plant is to weather conditions. It does not tolerate frost, and in a strong heat of Liana, it is necessary to keep in water: in the day they can "drink" up to 5 liters!

5. Thanks to it kiwi 84% consists of water. Because of this, its properties and low-calorificities Kiwi love to include in various diets.

6. Kiwi is a very useful product. In two middle fruits, Kiwi contains more vitamin C than in an orange, as much in it potassium - as much as in one banana. And the amount of dietary fiber in two kiwi is equal to the whole bowl of grain - thanks to this, Kiwi can use people with diabetes mellitus.

7. Kiwi weight is fixed. High-quality and ripe kiwi cannot weigh less than 70 and more than 100 grams. But in the wild of the fruit weigh only 30 grams.

8. From Kiwi you can not cook jelly. It's all about enzymes: they split gelatin and do not let him stick. However, if you still want jelly from Kiwi, try to pour a fruit with boiling water well: some vitamins are destroyed, and with them and enzymes and jelly will freeze.

9. There is a gold kiwi. On the context of his flesh, not green, but bright yellow. Such a variety was brought out in 1992 in New Zealand, and he quickly became popular despite the high price. But in China, breeders want to grow kiwi with a red flesh - they work on a new variety for several years. In other countries, such varieties of Kiwi are practically not exported - too expensive.