Resume for work examples ready-made financier

Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our sample of filling out a resume for the position of a financial consultant (an experienced specialist or a beginner with no work experience) will help you. Competent resume will greatly increase your chances of finding a job.

There are two types of financial advisor resume template

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Template benefits

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3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for working as a financial consultant.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those who are engaged in recruiting. This will give you an edge over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find good work, it is most effective to slightly change the resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample of how to write a financial advisor resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sample resume of a financial advisor, click on the link below.

FSUE, (Field of activity - production and sale of alcohol and alcohol-containing products)
from December 2006 to December 2007.
Position: chief Specialist Financial Control Department.

Financial control:

  • creation and implementation of a control system for the use of both own and target money branches of the organization, the development of appropriate regulations and necessary control procedures;
  • development of management reporting forms for collecting and analyzing data on current expenses of branches with subsequent submission to the organization's management;
  • control over the targeted use of funds and compliance of current payments with market prices and the branch budget, coordination of current payments;


  • participation in the formation of the cash flow budget of the company's branches (18 factories);
  • development and implementation of procedures for submission and approval of applications for replenishment of settlement (expense) accounts of branches of the organization, making appropriate changes to the organization's budgeting regulations in terms of financial control;
  • consolidation of data flow budgets submitted by branches of the organization;
  • analysis of deviations plan / fact;
  • control of budget execution, preparation of reports;

Work with the organization's receivables and payables:

  • development of reporting forms for accounts receivable and payable in order to improve the system for monitoring the level of debt and compliance with contractual obligations by the organization's counterparties;
  • analysis of volumes and growth rates of receivables and payables;
  • setting tasks for the IT department on the implementation of accounts receivable / payable reports into the 1C system in order to automate their preparation and subsequent analysis;

Preparation and analysis of management and financial statements for the branches of the organization.

CJSC, (The scope of the company is sale and maintenance a / m Mercedes and Ford)
from August 2005 to November 2006.
Position: credit manager

Job responsibilities:

  • management of accounts receivable and implementation of its current control and analysis:

    - organization of work on accounts receivable from scratch;
    - management of the department for work with clients in order to control the receivables and minimize their volumes;
    - holding credit committees for employees of different levels, including the top management of the company;

  • formation of the organization's credit policy;
  • preparation of reports on accounts receivable over time, by customers and by the organization as a whole.

IP, (The scope of the company is wholesale and small wholesale of paper for printing), Moscow,
from February 2004 to August 2005.
Position: Financial Controller.

Job responsibilities:

  • control and analysis of accounts payable;
  • preparation and conclusion of loan agreements;
  • control and analysis of receivables: reconciliation with suppliers, control of shipments and payments for delivered goods;
  • work with difficult debts: introduction of a stop-list system, identification of debt repayment options, in particular debt restructuring;
  • preparation of documentation for the credit committee and its implementation;
  • monitoring of existing credit lines.

Company, Moscow,
from September 2001 to February 2004.
Position: Leading specialist (economist)

Job responsibilities:

  • analysis and calculation of wages and other indicators of the income generation account at the regional and federal levels;
  • preparation of statistical reports on wages, budgets, taxes and fees of the Russian Federation, etc .;
  • preparation and presentation of official statistical information for federal ministries and departments, work with regional statistical committees;
  • preparation of reports, pivot tables and graphs.

Financial Manager

Expected income level

Personal data

Place of residence: Moscow, (the nearest metro station)
Date of birth: April 27, 19 .. (full years)
Family status: Not married, no children


19..y. - Modern Humanitarian Institute, Moscow
Faculty: Economic
Specialty: Bachelor of Economics

20 .. - Center for vocational training "Stack", Moscow
Course Title: Accounting and Reporting


12.20 .. - 05.20..yy., LLC "XXX", Moscow
Scope of the company: ...
Position: Senior Finance Manager (Full Time)


    Drawing up plans of expenses for the future period (budgeting);

    Control over the compliance of the spending of funds with the adopted plans (budgetary control);

    Consideration of applications for payment;

    Maintaining and controlling the flow of funds, entering information into the accounting program;

    Formation of a register of payments, maintaining a payment calendar;

    Working with contracts, monitoring the fulfillment of conditions;

    Working with banks (preparation of documents for lending, placement of free funds);

    Providing information to banks upon request;

    Settlements with suppliers;

    Management reporting (DDS, profit and loss statement, balance sheet);

Reason for leaving:

11.20 .. - 08.20 .. - JSC "XXX", Moscow
Scope of the company: ...
Position: Financial Coordinator (Full Time)


    Registration of primary accounting documentation;

    Maintenance of contracts, preparation of financial applications;

    Reconciliation certificates, acts of work performed;

    Development of regulations for the management of accounts receivable;

    Analysis financial condition counterparty;

    Making decisions on shipments to customers;

    Working with clients in order to pay off accounts receivable to the company;

    Writing technical specifications for optimizing business processes;

    Making report.

Reason for leaving:

11.20 .. - 05.20 .. - JSC "XXX", Moscow
Scope of the company: ...
Position: Economist (Full Time)


    Maintaining primary accounting documentation;

    Control over the receipt of funds to the company's accounts;

    Distribution of payments among accounts, formation of payment orders, posting of bank statements in the accounting program;

    Control of cash balances on current accounts;

    Working with a client bank;

    Dealing with receivables and accounts payable;

    Accrual of salary, bonuses, interest;

    Working with banks (loans, borrowings);

    Maintaining a payment schedule for loan repayment, interest payments;

    Analysis of sales by company;

    Work with providers;

    Control of stock balances in the warehouse;

    Drawing up reports for the company's management.

Reason for leaving:

Additional Information

Knowledge of PC: Word, Excel, Paradox, 1C

Dear applicants, in this section of our website you can get acquainted with the options for examples of successful resumes in Russian and english and choose for yourself a sample that suits you in structure. We kindly ask you: use to prepare for writing professional resume the proposed forms - they have been tested by practice (each example of the text is a publication with the permission of the candidate who was chosen by the customer company), but fill only with truthful content about your professional success. Remember! about the simple truths that there is only one chance to make a good impression and that they believe someone who has never given himself to doubt.

Dmitry Sergeevich Kakmilstein

For the position of CFO

Expected income 450,000 rubles


Full time work

The possibility of business trips up to half of the working time

personal information

Date of birth: 01.01.1960

Marital status: married, adult children.

Accommodation: Reutov. MO

Contact phone 8 495 7772376


1990 Postgraduate study at IP RAS

Mathematical modeling Ph.D. m. n.

1987 MIPT FPFE Higher

Engineering Methods in Financial Analysis

2002 Management Training International School of Business / Open University Great Britain Professinal Diploma in Management

2004 MBA program MIM Link Master of Business Administration


08.2005 - until now Company group.

Market position: 2006 annual turnover of $ 1.1 billion, market leader retail sales, 3000 employees.

Position: CFO (subordination: to CEO; number of subordinates: 130 people)


Maintaining relationships with banks;

Treasury management;

Development of an optimal strategy for financing the company;

Organization tax accounting, optimization of the legal structure of the company, schemes for the movement of financial flows and minimization of tax risks;

Maintaining relations with fiscal authorities;

Organization of management accounting for internal users and reporting for creditor banks, strategic and operational analysis of the company's performance;

Organization of legal support for the company's activities in all areas and minimization of legal risks (from business contracts to protecting the company's interests in consumer protection courts);

Organization of the process of budgeting and modeling the financial and economic activities of the company for the purposes of strategic and annual planning, setting goals for managers and providing forecasts to creditor banks, monitoring and analyzing budget execution;


A project for restructuring the legal structure of the company was prepared and approved in order to increase transparency and attractiveness for external investors

A project for cost accounting in the company was prepared and approved in order to increase the efficiency of activities

By December 2006, the company's credit limits were increased by $ 40 million, the number of lending banks was increased from three to seven.

A project for the issue of bonds for 1 billion rubles was implemented (September 2006).

10.2002 - 07.2005 Group of companies.

Position: Director for Economics (reporting to the General Director; reporting to 180 people)


Full responsibility for managing your division (from personnel work, building a motivation system to developing a structure).

Tax accounting, optimization of the legal structure of the company, schemes of financial flows and minimization of tax risks;

Management accounting for internal users and reporting for creditor banks, analysis of the company's performance;

Legal support of the company's activities in all areas and minimization of legal risks (from business contracts to protecting the company's interests in courts for the protection of consumer rights);

Budgeting and modeling the financial and economic activities of the company for the purpose of strategic and annual planning, setting goals for managers and providing forecasts to creditor banks, monitoring and analyzing budget execution;

Expertise investment projects, for making decisions on investments and justifying projects with creditor banks;

Control and audit activities (from monitoring the safety of assets and the amount of receivables to monitoring the implementation of internal regulations and the correctness of reporting by divisions);

Methodological support and organization of storage of the company's internal legislation;

Implementation of automation projects in all areas of the division's activities;


Participated in restructuring the company and building corporate governance in 2002 as a member of the change team.

Development of a budgeting system and its successful automation using the Comshare software tool, development of a model of the company's financial and economic activities for planning purposes.

Organization of the control and audit department. Preparation of options for restructuring the company for the company's entry into open market capital.

11.1995 - 10.2002 Group of companies

Position: Chief Accountant group of companies (subordination to one of the founders)


Tax accounting, optimization of the legal structure of the company and minimization of tax risks;

management accounting for internal users and reporting for creditor banks;

development and methodological support of document flow and client business chains at branches;

legal support of the company's activities in terms of business and other contracts and tax law in order to minimize legal risks;

methodological support and organization of storage of the company's internal legislation;

implementation of automation projects in all areas of the division's activities;

full responsibility for managing your unit (from personnel work, building a motivation system to developing a structure).


participation in building the central services of the company, building relations between the center and branches, implementing several automation projects for the center and branches,

creation of a stable highly professional team,