Job description of the chief quality specialist. Standardization, certification and quality specialist Responsibilities of a quality manager

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I. General provisions

  1. A quality engineer is a professional.
  2. For the position:
    • a quality engineer is appointed a person who has a higher professional (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the position of a technician of the 1st category for at least 3 years or other positions replaced by specialists with an average professional (technical) education, at least 5 years;
    • quality engineer of the II category - a person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience as a quality engineer or other engineering and technical positions replaced by specialists with higher education, not less than 3 years;
    • quality engineer of the 1st category - a person with a higher technical education and work experience as a quality engineer of the 2nd category for at least 3 years.
  3. Appointment and exemption from the position of quality engineer
  4. A quality engineer should know:
    1. 4.1. Resolutions, orders, orders, methodological and normative materials for product quality management.
    2. 4.2. The system of state supervision, interdepartmental and departmental control over product quality.
    3. 4.3. Technological processes and production modes.
    4. 4.4. Basic technological and design data of products.
    5. 4.5. Industry and enterprise standards and specifications.
    6. 4.6. Types of manufacturing defects, methods of its prevention and elimination.
    7. 4.7. The procedure for filing and considering claims for the quality of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and finished products.
    8. 4.8. Requirements for technical documentation, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and finished products, systems, methods and means of their quality control.
    9. 4.9. Rules for testing and acceptance of products.
    10. 4.10. The procedure for preparing industrial products for certification and attestation.
    11. 4.11. Organization of accounting, procedure and timing of reporting on product quality.
    12. 4.12. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.
    13. 4.13. Fundamentals of Labor Law.
    14. 4.14. Labor protection rules and regulations.
  5. During the absence of a quality engineer (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Quality engineer:

  1. 1 Ensures the fulfillment of tasks to improve the quality of products, work (services) performed, exercises control over the activities of the enterprise's divisions to ensure the compliance of products, works (services) with the modern level of development of science and technology, consumer requirements in the domestic market, as well as export requirements, etc.
  2. Participates in the development, improvement and implementation of a quality management system, the creation of standards and regulations quality indicators, monitors their observance.
  3. Analyzes the information received at various stages of production of products, works (services), quality indicators characterizing the developed and manufactured products, works (services) and takes measures to prevent the release of products, production of works, services that do not meet the established requirements.
  4. Examines and analyzes complaints and claims to the quality of products, works (services), prepares conclusions and maintains correspondence on the results of their consideration.
  5. Studies the reasons causing deterioration in the quality of products (works, services), causing deterioration in product quality, participates in the development of measures to eliminate them.
  6. Prepares conclusions on the conformity of the quality of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, component products to the standards, technical conditions and prepares documents for filing claims with suppliers.
  7. Studying the advanced domestic and foreign experience for the development and implementation of quality management systems.
  8. Participates in the creation of enterprise standards for quality management, in the preparation of products for certification and attestation, in the preparation of activities related to the implementation of standards and technical conditions for the products manufactured by the enterprise, as well as in the development and implementation of the most advanced systems of control methods, providing for the automation and mechanization of control operations and the creation of means for these purposes, including non-destructive testing means.
  9. Takes part in the development of methods and instructions for the current quality control of work in the process of manufacturing products, in testing finished products and preparing documents certifying their quality.
  10. Develops and organizes the implementation of measures based on the results of state supervision, interdepartmental and departmental control over the implementation and observance of standards and technical specifications for product quality, preparation of products for certification and certification.
  11. Keeps records and prepares reports on the activities of the enterprise for product quality management.

III. Rights

A quality engineer has the right to:

  1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.
  2. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for the management's consideration.
  3. Inform the immediate supervisor about all deficiencies in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified in the course of the performance of their duties and make proposals for their elimination.
  4. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties from the heads of the enterprise departments and specialists personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor.
  5. Involve all specialists (individual) structural units to the solution of the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural units, if not, then with the permission of the management).
  6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its duties and rights.

IV. A responsibility

The quality engineer is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The quality engineer is one of the key figures in the company. Often it depends on him whether the company's products will be successful or whether the first customers will remain dissatisfied with the product, and the company will gain a bad reputation. Naturally, such a responsible position cannot be occupied by a person without special education or a certain length of service.

A simple quality engineer must have a higher specialized education. In this case, the requirement for work experience is not put forward, and also in the case when the professional in the given industry and work experience is at least 3 years. Engineers of the 1st and 2nd categories must have a higher profile education and work experience in a lower position of at least three years.

The duties of such an employee include control over the activities of various divisions of enterprises in order to prevent the release of defective products or the provision of low-quality services. In addition, the person who holds this position is responsible for ensuring that products (or services) meet the technology requirements and the level of demands of modern consumers. The engineer is responsible for ensuring that safety is maintained at the plant.

But it would be foolish to assume that a person with professional education and great performance only performs the functions of an automaton that checks the product at the exit. The quality engineer is involved in the development, further improvement and implementation of various quality systems. He makes his recommendations to ensure that the product or service is continually improved.

The quality control engineer must constantly analyze all stages of production to identify the reasons that can subsequently lead to the release of defective products, as well as make recommendations for eliminating shortcomings in the work of departments and monitor their implementation.

One of the most important responsibilities such an engineer is to consider incoming complaints and claims for quality. After their receipt, he is obliged to draw up a conclusion and conduct further correspondence with clients in order to resolve the conflict that has arisen. Also, a quality engineer monitors the incoming raw materials, materials, components. If he finds them not meeting technical standards, he is obliged to file a claim with the supplier.

It may seem that working with control is devoid of creative moments and does not require constant self-improvement, but this is far from the case. engineers must constantly evolve, in an ever-changing modern world it is important to keep abreast of the development of new technologies and study the experience of colleagues in the implementation of new standards and systems

The quality control specialist interacts with other employees of the enterprise all the time. To perform his duties well, he must understand well not only how various mechanisms work, but also the psychology of people, since it is fundamental in the creation of any product, even in the most mechanized enterprise.



the name of the institution,




(director; other executive,

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authorized to approve

quality engineer

job description)


(surname, initials)


I. General Provisions

1. Quality Engineer is a professional.

2. For the position:

A quality engineer is appointed a person who has a higher professional (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the position of a category I technician for at least 3 years or other positions replaced by specialists with an average professional (technical) education, at least 5 years;

Quality engineer of the II category - a person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the position of a quality engineer or other engineering and technical positions replaced by specialists with higher education for at least 3 years;

Quality engineer of category I - a person who has a higher technical education and work experience as a quality engineer of category II for at least 3 years.

3. Appointment and dismissal of quality engineer

is made by order of the director of the enterprise upon presentation

4. The quality engineer should know:

4.1. Resolutions, orders, orders, methodological and normative materials for product quality management.

4.2. The system of state supervision, interdepartmental and departmental control over product quality.

4.3. Technological processes and production modes.

4.4. Basic technological and design data of products.

4.5. Industry and enterprise standards and specifications.

4.6. Types of manufacturing defects, methods of its prevention and elimination.

4.7. The procedure for filing and considering claims for the quality of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and finished products.

4.8. Requirements for technical documentation, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and finished products, systems, methods and means of their quality control.

4.9. Rules for testing and acceptance of products.

4.10. The procedure for preparing industrial products for certification and attestation.

4.11. Organization of accounting, procedure and timing of reporting on product quality.

4.12. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.

4.13. Fundamentals of Labor Law.

4.14. Labor protection rules and regulations.


5. The quality engineer reports directly

6. During the absence of a quality engineer (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Quality engineer:

1. Ensures the fulfillment of tasks to improve the quality of products, work (services) performed, monitors the activities of the enterprise's divisions to ensure the compliance of products, works (services) with the modern level of development of science and technology, consumer requirements in the domestic market, as well as export requirements and dr.

2. Participates in the development, improvement and implementation of the quality management system, the creation of standards and norms of quality indicators, controls their observance.

3. Analyzes the information received at various stages of production of products, works (services), quality indicators characterizing the developed and manufactured products, works (services) and takes measures to prevent the release of products, production of works, services that do not meet the established requirements.

5. Studies the reasons causing deterioration in the quality of products (works, services), causing deterioration in the quality of products, participates in the development of measures to eliminate them.

6. Prepares conclusions on the conformity of the quality of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, component parts to the standards, technical conditions and prepares documents for filing claims with suppliers.

7. Studying advanced domestic and foreign experience in the development and implementation of quality management systems.

8. Takes part in the creation of enterprise standards for quality management, in the preparation of products for certification and certification, in the preparation of activities related to the implementation of standards and technical conditions for the products manufactured by the enterprise, as well as in the development and implementation of the most advanced systems of control methods, providing for the automation and mechanization of control operations and the creation for these purposes of means, including means of non-destructive testing.

9. Takes part in the development of methods and instructions for the current quality control of work in the process of manufacturing products, in the testing of finished products and in the preparation of documents certifying their quality.

10. Develops and organizes the implementation of measures based on the results of state supervision, interdepartmental and departmental control over the implementation and observance of standards and technical specifications for product quality, preparation of products for certification and certification.

11. Keeps records and prepares reports on the activities of the enterprise for product quality management.

III. Rights

A quality engineer has the right to:

1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.

2. Submit for the management's consideration proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3. To inform the immediate supervisor of all deficiencies in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) revealed in the course of fulfilling their official duties and make proposals for their elimination.

4. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties from the heads of the enterprise departments and specialists personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor.

5. To involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if it is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the management).

6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its duties and rights.

IV. A responsibility

The quality engineer is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)



Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


I have read the instructions:


(surname, initials)


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An engineer who checks the quality of products in production, and is also responsible for the compliance of products with established quality standards and technical level, is called a "quality engineer".

Place of work

In the modern industrialized world, it is difficult to imagine a large company whose organizational structure does not provide for the position of a quality engineer. This employee works for manufacturing enterprises, as well as in state centers for standardization. The job description establishes his powers.

The quality engineer works in large companyengaged in manufacturing or construction. The company can produce in large volumes various goods and services, and be a supplier of a small exclusive product.

The employee belongs to the "specialist" category. Management functions in the job description are indicated depending on the category of the engineer.


The job description of a quality engineer in production contains a list of requirements that are mandatory for a candidate for this position.

A document is drawn up in accordance with generally established requirements. The job description of a quality engineer, whether the QMS system in the company or not, should outline the field of activity.

Person to be appointed to the position of quality engineer:

  • For category 1, you must get a professional (technical) education, necessarily higher. Work experience in positions in category 2 - at least 3 years.
  • For category 2, a higher technical education is also required. Work experience in a quality position or any other technical position - from 3 years.
  • Without a category, education of the appropriate level and profile is required. There are no requirements for work experience, if the education is higher, if the education is secondary vocational, then the experience should be at least 3 years as a technician of the 1st category, as well as at least 5 years for specialists with secondary education.

The most important document for an employee is a job description. The Quality Engineer is no exception.

Required knowledge

The required knowledge is described by the job description. A quality engineer should know:

  • modes of production of products;
  • technological processes used in production;
  • design features of the products manufactured by the production, as well as key technological data;
  • standards, conditions that apply at the enterprise and in the industry as a whole;
  • types of defects in production, ways to eliminate them;
  • methods and methods of control by which the state monitors the quality of products;
  • the basics of handling complaints regarding the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products, materials, as well as components for products and finished products;
  • labor legislation, the basics of organizing production, economics, labor, as well as management, norms and rules of labor protection;
  • regulatory documents, decrees, decisions related to product quality management;
  • rules according to which products are tested at the production stage and then accepted after release;
  • the rules according to which industrial products are prepared for certification or attestation;
  • rules and terms for organizing accounting, terms for filing reports on products, as well as their quality.

Main responsibilities

A quality management system engineer, whose job description contains all the basic requirements, must be able to perform a list of functions that are important for production.

The main duties of an engineer, which he must deal with:

  • take part in the development and creation of quality management standards that will be applied at the enterprise;
  • engage in work on the preparation of manufactured products for certification and attestation;
  • development and preparation of necessary actions aimed at introducing standards for manufactured products;
  • develop and then implement methods and methods of control, which provide maximum automation of control operations;
  • provide non-destructive testing;
  • to develop methods, instructions regarding the current quality control of work in the production process;
  • testing of finished products, as well as drawing up documentation that confirms their quality.

Responsibilities in mechanical engineering

The job description of a quality engineer in mechanical engineering is slightly different from the instructions of the same specialist in construction. The differences are based on the specifics of the industry itself. For example, in mechanical engineering, a specialist must:

  • to ensure the fulfillment of tasks aimed at increasing the quality of products that are produced, works, services, services that are provided;
  • control the activities of the organization's divisions, ensuring that the products comply with the current level of technology development, as well as consumer requirements or requirements for export or the domestic market;
  • carry out the development, as well as the organization of events based on the results of state supervision, control over compliance with standards, technical specifications for quality, preparation of products for certification and certification;
  • participate in the development or improvement, as well as the implementation of a quality management system, as well as in the creation of standards and performance standards, monitor compliance with the standards;
  • analyze the information collected at different stages of production, as well as quality indicators that characterize the product;
  • take the necessary measures to prevent the release of defective products that do not meet the necessary requirements;
  • analyze incoming complaints or claims regarding the quality of products, services or work performed, prepare conclusions and conduct correspondence on their consideration;
  • to investigate the reasons that caused the deterioration in the quality of products (decrease in the quality of work, services, the appearance of defects);
  • take part in the implementation of measures aimed at eliminating problems, as well as develop them;
  • engage in accounting and reporting on the work of the enterprise in the field of quality management of products;
  • study the developments of domestic and foreign manufacturers and make the most of suitable innovations for their industry.

What is QMS

QMS - quality management system. In order for the enterprise to function as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to manage it in a systematic and structured manner. "Sudden management", which is so widespread in our country, is categorically not suitable for creating a structured and successful business.

In order to build a QMS in a company, you must:

  • identify what the main processes will be in the company;
  • determine in what sequence, in what structure the processes will interact;
  • identify the criteria and methods that are necessary in order to ensure the effectiveness of work and process management;
  • engage in ensuring the availability of resources, as well as the information that is necessary to organize work and quality monitoring of established processes;
  • measure, analyze, observe processes;
  • eliminate problems in advance, as well as prevent them;
  • the measures that are needed in order to achieve the set results should be applied on time.

Responsibility in the QMS

The job description of a quality engineer with a QMS system in a company will allow you to get better results.

The instructions, in addition to rights and obligations, necessarily prescribe responsibilities. The Quality Officer is responsible for:

  • Property damage. In the amount stipulated by the Criminal Code, as well as labor laws and the Civil Code.
  • An offense that happened during the performance of direct duties in accordance with legislative framework RF.
  • Improper performance of their direct duties or failure in principle.

The quality engineer, whose job description is stored in production, must monitor the fulfillment of all points of his duties. Referring to the management with suggestions for improving product quality or making suggestions for the introduction of new technologies, this specialist must be aware that the introduction of even small changes in production is a global cost for the company.

Quality in construction

The job description of a quality engineer in construction contains several distinctive points that are not in the instructions of a specialist in the field of mechanical engineering or in production.

Engineer in this industry:

  • on behalf of the customer is obliged to supervise the construction and installation worksas well as for receiving objects that have been completed;
  • must control the implementation of the planned volumes of capital construction, as well as the compliance of the volumes, quality of work and deadlines;
  • controls the quality of materials used for construction.

Participation in changes

A quality engineer, whose job description strictly regulates all areas of his responsibility, takes part in resolving issues on the application of changes in projects, the introduction of advanced technologies and methods, design solutions that will help reduce the cost and improve the performance of the facility. In addition, in his work, he is obliged to take part in the consideration and approval of changes in projects that arise during construction.

Career prospects

Proving yourself as a specialist high level, an engineer, having worked for several years in a large company and having gained rich and diverse experience, can be promoted to the position of "Leading Quality Engineer".

The job description of this specialist, in addition to the items mentioned above, also contains the right to manage personnel. In order to obtain employment opportunities for this position, it is necessary to have experience in team management, as well as experience in working simultaneously with several projects of a different plan.

The rights, duties, responsibilities are clearly regulated by the job description. The quality engineer must meet all the requirements set out in it.

I category is appointed by a person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience as a quality engineer of the II category for at least [meaning] years. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience as a quality engineer or other engineering and technical positions replaced by specialists with higher professional education for at least [meaning] years is appointed to the position of a quality engineer of the II category. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education, without presenting requirements for work experience, or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the position of a technician of the 1st category of at least [value] years, or other positions to be filled specialists with secondary vocational (technical) education, not less than [value] years. 1.3.

Quality Engineer Job Description

Examines and analyzes complaints and claims to the quality of products, works (services), prepares opinions and maintains correspondence on the results of their consideration. Studies the reasons causing the deterioration in the quality of products (works, services), the release of defects, participates in the development and implementation of measures to eliminate them.

Prepares conclusions on the conformity of the quality of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, component parts to the standards, technical specifications and prepares documents for filing claims with suppliers. Studying the advanced domestic and foreign experience in the development and implementation of quality management systems.

Ensures the fulfillment of tasks to improve the quality of products, performed works (services), exercises control over the activities of the enterprise's divisions to ensure the compliance of products, works (services) with the modern level of development of science and technology, consumer requirements in the domestic market, as well as export requirements, etc. 2. Participates in the development, improvement and implementation of the quality management system, the creation of standards and norms of quality indicators, controls their observance.

3. Analyzes the information received at various stages of production of products, works (services), quality indicators characterizing the developed and manufactured products, works (services) and takes measures to prevent the release of products, production of works (services) that do not meet the established requirements. 4.

Takes part in the creation of enterprise standards for quality management, in the preparation of products for certification and attestation, in the preparation of measures related to the implementation of standards and technical conditions for the products manufactured by the enterprise, as well as in the development and implementation of the most advanced systems and methods of control, providing automation and mechanization of control operations and creation of the means necessary for these purposes, including non-destructive testing means. Takes part in the development of methods and instructions for the current quality control of work in the process of manufacturing products, in testing finished products and issuing documents certifying their quality.

Job description of the chief quality specialist

  • the procedure for filing and considering claims for the quality of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and finished products;
  • requirements for technical documentation, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and finished products, systems, methods and means of their quality control;
  • rules for testing and acceptance of products;
  • the procedure for preparing industrial products for certification and attestation;
  • organization of accounting, procedure and timing of reporting on product quality;
  • fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
  • fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Quality Engineer: Responsibilities. job description

In large and promising organizations, the quality control engineer is also obliged, on the basis of the results obtained, to put forward options for solving the problem that have arisen for consideration by the direct management, so that such claims do not arise in the future.

  • Carefully study all the reasons and bases that lead to a deterioration in quality or that prevent the quality of products or services from being regularly improved.
  • Take active participation in the development of various instructions and existing methods that will not only improve quality, but also simplify the process of control over it.
  • Maintain the appropriate documentation, which will confirm the fulfillment of the duties prescribed in such a document as the "Job Instruction".

Job for a quality specialist

  • and (if the company is focused not only on the domestic sales market) quality criteria in accordance with export requirements.

List of direct responsibilities of a specialist If you are offered to take such a position as a quality engineer, you need to be ready to shoulder the following responsibilities:

  • Timely and regularly analyze the information that should be obtained from the production of products (preferably from each separate stage).
  • Follow a kind of system of quality indicators, approved at the enterprise, which should fully characterize the product or service that the company provides.
  • Carefully study, analyze quality claims that can be made both by internal and external counterparties.
  • Inform the immediate supervisor about all deficiencies in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified in the course of the performance of their duties and make proposals for their elimination.
  • Request information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties from the heads of the enterprise departments and specialists personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor.
  • To involve specialists from all (individual) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural units, if not, then with the permission of the management).
  • Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its duties and rights.
  • IV.

Kmpz quality specialist job responsibilities

  • Receive assistance and assistance from the management in the implementation of their activities.
  • To represent the interests of your enterprise in interaction with other organizations.
  • Cooperate with the heads of all structural divisions and departments (including marketing, logistics, sales, business intelligence, PR specialists, etc.).
  • Be aware of all decisions regarding his department.
  • Submit proposals for improving the work in the direction of their activities (they are considered by the management).
  • Perform quality control and compliance with standards and specifications in all departments of the enterprise.
  • Sign and endorse any documents within their own competence.
  • The specialists and engineers of the quality control department work under the direction of the department head.


APPROVED General Director of ZAO Quorum Telecom AV Kovrigin "" 200 M.P. Job description Quality specialist (job title) 1.

General 1.1 This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the Quality Specialist. 1.2 A quality specialist is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order Director General... 1.3 The quality specialist reports directly to the Director of the department; during the absence of the specified superior person, the employee reports to the person replacing the Director of the department.