Business plans for the winter. Winter business ideas. How not to be mistaken when choosing a direction for business

Winter is a special time of the year with unique climatic conditions that provide businessmen with many opportunities to show their entrepreneurial skills. Winter is the second favorable period after summer for doing business. Therefore, in this article, we will consider the features of the winter season and business ideas in the winter, which will receive widespread demand and bring good profits.

Describing the main features of the winter period, several characteristic features should be highlighted:

  1. With regard to climatic features, temperature fluctuations are considered, due to which in winter in our country rains, thaws with a sharp transition to severe frosts are often observed.
  2. With regard to social characteristics winter period characterized by "home gatherings". People don't go on vacation. The longest and most significant holiday at this time of the year is the winter holidays.
  3. With regard to the psychological and physiological characteristics of people, the winter season is characterized by depression, loss of energy and illness. They develop from a lack of sunlight, a lack of vitamins, and sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.

Winter types of business

Taking into account the peculiarities of winter, it should be confidently said that any business designed for the winter period of time will be seasonal. For this reason, it will belong to a small business.

A huge number of ideas can be devoted to winter recreation - it can be tourist trips, excursions, sports and other events.

The bulk of the population works in winter, so rest on weekends and in the evenings is no less in demand than in summer. Consider what can be seasonal business in winter.

Opening of a skating rink, ski track. Renting skates, skis

Opening an ice rink is considered the oldest business. The ice rink is easy to maintain, it does not require large expenses in the organization. If you also connect a little imagination to this type of business and organize an additional service, there will be no end to those who want to skate. Enterprising businessmen can simultaneously open a point with hot pancakes, kebabs, hot pilaf nearby. To make the skating rink also attract art lovers, you can put original ice sculptures around the skating rink, with which a lot of people will be photographed.

A business is easy to start from scratch, although it cannot be classified as a low-cost business. It will require sufficient capital investments, but their payback with a high profit margin will occur within a few months. The main clients will be parents with their beloved children, for whose joy and smile large sums will be given with pleasure.

In the summer, this type of business, of course, will not be relevant. The site, which will be used as a skating rink in winter, can be rented out in summer for dog handlers who will train dogs on this territory.

Organization of the Husky Park. Dog sledding

Husky is a unique breed of dog with rare blue eyes and a cheerful disposition. These dogs have long been used by man for sledding. Enterprising businessmen can organize Husky Park in winter. You will have to buy about 10 puppies. If you teach them to ride in sleds from a young age, they will perfectly cope with the task in the future. If the puppies are constantly accustomed to society, they will be sociable and, with joy, will be photographed with everyone. By the way, you can additionally earn money on this business idea. In general, everything can be translated into a game format: two teams with passengers start at the same time - upon arrival to the finish line - the passengers' task is to quickly leave the sled and run to the shooting range, where you need to hit the target out of ten attempts. Which team will hit the target faster - that will win. In the summer, of course, this business idea for dog sledding will be irrelevant. Therefore, at this time of year, you should come up with a different type of business. For example, you can arrange photo sessions with husky dogs. But an important point: dogs cannot be used as a reliable financial instrument. You need to take care of them and provide them with proper care.

Organization of paid fishing in the ice-hole and fishing competitions

Entrepreneurs living near the reservoir are given a unique opportunity to organize an ice fishing business. For this, holes are made in places where fish are biting, tackles are purchased, a rental and sale point for tackles is set up. A field kitchen with tea, rolls, pies and other food is being organized. To trade in alcoholic beverages, a license purchase is required, which introduces additional unnecessary costs.

Thus, the business in winter will bring profit to the owner of the reservoir, for the fish caught, and to the organizer of fishing. It is possible to attract clients to fishing through advertising the service and organizing fishing competitions. People will be able to participate in competitions on a paid basis.

Organization of courses for teaching snowboarding, skiing and skating.

For young people, there is nothing better than snowboarding, skiing and skating. But practice shows that few people have this winter equipment due to the fact that it is not so easy to learn to ride on it. For this reason, skating training courses may become relevant.

In order for the courses to be informative and effective, in addition to the knowledge available to the instructor, you should study theoretical material on the Internet and familiarize yourself with practical material. What is it for? In order for a person to master the basics of demonstration riding techniques and to be able to understandably and clearly explain each step.

Organization of sleigh rides with three horses

In the depths of every Russian soul lies the desire to rush through the picturesque expanses of the Russian land on a sleigh with three horses, so this service is in demand both in summer and winter, and is ordered for many holidays and entertainment events.

Today, in many cities of the country, the service of horseback riding in a carriage through the beautiful places of the city and fabulous suburban areas is in great demand.

Such a business will be relevant to horse breeders who are professionally fond of breeding these animals. For horse breeders, this type of business will not imply serious expenses. The only thing that is required is the purchase of a modern sleigh, with the help of which skiing will be organized.

New Year business ideas

Special attention should be paid to the preparation for the New Year's holiday and holidays, as well as services in demand at the end of the holidays. Only one period of New Year's holidays can bring an entrepreneur a profit of the same size as for the entire winter season. And the reason for this is the long festivities of the people, when funds for the holiday cannot be saved.

The most popular business projects for new year holidays will be described below.

Making homemade Christmas trees

On New Year's Eve, the demand for Christmas trees reaches an epogue. Those who want to make money in the winter should think about such a business idea as making homemade Christmas trees. Think about creative models. Making Christmas trees of unusual shapes and unusual materials can be considered here. These include Christmas trees made from tinsel, expensive fabrics and vinyl-based wallpaper.

Success is guaranteed for edible Christmas trees made of cookies and candies. Christmas trees made from green marmalade and Christmas trees made from gingerbread will be in demand. Candies in green foil are also suitable for making Christmas trees.

New Year's decoration of houses and offices

New Year's business ideas are always monetary. The idea of \u200b\u200bNew Year's decoration of houses and office premises can be especially profitable.

For this type of business to make a profit, the room decoration program should have different ways of solving the issue:

  • installation and decoration of a Christmas tree (natural, artificial);
  • variety in the range of New Year's decorations;
  • different ways of decorating with coniferous garlands;
  • compositions for the New Year from florists;
  • paper decoration.

Sale and rental of carnival costumes - a profitable seasonal business in winter

In order for the business to bring good profit, it should be borne in mind that the main consumers of such a service are children, schoolchildren and students, therefore, New Year's carnival attributes should meet the interests of this category of the population.

Parents are very fond of buying New Year's costumes that are in demand today for adults for their children. Therefore, for business, you need to buy Santa Claus costumes (you can also buy a couple of Santa Claus costumes). There must also be a Snow Maiden costume. In addition to the New Year, costumes are rented or purchased for other holidays. They are relevant for Halloween, buy them for Valentine's Day.

Of course, starting a business from scratch will require certain costs for the purchase of suits, but you should be aware that in one year of rental, not only will the start-up capital be returned, but also the accumulation of profits will begin. The guarantee of business success will be the constant change of the range of festive costumes.

Where to get money to start your own business? This is the problem that 95% of aspiring entrepreneurs face! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to get start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in the exchange earnings:

You can buy such products at wholesale points of sale. But it is also possible to make your own fantasy carnival costumes. For matinees, kindergartens rent costumes of various fairy-tale characters. Knowing this, the seamstress must follow new cartoon trends and, with the advent of fashion for new characters, bring her plans to life.

It should also be remembered that both adults and children can wear costumes of cartoon characters. Therefore, you should start sewing children's carnival costumes.

Considering the business idea of \u200b\u200bmaking money by sewing carnival costumes at home - for those who want to earn money at home, the following material may become relevant:.

Business ideas for vehicles

Sometimes difficult winter conditions present a lot of troubles and troubles to motorists, therefore, in winter, the business ideas proposed below will be in great demand.

Business for warming up frozen cars

In regions where the frost exceeds -10 degrees, cars often freeze over, so businessmen who offer the service of warming up cars become their only salvation. Since this business idea is relevant in winter and practically does not imply competition, you can set any price (but you still need to be guided by sound logic). When planning to implement this business idea, you should prepare in advance for certain costs.

Minimum costs for a given business idea

Since the events will take place in winter, the motorist will need to purchase:

  • heat gun (9,000 rubles);
  • high power converter (you will have to spend about 5,000 rubles for such a purchase)
  • corrugation (it will take about 5,000);
  • fire blankets - about 500 rubles.

As a result, it turns out 15,000. But we must not forget about the purchase of additional materials, such as diesel fuel. Indeed, with frequent orders, the motorist will have to spend approximately 1,500 rubles.

Correct advertising organization is a guarantee of the success of this business idea in winter

Since the problem of a frozen car in the cold is usually spontaneous and situational in nature, mass advertising on banners and city lights will be inappropriate. A smart solution would be to post ads on poles.

Business cards are another good tool for advertising the business idea described above.

Considering the topic of auto business, it would be advisable to consider another type of auto business, the key idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is to open a mobile car wash. Details on how to do this - the material will tell:.

Sale of anti-freeze for windshield

Every motorist knows that it is impossible to operate a car without frost protection in winter. Therefore, this type of business in winter can be very relevant. It is important to find wholesale centers where the purchase of window cleaning products will be cheap. The purchased products can be sold at the average market price. This type of business is popular today in large cities, where there is a high saturation of transport. Busy highways can also become a popular selling point. The point of sale of this product must be mobile. It is important to choose a place that is not surrounded by a single car dealership.

Since each motorist has different financial capabilities and different requirements for this product, the merchant's assortment should have anti-freeze, different in quality and price.

If the sale of anti-freeze will take place on the highway, you should think in advance about organizing a large sign that will hang at a distance of 1-2 km from the point of sale itself.

If the point is organized in a city, it is also important to take care of advertising. In this case, you can place your ad on the Internet. When the trade goes well, you can open another point. You can store stocks of products both in your garage and in a rented warehouse. The latter option will be relevant for those who open 3 or more points of sale for products.

Health food business in winter

Growing greens and vegetables in greenhouses in different regions of the country is a lucrative business. To start a project, businessmen are advised to start with greens and growing onions. In winter, they have a high price, so the start-up capital will be returned in the first season.

Having gained experience in the construction of a greenhouse, in the installation of heating devices and the organization of irrigation of greenery, the entrepreneur, subsequently, can reformat to grow vegetables in the winter season, which will significantly increase his profit.

The first step is to study the characteristics of each variety of greens. For example, dill is unpretentious, it is not subject to diseases and pests. But it requires additional lighting in cold weather. Cilantro - tolerates cold weather well, in winter it needs constant illumination, but for cultivation it needs constantly moistened black soil.

An important point is the correct construction of the greenhouse. This topic is actively discussed in many forums. Perfect option greenhouse design - wooden frame with glass frames.

Snow cleaning business in private yards and near offices

Among the business ideas in winter, the timely removal of snow on the roads is an urgent topic for the population of small towns and villages. Therefore, the business of clearing territories from snow is one of the most popular business ideas in any regions of the country in winter. To open this project from scratch, an entrepreneur does not need to purchase special equipment or have any knowledge. Any entrepreneur can organize it.

The service of cleaning the territory during snowfalls can be used by owners of private houses, owners of offices and shops. A snow removal company concludes agreements with residents of houses and directors of companies for periodic maintenance of territories on mutually beneficial agreements.

Hardy employees are hired to clear the snow. They receive scrapers, pick-up shovels and crowbars as cleaning equipment. To perform this range of works, a businessman can buy or rent snow-removing machines. As is known from the experience of snow removal companies, a business idea has been working with high profits for decades, while generating income for a large number of people.

Winter ideas for a one-time job

Not everyone can open a business in the winter, as it requires an investment of time and money. Sometimes people are looking for a one-time good job in winter. Below are some of these ideas.

Option 1. On New Year's holidays, such an idea as providing a taxi service and a drunk driver may become relevant. In order for the demand for this service to be, you should consider advertising in advance. You can create an ad on your Vkontakte page. Friends who know about such a service in advance will be able to use it.

Given that many taxi services provide this service, in order to compete, a more democratic price should be set. And there will definitely be demand.

Option 2. Rent out your home on New Year's Eve. This service will be especially relevant among students, who annually as a group are going to celebrate New Year... Since students are not rich people, they will gladly take advantage of such an offer. You should advertise your apartment on social networks; an advertisement for renting it out should be posted there.

For those who want to start not a seasonal, but a year-round type of business, it will be useful to get acquainted with the idea of \u200b\u200byear-round earnings with the help of Avito. About how you can make good money on Avito - this material can tell:.

Let's draw the line

The winter types of business described in the article will help an entrepreneur to study current business ideas in winter and choose the activity that is suitable for their conditions. When deciding to start your business, you should be prepared for the fact that unexpected expenses may arise, but if the business is selected correctly (taking into account the area and the needs of the local population), all costs will quickly pay off.

Banal, but very profitable idea business for the winter. Organization costs are small:

Costumes - about 15,000 rubles. You can rent, but it's better to have your own.
- Advertising - about 10,000 rubles. With a creative approach, you can get by with minimal costs.

The cost new year greetings depends a lot on the city in which you live. Average indicators for the country:

Home call - from 1,000 rubles.
- Corporate - from 5,000 rubles.
- Children's holiday - from 5,000 rubles.

It is important to come up with several scenarios for different categories of clients, find innovative ideas, and use funny jokes. Be smart in advertising your services. All types are effective - ads in crowded places, the Internet, word of mouth and many others.

Use new technologies. Appeals to children, recorded on video, letters or congratulations on Skype, work great.

Rent of skis and other types of equipment for winter entertainment

The rental can be organized both near the ski resort and in the city. The first option offers great benefits, but a lot of competition will have to be sustained. You can purchase a cargo "Gazelle" and organize a mobile ski rental with the delivery of sports equipment. Away from resorts, profits are less, but with proper organization, incomes can be quite good. We are talking about the rental of skis, snowboards and equipment for those who go on vacation to the mountains or a point near a park, a forest strip in the suburbs or a recreation area. Cross-country skiing is more appropriate here. It's not a bad idea to organize an ice rink and rent skates.

To start this business, you need to issue an individual entrepreneur and purchase:

At least 10 pairs of skis of various sizes;
- at least 5 snowboards;
- helmets, gloves, ski boots and other types of equipment.

The minimum start-up costs for organizing a small rental is about 500,000 rubles. Most of the amount will go to the purchase of skis, providing the widest possible selection of equipment is critical to success. If you manage to organize the process correctly, the costs will pay off within one season.

Snow removal

Many residents of Russia are faced with the problem of snow-covered roads every winter, because heavy snowfalls are typical for our climate. Often, utilities are simply not able to cope with snowdrifts, and a huge field of activity opens up for entrepreneurs, which will bring significant profits and benefits to the residents of your city.

To create a business, you must purchase:

- a car for removing snow;
- a trailer for the same purpose.

This technique can be bought for 150,000-170,000 rubles. Consider options with the purchase of used machines or under a lease agreement. In both cases, start-up costs are lower.

Make up an individual entrepreneur, place advertisements in various sources and wait for snowfalls. When the first snowdrifts form, there will be no end of customers - this is an extremely demanded service. Your customers will be managers large enterprises, trading companies, parking lots. Utilities often subcontract private snow removal companies.

The average cost of cleaning 1,000 m² of snow is 4,000-5,000 rubles. Substantial price adjustments are made depending on the region and the size of the city. But even with the most optimistic forecasts, start-up costs pay off within 3-4 months.

This business has additional directionsalso worth covering to increase the firm's profitability:

Cleaning roofs from icicles and snow. Need a shovel and special safety gear. 1 hour of work is estimated at around 2,000 rubles.
- Winter industrial mountaineering. This service consists of removing snow and ice in hard-to-reach places, which is in great demand. It is necessary to hire a highly qualified specialist and purchase special equipment. 1 hour of work is estimated at not less than 9,000 rubles. All costs are paid off very quickly.
- Additional income can be obtained from the removal of snow, removed by snowblowers of city utilities and even private customers.

Sale of decorations and souvenirs for the New Year holidays

This idea has a seasonal nature and can be implemented only before the New Year holidays, but it will bring impressive profits, despite the high competition. Your goal is to find the supplier with the lowest prices for Christmas decorations and select the new items that have appeared this season. Traditional toys and garlands are also in great demand.

If you have the time and ability to create crafts, you can make some of the unique toys and souvenirs. Such products are sold out instantly and are highly valued.

Toys and jewelry with symbols of the coming year are in great demand. Use not only numbers, but also animal figurines that will become a symbol of this year. When forming the range of these products, it should be borne in mind that next year they will not be needed by anyone.

You can offer spruce from artificial materials. They use everything every year in great demand... Offer shoppers a selection of New Year and Christmas gifts, fireworks, and shopping wrapping services. The wider the assortment of your store, the faster the goods will be sold. In the pre-holiday bustle, customers prefer to buy as many items as possible in one place, because there is a sorely lack of time during this period.

The costs of purchasing goods and renting a retail space in a shopping center or on a busy street are impressive. But with a well-formed assortment, you can get a good profit in just a month. It is not necessary to curtail trading at the end of the New Year holidays, because Valentine's Day, March 8, is ahead. You can update the assortment with souvenirs and other goods that will be relevant on the eve of these holidays.

Snow fortress

Do you know children who are indifferent to different figures and constructions made of snow? That's right, there are no such children. Build a majestic medieval snow fortress in a park or city center and create a celebration for local kids.

To implement this idea, you should take permission from the local authority. Sign a contract with a sculptor who will create a project of a fortress, figurines of fairy heroes and animals, an ice slide and a skating rink. To implement the project, it is necessary to hire workers. The building material is snow and water. According to the rules, the fortress is built from large ice blocks. They are made using special shapes. The finished fortress is poured with water and at sub-zero temperatures gains impressive strength.

The professionalism of the builders and the competent organization of work make it possible to build a fortress in a few days. No advertising needed. The completion of the construction of such an unusual object will be eagerly awaited by hundreds and thousands of kids.

Having set a reasonable fee for entering the fortress, you will reach payback in just 1-2 months. But this is not the only source of income - you can offer toy and candy traders the opportunity to work near your fortress on a sublease basis.

This idea is especially relevant for regions with harsh and long winters.

Snow tubing

This is a new entertainment for the inhabitants of our country, but snowtube riding is incredibly popular in Europe. A snowtube is something like an inflatable sled made of very durable fabric. Go down on this vehicle down the hill is a lot of fun. To start a business, it is important to build a good slide, purchase several snowtubes and provide customers with safety. The ideal location for organizing the attraction will be the snow-covered slope of the river.

The cost of starting a business consists of purchasing a snow tube - one costs about 2,000 rubles. You must have at least 10 European sleds. It is necessary to complete all permits.

In Russia, snow tubing is just beginning to appear in large ski resorts or in large entertainment centers... This niche is practically free. Snowtubing is a lot of fun. Clients, children and adults, you will have instantly. It is very easy to organize an advertising campaign on the Internet and requires almost no costs. Very quickly, the rumor about fun rides will spread throughout the city, and you can buy new snootubes, because everyone who wants them will simply not be enough.

Growing and selling greens and vegetables

The lion's share of the winter vitamin assortment comes to Russia from abroad. Associated with this is the high cost of fruits and fresh vegetables. And in this case, it is naive to expect ecological cleanliness - without chemical treatment, long-term transportation is impossible. The niche in the domestic market for growing greens, vegetables and berries in greenhouses is not yet occupied, and ample opportunities are open for enterprising farmers.

Setting up such a business is pretty simple. The procedure is as follows:

Greenhouse construction.
Purchase and installation of equipment for heating and additional lighting.
Watering system installation.
Purchase of seeds.
A small greenhouse can be operated by two people. Employees must be hired to work in multiple greenhouses. The profitability of this business in winter, especially during the New Year holidays, is very high.

But greenhouses can also be used in spring. Grow seedlings of summer crops or ornamental plants for landscaping for sale.

Every year, winter not only brings us New Year's fun and beautiful snowy weather, but also gives us the opportunity to bring many seasonal business ideas to life! What kind of business to do in winter? The answer to this question is primarily associated with winter fun and New Year's holidays. Winter has not yet arrived, and now is the time to think about how to make money in winter! Most of the business ideas presented below do not require lengthy preparation and large financial investments, so you still have a chance to start your seasonal business this winter!

New Year business

Of course, the greatest profit can be obtained thanks to the New Year holiday, which our people for the most part celebrate cheerfully and on a grand scale. TO new year business ideas include the following: selling Christmas trees (both real and artificial), selling fireworks and other pyrotechnics, sewing New Year's costumes, congratulating children and adults as Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, selling Christmas tree decorations and New Year's souvenirs (figurines, candles, calendars , toys, postcards). All these ideas can bring very, very good profit. However, the competition is quite high here, so it is worth considering in advance how to take your “place in the sun”.

For people who are not devoid of talent, methods of making money on hand-made products are perfect. Products self made always in the price, and if you know how to make by hand exclusive cards, Christmas tree decorations, candles, figurines (for example, made of polymer clay), New Year's accessories and so on - then open your point of sale in some shopping center and you are guaranteed success. Moreover, a large area for the implementation of such a business idea is not required, therefore, high rental costs too.

Snow removal and destruction of icicles

Bringing this business idea to life is a very useful business for society, and for you, as an entrepreneur, it is beneficial financial plan... A large amount of snowfall in the courtyards makes it difficult for residents to move, both on foot and by car. Therefore, the need to clear snow will always be relevant. Not all people want and can remove snow in their yards on their own, then who should do it? The snow removal company you create can solve this problem and make good money. To implement the service, you need to have special snow removal equipment - it is not cheap, however, if you correctly extend your service to several districts, then all costs will pay off. The snow removal service should be offered through the housing office and house administration, and if you plan to “clean up” the entire city, you can directly contact the city administration.

The service of destroying icicles from rooftops can be added to the same business. The formation of icicles on roofs is a very dangerous phenomenon for human life, so there is no need to explain the need for their timely removal. In this business, the main thing to take into account is its most important aspect - the safety of employees while they are performing work on the roofs. You must be confident in the skills of your workers, and provide them with all the necessary equipment (up to climbing equipment, when it comes to tall buildings).

In the list of services of such a company, you can also add anti-slip materials to the sidewalks and roads.

Warming of premises

Everyone knows that in the CIS countries, far from everywhere and not always the state can provide good heating in winter. And not all people can afford to buy heaters - firstly, a good heater is expensive, and secondly it consumes a lot of electricity. So people have to insulate their homes in every possible way. Think about how exactly you can do this and offer your services.

For those who do not have money for plastic windows, offer the service of insulating window frames with various materials. Walls can also be insulated in different ways, for example, with foam or a special spray system. If you decide to start such a business, take care of good advertising of your services in advance, because here you will deal with each client directly (as opposed to the previous business idea). An excellent option is advertising in the subway, distributing leaflets on the streets, posting ads at entrances.

Greenhouse business

This business idea is inherent, perhaps, the longest preparation and the mandatory availability of special knowledge. It is worth starting a business growing plants in greenhouses only if you want to do it seriously, and for more than one season. You can grow flowers, vegetables, fruits, herbs.

Why is this business idea so difficult? Because the correct installation of greenhouses requires a lot of resources (money to buy materials, territorial space, knowledge and skills), and this entire business should be planned in advance so that your products have time to grow at the right time. Everyone wants to eat fresh vegetables and fruits in winter, so the products will be in demand. You can implement it through grocery stores, supermarkets, vegetable shops.

Sale and rental of winter equipment - sledges, skis, snowboards, skates

All this can be found in specialized sporting goods stores. all year round, but few people buy sledges and skis in the summer. But in winter, the demand for these goods increases significantly, so this business can be considered seasonal. To get hold of maximum amount customers, two conditions must be met: 1) competent advertising; 2) the optimal ratio of the price of the product to its quality.

It will be easier for you to start this business if you already have a store that sells any products. In winter, you can simply expand the assortment by adding all this "winter transport" to it, or completely retrain the store. For example, in the summer you sell goods for summer recreation (air mattresses, diving equipment, mini-pools, etc.), and in winter, respectively, for the winter (snowboards, skis, sledges, skates, snow-scooters, snowmobiles, ice skates, etc.).

Trade in hot baked goods and drinks

It is impossible to say unequivocally that this is a purely winter seasonal business. Tents and kiosks with hot baked goods and hot tea / coffee can be found on the streets of cities all year round. However, it is in winter that this activity is in particular demand. When it's cold outside, you just want to warm yourself up with a glass of hot drink. How exactly to organize this business - a kiosk, a moving tent, a van or a point inside a metro station - you decide.

In recreational areas such as city parks, you can set up a point of sale for mulled wine and other warming drinks.

Snow town for children

A type of winter entertainment business aimed at children. Every child dreams of visiting an ice castle with many interesting sculptures, towers, slides and other entertainments. And caring parents will not deny him this. It remains only to build such a fortress in your city, and start accepting small clients. There will be plenty of them during the winter holidays, and the business will pay off in just 1-2 months (depending on the size of the town). You can place a snow town in an existing recreation park by renting the required area.

If resources permit, you can build your own separate ice park. And if you, in addition, provide it with entertainment for adults (for example, mini-cinemas and other small attractions), plus set up a couple of points of sale of food and drinks, then your park will be happy to visit not only children, but also their parents - which means that your profit in the long run can increase significantly.

Winter hunting

Every man has a hunter. Namely, winter hunting is of particular importance for the Russian people. Organize a company that will provide winter hunting services - the so-called hunting club. Business, of course, has its own nuances and peculiarities - it is necessary to obtain special licenses to carry out activities. Payment from customers is charged for the services of escorting the huntsman, rental of hunting equipment, registration of licenses for a hunter and other services.

As an additional service, you can organize a Russian bath, which will be difficult for clients to refuse after a successful hunt. This business does not apply to those that can be quickly organized, get your profit for the season and quickly close. Therefore, for the success of the business, it is better to immediately organize a year-round hunting club, which will provide services for both winter and summer hunting.

Car towing

It is relevant for those regions in which winter is accompanied by heavy snowfall. Motorists can often find themselves in unpleasant situations in which they cannot independently "release" their transport. To organize a car "rescue" service, an entrepreneur needs at least his own car and a telephone on which clients can call and call for help.

You can also provide services such as: clearing cars from snow in parking lots, replacing tires, opening frozen locks, etc.

Seasonal work - work carried out during a certain period due to climatic or other natural conditions. As a rule, their duration is no more than six months.

  • Seasonal work in the spring-summer period;
  • Seasonal work in the autumn-winter period;
  • Seasonal work for women, students and retirees;

Major host countries for seasonal workers

  • Finland;
  • Italy;
  • Poland;
  • New Zealand;

Seasonal work in the spring and summer.

The peak demand for seasonal workers occurs in the short period from May to September. At this time, a huge number of vacancies are opened for every taste. Most of the company's permanent employees go on vacation. Sometimes personnel officers are looking for specialists to replace them. The positions of office managers, secretaries, administrators, and accountants are especially popular. If a seasonal worker proves to be highly qualified, proactive, punctual and non-conflicting, then he has a chance to get a permanent job.

In the summer, the trade and catering sectors need to increase the number of personnel. Many restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets open summer terraces, while hiring additional waiters and chefs. On the street, there are points selling soft drinks, cotton candy, popcorn, ice cream and so on. This is most important for parks and attractions.

Summer is the time for those who want to work in the tourist area. Suitable vacancies can be found both in popular Russian resorts and abroad. Animators, guides, musicians, presenters - if you like to communicate with people, then you will like seasonal work at sea. At the end of spring, shifts begin in children's camps. Accordingly, there is a chance to get a job as a counselor, teacher, physical education teacher, nurse, cook.

Agricultural companies start hiring seasonal jobs in spring and summer. Those interested can acquire the skills of weeding, watering, loosening, hilling. People are also invited to harvest. Seasonal field work, as a rule, does not have a high salary.

But the employing firms are allowed to take a certain part of the harvested vegetables and fruits free of charge. For those who dream of getting to know the world of beekeeping, seasonal work in the apiary is recommended. Here, the peak of labor activity also falls on the spring and summer period.

The best option for seasonal work in the summer for those who do not want to go anywhere is the improvement of their hometown. The range of activities offered is not too wide: landscaping (planting shrubs and trees), painting borders, benches, and so on, decorating playgrounds for children.

Seasonal work in the autumn-winter period

The main seasonal job in the fall is harvesting, which has already been mentioned above.

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As for winter, the easiest way in the city to do the fight with ice and snow - extra hands will not interfere with housing offices. For those who are good at skating, skiing or snowboarding, there is a direct road to winter resorts as an instructor. To some extent, going home in a Santa Claus costume belongs to seasonal winter work. This way of making money is perfect for people with a creative streak and rudiments of acting skills.

Seasonal work in the north is very popular. Specialists with experience in the oil and gas, forestry, construction, and railway industries are in demand there. As a rule, the salary offered is high: on average, from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. It is better to get a job in a large well-known company, because small private companies can easily cheat.

Seasonal work for women, students and retirees

Women seeking seasonal work and lacking special skills tend to settle for overseas harvesting. The fair sex who know foreign languages and not experiencing problems in communicating with other people, go to the resorts to join the ranks of the staff.

Students usually go into trade or are involved in promotional activities. It is not easy for pensioners to find seasonal work. In most cases, they are offered to live in a country house in the fall and winter in order to protect it.

Major host countries for seasonal workers


Every year Finland employs about 15 thousand workers from different countries... The peak of activity is in the summer. A significant part of seasonal vacancies involves harvesting strawberries, peas, mushrooms, cucumbers, and forest berries. With intensive work, it is realistic to receive from 800 to 1300 euros per month. Farmers often provide accommodation to visitors for a nominal rent.

In the summer, Italy offers a standard set of vacancies in the tourism industry. You can get a job as an animator, hotel or restaurant employee. In the mountains, the tourist season begins in November and lasts until March. They also need temporary workers... There are vacancies in the field agriculture... Fruits and vegetables are harvested in spring and summer, olives in autumn and citrus in winter. Any job requires good knowledge Italian language.

For Ukrainians and Belarusians, Poland has long become the best country to find temporary work. The season lasts there from May to October. Most of the vacancies are in the agricultural sector. In particular, we are talking about planting fruits and vegetables, maintaining greenhouses. Employees are always needed for enterprises dealing with the processing of the harvested crop.

New Zealand.

For lovers of real exotic, New Zealand will be an excellent option. There is always enough work on fruit plantations. In addition, you can try to get a job at a winery, as well as try your luck in the fishing industry, sheep breeding, and tourism. Good knowledge of English is desirable to work in New Zealand.

Advantages and disadvantages of seasonal work

Let's start with the positives. Seasonal work makes it possible to get good money in a relatively short time. It is suitable for those who, for whatever reason, cannot find a job on a permanent basis. Many Russians are looking for seasonal work abroad to meet new people, learn more about the traditions of another country, and improve their foreign language.

Naturally, there are also enough shortcomings. Temporary employment does not give confidence in the future. It becomes difficult for a person to make plans for the future, take loans for large purchases. Seasonal work often involves physical activity that people endure in different ways.

For some, they turn into a real hard labor. Those who work abroad are at greatest risk. Unforeseen circumstances can lead to instant job loss. As a result, you can stay in an unfamiliar country without a livelihood.

To avoid trouble, try to choose a seasonal job in accordance with your inclinations, skills, character, physical development. Then, most likely, a few months will not look like serving a heavy sentence.

The most popular product in Russia this year - Ready-made lists

Seasonal consumer trends fall-winter 2017. Popular goods in winter

winter 2017-2018 ::

OT Commerce is releasing a quarterly report on which items have been ordered from China this winter.

This year's winter sales are up 5% over last winter.

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But if we compare the sales figures with the fall season of 2017, then we observe a slight decline in sales by 2%. This is probably due to the New Year holidays both in our country and in China, when life in the country freezes for almost a month. However, we continue to see strong growth in online shopping in the Chinese goods space, although the pace has slowed down from last year.

This winter, Jackets and Down Coats are in the lead in terms of sales. They were sold for $ 77,270. The second place is occupied by the leader of the last year - “Boots and ankle boots”. Sales for this category were $ 30,945. They were in the top three last winter. Seasonal warm clothes are most in demand.

Interestingly, the third place in our rating this winter was "Children's clothing". She ousted from the top three "Dresses and Sundresses", which constantly lead from season to season in terms of sales. There were 5,677 pieces of children's clothing sold for $ 28,769, and a slightly smaller dress - 3,506 pieces for $ 27,094. Last winter, Children's clothing was at the bottom of the top-selling list. This category is rapidly gaining momentum. As a rule, baby products are always a priority item of expenditure. We all want the best for our children, and the decline in the population's ability to pay has led to the fact that buyers turned their attention to the segment of inexpensive Chinese goods.

In addition to children's clothing, “Children's toys” were also sold in large quantities. They occupy a position in the middle of our ranking.

Separately, it is worth noting goods that were sold in small quantities, but in terms of the amount of sales brought good profit. First, there are video cards. Interest in them has been growing very much recently, since such an occupation as bitcoin mining is popular in the world, and this is precisely what video cards are needed for. Since they are expensive in ordinary stores and their choice is small, it makes sense to order them from China.

Ultrasonic facial massagers are another interesting product category. They were sold a little, but for a significant amount. Ultrasonic facial massagers belong to the field of goods "Equipment for beauty and health." Her target audience is of course women. Recently, more and more methods and devices have appeared to maintain their youth and beauty. Therefore, a specialized online store in this area can become great ideas to develop your business. Anything you can do in the name of beauty 🙂

There is also a growing demand for various accessories and auto parts for cars. Our rating includes batteries. This is a fairly expensive product, so you can make good money on them.

The market for Chinese goods is still growing. And if earlier the most often ordered goods from the category "Clothes and footwear", now there are more and more popular and profitable product categories. Therefore, it is very important to follow the development of the market and its trends in order to think over your plan of action to create and maintain successful business with China.

Trends and consumer interests: fall-winter 2017 ::

From September to December, many different businesses are serving the growing interest of users. And not only for strictly seasonal products, such as heaters and thermal underwear. Even if you sell swimwear and flippers, it is worth preparing for a surge in demand in December, on the eve of the January holidays. Yandex analysts spoke in more detail about consumer trends for the next two to three months.

Autumn is the time for parties and shopping. When Indian summer gives way to darkness and cold, people are actively looking for an alternative to walking and a way to cheer themselves up. Usually at this time, interest in posters of cultural events, tickets for matches, concerts, musicals and films reaches its peak.

In addition, users are actively looking for warehouses for storing everything summer (tires and wheels, crops, and so on), shoe and dress children for winter, hunt for seasonal sales and buy heaters.

In November they are very actively interested in sheepskin coats. Surely people not only replenish their own wardrobe for the winter, but also look for gifts for the New Year for loved ones.

Popular gifts that start looking for in advance are home theaters and smartphones. Users are already reading reviews and, if possible, pre-order new models.

Interest in equipment for New Year's events is starting to grow. They are looking for everything: sets of acoustics, flower arrangements and other decorations, accessories for catering, of course, wholesale purchase of souvenirs, chocolate and delicacies.

Here are some examples of categories that usually peak in November: wholesale New Year's goods, sleds and snow-scooters, ready-made headgear, heat guns, etc.

In December, everyone wants a Christmas tree ... and a solarium! In winter, you especially miss not only the warmth, but also the sun. In this darkest month of the year, users become interested in tanning salons, and salons - in equipment for them. Interest in this category continues to grow after the New Years and peaks in the spring.

Also in December, the demand for goods for fishing and hunting begins to grow, mobile Internet in roaming and home simulators.

And, of course, the most active interest of the audience in December is gifts. And not only for the New Year, but for all subsequent holidays, up to March 8.

Popular winter goods for summer cottages according to Yandex.Market statistics

With the arrival of winter for some owners country houses the season ends, for others it begins new chapter... Quiet cozy evenings near the fireplace in your own house, surrounded by snowdrifts, attract more and more people.

What does a summer resident need in winter?

Together with Yandex.Market, we found out what products are most often purchased by summer residents in the winter.

The main thing is warmth and comfort

An integral attribute of a cozy evening in a country house is a fireplace. And if the organization of a full-fledged fireplace with a chimney was not provided for during construction, then a bio or electric fireplace with the effect of a living flame can be an excellent option.

So, according to Yandex.Market statistics, summer residents most often make a choice in favor of the Electrolux EFP / M-5012 electric fireplace. It is compact, operates on a regular network, the power is 1200 watts. The combustion effect can be increased or decreased as desired. It does not need a chimney and firewood, and the timer can turn off the heating after a certain number of hours.

Electric fireplace Electrolux EFP / M-5012

Those who manage to be alone with nature for more than one day prefer to purchase a Buderus Logamax U072-24K gas boiler. The model is double-circuit, not only heats the room, but also provides hot water for a sink or bathroom. The boiler runs on natural and liquefied gas. The popularity among consumers is explained by the efficiency - 92%!

Gas convection boiler Buderus Logamax U072-24K

An undoubted advantage when considering the characteristics is the impressive heated area of \u200b\u200b250 sq. meters. The built-in circulation pump allows you to evenly and quickly heat all the far corners. At the same time, the unit is economical and has low fuel consumption. Simple interface and electronics are mastered in minutes. And the anti-freeze mode allows you to avoid system breakdowns in any cold.

For interior work

With the advent of cold weather, many works on the exterior decoration of the house become impossible, so summer residents turn their attention to the interior. This explains the high popularity of screwdrivers and drills in Yandex.Market statistics.

For example, the Hitachi DS12DVF3 drill / driver. It is autonomous, lightweight and convenient. Equipped with a keyless chuck and a two-speed gearbox. Includes two batteries. Connoisseurs appreciate such an assistant.

Drill driver Hitachi DS12DVF3

The native interskol screwdriver DA-10 / 12M3 is in no way inferior to him. Refers to the unstressed type. There is also a reverse for left and right rotation, a speed button, a spindle lock. Initially, it was created for professionals and amateurs, therefore, its demand is high. Practice has proven the effectiveness and reliability of the tool.

Drill driver Interskol DA-10 / 12M3

For many, the Makita HR2450 hammer drill is useful. Wonderful invention for drilling holes in brick and concrete. Additional handle, depth gauge, chiseling, hammer drilling simplify the difficult labor activity... Plugs into a single-phase mains socket.

Hammer drill Makita HR2450

Country fairy tale

It happens that you arrive at the dacha, and neither drive nor walk to the gate. That is why the rating would be incomplete if it did not include a snow blower.

In order not to waste precious hours of countryside vacations clearing snow, you can buy an electric snow blower. The choice of Yandex.Market users fell on the miniature model AL-KO Snowline 46E.

Snow blower AL-KO SnowLine 46E

He expertly removes snow cover with a grip of almost half a meter within the radius of the existing extension. With the help of a swivel mechanism, the snow stream is directed in any direction. The powerful electric motor helps you tackle difficult tasks quickly. Management - without special skills, even teenagers and women can cope.

These are the most popular products according to Yandex.Market statistics, purchased in winter by fans of out-of-town recreation. In addition to them, gardeners and gardeners buy walk-behind tractors and cultivators. Those with the secrets of universal craftsmanship choose welding machines, grinders and more

Many entrepreneurs who are engaged in seasonal business during the warm season wind down their activities in winter. And in vain. After all, you can find an activity that will bring in more profits than in the summer season. We will talk about what you can make money on in winter in this article.

Insulation of balconies and loggias

Almost all apartments have loggias or balconies. This room is usually used for storing various unnecessary things, since it is too cold. Recently, many citizens have been insulating balconies to make them a multifunctional living space, in which they can equip a study, a room for meeting friends or a winter garden.

If you are interested in how you can make money in the winter, go into this highly profitable business. It does not require large financial investments. 50 thousand rubles is enough to purchase necessary materials and tool. You can earn 100-150 thousand rubles a month by insulating balconies. It is enough to complete 2-3 orders to get back the initial investment.

Scheme: balcony insulation

Fuel for fireplaces and stoves

Since energy prices are constantly rising, many country house owners use fireplaces or stoves to heat their homes. They run on solid fuels - coal, peat, wood, briquettes and more.

Are you looking for where you can make money in winter? Sell \u200b\u200bin suburban settlements and villages fuel. You can also or briquettes. In this case, your income will be much higher than from resale. Such a business brings good profit in winter.

Snow removal and removal of icicles from roofs

This work is usually done by industrial climbers. If you have experience in this area and are looking for options to make money on in winter, offer your services to residents apartment buildingsas well as owners of shops, restaurants or cafes.

Removing snow from the roofs of buildings, where there is a massive gathering of people, is one of the main safety requirements, so this service is in great demand in winter. You can make good money on this. In addition, to generate additional income, you can offer customers the removal of unnecessary trees and branches.

Snow cleaning

Another great option for making money in the winter in the city is snow removal. Such a specific seasonal business allows for a good income. The most important thing is to organize the work correctly.

Your customers can be large companies, educational institutions, large industrial enterprises. You should sign a contract with them for the whole season. After that hire some helpers, buy inventory and rent freight carwhere you will take out the snow. This is a very profitable line of business, since it does not require large investments.

Organization of winter holidays

One of the most profitable business ideas on how to make money in winter is the organization of various holidays and entertainment events under open air... This line of business has been making good profit lately. The organization of winter holidays is often ordered various companies, enterprises, schools, children preschool institutions And so on. In addition, you can rent out fancy dress, skis, sledges and other equipment for winter fun.

Now let's talk about. To do such an interesting business, you need to complete all permits and register as a private entrepreneur. After that, rent a suitable room, make repairs there, buy equipment.

Pay special attention to the selection of personnel. The number of orders directly depends on the qualifications of personnel, and, accordingly, the future profit. In addition, pay due attention to advertising: post ads, post information about the provision of services on social networks, hand out advertising brochures on the street. Keep in mind that during the winter holidays, you will have a lot of orders, but at other times of the year you can arrange events. Therefore, work primarily for your reputation. And over time, having become a solid establishment, it will be possible to raise prices somewhat and increase income.


This challenging type of business is perfect for people who are interested in how to make money in the countryside in winter. Growing vegetables or flowers in a greenhouse will require some knowledge, so it is best to start by growing greens such as onions or lettuce. In addition, you need to build a greenhouse and purchase seed. Since fresh vegetables and herbs are expensive in winter, you will be making a good income. In spring and summer, vegetables can be grown outdoors. and growing vegetables will surely bring a good income.

Trade in hot cakes and tea

On cold days, hot drinks and cakes fly away in an instant. If you know how to cook deliciously, try to make money from it. Tea and pies can be sold at public transport stops, near educational institutions and at the market. But for this you will have to issue a medical book and obtain a trade permit. This or the township will bring a good profit. In large cities, this business can go bankrupt due to high level competition.

Firewood sale

For those who are looking for how to make money in the village in winter, such an activity as the firewood trade is perfect. This type of fuel is in great demand, since many villagers heat their houses with stoves and fireplaces.

You can start selling firewood literally from scratch. To work, you need a truck and some workers. In addition, you need to agree with the wood processing enterprises where you will buy waste. To harvest firewood on your own, you need to obtain an appropriate permit from the forestry.

Production of knitted clothes

In winter, warm knitted items made from natural materials are very popular. If you know how to knit and do not know how to make money in the winter in a private house, open small workshop for the production of knitted things - socks, hats, scarves or sweaters. Offer consumers original fashionable models and over time you will have a lot of regular customers who will bring a stable good income.

Council. Children’s things (knitted socks, hats, scarves, sweaters) are very popular. Therefore, give preference to this product. You can sell things in the local market, via the Internet or using social networks.

Growing strawberries

This is a fairly promising area of \u200b\u200bactivity, since the demand for strawberries in our country is constantly growing. Despite the fact that this berry is very expensive in winter, it is very popular.

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Such goods are bought in bulk by restaurants, supermarkets, shops and other establishments. If you can't find a way to make money on your summer cottage in winter, build a small greenhouse and try growing strawberries in it. Of course, you will have to invest a decent start-up capital in your business, but due to the high profitability of this business, the initial investment will be returned in the shortest possible time.

Rabbit breeding

Can't think of how to earn decent money in the winter at the dacha? Get busy. If you do this business seriously, it will bring a good profit. Rabbit meat is a dietary product that is always in high demand.

This is a highly profitable and practically waste-free production, since rabbit skins can also be sold for fur. The manure of these animals is the best fertilizer. The most important thing is to choose the right growing method and choose the right breed. It largely depends on your financial capabilities.