What are the names of the people who organize the events. Profession - organizer of entertainment events. Text version of the interview with Ekaterina Pushkareva

Organizer profession

Each person periodically has to solve organizational issues of an event. At work, they were asked to find a room for a corporate party, it is necessary to celebrate their birthday or wedding - all this turns into fatigue, chronic lack of time and spoiled nerves. So maybe we should let everyone do their job in peace? The organizer is a person who takes on the functions of some kind of entertainer. He can arrange any event at a decent level; also plans and coordinates the scenario and development of the holiday. There is another definition - a company manager.

Nobody knows exactly when the profession of organizer arose. Every tribe, nation, group of people from time immemorial needed a leader who would make decisions for everyone, and whose word would be the last and decisive. In times of hostilities, the victory was often won by the people with a strong and strong-willed coordinator. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, the question arose that organizational skills should be developed, special training should be carried out, that is, people should be trained in organizational activities in the same way as they teach, for example, lawyers to jurisprudence. ...

People of this profession make life much easier for representatives of other specialties. You can't run away from the holidays, and not everyone has organizational skills. For some employees, such a burden as coming up with contests for the director's anniversary will turn into a spoiled mood or even dismissal if the result is not satisfactory. As for organizers-managers, team spirit, cohesion, high performance and profit indicators thrive in the workplace thanks to their work. Such office coordinators know how to distribute responsibilities between employees in such a way that everyone will be engaged in the right thing to do according to their abilities.

The organizer should be a sociable person who knows how to keep the attention of others for a long time. He must have an extensive circle of business contacts in various fields and a talent for negotiating with anyone on any issue.

The main drawback of this profession is that no one is immune from force majeure, the situation can get out of control at any time. Then it will be necessary to urgently come up with something based on the current situation. The responsibility for holding the event at the proper level lies entirely with the organizer.

New specialties have now appeared in cultural institutes: a manager in show business or a director of cultural performances. Training in such a profile is only gaining popularity, and the organizers have been practicing perfectly for more than one decade. This proves that a person can become a mass entertainer, even if he was a teacher, actor or economist in the past.


An organizer is a person who organizes various events, providing them with a decent level: plans and draws up a script, ensures the development of the holiday, creates favorable conditions for this. If the company does not have an organizer, then the employees themselves have to solve the organizational issues that arise during the events: to draw up scenarios for celebrating birthdays, to provide all the necessary corporate events. This will ultimately turn out for everyone with chronic fatigue, spoiled nerves, constant time pressure at the main job and a low level of activities. It is much better if everyone fulfills their duties, including the specialist organizer.

The history of the emergence of the profession Organizer How did the profession come about? How did the profession develop?

When this profession arose, it is difficult to say. In any organized society of people, be it a state, a tribe or a community, there have always been leaders who make decisions, who know how to create the right atmosphere and direct people to take some action. But only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries people began to teach organizational activities: to develop their abilities, to give certain knowledge.

Significance to society Importance, significance and social status of the profession

The importance of this profession is due to the fact that organizers provide representatives of other professions with a quiet life and work in a team. Holidays, joint events unite the team, create an atmosphere of goodwill between employees. And organizing them is an overwhelming task for many, because not everyone has the ability for this. Organizers-managers, office coordinators, in turn, contribute to the cohesion of the team, optimally distributing responsibilities between employees according to the abilities and capabilities of each.

Features of the profession Organizer The uniqueness and perspective of the profession

It is important for the organizer to be a sociable person who can hold everyone's attention for a long time. Also important business connections, the ability to negotiate with different people on any issue.

"Pitfalls" of the profession Organizer All pros and cons of the profession. Difficulties and features.

The main disadvantage of the profession of an organizer is the high responsibility and the need to keep in the field of attention at the same time different issues and problems. But no one is immune from force majeure, and if the situation gets out of control, you need to quickly find a way out. Therefore, the organizer must have a lively mind and great imagination.

Where and how to get a profession Organizer Where are the professions taught?

Specialties of show business manager and director of cultural events are now being obtained at cultural institutes. The profession of event manager (the modern version of the organizer) today is given by two universities - in Tomsk and St. Petersburg. But you can start working in this specialty, try your hand at and show talent, even as a teacher, economist or actor.

Today our guest is Sergey Pavlovich Knyazev. In 2005, he created the first and only educational institution in Russia in the field of event business, which has been training specialists for organizing mass, corporate and private events, as well as PR-actions and presentations for 8 years.

Irina Panasyan: Sergey Pavlovich, thank you for agreeing to answer the questions for online magazine "Holiday again". Among our readers there are many self-taught animators, leading weddings and corporate events, who "just happened to have a fate." Some seriously think about training, advise each other in the comments, master classes and scripts that could be used in work. My first question is this. Who can become a student of the basic course of the Knyazev school of event managers?

Sergey Knyazev: Since I am self-taught myself, I treat with respect and respect those who came to the holiday industry without proper education, guided by the call of my heart. Sometimes such eventors are more successful than those who graduated from the institute of culture or drama school. Actually, my event school started from the fact that at the time of the next round of development I faced a shortage of qualified personnel, despite the fact that every year the higher educational institutions in the field of culture graduate huge parties of specialists.

Alas, the trouble is that even graduates with honors degrees are not at all prepared by these universities for real practice in the holiday market. The guys spent 5 years on education, but they turn out to be completely untenable in the face of the realities of the event market.

I thought that I would open the school for a while, train a group of specialists there for my agency, staff the staff, and then close it as unnecessary. However, unexpectedly, so many people wishing to learn how to make holidays came to the event school that it was decided to leave it as an independent business project.

Now for 8 years the school has been preparing professionals for the event market, moreover, by segments: corporate events, weddings, PR and event marketing. For each segment, a special training course for specialists has been developed, and it is divided into initial, advanced and for professionals. This allows you to educate both beginners and already working eventors.
In fact, anyone who once decided to start organizing events and receive an education at the first stage can become a student of the school, then improve their skills at new levels.

I.P .: What are the most important theoretical knowledge and practical skills received by a graduate of the first stage of education? What does he feel ready for after 120 hours of communication with professional events?

S.K .: The entire course of the first stage consists of four main blocks:

  • 1st Block teaches the student how to make money in the event market, who is our client, what means of communication can be used to advertise your services to the client, how to make correct presentationhow to bring the client to the money for the event.
  • 2nd Block teaches that there is a holiday, what is creativity and how to be creative. Here, students gain knowledge about how much a creative costs and how to sell it correctly. How the matrix of a successful holiday script is arranged and what the creator of event scripts should not forget.
  • 3rd Block devotes students to the art of creating a creative product. Here, knowledge is given of what needs to be done step by step, so that the ideas developed by the creators and approved by the clients turn out in practice at the moment when the holiday is being prepared and is taking place. The art of searching for contractors and artists is subject to study in this block, and most importantly, the art of building the right ones with these creative people and teams. business relationship... Of course, the most important of the arts is also studied - the art of drawing up an estimate for a holiday, as well as contracts and other important aspects.
  • 4th Block gives students knowledge in the field of building a team of eventors for a project or for a full-fledged event agency. Even if the listener is not going to open his own agency, he gets very valuable knowledge about how to recognize among many agencies one in which work will delight with interesting orders and high earnings.

I.P .:Do you help graduates of the basic course in finding employment? Or will I ask in another way - how much easier is it to get a job at a Moscow event agency, having in your hands the crust of the Knyazev school?

S.K .: The event school provides graduates with assistance in finding employment, but only when event agencies apply to it with vacancies. In this case, we invite potential employers for tests and exams, where they see students and can choose the most talented ones for themselves.
When it comes to hiring with a diploma from my school, the situation is not straightforward. Those agencies that have been on the market for many years have long appreciated the quality of training and willingly hire our graduates. Young and ambitious agencies, at times, unmotivatedly refuse the holder of the diploma from the Knyazev school.

I.P .:A question about teachers. By what principle do you choose teachers, do they have practical experience in conducting events, or are they only theorists?

S.K .: The main difference between my school and the state educational institution of culture is that lectures are delivered exclusively by practitioners. They are taught only by high-level professionals who daily provide real event services to real clients. I am a history teacher by my first education, I graduated from the pedagogical institute and I remember how already in the second, third years I began to understand that month after month I attend lectures, and I am not becoming a historian or a teacher. This is what I took into account when creating the education system at my event school, and now, in two months of training, students will learn about the real event market and how to become successful on it more than during the years of study at universities, where lectures are given by theorists or specialists for a long time who did not make real holidays in the modern, very dynamically changing event market.

It should be noted that it was the practice and eventors who quickly responded to my call to lecture at school and train qualified personnel for their own agencies. Surprisingly, even my toughest competitors in the market are always willing to come to lecture.

I.P .:At the second stage of event training, if I understood correctly, you can choose your specialization. The courses are quite expensive, so my question is this. If, for example, you visit only "Corporate Immersion", is it possible to take the basic techniques for weddings and children's parties? Does the student of the course receive any training manuals or manuals to use in further work?

S.K .: As a rule, eventors with some experience in the event market come to the second stage of training. These are the professionals who are wondering which segment of the event market they like more. Some begin to gravitate towards organizing weddings, others towards corporate events, and still others towards organizing PR campaigns. It is to this request of specialists that the school responds with a set of special courses that give in-depth knowledge in each direction. Alas, it is hardly possible to become a high-class specialist in the field of creating PR actions by listening only to a wedding course. The specific features of each segment of the event market are too different, knowledge of this particular type of activity is too important here.

Of course, we supply our students with a list of recommended literature, which, in my opinion, can answer many important, minor questions that were not disclosed in the learning process. It is hard to imagine that in 120 hours of lessons, it is possible to convey to the listeners the whole huge layer of knowledge and skills that a highly qualified specialist should have. Our Recommended Reading List gives students the opportunity to self-study after graduation.

We do not provide and do not sell textbooks and books to our students, but we supply each graduate with a special disk containing a huge array useful tipstransferred to the school by all practicing teachers who have lectured for 8 years.

I.P .:Sergey Pavlovich, tell us briefly, for whom it makes sense to go through the 3rd, 4th and 5th stages of education?

S.K .: When a specialist reaches the level of complete independence, they begin to raise him in position and put him on the post of the head of the department, otherwise he sometimes finds himself burdened by work under someone else's command, he wants to create his own agency. It is for such advanced specialists that 3 - 4 - 5 stages of training are intended. At these stages, education is already given so that a specialist can hone his skills or hone the skills of managing people in a creative team. At these levels, we introduce you to the intricacies of the legal component of the event and the economic models of business development. Professionalism is being cut here.

I.P .: Thank you for your answers, I think it is now much easier for our readers to make a choice. I would like to thank you for the invitation to this October. The holiday was just amazing!

S.K .: Thank you for your thoughtful, interesting questions! It remains to wish your readers not to forget that competitiveness is above all knowledge. Anyone who constantly increases the level of his competence, even in a business that he may have been doing for more than one year, can skillfully maneuver in high competitive environment event market. Anyone who intends to start his career in the field of organizing holidays or accelerate it after some time of work, should think about getting the latest knowledge of the device of the event market and each event separately. This knowledge can be obtained in numerous courses, but for the systemic knowledge worked out over 8 years, I advise you to go to my Event School. Welcome!

Recently, a clear division of labor has been taking place in the economy of our country, and each type of activity is clearly distributed between professionals in a particular business. So, for example, almost no one independently organizes anniversaries or other important events. Experienced organizers are engaged in all this. It is about these people that this article will be discussed. Here we will tell you in detail what kind of profession it is, what its features are, and what is the benefit to society from the activities of these specialists. But first, we will tell you who the organizer is and what he does, and for the details we turn to Wikipedia.

OrganizerIs a specialist whose job is to prepare and organize different types events, as well as their high level holding.

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History of the profession

At the moment, it is not possible for us to provide a clear date when this profession arose. But one thing we can say for sure is that the prototypes of the organizers existed long before our era.

After all, the ancient peoples had their own holidays, meetings and other events, the preparation of which was carried out by the people responsible for this.

However, we knowthat officially specialists in organizing certain events began to be trained only in the 19th and 20th centuries of our millennium.

After training, the specialists had the following knowledge and skills:

  • Event planning to the smallest detail;
  • Writing a script for an upcoming event;
  • Monitoring compliance with everything planned;
  • Solution of organizational issues;
  • Control over the course of the event and avoidance of force majeure situations.

What is the benefit to society?

Now many readers will be able to answer the question: What is the use of professional organizers?

The thing isthat every person wants an experienced specialist to take care of his event, who not only knows a lot about this activity, but also helps to save the customer from unnecessary trouble and fuss, thereby allowing him to be an honored guest at his own celebration.

Personal qualities of the organizer

Not everyone can be an organizer. Before embarking on this path, a person must understand whether he is professionally fit for this type of activity.

And so, here is a list of personal qualities that a future professional should have:

  • Have the makings of a leader... After all, the organizer is an excellent manager, in whose subordination is a large list of people who participate in the preparation of the event;
  • High level of responsibility... Having taken up the organization of an event, a specialist must understand that he is responsible for how satisfied the customers will be, and how he will be recommended to friends and acquaintances;
  • Sociability... In the process of work, you will have to work with a large number of people and not everyone will have a simple character. The organizer must find a common language with any person and be able to win over;
  • Have a developed fantasy;
  • Have a creative mind, be able to find a way out of any unforeseen situations.

How do I become an organizer?

For children who are thinking about the profession of "organizer", we will tell you in detail how and where to get training in order to become an excellent specialist.

In order to become an organizer, it will be obligatory to enter the institute of culture, of which there are a sufficient number in our country.

In this institution there are faculties, as well as faculties of show business manager. It is on them that experienced ones teach young specialists the intricacies of the organizational direction.

Already during the training, future specialists practice, showing themselves in various student activities.

But it is worth bearing in mindthat people with a pedagogical or economic education can also show themselves in the organizational environment. Having a creative outlook and the ability to organize any process, a person can easily master this profession.

Pros and cons of the activity

And now it's time to deal with the positive qualities and pitfalls of the organizer profession.

Let's start with the clear benefits:

  • Lack of monotony and dullness of offices;
  • Expression of your creativity;
  • The profession is associated with providing a festive mood for the customer;
  • The ability to have high earnings;
  • There are no directors and other managers;
  • The profession does not include age and gender restrictions;
  • Independent planning of their professional activities.


  • Earnings are not always stable. There are quiet times when there are few orders;
  • There is no insurance against force majeure situations and disruption of any event;
  • High level of responsibility;
  • It happens to work with capricious clients;

Let's sum up

Summing up the article, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Organizers are in demand for modern market labor;
  • it creative professionto which people who do not possess higher educationobtained at the Institute of Culture. It is enough to have excellent imagination and organizational skills;
  • You can enter the profession at any age.

Now you know who the organizer is and what the benefit is.


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Hello, dear readers of the site "Mom's Career"!

This is Olga Strugovshchikova. And today our guest is Ekaterina Pushkareva, a professional space organizer.

From an interview with our guest, you will learn:

  • how Catherine came to the profession of space organizer
  • where to learn this profession and is it possible to master it on your own
  • what exactly does a space organizer do and how does this profession differ from others like it
  • what are the prospects for further growth in this profession
  • what difficulties did Catherine have to face on her way
  • how soon can you reach a stable income as a beginner in the profession
  • and many many others.

Video version of the interview with Ekaterina Pushkareva

Text version of the interview with Ekaterina Pushkareva

Hello. My name is Olga Strugovshchikova, and today we have a video interview. Our guest is Ekaterina Pushkareva, a professional space organizer. And I invited her so that she would tell us about this new very interesting profession, which is chosen by many mothers. Hello Ekaterina!

Catherine: Hello Olga!

Olga: Let `s start? Are you ready to answer our questions?

Catherine: Yes, I'm ready.

Olga: Organizing space is a fairly new profession, I suppose that you did not study this at the university and did something before. Tell us who you were in your “past” life.

Catherine: Yes, of course, in past life i was a test engineer software... And I put things in order in the program code, i.e. also has a little to do with order.

How Catherine found herself

Olga: Tell us what was your path in understanding that you want to do this particular profession, especially since it is so unknown enough. How did you find her? How did you come to this?

Catherine: We can say that I came by accident. I have been for five and a half years now: first with one son, then immediately with another, and I was at a crossroads. The youngest son should be sent to kindergarten, and I also have to do something, because I already want to do it myself. Somehow I didn't want to return to the old profession, I wanted to try something new. And we were at that moment in the States, and I there on Facebook in a group came across such a person - the organizer of the space, and began to observe her activities, her projects. It was very interesting, but I just watched, and then somehow, I really am not deceiving, - in the middle of the night I woke up with the thought: I can, too, because I am also interested in this. And I started looking for information, but at first there was almost nothing. And then by chance, again on Instagram, I came across Juliana Myznikova's account and her Stopbardak project. And it was just when she began to recruit professional organizers to the training school, and I, hands in feet, ran to her, signed up and studied there. Juliana has certificates from the American organizing associations, and she teaches girls such an interesting new profession.

Where to go to study as a space organizer?

Olga: This is exactly what I wanted to ask the next question: where did you study? Is it possible to independently master this profession? Are there any faculties abroad?

Catherine: On your own - this is only if through the American Association of Space Organizers, if you own english language, or there is a European association. In my opinion, there are still some in Brazil, if I'm not mistaken. There are people who are organized by themselves, but they have it natural. All the same, it is necessary to somehow structure knowledge. Here we have a chat, we share with the girls some of our ideas, some experience, i.e. someone tells someone something and it helps a lot. It seems to me that it still makes sense to undergo professional training.

Space organizer - cleaning lady, designer or ..?

Olga: Well thank you. Let's get down to the very essence of the profession. What is the organizer of the space directly engaged in, how does this profession differ from similar specialties? I know that the organizer is confused with a person who simply cleans up: a maid or a cleaning lady, someone who comes to twist something, hang up the shelves, “a husband for an hour” or something else. For example, how are interior designers different? They also help to distribute things in space. What is the essence of your profession?

Catherine: The essence of the profession is to help people put things in order in their environment. And slowly it turns out that these changes, putting things in order in the house leads to positive changes in life, i.e. something in the head is structured. Throwing away old unnecessary things - a place opens up for new things.

And we also teach not just to put things in order, we are not cleaners, but we will teach a person to maintain this order. For example, if you take a wardrobe, then this is the correct and rational folding of things, how it will be more convenient to fold them, arrange them so that the next time you take them again, this chaos, this mess will not work out again, so that you can also calmly put them into place, and they were in order in this cabinet, in a drawer or on hangers.

If you take a designer, then it often happens that, for example, designers see the overall picture so beautiful, they say, you have a red sofa here, a gray blanket or gray pillows will look fantastic on it. These little things, these some kind of conveniences that will be most comfortable for you (for example, you do not use pillows on this sofa). This is just an example that came along. Those. they do not always pay attention to it, they may not.

And also we, due to the fact that, after all, the majority in this profession are girls, women, we do not hang shelves (laughs), do not mount, do not dismantle. For this there is special service "Husband for an hour" or some other specialist. Those. the essence is precisely in teaching a person to maintain this order himself, so that it is not difficult for him, so that he is comfortable, cozy.

If a cleaning lady is recommended and called every week, it speaks of her professionalism, that she does a good job. And space - ideally, this is a person who was called once, and he said everything, and no longer comes for this zone, for organizing a certain space.

Olga: What zones do you organize? Is it just a house, just a wardrobe or any space in the premises, be it a study at home, or maybe in an office in general? Perhaps you are also organizing materials on the computer - where do the tentacles of the organizer of space reach? (laughs)

Catherine: Yes, yes, our tentacles are long, they reach a lot to where. (laughs) Just in our courses it was such that first you need to try everything, but then, nevertheless, each specialist finds his own area, area of \u200b\u200bapplication. Those. Yuliana, in my opinion, has 9 graduates, one of them in St. Petersburg specializes in putting things in order in the computer. It helps you structure information the way you want - you need it. There are girls who specialize in time management, precisely on building some of their tasks and needs.

Olga: Life is more organized.

Catherine: Something like that, yes. Now I have a project to organize an office not just a home office, but an office-office of such a real office, we will work next week. Yes, dressing rooms, kitchens, nurseries, play areas, children's room, garages and storage rooms, storage rooms, bathrooms.

Types of employment: offline and online

Olga: Tell me, is a space organizer a person who is attached to a place of residence? It is always a visit to the site, i.e. do you come to someone's home, look, advise something, show you how to fold better and more functionally? Or can some issues be resolved remotely, as is now customary?

Catherine: In principle, due to the fact that this profession is still very new in Russia, i.e. there are very few specialists in it, in every city, of course, they are not. Moreover, we have a lot of cities and there can be a lot of people who want to use this service. And therefore, as far as I know, each of the graduates, each of the specialists in this field, has an online organization service. It goes like this: for example, we call up on Skype, discuss problems, discuss what goals a given area of \u200b\u200bthe organization has, i.e. we set some specific tasks. Someone needs to organize the same home office, and someone needs a baby cot next to it, because this is a young mother who combines everything. In general, every need of every client.

Olga: So that toys are not scattered throughout the house. You also help organize toys, as far as I know.
Toys - yes, I recently had a free marathon organizing, the girls did a good job. Then we discuss the further format of joint work. It will either be an online organization - we call up and, at the request of the client, I can sit on Skype, roughly speaking, and comment on each action, or I give a certain direction, vector, I write specific steps, and we call up and discuss at a certain period of time, or upon request, upon any questions, we discuss.

Or there is another option for drawing up an individual plan. This participation is used in options such as when you move to new house or you have a new space in which there is still no mess that needs to be cluttered, but it needs to be properly organized somehow, so that later you will be comfortable using it. So that later not to redo 10 times what has already been done, but to do it all right away. There is such a service “ Individual plan", I.e. I prescribe all this in detail and with different options, you choose the one that suits you, we discuss it, then when the time comes, when you have the opportunity, you order, for example, filling or some kind of furniture and, accordingly, if then they will be needed, all this is in individually is being discussed.

Career prospects in the profession

Olga: Well thank you. I understand correctly that this is such a business rolled into one, i.e. as a private practice, when you yourself are looking for clients. Or is there, for example, - such an idea occurred to me - is there an opportunity to get a job as a space organizer in some company, maybe not in Russia, maybe to find out foreign experience... It is clear that if we have this new profession, there is already some history there. What are the prospects for career growth here?

Catherine: As I said, more often than not, if the organizer of the space is already quite experienced and if he organizes everything competently, then in the future either an office or a person should no longer need his services. Rather, it is exactly private business, self-promotion, self-search for clients. You can position yourself as some kind of consultant and, accordingly, get promoted, and so that companies already contact you for organization in their offices. But I haven’t heard such a thing yet to have some kind of company with organizers. But, again, this may be due to the fact that it is not developed in Russia, there is still not a sufficient number of specialists.

Olga: But in general, I even saw a movie. The main character was just doing what they were taking apart the wardrobes.

Catherine: Yes Yes! It was a film about a Japanese space organizer. Marie Kondo, here I have just her handbook (shows the book).

Olga: And I also saw a Hollywood, American movie. In that film, everything is completely about the organization of space. There are several stories, I advise everyone who has not seen it yet.

Catherine: It is called "Life - the magic of cleaning".

Olga: There is something completely artistic, but there the main characters were engaged in the analysis of wardrobes. Two women came ... If someone is watching us in the recordings and remembered this film, write in the comments what it was called. (laughs)

* Title of the film "Mixed"

Difficulties and obstacles

Olga: I also had such a question for you personally. I realized that I like the profession, I understand that this is generally a matter to my liking, since it has illuminated mine like this, and I want to do it, but there is always something that I like in the profession and that I don't like. Tell us about what most of all does not interest you, such, perhaps, not disadvantages, but what do not like.

Catherine: To be honest, due to the fact that the profession is new and there is a lot of enthusiasm, so far, in principle, I like everything. We can say that there are not disadvantages, but some difficulties. When, for example, it is difficult for a person to part with his things, and he says: no, I need this and this is necessary, we do not throw it away. And at the same time, I cannot insist, because these are really not my things, and I have to reckon with the client's wishes, but sometimes you understand - well, it's not worth it. Sometimes we discuss, for example, with a client: come on, if you don’t use this thing for, for example, a month or three, then we will throw it away. Yes, clients take such steps. The difficulties for me personally are probably the following. I never suspected that I would have a personal business that needs to be developed further, to plan, some kind of marketing ... This is all to master - for me so far this is new, not that difficult, but new for me, and therefore I try now is the time to find all this ...

Olga: I realized that marketing, especially if I had never done it ... I have to master, in fact, two professions - a businessman and a professional space organizer. What are your future prospects? What do you want, what do you dream about? Maybe create your own agency? What are your plans?

Catherine: So far, I'm at the beginning of the journey. This is how often in interviews it is customary to ask who you see yourself in 5 years or in about 10 years. Maybe also for training organizers in Russia. Now Yuliana and Victoria are organizing an association of professional organizers in Russia, i.e. there will already be such a party, it is interesting to gain new knowledge. Probably, so far in the future, to come to the point of training new organizers.

First money in the profession

Olga: Another such question, I think, will be of interest to everyone who listens and watches us, because the question is monetary. If possible, of course, share whether you managed to reach the level of income that, for example, was comparable to previous work? And secondly, such a question interests: how quickly can I earn money with a new profession? You, too, like many of our listeners, a mother who was on maternity leave, who has very little free time, and here you need, in addition to mastering this profession, you need to work, Instagram still needs to be kept, some of these technical moments ... .e. time mass. At first it is scary that the monetary result will not be soon. Tell us how you had it, how much the first money appeared and what level of income you have already managed to reach, if this is not a big secret. (laughs)

Catherine: The first money, i.e. the first paid order was about 2 months after the training.

Olga: Excellent.

Catherine: But, to be honest, so far there is no stable income, I am still working on this, but there are already willing clients. I can now give you an approximate cost. Since I am still a beginner specialist, I still have a fairly low cost - 400 rubles per hour for a trip and 200 rubles per hour for an online consultation. But already in October I plan to raise the prices a little, and by the New Year I set myself goals so that I already have a fairly stable income.

Olga: I am watching your Instagram with one eye, I see a great response and I wish you prosperity and access to the goal that you have set, so that your dream goal will come true, when you can do what you want, for as long as you want. And maybe, in conclusion, will you advise those who are watching us and who liked this direction, this profession, maybe you will give some recommendations?

Catherine: Firstly, thanks for your wishes, I will try. And the recommendations are as follows: if you feel that you like to put everything on the shelves, find each thing its own place and put things in order, then you can watch this Japanese film "Life is the magic magic of cleaning", read the book by Marie Kondo. And run to sign up for courses with Juliana, she has just a set in October, the next stream starts for training professional organizers - link to the course (If you want to master this profession, then when you specify the promo code maminakariera, you will receive a 5% discount.)

Olga: Thanks. But we will also give your contacts to the description of this video, so you can also subscribe to Instagram to Ekaterina or other girls who are doing this. Look what kind of profession it is from the inside, because today in an interview Ekaterina gave a lot of information, but I also read a lot there. Why I wanted to take an interview, because Ekaterina just there explained in detail why we are not cleaners, what we do, who should call, who should not, and, accordingly, who should work, who should not - you can also draw your own conclusions ...

Well, shall we finish? Thank you very much, Ekaterina, for your detailed answers. I really like this one. For me personally, it seems to me that it is very relevant. I always want to spend as little time as possible looking for things, so that everything is always at hand. And I suspect that it is precisely people like you who will bring the long-awaited order into our lives.

Catherine: Yes thank you.

Olga: All the best.

Catherine: Goodbye, goodbye.

Our guest:
Ekaterina Pushkareva
Contacts: [email protected]
instagram: @vsepomestam
Vkontakte https://vk.com/u_nas_vsepomestam


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