Congratulations from the characters for the new year. A comic scene of congratulations for colleagues on a New Year's corporate party. The script of the New Year's concert at the House of Culture "Waiting for a Miracle"

The New Year's feast is always very generous and fun. And at the beginning of the holiday, various table amusements are remarkably uplifting: horoscopes, toasts, guessing and which help to "join" the entertainment program and get to know a little or, if familiar, then relax and feel comfortable, as it happens among loved ones.

We offer a collection of the best Internet finds (thanks to the authors!) - New Year's table role-playing tales - impromptu, which will indicate the program of any New Year's holiday. For such a table entertainment, you only need cards with words for the characters, a text for the presenter and, if desired, a small props for the participants.

New Year's table-top fairy tale "Hello, New Year!"

Before the start of the remark, you can rehearse, explaining to all the participants that they need to be pronounced when the speech in the congratulation goes about their hero, and when exactly - it will be clear from the text and emotional accents that the presenter will give (you can even agree on the signs). Although, if you read it expressively, then everyone understands when to join.

Characters, replicas:


Toastmaster- "There is still a whole hour before the New Year!"

Precinct - "So, maybe today you can pour it for me too?"

Santa Claus- "And I brought you presents!"

Guests - "Hello, New Year!"

Neighbors - "Congratulations to all of you!"

The presenter conducts the choice of "artists" who will pronounce certain remarks in a playful way:

Artist selection

Leading: So that we play a scene,
Roles should be distributed!
(Some of the guests) You, I see, are not silent
And talk all the time.
We need an announcer now
You fit just right! (Hands over a piece of paper with a phrase for the role of the Announcer.)
(To another guest) And you say toasts -
Toastmaster you are! (Hands over the words for the role of Toastmaster)
(To another guest) A man is not new to everyone -
The well-known Precinct! (Serves words for the role of the Precinct)
(To a man as a guest) Replace Santa Claus,
He's late for something! (Presenting words for the role of Santa Claus)
(One group of guests) We ask to be Neighbors,
We are always very glad to you! (Hands over words to Neighbors)
(To another group of guests) Stay with us as guests
And play with us! (Hands over words to Guests)

Further, the Leader reads the text, and the guests, after their corresponding words, pronounce their remarks.
Fairy tale text
The people are going to celebrate the holiday
And, as expected, to meet the New Year.
The glasses are already filled to the brim
AND Guests screaming ... (Hello New Year!)
But on TV Speaker in no hurry
It rustles with different papers for a long time
And it informs, like, us ...

Stands up Toastmaster at the table in full growth
And makes a very fresh toast
Swinging pretty well with a glass in hand ...
And on TV the music is playing loud
And Basque performs his famous hit.
And the glasses are poured to the brim again.
Everything Guests screaming ... (Hello New Year!)

Here Santa Claus latecomer knocking.
Seeing painfully familiar faces
Rubs his red nose with embarrassment
And whispers ... (And I brought you presents!)
AND Guests decided to raise the Tamada.
He can't get up on his own!
And he makes a toast, as in a dream ... (So \u200b\u200blet's drink to those who are on horseback now!)
AND Speaker repeats especially for us ... (There is still a whole hour before the New Year!)
Probably afraid that we will "pick up"
And we can't wait for the New Year!
The doorbell rang. Burst Neighbors,
They brought in wine and all kinds of food.
They scream from the doorway ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
AND Speaker(There is still a whole hour before the New Year!)
Having made a little room, we sat down at the table.
Not at all, Precinctwent in,
Seeing our company in the window ... (So \u200b\u200bmaybe you can pour it for me today too?)
Neighbors screaming ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
AND Speaker(There is still a whole hour before the New Year!)
Then he takes out his bag Santa Claus
And whispers ... (And I brought you presents!)
How great it is to celebrate the New Year together!
And, barely breathing, Toastmaster our gets up ... (So \u200b\u200blet's drink to those who are on horseback now!)
He can't wait for the presents already.
Glasses for the main toast are poured,
In one rush, all rose Guests,
They chant together ... (Hello New Year!)
And the hands of the clock rush forward!
Our Toastmaster sobered up in an instant,
And again he stubbornly repeats his toast ... (So let's drink to those who are on horseback now!)
Well, well, we pour and for the New Year we all raise a glass!

New Year's drinking tale for close company "Well, you give!"
(The author of the idea is Arapova I.Yu.)

This table entertainment is similar to the previous one and is played out according to the same rules, but with a more funky text designed for an adult company. This will especially benefit if the characters, in addition to cards with words, are given small props: funny hats, noses, headbands, which will emphasize the comic character of the image.

Characters and replicas :

New Year- "Well, you give!"

Santa Claus - "Do you drink without me?"

Snow Maiden - "Both on!"

Old women (Baba Yagi) - "Well, not a fig, yourself!"

Leshy - "Well, for good luck!"

Waitress - “Who broke all the plates?

Guests (people) - "Happy New Year!"

Leading - reads the text

Fairy tale text

On New Year's Eve
The people have a tradition to celebrate
The people crisis, adversity
Satisfied screams loudly ... ("Happy New Year!")

And here sits in front of us New Year,
He seemed to have just been born just about,
Looks at people: at uncle and aunt
And out loud he wonders: ... ("Well, you give!")

AND Guests cheerful, dressed fashionably
To celebrate, they shout loudly: ... ("Happy New Year!")

He rushed to congratulate (sticks his nose everywhere)
Who is tired of matinees? Santa Claus!
He says barely coherently: ... ("Do you drink without me?")
In reply New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

And what's outside the window, there are whims of nature,
But For guests all the same - they shout: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Then I got up Snow Maiden theatrically,
And she looks very sexy.
She probably won't go home alone,
And she said mysteriously ... ("Both on!")

Santa Claus sniffled: ... ("Do you drink without me?")
In reply New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
AND Guestsagain, without delay and right away,
Louder and louder shout: ... ("Happy New Year!")

And again Snow Maidenfull of premonitions
He relishes, admiring himself: ... ("Both on!")
Frost everything groans: ... ("Do you drink without me?")
Behind him New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

Two frisky grandmothers, two Baba Yagi,
As if they got up on the right foot
Cooing under a glass about the fate of the lamb
And out loud they are indignant: ... ("Well, not a fig, yourself!")

Snow Maiden passion, full of desire,
With temptation and languidly he repeats: ... ("Both on!")
Frosthe yells: ... ("Do you drink without me?")
And after New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

It goes all the way, goes its own way,
AND Guestsshouting again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

A separate fragment, but brightly and briefly
I did my bit Waitress.
She threw arrows on the table,
She asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

Yaguski, having settled down, as if in a hut,
In chorus they shouted to her: ... ("Well, not a fig, yourself!")
Snow Maiden gets up, slightly intoxicated,
He laughs, whispering with delight: ... ("Both on!")

AND Grandfather, already, shouts: ... ("Do you drink without me?")
Behind him New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
AND Guestsfeeling freedom of thoughts
They chant together again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Here Leshy, with joy, almost crying,
Stands up with the words: ... ("Well, for good luck!")
AND Waitresshaving sipped the burners,
She asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

Grandmothershaving one more sausage
They shout for a couple: ... ("Well, not a fig, yourself!")
Snow Maiden also took a sip of wine
And again she exclaimed aloud: ... ("Both on!")

And drinks Santa Clauswhispering slyly, ("Do you drink without me?")

And drinks New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
And Leshy, he has been jumping with a glass for a long time
He called with inspiration: ... ("Well, for good luck!")

And the glasses, as if filled with honey,
Have Guests, what they drink and shout in unison: ... ... ("Happy New Year!")

New Year's table impromptu "Forest Fairy Tale"

Characters and replicas:

Hare - "Life is not easy for hares"

Elk - "Everything was cut short in me!"

Cat - "I have a little champagne"

Piggy - "I am beautiful as a snowflake!"

Hedgehog- "Without a head and legs"

Fairy tale text

In the New Year, everyone, without a doubt,
They believe in a fairy tale, gentlemen!
In our hall of transformation

And brilliant acting!

Fairy tale text
In the forest, under an old tree
Lives Hare timid.
He always repeats one thing: (Life is not easy for hares)
Once upon a New Year,
The forest people gathered.
Go on a visit to the scythe,
There you can have a drink and a snack.
Old uncle came Elk (Everything in me ended)
The Maid came with him- Cat (I have a little champagne)
Aunt came running Piggy (I am beautiful as a snowflake).
Well, very wise Hedgehog (I am without a head and legs)
He appeared, shivering all over from the cold.
Hare repeats to everyone: (Life is not easy for hares)
Then my uncle said Elk:(Everything in me ended)
“To make life easy in the morning,

100 grams of cognac helps. "
But the aunt intervened Cat: (I have a little champagne)
“It will become easier for someone to live,

Kohl will learn to be cunning. "
"No, excuse me," he says Piggy, - (I am beautiful as a snowflake).
To make life easier

We need to marry him! "
I entered the conversation here Hedgehog (I am without a head and legs)

“To make life easy in the world,
You need to get courage. "

Hareknow, one thing repeats: (Life is not easy for hares)
Nothing, told everyone Elk:(Everything in me ended)
“The New Year is coming,
So we will all be lucky. "
The maiden speaks Cat: (I have a little champagne)
"And so that success overtook us,
I invite everyone to drink "
"This is a thought" - cried Piggy(I am beautiful as a snowflake).
Drink glad and wise Hedgehog(I am without a head and legs)
The animals began to pour
And congratulate each other.
So that everyone can live easily
And everyone was always lucky in everything!

New Year's role-playing tale "Japanese belief about the symbols of the year"

The participants are given words and 12 animal masks.
The presenter reads the text. The one he names speaks his phrase.

Characters and replicas:

Mouse - "You won't be fooling with me!"
Bull- "I warn you, I'm a jock!"
Tiger - "No more games!"
Rabbit - "I'm not an alcoholic!"
The Dragon- "My word is law!"
Snake - "Well, of course, it's me!"
Horse - "The fight will be hot"
Goat - "All, of course," for "!"
A monkey - "I really, exactly, without a flaw!"
Cock - "Wow!" - I shout at the top of my lungs! "
Dog - "There will be a fight here soon!"
Pig - "Just a little - just me!"
People(The audience) shouts in chorus - "Congratulations!"

Fairy tale text

There is a Japanese belief

A fairy tale, simply put:
Once the beasts gathered
Choose your own king
The Mouse came running ... ("You won't be fooling with me!")
The Dragon has arrived ... ( "My word is law!")
The Goat also appeared ... ("All, of course," for "!")
The Dog rushed ... ( "There will be a fight here soon!")
The Snake has come ... ( "Well, of course it's me!")
The Rooster came running ... (
The Pig came ... ( "Just a little - I immediately!")
The Horse galloped ... ( "The fight will be hot")
The Tiger jumped ... ( "No more games!")
The Goby has dragged along ... ("I warn you, I'm a jock!")
The Rabbit galloped ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
The Monkey came ... ( "I really, for sure, no flaw!")
Gathered for the New Year,
They began to howl, meow, bark,
Argument and screams until dawn:
Everyone wants to rule each other
Everyone wants to be king.
The Mouse reported ... ("You won't be fooling with me!")
Rabbit shouted hysterically ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
The Monkey was indignant ... ( "I really, for sure, no flaw!")
The Snake approved ... ( "Well, of course it's me!")
The Dog warned everyone ... ( "There will be a fight here soon!")
The Goby was furious ... ("I warn you, I'm a jock!")
The Dragon shouted to everyone ... ( "My word is law!")
Rooster crowed ... ( “Wow! - I shout at the top of my lungs! ")
The Goat bent its horns ... ("All, of course," for "!")
The Tiger growled menacingly ... ( "No more games!")
The Pig got scared ... ... ( "Just a little - I immediately!")
The Horse kicked up ... ( "The fight will be hot")
In general, we had a fight on New Year's Eve,
When the people joyfully chanted ... ("Congratulations!")

And from heaven to this strictly
Looked at the Japanese god
And he said: "It's time, by God,
Stop the commotion!
Stand in a friendly round dance,
Let everyone rule for one year! "
The Goat jumped ... ("All, of course," for "!")
Approved by the Dragon ... ( "My word is law!")
Pig offered ... ( "Just a little - I immediately!")
The Tiger also confirmed ... ( "No more games!")
The Rooster was delighted ... ( “Wow! - I shout at the top of my lungs! ")
Warned all Bulls ... ("I warn you, I'm a jock!")
The Mouse said languidly ... ("You won't be fooling with me!")
The Snake praised everyone ... ( "Well, of course it's me!")
Monkey responded to her ... ( "I really, for sure, no flaw!")
The Dog sniffed ... ( "There will be a fight here soon!")
The Horse frowned ... ( "The fight will be hot")
Only the Rabbit screamed ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
It was on New Year's Eve,
When the people cheerfully chant ... ("Congratulations!")

The selection is posted for review

Scenario "New Year comes to us and brings gifts to everyone!"

The script is designed for children younger age (4-7 years old). You can spend a holiday in kindergarten or at home with your best friends. The point of the script is not only entertainment activitiesbut also in encouraging the creativity of the guys.

New Year's scenario for high school students

Scenario of a holiday for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This script is a literary composition that will help every child to see the role of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in his life. Favorite characters. What could be better.

New Year's corporate party scenario

Scenario for new Year's corporate party... It can be a corporate party in a cafe with an order for a presenter, or it can take place just at work (say, an evening), and the presenter (or presenter) can be one of the employees of the enterprise.

New Year's scenario for children

The box with gifts was enchanted by five fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga, Water, Cat-Bayunchik, Nightingale the Robber and Koschey. Two presenters: Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka try to get the keys and the children help them in this.

New Year's masquerade ball

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. No flat jokes and vulgarity. Masquerade costumes and a desire to enter the chosen image are required. Some decorations. The script is designed for 4 hours.

Scenario for children "Kolobok for the New Year"

In this scenario, the main character Kolobok brings "Joy" to Santa Claus, so that he would distribute it along with gifts to all children. On his way there are different characters who are trying to eat the kolobok.

New Year's holiday script for younger students

New Year is a celebration of a cosmic scale, therefore extraterrestrial guests will come to the children. The Star Cassiopeia herself and her entourage will descend to the little one, led by the romantic Astrologer. The brave Superhero will pacify the space pirates, and nothing will be the way for Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter.

Scenario for children "Buratino's New Year's Adventure"

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio decided to spoil the holiday for the children, they locked the tree with a lock, and gave the key to Karabas-Barabas. The lights on the tree could not light up, and the brave Pinocchio found a way to return the key and the holiday took place.

Scenario "Christmas tree, burn or how to celebrate the New Year with your family!"

The script is designed to hold the New Year's holiday with the family. It is advisable that close relatives or friends are present at the event for small competitions. When drawing up the script, age features the whole family, including children 7-15 years old, parents, grandparents.

Festivities day or how to celebrate the New Year with colleagues?

The script is designed for a corporate New Year's holiday. Next, the most interesting and funny contests will be presented, which will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The presenter will tell a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the contests.

New Year's Scenario for Children

New Year is a long-awaited holiday for everyone, especially for children. They wait all year for a kind old man with a sack of gifts and listen to mom and dad. This scenario intended for children 3-7 years old, younger children may be scared when they see Baba Yaga, for older ones - it will seem too childish.

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "By the Pike's Command!"

New Year's script for children. The scenario is designed for children aged 7 to 12 years. Seven characters participate in the tale, the host is Emelya. A special musical cut and selection of noises, sounds and backgrounds is required.

Scenario of New Year's party in the preparatory group "Ball of Miracles"

The script is very interesting and funny. Children will receive a lot of positive emotions and impressions, because who does not want to attend a magnificent, fabulous ball? Time spent 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of children in the group).

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Save the New Year!"

The scenario is designed for primary school students. The tale is kind and interesting. It will become a pleasant, exciting addition to the New Year's holiday. The duration of the tale is 60-80 minutes.

All kinds of miracles happen on New Years. It is not for nothing that this time is called magical, amazing. In the preparation of the school, New Year's holiday, creativity and a creative approach are important. It is important that the script for the holiday is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time at the New Year's, school light.

Scenario of the New Year's corporate party "New Year's mood"

New Year is a time of miracles and magic. This is a grand event that all employees are looking forward to, as it is not only a fun holiday, but also a time for gifts, congratulations and unique moments with their team.

New Year's funny scene for schoolchildren "Winx Club vs Monster High: New Year's Adventures"

Modern children are very fond of cartoons with horror stories. This is why the Winx and Monster High New Year script will become one of the most popular. This scenario is suitable for both primary school and students in grades 5-7. It can be easily placed on stage or in a playful way around the tree.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday in elementary school "Father Frost's Helpers, or how children saved the holiday"

Scenario for the New Year for the host "The holiday is in a hurry to us"

How does preparation for the New Year begin? Of course, with the choice of outfit and place, drawing up a menu, decorations and a script. And if problems with the scenario may not arise, but it is still difficult to find a suitable, and most importantly an interesting scenario for the presenter.

New Year's Scenario at Home "Here Comes the New Year!"

New Year is a whole event that everyone looks forward to with great impatience. This holiday unites friends and family at one table, gives magic, positive emotions and good memories. It is not surprising that they begin to prepare for this event in advance. Preparing the menu in advance, buying gifts and outfits, planning the course of the event.

Cool script for the New Year 2020 of the Rat "Let there be cheese"!

This scenario is suitable for a New Year's corporate party, in a small company that employs no more than 15 people. Everyone knows that the New Year's corporate event is an important event for all employees, as it is the end of the year, summing up the results and new plans for next year... Therefore, it is important that this event takes place in a positive and friendly atmosphere.

Scenario for the new year 2020 for the corporate party "Posidelki"

The patron saint of 2020 will be the White Metal Rat, which likes comfort and noisy companies. This scenario is suitable for a small team who wants to spend their New Year's corporate party in a fun and perky way.

Scenario of the thematic New Year 2020 Rats for children "Lukomorye has a New Year!"

An unusual scenario of the New Year's holiday based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. The presenters, the Cat Scientist and the Mermaid, together with the guys, must put things in order in fairy tales, where all the heroes and events are mixed up, and have time to cheerfully celebrate the holiday! In addition to the presenters, Leshy and the Magic Mirror (voice behind the scene) are involved in the script. Props - a hand mirror and a book of fairy tales.

Scenario New Year of the Rat 2020 for schoolchildren "In search of the symbol of the year"

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are in a panic - the Rat is gone! To find it, you have to work hard and be smart, because without the symbol of the year, the New Year will not come. The script involves Santa Claus and Snegurochka, Postman Pechkin, Leshy, Kikimora, and, of course, the guys. In addition to costumes, you will need props - Santa Claus's staff, a letter, a couple of postcards and a plush rat.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 Rats for kindergarten children "Santa Claus is captured by pirates"

The main New Year's wizard was captured by pirates! The task of the guys is to free Santa Claus and re-educate the sea robbers, teaching them to have fun. Fun script suitable for pupils' matinee kindergarten and younger students.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 of the Rat for high school students "Novoletie"

A careless New Year's desire can lead to anything - for example, to the fact that the New Year will have to be celebrated among the gray-haired antiquity, red maidens and good fellows. Chastooshkas, games, songs and festivities are attached.

Cool scenario of the New Year 2020 of the Rat "Santa Claus vs Santa Claus"

A fun New Year scenario with two main winter wizards at once! Santa Claus and Santa Claus will try to find out which of them is better, more important, stronger and who rightfully belongs to the New Year. With the help of the guests, the rivals will compete in wit and writing, and the ability to cheer the audience, and friendship will win, as usual.

New Year 2020 Script of the Rat in Ukrainian

A fun script to celebrate the New Year of the Rat. Actions take place in a spacious room. Moving dances, loud songs and loud laughter from the jokes of the main characters will not let anyone get bored. The scenario of the holiday is suitable for both a youth company and a company of middle-aged adults. All heroes are dressed in matching costumes.

Scenario for the new 2020 Year of the Rat for the house "A rat came to visit us"

Scenario for a home New Year. Of course, it is important that such a long-awaited holiday is fun, and the house is filled with laughter and comfort. In the script, you will find many interesting contests and tasks that will definitely make your New Year even more soulful and brighter. The script is designed for an adult company of 7-10 people.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 of the Rat for the family "Quest from the Snow Queen"

Holiday Threatened - The Snow Queen promises to unleash a storm and cancel the fun! Unless, of course, the participants can cope with the intricate tasks. But it's not so easy: you have to find all the clues, solve riddles and be smart - then everyone will receive a well-deserved reward.

New Year's Eve Scenario at Primary School "The New Year Sneaked Up to Us"

Together with the cheerful Cat-Bayun and the charming Snowflake, the holiday will definitely be held with pleasure! Children will enjoy traditional round dances around the tree, unexpected riddles with a trick, and many other entertainments. The script is designed for two presenters, Santa Claus and, of course, elementary school students.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year in the lower grades "New Year's Tale"

There are not so many heroes in the script, not a blurry plot is just what our kids need. In this fairy tale, children meet with kind characters. New Year is the most favorite holiday for kids. This New Year's scenario will help caring parents make your little ones the happiest in the world.

New Year is a tree, the smell of tangerines and the expectation of a miracle! Even in childhood, we associated this holiday with magic and fulfillment of desires. Vivid scenarios for celebrating the New Year are a guarantee good mood and positive emotions, anticipation of something new and bright. Children's party or a family meal will become even more fun and interesting. New Year is rushing to us, everything will happen soon!

In order to have a fun festive event for the New Year 2019, you need to think over a New Year's scenario in advance, which will help ensure a good mood. Funny and cool scenes that do not take much time are perfectly perceived at the New Year's holiday.

Scenes for the New Year are perfect for adult corporate events, and for schools and kindergartens. It is best if fairy-tale characters, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden take part in them. Then the holiday will be interesting and joyful, cheering everyone up. It is very good if the scenes include comic poems, then everyone will definitely like them.

Choosing a New Year's scene for school or just a family holiday. Consider what your audience might be interested in. Among the elderly people, jokes like the Comedy Club, about the young, about betrayal or the relationship of spouses, will not be perceived, just like among young people jokes about politics, prices, doctors, even New Year's. Therefore, it is worth choosing scenes that will be of interest to all guests, or simply breaking up the program with neutral themes that will be familiar to everyone present.

Another point: it is advisable for the actors who will participate in the scenes to use various costumes, as well as perform numbers, for example, sing karaoke or dance with various bright and interesting effects. Then a funny scene will not only be entertaining, but will also help those who will take part in it, show their talents and make the holiday beautiful and bright, diverse and impressive. But, you yourself have already guessed about this. Let's get started and start with a funny adult scene.

Impromptu congratulations

To begin with, the facilitator needs to select 8 volunteers and start assigning roles. Each role has its own phrase that a person must utter when mentioning his role.

  • First egg: "Top class".
  • The second egg: "There is no one cooler than me."
  • Salt: "Stopud tastes better."
  • Frying pan: "I'm on fire."
  • Pepper: "Auster always and in everything."
  • Vegetable oil: "That's better."
  • Sausage: "Smoked Me".
  • Santa Claus: "My favorite dish is scrambled eggs."

Host: Greetings, dear friends! Every morning everyone prepares their own breakfast. A wide variety of dishes and simple sandwiches are used in everyday life. Many eat eggs for breakfast. And no one accidentally prepared it for the New Year? There are such? No? Let's then now try to cook spicy scrambled eggs together.

Santa Claus woke up early in the morning (words of DM) and went to the refrigerator. Santa Claus looked (words) on one of the shelves the first egg (words) is located, looks, and on the shelf below is the second egg (words). Santa Claus began to rejoice like a child at the thought that he would now cook his favorite dish. I took a frying pan (words) and put it on the stove, after pouring vegetable oil (the words).

While the frying pan (words) and vegetable oil (words) were heating on the fire, Santa Claus (words) opened the refrigerator again and his gaze came across sausage (words). He took it, cut it and threw it into the frying pan (words). Then Santa Claus (words) took the first egg (words) and broke it, then it was the turn of the second egg (words) to go to the frying pan (words). It remains to find salt (words) and salt the eggs. But when Santa Claus (words) was looking for salt (words), he saw pepper (words) and decided to add it too for a pungent taste.

Then Santa Claus sprinkled salt (words) and pepper (words) on the sausage (words), the first egg (words) and the second egg (words). The scrambled eggs are cooked and become unusually tasty and beautiful. Santa Claus (words) ate it, got ready and came to us for the holiday. After the scene, the real Santa Claus appears. It is advisable to use musical accompaniment. It is recommended to include the song "Eggs" performed by Disco Crash.

Merry scene New Year greetings for the department "On the carpet to the chief"

Main characters: Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. Ideally, it would be better if the role of Santa Claus is performed by the leadership itself, and if not, then you can use the services of an actor.

All the action takes place in the office of the boss, which needs to be transformed, i.e. decorate with New Year's attributes and put the throne to Santa Claus, on which the chief will have to sit, and the Snow Maiden will stand beside.

When the scene is ready, you can start congratulating. The boss should take turns calling his subordinates while the intonation of the voice should be indignant. He may urgently demand a report that does not exist at all and not allow a subordinate to object, summon him to his office. A person will go to the leadership with fears, and when he enters, he will receive a congratulation and a gift from Santa Claus.

Interview for the position of assistant to Santa Claus

Will be involved: 3 girls and a guy who will play Santa Claus, ideal for a male audience.
Santa Claus: "My granddaughter flew to Israel, got married, now I have no one to celebrate the New Year with, I need an assistant." Who would you choose for her role?
The first candidate (glamorous blonde in rhinestones) May I?
Santa Claus: “Come in, girl! What can you do? Wrapping gifts? "
Blonde: “No, I worked as a packer in a store for 3 years, that's enough! Now I am a lady in Peugeot, I live in Rublyovka. "
Santa Claus: "Can you sing, dance?"
Girl: "Yes." Performs a rude dance to disco music (generally with bad plasticity), and when the introduction begins, throws the microphone, the music stops, the Blonde shrugs: “Where is the voice? Why is the phonogram without recording? "
Capriciously pouts her lips and leaves.
Blonde: "I can guess - a $ 30,000 diamond necklace from Swarovski."
Santa Claus: "Not a problem!"
He takes a necklace out of the bag and gives her into her hands, "That's it, now go dance!" The blonde leaves.
Santa Claus sits down at the table again and writes something. There is a knock. Santa Claus: "Come in!"
A Night Butterfly appears, brightly colored, in black tights and with a cigarette: "May I?"
Santa Claus: “Come in! What can you do? "
Moth: "That's it!" (starts trying to undress) "Come on!"
Santa Claus: "Can you wrap gifts?"
Moth: “Why pack them? I can pack myself ”(tries to get into the holiday box, but she is stopped).
Moth: "No problem!" She begins to try to strip dance and sing loudly.
Santa Claus: "Can you grant wishes?"
Moth: "Anyone!"
Santa Claus hands her gifts for those present: "Give it out!"
Moth: “For candy? I've never been paid with them yet. "
Throws candy and leaves. There is a knock again.
Santa Claus: "Come in"
A cleaning lady enters with a mop and rag.
Santa Claus: “Come in, what can you? Can you wrap presents? "
Cleaning lady: “Yes, I'm a master of cleanliness! Sure!"
Santa Claus: "Sing, dance?"
Cleaning lady: "With pleasure!"

Slow music turns on and the cleaning lady dances a waltz with a mop beautifully, then she begins to sing with her, like with a microphone, cleanly and beautifully. "

Santa Claus: "Can you make wishes come true?"
Cleaning lady: “Of course! Cooking, making the house attractive, loving, all in combination.
Santa Claus: "Congratulations, you have passed the selection!" He invites her to a dance, during which the cleaning lady throws off her hat (under it is the beautiful white hair of the Snow Maiden) and the fur coat, which shows the beautiful dress of the Snow Maiden and a sparkling necklace. During the dance, She says: "Because only a real man can turn his wife into a beauty with the breath of his love."
After that, a toast is announced, preferably to the fair sex or to men.

What is the difference adult company from the nursery? One of the important differences is that alcohol is not prohibited on it for the New Year. And when coming up with a scenario for such a holiday, remember that many even the most modest personalities, as a rule, after a few glasses reveal themselves in a different way. Design the script so that there is a lot of space in it funny scenes, humor ("adult" as well) and less time was left for an ordinary feast.

New Year's scene about blondes.

Participants should speak with expression and intonation, parodying modern women of fashion.

1 Blonde: Hello girlfriend, what are you standing here?
2 Blonde: Waiting for Leshy
1 Blonde: Why wait for him?
2 Blonde: Yes, I met him, I could not leave everything as it is - he looks like a loser .. so no one walks now ...
1 Blonde: And where is he?
2 Blonde: In a hairdresser ... at Zverev
1 Blonde: Is this a famous hairdresser?
2 Blonde: No, namesake ... he is also a stylist, he will do a little image ...
1 Blonde: Oops 2 Blonde: What?
1 Blonde: Your hair is black!
2 Blonde: Pull it out faster!
1 Blonde: Yes, I was joking ..
2 Blonde: YES well you .. By the way, here is the Leshy. It turns out
Leshy in super new clothes, to the music.
1 Blonde: Listen to the latest fashion ...
2 Blonde: Yes, now with him for a feast, and in the world ..
Leshy: Well, I changed my image a little ... how did it happen?
1 Blonde: Great ...
2 Blonde: Now I would like to teach you how to dance ...
Leshy: I am a tectonist ...
1 Blonde: Something already, show me ...

You can end the performance with the dance of the Leshy and the blondes. Blondes and the Leshy leave on the stage, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson appear, they hold the Leshy's sock in their hands, they approach the microphone and twist in their hands

Holmes: Watson, I think it's a man's sock ..
Watson: How did you guess?
Holmes: Elementary! The size is too big.
Watson: Do you think it cannot belong to a woman?
Holmes: To be honest, I saw a gentleman wearing a second sock.
Watson: Holmes, you are a genius. Where was this gentleman going?
Holmes: Elementary, my dear friend, accompanied by two ladies, he was probably in a hurry to the disco…. Oh, it seems to me that someone else is going there ...
Watson: Let's go and we'll go?
Holmes: For those over a hundred years old? Although, let's go .. We don't mind having some fun.

New Year's scene "The Girl and the Thief".


  • Author
  • Girl - (to make it funnier, a young man can also play the role of a girl)
  • Girl's fur coat - (an employee or an employee in a fur coat from a grandmother's chest, sample of the 60-70s of the 20th century)
  • Thief (always in a black stocking on his head)
  • Policeman
  • Snowflakes
  • Santa Claus

Once in a frosty winter
New Year's Eve sometimes
Lena went to her home
In a warm fur coat.
(The girl skips, waving her purse).

Without sadness and anxiety
The girl was walking along the road.
And when I entered the yard,
A thief ran up to the girl.
(A thief runs up with a revolver)

I waved a pistol
He ordered to throw off his fur coat.
(The thief is actively gesturing with a revolver)

At this moment and at this very hour!
But it was not there -
Lena is a thief in the eye
Bam! What was the strength!
(The girl demonstrates several techniques).

The thief screamed here in pain,
Lena called 02.
(He calls on his mobile. A policeman appears and blows his whistle).

The thief is now in captivity
And the whole head is in bandages.
(A thief, sitting on a chair, holds a grate with his hands in front of his face, and at this time a man in uniform is bandaging his head).

Snowflakes are dancing outside the window
(Snowflakes are dancing with tinsel)

The thief looks at them longingly,
Licks ice on the window,
Bitter crying day after day.
(The thief sobs, rubs his eyes with his hands)

All swollen from tears
And the drooping one walks.
Will not understand that Santa Claus
Doesn't come to jail!
(Santa Claus shows him a fig).

Lena in a fur coat, like a picture,
Attends parties
Celebrating the New Year,
Congratulates all the people.
(The girl dances incendiary with a bottle of champagne)

Let's say this to a thief today
Concluding our rhyme,
This New Year's Eve:

Scene "In the New Year, everyone is good"

The scene involves two people.

FIRST: Good evening, dear friends! Now I will tell you how to properly meet new Year?
SECOND: Stop! Why you and not me ?!
FIRST: Because you don't know, but I know how to make perfect New Year's holidays!
SECOND: Where from! I know you! You are one of those people who have not gifts under the tree, but a stupid cross from the tree.
FIRST: And you are one of those people who put empty boxes with bows under the tree - like - as if someone gave them gifts. Santa Claus damn it!
SECOND: And you are one of those who watch Urgant on TV all New Year's Eve.
FIRST: And you spread tangerines everywhere around your apartment, so that it smelled like a new year everywhere.
SECOND: Are you one of those who, on New Year's Eve, during the President's congratulations, are photographed against the background of the TV
FIRST: And you are one of those who shout “Why should you be able to open it!” And you will surely flood everything with champagne and break the chandelier with a cork.
SECOND: And you are one of those who buy firecrackers and fireworks for 10 thousand, and then on New Year's Eve stupidly falls asleep
FIRST: But you belong to the group of people who take a taxi on New Year's Eve for vodka
SECOND: And you are one of those who always say: "Hey, pay for a taxi, otherwise I have no change since five thousand!"
FIRST: And you are one of those people who take a camera for the New Year, and then post photos like Lehin_striptease on VKontakte, Lech don't sleep in a salad
SECOND: Yes, yes. Just people like you do not go to bed on New Year's Eve, but sit down. And then in the morning you'll get to the toilet.
FIRST: And people like you in the morning of the first of January get up before everyone else and begin to annoy everyone: "Come on, get up, let's go for a drive up the hill!"
SECOND: And you are one of those who send all friends the same SMS with congratulations for the New Year. And after a couple of hours, they receive her own congratulations.
FIRST: And people like you come to you on the 31st, and leave only on the 3rd. Until everything is finished, he sits at your guest. At least give him a damn hint.
SECOND: And you are one of those people with whom you drink, drink, and in the end they wake up at home, and you are in a salad in an unfamiliar hut.
FIRST: And you are one of those who invite your ex and your ex to the current one for the new year.
SECOND: you are one of those who at midnight counting aloud the strikes of the chimes, always go astray and start clinking glasses at the 11th beat.
FIRST: And you are one of those who in a tavern begins to stare at women from the company at the next table. And then the whole New Year's Eve is to grease this comrade from the men from this company.
SECOND: And you are one of those who start drinking antibiotics in December, and January 1 is the last day. And this poor fellow lasts until one in the morning, and then "and dick with them!" and untied.
FIRST: And you are one of those for whom champagne for the new year is needed only to throw a piece of chocolate into it, and
sit to watch him float up and down.
SECOND: Okay, agree, we are both good ...
FIRST: And therefore, to meet the new year for five with a plus
CHORUS: Don't do as we do!

Scene "How we looked for Santa Claus!"

Snowman (presenter) comes out.
Snowman: Hello kids, greyhound girls and boys.
Children: Hello! (In chorus)
Snowman: Do you know that today is a magical day?
Children: Yeah!
Snowman: Why do you know the magic one?
Children: yes, today is New Year's Day!
Snowman: Right! Day of fulfillment of all desires. But we cannot spend this holiday without Santa Claus!
Snow Maiden comes out.
Snow Maiden: trouble! trouble!
Snowman: Snow Maiden, what happened?
Snow Maiden: Trouble Snowman! Grandfather stole!
Snowman: How was it stolen? Who stole it?
Snow Maiden: the evil Baba Yaga stole him!
Baba Yaga comes running with a broom.
Baba Yaga: yeah, don't you wait?
Snowman and Snow Maiden: Baba Yaga!
Baba Yaga: Yes, it's me!
Snowman: Give Santa Claus !!!
Baba Yaga: Ha ha ha, I won't give it up so easy! First, guess the riddles.
Snowman: Well guys, are we going to guess riddles?
Children: yeah!
Baba Yaga: Well, here's the first riddle: What comes before winter?
Children: Autumn!
Baba Yaga: Right! Here's another riddle: Who sweeps and gets angry in winter? Blowing howling and spinning, making a white bed? It's snowy ... (blizzard)
Children: blizzard!
Baba Yaga: Right!
Snegurochka: Well done guys!
Snowman: Now give us Santa Claus back!
Baba Yaga: So be it ...
Santa Claus comes out
Santa Claus: Hou hou hou, hello kids, girls and boys!
Children: Hello!
Snowman: Hurray !!! Now we will celebrate the New Year!
Everyone starts to have fun, dance.

New Year's corporate party is a time when the whole team gets together, you can relax a little and forget a little about too strict decency and dress code. Leading corporate parties will surely find cool new Year's scenes, which will allow attracting participants from the audience. If it turns out that the host is not at the corporate party, the colleagues themselves can use these scenes to play a funny performance and entertain themselves and their comrades.

Scene No. 1 "How Snowmen Played Santa Clauses"

A snowman appears on the wall, on the other side the same person is walking with his back to him. They crash into each other.

1 S-k. - Greetings to you, snow brother!

2 C-c. - And I greet you, where do you keep?

1 S-k. I wanted to ask Santa Claus about something, but I can't get there!

2 C-c. And we ourselves can invent Santa Claus, here I am, for example, why am I not frost?

1 S-k. - Why you and me not me?

2 C-c. - So you!

1 S-k. - Well, yes ... (the second gets into a pose) - well ... oh, no! Grandfather should sit like this! (points and looks) - No, I don't like you, give the audience help! So who organizes the coolest Grandpa?

Several participants are selected.

Snow. - So, our Grandfather has the biggest ... (looks with an unequivocal glance at the abdomen) - You’re not thinking, the biggest belly! Well, who has the best? Men should stick out their bellies and measure them. The dispute is resolved with applause. Two or three people should be left.

1 S-k - And also our grandpa wears a robe, shoes and a cap! (takes out a terry old robe, slippers and baby's cap). Put on, put on.

2 SN. (look meticulously)- When was the last time you saw Frost?

1 S-k - I haven't seen him yet, I just heard about him!

1 S. - This is understandable ... And now we still need deer! Grandfather always comes on reindeer, always! So who's the best deer here? We announce the casting for the best deer! Active men are selected.

The music sounds: "I will take you to the tundra", under which men must portray the best deer.

2 SN. - So these are found, it remains to find the sled. Probably for the sleigh we will take those deer that did not pass the casting. (He puts the "sleigh" on all fours, puts the "deer" in front, puts the grandfather on the "sleigh". Then there will be a small relay race from one destination to another. The heroes must run around the obstacle and return). - And now let's go, whose team will go forward to the right place and come back, those heroes will be the only representatives of the New Year's characters!

1 Sn-ik - Well, now such cool grandfathers on deer need who?

2 SN-c. - Who? Do such cool peppers need someone?

1 SN-IR. - Sure! Snow Maiden! Or rather, two Snow Maidens!

2 SN. - ABOUT! Let's arrange a casting! We will hardly put everyone like this and start choosing.

1 SN. - No no no! We must arrange a test for them! What kind of women do you like?

2 SN. - I .. uh. In-oh-from such (shows something). A. no, these are (shows again). And no, no, I really like these!

1 SN. - Oh, you won't understand, let me choose myself! I like fun and lively.

Game "Dance Potpourri"

All interested girls and women are invited for them in turn (or cut into one track), a variety of compositions are included, to which they must dance. For example: "Kamarinskaya", "Tsyganochka", "Rap", "Techno", "Waltz", "Lambada", "Tango", "Quadrille", "Rock and Roll". The heroes choose their girlfriend. Which participated most actively in the game.

1 Snow. - Well, that's all, Santa Clauses were found, Snow Maidens to them too. You can celebrate the holiday!

2 Snow. - You thought up this coolly, and we will take gifts for ourselves!

1 Snow. (looking into the hall) - Something tells me that they won't let us out of here alive.

2 Snow. - We will shoot back! He takes out firecrackers and salutes.

1 Snow. - Look, everything is in its place ... oh, you have to give ...

Gifts are given. Gifts can be comic and you can arrange eyeliner for each according to the nature of the recipient, for example:

  • "The most nosy" - a mousetrap.
  • "The most hungry" - a spoon.
  • "To the most freezing" - tea or a piece of cognac.
  • "For the youngest" - a rattle. Dummy.
  • To teetotaler - a bottle of kefir.
  • "Yazvennik" - fest.
  • "The most beautiful" \u003d the mask of Baba Yaga.
  • “To the most unsure of himself” - a mirror.
  • "The most talkative" - \u200b\u200ba cork or a gag.

New Year's scene No. 2 "Seeing Off the Outgoing Year"

The Snow Maiden enters the stage and pulls the Old New Year along with her.

Sn-ka - here, look what else you have to do here, you see how many people, and everything is completely out of your mind! It's time for you to leave. Leave!

Art. N. God - Me? And I won't think about it! Where will I go? Into nothingness? To eternity? Look at me: Age is in its very juice, one might say - in color! For me, on the contrary, everything is just beginning! Find more such heroes in the hall!

Snow. - And I will! Men, let's prove this old ... (you can call it whatever you like, depending on the company) that he already has the wrong powers.

Game "Let's measure sausages"

It turns out that several men are given balls-sausages, which are very difficult to inflate. The whole joke is that they inflate them to the best of their ability, someone has a very small sausage, someone has more, and someone has a very large one. The hero is also involved.

Sn-a - Well, grandpa? Your sausage is very small. There is no strength for anything already!

Art. N.G. - Happiness is not in the size of the sausages, but in their quantity! (pretends to gnaw a ball, leading the topic to the other side)

Sn-ka - So you don't want to leave?

S.N.G. - No, I'm not going anywhere! I'm staying here! And if you want me to leave, create the best conditions for me!

Sn-ka - What kind of conditions will we create for you?

S.N.G. - Well, for example ... I want a luxury chaise lounge!

Sn-ka - So, we need help from the audience! Which of those present is waiting for the New Year? (answer) We do not hear! That's all, it means we must urgently expel the Old, who is ready! You need to be a little chaise longue!

A man comes out better girl, sits on the floor or a chair, old year on his knees.

Sn-ka - Well. Are you happy?

Art. N.G. - No, of course, how can you be satisfied? Want some more champagne in hand? So where's my champagne!

The Snow Maiden calls several girls and chooses a girl with a figure that looks like a bottle of champagne by a general vote. They "put" it into the hand of the Old Year.

Art. year - So, what else do I need ... Oh! I want a gift! I want it to be like in my youth ...

Snow. - Aha, you admit, it means your old age!

Art. year (looked at her sharply)- No, of course, I just put it that way! I want to be told the rhyme. Would please me!

Snow. - Well, that we must fulfill all the wishes of this old hooligan! Who is ready?

Puts a stool on which people recite poems.

Art. year - Excellent, excellent! Just what I wanted! As the doctor ordered ... (grabs his heart, drops a "bottle of champagne"). - Oh, save me! Help!

Snguroch. - Oh, what to do, what to do? Is there a doctor in the hall? And someone who knows how to save? Well, maybe the one who does artificial respiration? No Yes? Eh, your grandfather will have to die, there are no volunteers here!

Art. year - If it is a man, then I'd rather lie here, and if a woman…. (dreams).

Sn. - You are deaf, there is no one, even if you pay! Are you ready to pay?

Art. year - Well, I can only do cognac!

The girls are called, they must leave Art. year as many kisses as you are ready to drink a shot of cognac.

Old year - (looking in the mirror) Yes, what am I going to tell my girlfriend now?

Sn-chka - do you also have a girlfriend?

Art. - And then!

Sn. - Come on, we'll fix everything! Is there a make-up artist in the hall? And the one who has a firm hand and who can sketch the whole thing?

Two volunteers are summoned to powder and paint over the hero.

Snegur. - Wow, that's what you are, "reindeer"!

S.God - You yourself ... And what? (looking for a mirror) Oh, the mirror is gone ...

Snegur. - And we will draw you now.

Game "Portrait"

The same or the other two heroes are summoned and blindfolded draw the grandfather. The game can be adjusted to suit your own way: you can have one portrait, you can have two, or even organize drawing in teams. Each in turn will draw some part of the face and body.

Art. year - So, I understand, kidding, so yes? Everyone, pissed off! I'm leaving, I'm not interested in here!

Snow. - Finally! Now you can celebrate the holiday! (Chimes strike and firecrackers explode).

Scene 3 "An adult tale about a turnip"

The grandmother (presenter) comes out, as if visiting a fairy tale.

Grandmother -

Hello guests, gentlemen, how long did you all walk here?
Is it okay in the world, is it bad there? What is there for a miracle today?
There is a computer, I heard, laptops, cellular is not enough!
How to surprise the people? Is there a fairy tale to tell?
I only need help, she will be okay!

Continues - To begin with, I will invite different heroes, Here, for example, I remember a story about two Ivanovs, the game there was such ... how did it ... the king of the east changed it to a songbird ... (The audience must guess "the sea is worried once"). Let's play.

Game "The sea is worried once". The figures should all be outlandish, intricate, but most importantly, they will need to be revived at the end. That is to say to justify what was shown.

Bab-ka - There are many fairy tales in the world, so I can't count them,

For example, "Turnip" is ours, there is no tastier and more beautiful!

(Summons two male participants)

Baba says: Grandfather planted…. One is planting, the other is planting. The turnip has grown tremendously with great! Healthy with healthy! And he began to pull such a miracle ... Ty-yanet will pull ... (to the participant) Pull, don't hesitate (shows how to pull, by the ear or by the ears), but he cannot pull. What to do? Grandfather called his grandmother, call come on! (the participant calls) - Well, who calls that, why would your grandmother need you, such a weakling! Here's how, that's how to call (shows a pack of pre-wows). - Got it? (comments) Look, grandma, how happy she was, came running, she almost forgot about the turnip, but grandfather is not a fool: grandma is a tsap, and pull turnips! They pull and pull, they can't do anything, they lived to old age, they see not that heroic strength they have! They called your granddaughter ... well, who calls that, you offer your granddaughter this! (gives a wallet with money). Look, look, let's go, let's go! (depicts) Look what youth you have become! And again they fail to do anything. Some unfriendly team! The granddaughter began to click the Bug, her friend was like that. Bug came running. Well, the Bug can be lured with something, if only she can find adventures on the fifth point, and she is not interested in details!

Continues the story - And again the quiet, but the smooth surface, the turnip firmly dug its root! Looks like the root is not small, if it sits like that. I called Bug Murka, that still a gang of watering cans, I tell you, there will be a gimp here, who is more beautiful than them, ugh! No use! And finally, they called the mouse in chorus! (To all participants) We call, we call, in chorus! A mouse came running (calls out from the hall, always in a short skirt) - Mouse, and you are going to pull turnips al on ... you don't risk pulling in such transparent clothes. If you stretch it out, it will hook on you with a root ... (hits himself on the lips) - Oh, I've become quite talkative, we are working. My children are working!

Granny tells further -So, all the heroes are in place, pull-pull, nothing happens! Then they started digging, digging, digging, digging (they pretend to dig around the turnip, they move in any dance, for example, you can turn on a waltz or tango). Did they dig the turnip? But no, they didn’t dug it out, maybe put the mouse forward, eh? Her mini-skirt, who you want to leave your homeland will make! Come on Mouse, work-work! Dance him something like that!
Beautiful music turns on, "Mouse" dances for "Turnip" and at the end takes her away from her home.

Oh, I'm glad as friends!
My fairy tale is over!
I congratulate you,
May different desires come true!

With fir eyelashes
With a big smile
With enthusiastic faces -
New Year is coming!

With champagne and gifts
With a pleasant bustle,
With decorated arches
On the main pavement

With postcards, with greetings,
Happy frosty winter day
With colored lights
With a silver rain

With firecrackers, with firecrackers,
With a walk until the morning,
With friends and girlfriends
And with shouts: "Hurray-ah-ah!"

With quirks and masks
With balloons, with confetti,
With a magic miracle fairy tale,
With hope ahead.

clip with New Year cards.

I propose to divide into groups of 4 people, each group should shout, whistle, meow, stomp, etc. in two minutes. motto tonight.
Leading: Now let's pay tribute to the outgoing year. What it was for each of us, now we will summarize the ________ year.
Let the one raise his hand
Who did the career take off? (raised)
Let air kiss send
Who has been lucky in love all year (kiss)
Thumbs up
Who has celebrated success more than once! (finger ok)
And flip your fingers down
Who raised the capital (Down)
Let them clap their hands
Who new house bought a good one. (clap)
And raise your glasses up
Those who worked hard
We worked sparing no effort
Who brought salaries to the house
Who is having fun at the banquet
To spite all crises in the world
Who looks forward joyfully
Happy New Year!

The arrows will soon converge at 12
The striking clock will thunder the new year
It will be necessary to gather strength
To meet him at the gate.
So that he comes to us with new happiness,
The old year must be on the way
Everything good friend, you remember
And forget the bad soon.
So let's raise our glasses
Let's drink for the past now
So that in the new year there is only joy
She met us with loud music!

GAME "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."
1. Who sometimes walks with vodka with a cheerful gait?
2. How many of you, say aloud, catch flies at work?
3. Who is not afraid of frost, drives a car like a bird?
4. Which one of you will grow up a little and become a boss?
5. Who of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
6. Who of you, so wonderful, always drinks vodka barefoot?
7. Who does the job on time?
8. How many of you are drinking in the study like at the banquet tonight?
9. Which of your friends walks dirty from ear to ear?
10. How many of you walks upside down on the pavement?
11. Who among you, I want to know, likes to sleep at work?
12. How many of you arrive at the office one hour late?

I suggest to each of you on a piece of paper given to him he writes with a felt-tip pen what he would like to buy in the new year. For example, a car, a key to a new apartment, a baby, a banknote, a new dress. All pieces of paper are folded into a hat (deep bowl)... Guests are invited to draw out one piece of paper and read it out. What appeared there will certainly appear before the end of the year.

And we're going to the 70s. New Year's "Ogonyok" is becoming the most prestigious program for Soviet artists. They made their way into it by hook or by crook, but no one could be 100 percent sure what would eventually appear on the air. Anyone could be cut at the very last moment. But the main guests were the gypsies, Magomayev and Pugacheva
Ben Bentsianov
In the 1970s, foil rain became popular, as well as fluffy and prickly tinsel. In 1971, the premiere of the film "Carnival" was released. In 1975, the film "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath" was released, which until this year is the main New Year's film. And the round dance is no longer led by Elvis Presley, but the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", which I offer you.

SONG: "Let's skip a hundred grams."
(a Christmas tree was born on the motive in the forest)
A Christmas tree was born in the forest, but there was a strong frost,
I went after her in December and, poor thing, froze to death.
While he was thinking about chopping, he rubbed his hands,
A glorious thought appeared:
"Let's skip a hundred grams."

A Christmas tree is frozen in the forest - take it into the house that hour!
Let the smart girl stand and make us all happy!
Stands frozen in the corner And the branches pulls towards us.
So that we all get warm here in an instant,
"Let's skip a hundred grams."
Look: our Christmas tree is getting warmer,
But something glows little Toys among the branches.
How few cones of gold ... Yes, it's just a shame!
So that there are twice as many of them,
"Let's skip a hundred grams."
They added a little more, and it became more fun,
Indeed, the cones arrived Decently on her!
So that our holiday goes well And it becomes glorious for us,
Let's get vodka together
"Let's skip a hundred grams."
And I felt sorry for the Christmas tree, Why did you chop it down?
And he was so tired himself, while dragging home!
And the holiday should be fun Now we celebrate ...
What are we all about the Christmas tree?
"Let's skip a hundred grams."
Everyone is having fun at the tree, laughing here and there ...
Happy New Year everyone, gentlemen!
"Let's skip a hundred grams!"
1. FANTS. And now, dear friends, girlfriends, colleagues, let's warm up a little. I suggest you play one popular game of the 70s, "FANTY" without leaving the table.
You have been carrying out all sorts of orders of your immediate superiors for a whole year, and now, if you please, fulfill my comic orders. Finally, I waited for the opportunity and gave the order to the head of the company himself, and we will start our game with him.

2. Game "Collect potatoes".
In Soviet times, they liked to send intellectual workers to collective farms for potatoes. Competition: who will "dig up" more potatoes.
Scatter a lot of potatoes around the hall, select several participants, give them spoons, and let them, each in his own bag, carry one potato in a spoon. And then weigh each bag. The scales of the Soviet era would be great! Instead of bags, it's great to use string bags - nets.

3. Construction
Two or three ladies build a pyramid of cubes - each one has its own higher. The players must "buy" dice from the host - one piece of clothing for each dice.


Musical pause (70-E)

And we have a feast today.
At my signal: Men are offered in chorus at my signal to repeat the phrase: "Kukareku, tink la-la" Clinking glasses with the ladies.
The ladies say in unison: “great, boom-boom” and send air kisses to the gentlemen sitting next to them.

And we have a feast today.
Wash pants down to holes
ely-pali, poplars.
Kukareku, tink-la-la.

And we have a feast today.
And where is the feast, there is peace.
And a pleasant noise.
"Great, boom boom"

And we have a feast today,
we talk toasts together.
And we all cannot be bored
"Kukareku, tink la-la"

And we have a feast today,
we drink, of course, not kefir.
But we have a sharp mind!
"Great, boom boom"

And we have a feast today.
Who sewed a suit for the feast?
Who got drunk on the sly?
"Kukareku, tink la-la"

And we have a feast today.
We play, we do not sleep.
Toast said the big silent man.
"Great, boom boom"

And we have a feast today.
Someone I see, did not finish.
Sorry we can't go without a hangover
"Kukareku, tink la-la"

And we have a feast today,
to drown your worries.
The spree continues.
"Great, boom boom"

How do you remember the 80s? Boiled jeans, Rubik's cube, chewing gum. On the festive table were necessarily: salad "Olivier" and herring under a fur coat, lazy cabbage rolls and Riga sprats, sweets " bird's milk"And cake" Napoleon ". For booze - vodka and port. By the early 1980s, color television, which had previously been a pleasant exception against black and white backgrounds, had become commonplace. The image quality has improved many times over, but the real special effects have not yet reached. Toto Kutunye, Asishai and Rock bands are lit at the "Blue Light" !!!

In the eighties, everyone was into the lottery.


1. "Journey" chocolate
Many incidents await you
And interesting travels -
On courses, on vacation, abroad -
Where fate will dispose!

Friends, you will continue
Burn with creative work.
But you won't burn your wings
Take care of your health!

3. Cream
You will enter the cream of society
Perhaps you will find a sponsor.

Your hairstyle, appearance
We will all be pleasantly surprised.
From then on you will continue
Everything is prettier and younger!

5. Sponge
And you have household worries,
A lot of household chores awaits.
But in the family and in personal life
Everything will turn out great for you!

6 red pepper
Many adventures await you
And a lot of thrills
But everything will end fine
It's no coincidence that red pepper!

7. Markers
Love will brighten your days
And they will become bright.
Your whole life in winter and summer
It will shine with magic light.

8. Chocolate "Alenka"
What does “Alenka” chocolate mean?
The Year of the Child is waiting for you!
To whom what tests
- Birth or upbringing!

Fate will gild your pen
Will send a solid pay
Or throw a wallet
And that's all in the near future!

10. Vitamins
Your health will become stronger,
The second youth will come.
You are destined to be a hundred years old









19. {!LANG-1be0866eb870290757ff0a092d668001!} {!LANG-28114121469c4a9b5fa6c55afb979a07!},









{!LANG-85bf557d611c33d408e6c2c064793384!} {!LANG-5994f73c9e1cabaaeb8a4fe9123886a2!}





{!LANG-0498e54e81c4b7d3cb808c0b428e2b83!} {!LANG-dcf2362e81adab40c6687039190d7e7c!}


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{!LANG-86462dc56bce00754cce2b5c8f5d853b!} {!LANG-14f29e81ffae369e9454f645763d21f3!}{!LANG-69dee5ff90c019e91846934b0599472a!}














{!LANG-39a9e6d1ae339201bc3b3bd0ae664e96!} {!LANG-bbd6998001ec84d7bdfd90d06cea02f7!}{!LANG-3265618ffe0faabc42d7d0ab5858a406!}

{!LANG-861e48d42f57223c52b1c36c27a5074a!} {!LANG-8e558dcd4f3bf8347cfa865c588568db!}{!LANG-3cda14f9d67ef5c2565d6a88602955b5!}


Santa Claus
{!LANG-6b6efb276adbdb2b2208657d2d9f7b23!} {!LANG-afa7dc41afb0b620479bf9c2f4128622!}










{!LANG-7e176e1090d44a1804a5fa3839dfc50c!} {!LANG-1043c30af963a4100e5318f6fc8217be!}
{!LANG-afd00e8efc89da469143eab6859cb27d!} {!LANG-7be3185968a9bbd57749b4ee528ec9c4!}
{!LANG-f27a0850241476d9736a8b3bc0971813!} {!LANG-2cbe8f9cd7d6632080e516e349c95721!}{!LANG-cbd362e0a875871ac700a62fba1dd296!}
{!LANG-a74c6b8797dfa7b62a2a8a2d449ee33d!} {!LANG-22da1c8a6b9cf5db6a02a99fb665694e!}{!LANG-895c8bd60ceeec390deac512d4dfc34a!}
{!LANG-0f1cf7acf1b5aa01a073e40832268c68!} {!LANG-554aad2f78285d1f321f3d33d65d5a7e!}
{!LANG-63ab470a472432ed300e9f45ab5bd0bf!} {!LANG-b5ed5d2a41a373461f08257af9a8b9e5!}

{!LANG-a06132a16f712f21279a4bb3e5cf87b0!} {!LANG-14122743087b96a1bcc45b8208f46164!}{!LANG-5b0f60bce1eb50eea381758333ff529b!}


{!LANG-2d570889097f77617497ad4ac97dac9d!} {!LANG-f6b3c0af025bd45eef68ba21d06e6ee0!}{!LANG-1c9d225a37a3a5edce71a4ab3f0c69d5!}



{!LANG-99615f81bf33f009907572486afdc8c9!} {!LANG-f6a605a51da2938274abd47d0a7f445a!}{!LANG-305a571b9a7276b015938e1f6a52b6f4!}
{!LANG-356bae8dba206512fe48b337922d8640!} {!LANG-157949564c3b410d254aaf1b9bd54708!}{!LANG-9e00858903ad62cb078ef30880671b86!}
{!LANG-32c9c9052cfd0e6c6a88a3f0b37ee5ea!} {!LANG-cd7ad88975e2c09a200f0bf488dd41fd!}




