Regulations for the youth meeting “School of youth activists. Scenario of the meeting of children's public organizations Scenario of the opening of the meeting is given by the youth

Budgetary institution of Khanty - Mansiysk

autonomous Okrug - UGRY

"Center for social assistance to families and children" Rostok "

Department of psychological and pedagogical assistance (service for the prevention of family problems, the service "Emergency Children's Help")


Youth Forum

"Planet of meetings"

Compiled by: Social teacher Shcherbakova N.N.


Goal: creating conditions for professional, creative, social self-realization of youth and using its potential to identify social problems of the village and develop ways to solve them, as a means of stabilizing the political, moral and creative sphere of youth.

Competition objectives:

involvement of youth in social practice;

education of citizenship, patriotism;

reducing social tension among the youth;

the formation of an active life position;

search, identification and use of the potential of youth leaders in the interests of the residents of the district;

organization of outdoor activities;


3 rooms equipped with a laptop, a flashcard with a presentation and a video.

Boxes with stationery are prepared for each site: Whatman paper, pens, pencils, glue, tape, pens, paper, notebooks.

The regulations are posted on each site. There is a poster about the work of the forum in the lobby.

4 rubber team-building balls.

Registration: The hall is decorated balloons and ribbons.

Location: Assembly hall - opening and closing ceremonies, 3 offices for the operation of sites

Lead 1: Social educator of PPPP - Shcherbakova N.N.

Lead 2:The head of the social - pedagogical service of the Polytechnic College - Merzlikin A.S.

Music: responsible - Bauer L.M.


Music slide show in progress

My friend, give me your hand

We are young children of our country

Let's go, I'll show you Russia,

From a side unknown to you.

Its expanses are wide, endless steppes,

The mountains are great, the seas are deep,

But the main thing is a Russian person,

The native land was famous all the time.

Look, in your palm, a ray of light

Let us carry it warm

We are the youth of Russia, remember that

And in her life, bring your good.

The backing track "Hymn to Youth" sounds

Teenagers come out:

1: We are youth of the twenty-first century, (Ira Petrova)

2: The fate of man is in our hands (Popov Kirill)

3: Against evil and cruelty we are- (Rusmilenko Valentin)

4: The best youth of their country! (Sochneva Anastasia)

5: Our generation has enough strength, energy, (Popov Stanislav)

6: Knowledge and good will to achieve noble goals, success in life. (Valei Angelina)

The teenagers go off to the music of the "Hymn of Youth" while the presenters come out.


Date: 11.11

Venue: Lyceum

Time: 10.00


Behind the scenes

Lead 1:

Who is the future of our country?

Who will create in it tomorrow

Who will soar in the blue sky

And build cities up high?

Fatherland, believe me, this is youth!

You know her nothing at all

Will keep you, increase

And he will love warmly!

Lead 2:

We strive for goodness and light!

We want life to be

Warmed by the warmth of my soul,

So that the road calls ahead!

Lead 1:

We are like everyone else! We are children!

As he, and she, and you!

And the bonfire of true friendship was warmed

We are confidently building bridges!

Lead 2:

Bridge with nice name "Commonwealth"

Stretched from us to you!

This is very important and necessary for us!

Today, we welcome all of you!


Song "About Russia"

Leading exit:

Lead1: Hello, Hello dear friends! We say hello to you today!

This means we wish everyone

And kindness, and love and health,

To communicate with someone.

In life, give joy to your relatives,

Wish everyone happiness in the world

Say hello more often

And you won't have any problems.

Host2 : Good afternoon! Dear guests, leaders and activists of school children's organizations in Milerovo and Millerovsky district!

Lead1: Guys, I think that you, like, probably, every person, think about what future awaits you, who you will become, whether you will be happy. Raise your hands for those for whom this question is relevant and interesting.

Lead2: - Thank you, we see that there are no indifferent people among us. Everyone is interested in how his life will turn out ... Remember the famous Russian proverb: "A man is the smith of his own happiness."

Q: And there is also another one: "What you sow, you reap." Much depends on how we live now, how we think, how we act. And today, on this wonderful day, we met to make this world brighter!

Host1: Today meeting of leaders of the districtchildren's organization"Commonwealth" which gathered all friends, like-minded people, activists, not indifferent to youth affairs, in order to sum up the work for the 2015-2016 academic year on this autumn day, and most importantly, we will elect a new president of the Sodruzhestvo children's organization.

Lead2: Blow the bugler, call everyone to rise

Already the day has risen a stately dawn,

Your peers are always ready

For good deeds, deeds and glory.

Lead2: Gathering to attention! Flags Russian Federation, Rostov region and the children's organization "Sodruzhestvo" bring into the hall!


flags are inserted

(drumbeat, preobrazhensky march)

Lead1 : The meeting of the leaders of the Sodruzhestvo children's organization should be considered open!

Anthem of the Russian Federation, RO

Lead2: A word to greet the delegates of the meeting


Presenters1: The floor is given


Lead1: Dear guys, dear adults! DO "Sodruzhestvo" celebrates 18 years today. Our organization is very large, it includes 6984 schoolchildren of our city and regionthe children's organization has its own flag, charter, emblems, anthem.

Anthem commonwealth

Lead 2: School life is interesting, varied and unpredictable. It is often compared to traveling on a ship! And in this ocean school life it depends only on ourselves how our voyage will go.

Agid brigades of schoolchildren No. 4 and No. 5 (how they prepared for the anniversary)

Lead1 : We invite activists of children's organizations to the stage, they will tell us how they spent their time and organized their vacation in the All-Russian camp "Artek "and" Smena ".

Lead2: The trees in the camp are so high
In the camp, the site is this wide.
There are counselors and children,
There is fun, laughter and wind.
Of course I was there too
And all my friends!

School is invited to the stage

("Profile shifts")

Lead1: We're all as different as rainbow colors

We are all so different, but we have one goal.

We are not playing the country for fun

And the statutes were not invented for a laugh.

Host2 : But we're just trying to get a little closer.

Let him not even get close, but know at least something.

About life, about politics, about school and country affairs

So that the roads are not so difficult for us.

Lead1: We must learn to respect the laws

After all, every citizen must know something about them.

But for our future, the coming day of the country

We will be responsible for the life of Russia - the homeland!

Host2 : For a report on the work done, the president of the Sodruzhestvo children's organization, Yulia Kukisheva, a student of gymnasium No. 1, is invited to the stage

Block "Report of the President of DO" Sodruzhestvo "

Lead1: Today, at our rally, we want to acknowledge those students who have worked, worked, participated and won all-Russian, regional and district competitions throughout the academic year.

Lead 2 : To award the leaders of the Sodruzhestvo children's organization

__________________________________________ is invited to the stage

Invited to the stage

President of the children's organization "Sodruzhestvo" Kukisheva Yulia

(Presenting flowers and a gift)

(list of awardees)

Lead1: We hope that new names will be added to this list in the new academic year. Life of school children's organizationskeeps pace with the times, it requires activity, creativity and striving for perfection. The task of youth should be aimed at enhancing socially significant affairs, promoting healthy lifestyles, developing tolerance, mutual assistance, compassion, mercy, cooperation and co-creation of adults and children.

Host2:. What is happiness? On the path of life

Where does your duty tell you to go

Do not know enemies, do not measure obstacles,

Make friends, hope and believe.

A laureate of International and All-Russian competitions, soloist of the exemplary ensemble "Diva +" Taranova Angelina


Block "Election of the President of the subsidiary" Commonwealth "

Host2 : Today we have a serious mission at our meeting,Election of the President of the district children's organization "Commonwealth" . For 2 years the president was Yulia Kukisheva, a student of gymnasium No. 1, a proactive, creative, reliable, independent person. This year she leaves us and we have to choose a new president who would adequately continue the traditionsand competently led the districtchildren's organization "Commonwealth" Millerovo and Millerovsky district . Educational organizations presented candidates for the presidency of the Sodruzhestvo children's organization.

Lead1: Let's get to know them:

Lead 2: Our elections are district elections and wear delegated uniforms, as delegates from every school in the city and district, every children's republic will take part in the voting. Your task is to cast your vote for a worthy candidate. At the end of the meeting, we will find out, counting the votes, who will be at the head of the regional children's organization "Commonwealth"

Lead1: The drawing of lots was carried out before the start of the election procedure. Our candidates will perform under the following numbers:

Lead2: The first competitive stage is called"Business card - presentation - this is one of the homework to uncover social activities children's association, participation in social projects, show the results of his activities and hobbies. Performance time up to 5 minutes.

Invited to the stage

Lead1: ... And now the second stage"Defense of the electoral program"participants are given the opportunity to express their ideas and set tasks for the implementation of their program. Performance time up to 3 minutes.

Invited to the stage

(She spoke, announce the second, etc.)

Lead2: .Thank you guys for an interesting pre-election program. And we are moving on to the voting procedure. The voting procedure will take place in the following order:

the president

vice President, Leadership Council

Lead1: GUYS! You are holding voting ballots in your hands. Everyone will have to vote for one of the presidential candidates. By making a mark, you give your ballot to the enumerators.

(soft background music sounds)

Host2 :. The choreographic collective "Vesnushki" is invited to the stage

  1. DANCE WITH LINES "Freckles"

Lead1: The exemplary ensemble "Diva"

2. Yatsukovich Amalia

Lead2: The choreographic collective "Vesnushki" is invited to the stage


Lead2: Today, November 11, 2016, elections were held for the post of President of the regional children's organization "Sodruzhestvo". Four candidates were running.

We invite you to the stage:

Lead1 ... The floor is given to the chairman of the school election commission Anna Yaroslavna Chudakova


(counting commission, chairman report)

Lead2: ... DO "Commonwealth" includes the Council of Leaders. By unanimous decision of the Meeting, the Council of Leaders included:(background music sounds)

and all presidents of school children's organizations.

Lead1: To announce you - __________________________________________________________________,

President, we must conduct a ritual of initiation of you into the President, hand over the rolling symbols of presidential power and hear from you an oath of allegiance to the members of the Sodruzhestvo DO.

Host2 : A solemn moment is coming.

Lead1: I ask you to put your left hand on the Charter of the Sodruzhestvo DO and take the Oath of Allegiance to the Sodruzhestvo members.


(The newly elected president reads the oath)

Host2 : To greet and award the president of the regional children's organization "Sodruzhestvo"


/ awarding, presentation of the ribbon /

Lead1: Guys! Our meeting is coming to an end.



Appeal (Resolution)

B1- Accept active participation in the children's and youth movement of the district!

B2- Replenish the fund of your children's organization with new ideas, share

experience with other children's organizations.

Learn love and compassion, mercy and purity of spiritual thoughts.

Take an active part in the life of your children's organization, village, city!

Actively develop the Volunteer movement.

Protect historical monuments.

Get involved in the development and implementation of socially significant projects!

Protect the nature of your native land, carry out environmental actions!

Be the real masters of our land and patriots of our Motherland.

To lead healthy image life;

Return to the practice of passing the TRP standards, in order to improve the physical development and health of schoolchildren;

Each delegation has a textdistrict resolutionMeeting and you are familiar with it.

(resolution text on screen)

Who? for ", raise your hands, (pause)

Who is against, (pause)

Who "abstained" (pause)

The resolution was adopted unanimously by a majority vote.


Host1 :. Gathering, attention! Banner of the children's organization "Sodruzhestvo", to take out the flags of the Russian Federation and the Rostov region!

/ a drum beat sounds, a march soundtrack, a banner group enters the hall,

the standard bearers and the banner group leave /

Finale Song.

Lead1: “We are Millerovites!”, Boldly forward!

Only this way and nothing else!

Send your dream flying!

Believe me, luck lies ahead!

Host2 : Know, to be the best is difficult,

You need to become strong, kind!

Avoid cunning latent

Carry others along with you!

music screensaver

1 Ved.


- What never comes back in our life: time, opportunity and word ...

- What should a person not lose? Reason, calmness, hope ...

- What defines a person? Dignity, respect and honor ..., destroy: lies, envy and anger ...

- The values \u200b\u200bof our life: love, health, respect, harmony, friendship!

2 Ved.

Good afternoon to everyone who is with us today, to everyone who found the opportunity to remind themselves and others once again that life is great, it's great to be in demand, to be useful to society, to take place as a person! Perhaps, for someone today, the first independent step towards doing everything possible, or even impossible, ... to change our world for the better.

1 Ved.

Today, the vanguard of school and class assets of our city, volunteers of the volunteer movement, gathered in the hospitable hall.

We welcome everyone to the 1st city meeting of volunteer associations, where the guys will share their volunteer experience. Any good deed always starts with a greeting.

We present to you the teams of volunteer associations of schools in the city of Yugorsk:

Greeting mottos sound from their seats

    Volunteer Association Lyceum named after Georgy Fedorovich Atyakshev

    Volunteer Association MBOU "Secondary School No. 2"

    Volunteer association MBOU "Secondary school" No. 3 "

    Volunteer Association MBOU "Secondary School No. 4"

    Volunteer movement MBOU "Secondary school" No. 5 "(Children's Association" Our Affairs ")

    Volunteer Association MBOU "Secondary School No. 6"

    Volunteer movement - Evening school

1 Ved.

Volunteers of our city take care of the health of the people living in it, honor the memory of the times scorched by wars, make our city cozy and clean, organize and participate in a variety of actions and events.

2 Ved.

And today we can say that being a volunteer is an honor! "Volunteer" - it sounds proudly! More than 3000 young people of the city of Yugorsk are united by a noble idea: “There is never too much good, however, like the number of participants in associations, the main thing is:“ We know where we are going! We know,what * we want!"


The new generation is cutting its course.

The new generation is the future of the country!

Attention to the screen!

Video screensaver about the volunteer movement of our city

musical accompaniment

(song "New Generation")

2 Ved.

The significance of today's event is proved by the presence of eminent people of our city. To greet the participants of the 1st city meeting of volunteer associations, the following are invited to the stage:

    Head of the Department of Education of the city of Yugorsk ………………… ..

    Leading specialist of the Department of Education of the city administration of Yugorsk …………………………………………………………………….

    Chairman of the Public Youth Chamber under the Duma of Yugorsk …………………………………………………………………… ..

musical splash of solemn character

The city meeting of volunteer associations is considered open!


Not only educators, but also specialists take part in the work on legal knowledge and in the formation of a healthy lifestyle:

Representatives of the department for organizing the activities of the Territorial Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights of the Yugorsk City Administration ………………………………………………………………………

Controlbyphysical cultureadministrationcitiesYugorsk ……………………………………

Representatives of the anti-drug commission of the Yugorsk city administration ………………………………………………………………………….

Specialists of the Budgetary Institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Complex center social service population "Sphere" …………………………………………………………… ..

Specialists of the Municipal Budgetary Medical and Prophylactic Institution Central City Hospital of the city of Yugorsk ………………………………………………………………………………

Representatives of the budgetary institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra Center for social assistance to families and children "Trust" ……………………………………………………………………………….

Representatives of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Yugorsk ………………………………………………………………… ..

Specialists of the municipal government institution "City Methodological Center" …………………………………………………………… ..

BU 2

Attention! Let me introduce the volunteer rally program:

Participants today will be presented with 5 sections - 5 master classes.

Participants of the rally need to decide on the teams, each participant has his own token with a color. Each participant has a route to his own section.



Section 1 (red) is headed by: Leading specialist of the Education Department of the Yugorsk city administration …………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Composition: Deputy ChiefManagementbyphysical culture, sports, work with children and youthadministrationcitiesYugorsk ………, secretaryanti-drug commission of the city administration of Yugorsk ………………………………………………………………………………………

Participants who received their color token go to the representatives of their section


Section 2 (green) is headed by: Head of the Department for Organization of the Territorial Commission for Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights of the Administration of the City of Yugorsk …………………………………………………….

Chairman of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Yugorsk …………………………………………………………………………….


Section 3: (blue color) master class presents …………………………… .. Complex Center for Social Services for the Population "Sphere" …………


Section 4: …………………………… district pediatrician Central City Hospital of the city of Yugorsk


Section 5 is headed by the Chairman of the Public Youth Chamber under the Duma of the city of Yugorsk ……………………………
and ………………………………… .. psychologist Center for social assistance to families and children “Trust”.

Dear participants, please go through their sections.

Moose. screensaver "The choice is yours"

work of master classes (time limit 30 min)

VED. 1

Work is the basis of life!

For the good of the whole Motherland!

This means that you will benefit too ...

VED. 2

Whether to work, study!

The goal is useful to people!

And they will take place in their own destiny!

VED. 1

Representatives of each section are invited to the stage

speeches by representatives

Thank you all for your work, please go to your seats.

Ved. 2

And we continue! We open the next page of the 1st rally "In the footsteps of the city competitionposters and videos “We are for a healthy lifestyle”.To sum up the results of the city competition, the following are invited to the stage:

Leading specialist of the Department of Education of the city of Yugorsk …………………………… and secretary of the anti-drug commission of the administration of the city of Yugorsk ………………………………………………….

VED. 1

To conduct the Award Ceremony for work in the volunteer movement, a leading specialist of the Education Department of the Administration of the city of Yugorsk is invited to the stage ………………………………….


Our 1st meeting has come to an end.

What do you expect in the future?

We must think about this more and more often.


And if you are a real citizen,

The country expects a great return from you.

Guys! Keep it up! Go for it!

The main reward of a volunteer is that his work is beneficial!

final song "If not us then who?"

The script of the concert dedicated to our young generation "Youth of the 21st century - worthy youth!"
Before the start, as a background for the audience to sit down - TRACK 1
The curtain is closed, a slide show is in progress and a poem is played to the lyrical composition (music on the slides)
My friend, give me your hand
We are young children of our country
Let's go I'll show you Russia
From a side unknown to you.

Its expanses are wide, endless steppes,
The mountains are great, the seas are deep,
But most importantly, a Russian person,
The native land was famous all the time.

Look, in your palm, a ray of light
Let us carry it warm
We are the youth of Russia, remember that
And in her life, bring your good.
The song “Hymn to Youth, under which the curtain opens, the action on stage begins with words (the first verse and chorus).
After the end of the song, the children line up in a wedge and, to the solemn melody, the presenters take turns from different wings.
Fanfare for the presenters and background for the initial words - TRACK 3
Host 1: We are the youth of the twenty-first century,
Host 2: The fate of a person is in our hands.
Leading 3: Against evil and cruelty we -
Host 4: The best children of their country!
The same track is louder and mixed.

Presenter 1: We welcome all participants of the action "Youth of the 21st century - worthy youth!"
Host 2: This action is dedicated to the hope of Russia
Host 3: Those in whose hands the future of Russia!
Together: Our youth !!!

Host 1: The action "Youth of the XXI century - worthy youth" has been held in Petushinsky district since 2010.
Host 2: This Action was initiated by the Social Rehabilitation Center of the town of Kosterevo

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the head of the juvenile prophylaxis department of the social rehabilitation center Maria Alexandrovna Larina.

Exit Hump and Leave - TRACK 4
(Speech by M.A. Larina)

Host 3: Young people are the main thing in the country.
Host 4: Youth is the main hope!
Lead 1: May youth be stronger
Everything is ahead, as before!
Host 1: For a welcoming speech, we invite the head of the Petushinsky district, Viktor Borisovich Shurygin, to the stage
Host 2: And the head of the city Pokrov Evgeny Petrovich Sas.

Fanfare for going out and leaving - TRACK 5
Speeches of heads, district and city.

Host 1: Anastasia Surovova sings for you.

(number - song) TRACK 6

Background on the leading TRACK 7
Host 1: We are the youth of the XXI century,
Host 2: We vote for human rights,
Lead 1: We go boldly and honestly through life,
Host 2: We are proud that Russia is our home!
Lead 2: We give the floor to the Acting Chief of Staff of the Young Guard United Russia Olga Ivzhenko
Host 1: And a member of the Youth Parliament of the City of Pokrov Ruslan Blokhin.
Exit Hitting and Leaving - TRACK 8

Background on the leading TRACK 9
Host 2: Time, as if testing its strength, exposes Russia to new and new tests: the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, the uncooled pain of Afghan and Chechen wounds.
Host 1: Self-esteem and self-confidence are impossible without respect for the history of your Fatherland.
Mix background.

Host 2: You veterans of fierce battles,
Whose youth is hardened in battle,
We bring love and respect
And his bright gratitude.

Host 1: For the fact that you fought in Russian,
For the fact that through a thousand deaths passed,
For never being forgotten
About the duty to his homeland.
Leader 2: Meet the students of the Pokrovsky Pedagogical College !!!

While they are leaving, let the background go - TRACK 10
Song with a guitar accompanied by slides.

Background on the leading TRACK 11
Host 1: We are all together for a minute,
We don't sit still
Stadium, gym, nature,
Everything for us, at any time of the year.
Leader 3: Our health is a gift of nature
So be healthy, man
In the era of technology and fashion
Dedicate your life to health.

Exit Hump and Leave - TRACK 19
The representative of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is speaking.

Without background.
Lead 2: Doing for the guys
Learn urgently
Traffic rules,
Lead 4: Don't worry
Every day parents
So that they rushed calmly
Street drivers!
Presenter 2: And the students of the Secondary School in Gorodischi will help you with this. Meet !!!

Exit track and exit - TRACK 20
Speech by the village of Gorodischi

Background on the hosts - TRACK 21
Host 1: It's good to be young!
Carefree, mischievous.
Have fun and love
Make a mistake and forget!
Host 3: You are young, and this is
A sea of \u200b\u200bwarmth and light
Eyes sparkle with happiness!
Believe, dream, fall in love!
Host 1: You will drown in the sea of \u200b\u200blove,
You will forever remember
Celebrate youth forever
Being young is great!
Pupils of the Pokrovsky special PU greet you.

Dance number (colony). TRACK 22

Background on the presenters - TRACK 23
Lead 2: In the midst of a dull silence,
There will always be a ray of light
He is young and fresh without contradiction,
And so blessed is it.

Host 4: Youth, I say again,
Daughter of progress, and a trace of memory.
This is the foundation of the future,
Those who live on our Earth!

Leader 2: We want to love, believe in honesty and do good!
We declare to the whole wide world:
Lead 4: Life and Health - yes!
Host 2: No drugs!
We are pleased to give the floor to _____________________________________ Dmitry Viktorovich Sass.

Exit track and exit - TRACK 24
Drug Enforcement Administration.

Background on the hosts - TRACK 25
Host 1: We are the young generation of the country, its political and economic strength.
Host 2: Our generation has enough strength, energy, knowledge and goodwill to achieve the noble goals of success in life.
Leader 1: Participants of the "karate-do" section of the House of Creativity achieve great success every year.
Host 2: This year they visited the cities: Moscow, Vladimir, Privolzhsk, Murom and Ryazan.
Host 1: We have won over 70 medals and cups of various denominations.
Host 2: We welcome our athletes with stormy and prolonged applause, the leader is Alexander Viktorovich Nerovnov.

Performance of the section "Karate-do" TRACK 26

Background on the presenters - TRACK 27
Lead 3: Hurry up to do good deeds,
Hurry to reach out your hand to the fallen,
Lead 1: To for those who are wild in the night
Now wanders losing direction
Dawn flashed ... and the first ray
He gave them hope and salvation!
Together: We choose life!
Lead 3: We are for health,
We are for happiness
We are against pain and misery!
Lead 1: For a sober mind,
For clarity of thought,
For childhood, youth,
Together: For the joy of life!
Presenter 1: Meet the students of the Secondary School No. 1 of the city of Pokrov.

Exit Hitting and Leaving - TRACK 28
Scene about life, school number 1

Background on the hosts - TRACK 29
Lead 1: Youth smells like wormwood and mint,
Sweet honey and cotton candy
Lead 3: Beloved mother, and first love,
Youth smells of excellent health,
Leader 2: With the freshness of summer and the spice of the meadow,
And, of course, respect for each other.
Lead 4: Sunshine, tears and happiness,
Than something great, big, real,
Host 1: She smells like a ringing blue of the sky,
And certainly a country -
Together: Russia!
Host 2: Galina Panteleeva, Executive Secretary of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights, is invited to the stage for the solemn rewarding of the action participants
Host 1: And the head of the juvenile affairs department Olga Andreeva

Hitting and leaving - TRACK 30
(Rewarding the participants of the action.
Fanfare TREC 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36).

Background on the presenters - TRACK 37
Presenter 1: We would like to wish our peers friends and just everyone:
Lead 2: Let the fire of maximalism not go out,
The spirit of optimism calls on the road again
Lead 4: May each new day be like a new holiday,
You will be unforgettable and dear.
Lead 3: Live and give joy to people
Not tomorrow, not today, but now.
Host 4: And don't waste a single minute ...
Moderator 1 and 2: After all, youth is given only once.

Ensemble "Zateya", Song "My Motherland - Russia" TRACK 38
On the last chorus, all the participants of the action come out, at the end of the song the presenters say goodbye to the audience, the curtain closes to the music. TRACK 39
While the audience disperses, the background music of TRACK 40 is played.