Nice words for the name of the firm list. Women's names starting with the letter n. stages of work on the name

Accepted abbreviations: az. - Azerbaijani, English. - English, Arabic. - Arabic, Aramaic. - Aramaic, Bulgarian. - Bulgarian, Wall. - Welsh, Hungarian. - Hungarian, Gaelic. - Gaelic, Greek. - Greek, Danish. - Danish, OE - Old English, Old German. - Old Germanic, Old Hebrew. - Ancient Hebrew, Old Ind. - Old Indian, Old Irish. - Old Irish, Old Norse. - Old Icelandic, Old Persian. - Old Persian, ancient Roman. - ancient Roman, ancient Russian. - Old Russian, Old Scandal. - Old Scandinavian, Egypt. - Egyptian, wives. - female, app. - western, ind. - Indian, Spanish - Spanish, it. - Italian, kaz. - Kazakh, Celtic. - Celtic, lat. - Latin, lit. - Lithuanian, husband. - male, netherl. - Dutch, Norwegian - Norwegian, Pers. - Persian, Polish. - Polish, col. - colloquial, room. - Romanian, Russian. - Russian, Sami. - Sami, Skt. - Sanskrit, Serb. - Serbian, Syrian. - Syrian, scandal. - Scandinavian, Slav. - Slavic, see - look, owls. - Soviet, Art.-French. - Old French, Taj. - Tajik, Tat. - Tatar, Turk. - Turkic, Uzbek. - Uzbek, Ukrainian. - Ukrainian, outdated. - obsolete, Finnish. - Finnish, French. - French, frieze. - Frisian, Swede. - Swedish, Czech. - Czech, shot. - Scottish, South Slav. - South Slavic.

Nabi (Arabic) - male, "prophet".

Nadezhda (Russian) - female, translation from Greek. named Elpis.

Nadir (Arabic) - male, “warning”.

Nazar (Hebrew) - male, “he dedicated”. In the calendar - Nazarius.

Nazira (Pers.) - female, “promised”.

Nazym, Nazym (Pers.) - “keeping in order, organizer”. Originally masculine. However, among a number of peoples of the East, it is also used to name girls. So, at present, the Kazakhs call the name Nazym almost exclusively girls.

Nail (Pers.) - a man who achieves success.

Nailya (pers.) - woman to Nail (see).

Naida, Naida, Found (south-slav.) - female, “find”. In the old days, in families where children died, the newborn was "left" on the road. It was believed that the power of the one who found it would pass to the child. The finder knew whose child it was and gave it to his parents.

Namig, Namik (Arabic) - male, “scribe, writer”. Found among Azerbaijanis and Turks.

Nana (French) - female, affectionate to Anna (see).

Nanó (French) - female, a derivative of the name Anna (see).

Naomi, Naemi (ancient Hebrew) - female, "my sweetness, my charm."

Nargis, Nargiz, Narkes (Greek) - female, from the name of the flower narcissus, figuratively "black-eyed". Typical for Muslims, who came from the Persians.

Nariman (Pers.) - male, “courageous”.

Narkis (Greek) - male, from the name of the flower narcissus. In the calendar - Narkiss.

Nasib (Arabic) - male, "relative", "son-in-law".

Nasiba (Arabic) - female to Nasib (see).

Nastasya - female, colloquial to Anastasia (see).

Natalia (lat.) - women, "Christmas", in the calendar - Natalia.

Naum (Hebrew) - male, "comforting".

Nathanael (ancient Hebrew) - male, "God gave".

Napoleon (Greek) - male, "new city".

Narcis - male, zap. to Narkis (see).

Nathan (Hebrew) - male, "God gave".

Never (Old Russian) - male, "unbaptized".

Nevzor (Old Russian) - male, “inconspicuous, unprepossessing”.

Neklyud (Old Russian) - male, "nondescript, awkward."

Nekras (Old Russian) - male, “ugly, unattractive”, protective name.

Nekrasa (Old Russian) - female to Nekras (see).

Nectary (Greek) - male, "nectar".

Nela, Nella, Nelly - female, zap., Abbreviated to Helen (see Elena), Cornelia (see), Petronella (see), Eleanor (see).

Nelid (Russian) - male, colloquial to Leonid (see).

Nelida (Old Russian) - female to Nelid (see).

Nelson (English) - male, from the surname Nelson - from the personal name Neil (see) + "son".

Unloved, Unloved (Old Russian) - male, “unsightly, disgusting, disliked”, protective name.

Nelyuba (Old Russian) - female to Dislike (see).

Nenila - female, colloquial to Neonila (see).

Neon (Greek) - male, "youth, youth".

Neonila - female, derived from Neon (see).

Neophyte (Greek) - male, "convert, newly initiated."

Nepomuk (Czech) - male, by the name of a town in the Czech Republic.

Nesmeyan (Old Russian) - male, "sullen, stern man."

Nesmeyana (Old Russian) - female to Nesmeyan (see).

Nessie (English) - female, diminutive for Agnes (see).

Nestor (Greek) - male, possibly “to return”.

Nestorian - male, derived from Nestor (see).

Neulyba (Old Russian) - female, "who does not smile", a protective name.

Nefed - husband., Col. to Methodius (see).

Nechay (Old Russian) - male, “unexpected, unforeseen”.

Nick (English) - male, short form to Nicklas (see).

Nika - female, named Greek. goddess of victory.

Nikandr (Greek) - man, "to win" + "husband, man".

Nikanor (Greek) - man, "to win" + "husband, man".

Nicky (English) - male, short form to Niklas (see) ..

Nikita (Greek) - male, "victory".

Nikifor (Greek) - male, "victorious".

Niklas - male, 1) eng. the equivalent of the name Nikolai (see); 2) in it. short form to Nikolaus (see) ..

Niko - man., Zap., Short form to Nikolaus (see).

Nikkoló - male, it. the equivalent of the name Nikolai (see).

Nicodemus (Greek) - male, "victory" + "people".

Nikola - male, colloquial to Nikolay (see) ..

Nikolá - male, French the equivalent of the name Nikolai (see).

Nikolaus - male, zap. to Nikolay (see).

Nicolette (French) - female, diminutive to Nicole (see).

Nicoletta (it.) - female, diminutive to Nicole (see).

Nicole (French) - female, made from husband. Nikolá (see).

Nikon (Greek) - male, "to win".

Niktopolion (Greek) - male, "night" + "city, state".

Nile (Greek) - male, possibly by the name of the Nile River.

Neil, Neill, Neil (Gaelic) - male, "fighter, winner".

Niels (n.-German) - male, short for Nikolaus.

Nymphodora (Greek) - female, "nymph (pagan deity)" + "gift".

Nina - female, 1) derivative husband. named Nin - the name of the founder of the Assyrian state; 2) short to Ioannina - derivative husband. named John (see).

Ninel - female, neologism of owls. period, reverse reading of the surname Lenin ..

Nisa (Pers.) - female, "mistress".

Niphont (Greek) - male, "sober, reasonable."

Niyaz (Pers.) - male, "mercy".

Novella (lat.) - female, “new, young”.

Novomir (Russian) - male, neologism of owls. period, "new" + "world".

Nolly (English) - male, short form to Oliver (see).

Nonna (lat.) - female, "ninth" or "nun".

Nora - female, abbreviated to Eleanor (see).

Norbert (Old German) - male, "north" + "brilliant, glorious, famous."

Norin (English) - female, diminutive for Nora (see).

Norina (it.) - female, diminutive for Nora (see).

Norm (lat.) - female, “norm, sample”.

Norris (English) - male, a variant of the name Norman (see).

Norman (Old German) - male, "north" + "man".

Notburg, Notburg (Old German) - female, "danger" + "lock, protection".

Notger, Notker (Old German) - male, "danger" + "spear".

Nouel (Old French) - male, "Christmas", typical for English-speaking countries.

Nur (Pers.) - male, radiance. " Often included in complex personal names, both male and female.

Nurlan is a husband. Contains the Nur component (see Nur) and the male personal name affix -lan. Very often among Kazakhs.

Nurtas is a husband. First part: Nur (see). Second part: tas - truncation to kaz. tasynyn "let it overflow".

Nurtugan (Persian-Turkic) - husband. First component: Nur (see). Second: Turk. tugan - "falcon".

Nyura, Nyusha (Russian) - women, abbreviated to Anna (see).

A beautiful company name can attract attention and stand out favorably from competitors. Especially at the initial stage of entering the market. Therefore, businessmen pay great attention to the name of their brainchild. After all, it is known: what you call a yacht, so it will float.

Although now there are many companies offering naming and branding services, I still think that it is quite possible to come up with effective and bright names ourselves. It is enough to turn on your imagination and connect your inner circle. Many famous brand names have originated in this non-transparent way.

For example, the legendary name Apple is not the work of highly paid brand-makers, but the result of Steve Jobs's "threat." And so it happened.

Brevity is the sister of talent, and this statement is appropriate when choosing a company name. The shorter, the better, and this can be seen in the example of IKEA IK are the initials of the founder of the company, EA is the abbreviated name of the Elmtarid farm in the village of Agunnarid, where Ingvar Kamprad was born and raised.

Using the name of your hometown in a brand is also quite common. For example: Nokia is the name of the Finnish village where the company was founded.

There are many examples of successful names, but I want to suggest creating your own top list for the most beautiful company names. Perhaps someone will find it useful and give an idea when choosing a name for their company.

I made a selection of top-30 company names in Russian and English different areas activities, focusing on your taste.


  • Commerz Pro
  • TradeTrading
  • goodzone
  • Hobia
  • MedSnab
  • AlkoSbyt
  • Region-Trading
  • TradeStandard
  • EconomyMarket
  • Rollback Office


  • StandardIndustry
  • MonolithTechno
  • MasterArchitect
  • Foreman
  • SnabMonolith
  • BrickTechnique
  • Extrastroy
  • STIMStroy
  • Snab Brigade
  • Swift Repair


  • ProfVoyage
  • ZagranExtreme
  • Souvenir tur
  • Overseas
  • StandardTravel
  • EcoTransit
  • Voyage
  • Ticket
  • LuxVoyage
  • TourDeMir (by analogy with tour de france)

What is the most beautiful name for a company you can suggest? What to consider and what to look for when choosing a name?

Reviews and opinions

Well, it seems to me. what is most important is that the name of the company is memorable, less text, long names with complex words are not needed so that a person will remember the company for a long time and the first time. That's roughly, a company for installing windows, I met on the internet when I did tasks, so the company is called OKONIKA, it's easy to remember, a pretty name.

It seems to me that the most beautiful company name in English is Google, few people know, but it is a number, one and 100 zeros. Perhaps Google predicted the successful existence of the company with this name, soon there will be Google requests in Google all over the world 🙂. In general, I like English names more than Russian ones.

I agree with the cool name, somehow parallel to me, be it a Russian or English name, the main thing is that it would carry a meaning, and it was easy to remember. Here are the not bad names of asphalt plants, DorLider, and Basalt.

This is a funny name for the company. What kind of contract is this :)?

Varan said about Google, and I think the most beautiful name of the company, both Russian and English, is Yandex, I think that it sounds beautiful and impressive, and the meaning is also laid down.

Alex, inspired by reflections on the news that the Kalashnikov plant is ready to pay 40 million rubles for the creation of a website. Large amountwhich is hard to get out of your head. But in my head it is spinning like a “kickback”, “kickback” ... hence the name for the company “OtkatKontra” 🙂 A logical process, however.

I think when choosing a name for a company, you need to somehow indicate the field of activity in which this company operates.
I really liked the name "BrokCo" (brokerage company)

The name is beautiful, but in my opinion it is not suitable for a brokerage company, but for some dessert 🙂.

Give your company your first or last name. This will be the best, as your clients will immediately remember you and the attitude will be respectful. As before, there were companies such as Smirnoff or Ivanov and Sons.

Maybe a middle name? Nikolaich 🙂
surname is somehow very traditional: Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan, Merrill Lynch, Berrings, Barclays - "s" at the end of the word - plural
but the names with the name of the country sound more globally: "Bank of America", "Credit Suisse", "Royal Bank of Scotland", "Chinese People's Bank"

I really like it when the lexical originality is felt in the name. When I lived earlier in another area, there was a dental office called "Dentist and Me". I always paid attention and looked at this sign. I also like the name of the YouTube service (the name plays up the slang boob tube "telly", "box", and you indicates the degree of the personality factor).

Reduce to euphonious or rip out a couple of letters from the name, like Poroshenko. I for a long time and did not know that it was candy named after his last name, I thought it was some French company. My surname is all right, I got a beautiful one from my husband. I named my company "Swan"

It always pisses me off more, and this is very often manifested in the names of stores, especially grocery ones when they take names. It’s as if people's imagination doesn’t work at all, and they came up with the name in the first two minutes. I have a very positive attitude to short names that carry a lot of meaning, this is a really professional approach.

There was also a case, by the way, I saw a kiosk with diminutive suffixes (pivushko, hot dogs, etc.), also funny and interesting idea... Those. use comic content to attract buyers.

I cannot but agree with Helen, the traditions of the old merchant houses were and still are…. In the proposed list, just like the selection of the most ugly names. Owners want to first reflect what their firm is doing. But I like more indirect names. where originality is combined with purpose. For example Firefox.

When I dreamed of my own cafe, moreover, a children's cafe, I wanted to name it Peter Pan. Now I think about the name of the pizzeria, I decided to name Pizza-Vera after my sister, it turned out to be already taken.

Well, this is just your opinion, in my opinion several of the company names presented in the first post are beautiful and memorable. And I don’t think that a company should have the most beautiful name, it should be original and memorable, and it does not matter whether it is in Russian or in English.

For example - "Prorabych", it may not be the most beautiful for the company, but sonorous, original and memorable. It will immediately sink into the head and be remembered. When choosing names for a company, first of all, one should not think about beauty, but about simplicity, this is of course just my opinion. And if we only pay attention to beauty, then I like English brands more.

Yes. Alex, there is also Mobilich. And so on ... But why is it necessary to attack so strongly the English names? But here you are also right ... Not everyone speaks English. And these words mean nothing to them. Regarding Google, I think we need to ask the exact meaning of this word. I have not been interested in this yet.

When registering business activities be sure to give your brainchild a name.

An individual entrepreneur in official documents indicates his last name and initials as a name, although he has the right to name his product, service or place of their provision as he pleases. And here is a legal entity obliged have a proper name that appears in all official papers.

And you need to choose a name even before the documents are submitted for registration, so as not to enter the first phrase that comes across later. The question of the name of the organization is too important, because it is - business card, the face of the enterprise, which largely determines the percentage of its success.

What are the nuances in choosing a name for an organization, what should be taken into account and what mistakes to avoid, what creative techniques can you use? We will also highlight the question of how specialists can help in this problem.

10 ideas on how to name your company

If you decide to name your brainchild yourself, we can recommend several proven approaches to this strategy. Each of these approaches has many successful names that have become legends in the business world.

  1. Proper name and its variations... An enterprise is to a large extent the personality of its owner, so it is often a good idea to give it your first name, last name, or combine them whimsically. For example, Ford, Heinz, Proctor & Gamble, Casio are the names of the founders, and Adidas is an abbreviation of the home abbreviation of the owner's name (Adi Dasler). You can also use colloquial variants of names: workshop "At Petrovich", hairdresser "Natashenka".
  2. Verbal combinations... Words and their parts are arbitrarily broken up, combined, combined in various variations. This is how the name of the Pampers brand was created (the first letter of the surname Proctor, the middle of the surname Gamble, the end of the word Diapers - "diaper"). This technique also includes the division of a familiar word into several meaningful ones with a capital letter in the middle (a thrift store "Bulavka", a beer bar "UsPey" with a picture of a magnificent mustache on the signboard).
  3. Phonetic approach... The use of alliterations, onomatopoeia, playing with rhymes and rhythm has a positive effect on the perception of the name. For example, "Coca-Cola", "Chupa-Chups", iris "Kis-kis", the Twitter network (in English imitates the chirping of a bird), "Agusha" (kids say "agu").
  4. Associations, allusions, hints... The double meaning in the name is always attractive, as it allows consumers to feel involved in solving the mystery. This approach can be both simple and somewhat primitive (beauty salon "Aphrodite", wedding salon "Hymen"), and more sophisticated (for example, the chain of stores "Seven-eleven": in addition to a successful combination of rhyme and rhythm, there is information about the time of their work).
  5. Analogy... The correct stereotype is the key to unconsciously attracting potential customers. Most people think in patterns, and a well-chosen option contributes to quick recognition and easy memorability of names. You can use the names of planets, rivers, mountains, animals, mythological and literary characters, etc. For example, Puma, Jaguar, Fujifilm (in honor of Mount Fujiyama), and more simple optionsas a large size clothing store "Three Fat Men", cafe "Onegin", veterinary clinic "Aibolit", etc.
  6. From part to whole, from whole to part... In philology, this technique is called metonymy, in naming it is very popular. For example, “Empire of Sushi”, “Kingdom of Sweets”, “World of Fur Coats”, “Kingdom of Batteries”. Return reception - VIP-massage salon, Your comfortable bathrobe store, jewelry salon You, my love, etc.
  7. Veiled translation... Words translated from another language can become a sonorous and beautiful name with a secret meaning. So many famous brands were born, for example, Daewoo - from the Korean "big universe", Samsung - "three stars" in Korean, Nivea - in Latin "snow-white", Volvo - in Latin "I'm going". Panasonic is composed of three linguistic roots at once: "pan" is Greek for "all", "sonus" is Latin for "sound", and "sonic" is the English word for "noise", that is, a general translation of "all sound and noise".
  8. Direct indication of the type of activity... It can simply be contained in the name, for example, the company "Invest-Stroy", the bank "Credit", the travel agency "Thirst for Travel", or use an associative approach and metonymy, for example, the bag shop "Kangaroo", furniture factory "Stool", taxi "Wheel".
  9. Additional endings... Sonorous additions to familiar words can sometimes revive the name and give it solidity. For example, the ending “off” is added to the surname of the owner for “aristocracy”: “Smirnoff”, “Davidoff”, etc. Adherents of the Western style of business often attach solid English endings "promotion", "style", "corporation", "food", etc. to the names of firms. You can add to the name of a product or service any word that characterizes it in terms of value, for example, legal advice "Femida-Garant" or detergent "Pasta-moment".
  10. « If only you knew from what rubbish ...»Sometimes successful names are born literally by accident, without any connection with the activities of the company. The most famous example is Apple, Steve Jobs's favorite fruit. A Shakespeare fan, the creator of AVON, gave the company this name in honor of the river on which stood the city of the great writer. The Starbucks coffee chain has nothing to do with stars and dollars, just its creator was very fond of the book "Moby Dick", the hero of which Starback often drank coffee. The Adobe River flowed behind the house of the firm's founder. Kodak is an invented word that starts and ends with the founder's favorite letter. Beautiful word can be simply heard somewhere, composed or borrowed.

What can and cannot be used in a company name

Becoming a "godfather" legal entity, an entrepreneur can be free in his imagination: any name can be assigned to a company, if this does not contradict the legally established requirements, which are declared in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and federal law No. 14 dated February 08, 1998 "About LLC". They can be divided into mandatory, voluntary, and restrictive.

The name of the LLC must contain:

  • an indication of the form of ownership and organization of activities, that is, before the name there should be JSC or LLC, and in the full form of the name, the abbreviation should be deciphered;
  • the full name is only in the state language, and the abbreviated one can be written in a foreign one, but exclusively in Cyrillic.

At the request of the entrepreneur, in the name of the company you can:

  • use words of other languages \u200b\u200bin Russian transcription;
  • reflect the field of activity or prefer an associative or neutral name;
  • use abbreviations, abbreviations, invented words, that is, use a wide arsenal of verbal creativity;
  • give a name already owned by an organization from another region, unless the latter is trademarked.

The law prohibits when naming a company:

  • include words or their forms alluding to any government bodies, for example, "parliament", "ministry", "federal", etc .;
  • use words and derivatives from them, denoting the name of our country and its capital (or rather, this can be done by first issuing a special permit and paying a state fee);
  • use words-names of other states or international organizations (so, the name of the store "Clothes from Italy" or the pharmacy - "WHO" will not be registered, even if the creative owner came up with the encryption of the phrase "All about health");
  • copy or include well-known brands or words similar to them in any combinations in the name (for example, you should not try to register the Saratov Sprite drinks manufacturer);
  • insult or offend the feelings of any categories of people by choosing obscene, immoral or inhuman names (you should not call the club "The Curse of Christianity", even if it is the title of Nietzsche's book, the store for the disabled "Hercules" or the ritual agency "Future");
  • to call LLC simply by the type of activity (even if fantasy refuses, the registration authorities will not let Obshchepit LLC or Transport Transportations pass).

How the pros work

Specialists in naming –A special industry at the intersection of copywriting, advertising and marketing - we are glad to come to the aid of an entrepreneur who is serious about choosing a name for his company. Brand managers, unlike “mere mortals”, use not only fantasy, but also the achievements of psychology, linguistics and analytics.

They know exactly the basic requirements, developed by vast experience, for the name of the enterprise, product or service.

  1. The name should correspond to your positioning as an entrepreneur (for example, if you focus on reliability, it is permissible to include the word “guarantor” in the name, and if it is about the speed of service - “moment”, “moment”, etc.).
  2. Short and sonorous names are much better than complex and difficult to pronounce.
  3. Care must be taken that the name is easy to read, does not raise doubts in pronunciation, stress and spelling.
  4. Too "trite" names will depersonalize your company and negatively affect your position in the Internet search results when you enter a query.
  5. Ambiguity is the enemy of a good name (as we remember from Green, the Abomination Cafe did not flourish).
  6. If you plan to expand to the international market, you need to check the name for a foreign “userfriendly” (for example, a company selling products named after the owner “Semyon” will be doomed in the English-speaking segment, since “semen” is translated from English as “sperm”) ...
  7. Avoid being similar to well-known brand names.

Naming professionals operate according to a complex algorithm, appreciating their services, but at the same time guaranteeing the satisfaction of the owner. As for the success of the chosen name, there is also a large share of the case.

What do namers do when creating a name for an organization, product or service:

  • analyze the market, especially competitors;
  • thoroughly study the target audience;
  • define the idea and values \u200b\u200bof the named enterprise, product or service, its message, "mission";
  • generate a large number of name variations;
  • weed out those not suitable for phonetics, style, semantics, associations, the degree of memorability;
  • check the remaining names for uniqueness;
  • testing options on the target audience;
  • provide the remaining several options for the customer to choose from.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! For an additional fee, the range of services may include the development of an appropriate domain name, the visual component of the brand and consultation on registering a trademark.

The main qualities of a girl whose name begins with "H" are self-esteem, inner strength and ability to think. So it's no surprise that her the main objective - to succeed and is among successful people... A monotonous, monotonous life is not absolutely unacceptable - you need comfort, self-realization, a business to which you can apply abilities. The combination of such strong abilities naturally gives rise to weaknesses - some distrust of everything, doubt that interferes with business, the desire to abandon everything indiscriminately - even the obviously most useful and interesting.

  • Hope - (Nadia) the name has Greek roots. This is an independent woman for whom freedom is not just a word, but the meaning of life. She is always happy to be the center of attention, she needs the opportunity to do what she pleases. 13
  • Nana - Japanese, Orthodox, Georgian name. Perhaps it came from the names of John, Marianne, Natalia. This girl is dynamic, flexible - a born actress. -94
  • Natalia - (Natasha) the name is very ancient, formed in the first centuries of Christianity from the Latin "birth", "Christmas". Natalia is modest, benevolent, self-confident, with a certain sense of superiority. A born leader, created to be in the spotlight, a very gifted, cheerful person. 59
  • Neva - possibly derived from "neva", from Old English. Neva is a bright, unusual girl, always looking for an application for her abilities. -118
  • Nellie - (Nelya) perhaps the name comes from the Greek "neos" - new. A girl with this name is not endowed with restraint. As a rule, this is a rather selfish nature, which always needs to feel superior. -18
  • Nika - victory (from ancient Greek). Calm, confident, interesting and proud girl. 158
  • Nikolina - (Nicolas) Bulgarian name derived from "Nikolay". She is a cheerful and sociable girl who strives for leadership and self-realization. Despite her openness, she comes into contact for a long time, but if she is interested in a person, she will communicate easily and with pleasure. -114
  • Nicole - the name came from french... Slightly mysterious, emotional and sociable nature. 88
  • Nile - name from the ancient Greek "neos" - "young", "new". A diligent, judicious girl who never goes to extremes. -134
  • Nina - there are thousands of versions of the origin of this name. Nina is a person who prefers the golden mean and strives for the ideal in everything. 15
  • Ninel - read the opposite "Lenin" - an invention of the USSR. Kind, sympathetic, but overly sensitive girl with a penchant for fantasy. -86
  • Nona - (Nonna) translated from Latin "nona" means - the Ninth. A tireless girl full of energy and cheerfulness. -129