New Year's scenes for a corporate party cool fairy tales. Variants of scenes for the new year for adults. New Year competition for youth

We carry interest and love for the New Year's holiday throughout our lives, there is something bright and childishly joyful in it, we expect gifts, miracles and special fun from it. What fun is it without new year games, contests, dress-up fairy tales and fun entertainment ?!

New Year's games, contests and sketches are the same obligatory attribute of a holiday as a tree, champagne and gifts. After all, New Year is a time of universal fun; the time when you want to make noise and play. Do not deny yourself this - have fun! Moreover, everyone wants to move around a little and play pranks after the New Year's table, traditionally generous with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest.

Entertainment program for the new year 2020

We offer you a variety of new Year's entertainmentwhich can be viewed on the links. They are suitable for corporate events, and for home parties, and for a close company of friends. There are a lot of games and contests, and you can easily compose an interesting entertainment program from them.

In order to save time, we suggest purchasing collection “Entertain the people for the New Year? Easily!"

The collection is intended:

  • for leading festive events
  • for employees of organizations who plan to hold a New Year's corporate party on their own, without the involvement of a toastmaster
  • for those who are going to have a New Year's party at home
  • for active people who want to have fun and have fun during the whole New Year holidays with family, friends and relatives

The proposed games, contests and sketches are more than enough for you not only for an entertainment program for this New Year, but also for the next New Year holidays!

All buyers of this collection - New Year gifts:

Contents of the collection “Entertain the people for the New Year? Easily!"

Sketches and impromptu fairy tales included in the collection

The collection includes funny sketches and impromptu fairy tales, the plot of which is associated with a wonderful New Year's holiday. All scenes are with funny and original stories; in addition, the texts are well edited, and plates with the names of the heroes are made for the impromptu scenes, which is very convenient for the organizer of the festive program; it is also provided that when printing a specific scene or sheet with plates, nothing superfluous is printed. Here short description sketches that are included in the collection:

Guests from Italy at New Year's Eve (very funny costume new year greetings with the original text). Little preliminary preparation is required. Age: 16+
Happy New Year, or let's drink to happiness! (an impromptu fairy tale with chanting remarks, the presenter and 7 actors; all the others are also involved). Especially suitable for corporate New Years celebration.
Beauty and the Beast, or the Wrong Tale (funny fairy tale impromptu, Presenter and 11 actors). For any conscious age :).
New Year's story in the forest, or Love at first sight (a small impromptu tale, Presenter and 6 actors).
Long-awaited gift (a miniature pantomime scene, impromptu, from 1 to 3-4 people can take part in it). The stage is universal, suitable for both children and adults.
Magic staff (new year theatrical scene, costume show for adults, Storyteller (reciter) and 10 actors). Long (at least 30 minutes), but at the same time an interesting funny scene with an original New Year's storyline. Preliminary preparation required. Age: 15+

Collection format: pdf file, 120 pages

Corporate parties have long turned from a fun event into a boring coercion. Often, the bosses will assign someone to organize everything at the last moment. New Year's scenes for adults, all the more interesting, are quite difficult to invent on their own.

Take advantage of ready-made scenarios, complementing them with a flavor that is inherent only in your team.

Don't do as we do

On New Year's holiday, adults can feel like little naughty children and laugh at their shortcomings. We offer to make psychological relief and ridicule the unseemly actions of colleagues, so that they do not repeat them.

The two presenters act out the dialogue:

1: Dear friends, now I will tell you how to properly celebrate the New Year.

2: Why isn't it me?

1: You don't even know how to celebrate perfectly!

2: Oops! And this is said by the one who puts the same boxes under the tree every year! Also empty! As if everyone loved him so much and gave him so much!

1: And you always present a box of stale to the boss's secretary " Bird's milk»Bring!

2: And you every December 31 at work stick out until the last and then go on a visit so that you don't cook anything at home!

1: And you overeat olivieshka all night at the table, and dance while sitting to the "New Year's light"!

2: And you never bought fireworks! Only at strangers all night from the window you stare!

1: And you are howling the national anthem for karaoke! I could not learn the words!

2: And for all holidays you send other people's SMSs to all your friends, and then you get them back with your signature!

1: And every time you make legendary plans to spend the night in Morocco, and then snore in the salad before midnight!

2: And you burn pieces of paper to the chimes, and then you chew the ashes with moonshine instead of champagne and believe that your grandmother will finally churn out and leave you a palace on the French Riviera!

1: And for a whole year you steal stupid pens with the logo of our company from everyone and then give them to your colleagues at work!

2: And you live at a party from New Year to Christmas! Until the hosts run out of food in the fridge!

1: And you watch "Home Alone" forty times in a row all New Year's weekend!

2: And every year you grab the champagne and shouting "I'll show you the class now" fill the whole table, and you get into your mother-in-law's eye with a cork!

1: Okay, we're both good ...

2: Therefore, beloved friends, so that New Year's Eve will pass you safely ...

Together: Never do as we do!

Impromptu about the Christmas tree

A wonderful version of the scene - staging a children's fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" in an adult way.

We offer one more scene for adults who want to fool around and remember childhood. It is desirable that the company was already warm enough. The point is to play "Song of the Christmas tree" in the roles and as funny as possible. The most artistic and funny will receive a prize - candy.

From among the participants in the corporate party, you need to choose the 9 most fun. It is necessary to print in advance the text of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ..." in 10 copies.

  • herringbone;
  • blizzard;
  • frost;
  • bunny coward;
  • angry wolf;
  • upland horse;
  • little man;
  • woodwork;
  • leading.

It is desirable to determine the roles by drawing lots so that no one is offended. The task will be to play the song as funny and emotionally as possible, listening to the words of the presenter. The participant begins to play his role when he hears the name of the desired hero.
To the chorus, you can start a round dance around the Christmas tree.

Old Year VS New

To organize new Year's scene 6 people are required, a sign with the inscription "2018" and a sign with the inscription "2019", 2 suits of D.M., one of them must be visibly shabby.

  • 2018 - Old Year in a battered D.M. with a nameplate;
  • 2019 - in a new suit of Grandfather and with a sign;
  • leading;
  • employee 1 - C1;
  • employee 2 - C2;
  • employee 3 - C3.

Host: On New Year's holiday, when one year succeeds another, it is customary to remember the Old and meet the New. And if you had the opportunity to choose, who would you leave?

Art. Mr. “looks reproachfully at the employees”: That's how you thanked me! But we felt so good together! I did everything for you! And you drive me away! Traitors!

C1: What good did you do for us? Did you even love us a little? Every day, food went up in price, things were lost, girls refused and nothing worked at all!

S2: You promised the fulfillment of desires, but what happened?

Art. A.G .: Why did you think that the dollar would cost 8 rubles? What am I to you the National Bank?

C3: What, were you sorry? Why did we burn the paper and spoil the champagne with ash?

Art. A.G .: Why did you decide that what you have written should be executed? Then can I start to execute the inscriptions from the entrance? There are very good wishes come across.

C1: There is no need to get away from the topic, it is better to leave yourself.

Art. A.G .: No question, since you want it so badly. But who will you stay with, if not with me? WITH THIS? At least you already know everything well, nothing unpredictable, and this is a year in a bag! On the contrary, I can give you a guarantee that gasoline will not rise in price anymore, oil will not become much cheaper, the president will always be the same, retirement age it will not last until 80, taxes on idleness will not be introduced, it will not become more expensive to get divorced, the Russian Orthodox Church will not cancel more concerts!

S2: Well, that the national team won't win even with him, and the president won't change with him either, and this one can guarantee “points the finger at NG”.

Do you want to celebrate this New Year like that?


Art. A.G .: Well, I don't understand how he bribed you? Will you have five holidays a week? Have you checked with your liver, does it fit? Here you are, remember "addresses to C1", I gave you a meeting with your soul mate! But you, "turns to C2" took an apartment in a mortgage. Three-room apartment by the way! So that the mother-in-law could move to you!

S2: Thank you, dear! I will definitely not forget you until the grave!

Art. A.G .: But with you, "turns to C3" hasn't anything positive happened at all? You went to China!

C3: I went! They fed them with mouse tails, then for a month I was afraid to look at something other than water!

Art. g .: Oh so! Well, I'm leaving you! But you will still cry for me! Remember how good I really was for you! And only from photographs you can remember these unforgettable moments. And when you leave, then stones are thrown after you: it has deteriorated, it did not work out, not ... Why do I need all this ?!

Employees approach the Old Year, hug him.

C1: Do not be offended, you were really wonderful “they begin to remember what was important in the company, what important events the employees had”.

S2: We didn't mean to offend you.

Art. A.G .: Thank you, my dears! Goodbye, I'll leave you, and you live with him "points to N. g." Year from year should be somehow different "slowly and sadly leaves."

NG: Of course it should! Let's start with utility tariffs! "Distributes receipts to employees."

C1: Is this a joke ?! 75 percent?

Everyone runs after the Old Year and starts shouting: “Stop! Don't go away! Come back! We will forgive you everything! We changed our minds! "

Seven-flowered flower

For impromptu scenes, it is better to invite artistic and expressive people, this is precisely the success of the event.

For a short funny scene, you need to prepare a flower with many petals, on which the most daring, absurd, but funny predictions are written.

For instance:

  • i will dye my hair purple;
  • i'll divorce and go hippie;
  • i'll buy myself a pony;
  • i will find treasure, etc.

Each member of the corporate party blindly pulls out a petal with a prediction and fantasizes how the written can be embodied.

A staged and costumed story about Grandfather and the Snow Maiden

In a small miniature, it is advisable to make only colleagues who can quickly improvise participate.

Characters and props:

  • Snow Maiden - a hat with braids;
  • Santa Claus - hat and beard;
  • Grandfather Mustafa - turban and beard;
  • Akin - skullcap and tambourine.

The presenter reads out the text, the actors need to come up with and say a line at the right moment after his pause, in addition to perform actions from the script. Uninvolved guests support members.

Q: It is frosty and cold outside the window, so first we will organize ourselves spring mood... Who knows how to whistle - let him whistle, the rest loudly knock on glasses and glasses with forks.

"Summer. Heat.

D. Moroz is dragging along with a dirty empty sack. He has a hangover.

Behind, holding on to Grandfather and Nov, that she is hot, the disheveled Snow Maiden can hardly weave.

To meet them actively, cheerfully, jumping, whistling and carrying a huge bag of alcoholic presents, grandfather Mustafa walked, he was in a hurry to Navruz.

Noticing the unfortunate travelers, he stopped, sat down on the ground and shouted ...

A dancing Akin appeared on the horizon, he immediately began a soulful song about everything that he saw around.

He really liked the Snow Maiden, and he decided to sing her beauty.

D. Mustafa cried, stretched out his hands to the sky and sang ... "come up with a phrase"

D. Frost fell to the ground, stretched and pulled with all his might by D. Mustafa's beard, snapped him on the nose and with unbearable bitterness in his voice said "..."

Granddaughter-Snow Maiden plopped down to Grandfather Frost on her knees and sarcastically said "..."

Akyn was confused, dropped his instrument and could not sing anything. Nothing at all.

D. Moroz bravely tried to get up.

He didn't succeed.

D. Moroz finally stood up proudly and said "..."

D. Mustafa reached for the Snow Maiden and shouted "..."

D. Moroz looked around, determined where the north lies, and with full confidence waved his hand, saying "..."

Then he went to the left and "..."

The Snow Maiden kissed D. Mustafa on the forehead and chased D. Moroz.

Mustafa was not particularly surprised, thoughtfully scratched the back of his head and said "..."

Akin planned to sing a new song, but we will not allow him, otherwise we will have to listen to this chaos until morning.

The end! Look for morality yourself! "

Roles are best printed on paper. Distribute the roles by pulling them out of the hat, or let the presenter appoint them.

Corporate party script for lazy organizers

  • cleaning lady;
  • Santa Claus;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • leading.


  • a bag with small gifts;
  • pieces of paper;
  • a snowflake with many corners - a task number is indicated under each corner;
  • hat.

Scene 1

Host-B: Greetings, my dears!

A little more and the New Year will come - a holiday when miracles happen and all dreams and wishes come true!

And to begin with, I have to fulfill several desires that I could not fulfill on time, and all because of our mail - gifts were not presented on time. We will now fix this awkward situation.

He reaches out into a small bag of gifts.

Approaches the leader.

Q: Did you, boy, ask Santa Claus for a typewriter in childhood?

Manager: Yes!

Host: Here is your present "holding out a toy car."

The presenter goes to the rest of the little guests and gives them presents too!

Host: This is how childhood dreams come true! Let's drink to this!

Scene 2

Q: Not everyone is probably aware of it, but Santa Claus has a spouse! And her name is Winter! She has prepared tasks for you!

Take out a snowflake with tasks:

  • on the 1st corner - a poem about NG;
  • in the 2nd corner - a dance with a colleague;
  • on the 3rd corner - a riddle about a holiday, etc.

Scene 3

A cleaning lady follows the leader, waves a mop and scolds him.

Ub .: Just look! How well settled down! Should I clean up after him? Confetti, garlands are scattered everywhere, and then I have to clean it up all day and night!

Host: Well, Klava Ivanovna, why are you slandering me, have I done something bad to you? But you look at others "pokes at guests."

Tales "Turnip" and "Kolobok" are familiar to us from childhood. Now we will try to remember them, but we will do it "in an adult way." Interesting scenes with all familiar characters will decorate any holiday and amuse all guests.

Try these tales of rework for drunk company by roles!

Merry tale "Turnip" for adult holidays

First you need to choose seven people who will participate in the scene. We need one presenter.

Participants should learn their roles, but don't be discouraged - the words are very simple and easy to remember. Guests of almost any age category can participate in the scene.

The leader must say the name of the hero, and he, in turn, his own words. In this competition, participants can sit at a table. The exception is the turnip, which should be located on a chair and constantly do something.

During the scene, the presenter should not be silent, but, if possible, comment on what is happening.

The stage requires musical accompaniment. It is advisable to choose Russian folk music. If you wish, you can give prizes to the best actors.

Turnip - Hey, man, remove the handles, I'm still underage!
Grandfather - Oh, my health has already become bad.
There will be a booze now!
Baba - Something my grandfather has ceased to satisfy me.

Granddaughter - I'm almost ready!
Hey, grandfather, grandma, I'm late, my friends are waiting for me!
Bug - Are you calling me a bug again? I'm actually a bug!
This is not my job!

Cat - what is the dog doing on the playground? I will feel bad now - I have an allergy!
Mouse - Maybe we'll have a drink?

Modern fairy tale "Kolobok" for a fun company

What other tales by roles are there for a drunk company? This tale should also involve about seven participants. Accordingly, you need to choose actors who will play the roles of grandmother, grandfather, hare, fox, kolobok, wolf, and also a bear.

Grandfather and grandmother had no children. They were completely disappointed, but their whole life was changed by the bun. He became their salvation and hope - they doted in him.

For example:

The grandfather and grandmother were already tired of waiting for the kolobok and constantly looked into the distance, hoping for his return, but he never came.
The moral of this fable is as follows: You should not rely on the love of a kolobok, but rather have your own children.

A funny tale for active guests of the celebration

We select five actors who will play the role of a chicken, a king, a bunny, a fox and a butterfly. The presenter should read the text:

“The fairy-tale kingdom was ruled by an optimist king. He decided to take a walk in the beautiful park and jumped up all the way, waving his arms.

The king was very joyful and saw a beautiful butterfly. He decided to catch her, and the butterfly only mocked him - and screamed obscene words, and twisted faces, and showed her tongue.

Well, then the butterfly got tired of mocking the king, and flew into the forest. The king was not very offended, but only more amused and began to laugh.

The cheerful king did not expect that a hare would appear in front of him and was frightened, having got into the pose of an ostrich. Bunny did not understand why the king was standing in such an inappropriate position - and he was frightened himself. There is a bunny, legs trembling - and screams in an inhuman voice, asks for help.

At this time, the proud fox returned to work. The beauty worked at a poultry farm and carried a chicken home. As soon as she saw the bunny and the king, she was frightened. The chicken did not lose the moment and jumped out, hitting the fox on the back of the head.

The chicken turned out to be very lively and first of all pecked the king. The king straightened up in surprise and took a normal pose. The bunny became even more scared, and she jumped onto the arms to the fox, taking her by the ears. The fox realized what to do with legs - and ran.

The king looked around, laughed and decided to continue on his way with the chicken. They grabbed the handles and walked towards the castle. Nobody knows what will happen next with the chicken, but the king will definitely treat her to delicious champagne, like all the other guests of the celebration. "

The presenter invites the audience to pour glasses and drink to the king and chicken.

A funny tale for a company of adults

First of all, you need to pick up heroes. Both animate and inanimate objects will take part in this tale.

It is required to select heroes for the role of a kitten and magpie. You need to choose guests who will play the role of sun, wind, paper and a porch.

Participants must portray what needs to be done by their hero.

“The little kitten went out for a walk. It was warm and the sun was shining, giving everyone its rays. The cute kitten lay down on the porch and began to look at the sun, constantly squinting.

Suddenly, the talkative magpies sat down on the fence in front of him. They argued about something and conducted a very loud dialogue. The kitten became interested, so he began to crawl carefully to the fence. The magpies did not pay any attention to the baby and continued to rattle.

The kitten almost got to its target and jumped, and the birds flew away. The kid did not succeed, and he began to look around, hoping to find another hobby.

A light breeze began to blow in the street - and the kitten drew attention to a piece of paper that rustled. The kitten decided not to waste the moment and pounced on its target. After scratching it a little and biting it, he realized that he was not interested in a simple sheet of paper - and let him go. The paper flew further, and from where a rooster suddenly appeared.

The rooster was very proud and raised its head high. The bird stopped and crowed. Then hens came running to the rooster and surrounded him from all sides. The kitten realized that he had finally found something to entertain himself with.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the chickens and took one of them by the tail. The bird did not allow itself to be offended and pecked painfully. The animal was very scared and began to run away. However, everything was not so simple - a neighbor's puppy was already waiting for him.

A small dog started jumping on the kitten and wanted to bite. The kitten realized that it was necessary to return home and painfully hit the dog with his nails. The puppy got scared and missed the kitten. It was then that the kitten realized that he was a winner, even if he was wounded.

Returning to the porch, the kitten began to lick the wound left by the chicken, and then stretched out to sleep. The kitten had strange dreams - and all the time he twitched his paws in his sleep. This is how the kitten got to know the street for the first time. "

The stage ends with thunderous applause from the guests. If you wish, you can award the most artistic actor with a prize.

Interesting scene for birthday and other adult holidays

I knew that Kudryavtsev had not forgotten my shot and did not trust me. Despite the fact that we spent the night in secret, he is wary of me. He could not trust an intelligent youth who knew nothing about the war.

Until I met Kudryavtsev, I did not know that I was such a bad soldier. After all, I could not even wrap the footcloths normally and sometimes, when I was told “to the left,” I turned in the opposite direction. Besides, I was not at all friends with the shovel.

Kudryavtsev did not understand me when reading any news, I commented on it and released spatial comments. At that time, I was not yet a member of the party - and Kudryavtsev already then for some reason expected some kind of trick from me.

Very often I caught his eye on myself. What did I see in his gaze? Probably that I am untrained and inexperienced, but he forgives me for now, but one more mistake - and he will kill me! I wanted to get better and made a promise to myself that I would definitely be a disciplined soldier and learn everything that was necessary. I had a chance to show all my abilities in practice.

We were sent to guard the bridge, which was often fired upon. A lot of reinforcements and literature were constantly going to the place of work ...

My job was to check the passes of people who were crossing the bridge. Whites often opened fire on the post where I was. The shells hit the water and sprayed me. The shells were falling near me, and the bridge was already destroyed. Any minute could be the last for me, but I gave myself a condition that I would not leave the bridge anyway.

How did I feel? I did not feel fear - I was already ready to die. I saw beautiful landscapes in the distance, but they did not please me. I felt that I would not leave this post. However, one thought made me stand further - Kudryavtsev sees me and approves of my actions.

It seemed to me that I had been at this post for several hours, but in fact only a few minutes - as long as it took Kudryavtsev to reach me. I did not understand what Kudryavtsev needed from me. Then he pulled me hard by the belt, and I came to myself.

- Quickly left here! The man said.

As soon as we left the bridge, a strong shell hit him.

- See what's going on? Why were you standing there? Because of you, I could have been killed!

I sighed, but Kudryavtsev did not finish.

- However, you are still great, as you showed that you know the charter and was indestructible. You should be praised. But even if this is a matter of the past, I would like you to use your brains. The bridge was destroyed long ago, why were you standing there? What was the point in that? Was everyone ready to check the passes? If you were smarter, and did not go to the post yourself, I would not punish you!

5 / 5 ( 12 votes)

Do you want to have a fun, bright and relaxed winter corporate party 2017 at work, timed to coincide with the coming of the Year of the Fire Rooster? Then start planning the program now and do not forget to include funny and cool scenes for the New Year in which employees can play the main roles. To determine the topic, use our interesting ideas and watch the video attached to the descriptions of the scenes. There you will see how adults conduct festive events and will be able to understand which scenes are best for your team.

If you have mostly young employees at work, you should choose jokes filled with frivolous humor and meaningful hints. In a collective of older people who adhere to conservative views, it is better to act out simple ideas that do not contain double meaning and frivolous hints.

During the holiday, themed scenes with the symbol of the coming year of the Fiery Rooster will look very relevant. They will harmoniously fit into an event of any format and will bring a lot of pleasure to everyone present.

Scenes for a corporate party for the New Year - funny performances performed by employees

Into the script new Year's corporate partyheld in the office, you must definitely include funny, funny performances performed by employees. This will cheer up everyone present and make the atmosphere of the event more relaxed. As a plot for such a case, almost any topic is suitable, both rehearsed in advance and improvised already at the holiday. The main thing is to choose for the role of actors people who are calm about public speaking and who are not afraid of everyone's attention.

    • "The Brave Knight" - this is a funny and very funny joke scene for 10-12 participants. It is not required to memorize the words, the host of the holiday reads them, and the employees only follow his instructions. In the center of the plot is a brave knight who travels through a white set in search of a beautiful lady. This hero is played by the most attractive office employee, the second young man plays the role of a knight's cloak, and the third acts as a faithful horse. The beauty (one of the young long-haired employees) stands on the balcony of her castle and expects to meet the hero of her novel. But a lot of unexpected events happen to the knight on the way and the meeting is postponed. The villain uses the delay and kidnaps the beauty from the castle. To return his beloved, the knight has to jump on his horse again, wrap himself in a cloak and rush to the rescue. The highlight of the piece is the fact that the production is not rehearsed in advance, and the presenter chooses the leading roles according to his own taste. Office employees have to show remarkable talent, transforming into medieval heroes, and everyone gets a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and bright, positive emotions from the room.

    • "Teremok in a new way" - extremely funny and cool scene, which can be played in a friendly and close-knit team. To participate, you will need to attract the most active, relaxed employees who are ready to appear in front of colleagues in very unexpected roles. The more grotesque and defiant the characters look, the more interesting and colorful the production will be. But, in order to play a children's fairy tale, literally, on the verge of a foul, you can go even further and invite men to play female roles, and ladies - in male roles.

  • "Fly Tsokotukha" - the scene briefly retells the well-known children's tale in a new way. 12-14 employees take part in the production, and the rest become spectators or extras. Classical works and tracks from popular films are used as musical accompaniment. The lyrics are remade directly for the company in which the event is held.

Scenes for a corporate party - how to spend the New Year 2017 of the Rooster at work

In order for a corporate party at work to be fun, easy and natural, it is necessary to think over a festive program in advance and include in it funny scenesin which employees will play the main roles. There are no restrictions on the subject of performances. You can act out fragments of your favorite films, fairy tales and even cartoons, or stage well-known and beloved popular songs.

Since the coming year is patronized by the Fire Rooster, who adores brightness and unpredictability in everything, it is worth focusing on improvisational numbers with a humorous, funny plot. You can arrange a kind of cockfighting, where male colleagues, decorating themselves with combs and feathers, will demonstrate various creative talents to those present. Or to hold a funny beauty contest among the "laying hens", in which the female employees will dress up.

The scene where the Snow Maiden comes to the holiday alone and very sincerely complains to the public about the drunken Santa Claus, who has completely forgotten about his immediate duties, always looks appropriate and relevant at New Year's parties. Around the middle of her speech, a swaying man appears in a red sheepskin coat and with a large bag over his shoulders. He is amusingly arguing with the strict Snow Maiden and in every possible way tries to justify his behavior. Disassembling them causes a storm of laughter in the audience and always gets a sea of \u200b\u200bapplause.

Scenes for the New Year 2017 - funny plays for high school students by roles

With high school students, you can prepare very funny role-based plays for the New Year's event. It can be a children's fairy tale, remade in a modern way, or a famous song, illustrated with a costume performance.

    • "East is a delicate matter"... This option is perfect for future graduates. The room where you will need to decorate in an oriental style. Girls will have to dress up in beautiful oriental costumes and even perform a belly dance. One of the boys will play the role of a powerful eastern sultan, the second will play the role of the grand vizier, and the other guys will play the guards. The main host of the event will be the legendary Scheherazade, which will train the courtiers of the sovereign to celebrate the New Year correctly. The culmination of the unusual performance will be a beautiful New Year's song, which all the students of the class will sing from the stage in chorus.

    • "An old tale"... In this version, the scene plays up the well-known work about Ivan Tsarevich, but the trick is that the plot is adapted in accordance with modern life, the main roles, including women, are played by boys, and each action on stage is accompanied by spectacular music tracks. The main character no longer sleeps on the stove, but does exercises and dances incendiaryly on stage. But he still has a faithful horse and a dream to someday meet a beautiful princess in his life. And one day the dream comes true. In an open field, the hero comes across not just anyone, but Vasilisa the Beautiful herself. However, in order to get her as a wife, you will have to fight with Koshchei.

    • "I want to marry Santa Claus" - a very funny, funny and funny scene in which a girl shares her innermost dream with her friend - to marry Santa Claus. She hopes that then he will give all the gifts to her alone and will not get tired of arranging a holiday for her every day. A friend promises to help the future bride, but first she offers to go take a steam bath at Baba Yaga's, and at the same time ask advice on how to captivate Santa Claus. The production requires two types of scenery and elegant costumes for the main characters.

Scenes for the New Year 2017 for a corporate party - funny performances with gags

If it is planned to include funny scenes with jokes in the program of a corporate party timed to coincide with the onset of the New Year 2017, it must be taken into account that not all people have a good sense of humor and are able to correctly perceive kindly sarcasm and spicy jokes. You should not choose the flaws and unattractive features of one of the employees as a plot. This will offend the person and the holiday will be irreparably ruined. It is better to dwell on more neutral topics that do not hurt the pride of the participants.

    • "If I were a sultan" - a very cool and humorous scene, which is often played out in offices. One of the men is appointed a great sultan, and several ladies dress up in oriental costumes and try with all their might to attract the attention of the almighty ruler. To avoid misunderstandings and awkwardness, an unmarried man should be invited to the role of the sultan. If all employees are married, it is recommended that older women be assigned the role of concubines. Thus, no one will be embarrassed and the holiday will be bright, fun and easy.

    • "Flash mob" - a simple but incredibly funny scene that does not require large-scale decorations and specific costumes. You can play it both in a small, close-knit team, and on large enterprisewhere a large number of people work. To translate the idea into reality, you will definitely need a leader who will lead what is happening and tell the participants what movements need to be done.

    • "Three sisters" - one of the most fun and original New Year's performances. The funniest moment is that the roles of sisters are played not by girls, but by men. Costumes are chosen for them in a grotesque style, and their heads are tied with kerchiefs in a rustic style. "Ladies" take the stage, sing and dance to popular Russian hits and share their dreams of meeting a handsome prince.

Scenes for a New Year's corporate party at work - video

Which scenes for the New Year to include in the festive program of the corporate party in 2017 are usually decided at a general collective meeting. Preference is given to uplifting funny and funny performances of a wide variety of topics, where the main roles are played by employees.

    • "Professionals" - an interesting and unusual scene for an adult corporate party, dedicated to professional activity companies. Only three people participate in the production, but, despite this, it turns out to be very funny and causes a storm of delight in the audience. All actions of the heroes are accompanied by mobile, popular songs, the words of which, together with the main characters, are hummed in chorus by all the spectators sitting in the hall.

    • "Three little pigs in a new way" - a scene-improvisation for adults, allowing for correction and some changes in the general plot. The main characters are the King, the Princess, the Three Little Pigs, the Gray Wolf and the Presenter reading a fairy tale. The main female role requires a relaxed, agile and beautiful girl who is not afraid to perform on stage and be in the spotlight.

  • "The Adventures of Ivan Tsarevich" - a cheerful and optimistic setting that can be easily played both in a small room directly at work and in a restaurant where a large-scale corporate banquet is held on the occasion of the year of the Rooster. Main text modern fairy tale the Leader reads, and vigorous popular songs are used for musical accompaniment.

Celebrating the New Year of the White Rat 2020 is always more fun and interesting in big company, when a lot of people get together to communicate, cheer up and celebrate everyone's favorite holiday. But sometimes in the same company there are people who do not know each other well.

Some may be shy, others, on the contrary, make too much noise, and the result is confusion. To avoid this nuisance, it is advisable to schedule interesting activities for all guests. Good entertainment will be sketches for the New Year 2020, funny and modern.

In a big company, the mood improves, so the scenes will be successful. The main thing is to involve as many participants as possible in the process and not be afraid to improvise. In most cases, people quickly get involved in the proposed activity, start adding something of their own, communicate actively, and the evening is very fun.

The best funny scenes for a fun company

These scenes are modern, and they were invented specifically for the New Year's celebration. The upcoming 2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat, so you can offer guests many scenes related to these animals. Funny scenes, riddles and contests that involve the audience are perfect. You can choose the most suitable options for your New Year's scenario.

Cheerful scene "Wet spectators"

For the scene, you need to prepare 2 opaque containers (for example, jugs), fill one with water and the other with confetti. Then the presenter rises to say a toast. He says that in some countries where it often rains, there is a belief that on New Year's Eve drops of water bring happiness, and every drop that falls on a person becomes a desire. Therefore, rain on New Year's Eve is considered a great success. But since we are cold and there is no rain, we need to look for other ways to attract happiness.

In the process of speaking, you need to demonstrate that there is water in the jug (for example, pour a little into a glass). At the end of the toast, it is necessary to imperceptibly change the jugs (the assistant can pass the second jug under the table) and, swinging, pour the contents onto the audience. Assuming that there is water in the jug, everyone will scatter with screeching and screaming, but only a rain of confetti will overtake them.

A very positive scene for the "Repka" company

This scene will require 7 participants and a host. Participants are assigned roles: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse and turnip. The facilitator tells the story and the participants depict what he is talking about. The task is to show events as brightly and fun as possible.


- Grandfather planted a turnip.

[Grandfather and turnip appear in front of the audience. They should depict how the grandfather planted the turnip. For example, a turnip can hide under a table.]

- A big, big turnip has grown.

[The turnip shows from under the table how it grows.]

- The grandfather began to pull the turnip. Pulls-pulls, cannot pull. Grandma calls for help.

In the future, according to the story, all participants join the action. It is good if the role of the mouse is played by a child, for example, a little girl. You can tie a napkin to a grandma instead of a scarf, and invite a lady with the most beautiful manicure to play the role of a cat. When the "turnip" is taken out from under the table by joint efforts, it should hold a surprise for all guests. With this scene, you can serve cake or sweets.


Scene "Kolobok" in a new way

Participants will be required: grandfather, grandmother, Kolobok, hare, wolf and fox. For the role of Kolobok, the largest participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the hall. In this case, the gingerbread man and the fox can be a couple.


- The grandfather and grandmother baked a kolobok, who came out cute, but very gluttonous.


- Grandfather, grandmother, I'll eat you!

Grandfather and grandmother:

- Don't eat us, Kolobok, we'll rewrite the apartment for you!

[A hare, a wolf and a fox appear in turn on the stage.]


- Hare, hare, I'll eat you!


- Don't eat me, Kolobok, I'll give you a carrot!

[He hands the kolobok a bottle or some fruit from the table.]


- Wolf, wolf, I'll eat you!


- Don't eat me, bun, I'll give you a hare!

[He catches a hare and hands it over to the kolobok.]


- Fox, fox, I'll eat you!


- No, bun, I'll eat you myself!

[He takes the carrot from the bun and lets go of the hare.]


- What a fox you are! Then marry me!

[The gingerbread man and the fox sit on a chair together, the rest of the participants in the scene gather around.]


- And they began to live, live, and make good money. And the hare was adopted.

Scenes for a corporate party with jokes for the Year of the White Rat

For a corporate party in the go of the Metal Rat, it is better to select mass scenes where everyone present is involved in the action. The following scenes can be played out.

Dance scene "Around the world"

Better to hold when the dancing starts. She will help to liberate the guests and give a good boost to the further dance evening. The presenter solemnly announces that all those present are invited to travel around the world. Then the melodies are played in turn. The host's task is to bring as many guests to the dance floor as possible. We start from the Far North - the song "I'll take you to the tundra." We ride reindeer, show horns, the first stop in a gypsy camp, the song "Gypsy", etc.

"Sly Santa Claus"

An actor dressed as Santa Claus approaches the guests and invites everyone to write according to one desire. Then the recorded desires are collected in a bag and thoroughly mixed. After that, Santa Claus says that he recently returned from vacation, where he spent all his magical power, so guests will have to fulfill their desires on their own. The leaves are distributed again in random order, and the guests must try to fulfill the desires that they got.

Scenes for an adult company - old New Year

For adult company require less noisy, yet engaging scenes that will grab everyone's attention. For example: intelligence tasks or small thematic contests. The following sketches with a competitive element would work well to celebrate the old New Year.

"The closest"

The host invites several pairs of guests and gives them a tangerine, a Christmas ball and a champagne cork. There are 3 compositions for slow dance (15-20 seconds each). During the dance, couples must hold each of the objects together in turn, without dropping it. The presenter announces: Mandarin symbolizes all the sweetest that is in a pair, and the freshness of feelings. Christmas ball symbolizes the fragility of our hearts. The cork can only be held if you know each other well. The winners will receive a prize and the title "Closest".
