Funny scenes for February 23. Scenarios of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday for adults. Competition "men in the ladies' sense"

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a wonderful, cheerful and optimistic holiday, which is widely and magnificently celebrated throughout the country. At enterprises, in kindergartens, schools, universities and offices, solemn events are held and wholeheartedly congratulate boys, youths and men on the most courageous day of the year. To make the date memorable and bring joy, all teams prepare a festive program and include funny, funny and funny scenes for February 23 in it. Girls, girls and women most often play the main roles in cheerful productions. At the time of the performance, they transform into gallant military men and demonstrate their creative and artistic abilities to male colleagues, classmates and classmates. Such funny, colorful performances are always a success and make the most favorable impression on the heroes of the occasion.

Cool funny scene for February 23 for boys from girls, scripts

The secret of a successful holiday on the occasion of February 23rd is the amusing, funny and very funny scenes included in the program. Girls themselves can supply them for boys. The main thing is to correctly distribute the roles, learn the words well and rehearse the number several times immediately before the presentation. Almost any plot is suitable for a scene on February 23, but there are several universal options that children of any age like and always cause delight and stormy applause.

  • "Swap places" - a very cool, funny and bright scene for the festive program on February 23rd. From 2 to 6 girls can take part in it. It all depends on how long you want to make the number. The essence and meaning of the scene is that girls dress up as boys and play out one day in the life of a "real guy" in front of the children. If the scene is intended for younger students, it is worth showing how the boys bully at school, pull the pigtails of their classmates and try to cheat from a neighbor during the test. It is appropriate to add a drop of romance to a scene for high school students and show how guys look after girls.
  • "Congratulations" - this is a beautiful, optimistic and cheerful scene, ideally corresponding to the format of the gala program for February 23rd. Only girls are involved in the mini-play, and you can plan the production in such a way that each of the schoolgirls gets a small role. For the scene, you will have to choose a sonorous holiday song about the defenders of the Motherland and themed congratulations in verse and prose from February 23rd. If possible, it is worth to sew the same costumes for the participants in the style of military uniforms. This will give the scene a special flavor and turn the process of congratulating the boys into a spectacular show. At the beginning of the performance, all the girls line up on the stage and, accompanied by appropriate music, sing a joyful, bravura song about February 23rd. Then each participant steps forward and recites her own words - a verse or a prose text with funny, humorous congratulations on February 23rd for boys.
  • "How to move away from the army" - a very funny scene for the holiday on February 23 in the final grades of school. The children are very close to the topic, since the time of leaving for the army is inexorably approaching and the idea of \u200b\u200bdelaying this momentous moment involuntarily comes to mind. But the funny thing about this scene is that the roles of careless recruits are played not by boys, but by girls. In their grotesque performance, naive attempts to imitate madness, blindness and other traditional reasons that rid a person of service look incredibly funny look. In the second part of the issue, the head of the draft board reveals the awkward attempts of conscripts to cheat and recognizes all participants as fit for military service. At the end of the performance, the girls take off their men's clothes and, remaining in their dresses, sing a melodic song about the army. The guys take the stage, accept congratulations on February 23 and declare with all responsibility that real men never resort to such tricks and proudly go to fulfill their sacred duty to protect the Motherland from enemies. The scene turns out to be very original and, in addition to an entertaining moment, carries an educational and patriotic meaning.

Scene in kindergarten for the matinee on February 23, ideas for the script

For a matinee on February 23 in kindergarten, short and simple scenes are needed. There is no need to plan a voluminous, large-scale production and make kids learn a lot of text by heart. Preschool children are not yet able to handle tasks of this kind and it is quite difficult to demand from them strict adherence to the sequence of performances. If, at the time of the holiday, someone forgets the words or confuses the time of going on stage, the performance will be ruined. Instead of pleasant emotions, children will receive mini-stress and will remember February 23 not from the best side.

To avoid this negativity and spend a cheerful and beautiful matinee in kindergarten on February 23rd, you should choose 2-3 short, funny scenes for kids and rehearse them in advance with little actors. You can go even more accessible way and learn with the guys some funny, groovy children's songs dedicated to February 23, and sketches to illustrate the meaning of musical works. Thus, it will be possible to involve all the children of the group in the program and no one will be offended because he was not invited to participate in the matinee on February 23. Boys and girls with strong, clear voices need to be assigned the role of soloists, and the rest of the guys should be dressed up in themed costumes and made of them extras and a dance group. The most active guys, who do not hesitate to appear on stage in front of the audience, will act as the main characters and show by dance or action what is being sung in the song. Such a scene will appeal to both parents and other guests of the performance, and will help children become more open, relaxed and sociable.

Cheerful funny scene by roles for February 23 at school, script with video

The program of the holiday on February 23 at school will be greatly enhanced by this funny, funny and cheerful scene about the vicissitudes of a soldier's life. Six girls are required for the show. One of them - the most severe, serious and possessing a strong commanding voice - will act as a lieutenant colonel, and the rest of the scene will be ordinary soldiers. To make the performance look more colorful, it is imperative to dress the participants in appropriate costumes. For the main character of a funny scene, you will need a khaki dress with a lieutenant colonel's shoulder straps and a garrison cap. Soldier girls will need army pants, shirts, caps, earflaps or caps. If each soldier is dressed differently, the scene will become even funnier and more fun.

The main character will have to learn the main words. For the minor participants in the scene, even a small improvisation is possible, since they will have to communicate only with each other and vividly depict the conflict between the two fighters.
Another important point is the physical fitness of the participants. It is highly desirable that the girls are not only artistic, but also know how to do push-ups, since according to the plan of the scene they will definitely need this. If it is difficult to find participants with such capabilities, it is necessary to make some adjustments to the scene and replace push-ups from the floor with a squat or some other, but simpler physical exercise.

At the end of the scene, all the participants must take off their hats, let their hair down and, already in the form of real girls, sincerely congratulate the boys on a courageous, good holiday on February 23rd. It is better to say congratulatory speeches in your own words. So they will sound more touching, sublime and tremulous. And the boys will be very flattered to hear on February 23 about how proud their classmates are and how much their friendship, care and support are appreciated.

Funny scene for male colleagues for a corporate party by February 23, video and ideas for the script

This funny and optimistic scene will ideally fit into the program of a funny corporate party on February 23rd. To organize the performance, you will need to prepare musical accompaniment - the phonogram of the military song "Through the valleys and over the hills", a track with melodic, moving music and a recording of the work performed by Marilyn Monroe "I want be love for you". The main characters of the funny scene will be five employees of the company. Four of them will have to be made up like men, dressed in Basmachi costumes and put on horses (a long wooden stick to which a cardboard image of a horse's muzzle is attached). It is in such a funny form that women will appear in front of their male colleagues on February 23 to a bravura military song. Further, they will represent a detachment of military men who went on reconnaissance, but unexpectedly ambushed and forced to take battle. To make a funny scene look more natural and believable, you will have to record the sounds of shots and automatic bursts on disk and turn them on at the right moment. Then all viewers of the scene will have the impression that they are truly present on the battlefield and are watching an absolutely real battle.

Meanwhile, the actresses behave like fighters, shoot from plastic weapons and fall to the floor, hiding from enemy bullets. According to the scenario, one of the participants in the action is seriously injured, and her comrades on the radio begin to call for help. To the sounds of the famous hit Marilyn Monroe, a nurse appears in the room - a young employee in a seductive short white robe. She greets the men present and, walking around the entire hall, finally pays attention to the "dying man." After the injection, the shot "fighter" regains consciousness and, hugging the nurse around the waist, leaves to heal the wounds. The three remaining "warriors" line up in the center of the room and unfold sheets of paper with congratulations on February 23rd to the men. On this optimistic note, the funny scene ends and the audience rewards the ladies with stormy, prolonged applause.

Funny scene for February 23 for male colleagues at work - video

In order for Defender of the Fatherland Day at work to be fun, bright and unusual, you need to carefully compose a solemn entertainment program in advance and be sure to include in it funny, cool and perky scenes for February 23. For the plot, you can use any events from traditional army everyday life or adapt funny scenes for kindergarten and elementary school for an adult audience. Male colleagues will be very pleased with such a cute surprise, and they will appreciate the creativity shown by the ladies colleagues on February 23rd.

The video below shows a simple, original and funny scene, suitable for a holiday party on the occasion of February 23rd in the office. Three women and two middle-aged men take part in the issue. One of the ladies plays the role of a grocery store saleswoman, and the other two play the role of a gallant ensign and a respectable general. The men disguise themselves as conscripts and carry out all orders of senior officers. The stage looks very funny and always causes the most stormy applause.

"In honor of the defenders of the Fatherland"

The class is on the stage. Leading in front.


1.Good day, dear friends!

They gathered you into this hallnot in vain -

Day defenders of the Fatherland

Celebrates again humanity!

2. Centuries pass, years flit by ...

The home country was defendedalways!

And with the most distant times it was like this:

Forget about everything since the enemy has approached!

Peasant, workerdropped things

When Russia was waiting for their protection!

3. About the deeds of the fallen, victories of the living

Will you hear from elderly people,

About how they fought in Afghanistan, Chechnya,

How did they survive in this crazy war.

How they were worthy of the title of a fighter,

You boys will repeat to the end.

Defenders of our beautiful country,

You are dear to us and madly needed!

And this lovely and joyful day

Us a thousand times wish you not laziness:

Let there be prosperity on your table!

May the world will strengthen on our land!

To everyone who served

And who will serve

We want to dedicate this concert! (ALL)

The song is sung: "Our army is the strongest"

Today is a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This means that we must congratulate all living warriors and honor the memory of the heroes of the past. The people love their warrior. A lot of epics and fairy tales have been composed about him, proverbs and sayings have been invented, songs, stories, novels have been written.

Child 1. Fairy tale and tale about a Russian soldier who fought and is fighting perfectly.

Child 2. Heats himself with smoke, shaves with an awl.

Child 3. And on occasion, and cook porridge from an ax, - lick your fingers.

Child 4. Everyone knows: hard in learning, easy in battle.

Child 5. And one more thing: a soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad.

Child 6. This is exactly what our great commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov said.

Child 7. And there is such a proverb: the soldier is sleeping, but the service is going on.

In the most difficult moments, the soldiers did not lose their sense of humor, which helped them survive in the war.

The song "Soldiers - Brava Children" is being performed.

They sit down.


We believe that the army

All of you will go.

Someone will serve

In the infantry, in the navy.


Will become a paratrooper, or a tanker,

Skillful gunner,

On airplanes newest fly,

Someone - to guard the border of the country.


Defenders of the Motherlandreally needed

So that never we did not know war!


Happy Holidays Congratulations!

We wish you success in your studies!

The dance of the paratroopers is being performed.

Children leave. Performers of the scene by O. Uzorova "Congratulations to our boys"


We will soon congratulate the boys,

After all, soon the twenty-third of February.


Then we must rather decide

What can we give them.

Olya (turns away resentfully).

I do not want to congratulate the boys.

So they will offend us,

Do we bring them gifts in return?

Well, no, let them stay with the nose.

Sasha (thinking a bit).

Well, then, in order to somehow get through them,

We can show them to the boys.

Now there is something for the three of us,

Let's assign the roles.

ANYA (joyfully).

Good idea, wonderful!

And then I will be a teacher.

I'll walk at the blackboard with a pointer

And catch the boys by the collar (Shows.)


You should, Vera, portray a girl,

And I'll be a boy, so be it.

He puts on a cap, puts his hair under it. Then he moves a little to the side, scatters, pushes Vera.

Sasha (imitating boys, roughly).

Why did you get on the road?

Don't you have enough space in the classroom?

Pulls Olya by the scythe, wants to run away, Anya grabs her.

ANYA (sternly).

Wait, wait, why did you push the girl? She still hit the chair.

Why are you grabbing Olga by the braid? Why do you offend her?

Sasha (raising his head, proudly).

I'm getting ready to defend my country.

As I grow up, I will go to war

There I will shoot the sentry.

I have to train my blow.

And I need to pull her braid -

I must snatch the ring from the grenade

And then run away in five seconds.

I'm just getting ready for the army here.

Anya (imitating the teacher).

To become a brave warrior,

You must learn to protect girls

And you protect them in a strange way.

You will not become a fighter, but a bully.

Sasha takes off his cap.

Sasha I know how to teach boys a lesson!

Don't believe me? See for yourself!

Let them just dance with us!

Dance "The Young Lady and the Bully" is being performed

To participate in small tests, we need volunteers - the future defenders of the country.

Please go up to the stage for boys (one person at a time) whose name begins with the following letters.

"T", "O", "L",

"C", "A", "D".

The presenters distribute letters to the children, brightly written on paper, and attach them to the front of the boys' clothes.

leading ... And now the task for your quick wits. What word can be made from all these letters? Look at each other carefully.

Who guessed in the hall, please do not prompt.

Let's start counting - 1,2,3,4,5!

Participants must form the word "Soldier", that is, stand in the order of these letters in the word.

leading ... Well done! We did the job!

And this concert number is for all of you!

The dance "Factory girls" is being performed.

1st reader

The love of the Fatherland is tender

Broad in Russian,

But the Fatherland also needs

Protection from the enemy.

3rd Reader.

Let's say if the enemy is at war

He wants to get into the country,

Then my native country

The defender is already there.

4th Reader.

Not important , there will be day, or night,

Or a winter blizzard.

We believe you will chase away

An uninvited enemy.

5th Reader.

In vain pranks with fire

At the borders of the country.

With masculine you congratulations Happy

Fatherland sons!


On the Day of the Defender of the Country

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

If a difficult hour comes

The country will call for help, -

Without flinching, you will join the ranks of the fighters,

The same gloriouswell done!

You can protect the country

And perform a feat of arms!

Its dignity and honor

You will be able to save in battle!

Well, for now - sit at your desk,

Teach different subjects -

Your service in the armyahead!

Boy. On behalf of the future defenders of the Fatherland, I want to say:

Let not war threaten with fire

From a distant country,

We will find a worthy rebuff.

The Fatherland is on us can rely

The song "Serve Russia" is being performed

We offer mini-sketches by February 23, 2020 for schoolchildren of grades 5-6, which can be staged at the holiday in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Viewers will love these funny miniatures.

Miniatures for February 23 for boys from girls at school

One of them says:
- It's good to be a boy! You don't have to braid your braids every day.
“And you don’t have to help your mom in the kitchen. And wash the dishes behind you ...
- And do the house cleaning!

The girls perform the song:

Are our boys made?
Of freckles and crackers
From rulers and batteries
Made by our boys!

From what, from what, from what
Are our boys made?
From springs and pictures
From glass and blotting paper
Made by our boys!

Then a short scene for 23 February for grades 5-6 is performed, in which boys participate.

- But we can put together a constructor in a few minutes.
- And go through the computer game from start to finish!
- And give back to the one who offends our girls!
- And when we grow up, we will go to the army!

One of the girls objects:
- Well, someone will go, but someone will not!

The guys perform a comic mini-scene for February 23, 2020 for grades 5-6, in which the new recruit Vanya, his father, mother, sister and grandmother participate. Children sing a song to the tune of the song "How my own mother saw me off."

- As my own mother accompanied me,
Then all my relatives came running.

- Oh, where are you my son,
Oh where are you going?
Wouldn't you, Vanek, be a soldier!

- In this army there will be fighters, tea,
- They can do without you, granddaughter.

- Wouldn't you go there, Vanya-brother,
Let's go with me to the kindergarten.
We will play tanks, eat porridge,
Shoot a pistol, listen to the nanny.

- All my friends have been serving for a long time,
Well, tell me, you are my father, why am I worse than them?

- I served, and let our Vanek serve,
This means that the Motherland needs such a soldier.

- He will freeze, ARI will get sick.
Dress up, my granddaughter, warm.
(Puts on Vanya a scarf and a hat, hands him a string bag with stewed meat and a bunch of bagels).

- Here are supplies for you, brother, with a margin,
Well, here's a bottle of kvass.
(Gives Vanya a bottle with a nipple).

- Do not forget to take the first aid kit with you!
(He hands Vanya a large cardboard thermometer).
Return to your dear home, you are a hero!

This small sketch is designed for only 2 people, so it is quite appropriate for a production in a small group. It also needs to be included in a more diverse program with games, contests and amateur performances.

A soldier walks along the road, stops.

SOLDIER: Oh, and how long have I been walking. I'm tired, I need to rest. When a soldier is alone, he is his own commander. Now I will command myself: "Halt!" And I'll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.

The soldier sits down, eats a pie.

SOLDIER: Well, I guess I rested. I gained strength. Now you can go again ... But I feel that something is missing. What?

The soldier looks around. A magpie gallops on a tree branch.

FORTY: Hello, soldier, my clear falcon, gild a foot, I'll tell you the truth, what you are missing. Give me a pretty penny.

The soldier looks in his pockets. He finds a 10-ruble coin and gives a forty.

FORTY: Oh, you give a lot, falcon!

SOLDIER: It's hard for a soldier to carry small money. And I read somewhere that magpies love to collect shiny objects. So this is for your collection.

FORTY: Thank you for that. Now I’ll tell you what you’re missing - mood!

SOLDIER: But where can I get him on the road?

FORTY: You see, flowers grow, take any, that's the mood and rise.

SOLDIER (looks) -. There is a rose, a carnation and a chamomile, which one to take?

FORTY: Take a rose, it is the most beautiful. With her at least to the ball!

SOLDIER: Rose is very dignified!

FORTY: Take the clove. She is strict, you can put her in the buttonhole of your jacket.

SOLDIER: Don't tell me about the jacket, this will make your mood go down to zero!

FORTY: Take a chamomile, it is like a little sun.

SOLDIER (looks): Yes, your truth, magpie, the daisy is so charming, ours, field. Take the chamomile and the mood will take its combat position again. You can tell fortunes on a daisy for good luck! After all, what is the main thing for a soldier? Luck!

And so, let's think about how to make February 23 not just a holiday, but a fun and funny holiday. While you are thinking, we came up with our ideas, which we posted on this page. Watch them and amaze men with your eccentricity.

Modern sketches for February 23 for a corporate party from women. Funny, new for men!

Well, there is not much time left for the beautiful half of humanity to prepare for February 23rd. But men expect a holiday and good mood from their colleagues and girlfriends. And then the girls shouldn't be hit in the mud. And if so, here are new scenes for you on February 23rd for a corporate party from women to make it fun. Funny and funny scenes will help to congratulate male colleagues on the Defender of the Fatherland Day and make this evening unique and unlike anything else.

Scene one - musical congratulations.
What a holiday without a song ?! And on the occasion of February 23, beautiful, funny, but military and holiday songs should be performed.
For this scene, the girls must learn a dance, for example, change the usual soldier's march to something bright and danceable. After all, the song is such that you want to march. The song itself is a reworked song to a tune - the soldier has a day off. Our version of the song says that today is a holiday for men and girls dress up in honor of the holiday. So you can turn the march into how girls paint and dress beautifully.
Here is the lyrics of the reworked song:

Scene two - congratulations from famous women.

What man does not dream of being approached by some famous woman. In this scene, all the secret desires of your men will come true.
To make this scene bright and funny, you need to rehearse and you need to find outfits for the images. And the images are as follows: Venus, Vasilisa Krasa, Scheherazade, Isolde and Pamela Anderson. These are the girls in honor of the Defender of the Fatherland Day decided to congratulate the men. You girls will have to find outfits for their looks and find candidates who will cope with the role. And then everything is simple - after the words of the presenter, the girls take turns out and speak. The men admire and fall to the floor in amazement.
The text for the scene:

Scene three - the girls are discussing gifts for men.
In this scene, three girls are sitting and discussing what to give men on February 23rd. In the course of the discussion, they reach the point that the best gift for them will be love! Do you agree with this?
Watch the video scene, remember and do the same performance for your men:

Scene 4 - girls are drafted into the army
This is a fictional scene, because in our country girls are not drafted into the army. But in honor of February 23, we will show men how they choose real girls for military service!

Military enlistment office. There is a table. A nurse sits nearby. On the other side of the nurse are girls who are being drafted into the army. The doctor runs in and says to the nurse:
- Lyuba, what happened ?! Why was I so urgently called to work?

- urgently, because a new conscription was announced. And they called - it's Monday, it's still a working day.

- and, because of this or what? So this is nonsense. Now we will quickly send everyone to the army. (to recruits) Want to join the army? You are all healthy!

The recruits shout indignantly:
- no, we don't want to, we are not good, we are sick.

- who is not suitable there? Come on, give me your case history.

The doctor takes a medical history from one conscript, lifts it up and looks at it. Is talking:
- I can not see anything.

Then he puts the story aside, and a thousand rubles remain in his hand, which he also looks at into the light and says:
- and, now I see, I see that you are all glowing with happiness, since you are not fit for the army. This is confirmed by three zeros.

The conscript leaves the stage with shouts of joy.

- so who else we have. Oh, it's you, my soul! Come here. Look (shows the photo) what do you see there?

- I see love and two people in love.

- Look, what imagination. And I see my son, my boy, who shows promise and enters a higher educational institution! And here you are, which interferes with his life. It's all decided - you're fit to serve on a submarine!

- maybe in a submarine after all. And not on it ?!

Everyone will serve in a submarine, and you will know in a submarine1. How to spoil a child's life.

A doctor speaking to a nurse:
- and maybe all of them in the Navy, for three years?

Recruits in chorus:
- no, we cannot, we all have love!

Everyone has? Does everyone have love? Then you do not come to me, you to the venereologist first. Check your love ...

The recruits leave the stage. Doctor:
- dear men, remember that serving is not just a year, two or three being away from home. It's a year, two or three years to protect us, girls who are waiting for you and believe in love! Happy Holidays!