How is the planning system implemented in an educational organization. Planning educational activities in preschool institutions. in a preschool educational institution

Planning is the definition of a system of measures that provides for the order, sequence and timing of their implementation. This system of measures is aimed at achieving the set goal, clearly and specifically formulated, with an indication of the final result that can be measured, compared, and evaluated.

A feature of planning as a management function is that it cannot exist independently, outside of connection with other functions. The basis for planning is the results of pedagogical analysis, the results of planning have a direct impact on the functions of organization and control.

The importance of the planning function in management activities noted by researchers and founders of the school of scientific management (F. Taylor, G. Gant, F. Gilbert), who paid great attention to planning, pointed to its key importance in management. It was the representative of this school, G. Gantt, who introduced the concept of "scheduling".

The need and importance of planning as a stage unified system methodical work in preschool educational institution emphasizes K.Yu. Belaya, highlighting among the functional responsibilities of the head and senior educator of a preschool educational institution their activities in planning educational work and methodological work in a preschool educational institution.

Head of a preschool educational institution:

  • - determines, together with the team, the goal of his institution - a specific image of the desired result that a preschool educational institution can actually achieve by a specific time;
  • - carries out strategic planning - careful, systematic preparation for the future;
  • - together with the team, develops and implements development programs and work plans for a preschool organization.

Together with the team, determines the goal of his institution - a specific image of the desired result that a preschool educational organization can actually achieve by a specific time.

Senior teacher of a preschool educational institution:

  • - participates in strategic planning, development and implementation of development programs and work plans for preschool educational institutions;
  • - plans educational, methodological work, taking into account the professional skills, experience of educators and in order to create an optimal model of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, providing:
  • - proposals for the work plan of the preschool educational institution;
  • -increasing the qualifications of educators;
  • - helping educators in self-education;
  • - certification of educators;
  • - drawing up a network of classes by age group;
  • - methodological assistance to educators (first of all, beginners) in the preparation and conduct of classes;
  • - exchange of experience of the employees of the preschool educational institution;
  • - familiarization of educators with the achievements of pedagogical theory and practice;
  • - development of the continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools;
  • -improving work with parents;
  • -completion of groups teaching aids, games, toys /

When planning the work of a preschool educational institution, the following are taken into account:

  • - type of preschool educational organization;
  • - the possibilities of its material and technical base;
  • - the staff, its professional capabilities;
  • - prospects for the development of the teaching staff.

Planning principles:

  • - an integrated approach to planning;
  • - the specificity of the plan;
  • - Realism, feasibility of the plan (do not overload);
  • - a combination of optimal forms, means, methods of work;
  • - focus on the final result;
  • - reliance on the participation of each employee.

Planning involves, first of all, the definition of the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution.

The development goals of a preschool educational institution are considered as a system-forming factor that determines the content of its activities and the result of work.

The importance of defining the goals of a preschool educational institution stems from the variety of their functions:

  • - reflection of the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe functioning and development of preschool educational institutions;
  • - the basis for planning the work of a preschool educational institution and the basis for making management decisions;
  • - motivating the activities of kindergarten employees;
  • - the main criterion, the standard for monitoring the progress of work and evaluating the final results.

Row contemporary authorswhose works are devoted to managing preschool education (S.A. Ezopova, L.V. Pozdnyak, N.N. Lyashchenko, L.M.Denyakina and others) define the following planning tasks in a preschool educational institution:

  • - designation of the directions of the preschool educational institution based on the study of the potential of the institution and the surrounding society;
  • - determination of the desired results of the work of the preschool institution, the achievement of which the planned activity is aimed at;

Identification of means (resources) of a preschool institution that ensure the achievement of the set goals;

Development of standards for ongoing activities, requirements for its implementation, criteria and indicators for assessing results.

1. Determination of the initial, "starting" level of the state of educational work in a preschool educational institution at the time of the beginning of planning.

For this, it may be necessary to study and analyze both the state of the internal resources of the preschool educational institution, the results of previous activities, and those external conditions of the established society in which subsequent activities will take place. At the same time, the thoroughness of the pedagogical analysis of the initial state of the activity of a preschool educational institution will have a direct impact on the reality of plans, the possibility of their implementation;

2. Description of the expected results of activities at the end of the implementation of the plans, the specificity of which depends on the degree of implementation of the plans

It should be borne in mind that plans are implemented by people in a rapidly changing environment. environment... In this regard, most likely, the results of the activity will not fully correspond to the planned ones. Therefore, determining the results and exercising control over their achievement, the manager must remember about the flexibility (plasticity) of the plan, the possibility of its prompt adjustment;

Choosing the best ways and means to achieve the planned results. When determining the content of the plan, that is, events, participants, responsible persons, deadlines, one should not overload it with a large number of events in a limited time frame;

Inclusion in the planning process of teachers of a preschool educational institution. The fulfillment of this condition contributes to:

Increasing teachers' personal interest in the implementation of the developed plans;

  • - getting teachers of a broader understanding of the activities of a preschool educational institution;
  • - deeper analytical foundations for planning;
  • - determination of working relationships in the team in the implementation of the developed plans;
  • - development of the activity and organizational skills of preschool educational institutions and the creation of a positive microclimate.

The result of the planning function is the creation of a system of plans, consisting of strategic, tactical and operational plans.

In management theory, the following types of planning are distinguished, depending on the time period for implementation:

  • - strategic (long-term);
  • - tactical (mid-term);
  • - operational (short-term).

All of these types of planning are present in a preschool educational institution.

Strategic planning covers a long period of time (most often 3-5 years) and aims to determine the main directions of development of a preschool educational institution based on the external and internal conditions of its activity.

The first stage in the preparation of strategic plans is to analyze the environment and internal potential of the preschool educational institution.

The second stage involves the definition of the mission and key goals of the preschool educational institution.

The third stage is to develop a preschool educational institution development strategy.

Thus, as a result strategic planning a program for the development of a preschool educational institution is created, in which its initial state and potential, mission and strategic goals are determined, and a strategy for its further development is worked out. More details about some approaches to the development of the Program for the development of a preschool educational institution will be described in the next chapter.

Tactical planning is carried out for the medium term (1-3 years). Tactical planning in a preschool educational institution is implemented as part of the preparation of annual work plans and plans for the main departments. Consider the stages of the annual planning of the work of a preschool educational institution.

The first stage is an analysis of the results of the work of the preschool educational institution at the previous stage.

  • - the achieved level of problem solving, its quantitative and qualitative characteristics;
  • - analysis of the results of the team's activities in solving problems, - positive and negative sides his activities;
  • - identification of the reasons that caused shortcomings in work, failures in the implementation of plans;
  • - selection of ways to solve problems that will form the basis of a new planning cycle.

The second stage is the determination of the main goals of the preschool educational institution for the subsequent planning period, their ranking.

Based on the results of the analysis and strategic plans, goals and main directions for further work for the short term are determined.

The third stage is the definition of activities to achieve the set goals. Measures to achieve goals is a set of means, methods, actions to implement the activities of an educational institution.

At this stage, the content of the activity for the planned period is specified; the executors and those responsible for its implementation, the mechanism for coordinating their actions are determined; resources to implement the plan.

The fourth stage is discussion and approval of the plan at a meeting of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution.

Thus, the tactical (medium-term) plan allows you to determine specific goals activities of the organization and the means to achieve them. It shows not only what needs to be achieved, but also how it can be done. In a preschool educational institution, tactical planning can include the process of developing an annual plan for an early childhood education institution. Different approaches to annual planning and examples of Preschool Annual Plans are given below.

On the basis of the tactical plan, an operational work plan of the organization's employees is developed. Operational planning is carried out for a short-term period (as a rule, it covers a period of up to several months).

Operational plans are drawn up on the basis of tactical ones and include the specific content of work by day. This type of planning is practically carried out by every qualified employee of the organization. The operational plans in a preschool educational institution include plans for educational work in a group.

Thus, planning is a process, the result of which is a clear formulation of goals and the determination of the means and methods by which the goals will be achieved; this is the development of a system of future activities, a procedure for formulating goals and objectives of activities.


While some people choose not to make plans at all, leaving their destiny in the hands of luck or inevitability, most people believe that planning is better than not planning. Planning is the process of preparing a series of decisions for the implementation of subsequent actions aimed at achieving goals in the most effective way.

§one. Planning in education

As practice shows, the plan is often treated only as an administrative requirement, the planning process is formal, and the plan is not a guideline in activities.

The planning of the teacher's work predetermines the results and effectiveness of the educational system. Purposeful and clear planning helps to avoid many mistakes and negative phenomena, to outline general perspectives and specific solutions to emerging problems. A plan of educational work is a document indicating meaningful guidelines teaching activitiesdetermining its order, volume, time limits.

The plan has a number of requirements:

1. Purposefulness of the plan. The content and forms of pedagogical activity are planned taking into account main goal and task hierarchy.

2. The complexity of the plan. A variety of directions, forms and methods of organizing the activities of teachers and students.

3. The specificity of the plan. The content and forms of work provide for the implementation of specific goals and objectives (achievement of specific planned results).

Planning is the process of the teacher's individual understanding of his activities and its creative design, since it is impossible to effectively organize work according to other people's programs and plans.

§2. Types and structure of pedagogical plans

In the most general view, a plan is a document that indicates the meaningful guidelines of activity, which determines its order, volume, and time limits. The purpose of the educational plan is to streamline pedagogical activities, to ensure the fulfillment of such requirements for the pedagogical process as planned and systematic, manageable and consistent results. With a competent organization of planning, the plan will become a document that can protect the teacher from unreasonable demands and claims, proving a systematic approach to organizing the pedagogical process.

1) By content coverage:

Plan type

Complex (general)

All directions and activities

Social and pedagogical work plan

Leisure activity plan


One direction or one kind of activity

Topic study plan

Parenting plan

Self-education plan

Subject ((outline-plan))

One specific event

Lesson plan

Training plan

Ethical Conversation Plan

2) By the duration of the period:

Plan type

Long term

Year and more

UDL educational program

Circle work plan, sections

Milestone (medium perspective)

Specific time period less than a year

Schedule of educational lectures for half a year


Part of a period, stage (for a month, a week)

Plan "Decades of assistance to veterans"

Bird Week plan


Plan for the day

Health Day plan

Excursion day plan

3) Depending on the subject of planning: individual and collective. It is necessary to distinguish between the work plans of an individual teacher, the teaching staff, the joint plans of teachers and students, as well as the plans of the children themselves.

The listed types of plans are closely interconnected: each of them specifies and clarifies the other. In fact, planning is the process of modeling one's activity for a certain period of time (or some direction, type of activity), when the teacher mentally imagines a model of his work: meaningful, organizational, structural.

§3. Work plans in institutions additional education

The study of practical experience showed that the following types of plans are drawn up in educational institutions:

1. A long-term plan of the educational institution for the academic year.

2. A long-term plan of the teacher's work, including sections:

· Plan of educational work;

· Plan of methodical work;

· Work plan of the office;

· Work plan with parents;

· Work plan of the circle, section, etc .;

3. Calendar plans for half a year or a quarter (trimester).

4. Workers, daily plans the work of the teacher.

Perspective plan It can have a different structure, the main thing is that it is convenient for work and operational adjustments. The following plan structure may be suggested:

1. Analysis of work over the past period.

2. Objectives of work for the new academic year.

5. Terms and forms of control (reflection).

Work on the plan begins with defining the main goal and main tasks of the pedagogical process based on an analysis of the results achieved earlier. The work is planned taking into account the work plan of the entire educational institution and reflects the various directions of the teacher's activity.

Calendar plans for a specific period can have a text form and a table form. The main requirements for calendar-thematic planning (KTP) are:

· A specific period (week or date);

· The main type of activity (theme, form, method, technique, conditions, means, etc.);

· A task for a given period of time (planned result: knowledge, educational, objective, etc.).

The timetable must be consistent with the long-term plan for goals and planned results. If necessary, adjustments are made to reflect changed circumstances.

Work (daily) plans. Such plans are drawn up by teachers on the basis of calendar and thematic planning. The daily work plan specifies all the operating points with an indication of the content of the planned activities and the planned results (the degree of implementation of the tasks set). It provides a brief outline of the lessons and their content.

Daily plans can be accompanied by an attachment of scenarios of events, sets of exercises, descriptions of games from a file cabinet. You should list the teaching aids, technical means that will be used in working with pupils.

§4. Planning technology

A plan is an important prerequisite for success in pedagogical activity if it is the result of collective joint creativity, when planning is based on close interaction and cooperation of all participants in the educational process. Therefore, the teacher needs to treat the plan as his own working document, which he needs himself, and not the administration, in order to act not chaotically, but in accordance with his plan, goals, capabilities and requirements for the pedagogical process.

You can plan in different ways, based on the various characteristics that affect this process, but efficiency will ensure the existence of the following stages of this activity:

1) Preparatory - defining the subject and the length of time, structuring the subject.

2) Analytical - analysis of the results and available experience, diagnostics, generalization of the analysis results.

3) Modeling - goal-setting, collective planning, choice of content and means, forecasting results, distribution of events in time.

4) Final (design) - the choice of the structure of the plan and its design.

Let's describe a general planning algorithm that is suitable for any type of activity, for any type of plan, for any period of time. The effectiveness of planning is ensured by its continuity, then the proposed algorithm will be repeated several times: with long-term planning (for a year or more), with periodic planning (for a quarter, half a year), with short-term planning (for a month or less), with operational, current (day planning, specific case). The general algorithm of any teacher planning can be presented in the form of the following steps:

1. Definition of the subject of planning. First, you need to answer the question: what needs to be planned (all activities, some direction, a specific case)?

2. Determination of the time period: what period of time needs to be planned (year, quarter, month, etc.).

3. Structuring the subject of planning, which helps to make the plan specific, realistic, select the most effective means and methods of work. The planned must be divided into possible component parts: to highlight areas or types of activities, to isolate content and thematic blocks, to think over the forms and select the means of activity. That is, to present the ideal image of the planned, and then select the necessary and real.

4. Analysis of the results and the existing state (team, activity, department, institution, etc.). It is necessary to know the conditions in which the activity will be carried out; the specifics of the children's team and their own level of professionalism. As a result of the analysis, the image of the activity, its characteristics, the starting point for modeling the activity should be formed.

5. Goal-setting. It is with goal-setting that the initial forecast of results is carried out: for what, what to work for, what we would like to get in the end. It is useful at this stage to use the method of the hierarchy of goals and preliminary draw up a diagram of the "Tree of goals", where all tasks will flow from the main goal.

6. The choice of means of achieving the set goals, solving problems, methods of tracking and evaluating results. At this stage, the content, methods, technologies are selected that allow solving the assigned tasks.

7. Distribution of events in time. Depending on what period of time is planned, stages, periods, dates are determined; the logic of deeds and events is built.

8. Registration (writing) of the plan.

In different situations, the general algorithm can vary: shrink, expand, detail. It depends on the experience, knowledge and skills of the one who plans, and on the conditions in which the planning process takes place (traditions of the educational institution, the requirements of the administration, etc.).

1. General requirements to planning the work of a professional educational institution

In the system of managerial work, planning is the most important function of the leader's activity, following the pedagogical analysis and making managerial decisions. The implementation of management decisions begins with planning, with thinking through ways of solving, with a mental model of each of them.

To organize planning and control its implementation, it is necessary:

Know what reporting and planning documents should be in a professional educational institution (their list is compiled based on an analysis regulatory documents);

Know the basic requirements for the structure and content of plans.

The plan consists of an introduction, containing the tasks of work for the academic year, and the main part, consisting of the leading areas of activity to solve these problems. These tasks cover either the activities of the institution as a whole, or its individual units (perspective-thematic plans, lesson plans), or pedagogical forms of organizing work (methodical, extracurricular).

The requirements of scientific validity, objectivity and purposefulness permeate the entire content of the plan, especially clearly realized in its analytical part - when determining the tasks of a professional educational institution for a year. Requirements of scientific validity, objectivity and purposefulness are guided by the socio-pedagogical order of society and take into account the conditions and capabilities of the team. They are also implemented in the course of in-depth analysis of the institution's activities over the past year.

The introduction of the annual plan includes stating and operative parts. The ascertaining part contains a brief analysis of the state of affairs in an educational institution over the past period in the following areas:

Graduation and admission of students;

Staff changes;

Results of general education and vocational training (achievements and shortcomings);

The state of the teaching activity of the collective;

Educational and material base;

Management activities of the administration.

Based on this analysis, alternate tasks are formed, which are recorded in the operative part of the introduction. This target orientation gives the work of the engineering and teaching staff a research character, which is especially important in the context of the transition of a professional educational institution to the development mode.

Management of the development of an educational institution can be defined as a part of the management activities carried out in it, in which, by solving the problems of planning, organizing, guiding and monitoring the processes of developing and mastering innovations, the purposefulness and organization of the activities of the institution's team to build up its educational potential, increase the level of its use, and, as a consequence, improving the quality of education1.

In the practice of planning the work of institutions, there are often shortcomings: the tasks are formulated either as organizational, pedagogical and methodological problems, without focusing on the final result (missing aspect), or contain only target orientation without specifying specific pedagogical ways of solving it. For example: "implementation of interdisciplinary connections and professional orientation in the process of studying educational disciplines"; "Equipment of a special technology cabinet"; "Improving the quality of knowledge of students in the subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle."

A correctly formulated task may sound like this: "improving the quality of students' knowledge in the subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle through the implementation of interdisciplinary connections and professional orientation." As a rule, the collective during the academic year faces not one task, but several, and they are associated with improving the quality of theoretical and industrial training, the level of education of students. The tasks of the team's work for the year, depending on their complexity, are solved through a system of measures that form the basis of the content of the plan. Its leading sections are as follows:

Theoretical teaching;

Industrial training;

Educational work;

Methodical work and advanced training of engineering teaching staff;

Leadership and control over the educational process;

Career guidance work;

Financial, economic and production activities.

Each of the sections has a subsection. For example, the section "Industrial training" contains subsections: "Learning outcomes", "Quality of the educational process", "Educational material base", "Labor protection and safety measures", "Examinations".

When analyzing the main part of the plan, special attention is paid to the implementation of the principles of optimality, reasonable sufficiency of measures, the complexity of comprehensive support for solving problems and collectivity. So, solving the problem "Formation of educational motives of students by eliminating gaps in their knowledge", it is necessary to consider it as a rather narrow task, implemented through the sections "Theoretical teaching", "Methodological work" and "Control".

One of the most serious in the activity of a professional educational institution is the section of the annual plan "Methodological work". The solution to any task of the annual plan is not complete without it methodological support... As a section of the annual plan, methodological work is an independent reporting document reflecting two main forms of work: collective and individual.

The collective form of work includes: pedagogical readings, conferences, a school of excellence and others. Collective methodological work is carried out through methodological commissions, which consider the results of students' progress; the work of teachers and masters of industrial training who are members of the commission.

The main areas of work of the methodological commissions are as follows:

Organizational and pedagogical issues;

Enhancement professional excellence;

Study, generalization and dissemination of best practices;

Extracurricular work on subjects.

Each of the sections of the plan has its own subsections. The section "Organizational and pedagogical issues" may have the following subsections:

"Analysis of curricula, programs, instructional and methodological documentation";

"Drawing up control, verification, independent work, test questions, exam tickets»;

"Registration of offices";

"Development of didactic material and visual aids».

The activities of the methodological commission are planned and carried out individual work teacher on a chosen topic that should correspond to the general problem of the institution.

D. Ushinsky, T. I. Shamova, G. I. Shchukina N.S. Yakovlev and others. The purpose of this work: to highlight and theoretically substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for effective management of educational systems. Based on the goal, the tasks are set: - to study and analyze the literature on the problem of educational systems management; - determine the organizational and pedagogical ...

School problems provides a basis for the development of an independent direction - intraschool management. Key features government controlled educational systems. One of distinctive features development modern system education is the transition from state to state-public management of education. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe state-public ...

Parents and their self-governing bodies cannot act in school in isolation from each other, without ensuring coordination of activities and interaction on urgent school problems. 7. The bodies of school self-government are guided by the social and pedagogical principles of equality, election, renewal and continuity, openness and transparency, democracy, legality, pedagogical ...

Basically, a real means of functioning, that is, in a broad sense - a consequence of purposeful activity. For example, the development of any person is a consequence of his activities and communication. Any educational system is created with the aim of ensuring the development of the growth of the qualitative change of students, first of all, on the basis of their interactions with the teacher, with each other, with the textbook, ...

"The main functions of management - planning"

Planning Is a way to achieve a goal based on a balance and sequence of operations, it is a kind of tool for making management decisions.Planning decisions may be related tosetting goals and objectives, developing a strategy, allocating and reallocating resources, defining performance standards in the coming period.Making such decisions is the planning process in a broad sense. Narrowly, planning ispreparation of special documents - plans,determining the specific steps of the organization to achieve its goals.

Planning - making management decisions based on the correlation of the results of pedagogical analysis with the set goal, is to determine the nearest and future development of the pedagogical system.

Planning - a detailed schedule of the organization's activities on certain period time.

Planning as a management function is aimed at reducing the effect of uncertainty in the organization's activities, as well as at identifying ways to achieve the goals.

The purpose of planning is to determine a mechanism for coordinating the actions of management entities, the content and timing of their activities, ensuring the implementation of organizational tasks.

There are two types of planning:

  1. Teleological -strict planning "from above" (A. Leontiev, S. Strumilin)
  2. Genetic - based on the characteristics of the organization, its needs and capabilities

(V. Groman, V. Bazarov).

Features of planning.

  1. Planning is designed to give a clear focus, aspiration to the activities of an educational institution;
  2. Planning based on analysis and forecast is designed to simulate images of the desired future state of the school and its results;
  3. Goal-setting in planning is based on the internal processes of formation of the image of the goal that take place in the minds of the subjects of management - the processes of goal-setting;
  4. Planning is designed to determine the means to achieve the goal, their composition and logical structure, sequence, necessary resources and conditions, performers and their interaction, timing; determine the content, methods, means, forms of the forthcoming work and its intermediate results
  5. Planning is intended to define performance standards, requirements, criteria and performance indicators;
  6. Planning is intended to create conditions for educational and management activities.

For successful work the plan must have

with the following characteristics:

  1. Purposefulness (suitable for achieving the goal for which it was created);
  2. Unity (the goals of each substructure constituting the plan must be firmly welded together and meet the goals of the entire educational institution);
  3. Continuity (reliance on both short-term and long-term foresight);
  4. flexibility (the ability to adapt if conditions change);
  5. Accuracy (sufficient detail);
  6. Predictiveness (the ability to predict the final and intermediate results);
  7. Efficiency (its compilation, use should facilitate, and not hinder the achievement of goals and objectives).

Any planning is based on the following principles:

  1. Taking into account specific pedagogical conditions , the age composition of children, pupils, students and the level of their development;
  2. The relationship between the process of education and training;
  3. Regularity, consistency and the cyclical nature of educational influences.
  4. Participation of the maximum number of employeesorganizations in the work on the plan from the very early stages of its preparation. As a rule, people are more likely and more willing to perform those tasks that they have set for themselves, than those "lowered from above", since they are closer and more understandable to them.
  5. Continuity- in accordance with it, planning is viewed not as a single act, but as a constantly repeated process, within which all current plans are developed taking into account the fulfillment of the past and the fact that they will serve as the basis for drawing up plans in the future.
  6. Flexibility, suggesting the possibility of adjustment or revision at any time earlier decisions taken according to changing circumstances.
  7. The unity and interconnectedness of individual parts of the organization requires compliance with such a principle ascoordination of plans. It is realized through their coordination and integration.Coordination is carried out "horizontally", that is, between units of the same level, and integration - “vertically”, between higher and lower levels.
  8. An important planning principle iseconomy, assuming that the cost of drawing up a plan should be less than the effect brought by its implementation.
  9. Creature necessary conditions to fulfill the plan - organizational, resource, ideological, etc.
  10. Completeness of planning, - i.e. all situations and events should be taken into account when planning.
  11. Planning Accuracy -to achieve it, all modern methods, means and procedures for forecasting.
  12. Clarity of planning, -those. the set goals should be simple, easy, accessible to all members of the organization.

Planning tasks:

  1. Ensure solution implementation government agencies on education and training;
  2. Ensure the implementation of state educational standards;
  3. Identification of the main key issues in the activities of the teaching staff;
  4. Determination of specific methodological, educational, educational activities, terms of their implementation, responsible executors;
  5. Raising the responsibility of each member of the team.

In the planning process, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Determine what results you would like to get in the future;
  2. It is necessary to analyze what opportunities exist to achieve the desired results;
  3. It is necessary to determine the composition and structure of future actions;
  4. It is necessary to be able to anticipate and assess the consequences of planned joint actions.

Types of planning.

Depending on from the management leveldiffers:

  1. Strategic and forward planning - this highest level - for 3-5 years and answers the question -what are our goals?;
  2. Tactical (or current) planning is an intermediate level - 1-3 years and answers the question -how to achieve our goals?;
  3. Operational planning is the lower level - up to several months.

Tactical planning in a preschool educational institution is carried out as part of the preparation of an annual work plan. An annual plan is a mandatory document of a preschool educational institution. It should be aimed at solving specific problems that contribute to improving the activities of the entire teaching staff in the academic year, and also includes activities for working with pedagogical, medical, service personnel, pedagogical education of parents and joint work with the school.

Planning forms.

  1. Planning text form:
  • Description of the results of the analysis of O.'s work for the previous period
  • Establishing causal relationships that led to + and -
  • Description of the current situation in O. at the time of planning
  1. Network planning form (grids, tables, cyclograms):
  • Clearly displays the scope and structure of the problem being solved
  • Relationships between activities are well traced
  • Effectively defines the mechanism for using resources
  • Avoids oversaturation of plans
  1. Graphic planning form(graphs, charts, histograms)

Planning for any kind of plan is usually done

in several stages:

  1. Study (diagnostics) and analysis of the subject of planning (the state of work of the institution, the level of formation of ZUN, features of the development of children, students).
  2. Formulation of goals, objectives, intended activities.
  3. Determination of ways and means of solving the set goals and objectives (collection and analysis of proposals for the draft plan of all interested substructures)
  4. Drawing up ("assembling") all parts of the plan into a single whole.
  5. Discussion and correction of the project.
  6. Acceptance and approval of the plan.
  7. Implementation and control of its implementation.

It is advisable to start planning withpedagogical analysis... It will help to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the work of the educator, the optimal methods and techniques used to solve the assigned tasks.

Pedagogical Analysis is aimed at a purposeful study of the educational process, its objective assessment, the identification of the reasons that determined its level, the result and the development on this basis of recommendations for improving the work.

Without pedagogical analysis, it is impossible to scientific basis define the objectives of the institution's annual plan. According to L.M. Volobueva pedagogical analysis is an effective tool for educating the teaching staff, methodological training teacher and has a strong and direct impact on the final result of the teaching staff.

Pedagogical analysis consists of three interrelated and interacting types of it: operational, thematic and final.

Operational analysis - is aimed at daily identification of the main indicators characterizing the educational process, at revealing the causes of its violation, as well as the simultaneous development of recommendations for eliminating these causes.

Thematic analysis - is aimed at a deep study of one or another of the most significant aspects of the pedagogical process and the development of recommendations.

Final analysis is carried out after the end of any reporting period - half a year, a year, a summer period - and is aimed at studying a set of main factors that influenced the performance of a preschool institution for reporting period, as well as the reasons that gave rise to them.

The analysis is based on the dynamics of children's development, observation of the pedagogical process (the level of pedagogical competence of teachers, the conditions created).

When this stage is over, it is necessary to involve all subjects, the entire team in its examination, discussion, and adjustment in general.

It is in this case that many contradictions, duplication, and other shortcomings can be removed, and the planning participants are motivated to further implement it.

It is important that everyone defines their role and degree of responsibility for the implementation of the annual plan. It is better at this stage to express your doubts, comments, and not when they begin to implement it.

Planning efficiency is achieved by observing

following conditions:

  1. Knowledge of the level at which the job is at the time of planning.
  2. A clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe level to which the work should be raised by the end of the planning period.
  3. The choice of the best ways and means that allow you to transfer the work of the preschool educational institution to a new level.

Possibilities of using various forms of planning.

Planning form,

its characteristics

Benefits of using it

Difficulties in using it


Without a text form, it is impossible to assess the completeness, integrity of the content, the analytical basis, this form of planning is easy to draw up. It is good to use the text planning form for short-term planning, for solving current problems in the near future. Most often it is used when describing the results of the analysis of work for the previous period; characteristics of the current situation in the organization at the time of planning.

It is static, it is problematic to make the countless changes and additions that the manager encounters in the course of its implementation in the textual work plan, because every day something changes, some jobs are canceled, some are replaced.

The text form does not give us the opportunity to present simultaneously and voluminously all the work that the pedagogical team must do. It deprives the manager of the opportunity to see the sequence and purposefulness of all planned work.

When using this type of planning, for example, when developing an annual plan, it turns out to be unreadable and large in volume.


The network form of planning involves the use of grids, tables, cyclograms. It is used for detailed planning of a specific task, to identify and analyze the relationship between various activities, to avoid overloading the plan, and to effectively determine the mechanism for using resources. The network planning form also allows you to reflect regularly recurring activities, their volume and the task at hand.

Network charts are easy to compose and operate, but only for those who have a deep knowledge of the process to plan and who have acquired solid skills in drawing and reading them. The effectiveness of this method depends on the ability of the planners to see the whole complex in perspective. necessary work, the logical sequence and interconnection of activities.


The graphic form of planning reflects the content of the work in the form of two-dimensional graphs. More often given form used to demonstrate quantitative indicators. Its use allows you to visually represent the entire volume of work for a year, month, day.

With graphic planning, you can analyze the systematic nature of activities, consistency, continuity, density of activities, the workload of teachers, the specification of the stages of a particular task

It is impossible to optimally coordinate activities in space and time in order to avoid overloads, "collisions" of activities.

This form of planning is more complex and takes more time to complete.

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1 PLANNING OF THE WORK OF AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION TO IMPROVE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES. Any activity of a person (or institution) begins with planning, on which not only the implementation of the goals of the activity depends, but also the quality and effectiveness of the efforts expended. Plans and their preparation are one of the fundamental components of institution management. Thanks to plans, or rather planning, it is possible to ensure effective operation, eliminate threats, and avoid the uncertainty of the future. For the modern system of additional education for children, it is relevant to focus on social partnership and openness in solving planning issues, because with the support of the Government and the Education Committee, as well as social partners, the institution of additional education can attract the necessary resources for its further development. The vision of the future indicates the direction and source of energy to move in this direction The way of action that the institution adheres to in pursuit of its long-term goals is called a strategy (Robert Grant "Modern strategic analysis", St. Petersburg: Peter, p.). The concept of "strategy" in education is inextricably linked with innovative processes, i.e. practical implementation of qualitatively new directions and solutions. Formation and specification of development goals of the institution and its structural units constitute the essence of one of the important management functions of the planning function. Planning also involves determining the means to achieve the goal, timing and sequence of implementation, identification and allocation of resources. one

2 Planning tasks: 1. Ensuring the purposeful development of the institution as a whole and all its structural units. 2. Perspective orientation and early recognition of developmental problems. 3. Coordination of the activities of structural units and employees of the institution. Coordination is carried out as a preliminary coordination of actions in the preparation of plans. 4. Creation of a base for objective control. The presence of plans allows you to make an objective assessment of the activities of the institution by comparing the actual values \u200b\u200bwith the planned ones. 5. Motivation of labor activity of workers. 6. Information support for employees of the institution. Plans contain important information about the goals, forecasts, timing, resource and administrative conditions of work. Planning stages. 1. Development of common goals, objectives and proposals for development. 2. Detailing and clarification of plans 3. Coordination and adjustment of plans 4. Approval of plans 5. Bringing plans to the performers (in terms of their work) 6. Implementation of plans and their adjustment in the course of work (if necessary). The result of the planning process is a system of interrelated planning documents of plans. The plan is the basis for the activities of the institution. It contains instructions to whom, what task and at what time to solve, what resources need to be allocated to solve this problem. 2

3 Classification of plans: Level Subject Content Purpose of planning planning planning planning Plan of the institution as a whole Unit plan Project implementation plan Work plan of a separate executor Curriculum Financial plan Action plan Plans for cooperation with social partners Training plan, etc. Scheduling Resource planning Thematic planning Strategic Operational Strategic planning is to define the mission of the institution at each stage of its development. Focused on a period of 5 years or more. Development strategic decisions, providing for the advancement of such goals and strategies, the implementation of which ensures their effective functioning in the long term and rapid adaptation to the changing characteristics of the external sociocultural environment. Operational planning search and agreement of the most effective ways and the means of implementing the adopted development strategy of the institution. Can be focused on a year, half a year, a month. Determines what activities and short-term projects will be implemented 3

4 in the institution. Of particular importance for the institution is short-term financial plan... It allows you to analyze and monitor an organization's ability to pay past, present and future bills, anticipate problems and raise additional funds. In the practice of most regional institutions of additional education for children, there is a dominance of operational planning tasks and an orientation only towards achieving goals and objectives. short term development of an educational institution. Typical planning shortcomings: - focus on solving mainly internal tasks of the institution; - lack of a clear system for making managerial decisions ahead of schedule, for long-term planning; - insufficient attention to the social order of society. When embarking on strategic planning, it is advisable to study the regulatory framework. This activity is regulated by the current Federal Law of June 28, 2014 N 172-FZ "On strategic planning in Russian Federation"(This law establishes the legal framework for strategic planning, coordination of state and municipal strategic management, and budgetary policy, the powers of local self-government bodies and the procedure for their interaction with public, scientific and other organizations in the field of strategic planning. Strategic planning is based on the regulatory framework: Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated N 273-FZ); Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures to implement state social policy"From; 4

5 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for Years" from the year; The concept for the development of additional education (Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2014 N 1726-r); State program of the Russian Federation "Development of education" for years (Approved by the Government of the Russian Federation from); "On the state program of St. Petersburg" Development of education in St. Petersburg "for years" (Resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg from); "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on additional general education programs ". Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2013 1008; "On the program for the development of a state educational organization." Information letter of the Education Committee dated / 1300. The strategic plan of an educational institution should be substantiated by monitoring studies and actual data on the development of the education system in the city, region, on the existing competition among different types institutions of additional education in relation to providing students with variable additional services... The characteristic of the strategic plan is integrity, combined with sufficient flexibility to allow modification or reorientation of the institution's activities. For effective strategic planning, the head of the institution must take a number of measures: 5

6 1. Simulate the situation ie understand the patterns of interaction between the needs and social order of the population, study the activities of the institution's obvious competitors. Thus, analysis is an essential part of strategic planning. 2. Determine the need for strategic change. It assumes a willingness to respond to trends arising in the system of additional education, to act in unforeseen circumstances, to find opportunities to increase competitiveness in the educational services market. 3. Develop a strategy for local and systemic changes. 4. Use reliable methods during unforeseen changes. 5. To translate the strategy into real teaching practice. Functions of strategic planning: 1. Allocation of resources: planning, distribution of material and technical, financial, labor, information resources etc. 2. Adaptation to the external environment, adaptation to changes in the social demand of the population for additional educational services... Management efficiency will be high if the institution's competitive advantages are taken into account in advance, i.e. clearly planned. In this regard, strategic planning provides favorable organizational, pedagogical, scientific and methodological conditions for outstripping the social demand of the population for additional services by introducing new educational directions, subject areas, etc. into the educational process. 3. Coordination and regulation coordination of efforts of all departments to achieve the objectives of the strategic plan. 4. Organizational changes carrying out organizational, pedagogical, scientific and methodological transformations in the institution: 6

7 redistribution of management functions, administration powers, creation of an incentive system, etc. The goals of strategic planning are achieved through the high professionalism and creativity of teaching staff, close connection of the institution with the external environment, variable additional services, implementation of current plans. Failure to implement the strategic plan can occur due to unforeseen changes in the social environment, incorrectly conducted problem-diagnostic analysis, administrative errors associated with insufficient implementation human resources. Successful implementation strategic plans are facilitated by compliance with the following requirements. - the strategic plan should be clearly structured, communicated to the teaching staff; - the plan must be provided by everyone necessary resources. 7

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