Conditions for certification of teaching staff per year. How will the certification of teachers change with the introduction of a professional standard? Who is applying for certification

Firstly, it is a good opportunity to show the commission the reserves of your knowledge and prove your professionalism. In this regard, the opinion about the teacher changes among colleagues and in society as a whole. Secondly, after the next certification, in case positive results, the teacher's salary is raised. From this we can conclude that the certification teaching staff aimed at their own good. All amendments and changes to the current legislation were introduced mainly with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the modern educational and educational process.

In the past year, some changes were introduced related to the certification of teachers. We will talk about them today.

Major changes to Federal Law 273

In 2016, all teachers will be certified in two main parameters. The first stage includes confirmation of suitability for the position held. The commission will test the teacher's knowledge and skills, as well as his ability to handle children. At this stage, the aptitude of the employee and the suitability of the position are determined.

At the second stage, the question arises of assigning a particular category of qualifications to a teacher. This year, a pedagogue can apply for the first or the highest category. The first is assigned to teachers who:

  • do not have a category, are certified for compliance with the position;
  • already have the first category, but the certification period has come to an end (i.e. 5 years have passed since the last certification).
    • received the first category for more than two years;
    • already have the highest, but 5 years have passed since the previous certification.

    There are exceptions to almost every law. The same applies to the Federal Law on the Certification of Teachers. There are categories of persons who are exempt from compulsory certification. These include:

    • teachers with a total work experience of less than two years;
    • pregnant teachers;
    • women on maternity leave to care for a child.

    However, the legislation does not prohibit the above persons to undergo certification if they themselves have expressed a desire to do so.

    List of documents required for attestation in 2016-2017

    Another innovation in 2016 is the application for certification. Previously, educators wishing to assign themselves a category or improve their qualifications applied in their area. Now all the responsibility for the certification is assigned to the higher educational organizations at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    So, what papers need to be prepared to pass certification:

    • application with personal signatures;
    • a copy of the past certification sheet (if any);
    • a copy of the document confirming higher or secondary pedagogical education (diploma);
    • a copy of the sheet on the presence of the highest or first stage of certification (if it was received earlier);
    • personal professional portfolio;
    • in the event of a change in the surname or other personal data, a copy of the document confirming the veracity and compliance of the data is required.
    • it is advisable to have a testimonial from the place of work or covering letter, which will describe the characteristics of your personality from the outside professional suitability.

    A month later, the applicant at the place of residence must receive a notification indicating the time and date of the certification procedure.

Teacher certification in 2017: last changes

The latest changes in Federal Law 273 "On Education in the Russian Federation" indicate that the certification of teachers in 2017 will take place in two stages. At the first stage, the teacher must confirm the suitability of the position held directly by his professional suitability. The next - the second - stage implies the reasonable assignment of educational institutions to the employee of the appropriate category. The qualification can be improved only in case of successful passing of the commission, whose members check the teacher's knowledge and skills on the spot, while determining his ability to communicate with children and treat them properly - as befits a teacher.

General provisions regarding certification of pedagogical workers in Russia

The new certification of teachers in 2017 applies to all education workers without exception. Recall that at this point in time in Russia there are two types of certification at once: mandatory and voluntary. The first is those pedagogical workers who, at the request of the state, directly need to test their knowledge. The commission determines the level of consistency of a certain teacher, after which it concludes whether such a person is suitable for the country or not, that is, whether he corresponds to his position or simply takes someone else's place.

At the same time, voluntary attestation will be of interest primarily to those pedagogues who pursue the goal of improving their current qualifications.

Mandatory certification: important information about this type of assessment of teacher solvency

Compulsory certification of teaching staff, starting in 2016, will be carried out for those who passed it 5 years ago. In 2017, teachers with an already existing qualification category and pregnant women are exempted from compulsory certification.

It should be noted that certification can be ignored by those teachers who have been serving in educational institutions for the last 2 years. Maternity leave gives you the right to qualify and prove your teaching competence after starting work. It is important to remember that at least two years must pass from this moment until certification.

Certification does not apply to those employees of educational institutions who, by virtue of different reasons have been absent from the workplace for the last 4 months (and above this period). For them, certification becomes mandatory only after one calendar year, starting from the moment of their official return to work.

Voluntary certification: who is interested in this type of confirmation of teacher competence

Probably, every person (not only a teacher - any other specialist) wants to raise their qualifications to a higher level, with the goal of moving up the career ladder and improving. Those people who want to improve themselves will be interested in voluntary certification. The new form of teacher certification in 2017, in general, is in many ways similar to the already familiar order of affairs.

If we are talking about the field of education, then specifically the teacher, intending to improve his qualifications, must first ask for help in solving this issue directly to your superiors, and then write the appropriate application. The document should without fail specify that voluntary certification will be carried out in order to establish a new qualification category.

Voluntary certification will be of interest to both teachers without a category and those teachers who already have it, but at the same time, they still have room to grow.

To get the highest possible grade, you need to be a teacher who is not only determined, but also previously received the first grade. Note that at least two years must pass from that moment to the next increase.

At the same time, one cannot but say that the highest category is assigned to those teachers who already have one in general. In their case, they confirm their previously acquired qualifications. Categories are issued for 5 years, after which they no longer require further renewal.

How does certification work?

Mandatory certification of teachers in 2017 in Russia is carried out under the control of a special certification commission. Its composition is formed from representatives educational organization... The head, who confirmed the order on the appointment of the commission, approves the composition: chairman, deputy, secretary and other members of the commission. On the appointed day, a meeting of the commission is held.

Voluntary certification involves the prior submission of an application from the employee himself. It indicates his position and current category. The commission will check the teacher's knowledge on the appointed day.

Verification of the application can take up to 30 days, after which the commission's conclusion is issued. The duration of the certification, including the issuance of the final decision of the commission, is no more than 60 days.

The results of the certification

If the pedagogue partially or completely disagrees with the decision of the commission, he has the opportunity to challenge the received opinion in court. Another option is to create a special commission for labor disputes... The teacher has 90 days to challenge the results from the date of issue of the conclusion.

On the other hand, if the results of certification are largely satisfactory to the employee of the educational institution, he himself, in this case, having returned to workplace and presenting the conclusion of the commission to the chief, he may demand a raise in salary.

Labor legislation establishes the requirements according to which all workers are required to periodically undergo a check for suitability for their position. This rule has not been without this rule in the field of education - pedagogical workers must also regularly confirm their category.

Certification of teaching staff should be held with openness, publicity and collegiality, which becomes the main principle of its implementation. Compliance with these principles provides an objective assessment, without discrimination against the certified employees.

Attestation (this is how the passing of the check is called) is classified into two types, which have their own characteristics:

  1. Required. Such certification is passed strictly once every five years; the employee's work experience does not in any way affect the need and frequency of passing the mandatory aptitude test.
  2. Voluntary. According to the law, a teacher can be certified on a voluntary basis - this can be done at any time convenient for the teacher, all that is required is desire.

The new regulation on the certification of teaching staff establishes the categories of persons exempted from passing the mandatory test of the professional aptitude of teachers. These individuals include the following:

  • teachers who have a qualification category;
  • pregnant women, women on maternity leave and parental leave to care for a child under the age of three;
  • teachers with less than two years of office.

Also, those teachers who, due to illness, could not work in their profession for a period of more than four months in a row, are exempted from compulsory certification. For them, the check takes place at least 12 months after recovery. Women on maternity leave and parental leave can undergo a mandatory aptitude test no earlier than 2 years after leaving the leave.

Basic verification tasks

Certification of teaching staff is carried out with the pursuit of certain tasks, including:

  • stimulation of constant and purposeful improvement of the qualification level of teachers;
  • determining the degree of the need for advanced training among educational workers;
  • improvement of quality characteristics professional activity certified.

Curious facts

The new rules in the certification of teaching staff consist in the correct order of establishment for each employee of the educational organization of a presentation - a document in which a number of information about the employee is indicated. The head of the organization must familiarize the employee with this submission, signed and no later than a month before the certification. If an employee educational institution does not want to sign the document, then in this case it is certified by the employer, as well as by several competent persons.

Also, certification is needed to perform a task such as size differentiation wages teachers in accordance with the qualification category assigned to them.

Verification form

The procedure for certification of employees in 2020 looks like a meeting of a commission, which includes the chairman and deputy commission, the secretary, other members of the commission, as well as the teacher himself. If the attested cannot attend the event good reason, the meeting is postponed.

To pass the certification, the teacher must provide a package mandatory documentswhich includes:

  • a statement signed personally by the teacher for passing the aptitude test;
  • if there is a result of the previous certification - a copy of the document on its passage;
  • photocopies of teacher education diplomas (higher or secondary vocational);
  • a characteristic or a cover letter from the place of work to confirm competence.

Within 30 days after the transfer of all these documents, the teacher at his home mailing address receives a notification containing all the information about the upcoming certification - the place and time of its holding.

Stages of passing certification

The new attestation rules establish two stages of testing:

  1. Confirmation of aptitude. At this stage, the commission will check the teacher's professional skills, assess the ability to communicate with students and consider other teacher skills.
  2. Obtaining a qualification category. The teacher can get the first or the highest category at this stage. To do this, he needs to have a second category (to get the first) or have the first category for two or more years (to get the highest category). An increase in the qualification category is possible if the teacher's students successfully master educational programs, achieve success in scientific, intellectual, as well as creative activity, and the teacher himself made a great contribution to the optimization of the educational process.

It is worth remembering that the period for certification of teaching staff in 2020 is five years. If the teacher does not confirm his qualifications, it will be canceled. In this case, an employee of the first category will have to pass a test for professional aptitude and qualifications (first category), and a teacher of the highest category will need to pass certification for the first category, and only two years after that - again for the highest.

Details on changes in regulatory legal documents for certification of pedagogical workers of organizations, see the video

Testing features

It is not enough to simply apply for an attestation to get certified. You also need to pass special testing on a computer, which includes 100 questions on the topics:

  • fundamentals of legislation;
  • foundations of psychology and pedagogy;
  • teaching methods;
  • foundations of subject knowledge.

Basically, certification is carried out through a meeting of the commission, the competence of which is considered valid with 2/3 of the composition present. The qualified educator must also attend the meeting.

Each question suggests several possible answers, of which only one is correct. The teacher has 150 minutes to pass the test. Testing is considered to be successfully completed if at least 60 correct answers were given (60% and more). If the threshold has not been reached, the test does not count.

The teacher present at the meeting of the commission can find out the results of the test immediately after the end of the test. The results of the verification are recorded in a protocol signed by all members of the council. This document is subsequently transferred to the employer and attached to personal matter teacher.

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Certification of teaching staff in 2017: recent changes. Mandatory and voluntary certification of teaching staff in 2017. Rules for passing certification.

Certification of teaching staff: new rules

Certification of pedagogical workers in 2017 implies new rules, according to which it will be completed in two stages. First, the teacher will need to demonstrate his suitability to engage in this noble profession. At the second stage, the teacher will have to prove that he has a reasonable right to acquire one or another pedagogical category. Improvement of the qualification level occurs only by decision of the commission, which directly assesses the level of competence and the ability to work with children.

There are two types of certification for Russian pedagogues. Certification of teaching staff in 2017, respectively, will remain mandatory and voluntary. Absolutely all pedagogues are subject to compulsory certification, and voluntary certification allows a teacher to improve his qualifications, grow as a teacher, and also earn a pleasant increase in salary.

Mandatory certification of teaching staff in 2017

The compulsory certification of pedagogical workers in 2017 retains the latest changes introduced a year earlier, according to which it must be passed by the teacher every five years. Only pedagogues who have managed to obtain a qualification category will be exempted from this need, plus, of course, it will not affect pregnant women.

Compulsory certification of teaching staff in 2017 is not obligatory for teachers who have been working at school since 2015 or later. No one will pull the teacher out of maternity leave either - you can get under the compulsory certification later - in the next two years from the day the teacher returns to teaching.

Similarly, teachers who, for some legitimate reason, have not worked in the last four months, will be exempted from compulsory certification. They can be certified a year after they enter the workplace.

Voluntary certification of teaching staff in 2017

The voluntary type of certification (including certification of teachers for the highest category) in 2017 will be carried out in the same form as before. This type of certification is provided to stimulate the professional growth of those teachers who do not just visit the workplace, but are sincerely interested in their own development as a professional, have a desire to improve and raise their level.

In order to get under the voluntary certification, the teacher must draw up a statement of such a desire and send it to the school director. The application is considered for up to one month, and in case of a positive decision, a special commission is assembled, and it will be entrusted with the verification of the teacher's level. According to the law, the entire process takes up to two calendar months. If the teacher does not agree with the conclusion of the commission, the law provides for the convening of a special commission that will resolve this dispute, or going to court.

To successfully pass the certification of teachers for the highest category in 2017, the applicant must already have the first category, which he received in 2015 or earlier.

Having certified and received a new category, the teacher automatically gets the right to an increase in his salary.

Certification of teachers in 2017 will take place in two stages, taking into account the changes made to the federal law 273 "On the education of the Russian Federation". Teachers are required to confirm their professional aptitude and receive the appropriate category.

What new regulations and rules were introduced for the certification of educational workers in 2017

In 2017, the certification of teaching staff will be held in accordance with the changed rules and regulations. The recertification procedure is carried out every five years. The process is necessary to confirm professional suitability, improve knowledge, skills in order to obtain the appropriate category.

The commission evaluates the preparation of the participant. The teacher proves professionalism and resourcefulness, other skills that are necessary in everyday work.

Successful completion of the certification will allow:

  • get an upgrade;
  • confirm the previously obtained highest qualification category;


Certification of educational workers in 2017 will be voluntary and mandatory:

  1. mandatory will cover all teaching staff who underwent the procedure more than five years ago.
  2. educational workers wishing to improve their qualifications will pass voluntary certification.

Please note: educational workers wishing to confirm a category or receive advanced training are required to submit an application for attestation to higher educational institutions at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Earlier, the application was submitted to regional educational organizations.

The following can count on the assignment of the first qualification category:

  • educators with a second qualification category;
  • employees with the first qualification category, who were certified more than 5 years ago.

The following can expect to be awarded the highest qualification category:

  • educators who received the first category more than two years ago;
  • employees with the highest qualification category who passed certification more than 5 years ago.

Compulsory certification of teaching staff in 2017 may be canceled for the following categories of employees of educational institutions:

  • for persons with a total length of service of less than two years;
  • pregnant employees;
  • women on maternity leave;
  • teachers who are absent from the workplace for a long time due to illness, for them the certification is postponed for one year, calculated from the moment of returning to work.
  • If these categories of teaching staff have expressed a desire to undergo compulsory or voluntary certification, the legislation does not prohibit this process.

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Regulations on the certification of teaching staff

Certification of teachers in 2017 is carried out on the basis of the current legislation, which regulates the certification procedure in order to confirm professional suitability.

The legal basis for the procedure is:

  • Labor Code,
  • Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science,
  • Federal laws and government regulations.
  • reference

In accordance with the current Regulation, certification is aimed at:

  1. to stimulate continuous professional development;
  2. personal and professional growth of employees of educational institutions;
  3. improving the quality of work;
  4. taking into account the requirements in the formation of the teaching staff;
  5. determination of the need for advanced training.


According to the current legislation, for certification you will need to submit the following documents:

  1. a statement from a certified employee with a personal signature;
  2. a copy of the past certification sheet, if it is available and the procedure is not carried out for the first time;
  3. a photocopy of the educational document;
  4. a photocopy confirming the award of the qualification category;
  5. a photocopy of the documents confirming the change of surname, if this took place during the period between attestation;
  6. a characteristic or a detailed letter from the place of work, it must confirm the competence and success of professional activity.

In one month, the place of residence will receive a notification about the date of the certification.

Please note: if an educator already has the highest qualification category, certification is only necessary to confirm it.

To get the first category, an employee must:

  • flawlessly know modern programs and apply them in practice;
  • make your own contribution to improving the quality of education;
  • demonstrate professional success.

The following can apply for the highest degree:

  • persons who have received the first category of professional qualifications;
  • educators demonstrating skills in the use of advanced methodologies;
  • employees showing continuous professional success, making individual efforts to better assimilate programs.

What is the procedure for certification of teaching staff in 2017

The procedure for certification of teaching staff in 2017 takes place in an aggregate sequence of step-by-step actions aimed at assessing professional activity.

Preparatory stage

At the preparatory stage, preparation for certification of teaching staff is carried out:

  • in employment contract at its conclusion, a clause is made on the need to undergo systematic certification;
  • draw up a list of employees subject to certification and those who are temporarily released from it for some reason;
  • approve a five-year certification plan;
  • carry out explanatory work about the procedure, the purposes of the procedure.

Organizational stage:

  • the employer draws up an order in relation to the entire team of educational workers subject to certification, the purpose of which is to confirm the suitability of the position held or to upgrade the qualification category;
  • by order, determine the main events, timing, appoint responsible persons and make additional necessary orders;
  • fill out a description or a detailed letter for each educational worker subject to certification;
  • employees are introduced to documents against signature.

Teachers who disagree with the prepared characteristic or the detailed letter have the opportunity to submit their own information about their professional activities to the qualification commission. Refusal to sign documents does not mean exemption from attestation.

If the education worker refused to confirm professional suitability or advanced training, this is considered a violation labor discipline and carries appropriate penalties up to and including termination of employment.

Conducting a written qualification test for compliance with the position held:

the procedure for attestation of teaching staff involves a written test on a number of issues related to the implementation of activities in the position held;

written questions are offered to candidates for upgrading and confirmation of qualifications;

after carrying out such tests, the expert group of the certification commission issues a conclusion.


  • as the decision make an opinion on the conformity or inadequacy of the position held;
  • about advanced training, if the test was carried out for the relevant purpose.

Please note: the certification of teachers in 2017 is carried out on the basis of the submitted application. After testing, the certification committee makes a decision. The written result is issued with the signature of the chairman of the commission.

From the moment of filing the application until the receipt of a written decision of the commission, no more than 60 days pass. Further actions of an employee of an educational institution depend on the received opinion.


Further actions of an employee of an educational institution, depending on the received opinion:

  1. The decision made by the commission is not satisfactory. This can be challenged in court or before a labor dispute committee. An application for consideration of an issue must be submitted within 90 days from the receipt of a written opinion.
  2. The decision made by the commission suits the teacher. An employee has the right to demand from his management an increase in wages, transfer to a higher position.
  3. The decision on the inconsistency of the position held is considered by the administration at the teacher's place of work. Employee may to fire or transfer to another position. Dismissal is impossible for preferential categories of educators, single mothers, and pregnant women.

Order on certification of teaching staff

The order on certification of teaching staff was issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014 No. 276 "On approval of the Procedure for attestation of teaching staff of organizations carrying out educational activities."

The main changes in 2017 concerned the design of the characteristics submitted in attestation commission... The educational leader is obliged to provide an impartial assessment labor activity employee.

The outcome of the certification is recorded in a special sheet attached to the main documents. The procedure can take place without the personal presence of the attested, but the teacher has the opportunity to be present when the final results are presented.