Holidays leisure entertainment in dhow. Holidays scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees. Children's entertainment in kindergarten - a huge impact on the mind of the child

Pay attention to the pleasure with which your child runs to kindergarten. How much he loves his teachers and classmates. Not surprising. After all, every children's entertainment in kindergarten attracts children, cheers them up, delights them.

It is here that the baby learns why the night changes to the day, why the rain is falling, where what animals live, etc. The brain remembers a lot of information. But all this should be done in a playful way. Otherwise, the baby will be simply bored.

Children's entertainment in kindergarten - a huge impact on the mind of the child

So, in more detail. Each children's entertainment in kindergarten is a bright and joyful event in a child's life. Through various specially designed tasks, the child tries to become deeper aware of his feelings and thoughts. Carrying out all kinds of entertainment promotes moral education kids. Children are united by common experiences, the concept of collectivism is brought up, patriotic feelings, discipline and a culture of behavior are formed. In addition, the crumbs expand their horizons, develop speech, memory, imagination and mental development.

A definite idea

Children's entertainment in kindergarten - this is the participation of children in games, singing, dancing and round dances. Such activities develop and strengthen the child's body, improve the coordination of his movements. Preparing for entertainment should be systematic and planned. That is, the general rhythm of life preschool should not be violated. Well, a good teacher knows the kids very well, their individual characteristics and interests. Therefore, the entertainment turns out to be joyful and meaningful.

Do not forget that entertainment is based on certain ideas and goals that need to be conveyed to every child. For example, May 1 is the Day of Workers' Solidarity, May 9 is Victory Day, etc. These very ideas should go through the content of the entire holiday. For this, decoration, performances, round dances, dances, music, songs and poems are used. The main thing is to take into account the age and individual characteristics of the kids. The repertoire should be carefully selected taking into account the level of development of motor and vocal skills.

Another important point... The youngest and the kids middle groups fatigue sets in earlier than older children. The crumbs are not able to perceive too many songs, poems, etc. Therefore, the duration of entertainment should not exceed thirty minutes. Older preschoolers can enjoy a more varied and rich repertoire. The holiday can last about an hour.

Combination of different types of art

Each children's entertainment in kindergarten should harmoniously combine all kinds of tasks, collective and individual work. Different types arts complement each other in solving one topic, increase the emotional impact on kids. It is only important to alternate classes correctly, taking into account the excitability of children and their rapid fatigue.

Entertainment brings joy to the crumbs. Therefore, it is necessary to give every child the opportunity to take an active part in them. With great pleasure children repeat well-known songs, lead round dances and dance. This is the main part of the program of every entertainment evening. Of course, new numbers are also needed.

Types of holidays

When are ceremonial events organized in kindergartens? Of course, primarily for the holidays. They are different in structure and ideological orientation.

The first group is social and political holidays. These include May 1, Victory Day, March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The second group is household holidays. These are: New Year's party, graduation party, etc.

AND last group - seasonal holidays. These include themed spring, summer, autumn and winter kindergarten activities.

Social and political holidays

And now a few words about each group specifically. Social and political scenarios of entertainment in kindergarten are held especially solemnly. As a rule, such holidays begin with the children entering the hall with flowers and balloons. After greeting the guests, the concert begins. The program, as usual, includes games, dances and round dances. Performances are interspersed with activities that bring excitement and fun. They do not require preliminary preparation. Children get the opportunity to compete in intelligence and dexterity. The final part also emphasizes the solemnity of what is happening.

Household Holidays

What is the second group? Most often it is musical entertainment in kindergarten, accompanied by a certain construction and decoration. Such holidays are associated with the everyday life and life of kids. They are less solemn. There is much more immediacy in them than in public and political holidays. Particular attention is paid in kindergarten to new Year's party... This holiday is full of magical transformations and mysterious surprises.

In the center new year holiday there is a gorgeous Christmas tree decorated with toys and garlands. The luxury of spruce, as a rule, captures kids so much that the holiday begins with it. To cheerful music, children enter the hall together with the teacher and examine the New Year's tree. After going around the tree, they sit down, taking turns going to the center of the hall and reciting poems. However, all the fun begins with the arrival of Santa Claus. A kind wizard appears with fun, jokes, riddles, games and, of course, gifts.

An artificial tree usually stands in the hall for several days. After that, she can be taken out to the playground. There she is for some time, surrounded by animals made of snow. The spruce is removed as soon as the children's interest in it weakens. In the memory of kids, she always remains smart and beautiful.

Seasonal Holidays

And the last group. Seasonal holidays often involve physical education in kindergarten. For example, during a summer celebration, kids can demonstrate how they grew up and got stronger in the country, how strong and dexterous they became. These celebrations are held outdoors. Educators and children decorate the playground. For this, garlands made of flowers and greenery, paper lanterns, painted balls, figures spinning in the wind, large cardboard huts and mushrooms, etc. are used. Sports competitions cannot but attract children. They bring fun and joy to the crumbs, serve as an important element of their harmonious development.

Teaching staff

Entertainment in kindergarten largely depends, of course, on the educators. They are responsible for the preparation of the events. The educators together with the music director make up the program. This takes into account the kindergarten education program. The script is approved at the pedagogical meeting. Also at the meeting, they are determined with those responsible for the preparation of costumes, decoration of the hall, attributes, etc.

The success of the holiday largely depends on the host. His choice also needs to be approached very seriously. It should be a cheerful, resourceful teacher, who knows the kids well, who knows how to be at ease and freely. Parents are often involved in the preparatory work.

At the next pedagogical meeting, the results of the next event are summed up. Here, work is determined to deepen the impressions of the kids on the days after the holiday. As a rule, conversations are held with the children about the past matinee. Children's words can be written down and placed on the parent stand. The teachers clean the decorations after the holiday together with the crumbs. In the classroom fine arts you can draw or sculpt crafts on the theme "Our holiday" from plasticine.

Content of entertainment activities

And finally. Organization of entertainment in kindergarten is carried out quite often. It doesn't have to be holidays. It is perfectly acceptable to hold events without any reason. The main thing is that the children are interested.

By the nature of the participation of adults and children, events are divided into three types. It can be entertainment prepared by adults; entertainment prepared by the forces of kids; and mixed entertainment evenings for adults and children.

According to the form of organization, events are also divided into several types: themed evenings, concerts, sports entertainment, evenings, fun and children's amateur performances. In short, there are many options. You just need to organize everything correctly. Go for it! Happy entertainment!

In this section you can find scenarios for matinees in kindergarten, scenarios for holidays, entertainment, graduations and other events. Links to a specific scenario are found in the menu on the left side of the screen.

Any holidays in kindergarten remain in the memory of children for a long time, so you need to try to approach the organization of these events very responsibly. Each step and every action should be well planned and timed, always keeping in mind that there may be some unplanned situations. It is imperative to have "freedom of maneuver", a small margin of time and be prepared for the fact that something does not go according to plan. A child can be capricious, someone will forget the words, someone will not want to dance - these things, of course, do not have a very positive effect on the general mood, but it is not worth making a tragedy out of this at all, these things happen regularly and an experienced teacher always will find an opportunity calm down the capricious kids and return them to the common holiday.

Preparing for a kindergarten graduation, fun party, or New Year's Eve party has many things in common that can make this process easier. Scenarios of activities in kindergarten that are different in time and nature should be collected and analyzed for the future. There are many little things that seem simple and obvious, but which can seriously affect a matinee. Take the process of dressing children in costumes, for example. If you do not find out in advance whose parents will not be able to attend the matinee and help the children in changing clothes, then you can find yourself in a very unpleasant situation when most of the children get confused in costumes and lose some parts from them, and you (the teacher and nanny) are not in able to quickly cope with the complication that has arisen.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, The Rogue Song, a film about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

We bring to your attention a scenario for organizing leisure time in a kindergarten. This lesson will introduce children to the works of world musical classics, help them understand the mood conveyed through music, and promote the development of imagination and creative thinking.

The development of the imagination of preschool children is very important, since it is during this period that the ability to creatively approach the solution of problems, look for analogies in adjacent or even opposite areas of knowledge, reveal your inner world with various artistic means. Activities like this will help you with this.

Leading: Hello guys. Sorceress Music has come to visit us. She knows how to do various magical transformations and knows many fairy tales.

Children sit on high chairs.

Sorceress Music: I have a magic bell. It has a very beautiful, clear ringing that will take us to different musical stories.

Leading: What will be the first story?

Sorceress Music: And the first musical story took place over a hundred years ago. At this time, there lived a wonderful Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who composed a lot of music for children. He has a collection of children's musical pieces called "Children's Album". This album contains a lot of music about the life of children, their amusements, games. The girls enjoyed listening to the music “Doll's Disease”, “New Doll”, and the boys loved to listen to the “March of Wooden Soldiers”. The children really liked listening to the "German Song".

Leading: The music is very funny, perky, danceable. Children, listening to this music, and wanted to move. I like her very much. Let's listen to Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's German Song.

Sounds "German Song", music by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Leading: Did you guys like the music? Do you feel like dancing?

Sorceress Music:I even have beautiful ribbons for this dance. I will now distribute them to you, and we will dance it together.

Children perform a free dance with ribbons.

Leading: Guys, sit on the chairs. Magician Music will tell you another musical story.

Sorceress Music: There was a little girl who was affectionately called Lizochek. She was so small that she could fit on a dandelion, she made herself elegant clothes from the wings of a mosquito, from eggshell ordered a phaeton carriage and went to the ball. Listen to a song about her.

I show the children an illustration.

"Children's Song" sounds, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky, lyrics by K. Aksakov.

Sorceress Music: And this musical story will feature the music of another Russian composer Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev.

Leading: He wrote music for the ballets "Cinderella" and "Stone Flower", a lot of music for children.

Sorceress Music:(rings the bell) Once the girl Masha was left alone in the room. She took a chocolate candy from a bowl without permission and ate it. But then she remembered that she did it without asking, she felt ashamed and repented.

Leading: We are now going to listen to a music called "Repentance".


Leading:The girl asked Grandma for forgiveness. And to console her granddaughter, Grandmother told her a story. Sorceress, how can you please our guys?

Sorceress Music:Guys, I brought you a musical one. We will watch a cartoon and listen to how voices and birds, and ducks, and grandfather's steps are conveyed in music.

Viewing a fragment of the cartoon.

Leading: Guys, did you like the fairy tale? And what happened next, you will find out when you listen to this tale in the group. Sorceress, you told us so much interesting stories... And the guys and I want to tell you our musical tale "Two Bells".

Sorceress Music: I have been to many Kindergartens, and usually fairy tales and magic are expected from me. I will gladly listen to your musical tale.

Sounds "Waltz-Joke", music by D. D. Shostakovich. Children play children's musical instruments.

Sorceress Music:How pleased you guys are. What are you musical and played so well. Did you like my music stories?

Leading:What kind of music did you like the most? What would you like to hear again?

A piece of music is performed at the request of the children.

Leading: Thank you, Magician Music. The guys and I will be glad to see you again.

Children say goodbye to the character.

Scenario musical entertainment for younger children preschool age in the spring and summer.

Material Description: this synopsis may be of interest to music directors and educators working with children of primary preschool age.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Music".

Purpose: to contribute to the creation of an emotionally - positive climate in the group, to attract children to their feasible participation in games, fun. Continue to develop interest in music, singing and performing the simplest dance moves. Promote children's interest in natural objects, promote the formation of ideas about elementary relationships in nature. To cultivate a respect for her.


Educational: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bseasonal changes, plants (flowers), to consolidate knowledge about summer, to learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Developing: develop musical and aesthetic perception, observation;

Educational: to foster a respect for nature, curiosity.

Methodical techniques: conversations with children, reading poetry, game situations.

The party starts in the group room. The teacher tells the kids that summer has come, and she invites them to go to a flower meadow, where real friends are waiting for them. And since the meadow is "flower", then friends also gather "flower". Children dress up in costumes of flowers and beetles.

To the music of PI Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" children enter the hall and examine the decoration of the hall. The hall is decorated with a variety of flowers. The presenter pays attention to the decoration of the hall, leads a conversation about flowers. - Do you guys like flowers? What kind of flowers do you know?

Leading: Admire the flowers:

There is a lot of beauty in them!

Smile, friend, chamomile,

Lean over to the fragrant gruel!

Another flower grows there -

Delicately blue cornflower.

He opened his blue eyes,

Beckoned for me!

Wonderful Clover - Clover

So it asks for a mouthful!

Bees hover over the meadow, -

Soon we will be with the medic!

How many butterflies are around!

It's summer, young friend!

Children are given artificial flowers. Performed

"Dance with flowers", Russian folk melody "I walk with a loach."

Leading: Who woke us children

Did you light up the forest and the field?

Who heated the grass, the bench?

Even the water in our watering can?

Who shone in the window in the morning?

Guess it's…. (children's answer).

Children: The sun!

Leading: We are about our sun

Sing a resounding song!

The sun will hear us and look out.

Song "Sun"

The Sun appears: Hello guys! You are as beautiful as my friends - flowers. We are very friendly with them. When I look at them, they smile at me in response, when I stretch out my rays to them, they also reach out to me. I miss so much in winter, when the flowers are asleep, and I am so happy when they wake up, raise their heads and look at the sky.

Leading: Hello Sunny, little bucket!

Come up quickly

light up, warm up -

our little children. (folklore)

We are so glad to see you and accept a gift from us - a large bouquet (children give flowers) ...

and you know, Sunny, the flowers still have a friend - it's a cheerful summer rain! Without him, they would be very hot. Without water, the flowers wither and dry up.

Sunny: come on, we will invite him to our clearing. Summer rain loves to play with children.

Game: "Rain"

The first drop fell - a drop! (from above with a finger they show the trajectory of its movement)

And the second came running - cap!

We looked at the sky (looking up)

Droplets drip-drip sang

Faces got wet

We wiped them off. (wipe their face with their hands)

Shoes - look - (show hands down and look)

Steel wet.

Let's take our shoulders together (shoulder movements)

And shake off all the droplets.

Let's run away from the rain

Let's sit under the bush. (squat)

The sound of rain sounds in the audio recording. An adult appears in a rain suit.


Rain, rain

Pouring full,

Little kids

Rain: I'm summer, I'm warm, I'm kind .. I like to play and joke.

The game "Sun and Rain".

Leading: The sun came out, all the children went for a walk (children go to the loose, rejoice in the sun). It has started raining (all the children are hiding under a large bright umbrella).

The presenter seats the children, asks to remember who else is friends with flowers (children's answers).

Sun: and also different insects (beetles, bees, butterflies) are friends with flowers.

Butterfly, let's be friends!

It's more fun to live in friendship.

We have flowers in the garden

Fly over them. A. Sarsekov.


The bumblebee is heavy, striped,

I flew in the garden all day.

He didn't just fly

He counted the flowers in the garden.

He grumbled: “It's a hard job!

After all, the flowers in the garden do not count! " (E. Feyerabend)

2- Child


Black head,

Fly away to the sky

Bring us some bread:

Black and white, just not burnt. (folklore).

Leading: Guys, do you know why flowers and insects are very friendly? They help each other: flowers for beetles, a house, food, protection, and beetles heal flowers from diseases.

Dance of bugs "Gopachok" ukr. bunk bed Melody in arr. M. Rauchverger.


Bloomed in our forest

Different flowers:

Poppy, chamomile, cornflowers

Blue eyes.

I took mine

And watered the flowers.

Flowers will drink water,

Will grow well!

Game "Fields of flowers from a watering can". (The ratio of the color of the watering can to the color of the flowers).

Leading: Well done boys! Take good care of flowers, because they are alive, and all living things love warmth, light, water, and respect for themselves. Never throw garbage on the ground, she gives us flowers, do not pick flowers, do not offend beetles and butterflies - without them flowers are bad.

In parting I want to tell you:

Do not pick flowers, do not pick,

Let the Earth be smart.

And instead of bouquets, give

Cornflower, forget-me-not

And chamomile fields.

The music of Y. Antonov “Don't pick flowers” \u200b\u200bis played. Children say goodbye to the heroes of the holiday, leave the hall.

Software content.

  • To teach children to feel and understand the beauty of music, to convey it in movements, playing musical instruments that match the nature of the music.

Developmental tasks:

  • To develop in children emotional responsiveness to music, and its images.
  • Develop creative imagination, imagination.
  • Develop a sense of rhythm, auditory attention.
  • Develop creative imagination through musical rhythmic movements and playing musical noise instruments.
  • Develop speech, auditory attention, musical memory.

Educational tasks:

  • To cultivate a love for music, for musical instruments
  • Improve the ability to feel and control your body.
  • To enrich the emotional experience of children from acquaintance with musical works.
  • Equipment: beast hats (donkey, goat, bear, monkey goat kids wolf) caps for music (do re mi fa sol la si) wooden spoons, metallophone, tambourine postcards with a picture of tools


  • Leading - adult
  • Queen of Music - Adult
  • Goat - adult
  • Wolf - adult

Leading (music sounds) Hello dear guys! Today we will set off an unusual, magical journey - to the land of music. We hope that this trip will bring you smile, joy and good mood. Today, children from music school they brought their own musical instruments and prepared a little concert.

No music, no music
You can't live in any way.
Don't dance without music
No polka, no hopak.

And you won't spin in a dance
And you will not pass the march,
And a funny song
You won't sing on a holiday!

I will also tell you a secret:
There is no mood without a song!

The song is playing "Wonderful song" (music by Birnov).

Host: Today we will have an exciting journey to the magical land of Music!

Do you hear the music sounds?

(Donkey, goat, bear, and monkey go out into the forest clearing)

Scene "Quartet" Krylov's fable (staged with children)


Mischievous Monkey,
Goat, Yes, clumsy Bear.
We decided to play the Quartet.

We got notes, bass, viola, two violins.
And sat down on the meadow under the sticky, -
Captivate the light with your art.
They hit the bows, they fight, but there is no sense.

“Stop, brothers, stop! shouts the Monkey. -
How does the music go? You are not sitting like that.
You with the bass, Mishenka, sit against the viola,

I, prima, will sit opposite the second;
Then the music will go wrong:
We will dance the forest and mountains! "
We sat down, began the Quartet;

He still does not go well with them.
“Wait, have I found a secret? -
Donkey screams - we will probably get along,
Kohl sit next to. "

They obeyed the Donkey: sat down decorously in a row;
Still, the Quartet is not going well.
Here, more than before, their analyzes went
And disputes

To whom and how to sit.
The Nightingale happened to fly to their noise.
Here with a request all to him in order to resolve their doubt.
“Perhaps,” they say, “take patience for an hour,

To bring our Quartet in order:
We have the sheet music and the instruments,
Just tell me how to sit down! " -
“To be a musician, you need skill

And your ears are softer, -
The Nightingale answers them, -
And you, friends, no matter how you sit down;
All are not good musicians " (animals are sad) who will teach us songs to sing and dance)


We will go to the land of magical Music for a holiday.
And, if you want, we will take you with us.
The Queen of Music lives in that country
And today all of us are waiting for us to visit.

animals: we sing songs and play instruments, we don't know how!


Nothing, because Music loves us all,
She will teach everyone to sing songs and play instruments.
Host: Well, then, get together, forest people, music awaits us!
Do not spare your legs

Hit the road quickly.

Composition (children imitate the movement of a train) "Song of Friends" (We are going, going, going to distant lands, good neighbors, funny friends ...).

Host: So we have arrived in the land of magical Music.

(The Queen of Music enters to the music.)


My name is music, friends!
And now I will meet you.
Take a look at my outfit -
There is a whole scale on the dress.

There are different icons,
Even a treble clef.
I want to invite you friends,
To the world of music and happiness.

Queen: My assistants live in the world of music, My assistants run notes and tell the children about yourself (children read poetry)

The note has a lot of worries,
An important task has been given to her.
She is the basis of the scale
She must always be in place.

Re brings joy to everyone around
And for her friends she tears chamomile.
It rings like a trickle
And everyone can hear it from afar.

Mi loves the world, peace,
The magic month is golden.
She dreams of beauty
And she dedicates tunes to her.

Fa is a dreamer and a poet,
She has a bicycle
Winged with a bright lantern,
The Fa rushes across the sky on it.

Salt loves the sun's bright light
There is no lighter and cleaner note.
She grows beans in the garden,
You will certainly be treated.

House of A note of petals,
She is a great flower connoisseur
Forest, garden, meadow,
La herself is like them.

And our note C is modest,
She is the last in the row.
Si loves dreams and fairy tales
And the blue eyes of children.

Each note has its own life,
But together they are all family.
It has seven magic "I" live
And they sing songs loudly.

Host: Queen of music, your sheet music assistants will help our animal friends learn how to sing and dance correctly. Otherwise, they do not succeed.

Queen: Of course I will help! Hear how our orchestra plays.

Orchestra "Merry Spoons" (boys play)

Queen: It's very interesting. Learn to sing songs, and dance, and even more interesting, to hear the voice of the flute, (child plays the flute)

Queen: I have musical riddles for you, friends.

Whoever guesses the riddle gets the answer! (postcards with a picture of the tool)

Riddles: this is known in Russia,
Ask anyone about her!
She only has three strings
But she is the love of the country.

Vanya will go beyond the fence
And play "crap" and "crap". (Balalaika)

Stranger six-string
This sonorous instrument
They love a bard, a soldier, a student,
And an honored artist,
And a loaded tourist. (Guitar)

Very ancient and simple
The instrument is empty inside.
The sticks hit resiliently
The rhythm of the ensemble is set.
He is always happy
Lead the parade behind you. (Drum)

This performer is young
I am familiar with musical notation.
He is on delicate thin strings
Leads with a small bow. (Violinist)

The three-row is poured,
And the people are squatting!
And the three-row is not bad -
There are buttons and furs.
And funny old women
Chastooshkas are sung to her! (Harmony, accordion)


We have the tools,

It will be played for us now. A game "Guess the instrument" (a child behind a screen plays instruments, a metallophone, tambourine spoons) children guess.

The game is repeated 2-3 times at the request of the children.

Surprise moment (the role of a goat and a wolf is played by adults, kids are kids)

A goat comes with kids - Hello, friends, I am a dereza goat, and these are my kids, we live in the forest, you have not met a forest wolf, it can be very angry, and strives to offend my kids, we are afraid, we are.

Queen: Do not be afraid of the goat of the wolf, we will not give your kids offense, and we will defeat the wolf, stay with us at the holiday, have fun.

The wolf is running by, oh, here you are, the little kids, I was looking for you in all the fairy tales, I ran to the three piglets, they didn't open the door for me, knocked on the hare in the bast hut, and there was silence, Mishka looked into the thicket and there is no one where forest dwellers disappeared,

Queen: They do not want to be friends with you, you cannot run around the goats and goats, and all the neighbors in fairy tales, stay on our holiday and listen to beautiful music and dance with the guys, (a fragment of the musical sounds "Mother" wolf dancing with children)

Wolf: now I will also be friends with the kids and listen to beautiful music, and learn to sing and dance beautifully.

Queen: What is a song?
This is a loyal friend.
The song is joy
Ringing laughter around

Now, kids,
It's time for me to say goodbye!
See you in music and dance lessons.
(The Queen of Music leaves.)

Host: So our journey to the land of wonderful magical music is over, let's smile at each other, and we will never get bored when such funny music sounds, we want to sing and dance. (The song sounds "Smile" )

List of references:

  • V. Semernin "Music lives everywhere" ,
  • "Musical Riddles" (internet source).
  • Fable Krylov I.A. "Quartet"