The most mysterious photos. Mysterious photos that cannot be explained: rating, history and interesting facts. Freddie Jackson's ghost

Since the invention of the camera, photographs have brought joy to many people and provided a view of the world from a variety of angles. Photos have a profound effect on people, be they shocking shots or pictures filled with kindness. However, some of the photos are so shocking that they are considered too scary or disgusting for widespread distribution. But thanks to social networks managed to collect the most mysterious, sinister and creepy photos on the Internet.

At first glance, this photo is all right: a few divers enjoying snorkeling. But the diver in the background lies at the bottom apart from the rest. Few people realize that in the background is the corpse of a murder victim, thrown into the ocean a few days before the other two divers decided to dive in the area. The photo itself does not look scary, but only if you do not know what story is behind it.

Many people dislike spiders anyway, but these trees in Pakistan cause real horror. In 2010, the country experienced a terrible flood, many areas were flooded, including parts of Sindh province. The spiders, who could no longer hide on the ground, climbed the trees, and stayed there. As a result, they built nests in the leaves. In general, Sindh is not the place where people suffering from arachnophobia should go.

Many people know famous characters in horror films such as Jason or Michael Myers, but the most famous and terrible is Freddy Krueger. In this old photo, which may already seem sinister from this, there are only three children who are looking into the camera. However, in the background, you can see a man who is frozen in a strange position and grins eerily. And he looks suspiciously like Freddy Krueger.

Imagine that you are walking through the city and suddenly come across an ad. A small piece of white paper with handwritten text stuck with a strangely shaped piece of clay. The ad reads: “While you are reading this, a man is standing high above you in one of the windows, and he is filming you. Then he will make a little doll out of you, put you with others like you and play strange games with them. " When you finish reading the note, these words are likely to get stuck in your mind. After all, you will never know if there was someone there who will then play with your doll in something terrible.

It was drawn by a little girl who wanted to tell that she has an imaginary girlfriend. In the picture, the girl wrote: “This is Lisa. She is my friend. My mom and dad can't see her, so they said she was an imaginary friend. Lisa - good friend". However, looking at Liza, one cannot say that she is such a pleasant friend: she has a bloody mouth, hands, eyes and chest.

Little is known about this photograph. The girl looks at films in vending machineand her head hangs back unnaturally. Some believe that the surveillance camera captured a demon possessed girl. The true origin of the photograph, as well as the circumstances under which it was taken, were never revealed. One thing is clear: you cannot turn your head like that, avoiding serious injury.

In family photos, people usually laugh or smile. Unfortunately, sometimes the situation dramatically turns the other way. For the family in this photo, everything changed in one second. At that moment, when the photographer pulled the trigger, the corpse, which had lain for some time under the ceiling, fell next to the family. It is not difficult to imagine how terrified these people were.

There are tons of events that mark the beginning of something important in life, and the wedding is one of the main ones. However, as this photo shows, weddings don't always go as planned. While the happy couple got engaged in front of the house, behind them stood a group of strangely dressed people who looked like followers of some kind of cult. They all turn and watch the unsuspecting guests and newlyweds.

Among the extensive collection of eerie items are a pair of human skin gloves. Ed Gin, who became famous for other terrible deeds, made them out of his victims. It's one thing to hear about maniacs, and another thing to see the fruits of their actions. The worst thing is that the texture of the skin of the hands is visible on these gloves.

Surely there is nothing worse than realizing that you are about to die. This is precisely what was in the minds of many of the victims of Auschwitz. When they were brought to these cells, people thought it was for something else. They were actually gas chambers, and once someone was there, there was no turning back. The photo shows the scratches from the nails of victims who realized that they would not get out and are already dying from the gas.

This is a photograph of a soldier shell-shocked on the battlefield. At first glance, this is just a person smiling with full mouth, but the sparkle in his eyes and a wide smile are terrifying and repulsive. It looks like the soldier is really mad.

Hardly any of the readers knows what it means to face your death face to face. Unfortunately, some people don't have a choice. In this picture of a burning wind turbine, you can see a couple of people standing on top, realizing the horror of their situation. Nothing could be done, the only way out was on fire, and both died.

One quick glance at this photo is enough to understand that something is wrong here. The girl seems to be afraid of the photographer and backs away from him in fear. The photo was taken by Robert Ben Rhodes, the serial killer who kidnapped the girl in the photo. This is 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters, she was also killed. But first, Robert cut her hair and made her wear heels and a black dress. Between 1989 and 1990, he is believed to have tortured, raped and murdered more than 50 women, although there are only three confirmed murders.

Even at first glance, this photo is creepy. The child behind the stairs seems to be trying to fit into the frame, but not too noticeable. The worst thing about this famous shot is that it was taken in the famous haunted house in Amityville. At the time of the shooting, there were no children in the house, and the photographer did not see anyone behind the stairs. It is believed that this photo is a fake, however, given the location and time of the shooting, it can be assumed that this photo is an eternal mystery.

This eerie shot was taken by a video surveillance camera in a hospital a few moments before the patient's death. Something terrible and black stands on the bed, bending over the patient. None of the hospital staff have seen anyone like it. It is believed that cameras can record otherworldly phenomena that are not perceived human eye... When you see this, it's hard not to believe in the existence of spirits and demons around us.

A selection of mysterious shots, some of which are behind stories that have not yet received a clear explanation. There are also pictures that have long been unraveled, and they can be easily explained.

Mysterious murders at the Hinterkaifeck farm

The murder of six people at the Hinterkaifeck estate, located between the two German cities of Ingolstadt and Schrobenhausen, still remains unsolved. The victims of the unknown killer were: farmer Andreas Gruber and his wife Sacilia, their widowed daughter Victoria Gabriel and her two children Sacilia and Joseph, as well as housekeeper Maria Baumgartner. All were killed by a hoe. The photo shows one of the victims.

About a hundred people were interviewed, but not a single arrest was carried out. The maid, who had left the house six months earlier, claimed that the Hinterkaifeck was inhabited by ghosts. The new maid arrived at the estate literally a few hours before her death.

Lights over Phoenix

Lights over Phoenix are a series of unidentified flying objects observed by thousands of eyewitnesses in the skies over the American states of Arizona and Nevada, as well as over the state of Sonora, Mexico. An intelligible explanation was not given, but it became known that at that moment four people disappeared in the state of Arizona - precisely in the vicinity of the appearance of objects.

Astronaut from Solway Firth

In 1964, firefighter, photographer and local historian Jim Templeton photographed his daughter near Solway Firth. Later, in one of the photographs, a silhouette of a man was discovered, very much like an astronaut in full uniform. Kodak, where the film was sent, has confirmed the originality of the shot. The clue has not yet been found, but they say that this is just a silhouette of Jim's wife, turning away from the camera.

Falling body

This photo was taken by a member of the Cooper family who moved to their new house in Texas. Right during the photo from the attic, a body fell on them. does not have any more information about this picture, but agree - it looks creepy.

Ghost hand

A small puzzle for which no solution has been found. The photo is real - no photoshop. You see a hand with a raised finger behind the ear of a kid in a black T-shirt. Who can it belong to?

Battle of Los Angeles

This photo appeared in the Los Angeles Times on February 26, 1942. Many modern supernatural researchers claim that the spotlights in the picture are aimed at the alien ship. In fact, experts on fake photographs interviewed by claim that this is the result of high-quality retouching. However, the photo made a lot of noise in its time.

Lights of Hessdalen

The Hessdalen lights - flashes of light in the sky over central Norway - were first reported in the 1940s. The highest activity was observed from the early winter of 1981 to the summer of 1984 - the lights could be observed 15-20 times a week. Since then, the frequency of occurrence has decreased, and now it is 10-20 times a year. The nature of the phenomenon is still unclear.

Time Travel Hipster

Some believe that this 1941 photograph taken at the opening of a bridge in Canada shows a time-traveling hipster. Indeed, a man looks completely different from most people in that era. Compare at least the cameras circled in red. However, it was proven that such gadgets existed at the time, and such clothes could be easily purchased in the store.

Satellite "Black Prince"

There is evidence that a satellite known as the Black Prince is orbiting the Earth, which is approximately 13,000 years old. Little is known about the origin - astronomers are inclined to believe that this is a fragment of some cosmic object, but the question still remains open.

South Tower Woman

In these photos, taken after the collision of aircraft with buildings shopping center On September 11, 2001, a woman is clearly visible standing on the edge of a sinkhole. This is Edna Clinton, and how she managed to survive the explosion is still unclear.

Skunk monkey

In 2000, a woman, who wished to remain incognito, sent to the Sarasota, Florida police department photographs of an incomprehensible creature who came to her house at night to devour apples. Naturally, enthusiasts immediately dubbed him a skunk monkey (I don't know why) and decided that this was Bigfoot.

Madonna with Saint Giovaninno

This painting was painted in the 15th century by the artist Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449 - 1494) and is located in the Palazzo Vecchio. What kind of object soars in the sky, experts in painting have not been able to understand.

Falcon Lake incident

On May 20, 1967, Stefan Michalak traveled to Whiteshell State Park, near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada, to study quartz deposits when he discovered two cigar-shaped objects, one of which landed next to a man. Michalak said that a door opened at the facility and he heard voices coming from inside. Stefan tried to establish contact in several languages, but there was no response. After a while, the object took off, leaving a strange grille-like exhaust behind it, which left a burn on Stefan's chest. The man received another burn after he tried to pick up the "multi-colored glass" left at the site of the landing of the ship.

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These pictures were taken by ordinary people using ordinary photographic equipment and were definitely not processed in graphic editors. But this only increases the number of questions.

websitecollected 10 real pictureswhich look more like frames from science fiction films.

Monster off the coast of Hook Island

On the Internet, you can often find the opinion that this famous photo is just a photoshop. but the original photo was taken back in 1965when no photoshop existed yet. Photographer Robert Le Serrec noticed a suspicious object in Lake Hook in Australia and immediately took a photo, over which all zoologists are still arguing.

Lights of the Hessdalen Valley

Taken at 30 seconds by a Norwegian photographer, this image is not the only evidence of strange luminous objects flying over the Hessdalen Valley. Spectral analysis shows that this object is composed of silicon, iron and scandium. Scientists still don't know what it is.

"Black Knight"

For the first time an artificial satellite captured this unidentified object in 1960, and NASA experts immediately called it the "Black Knight". Since then, the mysterious object has been seen repeatedly: it appears and then disappears from the Earth's orbit.Scientists say it's a man-made debris.

Babushka lady

On November 22, 1963, American President John F. Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas.On that day, the photographers took many pictures at the crime scene, some of them showed a mysterious woman who held the camera with one hand. The special services have been trying for a long time to find this lady, since she could film the murder of the president on camera. However, all attempts to establish her identity have failed. An unknown woman was nicknamed Babushka lady, since she wore a scarf on her head, just like Russian grandmothers.

A fall

This picture was taken by photographer Richard Drew on the day of the September 11 terrorist attack, in a matter of hours the photo flew around the world. Many noted the strange position of the man's body: he falls, practically stretching out in a straight string, which is very difficult to do physically. The identity of the person in the photograph was never established, although many Americans claim that they recognize their loved ones in this photograph.

Unknown rebel

This photo was taken in Beijing during the 1989 unrest. Unidentified man in Tiananmen Square held a column of tanks for half an hour, blocking the road with his body. And although the picture appeared on the first pages of the most famous magazines in the world, the name and further fate of the man are still unknown.

Mobile phone in Chaplin's film

In 2010, a DVD was released with bonus footage from the filming of Charlie Chaplin's 1928 film "Circus".

In the photo, a white shadow sat directly behind Diana. It can be seen that the white stranger is wearing a small hat and outdated clothing. The couple returned to church the following summer (apparently they were not shy) and asked the local workers if they had noticed anything strange. The priest told the Bertelot the legend of the White Lady, also called the Healer. She appears in the church next to someone who needs healing. Diana recalled that then she was really very sick, but after attending church she felt much better.

It's not often that a ghost appears in a feature film, but it does happen. This happened in 1987 during the filming of the comedy "3 Men and a Baby". In this scene, actor Ted Danson appears, and behind him, behind the curtains, stands a creepy little boy who stares at the operator.

Danson swears that there was no boy during the shooting, and neither the actors nor the film crew were able to provide a logical explanation for how the creepy boy slipped into the set with such a look from under his brows.

Jim Templeton with his wife and little daughter went to a picnic. Jim took many photographs of his family and later gave the film to be developed. And, probably, he later regretted it many times ...

Jim was sure that no one was standing behind his daughter during the picnic. He asked Kodak to comment on the strange figure in the picture, but they could not explain the mystical man.

The Waverly Hills Sanitarium opened in 1910 as a hospital for tuberculosis sufferers. The only cure for this terrible disease was fresh air and sunlight.

Unfortunately, no more than 5% of patients survived. The hospital killed about 8 thousand people. The exact number of deaths is unknown. Dead bodies are still found near the sanatorium, and among them is the body of a nurse, Mary Lee, who is rumored to have contracted tuberculosis. According to another version, she became pregnant by one of the doctors and was found hanging from a chandelier in room 502. The photographer caught the ghostly figure of Mary Lee on film. They say she still wanders the corridors of the hospital ...

Many argue that this photo is a fake, and we cannot blame them for this, because the true history of the photo is not known.

The Cooper family moved to Texas where they bought a house. In honor of this event, the Coopers had a feast, the head of the family decided to capture the moment on camera. Guess who they saw there? Yes, yes, a strange person hanging upside down - apparently, someone decided to join the celebration without an invitation.

It is rumored to be the spirit of the former owner, unhappy with the invasion of his property.

94-year-old lady Denis Russell went on a picnic (we already know how dangerous it is!), Where her relatives just took a picture.

It's funny that the lady was not one of the shy ones - she did not find anything strange in the picture. But her family turned out to be more superstitious. Denis died, and her relatives began to sort out old photographs and came across this one. And it was then that they noticed a man standing behind an elderly lady. It turned out to be her husband Denis, and all would be fine, but only by that time he had been dead for ten years ...

And those who were more attentive noticed another face - directly above the red car. See?

Terrible things are happening in hospitals. A nurse on duty noticed an eerie dark figure walking back and forth across the patient's body. The woman called the unknown - "demon". The patient died a few hours later.

And although some said that the nurse was just imagining, video cameras from the ward confirmed the testimony of the witness. On them, a creepy creature was indeed seen walking around the hospital.

A 40s snapshot from Australia where Mrs. Andrews buried her daughter. She came to visit the grave of Joyce, who died shortly before the age of 17. After taking a picture of her daughter's grave (why?), She was shocked to see an unfamiliar child sitting on the ground.

When paranormal researcher Tony Healy visited the cemetery in the 90s, he noted that two girls of about the same age as the child in the photo were buried next to Joyce's grave.

In November 1974, 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo Junior shot and killed his parents and four siblings at his home at 108 Ocean Avenue in Amitville, New York. He was sentenced to 6 life sentences, and this story has become one of the eerie attractions in Amytville.

Their home, in turn, is considered haunted. But, despite the tragic events, there was a family who risked moving there. George and Katie Lutz moved into the house with their three children. Sounds like a horror movie, huh? However, they did not last long - they probably did not even fully unpack the things. After 28 days, the family left their new home. According to George, the couple woke up at exactly 3:15 every night, exactly at the time when the DeFeo family members were killed. George also heard gunfire and noise.

This photo was taken in 1976, and many believe that it is one of the deceased boys, John DeFeo.

In 1959, Mabel Chinnery decided to visit her mother's grave. She went to the cemetery, asking her husband to take her in his car. After the visit, Mabel took a picture of her husband driving (a lot of people take a camera to the cemetery, right?) And, having developed a film, noticed someone's expressive face in the back seat.

Looking closer, Mabel was horrified to recognize her dead mother in the invisible passenger.

Over the nearly 200-year history of photography, several unique picturesthat still no one can explain

In 2004, the rover Opportunity discovered curious spherical microscopic formations on Martian soil. However, an even more curious picture was taken by Opportunity in late 2012, which clearly shows a much larger number of significantly larger spheres.

These spheres, composed of hematite, could mean that there was water on the Red Planet in the past.

A sea monster off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known image is considered by many to be the result of working with Photoshop. But few people know that French photographer Robert le Serrec took this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photo became the subject of heated debate among zoologists.

For the first time a picture of an unknown object, dubbed the "Black Knight", was made in 1960 by one of the first satellites of the Earth. In polar orbit, an unidentified object is clearly visible, which could not have been either a satellite of the USSR or a satellite of the United States. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object captured by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these images was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to see the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a piece of artificial origin.

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. In the course of analyzing photographs taken at the scene of the murder, experts drew attention to a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf. She appears in many photographs and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI was looking for this woman. for a long timebut were never able to identify her.

On the DVD of Charlie Chaplin's collector's edition of Circus, a short film about the 1928 premiere was added as a bonus. One of the frames shows a woman holding something very similar to a mobile phone in her hand.

Belfast-based filmmaker George Clarke said he considered the footage as proof of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that a woman holds an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the "Lights of Hessdalen".

On a clear night, Björn Hauge took this picture using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should be composed of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of Hessdalen's Lights. Scientists are still puzzling over what it could be.

This picture was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. For half an hour, an unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks.

The personality and further fate of this person remained a secret. But this photo was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to power.