How to install a coffee machine in a shopping center. Why you shouldn't start a vending business with coffee vending machines. Which taxation system to choose for the organization

The coffee machine business belongs to vending and is the most profitable in this area. It provides for income from the sale of coffee and tea. To open a business, it is enough to purchase a special machine, ingredients for it and find a place to install the device. According to experts, the profitability of a business with the right organization reaches 140-150%.

Registration and documents

To open a business, it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur. No additional permissions are required to install the vending machines.

You may also need:

  • Area lease agreement.
  • Quality certificates from manufacturers of coffee and consumables.
  • Permission from the SES, if you install the machine in a hospital or educational institution.

Equipment selection

Only a coffee machine will bring you income. In many respects, your profit depends on how correctly it is chosen. If it breaks often or is designed for a small number of servings, then you will lose your money, as well as customers.

For a start, it is advisable to purchase one new good coffee machine, a little later, when you teach how to service it yourself and fix minor breakdowns, you can purchase several more supported ones.

Before buying the device, it is advisable to read the instructions for its maintenance, to clarify all the points of interest to you from the seller.

When buying a car, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Is there a nearby service center that serves the machines of this manufacturer.
  2. Whether the complete set of the machine is suitable for installation on the street or only for the protected premises.
  3. Warranty terms and conditions. It is desirable that the warranty period is at least 3 years. Also check the cost of servicing the device after the expiration of the warranty period.
  4. Maximum loading of the machine - how many portions it is designed for. It is desirable that from filling to filling the machine can dispense 300 portions or more. In this case, it will be enough for you to check it every two to three days.

Seat selection

It is worth starting a business by choosing a suitable place to install the device. It should be not just a building with more people, but a place where people have to spend a lot of time. In addition, it is desirable that there are no canteens and buffets or other coffee machines nearby.

As practice shows, the most successful options are:

  • shopping and entertainment centers;
  • universities, colleges, schools, where there are always many students and pupils;
  • beauty salons, gyms;
  • polyclinics and hospitals;
  • car dealerships;
  • airports and train stations;
  • libraries and information centers;
  • markets and stops, metro;
  • houses of culture, where circles and classes for children are held.

Please note that the profit depends on the choice of location. If the slot machine does not make a profit for several months, it must be moved to another point.

An area of \u200b\u200b1 square meter is enough to install the device. In some cases, a little more space may be required - up to 2 square meters, depending on the size of the machine. Also, there should be some free space near the machine so that several people can stand near it.

Please note that it is advisable to install a waste basket near the machine. Otherwise, a person can refuse to buy only because he has nowhere to throw the used glass.

Ingredients for the coffee machine

The selection of ingredients must be approached carefully, since the number of buyers will depend on the quality of the product. This is due to the fact that most of the buyers are regular visitors to the building where the coffee machine is located.

Please note that the products must match your brand of apparatus, otherwise the taste of the resulting drink may differ significantly.

To begin with, it is advisable to use the indicated recommendations for preparing coffee, indicated in the instructions for the machine. In the future, you can slightly improve the recipes.

To operate the machine, you must purchase:

  • coffee - both instant and natural;
  • tea - one or two varieties are enough;
  • sugar;
  • cream - dry or granulated;
  • drinking water;
  • powdered milk;
  • cocoa or chocolate;
  • drinkware - cups and stirrers.

Please note that water is poured into the tank in the device.

When choosing a supplier, you must purchase a batch of the product and taste the drinks made from it. It is not recommended to take samples, as the taste of coffee made from a sample can differ significantly from that made from purchased ingredients.

Estimated expenses and income

Consider a sample business plan for installing one coffee machine.


  1. Purchase of a vending machine. The cost of the car depends on the manufacturer and ranges from 130,000 to 330,000 rubles.
  2. Premises rental - 500-1,000 rubles per month.
  3. Payment for electricity per month - 3,000-5,000 rubles.
  4. Ingredients for a month - 16,000 rubles.
  5. Cups - 700 rubles.
  6. Maintenance - 2,000 rubles.

Total costs for one car: 354,700 rubles.


  1. On average, the cost of one drink is 3 rubles.
  2. The premium on drinks in this business segment starts at 250%.
  3. The average price of a check is 11 rubles.
  4. On average, with high traffic, from 70 glasses of drink can be bought per day.
  5. Thus, the income per day will be 770 rubles. A month - 23,100 rubles.

Average payback of a car - from 1 year to 1.5 years.


How do you get more income when running a business?

  1. Within a month or two, you should evaluate the profitability of the business and purchase several more machines for installation at other points. It is desirable to install at least 5 cars.
  2. Install coffee machines in different places. For example, if one is installed at a university, then the second is better to be installed in a clinic or entertainment center. Please note that in the summer, the demand for coffee is much lower, and in educational institutions it tends to zero at all, since the main buyers, students, are at home.
  3. Pay attention to the appearance of the machine. Clean it periodically. Few will approach a dirty, stained car.
  4. If funds are available, install a snack machine nearby. This will not only increase the demand for coffee, but you will also be able to earn extra money from the new machine.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Small sales area for installing the device.
  • Low rental cost.
  • Automatic machines of this type break less often.


  • Marauders and vandalism.
  • High risk of improperly chosen location.
  • High competition.

Video: Business review of coffee machines

How much can you earn with a coffee machine? How to build a business in this segment correctly? What to look for? You can get answers to these and many other questions from a short video:

Business on coffee machines is considered one of the most profitable. With the right approach to starting a business, its profitability can be up to 140-150%, and the machine will begin to bring income in 4-6 months after installation.

Selling services through automated systems is called vending. In our country, coffee, snack products, chocolate, carbonated drinks are sold through vending - these products are popular among the population. Coffee machines are installed in crowded places, such as supermarkets or business centers, so that employees and customers can have a cup of aromatic coffee at any time.

To sell hardware coffee, you need to purchase or rent a vending machine. When renting a coffee machine, you will have to comply with the terms of the contract, purchase consumables from a certain manufacturer, prices for which are often overstated. If the entrepreneur does not know the capacity of the trading place and is not sure how the drink will be sold, it is better to rent the machine.

Installing your own machine is more cost effective. You can choose any supplier of goods, refusing to purchase branded coffee, which will reduce the cost of each sold cup of drink. Imported devices purchased in Germany, Spain or Italy are highly reliable, so most entrepreneurs prefer them. But they have a significant disadvantage - this is a high price, which is prohibitively high for start-up entrepreneurs. Therefore, when starting a vending business, businessmen purchase used European devices or analogs from China or Korea.

In order to attract regular customers, it is important that the vending machine makes delicious coffee. The device, located in a passage, requires about 20 kg of consumable products, 300 liters of water, plastic or paper cups every month. To attract regular customers, it is desirable that all the ingredients are of high quality, and the coffee is brewed with excellent taste characteristics.

Required documents and choice of tax system

If a businessman has purchased one or more coffee machines and is going to serve them on his own, it is more profitable to register his activity as an individual entrepreneur. When the business goes uphill and there is a need to hire personnel, it is advisable to open a limited liability company.

An entrepreneur who has opened an individual entrepreneur or LLC has several options for choosing a tax system:

  1. Simplified system: 6% of turnover
  2. Simplified system: 15% income minus expenses
  3. Imputed tax on vending machines

If the entrepreneur cannot confirm his expenses and income (there is no cash register installed on the machine), the choice of the first taxation option is optimal. When it is possible to confirm all expenses and incomes, the second scheme will do. And the choice of the imputed tax will be beneficial only when the firm or entrepreneur makes significant profits or the amount of imputed tax on the machine turns out to be less than the percentage of turnover.

How to choose a place to install the device?

Places with high traffic and a waiting area constantly filled with people are suitable for installing the coffee machine. For example, to install a coffee machine, a railway and bus station, a public transport stop, a car service, a shopping center, a clinic, a hall of an institute or any administration are suitable.

Shopping center is the ideal place for vending machines

If a passable place is chosen, queues may line up to the apparatus. Under these conditions, it is important that the machine prepares drinks quickly while maintaining the same flavor profile. In a good location, the machine prepares 80–100 cups of coffee per day, bringing the business owner 30–50% of the cost of the drink. With low sales volumes, the owner's profit is noticeably lower - 10–20% of the price of a glass of coffee.

To put the device in the selected room, you need to agree with its administration about renting 1 meter of space and protecting the coffee machine.

Maintenance of the coffee machine

To ensure the smooth operation of the coffee machine, it must be filled with coffee raw materials, repaired and money withdrawn. At the initial stage of the project, the machine is serviced daily: they check the operation of all mechanisms, the supply of ingredients, cleaned of dust and dirt. Over time, the frequency of visits is reduced to once every two days, and then the consumables are changed once every three days.

A service specialist visits an average of ten points of sale per day, checks the state of the machine, and receives proceeds in small denominations and coins

Consumable requirements

In order for the machine to prepare delicious coffee, it is better to purchase high quality ingredients. Even if a glass of the drink will cost 5-10 rubles more, delicious coffee will attract a significant number of customers.

Consumables that need to be replenished regularly:

  • Various coffee compositions.
  • Granulated sugar.
  • Powdered cream in granules.
  • Water.
  • Plastic or paper cups.
  • Sugar stirrers.

Most coffee machines do not need a water connection - it is poured into the machine. It is better to pour purified water. Some entrepreneurs try to save money by pouring tap water, which greatly spoils the taste of drinks. Consumables are purchased in special stores where raw materials for vending are sold - ordinary coffee cannot be poured into the machine.

How to choose a device?

Experienced businessmen came to the conclusion that for the profitability of the vending business it is necessary to rent / purchase and maintain at least 5 coffee machines. First, you should rent one device and evaluate its performance. After that, several more coffee machines are installed in passable places, without waiting for the payback of the first machine.

Also, experts do not recommend purchasing machines that were previously in use for people who have no experience in their repair and adjustment. The new machine will be under warranty, and the used coffee machine will have to be repaired on its own. On average, a coffee machine is profitable after a year of operation.

Potential risks and business prospects

The first thing a novice entrepreneur should fear is damage to property by hooligans. To minimize these risks, the devices should be placed inside the protected area. If a decision is made to install an outdoor coffee machine, it can be insured against damage and damage.

The place where the coffee machine is installed may not be crowded enough. If within 2–3 months the device has not gone into profit, move it to another place.

It is believed that a vending machine with coffee brings more income if an apparatus for selling snack products is installed next to it: chocolate bars, cookies, nuts, sweets. The person will drink coffee, and at the same time have a snack.

Offer your customers a large selection of coffee drinks - so everyone can find their favorite

Despite the saturation of the market today, coffee machines are not installed in many educational institutions or office premises. If the inhabitants of megalopolises are accustomed to the presence of such devices in crowded places, the residents of the regions have only recently tasted and loved machine coffee, so regional vending has good potential for development.

Cost calculation and payback forecast

To deal with the costs of placing the apparatus, it is necessary to make calculations. The cost of one new device, depending on its characteristics, ranges from 200–250, used - from 60 to 200, rent of a coffee machine - 1.5–3 thousand rubles. per month. The price of renting a square space in the lobby of an office building or a shopping center is from 1 to 10 thousand rubles, the cost of ingredients - 5-10 thousand rubles. If at first you service the device yourself, you can save on wages for the maintenance personnel.

Table: initial costs

In order for the vending business to bring a stable profit, the following conditions must be met:

  • The cost price of 1 coffee drink should not exceed 10-13 rubles.
  • The cost of a finished cup of coffee must be at least 30–40 rubles, ie, the trade margin for one serving must be 20 rubles or more.
  • It is necessary that at least 20-30 servings of the drink are sold per day, and better - from 50 pcs.

Based on the given data, the calculation of the possible income is carried out. If we take the minimum profitability indicators (20 drinks per day and a price of 30 rubles), the daily revenue should be at least 600 rubles, of which 200 rubles. - only the cost of drinks. Monthly income from one coffee machine should be 30 * 600 \u003d 18 thousand rubles. and more. With small sales volumes, additional costs (rent, raw materials) can be kept at a low level in the range of 10-15 thousand rubles, and already in the first months of installing the device, you can get a small (3-8 thousand rubles), but stable profit ...

Table: pros and cons of organizing a vending business in Moscow and the regions

Moscow, Saint Petersburg Regions
  • Many crowded places;
  • The popularity of coffee machines among residents;
  • High salaries, high demand for coffee;
  • Large trade margin;
  • Many organizations that sell and service coffee machines;
  • Easy to buy consumables.
  • The growing popularity of coffee machines;
  • Cheap rent;
  • Low competition;
  • Few coffee machines, great potential for business development.
  • Expensive rent;
  • High level of competition;
  • Risks of raider takeovers.
  • Small salaries, demand for coffee is lower than in megacities;
  • Lack of points of sale for coffee machines, service;
  • Nowhere to buy consumables;
  • Small trade margin at the same cost.

Our morning most often begins with a cup of aromatic coffee, always accompanies us during lunch at the office, walking in the park, waiting at the airport or train station thanks to the coffee machines. Wherever we are, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee will always lead us to a cafe or a coffee machine. Recently, coffee machines are increasingly found in universities, business centers, shopping centers, train stations, airports and many other places. And as you may have guessed, you can make money from your favorite drink.

Who wants to be successful and make money.

Coffee machines, snack machines, mechanical machines with chewing gum and toys, selling tickets or newspapers through machines are all business - entrepreneurial activity without the participation of a seller - vending. For some, it can immediately seem incredibly profitable and at the same time uncomplicated. But this is a wrong view. Vending will require ingenuity and patience from you, you will need a good level of communication, with certain of your skills, small investments are possible at the initial stage, but in return you will get a stable and rather pleasant profit. After all, your goal is to make good money while providing people with convenience and pleasure. Reviews about the business with coffee machines are positive, but you should not get hung up on coffee machines only, any business requires development.

Vending - from the English "trade through machines".

This income was invented long ago. Due to the fact that coffee machines are more common, this business is quite successful. You can read real reviews about coffee machines and equipment manufacturers at. The payback of the equipment is different and it all depends on you. Many people love coffee, business costs are relatively low. With the right approach, you have the opportunity to earn a good income.

Coffee machines, snack machines, mechanical machines - modern business

Even inexperienced entrepreneurs can start their own business, trading with the help of special equipment. You can verify this by reading the vending forum. Those who are looking for where to invest can consider this type of business. It is important to think over and correctly calculate your actions - then the profit will not keep you waiting.

Highlights for beginners:

  • the machine must be located in a crowded, visited place: bus station, airport, clinic, salon, government agencies, universities, shopping centers.
  • much depends on the rent that the owner of the premises will ask for: this is one of the most expensive items, because 1 sq. m of area;
  • in no case should you save on quality and ingredients: it is important that customers enjoy using the services of your coffee machine;
  • if you understand technology, then at the first stage it is possible to save on personnel. Having reached the point of development of more than 10-20 machines, you can hire a service specialist, this makes a profitable business on coffee machines; reviews of businessmen indicate that the starting number of machines should be at least ten, only then you can see your profit and the effect of the business.

Do I need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC

It all depends on you and your capabilities. If you want to try and you have a friend or acquaintance who does not mind helping you start, then you can conclude a contract for him and see how this business works. Well, it should be understood that coffee machines are business and you will need official registration in the future. Now it is very simple to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC by means of the State Services portal or just contact the MFC. Licensing of this activity is not provided, which is an additional plus, a hygienic certificate for the equipment is not required. Usually it is attached to the purchased device.

What "ingredients" are needed to get started?

The main expense item is not only taxes and rent, but also the filling of the coffee machines - the ingredients. You must understand that you cannot go to the store and buy ingredients there. Even if you find something, you cannot use them except grain. They are not intended for use in vending machines due to their manufacturing technology. Owner reviews advise purchasing ingredients only from specialized companies that supply ingredients and consumables for the vending business. It is important! Coffee and other components of drinks that can be bought in vending machines are prepared in a special way, and their sticking and caking are completely eliminated. In addition, the raw material does not absorb foreign odors, dissolves easily and well, making the taste of the drink excellent.

What we need to refuel the device:

  • Whole grain coffee;
  • tea drink (tea extract) or jelly;
  • powdered milk or cream;
  • hot chocolate (depending on the type of machine);
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • disposable cups;
  • stirrers.

For service, we will need the purchase of detergents and disinfectants for cleaning equipment, which will have to be brought to market by our own efforts or hired personnel.

Business plan

How to start a coffee machine business? First of all, you need to study. Find out what equipment is preferable to work on. Do you have a company in the city that supplies ingredients and coffee machines. Based on the information collected, draw up a plan for how to start a business (coffee machines). Reviews indicate that this business should by no means start in partnership. In order to see profit as soon as possible, you will need to purchase five to ten coffee machines, and for this you need a certain start-up capital. Check out the selection.

Reviews: how long does it take to pay off vending on coffee machines?

The payback of a business depends on the cost of equipment, components (payment systems and additional options), on the amount of rent, taxes and staff salaries and, naturally, on the number of cups prepared per day. To date, the cost of one 165ml glass is about 10-12 rubles. It is advisable to sell finished products at least 30 rubles and it is better to focus on the cafe and divide the cost of the cup in half. Profit can be obtained if the machine produces from 20 to 50 cups per day, that is, high traffic at the location of the coffee machine must be supported by good product quality so that customers tend to drink the next portion of coffee from this machine. With such indicators and observance of all the conditions of good business conduct (operating condition of the device, high-quality water and components, a favorable combination of price and quality of products), investments in this business will pay off in a period of 24 months or more. Do not believe what equipment sellers write on the websites. A lot of factors are not taken into account and you need to understand that the success of your business on coffee machines depends only on you. Yes, there are rare cases when the vending machine paid off in 3-6 months. The factor of the location of the machine played there, for example, a university or a large railway station or airport, lack of competition, weather conditions.

Risks in vending.

Every business has risks. On the vendor forum, entrepreneurs write reviews about various, it is worth putting in such a place or not. Colleagues share their failures and warn other vendor entrepreneurs not to waste time. It is very important to consider the cross-country ability - no people - no sales - no profit! For example: weekends and holidays at factories, offices, universities are days of downtime. Risk of breakage of the machine. This is the most important point. You just have to know how the machine works and what nodes it has important. You can minimize this risk by having a small stock of spare parts, and thanks to the vendor forum, you can quickly get advice on repair. And you need to understand that buying new equipment in Moscow does not mean that under the guarantee they will quickly repair you in Vladivostok, you need to calculate the possible probabilities of breakdowns for a step or two and buy everything on time.

Most modern people cannot imagine life without coffee. They drink coffee in the morning to cheer up before work, in the middle of the day to get some rest and distraction, in the evening to move from work to rest with a good mood and the same well-being. It is not always possible to drink coffee at home or in a coffee shop. Sometimes you have to do this literally on the run, in between activities. In this case, coffee vending machines installed in offices, shopping centers, and sometimes right on the streets help out. Their products are in constant demand, because there are always a lot of people who want to drink a cup of coffee and relax for a couple of minutes. Therefore, we will consider how to organize a coffee machine business.

Pros and cons of vending

Vending is a business of organizing the sale of food and non-food products using vending machines. This way of doing business has many benefits. Let's try to list them:

  • A small, one might even say scanty, trade area. To install a conventional coffee machine, you need an area of \u200b\u200b1 sq. M. For some more bulky models with an extended range, the area can increase to 1.5 - 2 m. But even in this case, it remains small. True, one should take into account that there should be free space near the machine to accommodate 2-3 people, but this is not a problem either, because such machines are not placed in corners or under stairs, they must be in open spaces.
  • Small rent. This is a consequence of the previous point. The rent for one square meter of space can start from 500 rubles per month, which is quite a bit for a retail outlet. Of course, the size of the board can be much larger, it depends on the location.
  • Lack of sellers and constantly working service personnel. This means that you will not need to deal with the registration of employees and pay them wages. Of course, the machine needs maintenance, but it needs a person's presence no more than once every 1-3 days.

Of all the vending machines, the coffee machine is considered the most cost-effective. It requires less maintenance (one machine can have up to 300 servings of coffee with all the necessary ingredients), and coffee margins are the highest. With a cost price of 4-8 rubles, a cup of coffee at the outlet can cost 20-30. That is why coffee machines occupy, according to experts, from 65 to 70% of the entire vending business.

The main disadvantage of vending is high competition. Those who started this business in the early 2000s have occupied almost all commercially profitable places, so it can be difficult to find a good profitable place for a coffee or any other vending machine.

In addition to the disadvantages, there are also risks, for example, the risk of damage to the coffee machine by vandals. To protect against this, you need to place the machines in guarded premises, and if the machine is nevertheless placed on the street or at a bus stop, then it must be in the field of view of CCTV cameras.

Place for a coffee machine

After studying the pros and cons of vending and deciding to work in this area, you need to draw up a business plan. Coffee machines will only be profitable if you think carefully about all aspects of running your business.

And you need to start by choosing a place to place the machine. This is perhaps the most important part. If you find a good location, where there is a high demand for the products of your vending machine, you will only have to add ingredients on time and extract the proceeds.

Convenient locations for a coffee machine:

  • Railway stations.
  • Airports.
  • Bus stations and bus stations.
  • Polyclinics.
  • Government agencies where people have to spend time waiting: tax office, social services, city administration units.
  • Universities, colleges, schools and other educational institutions.
  • Banks.
  • Shopping centers.
  • Markets.
  • The shops.
  • Office and business centers.
  • Cinemas and other entertainment venues.

Most of the listed locations may already have coffee machines. You will either have to compete with them or look elsewhere. It remains only to act experimentally. If you've installed a coffee vending machine and haven't received your expected profit within a month, look elsewhere. It is hardly worth hoping for a spontaneous change in the situation.

It should be noted that the cost of renting an area in different places may differ significantly. The most expensive accommodation places are airports, large shopping centers, banks, and train stations. Lease can be cheaper in educational institutions, markets, shops or clinics.

Sometimes it is more profitable to pay a certain percentage of the sales, rather than a fixed rent. Especially in the first month after installing the vending machine, when you don't know if the place will be generating the expected income. If possible, negotiate with the owners of the premises on the percentage of the rent at the first stage.

Model and manufacturer selection

There are many options for coffee machines. For example, classic, familiar, time-tested machines of foreign production. Another option is domestic, which have appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already gained some popularity. There are expensive coffee machines of new advanced models. They usually have a larger size, original, eye-catching design, an interesting menu with additional items like green tea, mate, etc. and relatively high cost.

How to choose from a variety of options? Explore the models in theory and practice. Explore this issue on the Internet, find real reviews about specific models, posted not on the manufacturer's website, but on thematic forums. If possible, visit the installation sites of different machines, try them in operation, interview consumers.

What to look for when choosing a machine:

  • Who inspires more confidence in you: domestic manufacturers or foreign companies.
  • The presence of service centers of this manufacturer in your city or area.
  • The format of the device: do you need a durable anti-vandal outdoor version, or your machine will be installed in a protected area and a regular office model will do.
  • Warranty periods and cost of post-warranty service.
  • The cost of the coffee machine.
  • The presence of this model on the market. The longer this model has been produced, the better it has been tested. New models may be attractive in terms of price, design and other declared characteristics, but it is not known how much the model will work and how much the description corresponds to reality.
  • Which coffee is used in this model, grain or ground. Choose whichever one you think is better, tastier and more profitable.
  • Quantitative loading of the vending machine: how many portions of coffee it can prepare without refueling.
  • Technical characteristics: power, amount of consumed electricity, speed of preparation of a portion of coffee.

Service of the coffee machine

Perhaps you will do this yourself, or maybe you decide to hire an employee. One person can service about 10 vending machines per day. On average, ingredients need to be replenished every three days. That is, if you have 30 coffee machines, one employee is enough for you to fully service them.

But at first, when you have just installed the machine, it is better to provide a more frequent attendance. After all, it was in the early days that the reputation of a new coffee sales point was formed. You must exclude the possibility of any malfunctions in the operation of the machine. And do not forget that, in addition to replenishing the ingredients and retrieving the proceeds, the vending machine needs maintenance. It needs to be kept clean so as not to scare off potential customers.

Sometimes there are breakdowns or some kind of malfunction. For repairs, they use the services of a supplier of vending machines. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a new and not a used automatic machine, especially for a newbie businessman in this field. In this case, your machine will have a warranty and for about three years all maintenance and repairs will take place at the expense of the supplier.

From communications you only need electricity. Water is not supplied to the vending machine; it is simply poured inside, into a special container.

Ingredients for making coffee

The ingredients must be of high quality and the coffee in your vending machine must be tasty. Otherwise, your customers will go to competitors or drink coffee at home. Test all options before purchasing beverage components and entering into contracts with suppliers. Experienced businessmen working in this area advise you not to test prototypes offered to you by firms, but those that are in the works. Sometimes they can differ in taste and quality.

The ingredients of the vending machine are as follows:

  • Coffee - ground and grain, depending on the model of the machine, in different mixtures and compositions
  • Cocoa or hot chocolate - also usually present in the assortment
  • Milk (powdered or granulated) - sometimes the menu has a separate item "Hot milk"
  • Cream - dry or granular
  • Water - filtered or mineral
  • Disposable tableware - cups, stirrers

How do fillers for coffee machines differ from the usual ingredients from which we make coffee at home? They are designed and manufactured specifically for automatic coffee preparation, using technologies that allow them to be stored for a long time without caking and sticking, they do not absorb moisture and do not accumulate foreign odors and dissolve quickly and efficiently. Coffee for vending machines is roasted in a special way and has a specified strength, taste and smell.

Buy ingredients only from specialized vending machine supply firms. Observe the indicated dosages. And then your coffee will be delicious and attractive to customers.

Company registration

In order to make a business with coffee machines legal, it is enough to register with the tax office as. A single tax on imputed income (UTII) or a simplified taxation system (STS) is chosen as a tax.

Licensing of this type of business is not provided. You don't need any permission from the authorities either. The only thing you need is the quality certificates for the fillers for the vending machines. The supplier must provide you with these certificates.

In addition, you will need to conclude a lease agreement with the owner of the space where your coffee machine will be installed. If you want to install a vending machine in a government agency, you will most likely need to bid and win the tender.

Business value and profitability

Now the main question: how much does a coffee machine cost? The range of prices for tested and recently developed latest models of foreign and domestic manufacturers is quite large. The cost of a new coffee machine can range from 80 to 300 thousand rubles. You can buy a used machine for 50 thousand.

The average cost of a high-quality device with a good choice and a decent taste of drinks that will work properly and will not create problems in operation is from 120 to 150 thousand.

On average, a coffee vending machine pays for itself in six months. That is, in six months you will earn about 120-150 thousand. This figure may be significantly higher, or it may turn out to be lower than planned.

Calculation of the costs and profits of one coffee machine:

  • The cost of one serving of coffee is from 4 to 10 rubles.
  • The cost of a portion at the exit is from 20 to 35 rubles.
  • Income from one portion is 15 rubles on average.
  • Servings per day - 50 to 100.
  • Thus, the income from a coffee machine per day can range from 750 to 1500 rubles.
  • Income per month - from 22,000 to 45,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent - from 500 to 10,000 rubles.
  • Payment for electricity - 2,000 - 5,000.
  • Service cost - from 500 rubles per month.

From this, we can conclude that the net monthly profit from one coffee machine can be from 20 thousand rubles or more. The upper limit is about 50 thousand under very favorable circumstances, the main of which is the convenient location of the machine, as well as the low cost of renting the area. The lower limit, under unfavorable circumstances, unfortunately, can be zero.

In this business, much depends on the entrepreneur's ability to understand and feel the needs of potential clients, as well as on his ingenuity, efficiency and energy.

The next question is: how many coffee machines to buy? It all depends on your capabilities and the prevalence of such a service in your city or area. In any case, it is better to start with one or two machines in order to understand the business, understand the principles of operation, and estimate income and expenses.

It is clear that the more machines you have, the higher your income will be, but this is so only if you find enough profitable and convenient locations for their location. If you buy 10 coffee machines, then in a year, when the initial investment pays off, you will have a very good profit. Then you can think about expanding the company and making the vending business the main source of income.

Coffee is one of the most popular tonic drinks, the love of which unites many people around the world. Few of us can imagine our beginning of the day without a cup of fragrant and invigorating Arabica. Coffee helps you wake up in the morning, cheer up during your lunch break, escape from the usual hustle and bustle and enjoy a rich and delicate taste.

Due to the fact that no other drink can repeat the taste of natural coffee, and therefore compete with it, its preparation and sale seems to be quite a profitable activity. Coffee can be offered in cafes and bars, shops and pavilions, you can even organize a coffee shop on wheels - all this requires considerable financial investments and labor costs. A coffee machine business is the easiest, and at the same time, very profitable way to make money on such a popular drink. Nevertheless, even this seemingly simple entrepreneurship requires some preparation and planning.

The advantages of vending - selling goods using special automated systems - are obvious over traditional trade, which is why it has become so widespread throughout the world. In our country, this direction is still poorly developed, especially in small towns. Therefore, for those who are planning to open their own business, coffee machines, as one of the options for vending in conditions of moderate (and in some regions, low or completely absent) competition, can serve as an excellent start to an entrepreneurial career.

The advantages of such a business:

  • relatively small investments at the start;
  • no need for large retail space (there is enough space for 1 machine with an area of \u200b\u200b1 sq. m), therefore, the ability to save on rent;
  • no working staff is needed - the entrepreneur can perform administrative functions independently;
  • no advertising is needed, just choose the right place to place the device;
  • mobility - the machine can be moved if necessary;
  • high profitability of the coffee machine and a quick return on investment.

Among the disadvantages of coffee vending, one can single out only the risk of incurring losses due to a hacking attempt, since street vending machines often attract the attention of intruders. If the coffee machine is located on the territory of a guarded store or office, then this risk is absent.

Having noted the main features of a business idea, let's talk about how to implement it with maximum benefit.

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How to start a coffee vending business

Coffee machines as a business will only generate good revenue if you choose the right place to install them. Therefore, it is advisable to start the implementation of this commercial idea precisely with the search for a site. In this case, you should rely on your own observations, data from surveys of the population, as well as on the reviews of entrepreneurs who are already engaged in coffee machines as a business.

As practice shows, the following placements are the most effective:

  • airports and train stations, waiting rooms;
  • polyclinics and hospitals;
  • places where young people gather - colleges, technical schools, universities, cinemas, etc .;
  • trade, business and entertainment establishments;
  • parking lots and car parks;
  • markets;
  • recreation areas for motorists, the so-called truckers.

Simultaneously with solving the issue of location, you should start choosing the coffee machine itself.

Important! When looking for a device, read reviews on the network, find out if there are service centers of the manufacturers in question in your city. Pay attention to the price, functionality, download options and the vending machine warranty period.

You can start a business from one vending machine, then as it develops and becomes self-sufficient, you can expand your business by installing several machines at once in the busiest places. If you are financially unable to buy the device, consider renting.

Business documents

Considering coffee machines as a business, it is important to understand that any business activity is subject to mandatory state registration. To engage in trade on an official basis, you should collect a package of documents and contact the tax office.

Coffee vending can be implemented using any organizational and legal form of activity. In other words, you have the right to decide for yourself. If you act independently and plan to start a business by installing one or two machines, then the best choice would be which is on our website. With its help, you can quickly and easily go through all the necessary procedures.

Important! include a statement of the established form P21001, in which you need to indicate the code of the type of planned economic activity. For a vending machine business, 47.99.2 - “Vending activities through vending machines” should be specified.

In addition to the Certificate of State. registration as an individual entrepreneur, you will also need a lease agreement for a place to place the machine

Important! Some aspiring entrepreneurs install vending machines based on verbal agreements with the owner. However, this option is extremely undesirable, since in this case, the landlord can at any time without any approvals raise the fee or even stop cooperation and demand to remove your equipment from the rented area. To avoid troubles, conclude a written agreement, which will spell out the obligations of the parties, the procedure for settlements and responsibility.

Additionally, you will need the following papers:

  • certificates for the device itself, as well as for all products that will be sold with its help and for accessories (cups);
  • information about the product (place on the machine itself);
  • information on what actions the buyer must take in order to purchase the desired product, as well as what needs to be done if the device has not issued the product (place it on the machine itself);
  • information about the seller - name, location, operating mode (place on the machine);
  • a contract for the removal of waste (if this obligation is not imposed on the lessor under the contract);
  • honey. the book of the employee serving the coffee machine (if you plan to carry out activities on your own, then your personal medical book).

It may take 1 to 2 weeks to prepare all the necessary documents. Next, let's look at a short vending machine business plan.

What profit can be obtained from a coffee machine - calculations for a business plan

To find out how much profit the vending machine brings, you need to draw up a business plan, in which you indicate the amount of necessary start-up and running costs, as well as the amount of potential income. When planning your own coffee vending, you can use the following sample data.

Composition of expenses

Start-up costs:

  • paperwork and the conclusion of the necessary contracts - 3,000 rubles;
  • purchase of one coffee machine - 200,000 rubles. - the average price of a vending machine with modes of preparation of 16 types of hot drinks, including coffee, tea, chocolate, as well as the possibility of selling snacks, built-in bill and coin receivers and a terminal for paying with bank cards;
  • delivery and installation of the device - 2,000 rubles;
  • formation of a commodity stock (5 kg of coffee of various varieties, 2 kg of cream, 3 kg of tea and 2 kg of chocolate) - 2,400 rubles. - the average price of professional ingredients for coffee vending is 200 rubles. for 1 kg;
  • purchase of related products (600 cups and 600 stirrers) - 1140 rubles. at a price of 1.4 rubles. for 1 glass and 0.5 rubles. for 1 stirrer;
  • purchase of sugar, water and snacks - 3,000 rubles.

If we sum up all these items of expenditure, we get about 212,000 rubles.

Current costs include:


Amount, RUB / month

replenishment of stock and consumables

payment for electricity

vending machine maintenance costs

taxes and fees *


* - For the information of businessmen, one of the special tax regimes can be selected for retail trade through vending machines, which will greatly simplify interaction with the Federal Tax Service and save on payments.

One of the preferred options is to use. In this case, the tax will be 15% of the imputed income. You can calculate the amount of the latter using the following formula:

basic profitability (4,500 rubles) * number of machines (in our case 1) * deflator coefficient (1,798) * adjusting coefficient (on average in the country - 1) \u003d 8,091 rubles.

Calculating 15% of this amount, we get about 1,214 rubles. This will be the amount of tax per month. In addition, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to make contributions for himself to extra-budgetary funds in the total amount of 23,153.33 rubles. per year (comes out almost 1,930 rubles / month).

Income planning

How much does a coffee machine bring per month? Let's make an approximate calculation.

The average selling price of one serving of coffee is 35-40 rubles, tea - 25 rubles, chocolate - 30 rubles. In the event that an entrepreneur manages to find a suitable location for a vending machine with high traffic, then 50 to 100 servings of hot drinks can be sold per day.

Thus, the monthly income can vary from 35,000 to 120,000 rubles. depending on the workload and demand for specific drinks. Let's add to this about 5000 rubles more. for the sale of snacks.

To determine the profit from the coffee machine, subtract the amount of expenses from the income. It turns out that even with the minimum income from our example - 40,000 rubles, the entrepreneur's profit will be more than 27,000 rubles. Therefore, it will be possible to fully recoup the investment in the installation of one machine in 7-8 months of work.