Photos from NASA NLO satellite. The archives of NASA with snapshots of UFO are declassified. Are they real or not? Spy - Automatic Scientific Research Station Aliens

Shocking photos and video UFOs. News and articles, recent studies of unidentified flying objects.

What is UFO?

Unidentified flying object, often abbreviated UFO or UFO - this is an unusual obvious anomaly in the sky, which is difficult to identify the observer. UFO is a technically unidentified flying object, nor more nor less. In modern mass culture, this term has become synonymous with the Space Ship of the Aliens. Supporters of this theory argue that since they seem technological and not natural origin, and, as stated, they would have flight characteristics and the form seemingly unknown traditional science, we can conclude that they are not earthly origin.

Any apparatus that cannot be initially defined as an airplane, a helicopter, airship, balloon, kite, or another object, usually falls under this definition. Many of them can further be defined as devices created on Earth, then they can be called IFO. Observations of unusual phenomena go back to ancient times, since then, thousands of such evidence were registered all over the world.

In Bulgaria, photographed Humanoid 2013. A group of young travelers insists that they photographed an extraterrestrial creation in a dense forest near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The group's campaign was in Jundol and when they passed through the meadow between the mountains of Rila and Rhodopes, then one of the tourists took a picture of the creature before it disappeared.

A humanoid being an unknown classification found in the desert Atakama, Chile. Photo: S.T.A.R. Research.

One of the aliens appearing on Earth! Photo: Unsealed

According to the contactors, the upper part of the skull seems to be mild and moves all the time. Image: Unsealed. They hide their personalities. These are predators and they may appear in any room, i.e. Get through the walls and glass. They completely paralyze the physical body, but if you find a volitional resistance (and the will is love, then you will win) Researcher UFO.

Unidentified object photographed on Mars. These pictures were made by American Rover Spirit (Mars Exploration Rover Spirit) in the predestal clock with navigation and panoramic cameras. An unidentified object looks like a strip, because the shutter speed was 15 seconds and during this time the object flew 4 degrees. As this object was recognized in NASA, I could not be some kind of ship from the ground, but for a meteorite, an unidentified object was moving too slowly. Official name of the NASA: "IT" S A BIRD, IT "S A Plane, IT" S A ... Spacecraft? ". I think not needs. ID: PIA05557 Photo: NASA / JPL / Cornell

Gemini-10 - American manned spaceship. The eighth piloted flight according to the program "Gemini".
Crew: John Young (John Young) - commander; Michael Collins (Michael Collins) - Pilot.
Run: July 18, 1966 22:20:27 UTC
Landing: July 21, 1966 21:07:05 UTC
On the first photo, the unknown object itself and its increase is 12 times. In the second original NASA. Photo No: S66-45774_G10-M_F Photo: NASA

Crew members: Gordon Cooper (Leroy Gordon Cooper) - commander, Charles Conrad (Charles Conrad) - Pilot. Launch: August 21, 1965 13:59:59 UTC Landing: August 29, 1965 12:55:13 UTC. Snapshot No.: GT5-50602-034_G05-U First two photos Various increase in UFOs, the third photo is part of the original NASA frame. Photo: NASA.

This unidentified, completely real, the object was removed by the American astronaut, Major Air Force James McDivitt during 8 piloted US space flights on the Gemini spacecraft (Gemini) on June 3-7, 1965. He watched and removed it through the technical porthole. Then he decided to remove the UFO through another, but the object disappeared. One photo Original NASA, second photo Increase UFO. Watch both frames! Frame number: GT4-37149-039_G04-U Photo: NASA

This unidentified, completely real, the object was removed by the American astronaut, Major Air Force James McDivitt during 8 piloted US space flights on the GEMINI spacecraft (Blights) on June 3-7, 1965. He watched and removed it through the technical porthole. Then he decided to remove the UFO through another, but the object disappeared. One photo Original NASA, second photo Increase UFO. Watch both frames! Frame number: GT4-37149-039_G04-U

On April 17, 2002, the International Space Station of the Atlantis was photographed from Space Shattla Atlantis (see the original in full), but besides the ISS, a UFO in the background came to the frame. The first photo is an increase in UFO and with a show, where it is located, the second photo is the original NASA. Photo number: STS110-E-5912 photo: nasa

He, as if it was specifically posted by astronauts (it can be seen in the pictures how UFO turns with different sides to the shuttle), but most likely he made maneuvers and on the last sixth frame it was clear that he turned to Earth and turned on the engines. These photos, as well as many others were classified, but one of the employees of the Space Center. Johnson has access to secret files published them in in social networksAnd the remaining is not disclosed. In January 2013, NASA has deleted photos and numbers of these pictures from its archives. See all six NASA photos with UFOs in full! And also my increasing UFOs! Publication: UFO Researcher Photo Number: STS088-724-66 Photo: NASA

UFO in the near-earth space!

Astronaut Pierce J. Sellers, a specialist Mission STS-121, participates in the second session of the mission outside the ship's activities (EVA). Together with him, Astronaut Michael E. Fossum (is outside this frame). The duration of the exit to open space lasted 6 hours and 47 minutes and all this time were photographed and removed on the video from the portholes of the International Space Station Astronauts 13 of the Expedition on the ISS and astronauts 121 mission on the flight of shuttle flights. It was this photo that made one of the astronauts shuttle dyskovery and some shots got a real UFO flying to Earth. The first photo is the original NASA, and the second as possible UFOs. See both photos. Researcher UFO Photo Number: S121-E-06224 (July 10, 2006) Photo: NASA

This is an image with an unidentified moving (moving) object that actually represents a certain unit or lunokhod clearly not human production, because Its dimensions are several tens of meters, both in length and width. Also, without increasing, deep traces left by moving (moving) unidentified object are clearly visible. Recently, the officially valley of Schreter received the new name "Secrets of the Schreter Valley". Yet modern science And scientists began to look at the world by different. So in this valley, some buildings and structures were discovered, which are absolutely not falling under the category of geological formations. Also, straight tunnels (pipes), which go straight independently of the terrain, were also found on the surface of the moon. Whether the hill, any elevation elevation, crater. An ideally smooth entrances (outputs) were found to be found under the surface of the moon, which have hemispherical forms and with the development of the lunar soil near these inputs. Over time, I will publish them. So. Now scientific data: Schreter Valley is named by the German Astronoma Johann Schreter (1745-1816); Officially received a name in 1961 (now it is called: the secrets of the Syrian valleys); In general, his name was first called the crater, and in accordance with the rules adopted, the valleys are called geological structures closest to them - crater or mountains. Schreter Valley Secrets on the Moon: Alien Moonport is now about the picture: Date of shooting May 27, 2010 Time: 21:41:05 Height of the orbit: 4238 meters longitude: 307,37 ° Lot Century: 25.01 ° Resolution: 0.60 m pixel. Researcher UFO Image: Lro Photo: NASA Maximum possible increase in the head of the aliens !!! See also the first image-original from NASA !!!

Unidentified object from Apollo-11 July 17, 1969 This photo is made from Apollo-11 when astronauts: Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Oldrin flew from the ground to the moon for the first landing on its surface. It's hard to say that this, but they watched it with their own eyes. Maybe this is a UFO hidden by some energy protection, and maybe it is some plasma (perhaps alive). So, the first photo displays the reality that the astronauts saw, only she was in NASA denied for a long time, for a long time, and in good faith and qualitatively, no distinguished from the original color snapshot, which should be given tribute to these people. The second is an increase in an unidentified object or phenomenon and in another spectrum to see and in a different light. The third this is also a tipped photo, only NASA nassed the object, which is very clearly visible in full size (as the screens are different, you can brighten the snapshot. I can see very good that the object "smeared") and changed the color gamut of the Earth, and the poor quality is visible. Digitizes when viewing in full, which is very clearly visible when compared 1 and 3 photos. So, the real photo with an unidentified object relatively recently NASA removed and posted the one that without an object in space, i.e. I have it third. I first recommend looking in full size Beauty and UFO! Researcher UFO Photo: NASA

Photo of the Earth and 100% Real UFOs were obtained from Shuttla Endesor (Space Shuttle Endeavour) Snapshot No.: STS108-703-93_3 5-17 December 2001

First snapshot Original NASA. The second maximum increase with the display where the object is located. The first is desirable to look in full size. Snapshot No: AS08-16-2594 Photo: NASA

Shuttle Discovery Shattle (Shuttle Discovery) Mission: STS-096 Photo №: STS096-706-2 Date of shooting: May 27, 1999 Time: 11:28:57 GMT Photo: nasa See the first photo of the original in full size 16,8 mm and the second Increased unidentified object.

The panorama was made on the Lunar Orbit during the Apollo-16 mission in April 1972 (this is the first photo). On this panorama, in addition to the lunar landscape, a giant design was removed, which throws one gigantic into the surrounding space and a lot of smaller sizes similar to electricity or lightning. On a large image (6.6 GB), the structures of these emissions are visible, as well as that one end of this design, which is lit by the sunlight goes into the lunar surface. Second photo - this energy station in the center and third photo increase. See all three photos! UFO Researcher Photo Number: AS16-P-4095 Apollo 16 April 21, 1972 Photo: NASA

This one of the photos that have been made during the STS-100 mission on the NASA program of space shuttles. In this case, the orbit performed his mission to Space Shattle Endesor. This photo was obtained by one of the astronauts when they went into open space, namely from the gateway. This mission took place in April 2001 and for more than 12 years the astronauts themselves nor NASA officers nor lovers of photographs from space did not notice the flotilla of UFO from five objects. Three days ago, one of the American ufologists published this photo and various increments and other specials on Youtube. Effects. I decided to follow him and went into the publicly available NASA archives and also downloaded this photo. She here is the first, the second, too, she, just I put the arrow indicating the location of the objects, and the third and fourth different zooms. Text: Researcher UFO Photo No.: STS100-708A-48 Photo: NASA

Astronaut Jean-Pierre Haignere The first flew from ESA and spent on the Russian space station the world for six months as a board of the engineer photographed this real UFO. For the first time published Stephen Hannard on June 10, 2013.

The dilapidated structure on the moon is the construction only a small part of structures and buildings on the moon! Almost all researchers believe that this is, and many other buildings on the moon, the work of the preceding our civilization, other human civilizations, and not aliens and aliens. It's about a million humanity and believe me with stones and axes, they did not run all the time. This happened possible when civilization died. And the real base of aliens really is on the moon or, or more precisely below the surface of the moon. This is a reliable information from the contactors, which in reality were taken to the moon. There are footage not only from American missions, but also Chinese recent missions on the moon. So there is already a twist of this facility and it is integer and unharmed. There are also facilities with a length of more than five kilometers. In general, many different buildings and structures have already been discovered and only a very small part can be said that this is the work of hands not people. Let an ancient civilizations.

You can deny the existence of UFOs, you can recognize them. But it is hardly worth making the presence of a phenomenon.

1. 1870. Mount Washington, New Hampshire. It is believed that this is one of the "UFO oldest pictures." In 2002, the photo was put up for auction at EBay auction and, ultimately, was acquired by Samuel M. Sherman, President of Independent-International Pictures Corp., for 385 dollars.

Initially, it was stereo photography. It is no secret that at that time, it was technically difficult to process photos, and there was still nothing about flying objects. Today, thanks to one of the readers, we have original stereo photography.


2. 1927 - Oregon. Snapshot made in Cave Junction, Oregon. Until now, it is not definitely not known in 1926 or 1927 a picture was taken, but, in any case, if the photo is really genuine - it's just incredible. As reported, the author of the picture is a fire-volunteer. To rate a photo on dignity - click on it, and it will open in full.


3. April, 1929 - Sawmill in Ward, Colorado. This is what the picture of the daughter of a man who made a photo says: "This photo made my father - Edward. Everything happened on Ward sawmill, where we were then lived. In my opinion, it was 1929. I was then 6 years old. When my father photographed the sawmill, he heard a "terrible threshold roar" and saw a big round object resembling a huge boulder, moving up. In the image it is clearly visible. "

"None of the workers who were at that moment on the sawmill did not see this object, but they all heard this terrible roar and felt the Earth shakes. Misgrim, I tried to find information about this phenomenon in County Historical Society, but did not find any mention of it. A few years after this incident, my father died and I could not find at least one surviving worker that sawmills. " Sincerely, Hetty Paul.


4. May, 1932 - St. Paris, Ohio. In the photo taken at around noon, a man is depicted, named George Sutton. Understand that it was 1932, it is possible by the car license plate.

Unidentified flying object in the picture, could not be a street lantern, simply because at that time, street lamps did not exist. Even power lines have not yet been. In addition, it is clearly seen that the car is an old.

The owner of the photo says that in those days, there was no electric lantern along this road. No one can explain what the dark object is depicted over the left shoulder of George Satton on this picture.


5. 1942 - Los Angeles, California. After just a few months after the attack of the Japanese on Pearl Harbor, February 25, 1942, at 2:25 am, the sirens installed in case of invasion were earned.

An unknown flying object was seen in the sky over the city. All light indicators were disabled and excited and frightened residents followed instructions, turning off the light.

At 03:16 in the morning, anti-aircraft guns opened fire on unidentified flying facilities, going from the ocean, and the rays of the spotlights lit the sky. Eyewitnesses observed small objects of red and silver colors flying at high altitude. Moving at a huge speed, they remained intact Voles AAA.

According to reports, this major object has been repeatedly attacked by AAA projectiles. Air defense continued to shoot by unidentified flying objects, but to no avail.

This is one of the most famous UFO images.


6. October 29, 1942 - Washington, District Columbia. The photo was made in the air above the city. Initially, it was believed that the object in the right side of the picture is part of the monoplane wing flying from the upper left corner to the lower right.

The object appeared suddenly, and externally resembled the disc, followed by a long dark band (leaving up), more like a jet aircraft.


7. 1944 - England. This unidentified flying object was captured in heaven over England in 1944. Source: The X Factor magazine, No. 53 (Publication of Marshall Cavendish).

There are no other data on this snapshot.


8. 1947 - Morristown, New Jersey. On the morning of July 10, 1947, John H. Yansen, editor of Daily Record (American Aviation Magazine), flew on his own plane from Morristown Airport in New Jersey.

He noticed six luminous spherical ships surrounded by foggy rings and flying high in the sky above it.

He grabbed the camera and took a picture, imprinted only 4 of 6 objects.

July 23, 2 weeks after that case, he again encountered an unidentified flying object, something resembling a plane. On that day, he also flew from Morristown on his plane and was at an altitude of 6,000 feet.


9. July 7, 1947 - William Rods from Phoenix, Arizona, allegedly, saw a disc, circling during sunset over the terrain, where he lived and made two photos. The pictures see an object resembling a disk form with a round front and square rear.

The photos were studied by experts who concluded that the pictures are genuine and are not the result of a poor-quality film or a camera lenses.

The object in the photo is often called the Rosell UFO. Source:


10. July 4, 1947 - Frank Roman, US Marine Guard from Seattle, Washington, made a photo of a flying disk. Three days later, the similar object captured William Roads. But, a photograph of Roads was printed in a local newspaper in an inverted form! Presumably, this is one of the first, and the very first photo of the "flying disk" is possible.


11. 1947 - Scotland. Estimated UFO Image Made on Western Islands in Scotland. To fully immerse yourself in this atmosphere, you need to see the original image.

In my opinion, this is a very good snapshot of an object that is not similar to any existing plane. Obviously, this is a two-layer metal object, which is not explained. Real UFO!


12. 1947 - Chaplinke, Poland. This estimated UFO shot was made in Chaplinke in 1947. The image was done at an angle to the top of the mountain. A large snapshot creates a more believable image, giving the object measurement and scale. Early photos, such as this, are very important, because compared with our time, in those years, it was very difficult to process photos.


13. 1949 - Cincinnati, Ohio. During the carnival in the Church of St. Peter and Paul in Norwood, Cincinnati, Ohio, Rev. Gregory Miller, acquired a written off army spotlights by 8 million candles.

Donald R. Berger served by Donald R. Berger, sergeant service for the Rosavoyskaya training officers of the reserve, the University of Cincinnati. At 20:15, in the midst of the festival, Sergeant Berger sent the spotlight to the sky into the sky, where the fixed round object suddenly flashed.

Rev. Miller and everyone else joined and began to observe. It was only the beginning. Davidson made ten photos of this big disco-shaped object, which, then disappeared, then appeared again in the beams of the searchlight.


14. April 23, 1950 - Red Bad, Illinois. Thanks to one of our readers, we have the following information:

This photo was allegedly made by Mr. Din Morgan, who worked as a photographer part-time and turned out in the place during this strange event.

Obviously, he lived not in the Red Bad, and in Greenvil, where he lives and now, at the address Willow ST, 1520 (added 04-08-10).


15. May 8, 1950 is one of the most famous UFO images. The author of the photo series was Paul Trent, whose wife noticed UFO in the sky.

Soon after what happened, the pictures were published in the local newspaper McMinnville, Oregon, and then appeared in the issue of Life magazine, released on June 26, 1950. More than 50 years ago, these photos were recognized as genuine. It is believed that this is one of the best early UFO photos.


16. November 23, 1951 - California. Guy B. Marcand Jr., made this picture on a mountain road, not far from Riverside, California County. According to him, the object soaring over the horizon was a "flying plate".

One of our readers provided us the following information: December 27, 1943, Guy Marcand was credited to the ranks of the US Army Armed Forces in Los Angeles, California # 3921741. He was single and was from Riverside County.

Now he is 84 years old and he lives with his wife in California at 4010 ROYAL DR. Carlsbad. Obviously, some members of his family still live in Riverside district (added 04-08-10).


17. 1951 - Lubbock, Texas. The famous images of Labbok lights were made on August 31, 1951 in Texas. After years, ignoring all evidence and evidence, skeptics argue that these objects were ... birds.

Such a funny explanation was typical for the snapshots of the UFO of that time. This image was made by an 18-year-old student, Karl Hart younger, using the Kodak camera.

At least 100 witnesses, in addition to him, have observed these objects. This is one of the classical objects of ufology.


18. May 7, 1952 - Barra Yes Tijuok, Brazil. During the shooting of the report for the magazine "O" Cruzeiro ", Journalists of Ed Kessel and Joao Martins saw an unusual flying object approaching them.

When the object flew right above them, Kessel made five black and white pictures. Later, the Brazilian Air Force found another 40 witnesses who also seen this object.


19. 1952 - Washington, Columbia County. At the dawn of the formation of ufology in the United States, in 1952, unidentified flying objects, appeared above the white house, capitol and the pentagon.

It seemed that unknown objects were challenged state institutions, swearing to defend the United States from foreign powers.

The Washington National Airport and the Airport Base "Andrews", discovered several UFOs on their radars on July 19, 1952, which laid the beginning of observations of inexplicable, to this day, phenomena.


20. July 18, 1952 - Lak Shaw, France. The collection of images that were provided and studied by the French Gepan, and then SEPRA, funded by the State Investigation Committee. Pictures are considered genuine.


21. July 16, 1952 - Salem, Massachusetts. This year, a sailor of the coast guard service, Shell Alpert saw four shiny fire in the sky.

He called his colleague to show these bright objects, but for these a few seconds, the light became dim. When they shone again, he had a nasty shot from the window of his office.


22. 1952 - PassaIC, New Jersey. On July 28, 1952, George Stoke worked in his yard, when this dome-shaped saucer appeared. Before heading for him, the UFO Paris over the power line, and George managed to take 5 photos. Only one photo is presented here, but they are all similar. Truly good early photo.


23. 1953 - Momar, Italy. Italian Juseppe style explained that for the first time this photo became known, after the publication, on February 3, 1957, in the Italian weekly "L" "EUROPEO" interview with the Alberto Diplomat, who watched the UFO in the Vatican.

To better describe what he saw, he did a photomontage (the magazine confirmed it). It marked the beginning of photos of this kind. On October 30, 1954, his photographs of UFOs over the Church of Santa Maria in Rome were published in the same way.


24. 1953 - Eiffel Tower, Paris, France. Double discs seen flying over the Eiffel Tower at 3:45 am. This snapshot made M. Paulin.

The photo was in Michael Mann's collection and was subsequently published in the magazine "True".

Very interesting snapshot, and besides, quite quality, given the year of shooting and the distance from the camera to the object. Take a look at the original image to see 2 objects above the tower.


25. December 10, 1954 - Sicily, Italy. Four men observed in the sky of 2 very strange objects. When the author of the snapshot talked about this image, he argued that it was not a film defect, and that for a few minutes, two objects really hung in the air.


26. 1955 - Namur, Belgium (1). June 5, 1955, at about 7:30 pm, near the Nimir, 3 photos were made. Witness said that he saw a bright beam with his own eyes, silently moving in heaven at high speed.

He noted that the beam accompanied the disco-shaped object leaving a white trail.


27. 1955 - Namur, Belgium (2). The witness indicated that the object fell below, turned around, and then began to rise up the trail that he left. Close the image to compare the size of the clouds and this object. Great photo.


28. 1955 - Namur, Belgium (3). The witness continues to tell that when the object rose above, the trace scattered. UFO accelerated and headed left; At the same time, glowing particles began to be emitted. Take a look at the full picture to see the photo and this long path behind the object.


29. July 17, 1956 - Rosette / Natal, South Africa. These two photos from South Africa were made allegedly a contact Elizabeth Clarker. She argued that the high, gray alien, who ruled the UFO, fertilized it during one of their numerous meetings.

Almost incredible, but Cynthia Hind, the representative of Mufon, the most respected Ufret of Africa at that time, found several witnesses confirmed by Elizabeth. Clarker was also ... See below.


30. July 17, 1956 - Rosette / Natal, South Africa. ... revered by a member of South African society. Her husband was Major South African Air Force, but she herself worked in intelligence Air Force.

In total, 7 photos were made, 2 of which are here. There were also photos made by witnesses.

The photos were dubbed Drainsberg, as they were made in the foothills of Dakensebrgih mountains. If they are really real, it is impressive. She never changed her testimony. Clarker died in 1994, at the age of 83 years old.


31. 1956 - Canada. During the flight at an altitude of about 11 km, the Canadian Air Force pilot saw and photographed a very bright, disc-shaped object that was motionlessly hung near the thunderstorm clouds.

Analysis of the photo shows that the reason for this could serve the excess radiation.

August 27, 1956, at about 7:20 pm (about 20 minutes before the sunset), the pilot of the Canadian Royal Air Force, headed to the West and flew over Canadian Mountains near the Fort McCleod, Alberta (49, 5 degrees latitude, 113, 5 degrees longitude).

He flew at an altitude of about 11,000 meters and was the extreme on the left in the group of four jet aircraft F-86 Saber.

During the approach to a large thunderstorm cloud with a relative speed of about 740 km / h, he saw the "bright light that had a round disk outline."


32. Summer, 1956 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This round disk with clear outlines was captured by A. Steel. The photo was made on a clear day.

If you look, you will see three white points from below. The authenticity of the snapshot was confirmed by Colman Skyavinzki, Colonel ICUFON.


33. 1957 - Lake Isabella, California. According to Kodak Labs, the picture is genuine. The author of the photo is a young man who, with his bride, drove through the southern part of Sierra-Nevada, is now called Isabella, on Harley-Davidson.

The young people found an old dirt road, which led on the bottom of a dry lake, and turned out with the main roadto shoot nature. Then, none of them noticed anything unusual.


34. October 16, 1957 - the Base of the Air Force "Hollogen", New Mexico. The author of the snapshot is the nurse Ella Louise Flyun. Everything happened north of Tularm. Based on the photos on the site, you can see that not all UFOs are the same.

Thong took a picture while moving around the 54th highway about 1:30 night. She stated that the UFO was above the air base.


35. August 20, 1957 - Fudzisawa, Japan. The photo is made of Siniti Takeda at 11:28 am, next to Enosima Beach. It is reported that the object was originally noticed by his sister, which told him about it.

UFO silver color, moved from north to south at a height of about 3000-4000 feet.

The object turned 90 degrees left, accelerated, and disappeared in the clouds. A few minutes later, 15 people on the beach reported a similar object flying at high speed. The snapshot is not preserved. The picture shows a capsule-eyed object in the middle of cumulus clouds.


36. 1957 - US Air Force Base "Edwards", California. The picture was taken by the test pilot in September 1957. UFOs pursues a 2-moving jet B-57. Excellent photo for this period of time.


37. September, 1957 - Fort Belvoir, Virginia. This photo was considered in the report of Kondon. An ordinary heard friends call him to look at an unusual object.

He grabbed the camera and made six pictures of a strange ring-shaped object. Soon, the object turned into a white smoke.


38. July, 1957 - Norway. The picture was sent to the examination to representatives of the project "Blue Book". Wright Patterson determined that what we see is nothing but a reflection of light on the camera lens. That this is a fake, there is no doubt. To make sure, open the photo in full.


39. March, 1957 - Rouen, France. During the flight, the unknown pilot of the French Air Force recorded the mysterious object over Ruan on the radar and with the help of his instrument sight photographed it.

For a few minutes, the UFO pursued the French aircraft, until he developed the maximum speed.

This UFO, it seems that it appeared in McMinnville, Oregon, on the floor of the floor of the Trent. For the first time, the picture was published in July 1957 in the aviation weekly of the Royal Air Force, as well as in the weekly "flying plates" in July 1957.


40. 1957-1958 - United States Air Force Base "EDVARDS". According to some data, this photo is taken from the film about the UFO landing at the Edwards Air Base. According to some information, there was a leakage of data, and it became known about the secret film.

The film tells about several people, including about astronaut Gordon Cooper, who claims that he saw everything that happened on the air base. He says that the film still existed, but we cannot confidently declare that this frame from this film.


41. January 16, 1958 - photo of Trinidad Island and Tobago. Trinidad is a small rocky island in the center of the South Atlantic Ocean, located 965 kilometers from the coast of Bahia, Brazil.

Professional photographer Almiro Barauna made a series of pictures of this UFO from the Military Ship. More than 50 witnesses saw UFOs, including the captain of the vessel. It is one of the best early UFO pictures.


42. 1958 - Japan. One of the numerous UFO photos made in Japan. It captures an object over Kaizuka in 1958. There is no other information currently.


43. June 18, 1959 - Vaikiki, Hawaii. This snapshot was the object of studying the "Blue Book" project. Photo by Joseph Sigal Bellyweau, Washington.

Representatives of the project concluded that the subject in the photo is a sunbaking on the lens. In 1968, Robert N. Sheppard, presented a snapshot for discussion on parliamentary hearings.

Nasa has always been a rather ambiguous PR. The problem in taking information and in numerous leaks of information - they say, the American Space Program hides the biggest secret in history. And the secret is so serious that Watergate is losing next to him. We are talking about UFO visits that were removed from the ISS. The Richest chose the most famous photos, allegedly from NASA archives, which skeptics seem to be a hoax, and conspiracles - convincing.
The total position of the US and NASA leadership has not changed since the 1950s, they virtuoso use the media to manipulate public consciousness. NASA was formed in 1958 at the height of the Cold War, when cosmic studies had a purely military importance.
In the American "Space Law" of July 29, 1958, it was recorded that the agency "entrustes to bring to departments directly engaged in national defense, discoveries that have military value or significance ../ and information should be available to the public with the exception: (a) The information that federal status permits or requires to hide, and (b) information classified in the interests of national security. "

Heavenly body in the free flight

This relatively clear snapshot of the object was removed by the ISS in orbit around the Earth. Under the facility - layers of clouds and outlines of the oceans of the Earth. The image is a bit blurry, but clearly visible a spherical shape, and in general the object seems consisting of stone or metal. The object moving in orbit has a speed equal to tens of thousands of kilometers per hour - lose fast to be seen and incredibly fast to get some photos high Quality. We could wonder if it was not a meteorite, but in general, meteorites extremely rarely have a similar correct spherical shape. While this object has a number of roughness and looks like a rock, it seems so artificially round, which may indicate its belonging to some "smart" technician.

Satellite "Black Knight"

Dozens of satellites are flying around our planet, launched with all sorts of research and scientific purposes. However, there are among them one who does not pretend not one state. And in general, there is a suspicion that they did not do on earth. The beginning of the legend about the "Black Prince (or Knight)" laid Nikola Tesla - he caught a repeating radio signal from space back in 1899. True, today we know that he caught the pulsar signal, which was not yet known yet. Later, a scholater from Oslo, experimented with short radio waves, in 1928 was able to catch an "echo with a long delay" (LDE), not understanding to the end the phenomenon of the radio signal return. The explanation appeared in 1954, when the newspapers published the US Air Force application for two objects in the orbit of the Earth, while no one had to run them yet. The existence of a "black prince" is witnessed different sources. The last confirmation was detected in 1998 when the Endeavor Space Shuttle (Endeavor) performed its first flight of STS-88 to the space station. Astronauts on board made many pictures of a strange object, which for a long time could be seen on the site NASA.

Spy - Automatic Scientific Research Station of Aliens?

This photo was allegedly obtained due to the leakage of information from NASA. Interestingly, the ball object color is clearly visible here - it sees the reflection of the sun or the moon (from above). However, it is definitely unknown that the ball is some camera or another device used during the space flight. At least it seems that it is at some distance from the spacecraft, and the Fala or cable, which would be connected to the shuttle. This ball is not similar to typical devices that are used in NASA. In fact, this object is very close to many photos of UFOs removed from the ground. However, there is no unambiguous conclusion. Nasa allegedly stated that they were not ready to argue about this object.

Black prince next to the "Union"

Some believe that this is a photo UFO, filmed from the ISS, others - that this is another photo image of a black prince. The object that looks like a kite flies through the air, rotates in the space below the Russian Space Apparatus "Union" when it moves along the trajectory outside the earth's atmosphere. It may be space garbageBut he can also be some ship, for example, SR-71. Hard to say. Meanwhile, in Roscosmos, they stated that there were no facilities of objects next to the ISS at that time. "If something flies next to, this is reported in advance. This is a compilation of video filmed, apparently from the American segment of the ISS. It is present on it elements of layouts - for example, on the first frames, the spacecraft "Progress" is captured, and at the end of the video - "Union". This difference is obvious due to the shape of the portholes, "explained in Roscosmos.

Disco-shaped object

NASA conducted a broadcast from the International Space Station to show all the beauty of space from orbit live. One of the fologists who watched the broadcast was Scott Wing. Video with the phenomenon of incomprehensible horseshoe, he handed over to a colleague, Tyler Glockneru, leading a YouTube channel SecureTeam. Tyler assures that NASA is actively monitoring what is happening on the video, and turn it off when things that should not be seen in the frame appear in the frame. According to him, last time the translation was interrupted after the appearance of a massive yellow disk in the frame in 2014. As soon as the boat fell into the frame in the form of a horseshoe and flew to the ISS too close, the broadcast was instantly interrupted. Naturally, after such an incident, conspiraologists accused NASA in concealing information about aliens.

UFO or not?

The Internet posted a video from NASA, on which an unidentified flying object stretched out. The entry was made during the release of two astronauts in open space for repair work on the ISS. The object was recorded by the ISS video surveillance cameras. On the video UFO, which looks like an elongated line, is captured by soaring for a few seconds behind one of the astronauts. Immediately there were various assumptions regarding the origin of the object: a spacecraft from the ground could get into the frame or it was just a glare or dust. It is noteworthy that the NASA scandalous video spread independently, the object really is, however, the agency refused to comment.
Many people considered this object similar to some ships that we saw in the original episodes " Star Wars" It still has to find out whether it is garbage or an alien ship. There is a chance that this is a computer graphics. Wavy blue light in the background is similar to the cinematic effect. In fact, we could wonder if it is not a sharp and perfect image to really be true and genuine? UFO is moving quickly, so the camera was sustainable enough to remove this object without the blur effect. Some UFO websites report that this is a photo from NASA archives, but there are also some kind of hoarse, so nothing is definitely not clear.

Pentagonal UFL

Another imaginary "leakage" Photo from the NASA agency. This seems to be a photo of an Asteroid of Juno, made with the Juno Space Research Rocket, which was launched into space as a scout last year. In July, this photo and his accompanying video became viral, collecting hundreds of thousands of views on the Internet, but questions remain: computer graphics used in this image of a pentagonal object or not. According to one site about UFO, the photos are fake. The pictures were originally posted on the website. [Email Protected] 51, which is known for its hoax, firmly mixed on a computer graph. But the website itself argues that it can prove is a leak from the agency.

Space stations?

These photos were made from the shuttle, which is located on a permanent orbit. The image is blurred, barely visible a spherical object, which, in all likelihood, moves through the vacuum space around the Earth. The object seems fixed, but in reality it is not so, because it is removed from the shuttle, which moves at high speed. As some UFO researchers believe, this object moved after the shuttle, in orbit around the Earth. Absolutely dead silence in terms of NASA comments on this photo, but in Google you can find many different opinions - and skeptics, and lyrics.


It can be a kind of rock or meteor. It looks like a saucer that drifts in space. The photo source this time is obvious - it from the NASA website. The object has a bluish ring of light or radiation around its top, which may indicate a certain electronic functioning (but the ring can also be ice layer). In any case, the blue rings on the stone - it's still slightly unusual, and they are rarely found. Controversial, whether the object is metallic or stone, the photo is fuzzy. Some UFO apologists declared their disappointment in photos from NASA, forever they are some kind of ambiguous or blurry. They believe that some better quality (in HD) Photo UFOs are hiding in some secret storage of the agency. Very can be!

UFO in deep space

It is difficult to classify flying objects or education appeared on the ISS cameras on one ordinary day without adventure in space. Just silver balls, similar to the fact that we have already seen many times before.


Extremely blurred photo of the cylinder made by astronauts: they reported that this object was accompanied by an international space station for some time. For many years, such reports have emerged here and there, as a result of which several astronauts declared last yearsthat NASA hides the existing data on the existence of aliens. Such revelations generally reject theories that these foreign items around the shuttles and the ISS are devices used for the space mission. Of course, we wanted to hope that NASA astronauts will be able to identify flying objects that are part of the pilotable complexes. In fact, it is unlikely that they cannot recognize their own ships.

Sphere removed from the shuttle

This sphere is similar to the others that we have seen before, unexpectedly shifted in the frame of the shuttle cameras beyond the terrestrial atmosphere. Shuttle (in this case was "Atlantis") made this picture during his STS-37 mission. It is interesting, but it is impossible to distinguish the exhaust or couples that would point to the operation of the engine or booster. It seems that aliens know some other way to bring their ships in motion. Some theorists and government insiders believe that they move their ships using antigravity.

Remote object

In the literal ISS, UFO lovers noticed a strange oblong item, it caused a big noise on the Internet. In the foreground, we see astronauts at work (this is Reid Wiserman and Alexander Gerst) on the outside of the ISS station, along the external perimeter of the station. In the distance, a cylindrical object is visible, which seems to watch the events at the station. At about the same time was interrupted online broadcast from the ISS, which was interrupted as soon as an unidentified object was called somewhere away. Skeptics argue that it is in this photo that is just dust on the lens, but people who believe in UFO continue to accuse the agency in concealing information.

A comprehensive study of the properties of "behavior" and the sizes of UFOs, regardless of their form, allows us to conditionally divide them into four main types.

The first: very small objects that are balls or discs with a diameter of 20-100 cm that carry out flights at low heights, sometimes fly out of larger objects and return to them. There is a known case in October 1948 in the area of \u200b\u200bFargo's air base (North Dakota), when the pilot hormone unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which was very skillfully maneuvering, evading the chase, and sometimes he himself was moving rapidly Forcing the hormone to shy away from the collision.

The second: small UFOs having an egg-shaped and disk-shaped shape and diameter of 2-3 m. They usually fly at low height and most often put planting. Small UFOs are also repeatedly seen separating from the main objects and returning to them.

Third: Basic UFOs, most often disks with a diameter of 9-40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1/5-1 / 10 of their diameter. The main UFOs make independent flights in any layers of the atmosphere and sometimes land. They can separate the objects of smaller sizes.

Fourth: Large UFOs, having usually shape of cigars or cylinders with a length of 100-800 or more meters. They appear. Header. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, do not make complex maneuvers, and sometimes hang at high altitude. The cases of their landing on Earth were not recorded, but it was repeatedly observed, as small objects were separated from them. There is a suggestion that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also some cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100-200 m.

Such an object was observed during the test flight of the French aircraft "Concord" at an altitude of 17,000 m above the Republic of Chad during the period of the solar eclipse on June 30, 1973. The crew and a group of scientists who were in the plane filmed a movie and made a row of colored shots of a glowing object in the shape of a mushroom hat With a diameter of 200 m and a height of 80 m, which followed the intersecting course. At the same time, the contours of the object were fuzzy, since it, apparently, was surrounded by an ionized plasma cloud. On February 2, 1974, the film was shown in French television. The results of the study of this object were not published.

Frequently found UFOs have varieties. For example, discs with one or two convex parties were observed, the balls with their conversion rings or without them, as well as fighters and elongated spheres. Much less often encounter objects of rectangular and triangular shape. According to the French group on the study of aerospace phenomena, approximately 80% of all observed UFOs had a round shape of disks, balls or spheres and only 20% - an elongated shape of cigars or cylinders. UFOs in the form of disks, spheres and cigars were observed in most countries on all continents. Examples of rarely found UFOs are given below. For example, UFOs with their rings, similar to the Saturn Planet, were recorded in 1954 above Essex County (England) and above the city of Cincinate (Ohio), in 1955 in Venezuela and in 1976 - over the Canary Islands .

UFOs in the form of parallelepiped was observed in July 1977 in the Tatar Strait by members of the team of the ship "Nikolai Ostrovsky". This object for 30 minutes flew next to the vessel at an altitude of 300-400 m, and then disappeared.

UFO triangular shape since the end of 1989 began to systematically appear over Belgium. According to the description of many eyewitnesses, their dimensions were about 30 per 40 m, and three or four luminous circles were located on their lower part. Objects moved completely silently, they hung and drove off from the place with huge speeds. On March 31, 1990, the southeastern Brussels three trusting eyewitnesses were observed as such an object of a triangular shape of six times the larger than the visible disk of the moon silently flew over their heads at a height of 300-400 m. Four luminous circles were clearly visible on the underside of the object.

On the same day, an Alferlan engineer filmed a camcorder for two minutes that flew over Brussels. In the eyes of the Alferlan, the object made a turn and three luminous circles and a red light between them became visible at its bottom. On the top of the object, Alferlan remarked the luminous lattice dome. This video of April 15, 1990 was shown on central television.

Along with the basic forms of UFOs, there are still many all kinds of varieties. The table showed at the meeting of the US Congress Committee on Science and Astronautics in 1968, 52 different UFOs were depicted.

According to the International Upheological Organization "CONTACT INTERNATIONAL", the following forms of UFO are observed:

1) round: disco-shaped (with domes and without them); in the form of an inverted plate, bowls, saucers or rugby ball (with a dome and without it); in the form of two folded plates (with two consecursions and without them); SHITS (with dome and without them); similar to the bell; in the form of a sphere or a ball (with a dome and without it); Similar to Saturn Planet; egg-shaped or pear; barrel-like; Similar to the bulb or top;

2) oblong: rocket-like (with stabilizers and without them); torpedo-shaped; cigar-like (without domes, with one or two domes); cylindrical; rod; spindle-shaped;

3) Pointed: Pyramidal; in the form of an ordinary or truncated cone; Similar to the funnel; sweatshop; in the form of a flat triangle (with a dome and without it); diamond-shaped;

4) rectangular: bar-like; in the form of cube or parallelepiped; in the form of a flat square and rectangle;

5) Unusual: Music-shaped, toroidal with a hole in the center, wheel-like (with spokes without them), cruciform, deltoid, in the form of the letter V.

Generalized data in Nap about observations of UFO various forms in the USA. 1942-1963. List in the following table:

Object form, number of cases / percentage to the general case

1. Disc-shaped 149/26
2. Spheres, Ovals, Ellipses 173/30
3. Type rockets or cigars 46/8
4. Triangular 11/2
5. Glowing points 140/25
6. Other 33/6
7. Radar (Nevissual) observations 19/3

TOTAL 571/100


1. Objects, by nature classified in this list to spheres, ovals and ellipses, can actually be disclined at an angle to the horizon.

2. To the luminous points in this list, small bright glowing objects include, the form of which could not be determined due to the long distance.

In view of it in many cases, in many cases, the testimony of observers may not reflect the true form of objects, since the disk-shaped object can look like a ball, from the bottom - as an ellipse, and on the side - like a spindle or mushroom hat; An object having a cigar or elongated sphere can be in front and rearly look like a ball; The cylindrical shape object can be from the bottom and side to look like a parallelepiped, in front and rear - like a ball. In turn, the object in the form of parallelepiped in front and behind may look like a cube.

Data on the linear sizes of UFOs reported by eyewitnesses, in some cases, it is very relative, since with visual observation, it is possible to determine with sufficient accuracy, only the angular dimensions of the object.

Linear dimensions can only be defined if the distance from the observer to the object is known. But the definition of the distance in itself is great difficulties, because the human eye due to stereoscopicity of view can correctly determine the distance only within up to 100 m. Therefore, the linear dimensions of the UFO can be defined only by quite approximately.

Usually the UFOs have the form of metallic bodies of silver-aluminum or light pearl color. Sometimes they are enveloped by the cloud, as a result of which their contours are sinking.

The surface of the UFO is usually brilliant, as if polished, and there are no seams of neither rivets. The upper side of the object is usually bright, and the bottom, dark. Some UFOs have dome, which are sometimes transparent.

UFOs with domes were observed, in particular, in 1957 over New York, in 1963 in the state of Victoria (Australia), and in our country in 1975 near Borisoglebsk and in 1978 - in Beskudnikovo.

In the middle of the objects in some cases, one or two row of rectangular "windows" or round "portholes" were visible. An oblong object with such "portholes" was observed in 1965. Members of the crew of the Norwegian ship "Yavesti" over the Atlantic.

In our country, UFOs with the "portholes" were observed in 1976 in the village of Pine Towns near Moscow, in 1981 near Michurinsky, in 1985 near Geok Teppes in the Ashgabat region. Some UFOs clearly looked at the rods similar to the antenna or periscopes.

In February 1963, in the state of Victoria (Australia) at an altitude of 300 m above the tree, a disk with a diameter of 8 m with a rod, similar to an antenna.

In July 1978, the crew members of the ship "Yargrora", which followed the Mediterranean Sea, watched a spherical object flying over North Africa, at the bottom of which three designs were visible, similar to the antennas.

Cases are recorded when these rods moved or rotated. Below are two such examples. In August 1976, Moskvich A.M.Thetitsky and six more witnesses saw a silver metal object over the Pirogovsky reservoir, the size of 8 times the moon disk, slowly moving at the height of several tens of meters. Two rotating stripes were visible on its side surface. When the object was over witnesses, a black hatch opened in its lower part, from which a thin cylinder was put forward. The lower part of this cylinder began to describe the circle, while the upper part remained attached to the object. In July 1978, the passengers of the Sevastopol - Leningrad train were observed under Kharkov for several minutes, as from the top of the stationary hanging ellipseed UFOs, some rod was put forward with three brightly glowing points. This rod deviated three times to the right and returned to the previous position. Then, from the bottom of the UFO, a rod with one glowing point was put forward.

UFO info. Types of UFO and their appearance

Inside the bottom of the UFO, three or four landing supports are sometimes located, which are put forward when landing, and during takeoff drawn inside. Here are three examples of such observations.

In November 1957, Senior Lieutenant N., Returned from the Air Base Stand (Las Vegas), saw four disc-shaped UFOs with a diameter of 15 m on the field, each of which stood on three landing supports. When they took off, these supports in his eyes dragged inside.

In July 1970, the young Frenchman Eryen J. near the Zhabrel-le-Bord village clearly saw how four metal supports ending with rectangles were gradually removed inside the boiling round UFO with a diameter of B m.

In the USSR, in June 1979, in the city of Zolochev, the Kharkiv region, Starchenko observed, as 50 m. UFOs landed in the form of a tipped plate with a number of portholes and dome. When the object decreased to a height of 5-6 m, three landing supports with a length of about 1 m, ending with the similarity of the blades, were pulled out of its bottoms. After installing on Earth for about 20 minutes, the object took off, and it was seen how the supports were drawn into his body. Upon nights, UFOs usually shine, sometimes their coloring and the intensity of the glow changes are changing. With a rapid flight, they have a color similar to arising in the process of arc welding; With a slower - bluish color.

When falling or braking, they acquire a red or orange color. But it happens that the immaturity objects are shining with a bright light, although it is possible that the objects themselves are not glow, and the air around them under the influence of some radiation emanating from these objects. Sometimes some lights are visible on the UFO: on the objects of the extended shape - on the nose and on the stern, and on the disks - on the periphery and on the bottom. Also known messages about the rotation of objects with lights of red, white or green.

In October 1989, in Cheboksary, six UFOs in the form of two folded plates depended on the territory of the manufacturing association "Factory of industrial tractors". Then they joined the seventh object. Each of them was visible yellow, green and red lights. Objects rotated and moved up-down. After half an hour, six objects were filled up and disappeared, and one for a while remained. Sometimes such lights ignite and go out in a certain sequence.

In September 1965, two police officers in Exeter (New York) were observed by a UFO diameter flight with a diameter of about 27 m, on which there were five lights of the red color, lit and weakened in the sequence: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st. The duration of each cycle was 2 seconds.

The same case occurred in July 1967 in Newton (New Hampshire), where two former RLS operators observed a glowing object with a nearby lights that flashed and who weave in the same sequence as on the object in Exeter.

The most important characteristic feature UFO is the manifestation of unusual properties that are not found in anyone known to us natural phenomenanor u technical meanscreated by man. Moreover, it seems that the individual properties of these objects are clearly contrary to the laws of physics.