I don't want to work for my uncle. Different sources of income. Be here now

1. Income for the dumb.
Why is getting a job so stupid? Because you only get paid when you work. See the problem? Or you are already duped so much that you consider it reasonable and reasonable to receive income only when your working time? Has it ever occurred to you that it would be much better to receive money even when you are not working?

Don't your houseplants grow even when you are not looking after them? Why doesn't your bank account grow in the same way?

Most of us won't even notice if you've worked 6 hours a week or all 60. But if you can offer us something of value, then most of us will be happy to pull out our wallets and pay for it.

The key is to separate the value you generate from your time.

Smart people build systems that generate income, especially passive income, around the clock. This could be starting a business, opening a website, investing, or getting royalties for creative work... The system works without interruption whether you devote time to it or not.

2. Limited experience.
You might think that "it is important to get a job in order to gain experience." The problem with gaining experience from work is that you tend to just repeat the same limited experience over and over. First, you learn a lot, and then stagnation sets in. Ask yourself, what experience you are gaining now will not lose its value in 20-30 years? Will your work then even exist?

3. Lifetime domestication.
Getting a job is like signing up for a human domestication program. You are learning to be a good pet.

How is your obedience training progressing? Does your boss reward you for good behavior? Does he punish you if you failed to carry out his command?

4. There are too many mouths to feed.
The tax system is designed to hide the real amount of money you are losing: some of these taxes are paid by your employer, and some are deducted from your salary. However, you can be sure that from the employer's point of view, all these taxes are part of your salary.

Your real salary may be three times higher, but you will never see most of that money. It goes straight into other people's pockets.

What a generous person you are!

5. Too risky.
Many workers believe that getting a job is the safest and safest way to support themselves.

Can you feel safe in a position where someone is able to completely deprive you of income with just two words ("You are fired")?

6. Angry bull master.
When you meet an idiot in the world of entrepreneurship, you can turn around and go the other way. When you meet an idiot in the corporate world, you have to turn around and say, "Sorry, boss."

7. Begging for money.
When you want to increase your income, do you have to do a rack and ask the owner more money? Do you feel good about getting some of your favorite Pedigree Pal supplement?

If you have a business and one of your clients says no to you, then you just say next.

8. One-sided social life.
A large number of people put work at the heart of their social life... They communicate with the same people working in the same field. The day is said to have gone well if, as part of a deep, intimate conversation, the company's transition to a new product color and the unexpected delivery of an additional batch of ballpoint pens were discussed.

Why not do it yourself instead of letting your host choose your social circle?

9. Loss of freedom.
It takes a lot of effort to tame a person and make him a worker. The first thing to do is to break his independent free will. A good way is to give him a hefty guide, stuffed with meaningless rules and regulations. This will make the new employee more obedient, make him constantly be in fear of being punished for some unknown reason.

10. Becoming a coward.
Have you noticed that employees have an almost inexhaustible ability to constantly whine about the problems of their companies? In fact, they do not want to solve them - they just want to speak out and explain why someone else is to blame for this. It's like getting a job sucks all free will out of people and turns them into spineless cowards. If you can't call your boss a goat without fear of being fired, then you are no longer free. You have become the property of your master.

It doesn't matter how far you go in this impasse. It's never too late to regain your courage. Never!

(18 estimates, on average: 5,00 out of 5)

Today I offer you some of my thoughts on why employment (so-called "Work for an uncle") Is a path to nowhere. I must say right away that all my arguments will relate to our time and our country. Somewhere else and at a different time, they may not be so relevant. In addition, I will describe what I consider to be a regularity, a rule from which, like any rule, of course, there are exceptions.

So, today, employment continues to traditionally lead among all possible ways to replenish personal or family budget... Starting from a conscious age, people are imbued with the idea that in order to earn money, you need to work. This idea is instilled in them by their parents, school, general state propaganda. Moreover, it is necessary to work preferably in a “dust-free” and prestigious job. Therefore, they start, and after graduation, or even at the time of study, they make every effort to get such a job.

In most cases, with a successful combination of circumstances, they join the ranks of "office plankton", because it is this option that is considered “dust-free” and, in some cases, even prestigious for a young university graduate. But even today it is not so easy to get such a job, and especially in the specialty, therefore the “best” jobs are distributed between those who have connections in these institutions (in the first place) and the most persistent, literate students (in the second place ). Those who lacked such places go to more “dusty” jobs: sellers, builders, service personnel, etc.

Everything, the person has a job for his uncle, and his first important goal in adult life has been achieved! And it doesn't matter at all that the salary that he receives as a young specialist is at best enough for “budget” food and clothing, but at the same time it is not even enough for renting housing, not to mention the possibility of acquiring his own apartment, even on credit. Therefore, there can be no talk of any independent life, you have to save on everything, rent one apartment for 3-4 people, etc.

With all this, such a desirable job for hire is gradually turning into: a person realizes that, in fact, he has no rights and is forced to unquestioningly obey his boss, about whom the most obscene expressions constantly rush in his thoughts. After all, for this the boss (no matter who it is: a businessman or the state) gives him money for food in the form of a salary.

Months and years pass, and a person realizes that such work for his uncle no longer suits him, he is already a “good, experienced specialist” and therefore deserves more. Therefore, at one point he decides to move up the career ladder to higher positions, in which, as it seems to him, “life is better”. He declares this to his boss and either goes to new position here, or finds the strength to change a job for a higher-paying one (usually it is very difficult).

Now he is more satisfied with the work for hire: his salary is starting to be enough not only for food and clothing, but also for renting a separate apartment, and even something remains for entertainment. At first at a new job with new salary the mood always rises. But here a person creates a family (after all, time is already ...), and what was enough for him alone is no longer enough for the life of the family. And then, as often happens, the devil pulled me to buy a car on credit, because I really wanted to have my own “iron horse”, and now this loan “eats up” a significant part of the salary.

What to do? Grow up the career ladder again! After all, the experience is already "headlong", which means that you can already apply for leadership positions... And now, after a series of unsuccessful attempts, it is happening! Now he is the leader himself! At first it even seems to him that this is no longer work for an uncle, but he himself is the “uncle” for whom they work, because he has as many as 5-10 people under his command! And the salary is already hoo!

But after a very short time, an epiphany comes: if initially his work as a young specialist was just slavery, now it is slavery squared. And his boss is no longer some kind of petty boss, but Ivan Ivanovich himself ... And jokes with him are bad, it's even scary to go into his office or pick up the phone when he calls. After all, since he pays SUCH money, it means that he has the right to demand anything at all. Irregular working hours, fulfillment of other people's duties, fulfillment of unrealistic plans ... And just try not to obey. Will smear on the wall ... And this is at best!

And then the kids begin to grow up, and with them - and. And besides a car loan, a mortgage was added - a young family must live somewhere. And even this salary, which already seemed so huge, is no longer enough ... Austerity, debts, life “from paycheck to paycheck” begins again. Plus, there are daily “showdowns” with the authorities, which, of course, leaves its negative imprint on the state of health and the nervous system. But you can't quit working for your uncle either, because then what to live on? And what about the loans? Children to teach?

So, working for hire, all my life I have to spoil my nervous system, endure all the inconveniences in order to have something to eat and feed my family. And the years go by. And now after 40, 45, 50 years, a person becomes not such a valuable specialist, despite all his experience. If after another conflict with the fierce Ivan Ivanovich he flies out of work, then he can no longer find another equivalent job for hire. They do not take it, because the years are not the same ... Everyone needs young and promising ones. Therefore, they have to be content with something more modest, they fall.

And here the retirement age imperceptibly creeps in. Slave labor ends and beggarly labor begins. Which, you yourself know, is enough. And health has already been devoted to work ...

And this is not only my opinion. Many people have written and are writing about this, who are considered to be the most successful, since they were able to independently earn big money from scratch. And, imagine not working for your uncle! For example, the famous author of books on personal finance management, Robert Kiyosaki, in his second book, divides all people into 4 categories according to the way they earn, and describes the category of employees, which includes 80% of people, as the least promising in this regard.

So what are the alternatives to work for hire?

1. If we consider active earnings, then these are:

- Work for yourself (freelancing, private practice, etc.);

- Starting a business.

2. Only an active income will still not be enough to come to and ensure yourself a really decent life: for this you also need. That is, a person must, creating personal capital and making money work for himself.

I have already discussed the difference between active and passive income, providing a visual graph showing how these two categories of income change over a person's life, in an article and other publications on Financial Genius.

All of the above alternatives to work for hire are worthy of separate series of articles, some of which have already begun, and others in the near future. Therefore, stay on, subscribe to updates, join the official communities of the site and track the release of new publications, the main task of which is to bring your personal finance management to a new qualitative level, change your consumer attitude towards money and encourage you to look at some of the things in a different way that, may seem to you common truths. Such, for example, as working for an uncle ...

Until next time!

  • Comments on the record: 42

      Yes, “Working for an uncle is a road to nowhere”. I recently thought, why should I work for someone, try to fulfill some unrealistic plans, and for non-fulfillment “receive” from the authorities in full, thereby spoil my nerves and health ... And some company presidents, directors who are sitting somewhere in Moscow, and most likely they do not know the essence of our work, and receive millions of rubles or maybe dollars. And we, the lowest level of performers, are like ants trying to do their job for a penny ... That's it, it's over !!! I will try to work for myself.

      • Congratulations! You are already moving to the second sector. I hope you will not regret your decision and everything will work out for you! 🙂
        PS: Personally, I can't imagine myself working for my uncle at all ..

      I fully support the author. A similar idea developed while still at school. It is a pity that the majority around you do not support, but are those who, on the contrary, because of their ignorance and ignorance, oppress and treat with a smile. In fact, such people are stupid, and time will judge.

      • There is such a thing. Before reading these articles, I formed the same opinion. Just looking at my parents, living conditions, their prospects. But they do not understand me, they say that you are strange, and you cannot live like that.

        Parents grew up on socialist principles, which no longer work ... Now capitalist ones work ...

      Hmm .. sounds pretty good, but it's very difficult to take and start working for yourself, people, for the most part, are executors of other people's orders and not own desires, weak in spirit to throw off the shackles of slave labor. After all, all their security will blow away like the wind) Although, in order to get a handle on entrepreneurship, it would be nice to smack on your uncle at financial structures (banks, insurance companies, tax), a very useful experience)

      • Sergey, thanks for the helpful comment.

        In the 90s, when in Latvia there was practically no work even for such as electricians. I learned how to make birch brooms and try to trade them through an advertisement in a newspaper. And what do you think Latvian railway ordered as many as 3000pcs, it was happiness! Work for the season, well paid of course. Now I'm doing bath brooms (birch, oak), I breed grape snails and this is very good money! I may not become an investor, I am far from Robert Kiyosaki, but snails will provide me with old age, because demand in the EU is not provided by 65%. Yes, and people will always bathe. That's right: WORKING FOR “UNCLE” is the way to nowhere!

        Great example, Victor, thanks!

      I read, compared, and it turns out that even network business, this is a job for the same uncle. In any case, if you are not the founder of a business, this is work for an uncle.

      • I would say that network business is a kind of symbiosis of working for an uncle and for yourself. That is, despite the fact that it is headed by a certain “uncle”, it provides opportunities for independent development and earnings, albeit on the terms of the “uncle” 🙂

      Konstantin, Kiyosaki's book is all good.
      Many people read it, how cool it is written, how cool it is to lead, and so on.
      This is all cool, of course, so have you created something successful?

      I'm talking about a real business, not a website or blog. For which you were able to buy an apartment, a car, etc. as you describe here.
      In business, you need to work and be ready to plow 24/7, take the phone at any time of the day. Otherwise, you will never create anything. Read at least 200 books on business.

      There is a good saying - the wolf's legs are fed.
      This applies exactly to the entrepreneur.

      In general, there are people who are good performers, there are entrepreneurs, there are unemployed citizens who will never work at all, snapping seeds for the rest of their lives.

      • I have 2 apartments with good repair (one really inherited, but I did the repair myself, the second was bought on the primary market, inside it is completely finished and equipped independently - my parents live there now), a car (bought in a showroom), a garage in a good cooperative and a certain capital. I live in a third apartment (not mine, relatives), in which I also did the repairs myself. I had all this by about 30 years.
        Once I registered entrepreneurship in order to do the desired type of business for my soul, but I failed to realize this due to a change in legislation. Although I have been going towards this for several years, 3-4 years, I have already gone through several important steps.
        All income I received mainly from investing the available capital, constantly increasing it, my first earnings were active - from working for my uncle in a bank, I worked there for about 9 years, last years held a leading position, after which he quit. Further, from active earnings, he was engaged in freelancing, took part in work on several financial projects on the Internet, then I decided to create my own. I also mastered forex trading, and made money with this.
        Since I live in Crimea, in connection with the recent events I have lost a substantial part of my capital (about half), I also lost my earned sources of income. Now I do not have such sources of income as I used to be - it is not possible to create them here. But enough for life).
        I was always drawn not to creating some kind of active business with a 24/7 mode of operation, not to active entrepreneurship, but to quiet, passive earnings, “without leaving home”. I like it more. An offline business that I wanted to open, but did not have time (and this is even good, because now I could simply “nationalize” it), would not give a lot of profit - it would rather be a hobby.
        I also think the site is quite successful. I think that the income he brings is more than the salaries of many.
        PS: Interestingly, I don't read much books at all - I'm honestly talking about that. Incl. Kiyosaki, I haven't read it, I just know what the book is about, that's all).
        This is my story).

        Dmitry, to some extent I am on your wave of understanding the risks associated with entrepreneurship, but nevertheless, I would like to correct you a little, if I may. Classic education system (while we were talking about the space of the former Soviet Union) we were convinced that in order to achieve something we need hard work and all that, it has already eaten into us even at the cultural level with various sayings and proverbs “you cannot easily take a fish out of a pond”, etc. Nevertheless, by the way, Kiyosaki confirms this in one of his books - hard work and perseverance is not enough, not everything is so simple. Here you need flair, you need to catch your wave in the case if it is of course yours. Recently I watched an interview with the composer Dunaevsky, who according to Kiyosaki from sector "C" (not "B") (private entrepreneur) - he was asked "what do you think success is 99% hard work and 1% luck" to which he replied that " I would say 40% (labor) 60% luck. " I would call the main criterion - to correctly arrange the balance of power - not a single entrepreneur suddenly became such, nge grows like a mushroom without any preliminary support in the form of an already existing stable permanent income. A successful business is a long stable activity in this direction, knowledge of all underwater and surface stones and reefs, the specifics of the weather in a given area, figuratively speaking, and this is all achieved precisely by work for hire, because for nothing to gain bumps and most importantly to waste time for free for the sake of there will be no future often unreasonably rosy business.

      Konstantin, you must first of all be aware of the fact that working for yourself and investing is not a cheap luxury, I would even say quite expensive, if, of course, a person adequately appreciates what he earned, because in working for yourself and investing you besides that you risk losing money and you are also wasting time, while in working for your uncle you only risk time, and if you choose the right uncle and for the lost time you can get a good compensation which will not smell in the first case. These are 2 completely different categories, I would even say 3 different categories, because I separate investment from private entrepreneurship, too, they are located in completely different risk (in terms of finance) categories. If we put it in order, then the easiest risk category is work for an uncle, in the middle is private entrepreneurship and in the hard one is investing. Jumping immediately into the medium and hard, bypassing the easy one, in my understanding, is akin to trying to jump over the capitalist era of development into the communist one and is fraught with consequences, moreover, very unhappy. Therefore, the main component - EXPERIENCE - must definitely be gained in work for an uncle and not independently, another thing is not everyone is able to get to that uncle where he would later like to become an uncle himself - this is a completely different issue that requires another study.

      • Of course, these are 3 different categories. Investing is not cheap, I agree, but self-employment is not necessary. For example, you can be a freelancer, work remotely, or even provide some kind of offline services, investing little or nothing at all. At the same time, earn more than in the case of traditional employment.
        There is another very important and expensive life asset that a person risks - health, physical and psychological. When working for an uncle, his losses can be (and most often are) very significant, and this is something that cannot be bought for any money, and the loss of health, in my opinion, cannot be compared with the loss of money (earned money can then all go to treatment and medicine, and still not enough).
        The experience gained while working for yourself can be much more valuable than the experience gained while working for your uncle. Because in this case, a person learns not only to perform some specific work, but also learns to be a leader (even to lead oneself), and these are very valuable skills and abilities, much more extensive than when working under the command.
        The fact that traditional work is the least risky way to earn money can be agreed, but with many caveats. I wrote about this in the article. In particular, the main risk is that a person is completely dependent on his employer, if he is fired, he will simply lose his income.
        In my opinion, work for an uncle should be used at the first stages of its formation, as a tool for earning initial capital, if it is not there, in order, as they say, to "get on your feet", then gradually move on to work for yourself, and most importantly - to passive income. Because the labor and time required for active earnings are limited resources, and the capital required to generate passive income can grow infinitely.
        In the article, I roughly described this scheme, and also drew an approximate graph of changes in a person's active and passive income throughout life.
        Of course, this is my vision, you have the right to see differently and act based on your own vision. If your position will give you the opportunity to maintain your financial condition at a level sufficient for you, all the more so - to increase it, I will only be glad! 🙂

      1. What does age mean to start a family? This is also generally a Soviet stereotype. You need to create a family not when you are old, but when you yourself want to. You write about stereotypes and live by them.
      2. To have a car, an apartment, nifigasebe, this is not enough for a person. It would be fine if you work for your uncle and by 40 you have no car, no apartment, no family. This is yes, tin. But with a car, a hut and a family, this is an excellent financial result.

      • You do not quite understand: I am describing how the average person thinks and acts. These are stereotypes of society, not mine personally 😉

      The second question was never answered. Why, having a car, renting an apartment in Moscow, a wife, a child and earning 60,000 a month working as a boss for an uncle at 30 is not enough? And how much is not a little in your opinion?

      • In the second moment, I did not see the question mark. I think that the situation you described is quite typical, I am not saying that this is not enough. Let's just say this is usually not good, and not bad. But such a person is at high risk. Because if suddenly at one moment he loses this job, he simply will not have anything to live on and support his family. In addition, he will not be the boss forever: when he starts to grow old, say, after 40 or after 50, he will be replaced by new, young bosses, and he will work in a lower position and earn less. And then he will retire and be left alone with his old age and 20 thousand pensions (for Moscow, approximately). From the second half of his life or a little further, his active income will begin to fall, and his expenses will rise. Therefore, my belief is that you need to focus on passive income. In this example, if a person, for example, earned half of this amount in an active way, working for an uncle, and the other half - already passive, and then, with age and capital growth, his passive income would also grow (and not fall, as active) - this situation would be much better.
        The amount of earnings in itself does not mean anything. It is important how it compares with the needs of the person - with his expenses. And also how much his income is protected and diversified. Therefore, for different people, “not a little” will be different, based on their needs. For example, in my region, this thousand dollars is an income that is quite acceptable for a normal life and the possibility of saving. average salary here 150-200 dollars. And in Moscow - I'm not sure.

      Yes Yes. My father is such a “successful businessman”. He started trading in the dashing 90s, the business left with a deficit. The second business, the car resale, was wiped out when the government raised duties. Third - construction firm - collapsed during the crisis. So what? Man is 46 years old, employment history empty, on new business there is no money, they do not take to work - old, little experience. And all this time my mother worked as an accountant, at first for a penny, gaining experience. And now she is an experienced accountant with vast experience and experience in various fields, for many years she has been receiving good money, if she quit, she will easily find new job, she has a great resume. So think about where the path to nowhere really is.

      • Your father's mistake is that he did not diversify his investments, he invested all his money in one, and when he burned out, he had nothing left. Now, if instead of one he had more or less big business there were several small and diverse - such a story could have been avoided.
        In any case, everyone is free to choose what he likes .. I do not force anyone to anything).

      I completely agree! Of course, it's hard for people to get out of work and start doing something for themselves, I went through it myself, but this is necessary, because I think it's better to earn money in your pocket than these moneybags who don't even appreciate you.

      So ... I advise beginners, even if you work - look for escape routes, do something that brings additional income, preferably passive, of course.

      Thank you for the article!

      Best regards, Vlad Klinkov!

      You can talk a lot and for a long time on this topic and everything will come down to this: there is a physical and intellectual difference between people, there are thinkers and doers, there are different styles of thinking, and there will always be employers and mercenaries, and this is very good. My friend is happy with his stability (mediocrity), employment, 2 days a week off drinking beer. I showed him a different life, as they once showed me. Self-employment, own schedule, full responsibility, variety in life. Now he wants to change his life. I'm not smarter than him, we have different style thinking. Someone suits the slow and measured rhythm of life, someone loves dynamics and adventurism. I am insanely glad that I tried and took risks, now I am freelancing, I have great ideas to implement and hope to never go back to work for hire. (can't put up with it). I do not know how abroad, like in Asia or America, but here “stable” means “moderate”. I'm not ready to put up with such a result, I hope you too !!!

      • Danil, thank you for your great example!

      Good afternoon!!! Here I am sitting in the office and the same pondering how I got sick of everything working for “Uncle”, sometimes my nerves fail, although it is difficult to get me out. At the same time, he opened his own business shop in order to at least slightly improve his financial situation and, as a result, “burned out” because there was no time for it. At work, they constantly pull, you won't leave the office, and if you leave, phone calls start with questions. On the other hand, if you quit, and you can't work for yourself, why pay loans and support your family? Fear overcomes me. Can someone tell me how to proceed?

      • Hello Ivan. Alternatively, you can start working for yourself on the Internet (or start your own business there), to which you will pay mainly non-working hours, well, little by little to track while working in the office. When you already see that you can earn at least as much there as at work in the office, you can quit without such risks.

      • When it comes to this, the uncles will think that it is no longer possible to treat their employees this way, and they will improve working conditions in order to compete favorably with working for themselves.

    1. The author writes everything correctly. I quit my job 3 years ago because I fell and I didn't want to survive. My girlfriend at that time did not mind. I lived with her on her salary, parents helped. I decided to find a way to make money on the Internet. I spent 6 months on it, in the end, then I started getting a little money from the HYIP that I created. This, of course, did not suit me, since I understood that everything was not stable and the risk was great. I started looking for something else and tried many more ways. Of course, I earned a penny a month to go out for $ 200, but I wanted much more and to spend as little time as possible on my business. In the end, I got my way. I earn from $ 6,000-11,000 per month, I withdraw money through an intermediary in cash, I take him wmz. To bypass the tax. I spend no more than 1 hour a week near the PC. And denyushki come. Of course, I will not tell you where and on what I earn, but I like it. And you don't have to cheat to make money as it was at the beginning of my acquaintance with the Internet earnings. The only thing I miss is emptiness in my soul. I apologize for my ignorance. Education of 10 classes: (I hated to study because I did not see the point in this from the education that this state gives.

    The age-old question: what is better to work for yourself or for an "uncle"? On the one hand, there is more freedom, but at the same time, with your business, responsibility and risks are several orders of magnitude greater.

    Many of my friends said that I wasn’t poking around, as there were a lot of plumbing advertisements in the newspapers, about 40 pieces. I printed the ads and in the evening after 22:00 I went out to glue the ads, in the afternoon it was somehow dumb at the beginning.

    I didn’t drive a car. After 3 months he closed the debt, sold the car, bought another.

    Income grew slowly. Together with the services, he began to sell material, made a warehouse from the garage. I don’t give ads for 5 years already, word of mouth has been working. Now there is a team working, but not at such horse interest. Sometimes I have more from the material than a percentage of the work.

    Therefore, you should always look for the reason not to do this in yourself. Being an entrepreneur is not difficult, it is difficult then not to be lazy, but to develop. Working for your uncle has its advantages, you willingly go to work. And when he allows himself to relax, writing off his laziness, then on the weather, then on health or on the customer. There is no one to kick you sometimes to go to work.

    Maybe someone will find this comment useful. Thanks.

    Each type of human activity is useful for society, which means that no matter what a person does, he is able to make this activity useful, interesting and important for himself and others. And it concerns both work for oneself and activities under the leadership of the director. You need to choose one or another type of work based on your own interests and character.

    The main thing is inclination

    For each type of work, people with certain inclinations are suitable. So, most often people who start their own business are independent, ambitious, independent, in many respects courageous, those who clearly see their future path, and know that working for themselves will bring them satisfaction, reveal their own potential and fulfill their plans. Moreover, they can start both a small business and become the founders of a huge corporation.

    This does not mean that there are no people with the listed qualities in companies under the leadership of the chief. Of course, such employees work great and achieve success in a large corporation, holding high positions, and for this they do not have to become its owners. However, most employees of large and small companies differ in a different nature: these are people for whom stability is important, monthly transfers of albeit small, but constant salaries. Such employees are reluctant to take responsibility for anything. It is much more convenient for them to carry out the duties assigned to them and spend 8-9 hours in the office than to think about the tasks and mission of the company, to implement global plans for its development.

    What to choose?

    In order to choose the most suitable of these two activities, you need to not only listen well to your character and preferences, but also try both types of activities. Then you can say more precisely for which one you are not suitable. In addition, it is important to remember that any kind of activity has its negative sides. So, when working for oneself, you will have to take the initial capital somewhere to execute documents as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, products and equipment, rent a room, pay staff, if any. Owners own business manage their personal time better and have more funds than ordinary employees. But before it develops and becomes successful, you will have to go through more than one setback, loss of money or even bankruptcy. At the same time, the owners of their business are forced to think about their business almost every hour of their lives, worry about it and spend a huge amount of money and nerves, without confidence to achieve the desired result.

    But work for hire is not devoid of negative sides... Employees are forced to fulfill the dreams of a stranger all their lives, who can earn big money from their work, while the employees themselves are forced to work for salaries and bonuses. The salary of an employee is rarely raised, while prices for all types of goods rise almost monthly. None of the work for hire does not guarantee a person any special stability, as he can at any time, or promotion up the career ladder, since such decisions are made not by the employee, but by the director. You cannot make a lot of money on such a job, as a rule, the salary is always limited, no matter how much a person works for the company.

    I want to greet all my readers and subscribers. In today's article, I want to give my opinion that working for hire, you will never become free in financial plan... That is, “working for an uncle” is a bad choice. At least for our country and now. Perhaps in another country, this is not so, but in our reality "Working for an uncle is a road to nowhere".

    In addition, I will give in this article the most basic patterns, of which there are always exceptions.

    Currently, work for other people or companies is the leader among all kinds of ways to replenish the budget of both an individual and the average family. A person is programmed from the very birth that in order to receive money, he needs to work for someone. Such thoughts are put into our heads from the earliest school years, and support them until conscious adulthood. And all state propaganda is aimed at this.

    Therefore, a person begins to study at a university and after graduation strives to get a prestigious job. As practice shows, some people manage to get such a job, and this is facilitated by acquaintances and connections. In addition, for this it is necessary to pass certain tests and a medical examination in order to become a full-fledged employee of the enterprise.

    Such people with dignity join the close ranks of the "office plankton". Those who could not immediately find a "dust-free" job, occupy lower positions, go to the builders or service personnel.

    The job is received and the goal is achieved, and it does not matter at all that the salary is only enough for food and clothing, as well as to pay for a rented apartment. Every year, such work more and more resembles ordinary slavery, since a person does only what his boss tells him, and not a step back. Of course, he pays money!

    As the experience and connections grow, the employee decides that he already deserves more and moves to management positions. His expenses are increasing and his salary is also increasing. He has a family and children, takes a car on credit and a house on a mortgage. The needs are increasing and you need to somehow pay for all this. And my daughter is getting married.

    Therefore, a person has no choice but to go for another promotion. With a successful combination of circumstances, such an employee becomes the boss himself. And everything seems to be fine now, but there is Pyotr Ivanovich, the owner of the company or a higher-ranking chief in the ministry. And now you can definitely forget about a quiet weekend, since for such a salary he can demand anything - even work on weekends and calls at night. What about unrealistic plans and commitments?

    A person has no choice but to work further, since the bills have to be paid, children to teach and help, to raise grandchildren. And then there is also health at 45-50 years old on the nerves of playing pranks! And then at one fine moment Pyotr Ivanovich finally gets it and the person leaves the company at the age of 50, or works quietly until retirement.

    With the onset of retirement, incomes fall and you have to tighten your belts, and if the loans have not been paid yet, and the mortgage is crushing, then it is generally "tin"! And no prospects in the future.

    In principle, I considered this not the worst option for career development, because most often it is much worse. Of course, there are exceptions everywhere, but this is 70-90 percent of cases in our country. This is what working for "uncle" leads to.

    Therefore, it is necessary in all possible ways to look for an alternative to such work, or in order to have capital that brings passive income to retirement.

    How can you replace employment

    • Starting your own business. There are now a huge number of options for organizing it - you can complete courses in landscape design and provide services to the public, or you can just start trading on the market. Each person has their own choice.
    • Freelancing (work on the Internet).
    • Network marketing to a lesser extent.

    These are active types of earnings, where you should make the most of your efforts. But besides this, you need to constantly increase your capital, and create. You need to make money work for yourself, and not work for them for your "uncle". And it's never too late to start doing it! Watch an instructive cartoon on what passive income is:

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