New Year's bonus for police officers of the year. Ministry of Internal Affairs employees expect salary increases from the new year. One-time payments of bonuses to police officers and the procedure for their payment

The word "premium" in the Russian language came from Latin and means "award, distinction". IN labor law The Russian state is an incentive payment in cash for results that are higher than the average.

The function of bonuses is, first of all, to stimulate workers, therefore, its size directly depends on the following factors:

  • how the goal of work efficiency was achieved;
  • labor indicators;
  • conditions of bonuses;
  • personal contribution of the person to be awarded to the general activities of the organization;
  • the effectiveness of the work of the entire unit in which the corresponding employee is listed;
  • overall performance across the organization.

The main thing that is taken into account when calculating bonus payments is the correspondence between the conditions and indicators of bonus payments.

Bonus cash payments to employees of any organizations and enterprises operating in Russia are accompanied by a mandatory fixation in the corresponding order, while it contains the following data:

  • indicators for the achievement of which the prize is given;
  • employee category;
  • what executive carries out this order.

This cash incentive is paid in excess of the established salary.

Types of awards in Russia

According to russian legislation, namely Article 191 Labor Code our state, awards are of two types:

  1. Provided by the remuneration system (are of a stimulating nature and are charged for pre-agreed indicators and conditions).
  2. Outside the remuneration system (they work as an additional incentive, they can be of a one-time nature):
    • if work productivity increases;
    • if the employee has worked conscientiously for several decades;
    • if in the process of work the workers have improved the quality of manufactured products;
    • if innovative solutions were introduced into the labor process;
    • if the employee performs his work duties flawlessly;
    • if the Rules work schedule (agreement, contract) provides other conditions and indicators for incentive premium payments.

Premiums are paid for strictly certain periodfor example, in one month of impeccable service.

Police Service in 2019

Every Russian, young and old, is familiar with the hard work of the police service. In the current 2019, the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) conducted an opinion poll on issues related to the work of Russian police officers. Both residents of Moscow and residents of St. Petersburg, as well as some middle-level cities and villages (selectively) were interviewed. The results of this survey are provided below:

  • confidence level - 46%;
  • assessment of work as "good" and "very good" - 13%, "average" - 46%, "bad" and "very bad" - 20%;
  • the prestige of the profession of a police officer - 20%.

This data is several orders of magnitude higher than the data of the previous survey conducted in 2013. Based on these figures, one can judge: are Russian police officers worthy of receiving bonuses?

Bonus payments due to police officers in 2019

According to the trade union organization of the city of Moscow, the average salary of a police officer with the rank of sergeant for performing job responsibilities is 35-40 thousand rubles, and junior police officers receive from 40 thousand rubles to 50 thousand rubles. The size of incentive bonuses was about 20 thousand rubles.

The federal law of the Russian Federation "On social guarantees for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation" was adopted and came into operation in July 2011. Since then, many amendments have been made to it. Last changes included in this document in April 2015. Additional payments (this includes bonuses) to police officers is described in Article No. 2, paragraph 6: “bonuses for conscientious performance official duties". And in paragraph 12 of the same article, the amount of such payment is also stipulated: "at the rate of three salaries per year." The procedure for calculating bonuses to police officers is approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation or the head of some other federal body executive power, that is, at the place of service of the police officer.

Consider for the performance of which official duties bonus payments to Russian police officers are provided:

  • comply with constitutional federal rules and laws;
  • adhere to the official routine;
  • maintain the level of their qualification category;
  • take into account the legitimacy of the interests of Russians, as well as public associations, organizations and enterprises operating in Russia;
  • serve in accordance with the job description;
  • not to evade the execution of orders from higher authorities;
  • keep official information in strict secrecy;
  • to protect state property;
  • to provide all kinds of assistance, including the first, and support to Russians who have become victims of any crime, accident, or found themselves in a life-threatening position;
  • report all violations of law and order to the nearest territorial body executive branch, which is in the sphere of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The bonus for the conscientious performance of the listed official duties is awarded to a police officer for a certain period - a calendar month. It includes training, vacation, and sick leave.

One-time payments of bonuses to police officers and the procedure for their payment

For Russian police officers, the law provides for one-time incentive payments in the form of one-time bonuses. They are additional, therefore their size is regulated according to the funds that are allocated for the payment monetary allowance.

The decision on such payment is made by the head of the territorial unit in which the bonus police officer works. A corresponding order is drawn up about this, which lists all the merits that deserve additional encouragement in the form of a bonus.

When are bonuses not paid to police officers?

In accordance with the same law, some Russian police officers cannot qualify for additional cash payments in the form of bonuses. These include:

  • caring for children under 3 years old (maternity leave);
  • dismissed from the performance of their official duties on legal grounds;
  • violated service and labor discipline;
  • received disciplinary action and reprimands, confirmed by the relevant orders;
  • those who refused to accept the order of their higher authorities to transfer to another position;
  • who have lost the trust of their colleagues and Russian citizens;
  • who have committed forgery of official documents;
  • convicted of an offense or crime committed;
  • defamed the honor of a police officer;
  • violated the terms of the mandatory rules of the employment contract.

All of the above violations are confirmation that the police officer cannot high level perform their duties in good faith.

News 2019: Payment of bonuses to police officers

Back in February 2015, the media reported that the leadership of the Moscow police decided to cut bonuses for police officers in their region. This is directly related to the optimization procedure federal budget, since the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia adopted a decree on tightening control over the spending of budget funds. Thus, cash incentive payments in a one-time form (as well as material assistance) to local police officers are made only in case of emergency.

Predictions for 2019: Salaries and Bonuses for Police Officers

The draft budget for 2019 for the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already been formed. It is based on the ideology of needs, that is, the minimum provision for the next year goals. The limits set by the government for 2019 could lead to further reductions in the number of Russian police officers.

Through careful selection of police officers and their filtering, they want to identify unscrupulous employees who are irresponsible in their direct duties as a police officer. Employees who perform their work in good faith should not be afraid of this reduction, since all slippery moments will be considered in individually... Accordingly, the remaining worthy police officers will be paid decent wages and bonuses.

Surely the cops are an integral part of any country. After all, everyone always knows that in case of any offense that has occurred, you need to go just to them. Such work is fraught with serious danger - and last news the death of a rather large number of representatives of this profession while performing their official duty is heard too often and confirms this statement.

Concerning, what will be the increase in police salaries in 2016, worries a large number of people.

Who are police officers and what are their main duties

Everyone knows the policemen - their appearance causes subconscious awe. After all, they personify law and order. And there is a feeling that when they appeared somewhere, it was not just that.

Such workers are distinguished by special knowledge and skills, and they also have quite a lot of experience in catching dangerous asocial individuals. Although the police are not particularly fond of, they turn to them for help when necessary.

These employees have a number of important job responsibilities, including:

  • solving crimes;
  • prevention of the fact of an offense;
  • prevention of various types of offenses.

It follows from this that in comparison with the so-called office plankton, the work of a police officer is very dirty and hard. And such work must necessarily be well paid.

At the same time, it is not so great.

What is the salary of a police officer

A police officer's salary is usually not just a bare salary. Wage worker law enforcement agency consists of several parameters:

  1. directly the salary;
  2. length of service;
  3. experience in this profession;
  4. regional allowances;
  5. rank or title of the employee.

Each of these factors, in principle, can add a lot to a police officer's salary. In fact, it turns out that with all the charges, he has only about 1-2 thousand increments.

How police salaries were indexed before

Previously, police treasures were indexed according to well-defined schemes. This happened 2 times a year. The basis for such increases were the decrees of the President of the country, in which he instructed to transfer all employees of the state and budgetary service to higher salaries. This was due to the fact that those who were appointed to him then simply did not stand up to criticism.

because of low salaries departments faced all sorts of difficulties when the following factors were noted:

  • high staff turnover;
  • corrupt practices;
  • facts of serious corruption.

It even got to the point that the police were no longer perceived as defenders, and became more associated with extortionists. Therefore, the indexation of police salaries has become a rather important factor that made it possible to solve these difficulties.

The salaries of employees of law enforcement agencies began to increase quite well and even in some cases they were able to bring them to quite competitive figures. However, the situation has changed dramatically and now the increases are in question.

Because of what the increase in police salaries in 2016 came into question

What will happen to the police salary today is completely unknown and incomprehensible. After all, the country was covered by a rather serious and strong crisis. The reasons for this were:

  1. problems with a neighboring country of a geopolitical nature;
  2. world condemnation and, as a consequence, isolation from the European part of the world and from across the Atlantic;
  3. internal changes in the Russian market, when the cost of everything in a row rose very quickly - literally right before our eyes;
  4. problems in the domestic currency market in the country.

All these points have caused problems in the life of the country in general and its entire population, in particular. For example, according to official statistics, the incomes of Russian citizens decreased by at least 10%. Many businesses were closed. And since the country's budget is filled regularly, if the whole mechanism functions like a clock, then, naturally, quite serious difficulties have occurred here. The Ministry of Finance even had to print out gold-foreign exchange reserves in order to be able to fulfill the main social obligations:

  • pay pensions;
  • issue benefits;
  • arrange subsidies.

As a result of all these problems, the increase in the salary of police officers in 2016 in Russia became a big question. After all, there is nothing special to replenish the treasury. And the police themselves are more consumers for the budget than its fillers.

What are the opinions on this matter

2015 was a difficult year for many. After all, a decision was made at a high level to secretly suspend the May presidential decrees. And first of all, of course, state employees suffered from this.

All the increments and indexations, which were planned for 2015, have slowed down. Many are on standby today. The government itself is confident that difficult times are not for long. And in fact, in 2016, the situation will begin to change. For example, they are confident that the country has passed its peak of the crisis, as a result of which the situation will begin to improve. This means that an increase in police salaries in 2016 is quite possible.

Experts, however, believe that if the indexation of the salaries of employees of power departments takes place, then one cannot count on any large figures. They say that the indexation will be a figure no more than the level of official inflation.

This is where the problem and complexity lies. Official inflation rate is set at 6%... In fact, it is significantly higher. And this can be seen quite even with the naked eye. At the same time, the Government itself and the Central Bank are confident that it is this figure that shows as accurately as possible exactly what events are taking place in the country today. In general, if the increase takes place, then it will be no more than 6%, which translated into money indicates an increase of a maximum of a couple of thousand rubles.

The increase in police salaries in Russia, the latest news on which for many employees has long been long awaited, must take place in the near future. Otherwise, the gap between the incomes and expenditures of law enforcement officers will be quite serious.

What happens to layoffs of employees

Another problem that worries and interests many employees of security agencies is whether there will be a reduction in the police force in 2016. This interest is quite natural, since many have already been affected by such a wave. And today many are under threat of fulfillment.

Today, reductions in workers in various budgetary areas are attributed to the so-called optimization, which is carried out throughout the country. Optimization affects most of the departments aimed at more efficient allocation of people and capacities.

So, for example, within the framework of optimization it is planned:

  • to reduce some of the employees (however, as the ideologists of such a program assure, this will affect only the management team);
  • sell property from the balance sheet of departments, which is not used, but only draws funds for its maintenance;
  • reallocation of employees by positions to create a balance of employees.

It makes no sense to dispute the fact that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a structure that occupies an incredibly important and significant place in any state. Russia is no exception, where at the moment there are more than 500 police officers per one hundred thousand people. The work of most of them is fraught with significant danger, so it makes sense that the salaries of police officers should be appropriate.

Also read:

How much do the police get?

Let's try to answer a standard question: how much do the police earn today? In general, the salary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs last year was quite flexible and varied from 15,000 to 75,000 rubles, depending on the position of the employee. In addition, the salary of police officers also depends on factors such as:

  • rank;
  • service life in law enforcement bodies;
  • region.

So, the salary in the police in Moscow and St. Petersburg was one of the highest in the country.

Are salaries expected to rise?

Most law enforcement officials, based on the current economic situation, are interested in the question: will there be a reduction in salaries in the police? What can we say if the well-known decree of the President of the country on a significant increase in salaries for several years today is not always and everywhere implemented.

At the moment, the police should not worry, as the government is seriously considering the possibility of indexing public sector wages. This means that no reduction in payments to police officers is expected.

But you shouldn't be particularly happy either, since times are pretty hard today, and indexation will most likely not exceed the inflation rate, on average, in the country. Moreover, inflation may turn out to be somewhat higher, which means that the salary of the operative in the police will not grow much. So, according to experts, the increase in wages will not exceed 2-5 thousand rubles. This means that the minimum wage in 2016 in Russian law enforcement agencies will be approximately 17,000 - 18,000 rubles.

Will the pay of police officers change?

An increase in wages in the current years should still take place, but, alas, the payment for this will be quite high. According to representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, serious reductions will be made in the system, so that many workers may lose their jobs. Ordinary employees, however, should not worry too much, since, for the most part, reductions will affect representatives of the management apparatus. The government of the country believes that the medical and procurement services should be removed from the state, making it possible to free up the savings to pay other employees of the structure.

In any case, most police officers can only expect that the planned reform of the payroll in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016 has been carried out.

How to calculate the salary of a police officer?

How does the salary calculator work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? By itself, the salary of a police officer consists of two types of salary, calculated depending on the position held and in accordance with the rank assigned to him, as well as additional payments, for the term of service in the authorities, working conditions, etc.

So, until the reform of monetary allowances is carried out, the monthly allowance for the length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is:

  • from 2 to 5 years of service - 10%;
  • from 5 to 10 years old - 15%;
  • from 10 to 15 years old - 20%;
  • from 15 to 20 years old - 25%;
  • from 20 to 25 years old - 30%;
  • 25 years and above - 40%.

What will be the salary of civilians in the police in 2016?

It is worth noting that not only employees with titles work in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Indeed, a sufficient number of civilians have always worked here, without which this department cannot function effectively. What will happen to their salaries? In the ministry itself, the importance of finding civilians in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is well understood, therefore, from the side of the leadership, all possible measures are taken to ensure that the salaries of such workers correspond to the level of other employees.

Indeed, payments to civilian employees in the police in 2016 should not fall below the level of 13,000 - 15,000 rubles. In addition, the option of indexing salaries is also being seriously considered, especially since civilian employees are not charged most of the allowances provided for employees "in uniform".

Recently, reforms have been carried out in the power structures in Russia. The traditional name "militia" has already changed to "police", while the requirements for employees have been tightened, the structure and number of this unit are being optimized all the time.

According to the statement of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, such reforms will only be beneficial, as a result of which the people will have reliable protection for their quiet lifestyle.

As for the police officers themselves, they will receive new equipment and equipment and they will receive an increase in their salaries, which in turn will make their work more prestigious.

Every day, police officers and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs face risks at their work, which sometimes can be harmful to health. Bonuses will be paid to all of them for the Christmas holidays.

The president of the country himself told about this when he congratulated the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on their professional holiday on November 10. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself also confirmed that there will be an increase in wages.

Throughout the year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs does everything possible to save some budget money, and at the end of the year to issue a bonus to its employees. Of course, bosses and management will receive significant bonuses compared to the average employee.

By the end of the year, all police officers hope to receive the award, since the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are the largest organizations with a large staff.

Among other things, Vladimir Putin noted that his "May decrees" will be fully implemented, which is why the increase in wages will apply to all budgetary organizations.

It should be said that the police reform was started back in 2012. At first, the salary of all police officers was increased by 15%, and then the very principle of payroll was changed. With the onset of this year, a sweep was carried out among the police officers, after which the staff was reduced to 900 thousand people.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already said that only through cuts and optimization will it be possible to save the budget, which in the future will help increase the level of wages. This time the increase will be seven percent, and as for the "net" salary, it will increase by five percent, informs the site. Also, employees who suffered during the service, as well as pensioners, will receive an increase.

Police officers are paid annually quarterly bonusas well as an award to their professional holiday... According to the current law, all employees will receive a bonus to their salary. But this time the state plans to give prizes only to those who have any merits and badges. Nothing is said about their names, and the size of the increase remains unknown.

Police officers who have distinguished themselves will receive gifts such as watches, tablets, microwave ovens. Ordinary employees stopped receiving monetary compensation a few years ago.

It should be emphasized that the bonus and salary are calculated taking into account the negative situations that occurred during the service. If the employee violated the discipline, then he will be deprived of the bonus. Those who are constantly late will not receive the award either.

Not so long ago it became known that police officers will be provided with free housing, as well as vouchers to sanatoriums and medical dispensaries. In addition, they will be given ten days of additional leave.

Back in 2016, it was decided to increase the salaries of police and Interior Ministry employees. But in connection with the changes that have taken place in the economy, which have gone for the worse, no one even counts on an increase in wages.

The indexation, which was planned by the state, did not take place due to a lack of money in the budget. As for the increase in wages, they increased by 5.5 percent. But this value will not have any effect on the financial situation of law enforcement agencies. A bonus program was also provided for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: extended vacation, free operations and services in the clinic are also free.

Due to the economic crisis in the country, the inflation rate is high, and fluctuations in the currency market make Russian citizens think about whether it is worth waiting for an increase in next year.

Discussions about raising wages do not stop, special attention is paid to the sphere of budgetary activities, where wages are paid from the state budget.

The country's budget today has a large deficit of funds that cannot be covered. This is the reason why there is not enough funds to raise salaries in the promised volume.

Today, there is an acute issue of raising benefits for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Federal Penitentiary Service, that is, those who ensure security within the country.

The formation of public sector salaries consists of the following factors:

  • salary;
  • length of service;
  • experience;
  • rank;
  • bonuses and compensation.

Proceeding from this, employees of management and higher ranks receive significantly more salaries than ordinary ones.

The state program for optimizing the state structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was developed special conditions to increase cash salaries police officers, and also took into account all the factors affecting the level and growth of salaries.

This should help optimize the work of the state structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and popularize and make the work of a police officer more prestigious in Russian society.

Police officers represent employees directly budgetary sphere, which is covered by the new program of the Russian government to increase the salaries of public sector employees.

The end date of this program is expected in 2018, this program entered into force five years ago. And for all this time of the functioning of this program, the salaries of police officers have increased significantly. Thus, police salaries have been increased by 15% over these five years.

A new program to optimize work is planned for the current and next years state structures and an increase in salaries for public sector employees.

It is assumed that by new program police salaries will be increased by about one and a half times. The order has not yet been signed by the government and will enter into force only upon completion of the current program to optimize the work of government agencies.

In addition to the state program, salary increases are promoted by annual indexing... When recalculating payments, the depreciation of the ruble and the rise in market prices are taken into account. Over the current year, the amount of wages increased by 5.5% on average, and in some regions by 7%.

Also, the level of wages depends on the length of service and the rank of a police officer, learned. Police salaries, as a rule, do not go down even in times of crisis or budget deficit. Indexation is always carried out in a timely manner - in the fall, so that by the new year the level of wages is commensurate with the level of prices.

They wanted to raise the salary of the police back in 2016. However, unfortunately, the country's economy has “sagged” and problems are still observed in it. And the workers themselves have already resigned themselves to the fact that they will not see serious increases in wages.

Possible indexation is not carried out based on the lack of financial resources of the RF budget. It was only possible to raise the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 6.6%. It should be noted that this increase will not in any way affect the financial well-being of DVA employees.

In addition, they plan to introduce bonus program: extended vacation, free treatment in polyclinics, free heavy medical interventions.

Indexation of workers' wages in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the last time was made in September 2015. More than 81% is planned for payments of cash benefits, wages and the like in 2016. And the indexation itself will take place by only 6.6%. About 1.6 billion Russian rubles are given out annually to compensate the families and parents of police officers.

For a stable state of the economy, the President of the country signed a law on freezing the indexation of salaries for employees of the presidential administration until early 2016.

In 2015, the salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was about 14,000 rubles, in 2016 - slightly more than 16,000. The average salary of employees in this field of activity varied from 17 to 81 thousand Russian rubles.

After the presidential decrees came into force, the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs increased 4 times. However, a crisis swept over Russia, and the increase had to be stopped indefinitely.

The salary of police officers is a collective concept. The salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are very significantly influenced by awards for special merit, the implementation of specific operational actions and honorary titles.

So, only the bonus for high-quality performance of work amounted to 10 - 40% of the basic salary. The regional indicator is 20%. For performing work with a risk to life or health - 100%. Snipers are provided with additional payments in the amount of 50% of the fixed salary, and cipher work is paid up to 30% of the salary.

After the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has worked for 2 years, he is provided with the first increase in wages by 10%, after five years - by 15%, and after 10 years - by 20%. Employees who have dedicated their 25 years to work can count on a 40% bonus to their basic salary.

Based on this, the income of the police will depend only on personal qualities and the desire to work. The policeman's income is indexed every year. Employee allowances are charged for for a long time service, work in more difficult conditions, rank and other merits.

If you study the salary of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the last year, then for an employee with 5 years of experience it is about 24,000 rubles, and for an officer with the same experience - 35,000 rubles. But it is worth knowing that this size does not correspond in any way average salary throughout the state.

The salaries of employees in the capital of Russia and St. Petersburg are much higher, but there are other problems there. Not so long ago, the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of these cities canceled the annual bonus and the refund for travel in transport.

The May decrees also talked about increasing the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 160% compared to 2012. For law enforcement agencies it is planned to introduce a number of additional benefits and surcharges.

It should be noted that in 2016-2017, the salaries of police officers with five years of work experience averaged about 25 thousand rubles, and officers - about 36 thousand rubles. With 15 years of work experience, you can already get 42 thousand rubles, and the salary of heads of departments reaches 100 thousand rubles a month.

However, in May 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that next year the policemen will have a 150% increase in salaries compared to 2012. Such rapid growth is associated with replenishment of the budget through taxes, which will also be increased.

It is also planned to enter on the free provision of police housing and vouchers to a sanatorium, including treatment. Additionally, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be given leave of up to 10 days.

In the meantime, the bill contains information that the salary of police officers may increase by 7%, and the total amount of wages - by 5.5%. According to forecasts, the inflation rate this year will be at the same level, so the real growth of salaries so far not to be expected.