KKM malfunction symptoms and their elimination. Frontol: errors occurring while working with the program and databases. Requirements for check details

When carrying out cash settlements with the population, the use of cash register machines with fiscal memory in a non-fiscal mode or with a failed fiscal memory unit is equated with the non-use of cash registers. Pharmacies must check the correctness of the KKM at technical service centers annually (in January-February). Not allowed for use in KKM pharmacies, which lack or damaged the seal of the central heating center, there is no manufacturer's marking or one of the visual control means. The pharmacy is responsible for the application of POS malfunctions.

The fact that the pharmacy company has entered into an agreement with the TSC and regularly pays for the work under this agreement cannot serve as a basis for releasing it from liability. A cash register is considered faulty, which:

a) does not print, prints illegible or incompletely prints on the check all the details stipulated by the Regulations on the use of POS printer;

b) does not print, prints illegible or does not seal the control tape or other documents stipulated technical requirements to the cash register and their fiscal (control) memory;

c) does not perform or performs with errors the operations provided for by the technical requirements for the POS printer and their fiscal (control) memory;

d) does not allow obtaining the data contained in the fiscal (control) memory, necessary for the exercise of control by the tax authority;

e) applies applications not approved by the commission for use
use with a specific model.

The operating rules may provide for other malfunctions, in the presence of which these machines should not be used.

If malfunctions are found in the operation of the cash register, the cashier-operator of the pharmacy must perform the following actions:

Turn off the cash register;

Call a representative of the administration using the alarm installed in the cabin;

Together with a representative of the administration, determine the nature of the

In case of unclear printing of details on the check, non-release of the check or breakage of the control tape, together with a representative of the administration of the pharmacy, check the prints of the check on the control tape, sign the check (if the check did not come out, get a zero one instead), indicate the correct amount on the back (rubles in words) and after checking the absence of gaps in the numbering, sign the break points of the control tape;

In case of impossibility of further work due to a malfunction of the POS printer
the cashier, together with a representative of the pharmacy administration, formalizes the end of work on this cash register in the same way as at the end of the shift. In the Journal of the cashier-operator, a note is made on this cash register about the time and reasons for the end of work.

The director of the pharmacy, if it is impossible to eliminate the malfunction by the cashier, calls a technical specialist, making an appropriate entry in the call log and registration of work performed (form No. 30)

At the end of the repair, the readings of the cash and control counters are checked, and the casing of the cash register is sealed. On the results of the inspection and sealing of the casing of the cash register, an act is drawn up in the form of No. 27 with the participation of the director, cashier-operator, specialist of the Central Service Center and a representative of the tax inspection.

Documents on the malfunctioning of cash or control counters and a conclusion on the suitability of an electronic cash register for further work or on sending it to a CSC for repairs are prepared by a programmer, while he fills out a passport for a cash register and makes appropriate entries in the log for calling technical specialists and registering the work performed.

Repair of KKM in accordance with the Regulations for the use of KKM should be carried out by organizations registered as a maintenance center. Wherein maintenance and repair of the cash register outside the service center in which the cash register is registered are prohibited.

The procedure for the repair and maintenance of cash register machines is determined by the Regulation on the procedure for the sale, maintenance and repair of cash registers in the Russian Federation, approved. by decision of the GMEC dated 06.03.95, protocol No. 2 / 18-95 (as amended and supplemented from 25.03.97, protocol No. 2 / 34-97).

All KKM are registered in the technical service center for service and repair. The center's specialists prepare the cash register for registration with the tax inspectorate, fill out the technical passport, check its serviceability, program the operation of printing the name of the enterprise - the owner of the cash register and its TIN on the check, place visual control devices on the cash register.

The technical service center carries out the commissioning of KKM, including their pre-sale preparation, de-conservation, adjustment, commissioning and incoming control functional characteristics; elimination of detected malfunctions, installation of visual control devices of the central heating center, confirming the serviceability of a particular device, and also seals the device, draws up a technical conclusion and enters data into the passport of the cash register.

The TSC has the right to put on maintenance only those KKM, the models of which are approved for use by the GCEM, are equipped with visual control means of the general supplier, certifying their compliance with the models included in the State Register, purchased by the consumer in the TSC or from other sellers who have an agreement with the TEC for servicing PFC ...

The TSC has the right to transfer the cash register for rent to enterprises and organizations that use them, with the subsequent registration of the cash register with the tax authorities by the indicated enterprises and organizations.

Elimination of minor malfunctions when working on CCP

In the event of a malfunction, the cashier must:

Turn off the CCP, call an administration representative, determine the nature of the malfunction

In case of unclear printing of check details, check failure or breakage of the control tape, together with a representative of the administration, check the check imprints on the control tape, sign the check (if the check has not come out, it will receive a zero one), indicating the correct amount on the back. When the control tape breaks (ends), it must be refilled, the ends of the tape must be drawn. The break points of the control tape are drawn up in the same way as at the beginning and end of a work shift, but with an indication of the break time. The cashier is prohibited from working without a control tape or gluing it in places of breakage.

In case of impossibility of further work due to a malfunction of the machine, the cashier, together with the administration representative, draws up the end of work on the cash register in the same way as at the end of the shift, with a mark in the book of the cashier-operator. If it is impossible to eliminate the malfunction by the cashier, the administration calls the mechanic of the Central Service Center

A sudden stop of the machine is possible in the event of the following errors in the actions of the cashier: double pressing of keys, overflow of the machine memory when entering the price of goods, violation of the sequence of data entry, the amount of cash of the buyer is less than the cost of purchases, etc. In such cases, it is necessary to press the "Reset" button, and the blocking of the machine is removed. If this operation did not bring the machine out of the blocking state, it is necessary to check whether the operation started is completed. If the machine has not returned to working condition, work must be suspended, call the administrator, formalize the end of work and call the mechanic.

Execution of a contract for the maintenance of CCP, a log of calling technical specialists and registration of work performed

Regardless of the method of purchasing CCP, the organization is obliged to conclude an agreement with the technical service center. In the first case, this contract is concluded immediately at the time of purchase of the CCP, in the second, you will have to carry the purchased cash machine directly to the service center. In the third case, the purchase and sale of a CCP is often made directly through the CCP, where the device was delivered for maintenance, but even if the cash register is sold by the previous owner himself, you need to make sure that there is a mark from the tax authority on the removal of the CCP from the register at the place of previous registration, as well as in the fact that an additional sheet has been drawn up to the passport of the KKT version in the form given in Appendix No. 8 to the GMEC Decision on KKM dated 04/18/2002 (protocol No. 2 / 67-2002), and new owner will also have to conclude a contract with the technical service center

The logbook for recording calls of technical specialists and registration of work performed is used in organizations in the following cases:

If it is impossible to eliminate malfunctions by the cashier, the administration calls a specialist in the technical service center for cash registers (mechanic, programmer, specialist in electronics, control systems);

Conducting scheduled technical inspections by a technical service center specialist, including checking the state of the mechanisms of the electronic and software parts of the cash register, eliminating minor faults.

The journal is maintained by a specialist technical center, who makes notes about the work carried out and is with the head of the organization or his deputy. A record is made in the journal about the sealing and the content of the stamp imprint. If it is necessary to repair cash control counters or the electronic part of the cash register, an appropriate entry is made and indicated to the management of the organization about the need to send the cash register for repair to the maintenance center. The corresponding record is confirmed by the signatures of the specialist of the technical service center and the person in charge of the organization on the acceptance of work on the repair of CCP.

We all know that technology does not last forever. If you don't follow it, the device will become unusable in a few years. It is worthwhile to repair the KKM carefully, taking into account all the requirements, because this is an accounting technique, without it the outlet will not stand for a couple of days (of course, if there is only one cash register in the store).

We will tell you what to do if the cash register is broken.

The main reasons for the breakdown of the cash register

You can determine why the cash register is not working on your own. The main thing is to carefully examine the equipment. Or a service technician can do it for you.

Basically, cash register equipment breaks down due to the fact that:

Important:if you accidentally damaged the seal of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service or the production label, contact the specialists! Such apparatus is considered broken and invalid.

Remember also:if the fiscal memory has been erased, then such damage may even be brought to administrative responsibility.

It is worth considering the operation of cash register equipment if it:

  • Prints the receipt and receipts incorrectly, or does not print at all.
  • The equipment does not turn off or turn on.
  • Information about the sale of an item is not saved.
  • Keyboard, printer stopped working properly.
  • Receipts are displayed, but without important information, for example, details.

Contact the specialists, they will help you set up the equipment or recommend how to properly remove the cash register from the register, and they will also choose the latest modern technology for you to meet your requirements for work.

All the nuances of repairing cash register in the central heating center - what to foresee and what to prepare for?

If you purchased a cash register at a specific service center, then you should contact the same organization for repair. If it does not work, then do not hesitate and call other specialists, for example, v.

The sooner you contact the masters, the faster the cash register will be repaired and the point of sale will begin to operate completely.

Remember the important nuances:

1. Repair cannot be carried out by a private master!

All cash register machines are serviced in the centers without fail. If you contact a private trader, then there may be further problems with the equipment and its repair, because it is not a fact that the master will have a license to carry out repair work of the KKM, and he was trained. What should the cashier do if the cash register breaks down?

Follow these instructions:

  1. Report the breakdown to your line manager.
  2. Try to fix the error with it yourself and solve the problem.
  3. Contact the specialists of the technical service center if it was not possible to fix the POS printer.
  4. Conduct a damage assessment with the foreman. After repairing the equipment, sign the Certificate of Completion of Services and other important documents. The specialist must indicate on paper the cause of the breakdown and the way to eliminate it.
  5. When removing the seal from the device, be sure to contact the tax office with the documents: an extract that the KKM has been repaired, the conclusion of the master.
  6. Get a tax permit to remove the seals. This must be done within 3 days!
  7. Pay for the services of specialists.
  8. After the permit is issued, you have 15 working days to bring the equipment into working order.

Of course, it is better to put the equipment in order in a few days in order to get the work done. point of sale... Experts will help you solve all the problems, please contact us!

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1. Requirements for the use of KKM

2. Requirements for check details

3. Documentation requirements

4. Signs of POS printer malfunction

5. Operational requirements for KKM

6. Aesthetic requirements for KKM




One of the most important types of commercial and technological equipment are cash registers. This is due to the fact that more than 90% of the turnover is registered on the cash register.

To establish high-quality traffic accounting money, eliminate the possibility of theft and increase throughput commercial enterprises, this most important type of equipment must meet a number of requirements under the control of state fiscal authorities.

This paper describes the requirements for the use of KKM, for the details of the check, for documentation, as well as signs of the failure of the KKM.

1. Requirements for the use of KKM

In all organizations and enterprises, only serviceable cash register machines with long-term and non-volatile storage of information in the fiscal (control) memory can be used.

Before using KKM, you must make sure that it:

· Approved for use in accordance with the classifier;

· In cases established by the State Commission for KKM, has application programs;

· Equipped with visual control means (holograms) " State Register"And" Service maintenance»;

· Is registered in the technical service center (TSC), which annually (in January - February) is obliged to carry out a serviceability check;

· Registered with the tax authorities.

After the expiration of the application period, due to the exclusion from the register, the cash register must be deregistered with the tax authorities, and from that moment it is prohibited to use it.

2. Requirements for check details

Previously, the requirements for the details of a check were limited only to the reflection in it of the cash register number, the Date of receipt of cash and the amounts received. Now instead of cashier's check the buyer (client) is allowed to issue an attached (applied) document posted through the cash register and reflecting, like a check, the following details:

· Serial number of KKM;

· Serial number of the check;

· Date and time of purchase;

· The cost of the purchase or service;

· A sign of the presence of fiscal memory.

The procedure for using cash register machines with fiscal memory has been established - while receipts, control tapes and other documents must have special signs. Such cash registers are prohibited to use in non-fiscal mode or by a failed fiscal memory block.

3. Documentation requirements

On all KKM, a control tape is mandatory, and for each KKM, a cashier-operator's Journal is kept separately by the tax authority.

The control tape, the journal of the cashier-operator and other documents confirming the conduct of monetary settlements with customers must be stored at the enterprise within the terms established for the primary accounting documents. But at least 5 years. The head of the organization is responsible for ensuring their storage.

check cash register machine

4. Signs of POS printer malfunction

At present, a specific list of PFC malfunctions is provided.

KKM is recognized as defective if it has:

· The seal of the central heating center is missing or damaged;

There is no marking of the manufacturer or one of the methods of visual control, as well as if the cash register:

Does not print, prints illegible or incompletely prints provided details on a receipt, control tape or other documents provided for by the technical requirements for cash register machines and their fiscal memory;

· Does not allow obtaining data contained in the fiscal memory and necessary for the implementation of control by the tax authority;

· Applies applications that are not approved by the commission for use by a specific POS model.

5. Operational

In order for the KKM to be admitted to work, it must meet such requirements as:

Conformity of the design of the machine to the type commercial enterprise, the method of sale, the level of prices for goods;

· Simplicity of design, providing ease of use and repair;

· Perfect accuracy of calculations;

· high performance;

· Reflection of the type of operation and calculation results;

· Clarity of indications of the indicator mechanism;

· Reliability in work;

Ability documenting operations;

· Registration and accounting of data to study customer demand and obtain commercial information;

· Compact design and low weight;

· The lowest cost and price;

· Ergonomic keyboard;

· Compatibility with computer systems;

· Availability of an interface.

6. Aestheticrequirements for KKM

These requirements include:

· Actual design;

· high quality finishing materials;

· Correspondence of proportions and finishes to functional purpose;

· A harmonious combination of color solutions with the interior of the sales area.


Summing up the results of the work, we can draw the following conclusions: no trade enterprise can carry out its normal activities without control and cash equipment... KKM ensures correct accounting of funds and strict control over their safety. Buyers spend time on purchasing goods depends on it. Cash registers provide clarity, simplicity and correctness of calculation, control over the conduct of cash and settlement operations, accuracy of accounting of cash receipts, increase the productivity of cashiers, reduce to a minimum the possibility of errors in calculations, provide information on the volume of sales of goods and the number of serviced buyers by working shift hours.

In order for the KKM to perform its tasks clearly, quickly and without errors, it must meet all the requirements discussed above.


1. Arustamov E.A. Equipment of enterprises (trade): tutorial... - M .: Publishing House "Dashkov and K", 2000. - 451s.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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During the operation of the CCP, it is quite possible that emergency situations arise that can lead to various kinds of malfunctions. When such a situation occurs, you need to turn off the cash register, call the manager (or his substitute) and try to solve the problem - to identify the malfunction and its cause.

If suddenly incomprehensible data is printed on the checks, it is necessary first of all to view the impressions of the check on the cash register tape. If checks, on the contrary, do not come out, try to get together any check, the usual, the so-called zero. " The correct amount should be located on its back (as usual, the amount in words, but the pennies in numbers). If a problem arises related to the breakage of the cash register, after a thorough check and identification of the absence of gaps in the numbering, you need to sign the breakage point.

If, due to a malfunction, further continuation of work with the cash register is impossible, then it is worth registering the end of the work shift. In the journal of the cashier-operator, the time interval and reasons for the end of the working day are noted. After that, the person in charge applies for help to the service department of the TEC, with which a contract for the maintenance of this particular cash register was concluded.

At such a moment, you need to make the appropriate entries in the Register of calls of technical specialists and registration of work performed (it is entered in the form No. KM-8). After a thorough inspection, the maintenance specialist enters the data in the Journal (name, machine sealing data and stamp imprint), and also indicates the cause of the breakdown and the actions performed.

In the event of a malfunction of the cash control counters or the electronic part of the CCP, the car must be sent for repair work to the CTS. In accordance with this situation, a log entry is made. This entry is confirmed by the signature of a specialist. In addition, this record must also contain the signature of the manager, or the employee entitled to sign.

After identifying the need for service repairs, an act is drawn up on taking readings from the cash register tape and summing cash counters. Such indications are taken at the time of the transfer of the CCP for repair. If the malfunction of the CCP was corrected and eliminated by the representative of the CTC, in this case the act is not drawn up. Otherwise, the act must be drawn up in at least three copies. A prerequisite for drawing up an act is that the cause of the breakdown, its nature is indicated, and records are made about which details were affected at the time of the check, and also, if the cause cannot be established on the spot, but only in the service center - this is also marked in act.

In addition, this document should contain notes on the readings of the summing cash and control meters before and after the repair. At the first visit to a TEC specialist, the indications are indicated that were before the repair, at the time of the appearance of the malfunction and the completion of work. The act is drawn up only with the participation of a representative of the tax authority, he certifies it and checks the data for compliance with reality. He signs the act, they also put signatures - a representative of the TEC, a cashier-operator, as well as a manager or responsible person. The signature is additionally confirmed by the seal of the organization, as well as the stamp of the tax authority. Only then can you proceed to subsequent warranty service and repair work.

At the end of the repair work of the cash register, the service center specialist indicates in the act the number of the shift report and the total readings of the totalizing counter at the time the device is returned to the owners. The act is also confirmed by signatures and seals. One copy is given to the manager, the second remains at the service center, and the third copy is sent to the tax authorities for information. The last two documents are additionally attached with certified copies of receipts, their purpose is to assure the accuracy of the data. The KKT receives a filling and then it becomes ready for subsequent work.

Broken fiscal memory

If the device has a breakdown related to fiscal memory, then this problem has no quick and easy solution. Actions are carried out in strict accordance with the specially developed Rules for replacing the fiscal memory of cash registers. They were approved by the decision of the State Interdepartmental Expert Commission on cash registers dated October 11, 2000.

The replacement of such a cash register memory occurs only after an official document from the tax authority, which contains the permit. Such a document is obtained from the tax authority where it is registered. To obtain this kind of document, you need to make a formal request to the tax office. It is necessary to attach to the application a copy of the decision from the TEC, which states the need for repair and replacement of memory. The tax authorities issue such a permit. The replacement process must be attended by a service center specialist himself, an entrepreneur or company manager, as well as a representative of the tax office.

If suddenly a serious accident or breakdown occurs, when it is not possible to establish the contents of the memory, the data on the cash settlements carried out by the CCP and the number of replacement reports are determined according to previous fiscal reports, control tapes, as well as the magazines of the cashier-operator. If the data is still possible to establish, they must be attached to the documents.

After obtaining the mandatory permission to correct the breakdown, the cash register is taken to the repair center. It should be noted that according to the terms of the contract, the specialists of the TSC must provide warranty or post-warranty service for thirty-six hours in the city space, and if it is countryside - then within seventy-two hours. When the unit is handed over for repair, a replacement must be provided and the tax authorities informed.

During the period of routine maintenance, an inspection of all parts and their serviceability is provided.