Electronic veterinary certification pros and cons. Electronic veterinary certification. Informational portal. Non-food products of animal origin

From January 1, 2018, an electronic veterinary certification system will start operating in the Kirov region. Paper documents will be a thing of the past. What types of business are subject to the changes and how to use electronic certificates, they told in the Veterinary Directorate for the Kirov region.

What is Electronic Veterinary Certification?

Now in Russia and in the Kirov region, in particular, there are paper certificates for animal products. Certification is the verification of product safety.

"Electronic certification means that there will be no paper forms, to which everyone is accustomed, veterinary accompanying documents will be issued only in electronic form using the Federal State System" Mercury ", the developer and operator of which is the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance", - told Sergey Chuchalin, Head of the Veterinary Directorate for the Kirov Region.

Who needs it?

the federal law No. 243-FZ expanded the list of products for which, from January 1, 2018, it will be necessary to draw up veterinary accompanying documents. Now the list includes: finished dairy products, prepared or canned products from meat, meat offal, fish, pasta with meat or fish filling, ready-made soups and broths and many other products containing animal products.

The complete list of goods is approved by the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia On the approval of the list of controlled goods subject to accompanying veterinary accompanying documents. You can get acquainted with it on the ministry's website.

What does electronic veterinary certification give?

“Electronic certification ensures the implementation of the national system of traceability of products of animal origin“ from field to plate ”and provides an opportunity to search and recall hazardous and low-quality products from circulation,” said the head of the regional veterinary department. In addition, as Sergei Chuchalin emphasized, in the future the system will help enterprises to save on paperwork.

How it works?

To receive a certificate, you need to register in the Mercury system. Checkout electronic document it will be possible after verification by accredited specialists.

"Veterinary accompanying documents in FSIS" Mercury "can be drawn up not only by specialists of the state veterinary service, but also by certified specialists in the field of veterinary medicine, representatives of companies and individual entrepreneurs", - explained Sergey Chuchalin.

Moreover, if certified veterinary specialists are able to issue certificates for all goods included in the list of the Ministry of Agriculture, then manufacturers and individual entrepreneurs - only for products of animal origin that have been heat or otherwise processed, packed in consumer or transport packaging with marking, provided that the products have passed the veterinary and sanitary examination.

Further, upon receipt of products at processing enterprises or at wholesale and retail bases, in stores retail, to the network catering (cafes, canteens, etc.), to schools, kindergartens or hospitals, the electronic veterinary accompanying document must be "canceled" by an authorized person.

When will e-certification be effective?

Now, according to Sergei Chuchalin, the Veterinary Directorate, together with the Ministry of Agriculture for the Kirov region, have developed an action plan for the transition to electronic certificates... It is planned to start moving and receiving products from October 1 of this year, accompanied by documents drawn up in FSIS "Mercury", in test mode. And from December 1, the movement and reception of products in the Kirov region is planned to be carried out only with the availability of electronic veterinary accompanying documents.

Is it possible to do without a certificate?

As noted in the Veterinary Directorate, the absence of an electronic certificate will mean a restriction of the access of products to retail chains in the region and beyond. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce electronic certificates: to gain access to FSIS "Mercury", to train personnel to work in the system, to equip workplaces with a computer with Internet access, to integrate the accounting system of the enterprise into FSIS "Mercury".

For questions related to electronic veterinary certification, you can contact the district veterinary stations for the control of animal diseases.

MOSCOW, March 9. / TASS /. Compulsory certification of dairy products has not yet been introduced in Russia, and no one demands accompanying documents for drinking packaged milk in the Russian Federation from producers. This was announced to TASS by the deputy head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Nikolai Vlasov.

On March 9, the Kommersant newspaper reported that the unwillingness of the Russian dairy industry since March to issue veterinary accompanying documents for drinking packaged milk may lead to a halt in production and an increase in milk prices.

"No mandatory certification not required now. And voluntary has the right to be if the owner of the product wants, "- said Vlasov. This point is spelled out in the law on veterinary medicine, he added.

At the same time, the law prescribes the registration of all veterinary accompanying documents only from the beginning of 2018, the deputy head of the Rosselkhoznadzor emphasized.

The law says in black and white - those products that have not been certified at the time this law came into force is subject to certification on a mandatory basis from January 1, 2018. That is, no one now requires packaged milk to be certified

Nikolay Vlasov

deputy Head of Rosselkhoznadzor

"The fact that Soyuzmoloko is now raising this wave is a stage in their next fight against electronic certification as such," Vlasov is sure.

Accordingly, one should not expect any growth in milk prices predicted by producers in Russia, Vlasov said. "Nothing happened - the milk has not become less and it has not become more expensive," he assured.

Vlasov emphasized that the Rosselkhoznadzor banned the regions from demanding veterinary certificates for dairy products. “Just in case, I have already sent a circular to the veterinary services, so that they don’t decide to demand mandatory veterinary certification of finished dairy products,” he said.

"No reason"

Nikolai Pankov, the head of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, also notes that dairy products will not rise in price, since there is no reason for this.

"Dairy products should not rise in price, there is no reason for this. I consider the statements of representatives of the multinational companies PepsiCo, Danone, owned by foreign citizens, to be groundless," Pankov's press service quotes him. According to the head of the State Duma committee, manufacturers often think about their own profits, without worrying about the quality of products. “Thus, perhaps, they are trying to hide its origin,” the deputy added.

Pankov recalled that dairy products were previously subject to veterinary certification, and this did not cause any complaints from manufacturers. "And the norm, which corporations are talking about today, comes into force only from January 1, 2018 and applies to processed products," the deputy stressed.

The list of products subject to mandatory certification includes milk and cream, curdled milk, yogurt, kefir and other fermented or fermented milk, whey, condensed or non-condensed, with or without added sugar or other sweetening substances; products from natural milk components, butter and other fats and oils made from milk; dairy spreads, as well as cheeses and cottage cheese.


Appeal of the Union of Milk Producers to Dvorkovich

The National Union of Milk Producers ("Soyuzmoloko") appealed to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich, the head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov and the deputy head of the Ministry of Economy Oleg Fomichev with a request to withdraw the order of the Ministry of Agriculture N648, which obliges producers of drinking packaged milk to draw up veterinary accompanying documents in paper form regarding of each batch of manufactured product from March 2016.

According to "Soyuzmolok", it is necessary to draw up documents from the moment the order comes into force, that is, from March 2016. However, Vlasov points out that the current law on veterinary medicine is a priority. "We have not one document, but two. The first document is the law on veterinary medicine. This norm is of greater legal force," he said.

Deputy Head of Rosselkhoznadzor Nikolay Vlasov

Attention to employees
organs state power
in the field of veterinary medicine
and participants in production and turnover
animal products

Dear ladies and gentlemen, colleagues,

I inform you that the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia with the participation of Rosselkhoznadzor, in connection with the speedy consideration within the framework of the legislative process of amendments to the Federal Law "On Veterinary Medicine", which is aimed at the regulatory settlement of issues related to veterinary certification and related procedures, has begun a new stage of work on preparation of regulations governing these processes.

This work has begun right now because it was not possible to create these acts before the adoption of these changes in the Federal Law "On Veterinary Medicine", although we have already discussed the approaches to solving the accumulated problems and technological solutions that are planned to be consolidated in these acts. In particular, when there was preparation new edition of the rules of veterinary certification, which ended with the adoption of their new version, which disappointed many of you and caused a feeling of dissatisfaction in us.

For this purpose created working group under the leadership of the Deputy Minister agriculture Russian Federation A.V. Petrikov.

In order to timely take into account possible comments from the professional (veterinary) community, participants in the production and circulation of products of animal origin and animals, following the already established tradition, we will publish on this website working versions of regulatory documents in the process of working on them. We will be looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.

In order to make it easier for you to navigate the logic of what we are trying to do, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all the documents, the projects of which we invite you to familiarize yourself with, are single package... That they are interconnected and only the entire package (and not a separate document included in it) can solve the problems that we talked about solving earlier. Accordingly, the meaning of these normative acts becomes clear only if they are considered together.

What is included in this package?

First of all, it includes themselves Veterinary certification rules with additions and changes.

Rules for ensuring the identification and traceability of animals and products of animal origin.

The ministry immediately denied this information, stating that this measure would take effect no earlier than in two years. And the president immediately urged not to raise milk prices. However, these statements did not reassure everyone - 2018 is not far off. In any case, the new measures will lead to costs for producers and higher milk prices, experts warn.

Because of what the fuss

All the noise began because of the order of the Ministry of Agriculture, which the participants of the dairy market accidentally found in the Garant database. After information about additional documentation from March 1 was distributed through the media, the Ministry of Agriculture clarified that, according to order N648 of 12/18/15, the execution of veterinary accompanying documents (VSD) for certain types products, including packaged milk, are not required until 2018.

At the same time, the ministry noted that mandatory electronic veterinary certification finished products, including milk, will be introduced only from January 1, 2018. Until then, electronic veterinary certification can be done by companies at will.

We remind that on Wednesday it became known that the National Union of Milk Producers ("Soyuzmoloko") appealed to federal authorities with a request to revoke the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, which obliges producers of drinking packaged milk from March 1, 2016 to issue veterinary accompanying documents (VSD) for each batch. The union noted that the Russian dairy market is not ready for such steps, the mandatory registration of an IRR can lead to the shutdown of many industries, as a result of which milk prices may rise significantly.

Putin's lightning-fast reaction

The dairy topic immediately attracted attention, and even the president reacted to this message. At a meeting with the head of the Ministry of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev, Vladimir Putin made it clear that an increase in milk prices is undesirable.

“It is important that all these innovations are minimally bureaucratic and that they do not create an additional significant burden for producers, which ultimately will inevitably affect the price of the product,” the head of state said.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in turn, noted that Russia is adopting overseas experience... Now on russian market there is a lot of "falsification and counterfeit, and contraband", in order to understand the place of origin and movement of goods, electronic certification is introduced. Those who oppose just want to "cash in on this," said Alexander Tkachev.

The same idea was voiced by the head of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, Nikolai Pankov, stating that dairy producers who oppose electronic certification simply do not want to make the production scheme transparent and open.

There will be no costs

It is worth noting that electronic certification is already in effect for milk producers. Now the Ministry of Agriculture wants to transfer this experience to milk processors. Tamara Kasyanova, managing partner of 2K JSC, told what exactly the ministry is trying to do.

- Now milk sellers are already receiving veterinary certificates - this is a mandatory procedure for them. From March 1, they must receive them electronically. Producers of finished products, as conceived by the Ministry of Agriculture, should collect this data in their database when purchasing milk, draw up a generalized document and send it as a request for obtaining their certificate. That is, one batch of milk can have several suppliers who will provide all the necessary veterinary certificates in electronic form. The task of the buyer (manufacturer of finished products) is to collect all this data and send a request to receive their own - one veterinary certificate, - the expert explained.

According to her, if the veterinary certification system works in electronic mode, as planned, then special additional costs dairy producers shouldn't suffer.

Involvement in the registration of applications for obtaining a certificate of additional labor resources will not be large-scale if all the data, including veterinary certificates directly from the dairy producers themselves, from whom milk is purchased, will be received in electronic form, '' she explained.

It will not require financial costs either, the expert is sure.

If the process of obtaining a veterinary certificate itself is fully automated and the receipt of the document is free, it will not be costly for dairy producers. All that will be needed is funds for the development and implementation of an electronic certification system, - said Tamara Kasyanova.

Prices will rise by 5-10%

The National Union of Milk Producers, from which this whole story began, does not abandon its previous statements.

As Maria Zhebit, the director of the public relations department of Soyuzmoloko, told us, “neither small nor large factories are ready to issue veterinary certificates”. The obligatory introduction of the IRR will inevitably lead to an increase in the cost of production and, in the final analysis, will affect the sale and consumer prices. And it doesn't matter what kind of certification we are talking about - electronic or non-electronic.

Many converters will have to hire a special person, and large ones - and several dozen employees to deal with the execution of these certificates. According to calculations of various factories and companies, this can increase the production cost by 1-1.5%, and sometimes even higher. For example, there are calculations for a plant with a processing capacity of 200 tons per day. It will take him almost 10 million rubles a year to introduce electronic certification, which will increase the production cost by 5%, the expert said.

In the case of veterinary certification for processors "the old fashioned way", more than 25 thousand people will be needed, because each large processor will have to issue more than 6 million certificates annually. This will cost a large refiner 8 billion rubles, which will increase the cost by about 7%. The costs of the entire dairy industry in connection with the veterinary certification on paper can be estimated at 30 billion rubles. This applies to veterinary certification for all finished products, - added the director of the public relations department.

The fine for violations, according to Soyuzmoloko, will be up to 1 million rubles for each case. All these measures will ultimately lead, according to the Union, to an increase in milk prices from 5 to 10%. But there are also “harsher assessments,” the expert added. According to Maria Zhebit, "all this is contrary to international practice, in the countries of the Customs Union there is no VVD for finished products either." At the same time, no discussion with the business community, according to Soyuzmoloko, was held.

We believe that when it comes to such serious documents, it is necessary to meet with businesses, request calculations in order to assess the impact on the sector, on the wallets of citizens. So hasty orders of this kind are not accepted, - said the representative of the union.

Despite the official statements that there is no problem, some russian manufacturers milk already faced difficulties due to veterinary accompanying documents. There were cases when retail chains refused to accept goods without corresponding to the order of the VSD.

Several large manufacturers already received from retail chains notification that the acceptance of products has been suspended and milk will no longer be supplied without veterinary accompanying documents, - said Maria Zhebit.

Growth will still be

According to Nikolay Lukyanenko, the representative of the distribution company, director for development of Volgograd Dairy Products LLC, the panic that gripped milk producers today is somewhat premature.

The second day I talk with the specialists of the dairy industry, everyone notes two points. The changes come into effect on January 1, 2018. Until then, the submission of additional documents is voluntary and can be carried out electronically. The second point is that responsibility for the execution of the order is not spelled out either in it itself or in the acts to which it refers, - he noted.

However, the distributor admits that all these measures will affect prices, and gives some figures for the Volgograd region.

At each enterprise, which is not even engaged in production, but in the sale of the finished product, it will be necessary to create a department of two or three people who will only deal with the registration of veterinary certificates. Each batch of goods of any size, starting from one pack, should have such a certificate. A conditional distributor issues 150-200 consignment notes per day. Accordingly, 150-200 references will be added to them. For enterprises in the Volgograd region, each certificate costs 54 rubles if the product is sold in the region, and 123 if outside. Assessment total costs partners still find it difficult to conduct, - said a company representative.

In general, according to Nikolai Lukyanenko, the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture to introduce veterinary control for the finished product is not entirely clear.

Control functions in this area are already being successfully carried out by Rospotrebnadzor. The initiative will not lead to anything, except for an increase in the price of the product for the end consumer, - summed up the distributor.

Electronic veterinary certification in the dairy industry

The law on the transfer of all veterinary certification to electronic view was adopted in 2015 and is due to enter into force in 2018. The upcoming introduction of electronic veterinary certification raises many questions from dairy producers. Within the framework of the conference "Laws, standards, orders and regulations - what will happen to the dairy industry in the near future?" Nikolay Vlasov, Deputy Head Federal Service on Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, responded to some of them.

Vlasov N. A: In terms of the timely transition to the system of electronic veterinary certification, a number of enterprises show great promise. For example, the Tula Dairy Plant made a comprehensive analysis of all algorithms, and we rely on this information in our work. Agrofirm "Dmitrova Gora" is a perfectionist enterprise in every sense. I believe that in the milk processing industry they will be among the first to launch an electronic veterinary certification system. Another super advanced enterprise is Galaktika Group of Companies. An integration project has been launched at the enterprise. Moreover, in terms of technological control, the company set the indicators an order of magnitude higher than those provided by federal legislation. According to the project, identification will be carried out not for the production batch, but for each package. The equipment has already been purchased, which is built into the filling line and allows for reliable identification of each package of milk. It is gratifying that Unilever and the Ice Cream Union are joining the work. But the general situation with the introduction of veterinary certification in the dairy industry is rather sad.

Question: You say that this type of activity should be carried out by veterinarians. We also have veterinary sanitary experts who are trained by higher educational institutions, quality management specialists, and technologists. How, in your opinion, can these specialists implement these professional tasks?

N. Vlasov: We have the only industry where, according to international and domestic law, there is a special group of non-veterinary specialists who work for veterinary purposes, and this, unfortunately, is not the dairy industry, but the fishing industry. And such a specialist is called not a veterinarian, but a specialist in fish diseases. The work on certification of finished dairy products, in which the main data of the finished batch of products are entered into the certificate, was originally planned just for the technologists. With this certificate, you cannot move and sell products, but it introduces data on the properties of products that no one knows better than technologists.

As for personnel training, we have offered cooperation for a long time, and some universities, mainly veterinary ones, agreed to this. In particular, on the topic of our today's conversation - in several universities, the study of veterinary certification issues has already been introduced as a subject. AND tutorials there is on this topic. If universities have a desire to cooperate, then we are ready to do everything possible up to the development of courses of lectures and practical exercises with them.

Question: I understand the need to introduce electronic veterinary certification for products that were previously subject to paper veterinary certification. I also understand and welcome the electronic veterinary certification of raw milk - the industry needs high-quality and safe raw materials. But what is the need to introduce veterinary certification of industrial products? And how do you feel about the fact that our colleagues in customs union (letter dated October 28, 2016 No. 10-270 on the movement and transportation of products of animal origin within the controlled republics), which do not have appropriate administrative barriers in the form of electronic veterinary certification, will receive advantages over processors of the Russian Federation? There is also a lack of understanding of the structure of the veterinary service - who is responsible for what?

Vlasov N.A .: We understand how important it is for the entire veterinary service of the country to work as one system, and this understanding appears among the country's leadership. In particular, we have an order from the President to develop a bill that establishes the control powers of the Rosselkhoznadzor in relation to the state veterinary services of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the powers of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia to appoint the chief veterinarian of the region. Now this bill is going through the stages of approval.

As for our neighbors and partners in the EAEU, it is absolutely clear that if our own producers comply with certain laws, the same will be required of anyone who brings products into Russia. And we will be able to trace all the products that will go from there to the farm, to the animal. I. Shuvalov told our neighbors in the EAEU that all cargo on the territory of the Russian Federation will be accompanied by the GLONASS and Platon systems, and cargo of animal origin will also be accompanied by an electronic veterinary certification system. For example, Belarus copies and implements "Mercury". In the future, it will be integrated into our system.

The introduction of an electronic veterinary certification system has several goals. The first is biosafety. With regard to finished dairy products, this goal is not worth it, since in the finished dairy product biological safety is ensured by technology by 99.9%. The second goal is to ensure food safety, that is, to control the presence of non-infectious components. In the dairy industry, this problem is on the rise. The statistics are very bad. I understand the difficult environment in which milk processors work, when there are not enough raw materials and there is no possibility of free choice of milk suppliers. In a winning situation, those who have created and have their own raw material sites. The third goal is to maintain the competitiveness of dairy products in a normal state. Since nowadays it is not uncommon for real cheeses and cheese-like products to be on the same shelf, in which there may be no milk at all, but which the “non-advanced” consumer will pay attention to primarily as a cheaper product. The fourth is maintaining export potential. Very little dairy products are exported to the EAEU countries, more, of course, are imported. We can say that nothing is exported to third countries, although we have the right to export to 9 out of 10 countries. To maintain the export potential in highly competitive markets, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate product quality. And another very important goal is to ensure transparent activities of all operating enterprises. The system accumulates information about all manufacturers, and it is easier to find the culprit if something extra is found in the final product. And, finally, the transparency of activities created by the chain of certificates will make it possible to separate legal from illegal production, which, according to our data, is now a lot.

Of the five goals, only one is irrelevant to the dairy industry. All the rest - in full growth!

Question: Despite the fact that the very idea of \u200b\u200belectronic veterinary certification is correct, many manufacturers have a very strong internal negative. In our region (Yaroslavl region - ed.), The situation is deteriorating in terms of interaction with the veterinary service. The veterinary service, under the cover of legislation, checks products at dairy and other enterprises and, allegedly finding, for example, herbal ingredients in dairy products or GMO components, makes the enterprises do repeated paid analytical work. Second, milkmen are extremely negative about the presence of antibiotics in milk, the appearance of which is possible even at the stage of treatment of cows. Maybe it is worth strengthening control in this area?

Vlasov N.A .: People are always afraid of new things, especially people who live in our country and who are over thirty. They have a negative attitude to everything new that the authorities do. But the fear of something new should not be regarded as a basis so as not to introduce anything new. Life is changing, new solutions are required. If the state sees challenges, then it must respond to them. The decision to introduce electronic veterinary certification was made long ago. There is no time to argue, and it is useless. We must be ready by January 1, 2018!

We understand perfectly well where antibiotics come from in milk. This is a consequence of the improper work of the animal owners and the veterinarians who accompany the herds. But milk processors are legally responsible for the presence of antibiotics in the finished product. Accordingly, it is necessary to control the incoming raw materials. Or you must work with the supplier of raw materials in such a way and trust him so that you do not need to control. If we talk about control on our part, then we, for example, only two times found an admixture of milk powder in raw milk. But in the finished milk - the amount of drinking milk on the shelf with an admixture of dry milk is 42%, which is prohibited by the TR. We perfectly understand the conditions in which you work. On the one hand, the networks press, the consumer who has nothing in his pocket pressures the networks. On the other hand, the absence of a normal commodity market is pressing. But the law is the law, and it makes sense when it is obeyed.

We are working to monitor the use of medicines. The first step has already been taken - registration of medicines. We are constantly working with the drug manufacturers 'association and the pharmacists' association. We also ask the government to include medicines in the list of products subject to veterinary certification in order to ensure traceability.

Of course, there will be excesses on the ground. Our goal is to reduce the number of these situations. We cannot change human nature. The Rosselkhoznadzor has introduced various protective mechanisms. Processors can contact our laboratories or the laboratories of Rostrebnadzor for independent research. With such an independent opinion, it is then possible to challenge the previous opinion, which is considered unfair.

Question: There are several points that I would like to voice. Our dairy plant is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. We were visited by a specialist who explained the methodology of the new system. According to our calculations, we will need 5 people to maintain the electronic veterinary certification system. That is, the costs are significant. The second point is that there are fears that the introduction of veterinary certification will turn into punitive operations on the ground. And also our wish is to take into account the moment when issuing a certificate for a transport consignment. If the Rosselkhoznadzor says that a car, a wagon or a container is recognized as a transport consignment, then our opinion is that the certificate should be issued for the entire transport consignment, regardless of the production date or variety of the same product (apple, peach, pear yogurt, etc.) etc.)

N. Vlasov: I doubt that any punitive measures on the part of the Rosselkhoznadzor in the field are also possible. Everything is strictly normalized here. Veterinary services of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation carry out veterinary certification and control. Punitive measures can be - and will be - taken only against those who will not be ready to work in the system of electronic veterinary certification. Whoever is unable or unwilling to comply with the requirements of the current legislation will be held accountable.

We proposed to reduce the punishment for the initial period of the introduction of the system: during the first half of the year, do not take a fine, but write out only a prescription, then fine at increasing rates. But our offer was not accepted. I would like everyone to understand that Rosselkhoznadzor is an assistant, not a punisher, for those who are trying to introduce electronic veterinary certification.

Implementation cost information system electronic veterinary certification for a medium-sized enterprise, according to our calculations, will be from 8 thousand rubles. We have and analyze data on hundreds of enterprises that have already completed information projects. There are many suppliers now. Choose, haggle. Today, one well-trained specialist in the veterinary service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes up to 36,000 electronic veterinary certificates per week, working in one shift. For a small dairy processing plant (50–70 tons / day), one normally trained specialist will be enough for the release of products (to the warehouse and for certification). If you have such an enterprise, then your choice is the 1C system plus an integration package.

Question There are now four types of controlled antibiotics in finished products. Recently, veterinarians have increasingly begun to use two new types of antibiotics (Telazin, Henalon). As a result, these types of antibiotics began to be found in finished dairy products. Perhaps it makes sense to develop concentration standards for new antibiotics so that there is no unnecessary punishment for milk producers?

Vlasov N.A .: Indeed, we now have four types of antibiotics, for which the maximum permissible concentration in the finished product has been established. All others are simply prohibited within the sensitivity of the methods used. What should be the level of tolerance? I know for sure - not zero. But this level can only be established by doctors.

Question: In the process of preparing to work in the "Mercury" system, we faced various technical issues. Is there a design team that can answer different technical questions? The nets rush us. For example, X5 Retail Group requires the start of work in the system in test mode from November 1.

Vlasov N.A .: We plan to launch a call-center in order to promptly answer questions regarding the implementation electronic system veterinary certification. Interestingly, in the recent past, retail was a categorical opponent of the introduction of a veterinary certification system. Now, realizing its benefits, trade enterprises became our allies and drivers of this whole process. Networks will push processors to implement the system, and you, the processors, should, in turn, push your suppliers of raw materials.