How to write the accompanying correctly. How to write a cover letter for documents. Sample cover letter for documents. Why you need to write a cover letter

Business Etiquette dictates to write cover letters (or, as they are also called, accompanying letters) when sending documents to partners, to government agencies and in other cases. This is especially convenient in situations where you need to confirm the transfer of the package to the addressee, pay attention to the fundamental points, convey a request or a guide to action, and also fix the time frame for response actions. All important information can be stated in the accompanying sheet.

Most often, escort is issued:

  • when transferring important documents (for example, returning after signing);
  • to the reconciliation act;
  • to commercial proposal;
  • to the documentation to the tax office;
  • to reports, forms and requests of regulatory authorities;
  • to executive documentation;
  • to HR documentation.

You can write them both when transferring documents in person, and when sending by courier, regular mail or by e-mail.

As a rule, compiled by the employee or the organization secretary responsible for the sent documents. A signature is enough for certification, but you can also put a seal. Today, organizations are not required to have a round seal (82-ФЗ dated 06.04.2015). Sealing is at the discretion of the company, unless requested by the recipient (for example, financial institutions).

Separately, we will single out another important function of escort - an inventory of documents that are sent to the addressee. It is advisable to carefully list all the papers, indicating not only their full name, but also on how many sheets they are composed, are there any attachments and which ones, how many copies of each document were sent. If the paper is later lost, the accompanying paper will confirm that you handed it over to the addressee. Therefore, it is important to draw up an escort in two copies and ask the recipient to indicate on your copy the date and time of receipt, as well as agreement with the inventory.

Cover letter structure

Correspondence of organizations is regulated by GOST R 6.30-2003 dated 03.03.2003. The structure and details may vary in detail, depending on the type of escort, but in general they look like this:

  1. Addressee (name and address of the organization, name and position of the employee to whom the documents are sent).
  2. Number and date of appeal.
  3. Content.
  4. List of attached documents.
  5. Verifier.
  6. Contacts.

Accompanying documents are numbered according to the rules of the organization's office work, like other correspondence. Currently, the rules of office work relate to the internal issues of the enterprise and are established local acts... The Gosstandart rules require companies to formulate and fix the principles of office work (GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007 SIBID). When sending an escort in response to the addressee's appeal, you can indicate its outgoing number and date under the shipment number. You can also start the text with the phrase: “On your appeal ref. No. ... from ... ".

In cases where communication should take place with the immediate performer, his contacts must be indicated. This information is most often entered in the lower left corner of the form. It is recommended to indicate the surname, initials (full or short), phone number or email address.

Let's figure out what to write in the cover letter. It is recommended to start the text with the phrases: "We are sending you ...", "We are sending you ..." followed by a short generalized name of the papers to which the accompanying is attached. The naming of each element in this particular part of the text is optional, since a different section is provided for this.

  • please confirm receipt;
  • please sign and return on time;
  • please agree and return with comments or send a protocol of disagreements;
  • please use it in accordance with its intended purpose;
  • please ensure the safety confidential information;
  • please inform in the established order.

It is not prohibited to highlight important places in bold or italics to create emphasis.

List of attached documentation

The list of securities that are transferred to the recipient is given after the text with a simple list with the numbering of each position. When designing a list, it is important to remember that each element is unique. In this case, it is advisable to fully indicate the details. Depending on the purpose of the cover letter, the application can be drawn up with an indication of the number of copies and sheets of each document, or by total counting.

For instance:

  1. Contract No. 4 dated 01.06.2017 in 2 copies. on 10 sheets.
  2. Technical task b / n dated 01.06.2017 in 1 copy. on 3 sheets.

Total 2 documents on 13 sheets.

Cover letter design

According to generally accepted norms of correspondence, all outgoing correspondence is drawn up on the official letterhead of the organization indicating the name, details, full mailing address (this is especially important if an answer is expected by regular mail) and other contact information.

There are no requirements for the design and content of the text, the letter is drawn up in free form. But it is necessary to comply with the rules of business correspondence, as well as avoid ambiguity in the wording.

A cover letter is a type of business letter that is needed to describe a package of documents sent to the addressee if there is no address part in these documents.

In this way, information load covering letter does not carry, however, performs three important functions:

  • confirms the fact of sending;
  • provides a list of sent documents and instructions for handling them;
  • thanks to the registration data, it allows you to determine the due date.

Like most business letters, the cover letter is on letterhead and receives outgoing registration number the sender. We have analyzed the rules for filling out service letters in the most detailed way in the magazine, so now we will focus on the features of the cover letter.

A pre-requisite analysis of a service letter with a variety of examples of its preparation is in the article "Making out a service letter"

Speech patterns

The basis of the cover letter is the list of attachments. The text of the document is short and conventionally divided into two parts:

  • message on sending documents,
  • request for a timely response (familiarization, agreement, return of a signed copy, etc.).

The first part usually starts like this:

  • "In fulfillment ... we direct you ...",
  • "We are sending you ...",
  • "We present to you ...".

Next, you can indicate the purpose of sending documents: "For agreement", "For review", "for signature", "for filling" (if we are talking about a survey or questionnaire). We recommend using the cliché “direct to you” or “send to you”, since you can submit anything only for information, but not for signing or agreement.

The second part may contain the following words:

  • "Please sign, seal and send one copy to our address ...",
  • "We ask you to consider and send to us within the time period established by law ...",
  • "Please send to our address one copy of the duly executed ...".

Props "Mark of the presence of applications"

As we have already determined, the main thing in the cover letter to the documents is the attachments. Therefore, we will pay special attention to the issue of registration of this particular props. Regardless of how the application will be drawn up, the practice of business communication requires a complete listing of the documents attached to the letter, indicating the number of copies and the number of sheets in each of them. If this information is not available, the cover letter will lose all meaning.

So, when the sent documents are already reported in the text of the letter, there is no need to list their names again. It is enough to indicate the number of sheets and copies. See Example 1.

Example 1

A fragment of the text and a mark about the presence of the application (the name of the application is indicated in the text of the letter)

If the attachment is not indicated in the text of the letter, in addition to quantitative data, you must indicate its name. If the package includes several documents, the attachments are numbered. See Example 2.

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Example 2

A fragment of text and a mark about the presence of the application (the name of the application is indicated in the mark about its availability)

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Although in GOST R 6.30-2003 it is written that when listing several applications in the mark about their presence the generalizing word before the colon is in the singular "Application:"; in such cases, we still recommend writing it in the plural "Applications:", as we showed in Example 2.

First, it is correct from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language. And secondly, the developers of this GOST themselves later "corrected themselves" when they began to give explanations regarding its application in their methodological recommendations. See quotes from these two documents below. But many stubbornly continue to write the word "Appendix:" in the singular, even if it is followed by a list of several documents. Don't do that, and we've explained why.

Document fragment

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GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork "

3.21. ... If the letter has an attachment not named in the text, then indicate its name, the number of sheets and the number of copies; if there are several applications, they are numbered:

Document fragment

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Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork. Guidelines on the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003

3.16. ... If a letter has an attachment not named in the text, then indicate its name, the number of sheets and the number of copies, if there are several attachments they are numbered:

There are also discrepancies regarding how to write the word "attachment" in the text of the letter: with a small or capital letter, with or without the "No." sign. The fact is that you can specify the name of the attached document in the text of the cover letter in different ways; compare yourself by looking at Example 3: in the second case, it is appropriate to indicate in parentheses that the document is an attachment, and in subsequent cases we show how differently this can be done. All options are correct, it is just that it is important to adhere to uniformity in the letter. And even better, in the instructions for the office work of your organization (or other local normative actdedicated to similar issues) to choose and fix one option, then there will be uniformity in all documents and there will be less confusion among the executors.

Example 3

Various ways to indicate the name of the application in the body of the letter

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For a bound attachment, the number of sheets can be omitted (Example 4).

Example 4

Description of the stitched application

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When there are so many attachments that it is more convenient to list them on a separate sheet (it will be called "Inventory of attachments to the letter from ... No. ..."), in the letter it will be enough to refer to such an inventory (Example 5).

Example 5

If there are so many applications that it is more convenient to list them in a separate inventory

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If you attach another letter to your letter that has its own attachment, you must inform the addressee about this (Example 6).

Example 6

The attachment to the letter has its own attachment

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Finally, if your letter is addressed to several organizations at once, and the attachment is only to one of them (others receive a letter only for information purposes), this should also be mentioned (Example 7).

Example 7

The attachment is sent to only one recipient of the letter out of several

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A note about the presence of attachments is made below the text of the letter and above the signature. Usually, these distances (indents) are made the same and equal to about 2-3 line spacing (this is well shown in the example of the design of a whole letter in Example 9).

By general rule, if the document has attachments, then a mark is made on it about their presence below the text and above the signature, and on the attached documents (each in the upper right part of the first sheet) it is written, the attachment to which document they are (with the designation of the application number, if several), as in Example 8.

Example 8

Application number and data of the main document on 1 sheet of the application

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But the cover letter carries the accounting function of the sent documents, acting as a kind of inventory of attachments in the envelope, but in reality the documents named in such a letter as attachments are sent. If the letter had a different function (for example, it was an offer, making an offer to sign an agreement and listing the conditions of the proposed cooperation), then the “key” document within the meaning of the document would be the letter, and the attached documents would only help it to fulfill its function. But we are talking about a covering letter, and in this case it is not worth "spoiling" the sent documents with information about the "inventory of the enclosure in the envelope" - i.e. you do not need to make such a mark on them!

Signing and registering with the sender

Business letter signer - same executive, as in ordinary business correspondence (as a rule, either the head of the organization or an authorized top manager). If we are talking about sending primary accounting documents, the letter can also be signed chief Accountant.

So that the recipient of the letter later does not address all clarifying questions to his signer (indicated by the number 1 in Example 9), the performer should also be indicated in this document (ibid, see number 2).

Before sending the cover letter, you need to assign an outgoing number (indicated by the number 3).

And the addressee will assign him his incoming number when registering the fact of receipt of the document, while the date of receipt and the incoming number can be indicated on it (handwritten or using a stamp, as in Example 9 - see number 4).

Example 9

Covering letter

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Example 11

Cover Letter Form for Individual Applicants

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Surprise for applicants - individuals

The need to write a cover letter for documents applies to everyone, regardless of whether it is an organization or individual... Meanwhile, when an ordinary person comes to the organization, no letter to his documents, as a rule, is drawn up. And it's a pity, because it would be more convenient for you not to memorize and somehow fix it yourself, but to have information written by the visitor: from whom, what documents, to whom of your employees and why to transfer. If you systematically deal with individuals, especially on a number of typical questions, and at the same time receive documents from them with which your organization must do something further, we recommend that you develop a cover letter form for such cases and ask him to fill out each such visitor. See sample form in Example 11.

You will register the completed form and give a copy of the letter with the incoming number to the applicant, and send the package of documents received from him along the proper route. Then, having called to inquire about their documents, the person will no longer ask about the "dacha in Malinovka", but about a certain letter with a unique index.

Request to respond within a specified time frame

Many organizations like to give the addressee a due date in their cover letters right away, and the methods can range from polite "Please sign the documents and return within ten days" before the imperative "The term for reply to the letter is 5 working days"... Should I write like this? And how to react to such conditions yourself?

Let's remember that according to the rules of business circulation. This landmark should be remembered if there is no other term in the cover letter.

Only a higher-level, controlling organization or any state body that is obligatory for your execution can set a mandatory deadline normative document... The parties themselves can also agree and document their voluntarily assumed obligations:

Example 10

The deadline for answering the letter can be set in the contract

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The contract provides for a mandatory pre-trial order resolution of disputes and disagreements. The Party, considering that its rights under this Agreement have been violated, is obliged to send the other Party a written reasoned claim. The party that received a written reasoned claim is obliged to consider it and give a written reasoned response within 10 (Ten) calendar days from the date of its receipt ...

When companies of equal status communicate (if no one above them or they have not established the rules of interaction for themselves), you can ask to speed up the response, but this requires a good reason. For instance: "We ask you to send the completed questionnaire within fourteen days, since by 01.10.2013 we must provide an answer to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation"... Orders in such cases are incorrect, including from the point of view of business etiquette.

Storing cover letters

The cover letter becomes unnecessary as soon as the performer picks up its attachments and makes sure that they are complete. From that moment on, work will go on on them, and the letter should be marked on the execution and put it in the case.

The question often arises of how to store cover letters and attachments to them: separately or together? Usually, the attachment to the letter is placed in a special case reserved for this kind of documents. There is no place for cover letters in it: acts of work performed, invoices, contracts and many other documents are stored separately and often for different times.

This point should be taken into account when drawing up the nomenclature of cases. Some companies (with a small volume of workflow) create one case "Cover letters" and put in it all letters of this kind, regardless of what was attached to them. Others have to create multiple cover letter cases and place them in the case nomenclature structural units... Then, for example, the sent contract will go to the case "Contracts for the provision of services", and the cover letter to it - to the case "Cover letters to contracts for the main activity."

It also happens that a letter remains in storage with the company, but the attachment does not. This applies, for example, to draft documents (as in Example 9). The draft regulation is not yet a document and will most likely be amended more than once, it is not necessary to keep it.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in drawing up a cover letter, but it itself can save not only your documents, but also time.

A slight difficulty, as usual, can arise when the company implements a rule to draw up and submit a properly executed cover letter along with a package of documents. But this problem is solved quite simply by establishing this rule in a local normative act. And the benefit from it is difficult to overestimate.


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In addition to business letters, an entrepreneur regularly has to send various documents to government officials and his counterparties. These can be contracts, invoices, protocols, promotional materials ... Sometimes these papers can be sent without accompanying notifications and explanations, but it is better to act more prudently and attach a cover letter to the documents.

What is it and what is it for?

A cover letter for documents is a type of business letter that lists and briefly describes documents (primarily those that do not have an address part) sent to the addressee. The accompanying message indicates the names of all documents sent, and also contains instructions (or recommendations) on what the recipient should do with these papers.

A cover letter serves three purposes:

  1. Confirms the fact of sending documents. The appendix indicates full list sent papers, so the addressee will not be able to claim that he did not receive any important act.
  2. Provides the necessary explanations to the recipient. The text must contain instructions on how to deal with certain papers: sign, seal, make changes and return to the sender, etc.
  3. Allows you to determine the due date thanks to registration data.

When can you not do without this document?

  • in business relationships with contractors and partners (workflow is inevitable here);
  • when clarifying the tax return;
  • when filing a claim with arbitration court;
  • when contacting the bank (in some cases).

Let's analyze the listed items in more detail.

Why do you need a letter to government officials?

Very often such a letter is required by employees of the Federal Tax Service. The most interesting thing is that there are no such requirements in the Tax Code, and the inspectors themselves have unofficially introduced the practice of submitting a revised declaration together with an accompanying message. In the cover letter, they require you to indicate the reasons for the adjustments in the reporting. Moreover, the more significant the error, the more details will have to be explained.

Ideally, the entrepreneur should be provided with explanations for each revised line of the declaration. If there are too many of them, then you can only indicate the total amount of tax, additional debt and interest. In case of surcharges, along with this data, the letter must contain the details of the corresponding payment orders (or even attach copies of the payments themselves). In general, the tax authorities demand an almost lengthy explanatory note, but it is still called a covering letter. This is incorrect, but what can you do.

When applying to the arbitration court, this message is attached to the statement of claim. Together with a claim, businessmen always have to submit a bunch of documents - extracts, constituent papers, copies of contracts, etc. All these documents must be listed in the cover letter, otherwise the claim will not be accepted due to violation of the established procedure.

Banks require a letter when opening a current account or in cases when important changes occur with the company (for example, the composition of participants, organizational and legal form, etc.). In all these cases, the entrepreneur brings a package of basic documents, the list of which is indicated in the accompanying message.

Structure and details

Don't think that your cover letter is just an additional notice that doesn't really matter. No, this is a full-fledged official message, therefore, it should be drawn up according to the same principles as a classic business letter. It must be written on letterhead with the assignment of an outgoing registration number. Unified form and there is no single template, so when compiling it is usually based on the general principles of business messages.

The structure is like this:

  • at the top (in the header) the position, information about the company (or about the territorial government agency) and full name of the recipient and the sender;
  • below is the date of compilation and the number of the document, and then the title is written;
  • in the content part, an appeal to the addressee follows;
  • then - the list of applications;
  • at the very bottom - the position, signature and surname with the initials of the sender.

The full list of details looks like this:

  • the name of your organization (full and abbreviated);
  • reference data about the company;
  • organization code;
  • OGRN / INN;
  • registration number of the letter;
  • information about the addressee (not as complete as about your company - it is enough to indicate the position, name of the organization and full name);
  • date;
  • title;
  • signature;
  • marks about the artist and the availability of applications.

Insofar as established sample the letter does not exist, these details cannot be called mandatory. If you are sending a letter with documents to partners and contractors, you do not need to fully describe all the information about your company. The headline is also not always written - it may well be replaced by an address like "Dear Ivan Ivanovich!" But when writing a cover letter for documents to the tax office, it is better to use all the details.

The main part of the letter is a list of attachments. The text is short and includes two parts:

  • message about sending documents;
  • request for a timely response (or for familiarization, approval, return of a signed copy - based on the purpose of sending the papers).

The text of the message begins with standard phrases:

  • "We send you";
  • “We present to you”;
  • "we are sending you".

The names of the documents and their details are also indicated: date and number. In the second part of the letter, you need to tell the recipient how he should dispose of the documents. For instance:

  • "Please sign, seal and send one copy to our address ...";
  • “We ask you to familiarize yourself with the sent acts as soon as possible and inform about your decision”;
  • "I ask you to send a reply letter one copy of the duly executed ...";
  • etc.

The final part is drawn up according to the standard scheme: on the left - the position of the sender, on the right - full name, in the center - signature. You can sign the letter either you (as a manager) or the chief accountant (if we are talking about accounting documents, and the recipient is the IFTS). In the final part, you can specify the artist if you want the recipient to address the questions that have arisen to him.

A sample cover letter for documents can be found and downloaded here.

Follow these guidelines when writing your letter.

  1. Always write down for what purpose you are sending papers and what this means for the addressee. It is impolite to force him to remember what you agreed with him and why he needs these documents at all. Instruct the recipient as specifically as possible. There is no need to write something like "Please think about what can be done about this." There should be a clear goal - to sign, transfer to a third party, draw up an agreement on the basis of the received papers. The purpose does not need to be indicated only in the covering letters for the court and the IFTS.
  2. After the documents have been reported, clarifications and additional requests can be made. But all comments of this kind should be "on the case", that is, relate only to the documents being sent. There is no need to mention other business issues.
  3. Sometimes there are several recipients, and some of the attachments need to be sent to only one of them. In such cases, a note can be made to the corresponding appendix, for example “Appendix 3: on 5 pages. in 2 copies. only to the second address ”.
  4. There are times when it is necessary not only to prove the fact of sending, but also to withstand a specific period. We will talk about this in more detail below.

The responsibility for the timely preparation and sending of the cover letter lies with the entrepreneur, and the organization of sending the documents themselves - with the office work service.

Business ethics

As in a classic business letter, ethics should not be forgotten in the cover letter. Both the appeal to the recipient and the request to perform certain actions with the documents must be dressed in a polite and correct form. Some executives are fond of offhand phrases like “Email response time - 3 business days”. Don't write like that. Remember that the standard response time for business letters (in accordance with the business ethics) varies from one to thirty days. You have no right to reduce it, all the more so - so ultimately.

The wording “Please respond within three days if possible” is perfectly acceptable. But only in those cases when there are good reasons for limiting the period, and these reasons must be indicated. The final phrase will look something like this: "Please, if possible, respond within three working days, since by 10.10.2015 we must provide an answer to the Federal Tax Service." Politeness is required not only in a cover letter to documents to the arbitration court (or to other state bodies), but also in a message to counterparties and other addressees.

Storing cover letters

You received a cover letter from your partner, checked the list of received documents and made sure everything was correct. What to do with the message next? Put a mark on the execution and place in the case. It is better to store the letter separately from attachments so as not to create confusion with papers.

Many firms simply create a Cover Letters case that is used as a “basket” for such messages. What was attached to them - no difference. There is also a more "civilized" option - to create several cases based on cover letters and place them in the nomenclature of cases of structural divisions. How it works?

  • the partner sends you a delivery contract (for example);
  • you place this act in the case "supply contracts";
  • and send a letter to him in the case "cover letters to supply contracts."

It also happens that the letter remains in storage with the company, but the application itself does not.

In cover letters, as in other simple (at first glance) acts, the devil is in the details. Lack of a clearly defined goal, incorrect design of the list of applications, incorrect handling - all this refers to gross violations... Of course, no one will fine you for the wrong letter head, but even a couple of small flaws can make it difficult to understand the letter and provoke an incorrect reaction to it. This is especially unfortunate if you are in “correspondence” with the tax authorities or other government officials.

IN western countrieswhere the free labor market is much older than the Russian one, it is not accepted to send an employer a resume without a cover letter: it is considered impolite. In Russia, the tradition of job search is still developing, so the attitude towards cover letters is different.

Do I need to spend time and energy on a cover letter? And if so, how exactly is it composed? Read the tips to help you create a competitive advantage for yourself.

To write or not to write? That is the question…
To write or not to write a cover letter, sending a resume to a vacancy of interest? Almost all applicants ask this question every day. More than half of them (54%), according to the site's Research Center, decide for themselves that cover letters are a waste of time, because all the important information is contained in a resume. On the contrary, about a third of Russians (31%) are confident that what is correctly drawn up significantly increases the chances of success. Whose point of view is correct?

This controversy in absentia is one of those in which both sides are right in their own way. According to the site, most employers (91%) consider all resumes, regardless of the presence of a cover letter, 8% work only with those resumes that have at least a formal cover letter, and only 1% do not consider a resume without cover letters at all.

Why do Russian recruiters, unlike their Western colleagues, not attach importance to cover letters? The reason is that these documents are not high enough. According to hiring managers, most job seekers do not know how to write cover letters correctly, so often an illogical message with many mistakes is simply not taken into account. “The cover letter is not that important because very few job seekers know how to write one,” explained the recruiters we interviewed.

But against this background, it is easy to purchase additional glasses! If your cover letter is written logically, correctly and contains information that is important for the employer, do not doubt that this will be a significant plus! You just need to learn how to write this document, and the path to your dream job may become shorter.

Cover letter structure
Let's start with the main thing. Why are we writing a cover letter? The purpose of this document is to draw attention to your resume, get the recruiter to read it carefully and become interested in your candidacy.

In this case, the wording should fit into the framework of generally accepted ideas about business correspondence. Creativity and humor are only acceptable if you have no doubt about the appropriateness and quality of your ideas and jokes. However, there is one caveat. If you are applying for a position in a creative team, then deviations from the business style are quite appropriate. You may well interest the employer with a non-standard (but interesting and competent) cover letter.

What should be reported in the cover letter? Experts point out several points that should be followed.

Very important correct address to the addressee... As a rule, in the vacancies posted on the site, there is information about the contact person - the HR manager who directly supervises the vacancy. It is best to address your cover letter to him. "Good day, Elena!"; "Dear Igor Anatolyevich!" - the usual wording is fine. If a specific employee is not specified, you can use the standard "courtesy formulas": "Dear ladies and gentlemen!" Experts warn against informal addresses that are not typical business style letters, for example, "Good day, employees of LLC" *** "!" etc.

It is also customary to indicate in the cover letter source of information about the vacancy: "On the page of your company in social network it says you need a sales manager ”; “From your employee, IT specialist Sergey Sergeev, I learned that you have a vacancy for a 1C programmer”. However, if you are sending your resume through a recruiting portal, this is not necessary - the recruiter is already clear where you got the information.

Now let's get to the point. In a few sentences (short and clear) you need to state, who you are and why do you want to work in this particular company... At the same time, you do not need to retell your resume - it is only important to emphasize the most important thing - what sets you apart from other candidates. As a rule, this is work experience and professional achievements... For example: “My experience in the PR-sphere is 4 years. At my current place of work, I was able to double the number of publications about the company in the media within the same budget. Your work attracts me with the scale of the tasks set and the opportunity to work in a creative team. " Interested in your qualities, the recruiter will open and carefully examine your CV.

Experts warn against writing about your career ambitions in your cover letter. This can scare off the recruiter, because at the moment he needs to close a specific position, and not replenish personnel reserve top managers by your candidacy. So the phrase: “Working in your company attracts me with the opportunity for career growth” - it is better to delete it.

There is no need to focus on questionable places in your resume, if any. For example, explaining why you have not worked for six months, it is better at an interview, with personal contact. A cover letter is not a confession or a detailed autobiography, but just a short business self-presentation.

Avoid platitudes. “I am easy to learn, sociable and stress-resistant” - this is stated in many resumes and cover letters, so many recruiters do not pay attention to such template phrases.

At the end of the letter, do not forget to add that if you are interested in your candidacy, you are ready to come for an interview and answer all your remaining questions. In addition, it is necessary subscribe and indicate your contacts... Of course, this data is in the resume, but these are the rules of business etiquette.

"Working in your company attracts me ..."
So what should a good cover letter look like? For example, a candidate for the position of sales manager might draft it like this:

“Good afternoon, Ekaterina!

From the "Career" section on your company's website, I learned about an open vacancy for a sales manager.

Perhaps you will be interested in my experience in this area: for five years I have been in sales software in company "***". Among my personal achievements are large supply contracts software products with a number of state corporations, increasing the company's sales by 40% annually.

Working in your company attracts me with the opportunity to apply my experience and knowledge on a scale of more big business... If my resume (see attachment) interests you, I will be happy to answer your questions during the interview.

Best regards, Ivan Ivanov,
Tel. +7 (910) *** - ** - ** ".

Final touches
Before sending the written letter and resume to the addressee, soberly assess its volume. A simple rule should be followed: brevity is the sister of talent. 2-3 small paragraphs - this will be enough to interest the recruiter, but not tire him.

Finally, don't forget check your creation for literacy... Spelling and punctuation errors can negate all your work, especially if the position you are applying for implies high level general development. So use dictionaries, reference books and the capabilities of computer text editors.

And about the formalities. If you are sending your resume by email, then the cover letter should be in the "body" of your message. If by fax - on a separate page, which must be sent first, before the resume. On recruiting portals, a cover letter is usually provided with a special window.

Good luck and inspiration!