How fireworks are made. Pyrotechnics production plant ... (35 photos). The largest Russian manufacturers of fireworks

Russian manufacturers of pyrotechnics and combustible materials - 4 plants. Large brands, new factories and complexes of licensed pyrotechnic products. Catalog 2019: official sites, addresses, contacts and prices of manufacturers. Suppliers of pyrotechnic products own production - reliable partners! Become a dealer, order a price list!

Due to the high costs of technological safety, Russian pyrotechnics do not compete with foreign ones. The volume of imports last year was $ 24.0 million, the country of origin of the goods was China. Imported by dealers of foreign companies.

Pyrotechnics are manufactured by licensed manufacturers Federal agency for industry, certification is required. There are 4 leading factories in Russia, producing 70% of licensed pyrotechnic products. The leaders are:

Research Institute of Applied Chemistry - research, development, manufacture, disposal of pyrotechnics and combustible materials. Own capacities, testing facilities, giving the opportunity to develop and increase net profit... In 2014, revenue amounted to RUB 216.3 million, which is four times higher than in 2012.

Ural Pyrotechnic Plant - full-phase, producing military and entertainment pyrotechnics.

LLC Troitsky equipment factory"- the oldest enterprise in the country with a pre-revolutionary experience, which produced the first products (military aids) in 1916. The plant operates in the Moscow region, specializing in the production of military-grade PI.

At the internet exhibition a large assortment fireworks, salutes from Russian manufacturers, produced in accordance with GOST and certified. The goods presented in the catalog can be bought in bulk at negotiated prices by contacting the manufacturer-seller directly.

The assortment of our online store includes fireworks from famous russian companies “Russian Fireworks” and “Russian Pyrotechnics”. The products are not inferior in quality to imported salutes, and at a price much cheaper. You can order very nice fireworks for children retail and wholesale.

Why are Russian fireworks so popular?

The association entered the market 15 years ago. It includes several companies engaged in the production of professional and semi-professional pyrotechnics. The consistently high sales each year confirms that the products are of truly first-class quality.

Russian fireworks for children to order # REGION_NAME_DECLINE_PP # can be bought for an event in kindergarten, school. You will also find professional equipment for organizing fireworks in our catalog.

Fireworks are produced in China in accordance with GOST. Compliance with the technology is checked by Russian development specialists. Products of 4 and 5 hazard classes are necessarily licensed. All products are supplied with instructions.

The association produces: firecrackers, sparklers, Roman candles, various fireworks with unusual special effects. Both professionals and amateurs will definitely find pyrotechnics in the catalog according to their requests. The range is regularly updated - new technologies of the company are embodied in unique fireworks.

Russian fireworks are always in stock # REGION_NAME_DECLINE_PP # - inexpensive

To get really high quality fireworks, and not dangerous fakes, you need to contact specialized stores. "Site" cooperates with the companies "Russian Fireworks" and "Russian Pyrotechnics", so you can be sure that the range includes only first-class products.

Why buy fireworks from us:

  • Warranty for all pyrotechnics. Products are thoroughly tested before being sold.
  • Loyalty program. For regular and wholesale buyers, there is a favorable offer.
  • 50+ types of fireworks. Household, semi-professional and professional fireworks are always available.

Making a purchase with us is not only profitable, but also fast. We will send the order in the shortest possible way to any region of Russia. We invite you to fruitful cooperation!

For a holiday or wedding, do not forget to pay attention to such an important aspect as pyrotechnics manufacturers... We are glad to offer you the leading, most popular brands of pyrotechnics and fireworks in Russia in our BA-BACH online store. In general, pyrotechnic brands can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Companies that buy pyrotechnics in China arrange in the form of goods for russian market (these are the names of fireworks, packaging, brands) and are sold in this form;
  2. Directly Russian manufacturers of fireworks.

It should be noted that traditionally 90% of all fireworks are purchased in China, and only 10% are produced here. Unfortunately, we cannot yet boast of such rich pyrotechnic traditions as the Chinese. Fireworks have become popular only in the last ten years, during which time the industry of entertainment and household pyrotechnics simply did not have time to develop. Nevertheless, the first steps have already been taken.

One should not think that Chinese pyrotechnics are of poor quality. Country of production - China - on a battery of fireworks or a pyrotechnic fountain - means a guarantee of safety, high quality effects. Since China is the birthplace of fireworks, most large manufacturer and at the same time a sales market. In short, they know how to make fireworks in China! And they also love to launch them!

Here is a summary of the main pyrotechnic brands presented in our catalog:

  • "Russian Pyrotechnics"

    One of the oldest domestic brands. A full range of household pyrotechnics is produced, from small, large and super fireworks, to fountains, firecrackers, Roman candles and others. The company regularly updates its product line. It is part of the Russian Fireworks group of companies. Production of all pyrotechnic "filling" - China.

  • "Russian fireworks"

    Without exaggeration, the most popular trade mark. Fireworks with a blue oval guarantee the brightest spectacle and excellent quality effects. As you might guess, it is a part of the group of companies "Russian Fireworks", the production of pyrotechnics - mainland China.

  • Feyerland

    It is not a separate company, but just a brand owned by Russian Fireworks. Under this brand, batteries of fireworks are produced, mainly small and medium in caliber and number of charges. The target audience brands are youth. That is, these are fireworks for noisy youth parties in the fresh air.

  • "Big holiday"

    One of the pioneers in the Russian pyrotechnic market. The company has been operating for a very long time, since the mid-nineties. Huge experience has been accumulated. Specialists of the "Big Holiday" independently develop content and effect lines for their fireworks, after which the products are performed at pyrotechnic factories in China.

  • "Favorite"

    Another very popular fireworks brand that sells Chinese pyrotechnics "in Russian packaging". The difference between Favorit is that the company is located in Vladivostok. The proximity to China allows the company to control the entire production and delivery process very closely.

  • "Orient"

    Trading house Orient is a company that works in close cooperation with Favorit. She is mainly engaged in the implementation of professional fireworks and the organization of pyrotechnic shows. In the household segment there are premium and VIP-level super salutes.

  • "Pyroff"

    Among the products of the "Pyroff" company, we recommend, first of all, to pay attention to the most beautiful 200 and 300-salvo fireworks. Particularly interesting is the presence of small-caliber items among them, which allows you to get a long, lasting and effective show for relatively little money.

  • "Pyro-Cascade"

    "Piro-Cascade" products have a deservedly high reputation among professional pyrotechnics. IN last years the company also enters the household pyrotechnics market. The assortment is not so great yet, but the experience of the company's employees allows Piro-Cascade to release real hits! Especially good are the various "cascades" - multi-caliber batteries of fireworks.

  • "Super-Salute"

    Another newcomer to the household pyrotechnics market in Russia, which, as we are sure, has a long and glorious future. The company is constantly expanding its range of products.

  • "Merry Venture"

    The most popular manufacturer of carnival and festive products in Russia: confetti, firecrackers, luminous objects, masks, "mother-in-law's tongues", balloons and others. The brand's products are now presented in our online store!

  • "NIIPH"

    The "Federal Research and Production Center" Research Institute of Applied Chemistry "is, first of all, a serious scientific complex that deals with all issues related to pyrotechnics: theoretical research, creation and implementation of new samples of military and civil pyrotechnics. FSPC NIIPH is responsible for certification of all household pyrotechnics on the territory of Russia Various fireworks products are produced under its own brand, including batteries of fireworks, firecrackers, firecrackers, sparklers.

The official website of the Salyut pyrotechnic company presents the best manufacturers of household and professional pyrotechnics from China, Russia and Poland. The production of fireworks at Russian and Chinese factories is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the law and strict adherence to standards. The production of pyrotechnic products is controlled at every stage of production by specialists. The supply of imported pyrotechnics from China and Poland to Russia is a complex and lengthy process. Buying wholesale fireworks in China is actually not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Fireworks in Chinese New Year is a holiday that can last much longer than the Russian New Year holidays, during which all factories are closed. At this time, it is much easier to order pyrotechnics in Russia from large suppliers with significant stocks of products. In general, if wholesalers have less than a few shipping containers for fireworks, we advise you to pay attention to the market of pyrotechnics manufacturers in Russia or to official dealers of well-known brands of pyrotechnics and representatives of popular brands of fireworks. Our warehouse will provide your company with fireworks for the New Year and in the off-season, as well as for all holidays.

Check out the list of brands and brands of fireworks and fireworks for which we are distributors. Products of pyrotechnic factories in Russia. where the production of fireworks is carried out in smaller volumes, we also present at your choice in full. As a rule, these are small fireworks, sparklers and firecrackers, but their assortment is wide enough, and prices are low. The production of fireworks in China is carried out on a global scale. For you, an offer to supply pyrotechnics directly from manufacturers' factories, convenient site service, round-the-clock online selection 24 hours, efficient logistics. Wholesale online store fireworks is your reliable supplier of pyrotechnics. Wholesale fireworks from the manufacturer is our specialty. As for the choice of brands, the differences are manifested in the type of packaging, quality of printing, promotion brand... Therefore, it would seem, with the same characteristics, we can offer fireworks of various prices for any, as they say, budget.