How fireworks are made. Pyrotechnics production plant ... (35 photos). List of products by manufacturer troitskiy equipment plant

Troitsk Equipment Plant is the first enterprise in Russia to produce pyrotechnic products, which existed during the time of the tsar. However, at that time it was called "Supplier of the ammunition to His Imperial Majesty's Court." In times Soviet Union at the facilities of the plant, they produced exclusively military products, and during the "perestroika" the enterprise completely ceased to function.

Troitsk Equipment Plant is the first enterprise in Russia to produce pyrotechnic products, which existed during the time of the tsar. However, at that time it was called "Supplier of the ammunition to His Imperial Majesty's Court." During the Soviet Union, the plant produced exclusively military products, and during the "perestroika" the enterprise completely ceased to function. At the present moment in the history of the Troitsk Equipment Factory, a stage of revival has begun. However, the enterprise is being restored not for the production of military goods, but for the production of civilian goods. TSZ management is making every effort to return the enterprise to its original glory, so that russian fireworks were chosen and purchased more often than foreign counterparts. Troitsk Equipment Plant is making every effort to regain its position in the Russian pyrotechnic products market. TSZ is actively involved in the production of sparklers, firecrackers and fountains. The company's assortment also includes professional fireworks products. The assortment of products includes not only products that everyone has liked for a long time, but also a number of new products. Each season, the manufacturer expands the group of pyrotechnic products that can be used during the holidays. Also, the TSZ pyrotechnics will be an excellent addition to the ongoing pyrotechnic show, will create an unforgettable atmosphere of celebration and fun, please all guests of the event. Troitsk Equipment Factory regularly presents new groups of goods, among which you can find means for conducting exercises, group games. This year, products of this type are presented in the widest range. Currently, Troitsk Equipment Plant is engaged in the production of a wide range of professional pyrotechnics, among which there are fireworks balls with caliber from 195 to 310 mm. You can also create an unforgettable pyrotechnic show using beetles and comets. Due to the constant expansion of the assortment, it is possible to choose the most suitable pyrotechnic products, which will fully satisfy the wishes of the event organizer. Pyrotechnic products manufactured by TSZ are in high demand among both amateurs and professional pyrotechnics, since they are fully satisfied with the quality of the products, their effects, and safety of use. Troitsk Equipment Plant is making every effort to fully revive. In addition, the company is ready to take over the manufacture of pyrotechnic products on an individual order. In this case, all conditions for the implementation of products, terms and cost are discussed on an individual basis.

Are you looking for fireworks to celebrate a wedding, birthday or New Year? Do not forget to pay attention to the pyrotechnics manufacturing company. Fireworks made by someone who does not understand and under what conditions can be very dangerous. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you buy pyrotechnics from trusted manufacturers.

All Russian brands of pyrotechnics can be divided into two categories: those who produce fireworks in Russia, and those who buy fireworks in China, pack them in a box under their own brand and then sell them. The first category includes only 10% of all pyrotechnics on the Russian market. The remaining 90% of the fireworks are Chinese products. And this is not at all surprising, because fireworks appeared precisely in China, where today the technology of their production has been brought to perfection. In Russia, pyrotechnics has only become popular in the last decade, and the fireworks industry has not yet developed. Despite this, in our country there are still companies that independently control the entire production process.

Many people think that Chinese pyrotechnics are of poor quality. This is absolutely wrong! China is the birthplace of fireworks, a country where they know how to make fireworks and love to admire them. China is also huge market sale of pyrotechnics, to which the largest manufacturers supply their products. The competition in this market is very high, and companies pay special attention to the quality of their products. If you see the inscription "Country of origin: China" on the packaging of fireworks, make a purchase without the slightest doubt.

Below you will find information about the main Russian brands of pyrotechnics.

"Russian pyrotechnics"

One of the oldest Russian brands, part of the Russian Fireworks group of companies. The company offers a full range of household pyrotechnics: Roman candles, fountains, firecrackers, fireworks - from the smallest to large-scale super-fireworks - and much more. The assortment is regularly updated. The pyrotechnic "filling" is produced in China.


"Primorskaya Pyrotechnika" ("PrimPiro") - directly russian manufacturer fireworks. All products are manufactured at our own plant located in the Primorsky Territory, in the village of Mikhailovka. Fireworks of this brand are of excellent quality and affordable prices.

"Russian fireworks"

The most popular brand of fireworks in our country. The blue oval logo on the packaging of the fireworks guarantees superior quality and striking visuals. It is not hard to guess that the company belongs to the Russian Fireworks group. The country of production of pyrotechnics is China.

Salute of Russia

A young, but already quite popular brand. All pyrotechnics are produced in Russia. The assortment includes firecrackers, fountains, rockets and batteries of fireworks of all permissible calibers.


Another brand owned by the Russian Fireworks group of companies. This brand produces batteries of fireworks with small and medium caliber and the number of volleys. The products are designed for a youth audience.

"Premier Salute"

A company with a Chinese production, offering the widest range of pyrotechnic products: from the simplest household pyrotechnics to stage fountains, professional mortars, strobe lights and large-caliber festival balls.

"Big holiday"

One of the pioneers in the Russian fireworks market. The company, which has existed since the mid-90s, has accumulated vast experience in the pyrotechnics field. The products are fully developed by the company's specialists and manufactured in factories in China.

Troitsk Equipment Plant

In the early 2000s, this plant, located in Sergiev Posad, was acquired by the Russian Fireworks group of companies. The plant was restored, after which it was organized own production... Basically, under the TSZ brand, sparklers and firecrackers of various sizes are produced.


A popular brand in our country offering Chinese-made pyrotechnics. The company is located in Vladivostok, which allows keeping all production and logistics processes under strict control.


Under the mysterious abbreviation "NIIPH" is the Federal Research and Production Center "Research Institute of Applied Chemistry". This research institute conducts research and development in the field of pyrotechnics, creates new types of pyrotechnics - both civil and military. In addition, NIIPH certifies all household pyrotechnics in Russia. It has its own brand that sells sparklers, fireworks batteries, firecrackers, firecrackers and other pyrotechnic products.


Trading house "Orient" - partners of the company "Favorite". The company's field of activity is the organization of fireworks shows and the sale of professional pyrotechnics. Consumer segment presented by premium super salutes.

"Merry Venture"

A popular brand in our country under which festive products are sold: balloons, confetti, masks, firecrackers, glowing figures and more.


The most interesting product of this company is stunningly spectacular fireworks designed for 200 and 300 salvoes. Some variants of such fireworks have a small caliber, which allows you to create a colorful and long show without much expense.


A company that recently entered russian market household pyrotechnics. Product range Super-Saluta is currently actively expanding.


A brand known to every professional pyrotechnician. Now the company is entering the household pyrotechnics market. So far, such pyrotechnics are presented in small quantities, but their quality deserves the highest marks. Particular attention should be paid to "cascades" - fireworks batteries with different calibers.

The official website of the Salyut pyrotechnic company presents the best manufacturers of household and professional pyrotechnics from China, Russia and Poland. The production of fireworks at Russian and Chinese factories is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the law and strict adherence to standards. The production of pyrotechnic products is controlled by specialists at every stage of production. The supply of imported pyrotechnics from China and Poland to Russia is a complex and lengthy process. Buying wholesale fireworks in China is actually not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Fireworks in Chinese New Year is a holiday that can last much longer than the Russian New Year holidays, during which all factories are closed. At this time, it is much easier to order pyrotechnics in Russia from large suppliers with significant stocks of products. In general, if wholesalers have less than a few shipping containers for fireworks, we advise you to pay attention to the market of pyrotechnics manufacturers in Russia or to official dealers of well-known brands of pyrotechnics and representatives of popular brands of fireworks. Our warehouse will provide your company with fireworks for the New Year and in the off-season, as well as for all holidays.

Check out the list of brands and brands of fireworks and fireworks for which we are distributors. Products of pyrotechnic factories in Russia. where the production of fireworks is carried out in smaller volumes, we also present at your choice in full. As a rule, these are small fireworks, sparklers and firecrackers, but their assortment is wide enough, and prices are low. The production of fireworks in China is carried out on a global scale. For you, an offer to supply pyrotechnics from manufacturers' factories directly, convenient site service, round-the-clock online selection 24 hours, operational logistics. Wholesale online store fireworks is your reliable supplier of pyrotechnics. Wholesale fireworks from the manufacturer is our specialty. As for the choice of brands, the differences are manifested in the type of packaging, quality of printing, promotion brand... Therefore, it would seem, with the same characteristics, we can offer fireworks of various prices for any, as they say, budget.

According to official data, the market for entertainment pyrotechnics is about 3 billion rubles. Moreover, more than 20% of the total sales volume of these products falls on metropolitan market... Since the beginning of the 2000s, the market has grown by 15-20% annually. However, growth rates have slowed down significantly over the past few years.

The consumption of pyrotechnics has decreased by 25-30%. The demand for such products is also gradually changing. The consumer prefers cheaper goods. There is practically no competition in the production of pyrotechnics in our country. There are three largest russian companies - "Russian Fireworks", "Salute of Russia" and "Big Holiday", which import pyrotechnic products from China.

The main problems that Russian companies have to face are problems with transportation and obtaining various licenses and other documents. Customs duty on the import of this type of goods is 20%. At the same time, transportation costs for the transportation of explosive cargo exceed the usual tariffs at least twice.

For this reason, many importers are thinking about organizing their own production in our country. Opening it "from scratch" is not cost-effective, since this requires, for example, armored cabins, the construction of which will be too expensive.

For example, the company “Russian Fireworks” in 2008 bought the territory and factory buildings in Sergiev Posad, where during the First World War they produced grenades and cartridges. The company spent about 60 million rubles on this four years ago. The company's management hoped to reach the break-even point three years after the start of production. It was planned to produce first crackers and sparklers, and then gradually expand the range, adding fountains and Roman candles to it.

Currently, Russian companies producing pyrotechnics can be counted on one hand. Domestic products are safer and more reliable than Chinese products, but they are inferior to them in terms of the variety of effects and prices. The pyrotechnics production technology must ensure the safe operation of the products.

Production is carried out in several workshops, divided by hazard classes (divisions that work with gunpowder and chemical fillers, and workshops where components are produced). All chemical ingredients are mixed automatically in the right proportion.

This process is controlled by a technologist.

A special machine cuts sleeves from long paper tubes, into which the explosive mixture is then poured. Volume handmade the production is still large, but it is all strictly regulated. Substandard or defective products are sorted out and disposed of. Then, after checking, the pyrotechnics are packed in boxes.

The production of pyrotechnic products and activities for the distribution of class IV and V pyrotechnic products in accordance with the national standard are subject to compulsory licensing. Licensing in the field of pyrotechnics is regulated by the following legal acts:

  • Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 128-FZ "On licensing certain types activity "(as amended on July 19, 2007);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2006. No. 45 "On the organization of licensing of certain types of activities" (as amended on October 2, 2007);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 26.06.2002 No. 467 "On Approval of the Regulations on Licensing Activities in the Field of Ammunition and Pyrotechnic Products" (as amended on January 26, 2007) with the entry into force of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1726 of December 4, 2008 " About changes to the List of goods and technologies dual-usethat can be used to create weapons and military equipment and in respect of which export control is carried out, approved by the Decree of the President Russian Federation dated May 5, 2004 No. 580 "and the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 No. 1079" On improving state regulation foreign economic activity in relation to certain types of goods and technologies in order to ensure national security ”;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 04.12.2008 No. 1726 "On Amendments to the List of Goods and Dual-Purpose Technologies that Can Be Used in the Development of Arms and Military Equipment and in respect of which export control is exercised, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2004 No. 580 ";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2008 No. 1079 "On improving state regulation of foreign economic activity in relation to certain types of goods and technologies in order to ensure national security";
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.06.2001, No. 447 "On approval of the Regulation on exercising control foreign economic activity in relation to dual-use goods and technologies that can be used in the creation of weapons and military equipment ”(as amended by the RF Government Decisions No. 1079 dated 30.12.2008);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2008 No. 279 "On Approval of the Regulations on Licensing in the Field of Industrial Explosive Materials" (together with "Regulations on Licensing the Production of Industrial Explosives", "Regulations on Licensing the Storage of Industrial Explosives", " Regulations on Licensing the Use of Industrial Explosives "," Regulations on Licensing Activities for the Distribution of Industrial Explosives ").

The licensing of the production and distribution of pyrotechnic products is the responsibility of the Russian Ammunition Agency.

List required documents to obtain a production license includes:

  • certificate of state registration (notarized copy);
  • charter (notarized copy);
  • memorandum of association, if any (notarized copy);
  • certificate of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service on the assignment of a TIN (notarized copy);
  • decision (protocol) and order on the appointment of the head (a copy certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the head);
  • a letter from MOSGORSTAT with the encoding of the codes (notarized copy);
  • documents for industrial premises or actual address: certificate of ownership and lease agreement (copy);
  • decision (protocol) on creation (a copy certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the head);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (notarized certified copy), issued not earlier than two months;
  • certificates of changes made, if any (notarized copies);
  • decisions (minutes) regarding the changes introduced;
  • information on the qualifications of the licensee's employees;
  • copy of the certificate of state accreditation in accordance with Federal law "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy" (for scientific organizations).

The cost of licenses when issued through an intermediary company is about 70 thousand rubles for the production of pyrotechnic products and about 55 thousand rubles for distribution. The amount of the collected duty is 2600 rubles. Registration of licenses will take about two months. They are issued for a period of five years.

If you are going to open your own production of pyrotechnic products, in addition to a license, you need to coordinate the safety of your plant with various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, the entire finished products must be certified.

The GOST requirements for certification of pyrotechnics may differ depending on the level of its danger. It is divided into five classes. The first three relate to household products (no special training is required to launch them, they are allowed to be sold at retail), and the last two are professional pyrotechnic equipment, which is allowed to be used only by certified specialists (pyrotechnics of the fourth and fifth classes are sold only under a license, wholesale and exclusively to legal entities).

The pyrotechnics business is prone to seasonal downturns. After new year holidays a lot of leftovers remain in warehouses. The retail margin for such products can be up to 100%. However, the average profit of large wholesale companies, as a rule, does not exceed 20-25%.

Sysoeva Lilia
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The assortment of our online store includes fireworks from the famous Russian companies "Russian Fireworks" and "Russian Pyrotechnics". Products are not inferior in quality to imported salutes, and at a price much cheaper. You can order very nice fireworks for children retail and wholesale.

Why are Russian fireworks so popular?

The association entered the market 15 years ago. It includes several companies engaged in the production of professional and semi-professional pyrotechnics. The consistently high sales each year confirms that the products are of truly first-class quality.

Russian fireworks for children to order # REGION_NAME_DECLINE_PP # can be bought for an event in kindergarten, school. You will also find professional equipment for organizing fireworks in our catalog.

Fireworks are produced in China in accordance with GOST. Compliance with the technology is checked by Russian development specialists. Products of 4 and 5 hazard classes are necessarily licensed. All products are supplied with instructions.

The association produces: firecrackers, sparklers, Roman candles, various fireworks with unusual special effects. Both professionals and amateurs will definitely find pyrotechnics in the catalog according to their requests. The range is regularly updated - new technologies of the company are embodied in unique fireworks.

Russian fireworks are always in stock # REGION_NAME_DECLINE_PP # - inexpensive

To get really high quality fireworks, and not dangerous fakes, you need to contact specialized stores. "Site" cooperates with the companies "Russian Fireworks" and "Russian Pyrotechnics", so you can be sure that the range includes only first-class products.

Why buy fireworks from us:

  • Warranty for all pyrotechnics. Products are thoroughly tested before being sold.
  • Loyalty program. There is a favorable offer for regular and wholesale buyers.
  • 50+ types of fireworks. Household, semi-professional and professional fireworks are always available.

It is not only profitable to make a purchase from us, but also quickly. We will send the order in the shortest possible way to any region of Russia. We invite you to fruitful cooperation!