Samara Aviation Plant. Domestic weapons and military equipment. Brand name data

? Ministry of Science and Education Russian Federation
Department of Industrial Economics

Technical and economic practice report
(on the example of JSC Aviakor - Aviation Plant)

3rd year student of EUP-1
Kazakova Elena Olegovna
Matienko N.N.

Samara 2011
1.Technical - economic characteristic enterprises ......................... 3
1.1 Data on company name.............................. ...................... 3
1.2 Information about state registration .............................. ............. 3
1.3. Information about the creation and development of the enterprise .............................. ...... 3
1.4 Human Resource Policy and Structural Management .............................. ..... 8
2. Organization of the main production .............................. ............... .......... nine
2.1. Production structure of the enterprise ................... ...................... 10
2.2. Technical and organizational characteristics of the shop ........................ 12
2.3. Main activities .................. ........................... ... .................eighteen
3. Organization of maintenance of the main production .............................. 24
4. Organization of production planning .............................. ............... .... 27
5. Organization of accounting and analysis of the implementation of the production plan ........... 34
5.1. Production plan reporting schedule .............................. .............. ... 34
5.2. Results of financial and economic activities ....................... 35

1. Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise

1.1. Brand name data

Full brand name: Open joint-stock company "Aviakor-Aviation Plant"
Abbreviated corporate name: JSC "Aviakor-Aviation Plant"
All preceding names during their lifetime:
full corporate name: Closed Joint Stock Company "Aviakor-Aviation Plant"
Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC "Aviakor-Aviation Plant"
Date of introduction of the name: 31.12.1996
Basis for the introduction of the name: registration at the institution

1.2. Information about state registration

Data on initial state registration:

State registration number: 2960-ZAO-96
Date of state registration: 31.12.1996
Name of the body that carried out the state registration: Administration of the Kirovsky district of Samara
Data on registration of a legal entity: main state registration number of a legal entity: 1026300767899
Date of registration: 09.10.2002
The name of the registering authority: Inspectorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Levies in the Kirovsky District of Samara No. 6312.

1.3. Information about the creation and development of the enterprise

Open Joint Stock Company "Aviakor-Aviation Plant" operates from the date of its state registration - 31.12.1996. and created on indefinite term.
CJSC "Aviakor-Aviation Plant" was established in 1996 as a subsidiary of OJSC "International Aviation Corporation", and was registered by the Resolution of the Head of the Kirovsky District Administration on December 31, 1996, No. 2960. In accordance with the decision of the extraordinary meeting of shareholders of CJSC "Aviakor- aircraft plant "due to the change in the type of company from closed to open and on the basis of registration of the charter in new edition By the Kirovsky District Administration Decree No. 873 dated 26.04.01 the enterprise has the name - Aviakor-Aviation Plant OJSC.
Open Joint Stock Company "Aviakor-Aviation Plant" was created on the basis of the Kuibyshev Aviation Plant and is known as one of the leading aircraft manufacturing enterprises in the world. In 1931 in Voronezh, the foundation was laid for the first building of the Aviation Plant No. Voroshilov.
During its existence, the plant has produced more than 22,500 aircraft of various models. The plant serially produced aircraft TB-3, ANT-25 (RD), DB-3A, DB-3F (Il-4), Er-2, and began serial production of aircraft. During World War II, more aircraft of this type were produced than any other (36,163 aircraft). The largest number of Heroes of the Soviet Union flew on these planes.
IL - 2

The plant carried out pilot production of SAM-5 (SAM-5-bis, SAM-5-2-bis), STRELA, SAM-7 (SIGMA), K-12 (VS-2) aircraft. In the pre-war period, the plant produced 1,898 aircraft. In the fall of 1941, aircraft plant No. 18 was evacuated to Kuibyshev (Samara), where the serial production of Il-2 attack aircraft, which became the most massive aircraft produced during the war, continued. It is impossible to overestimate the contribution of the Kuibyshev Aviation Plant, which manufactured 15025 Il-2 aircraft and 3237 Il-10 aircraft (Il-2 modification), to the victorious outcome of the Second World War. In total, during this period, five factories produced about 40 thousand Il-2 and Il-10 aircraft. These aircraft launched the first bombing strike on Berlin on the night of August 7-8, 1941. IL-10 was in service not only in the USSR, but also in socialist countries. In 1949, 40 Il-10 aircraft were received by the Polish Air Force (4th, 5th and 6th assault aviation regiments). In addition, the "ten" entered service with the Yugoslav, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian and Bulgarian air forces.

IL - 4

After the end of the Second World War, the Kuibyshev Aviation Plant serially produced the first domestic aircraft carrier of atomic weapons - the Tu-4 aircraft and the Il-28 front-line jet bomber.
The reliability and durability of the Il - 28 design have become truly legendary; there is a case when the machine after a forced landing at sea remained afloat for more than two hours, was towed to the shore, repaired, and then continued to operate.

A special page in the history of the Kuibyshev Aviation Plant is the development of serial production (August 1955) of an intercontinental strategic carrier of nuclear weapons - the TU-95 aircraft, the only aircraft of this class with turboprop engines in the world, which has no analogues in design.
The plant manufactured almost all modifications of the TU-95 aircraft, including the TU-142 - the base anti-submarine defense aircraft, the TU-126 - the long-range radar detection aircraft, as well as the TU-95MS aircraft - a strategic carrier of long-range cruise missiles, which forms the basis of the strategic aviation of the CIS armed forces. ... In 1989, the serial Tu-95MS set 60 world records for speed and altitude with a load. During state tests carried out in 1955 - 1956, this aircraft with a takeoff weight of 167,200 kg reached a maximum speed of 882 km / h (a record for propeller driven aircraft) and a practical range of 15,040 km. The NK - 12 engine is still the most powerful turboprop engine in the world.

Tu-126 - was one of the most secret Soviet aircraft. The plane, built literally in single copies, but played a role in ensuring the defense of a great power. There were no accidents with the TU-126.

TU - 126

The plant has been serially producing (since 1958) a passenger trunk plane TU-114, created on the basis of the basic elements of the TU-95 serial bomber, which has been successfully operated on domestic and international airlines for 15 years. Tu-114 was awarded the Grand Prix at the 1958 World Exhibition in Brussels, he owns 32 world records. The reliability of the aircraft turned out to be so high that in 1959, unprecedented actions were carried out on it, which had no analogues in the history of world aviation: the government of the USSR, headed by Nikita Khrushchev, was transported on an aircraft whose operational tests had not yet been completed. ...
TU - 114
In 1970, the aircraft plant mastered the serial production of the TU-154 passenger liner - one of the best representatives of the second generation of domestic turbojet aircraft. In the course of serial production, the aircraft design and systems are constantly being improved, aimed at increasing reliability and resource, improving flight performance and operating conditions. The cargo and transport and sanitary versions of the aircraft were introduced into serial production. Since 1984, the aircraft has been produced in the TU-154M modification, which is distinguished by increased fuel efficiency, improved interior of the passenger cabin and an upgraded flight-navigation and radio communication system. From the 80s to the present, this is the most massive domestic medium-haul aircraft. The Tu-154 aircraft can continue flying if one engine fails at any stage of the flight without significant restrictions. More than 120 aircraft were exported. The aircraft is currently operated in more than 10 countries around the world.
TU - 154
On the basis of the TU-154 aircraft, two flying laboratories were created for testing the automatic landing system, training crews and mastering modes without propulsion maneuvering and landing. spaceship reusable system "ENERGY - BURAN". In 1992, the aircraft plant began manufacturing and testing prototypes of the light-engine Molniya-012 aircraft, made according to the "triplane" scheme with a piston engine with a pusher propeller in the rear of the fuselage. On November 22, 1993, the first flight of a production aircraft was made. In addition to the above-mentioned work on the serial production of aircraft, the aircraft plant produced: titanium parts and assemblies for the pilot and lead batch for the TU-144 aircraft; parts and assemblies of the TU-155 flying laboratory for testing the NK-88 engine running on cryogenic fuel; panels and assemblies of the transverse and longitudinal set of large and lengthy power parts of the wing, fuselage, empennage and engine nacelles made of titanium for the BURAN reusable spacecraft; wing with mechanization for TU-204 aircraft.
For great services in international cooperation the plant was awarded the International Prize "GOLDEN MERCURY". For excellent achievements in integrating the country into the world economy and for high-quality and competitive products the plant in 1993 was awarded the International prize "GOLDEN GLOBE".
Aviakor-Aviation Plant OJSC was established as a commercial organization for the production, repair, testing and certification of aviation equipment, including aviation equipment dual-useas well as its implementation.

1.4 HR policy and management structure
In today's market, personnel is one of the most important competitive advantages of any company. JSC Aviakor-Aviation Plant is no exception in this.
Data on the number and generalized data on education and composition of employees (employees), as well as changes in the number of employees (employees) are given in the table:

Indicator name
Average number of employees, people
1 949
Share of the issuer's employees with higher professional education,%
Volume moneyaimed at remuneration
279 447
The amount of funds allocated to social security
11 328
Total money spent
290 775

2.Organization of main production

2.1. The production structure of the enterprise.
The general management of the plant is carried out by the general director, to whom all services and departments of the enterprise are subordinate (through the corresponding directors for directions, chief specialists, heads of departments, services and divisions).

The General Director is directly subordinate to:

1. First Deputy General Director - Executive Director of Aviakor - Aviation Plant OJSC, supervising the maintenance and main production of the enterprise.

This includes: a repair and energy center, a center for equipment maintenance, a shop for auxiliary and economic works, a transport service, an administrative department, under the leadership of the deputy executive director for production support.

Deputy executive director - the production director oversees the work of the chief production specialist, the production preparation center, the mechanical assembly production center, the blanking and stamping center, the aggregate and main assembly center, the composite and interior center and the production and dispatch department.

The development and maintenance of the automated information system of the enterprise is carried out by the department of corporate computer network, software development and printing.

2. Deputy General Director - Director for Economics and Finance, who manages the economic service.
It includes: accounting, treasury, department of labor organization, wages and planning

3.Deputy General Director - Director for Strategic Planning, Marketing and Sales, in charge of operational management of work on current and operational production planning, timely and full provision of the enterprise with raw materials, materials, fuel, components, purchase of spare parts and equipment for import, export supplies of manufactured products and organizes marketing and sales activities through the marketing, sales and logistics department and the purchasing department (material and technical supply department, cooperation department, export-import department).

4.Deputy General Director - chief Engineer carries out management of product quality control, ensures the organization of work on incoming control of raw materials, materials, components, organization of product certification, ensures the development, implementation, control and analysis of the functioning of the quality system through the quality department (department of technical control and quality system management).
5.Deputy General Director - Director for Resource Protection deals with ensuring economic security, protecting information and communications, protecting state secrets.

6.Director for legal support - the chief lawyer who provides legal protection of the enterprise through the legal department.

7. Executive Director of CJSC "Aviakor - Service" provides a full range of services to maintain the airworthiness of aviation transport.

2.2. Technical and organizational characteristics of the workshop
The considered object of practice was a mechanical assembly shop. The main products of the workshop are mechanical processing of brace cylinders, rods, ropes, pipes, bolts, brackets, etc.
The mechanical assembly shop is engaged in the assembly of brace cylinders, rods, cables, pipes, bolts, brackets, for this it needs interaction with other workshops that produce parts and assembly units for brace cylinders, rods, etc.
Currently, in the production of brace-cylinders, rods, etc. at JSC Aviakor-Aviation Plant, they are used as highly productive and unique technological processesand technological processes that are outdated today.
The unique processes used in the machining industry include: - complete machining of the brace-cylinders 94.301 and 94.401 on the Lindenmayer automatic machine with the use of automated loading and unloading of parts and hard-alloy non-resurfacing plates with Sandvik artificial diamonds;
- processing of brackets 57.401 and 60.401. on modular machines of the "Honsberg" company;
- shafts processing 57.211, 94.211, 60.211. on the automated line "Estarta", "Microza" and knurling of splines and corrugations on the automatic line "Excello"
Along with unique and high-performance technologies, outdated technological processes are still used with the use of universal equipment with manual insertion of a part with tweezers. The approximate volume of the workpiece to be processed using these technologies is 40%. These technologies are used to process parts of small-scale products, for which it is impractical to order specialized, high-performance equipment.

The degree of specialization of enterprises determines the scale of production of products of the same name, which, in turn, determine the type of production of the enterprise. So, depending on the scale of production, there are mass, batch and individual production.
In serial production, certain types of products are manufactured in series, which can be periodically repeated. In accordance with the size of the series, large-scale, medium-scale and small-scale production are distinguished. The size of the series for attributing an enterprise to large-, medium- or small-scale production depends on the industry and can vary significantly.
Small-scale production is characterized by the manufacture of original units and parts in small quantities. Large-scale production is typical for the footwear, clothing industry, and many production processes in mechanical engineering. The seriality factor (Kc) is an indicator of the serial production: Kc \u003d Add: Sob
where D op - the total number of details of operations performed on the site or in the shop;
СОб - the number of pieces of equipment operating in this area or in the workshop. In practice, the following values \u200b\u200bof the seriality factors are used:
small-scale production 20-40;
medium batch production 5-20;
large-scale production 3-5.
The choice of the organization of production in a mechanical assembly shop depends on its specific conditions and, first of all, on the scale of production of homogeneous products, i.e. from the type of production (mass, batch or individual) and the range of products. The method of organization adopted taking these conditions into account production process then has a significant impact on many economic indicators of the enterprise, namely on the levels of labor productivity and rhythm of production, the degree of continuity of the production process and, consequently, on the size of the backlog and the rate of turnover working capital, the level of production costs, the degree of equipment utilization, the level of profitability, the amount of profit received by the enterprise from the production of products.
Unlike mass production, where the in-line method of organizing production is preferable as more efficient, its use in mass production is often impractical. A wide and varied range of products, incomplete specialization of workplaces and frequent changeovers of equipment make its use ineffective. In these conditions, the batch method of organizing production is considered the most acceptable.
The essence of the batch method lies in the fact that products are manufactured in batches, but are launched into production in batches, with a stable alternation of them in time. The central issues in organizing the batch method of organizing production are the choice of the batch size and the development of a launch-release schedule.
The characteristic features of the batch production organization are:
assignment of various nomenclature to jobs or lack of such assignment;
arrangement of equipment in groups;
equipment is mainly specialized and versatile;
large sizes of work in progress due to interoperative lying of parts awaiting processing of the entire batch;
sequential or parallel-sequential type of movement of parts in production.
The main design standards for organizing production by the batch method are the size of the batch of parts and the frequency of its launch and release, the duration of the production cycle and the amount of backlog. Since the standards are used to compile calendar charts production, i.e. schedules of the production process by calendar intervals of time, they are called calendar-planning standards.
A batch of parts is a certain number of identical parts processed at the workplace continuously with one equipment adjustment, i.e. with a one-time expenditure of the preparatory and final burden.
Determining the optimal batch size is extremely important, as it significantly affects economic indicators such as equipment utilization and the size of work in progress. Thus, an increase in the batch size increases the degree of equipment utilization by reducing the number of its changeovers, but increases the size of work in progress due to lying parts waiting for the entire batch to finish processing. Reducing the lot size increases equipment downtime and therefore reduces equipment utilization, but reduces the amount of work in progress.
The lot size is influenced by other reasons, which should also be taken into account.
However, at the first stage, the lot size is calculated based on the ratio of the preparatory-final time, i.e. the duration of setting up the machine (t n / 3) and the processing time of one part in a batch.
After determining the size of the batch of parts (in pieces), the frequency of its launch-release is calculated (batch in days).
For the convenience of operational regulation of production in the future, all the frequency of repetition of batches within the site or shop are reduced to two or three periodicities. This process is called the unification of the frequency of launch-release of a batch of parts, i.e. their repetitions. For this purpose, the so-called weekly or ten-day rhythm is used. With a ten-day rhythm, a quarter-decade, half-decade, ten-day, monthly, 2-month and quarterly rhythm is used, with a weekly - a quarter-week, half-week, weekly, half-monthly, monthly, 2-month, quarterly, Accepted rhythms are designated as part of a month. For example, M / 2, M / 4, M / 8 - mean: half-month, quarter-month rhythm and the eighth part of the month.
The duration of the production cycle (T c) is a period of time (namely the period of time, since it includes time elements that do not require labor costs - natural processes) from the launch of parts (products) to the first technological operation to release finished products... This concept refers to the duration of the production cycle of a product for the enterprise as a whole. Within the framework of a separate workshop, a site, this will be the period of time from the launch of the first operation to the release of parts (assemblies, products) in the division. The cycle time is measured in working or calendar days.
The cycle time in each workshop is calculated for the leading part, for which the part with the longest processing cycle is taken, while taking into account that all other parts are executed parallel to it. The duration of the manufacturing cycle of a product for the enterprise as a whole is equal to the sum of the duration of processing cycles in all shops.

Kv.n - coefficient that provides for overfulfillment of any labor standards, therefore, reducing their size;
? p - indicators characterizing the scope of work on a given operation and the number of simultaneously used tools on each machine;
K pairs - the coefficient of parallelism, characterizes the ratio of the processing cycle for a given type of movement of a batch of parts in production to the duration of a processing cycle with the most irrational type of movement of a batch of parts - sequential. K pairs< 1 всегда.
When calculating the duration of the production cycle according to the formula, it is possible not to add T n / cm, but multiply the result obtained without taking it into account by the calendar coefficient (K cal). It shows the ratio of the number of calendar days or shifts per year to the number of work shifts or days. This coefficient is always greater than 1. It shows how much the duration of the production cycle will increase due to the laying of parts in non-working days and shifts. As can be seen from the formula, the duration of the production cycle is influenced by K pairs through the processing time of a batch of parts.
In fact, the value of this coefficient is initially unknown and the processing cycle is determined by different formulas, depending on the accepted type of movement of batches of parts in production.
According to the degree of continuity, three types of movement of batches of parts in production are distinguished: sequential, parallel and parallel-sequential.
The sequential type of production movement is characterized by the transfer
batch of parts from operation to operation only in a whole batch after each previous operation ends on all the details of the batch being processed, therefore, the duration of the production process of a batch of parts with this type of production movement will be the greatest
Expertly determined the time spent on each assembly operation of the cover from the drive side and calculated the duration of the processing cycle of a batch of parts. min .; n \u003d 5
T return post \u003d 40 * 5 \u003d 200 (min.)
In addition to the analytical method for calculating the duration of the processing cycle (according to the formula), it can also be determined graphically.

2.3. The main activities of Aviakor-Aviation Plant OJSC according to the Charter are:
1.Production, testing and certification of aviation equipment, including dual-use aircraft, as well as its implementation;
2.Repair of aviation equipment, including dual-use aircraft;
3. Activities on maintenance and repair of aircraft;
4.Air traffic maintenance activities;
5. Activity on the use of aviation in sectors of the economy;
6.Production and sale of industrial and technical products and consumer goods;
7.Performance of air transport of passengers, cargo, baggage and mail (domestic and international), including on a commercial basis, service of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail at airfields and airports, implementation and provision of aviation work, including those performed in the airspace of foreign states, as well as the implementation of other activities related to the operation and maintenance of aerodromes and airports;
8.Performance of transportation of passengers and goods by car, incl. vehicles equipped for the carriage of more than 8 people and vehicles with a carrying capacity of more than 3.5 tons;
9.Construction activities (implementation design work, production building materials, structures and products, construction and installation, repair and construction and restoration works, engineering in construction);
10.Installation, commissioning, repair work of engineering equipment, mechanisms, vehicle, spare means for them and equipment;
11. Processing and sale of secondary raw materials, production waste, as well as procurement, processing and sale of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap;
12. Development of design estimates, design, regulatory and technical documentation, regulations, instructions;
13.Conducting theoretical and practical training of aviation personnel on aircraft civil aviation;
14. Training and certification of workers and engineering and technical workers;
15. Implementation of foreign economic activity;
16. Complete set of units and systems of engineering equipment and industrial installations;
17. Provision of intermediary services, implementation of commodity exchange, trade and other commercial transactions in the market;
18. Implementation of measures and (or) provision of services in the field of protection of state secrets;
19. Protection of state secrets at the enterprise;
20. Provision of services in the field of information encryption;
21 Identification activities electronic devicesintended for the secret receipt of information, in the premises and technical means;
22. Activity on technical protection of confidential information;
23. Operation of fire hazardous production facilities;
24. Operation of explosive, fire hazardous, chemically hazardous production facilities;
25. Activities to prevent and extinguish fires;
26. Performance of works on installation, repair and maintenance of security equipment fire safety buildings and structures;
27. Activity for the manufacture and repair of measuring instruments;
28. Provision of services in the field of communications, including the provision of physical and legal entities on a paid basis local telephone communication services, long-distance and international communication services, telematic services;
29. Medical activities, including services for the provision of primary (pre-medical) medical care, diagnostics, services in the field of expert medical activity;
30. Production, testing and repair of weapons and military equipment (including aircraft and their components);
31. Activity for the operation of electrical, gas, heating networks;
32. Loading and unloading activities in railway transport;
33. Storage and sale of oil, gas and products of their processing;
34. Provision of hotel services;
35. Other types of activities not prohibited by law.
The main economic activity of the enterprise is not seasonal.
Name of the type of product (work, services): Aircraft production

Indicator name
Revenue (income)

524 226
582 841
105 818
530 722
255 199

Name of the type of product (work, services): Aircraft overhaul
Indicator name
Revenue (income)
from this type of economic activity, rubles.
137 339
251 805
253 615
342 904
209 162
Share of revenue (income)
from this type of economic activity in the total revenue (income) of the enterprise,%
Name of the type of products (works, services): Other products and services of an aviation nature
Indicator name
Revenue (income)
from this type of economic activity, rubles.
162 209
191 554
257 552
97 714
151 295
Share of revenue (income)
from this type of economic activity in the total revenue (income) of the enterprise,%
Name of the type of product (work, services): Other products and services of a non-aviation nature
Indicator name
Revenue (income)
from this type of economic activity, rubles.
67 354
49 163
56 503
54 291
46 002
Share of revenue (income)
from this type of economic activity in the total revenue (income) of the enterprise,%
In recent years, the operation of the enterprise has been accompanied by a relatively low level of production. In particular, in 2010, construction of 2 TU-154 aircraft is underway. This is largely due to a certain level of obsolescence of this aircraft. Airlines are increasingly interested in products foreign manufacturers, albeit with a partially depleted resource. Also in 2010, construction of one An-140-100 aircraft is underway for the State customer. Perspective this project largely depends on the policy of Russia in the field of civil aircraft construction, the level of support for the aviation industry. In addition, one of the main customers for the company's products should be government agencies interested in the promptness of making many important decisions. An important role in the development of the project belongs to regional companies interested in the development of the medium-haul aircraft market. The issue of limited financial capabilities of regional air carriers is intended to be addressed by the development of a leasing system for new domestic aircraft.
The company is also actively involved in concluding contracts with UAC enterprises (OJSC VASO, Beriev Aircraft Company, Aviastar-SP CJSC) for the supply of components for aircraft included in the UAC product line (An-148, Il-476) ... The presence of such contracts will allow the enterprise to carry out its activities in accordance with the state programs for the renewal of the aircraft fleet of the Russian Federation and will provide solid funding for these projects. Moreover, the participation of the enterprise in these related projects will raise its own level of mastering the production of the An-140 aircraft.
In general, the dynamics of the enterprise's production activity is a downward trend. The decommissioning of the Tu-154 aircraft, the maintenance and repair of which was the main product of the enterprise's activity, has a particularly significant negative impact on the enterprise's activities, and this is happening at the moment when the An-140 project is in the stage of putting into mass production.
But the main shares in the portfolio of orders are still the completion of the Tu-154, the construction of the An-140, and the overhaul of the Tu-154. The share of production of spare parts for Tu-154 aircraft is gradually decreasing, but it is being replenished by attracting new orders for industrial cooperation with UAC enterprises.
The assessment of the prospects for the domestic aircraft industry market is as follows: one of the main customers of domestic products should be state organizationsinterested in the promptness of making many important decisions. An important role in the development of the industry belongs to regional companies that are interested in the development of the regional aircraft market and are in dire need of favorable leasing conditions, which include the main product of the enterprise - the AN-140-100 regional aircraft.

Aviakor-Aviation Plant OJSC is a leading enterprise in the aircraft building industry with the latest production technology. In connection with the gradual decommissioning of the Tu-154 aircraft due to the natural obsolescence of the aircraft fleet and its low operational and economic indicators the market share for the completion of Tu-154 aircraft tends to zero. There is no development potential for this line of business due to the fact that the aircraft developer does not intend to further modify the Tu-154 project. Currently, work is underway on the construction of 2 new Tu-154 aircraft for the needs of the RF Ministry of Defense, which corresponds to the current market demand for this type of aircraft. There are four more fuselages in the production reserve, suitable for further completion. Due to the well-developed infrastructure for servicing the Tu-154 aircraft and its proven reliability, there is a possibility of receiving new orders for the completion of the aircraft. Tu-154 airplanes produced today meet all the requirements for international flights, are equipped with modern PNO, providing flights in precise area navigation B-RNAV according to RNP-1 requirements. In this regard, it is possible to receive orders for the completion of the Tu-154 from government agencies.
The completion of the Tu-154 aircraft completion program is planned to be completed in 2012-13. As an option for the further use of the existing fuselages, together with the Tupolev Design Bureau, we can consider a project to modernize Tu-154M aircraft into a cargo version. But since the TU-154M aircraft will be in operation for at least 5-10 years (about 80 TU-154 aircraft are in operation), Aviakor-Aviation Plant OJSC will provide the airlines with spare parts, carry out overhauls, bulletins and modernization in accordance with with design documentation of JSC named after A.N. Tupolev. To implement this program, a consolidated order is required from airlines interested in obtaining a cargo version of the Tu-154 aircraft. This issue is periodically updated and Aviakor confirms its readiness to implement the program, as well as A.N. Tupolev.

Also, given that in the near future this type of aircraft will be decommissioned, it is planned to replace this type of business with the maintenance and repair of other types of aircraft, including imported ones. To maintain the airworthiness of the Tu-154 aircraft fleet, it is planned to maintain the production of aviation spare parts in accordance with the demand on the market for these products.
With ASTK them. Antonov, a license agreement was signed on the production of a modern turboprop passenger regional aircraft AN-140, designed to replace the decommissioned fleet of AN-24, AN-26, YAK-40 aircraft. Design documentation has been received, equipment and tools have been manufactured for over 20 million rubles. In September 2003, jointly with Ukraine, a joint venture for the production of the AN-140 aircraft was created - CJSC Joint venture International Aviation Project -140 ". In 2005, the first aircraft AN-140 was launched at JSC Aviakor-Aviation Plant, with the production of which the company associates its future. At present, there are three An-140-100 aircraft in operation, assembled at Aviakor-Aviation Plant. In the period 2011-2012. the enterprise plans to reach the design capacity for the production of AN-140 in the amount of 3, 4, 6 machines annually.
A number of Russian aviation and leasing companies have already announced their readiness to consider the issue of purchasing An-140 aircraft. State and power structures are also showing interest in the An-140. The An-140 aircraft is included in the Draft State Armament Program until 2020, and the RF Ministry of Defense has serious intentions to purchase 10 An-140 aircraft. Aviakor plans to launch into production the first series of aircraft commissioned by the RF Ministry of Defense, which is currently the "launch" state customer for Aviakor.
According to experts, today the demand of only Russian airlines for aircraft of this type reaches 50-60 units by 2015.
In the near future "Aviakor", together with the designer of the An-140 - the Kiev aircraft design bureau named after OK. Antonov (ANTK named after O.K. Antonov) will start modernizing the An-140 into a cargo version. Interest in this type of aircraft is shown by the RF Ministry of Defense and government departments (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Roshydromet, Rosleskhoz, etc.). When finalizing the design of the generally successful model of a regional turboprop aircraft, it is planned to take into account the wishes of the operators to the maximum extent. Participation in the work on the new mod

What is Aviakor for me - Aviation Plant.

This is my former place of work. I worked there for half a year. I worked more if the salary was good.
To be honest, I am worried about the plant with all my heart, this is a story of my family. My whole family worked at this plant, we got the apartment from this plant, even my sister worked in the 25th canteen, and in the end I also worked there.

0. Checkpoint of the Factory.

The history of this plant is, of course, great and its role in the Second World War is also not secondary.
Before the war it was Voronezh Plant, during the war, the plant was taken to Samara. And here the legendary Il-2 and Il-4 were produced.

1. Photo of the workshop during the war.

People worked without a roof over their heads, day and night for a Piece of bread, worked on machines, assembled fuselages and ready-made Airplanes. During the war years, about 15 thousand aircraft were produced. And together with Plant No. 1 (TsSKB-Progress) 27 thousand aircraft.

In Samara, the labor prowess of aircraft builders is still appreciated and many monuments have been erected in honor of this.

2.Monument of Glory

3. Monument to the Il-2 aircraft, assembled in Kuibyshev at the plant number 18.

In Soviet times, the plant began to rebuild and engage in new projects, a branch of the Tupolev Design Bureau was opened on its territory.
The plant began to manufacture the Il-10, Il-28, Tu-4, Tu-116, Russian Bear Tu-95 aircraft, and the most Serial Tu-154 aircraft, the plant also manufactured the Tempest cruise missiles and made the nose for the shuttle "Buran (Smolensk Order).


The management also made him great. Schenkman Matvey Borisovich-First Director of Plant No. 18, and Viktor Petrovich Zemets, General Director of Plant No. 18 (1961-1986)

But after the restructuring, the plant lost its face.
Led by Khasis, Zolotrev, Titov and Likharev, the plant was sold out, divided, sawed, machine tools and much more went to Scrap Metal, and it still leaves.
Many workshops need overhaul, something is already being rented out, somewhere in complete chaos and chaos.

5. Main assembly shop (Shop # 7). Tu-154 under repair.


7.Tu-154 on Capital Repair.

8. View from above. Standing at a height. And complete silence. As if not production, but kindergarten during Quiet Hour.


10. Shop No. 7. External view.

11. Monument to Shankman M.B. on the territory of the Plant.

If earlier 7 cars were produced per month (4 Tu-154 and 3 Tu-95), now we make a small An-140 for 3 months.

12. Workshop No. 9, in which I worked.

13. Former garage.

14 And next to the remains of Zil.

15. When it rains on the Street, it rains in the shop, the machines are poured. And this is non-compliance with the simplest requirements of Safety when working with Electrical Appliances.

16. Former workshop No. 14. Only busbars remained.


18.For Comparison The boundary area of \u200b\u200bthe building of shops 63.19 and the building sold to progress.


20. Building of the former dining room. Doesn't function.

21. And so workshops No. 19, No. 63. You go in already become creepy. The sound only drops from a leaky roof.


23. Former VIN (issue of the Tool).

24. Lockers from Tu-154.

So you go and think, why all this? Why was it to such an extent to destroy the plant.

25. Cleaning the interior of Tu-154.

26. And the most important Exhibit. Small aircraft "Lightning". About 10 aircraft were manufactured.
Then the order was suspended.



29. The maturity of the workshop has come.

30. More lightning.

31. Tool boxes.

32. You can't look at a picture without tears.

33. Drilling machine

34. Perestroika did not turn out to be anything good for the plant # 18

35. Once again, lightning in different angles. Just very sorry for her.


37. Shop 19.

38. Flow line.

39. Well, and it remains to tell about the LIS (flight test station). View of the Tu-154 going to sawing, and the progress shop 211.

Samara JSC Aviakor - Aviation Plant managed to prove the right to collect 52 million rubles. with PJSC Tupolev as part of a defense order for the maintenance of Tupolev aircraft. After two arbitration circles, the parties entered into an amicable agreement on the repayment of the debt, thus the judicial campaign, including almost two dozen claims for hundreds of millions of rubles, turned towards the Samara enterprise. Earlier, on the majority of complaints, the court sided with Tupolev.

On March 6, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal overturned the decision of the previous instance and approved the settlement agreement between the Samara JSC Aviakor - Aviation Plant and PJSC Tupolev. During the trial, Tupolev recognized a debt to Aviakor in the amount of 52.9 million rubles. and agreed to pay the full amount by September 2018.

Aviakor's claim was filed in June 2017. According to the materials of the arbitration, in May 2016, the companies concluded an agreement under which the Samara plant supplied components for Tu-95 Ms aircraft for Tupolev to execute a state contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense for service maintenance... Tupolev transferred an advance payment of 39.4 million rubles to Aviakor, while Aviakor supplied products for a total of 92.3 million rubles, but did not receive the rest of the payment. Representatives of "Tupolev" in court initially objected to the satisfaction of the claim, referring to the fact that the money to pay for the products should have come from federal budgetbut were never listed. In October 2017, the Moscow Arbitration Court dismissed Aviakor's claim, but the plants recognized the debt in full in the appeal, and the parties agreed to a settlement.

Aviakor - Aviation Plant OJSC was registered in Samara in 1996. The company's shares, according to the SPARK-Interfax system, are owned by Aviaresurs Holding LLC (61.98%), Paninter LLC (15%), Condor-Invest LLC (13.43%), Extracraft JSC elite "(9.59%). According to the information on the site of the plant, in 2005 Aviakor entered the Russian Machines corporation, which unites the machine-building assets of the Basic Element group. CEO - Alexey Gusev. Revenue in 2016 - 1.756 billion rubles, loss - 254 million rubles.

Aviakor specializes in the production and repair of aviation equipment, in particular, the plant supplied components for Tu-type aircraft, which are serviced at the Moscow Tupolev plant by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense. However, between enterprises within the framework of defense orders, there was a tense arbitrage practice, during which "Aviakor" collects debts "Tupolev" in arbitration courts. In 2016-2017, the Samara aircraft plant filed 17 claims against the counterparty for a total amount of about 380 million rubles, of which ten claims were rejected (247.8 million rubles), three claims were satisfied (14.7 million rubles) ... Also, during the judicial campaign, the enterprises entered into four amicable agreements for a total amount of 114.9 million rubles.

The representative of Aviakor said that the plant was satisfied with the decision of the arbitration court to recover the debt for the earlier deliveries. Tupolev did not comment on the situation.

Lawyer Dmitry Natarius believes that collection of payments through the courts is Aviakor's strategy in working with Tupolev. The lawyer notes that from the point of view of the law, the customer cannot justify non-payments, citing the lack of payment from their own customers. In the agreement of the factories it could be written that payment is made within a certain time, but not earlier than the funds received under the state contract. However, judging by the fact that the parties nevertheless agreed to a settlement, they did not provide for such a condition.

“If this condition is not there, both parties understand that the court must satisfy the requirements, therefore they went to amicable. The parties understand that the plant has nowhere to get the money, so a payment schedule is being introduced in the hope that budget funding will resume, and the customer will cover something with his own money, ”the lawyer said.

Sergei Sidorov, President of the Knowledge Innovation and Education Foundation, notes that today Aviakor is a private enterprise, and if he is not satisfied with the payment system, the company may refuse to cooperate with Tupolev. However, the company has no alternative customers. The expert believes that the situation with judicial collection of payments will continue.

“No matter how offensive it may be, nothing is left of Aviakor today. This is a workshop where they are trying to somehow survive, to repair old aircraft. Aviakor has not produced aircraft for a long time, there are also questions about the quality of their parts, and how much they are in demand. Therefore, I think that in the eyes of the Ministry of Defense, the plant does not look like a serious supplier who can dictate its terms. If there is money, they will pay, there will be no money - they will not go anywhere, they will wait, ”Sergei Sidorov believes.

- Alexey Viktorovich! Aviakor's enterprise last years stood aside from the global transformations taking place in the domestic aviation industry. But now the plant is on the verge of joining the United Aircraft Corporation. Tell us how the enterprise lived in the pre-Oak period?

- Aviakor is a company with a very rich history. This is the former 18th plant named after. Voroshilov, evacuated to Samara from Voronezh at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War... The first Il-2 aircraft, assembled at the plant after the evacuation, took off on December 10, 1941. In total, the plant produced 18 thousand IL-2. Then the Tu-4 was produced here - the plane from which the first Soviet atomic bomb was dropped, then there was the Tu-114 - the first Soviet long-range aircraft. Turboprop aircraft Tu-95, which still surprises Western specialists with its ability to develop such a high flight speed, and, of course, Tu-154. Today we are releasing the An-140 aircraft, which replaces the An-24.

Aviakor is a unique plant in every respect. This is the only plant in the Soviet space that has produced 1000 hundred-ton aircraft. Of course, in the USSR, aircraft of large size and weight were also built, but no one was capable of producing them in such a quantity, except for our enterprise. Moreover, then, after all, there were no automated production management systems-ERP, everything was done according to Soviet standards with a clearly debugged planning system.

In the 90s, the fate of Aviakor was not very successful. Now we can talk about the fact that it was not possible to effectively manage the plant then. The only successful project was the development of the An-140 aircraft, which was implemented, by the way, without the participation and active support of the state.

Nevertheless, production was maintained. After a recent optimization program, it has become more compact and mobile. Today Aviakor has several business lines. Firstly, this is the construction of the Tu-154 - now the enterprise is building two aircraft by order of the Ministry of Defense, as well as overhaul of such aircraft. Aviakor is the only competence center for the operation of the Tu-154 aircraft. There are some nuances here. In 2008there were 240 vessels of this type in operation, but then their landslide was removed from the airline fleet. ( ed : 84 Tu-154 aircraft are currently in operation).Accordingly, the volume of orders for the overhaul of "Tushek", their service and supply of spare parts has significantly decreased.

We understood that sooner or later this would happen, we reoriented ourselves in time and, in cooperation with Ukraine, created a very successful An-140 aircraft. This is another direction of Aviacor's work. We also provide service maintenance for Tu-154, An-74, An-140 aircraft. Aviakor is the only aircraft manufacturing plant that established an authorized MRO center 15 years ago.

Another type of business that we have recently emerged is cooperation with the enterprises of the United Aircraft Corporation. We are working closely with the Ulyanovsk Aviastar, Voronezh VASO and Taganrog on component production for the Il-476, An-148, VPS aircraft.

- In the production of which components for the listed aircraft does your company specialize?

Of the signed and working contracts - pilot seats for An-148, details of the UPU control. For the future, for example, for the Il-476 aircraft, we plan to do wing mechanization. We are preparing for the production of frame elements of the fuselage and tail assembly for the An-148. It should be noted that we have plunged very deeply into the elaboration of these projects, and now we are already close to signing contracts. We also have plans for the reconstruction and subsequent loading of mechanical production - today a number of factories are showing interest in it.

- I dare to suggest that the further expansion of Aviakor's cooperation with other aircraft plants will directly depend on the timing of the implementation of the plan to enter the enterprise into the UAC?

Yes, the process of integration of Aviakor into the United Aircraft Corporation is underway. In June, the first stage of the transaction took place, 10% of Aviakor's shares were acquired by Irkut and, according to existing plans, by the end of the year it should receive a controlling stake in the enterprise (at the moment, the controlling stake belongs to OJSC Russian Machines by Oleg Deripaska, and after its transfer to Irkut, the enterprise will enter the UAC business unit - Commercial aircraft). The main condition for entering the corporation is to pay off debts. In my opinion, there is a certain amount of injustice in this, because when other factories were part of the KLA, the question of full repayment of all debts was not raised. At the moment, we have constructive proposals for resolving the issue of debts, "Russian Machines" are in constant negotiations to resolve this issue.

In general, if we talk about joining the UAC, then Aviakor sees itself there as an active participant and full member of the aviation community. Moreover, we plan to become part of the Corporation precisely as an aircraft manufacturing plant, since we believe that our main breakthrough product is the An-140 aircraft.

- Alexey Viktorovich, let's talk in more detail about this aircraft, the interest in which in the industry is now quite great.

The aircraft is unique, it was created specifically for Russian conditions and fully complies with them in terms of performance characteristics, which is confirmed by the experience of its operation at the Yakutia airline. Creating the plane, we started from the existing airport infrastructure in Russia, realizing that there are very few prepared airfields with artificial turf. For example, there are 32 airfields in Yakutia, and only 8 have artificial turf.

I respect similar aircraft of Western manufacturers, but we need to soberly assess what airport infrastructure is needed for their successful operation in Russia. In addition, in Russia we sometimes encounter extreme weather conditions, especially from the Urals to Nakhodka, where there are colossal distances between settlements, and almost everywhere there is a sharply continental climate. Yakutia Airlines certified the An-140 to minus 60 degrees, while the aircraft, which is essential, is not in hangar storage. The presence of such an aircraft is vitally important for the vast Russian territories, where there are simply no roads, where there are no rail and road connections, and air transport is the only one for solving industrial and social problems.

The plane is very comfortable, with 52 passenger seats. I have flown An-140 and competitors' planes more than once. In general, as a manufacturer, I am very critical of our product, but here I have to admit that I like the feeling of the An-140 flight more than foreign analogues. We believe this is a breakthrough product. There are marketing studies, we know exactly how many An-24, An-26, Yak-40 planes are on the wing now, we know that they will be written off within the next 5 years, and we estimate the market needs for the near future about 50-60 planes for 5 years. And if you look a little further, for 10-15 years, then this is already about 250 aircraft. Tasks for regional transportation of passengers, mail, cargo, which are now performed by such veterans as An-24, An-26, Yak-40, will be relevant in the future. Based on this, we are building our strategy, and we are betting on the An-140.

In Soviet times, there was a certain system, good or bad is another question. Then the entire line of local, regional, short-haul, medium and long-haul aircraft was produced domestic enterprises... If we do not take into account the An-2 aircraft, then we can say that the An-24 was the most massive aircraft in the Soviet Union - 1,100 of them were built. Today we can say with confidence that Russia has not lost its ability to produce aircraft in the niche of regional turboprop. Today the demand for such a versatile aircraft is quite high, and the An-140 is the most the best option in order to fill this niche. The production has been mastered, the planes fly on regular commercial lines, there is a demand from the market. However, with all this, we have not yet received any real support for this project.

- Evil tongues say that Aviakor builds very few aircraft today.

We do exactly as much as we have orders. The problem is different, the production of aircraft and their operation should be considered a common program. And for the project to be successful, starting with the launch of a new aircraft in production and up to its commercial transportation, we must link all the links into a single chain: a hypothetical passenger has the opportunity to pay "X" rubles for his transportation, his purchasing power is determined by the general level economic development countries. It brings the airline a certain amount of income for the renewal of the aircraft fleet. The airline, having this income, can make lease payments monthly in the amount of "Z". The leasing company, having access to credit resources, and proceeding from the capabilities of the buyer - the airline, dictates the market price of the purchase and sale of the aircraft. And the manufacturing plant, having huge cooperation in production and taking into account its technological and technical state, names its commercial price. Typically, these two prices, the leasing company and the manufacturer, do not match. And in order for them to coincide, it is necessary to solve a whole set of tasks, for example: subsidizing regional transportation by regulating prices for aviation fuel for tickets, more flexible conditions leasing transaction, reduction of the credit rate, the possibility of preferential taxation for enterprises participating in cooperation on state programs for the construction of aircraft. At the same time, the operation of this aircraft in an airline from an economic point of view will be effective, and for an aircraft plant it will not be unprofitable.

Only the state can now solve all these problems, taking responsibility and risks. Without this, the successful promotion of this or that aircraft into operation, in my opinion, is impossible. ABOUTyou definitely need a batch order, this makes the project as a whole cheaper. The price of an aircraft as a commodity becomes cheaper, the prime cost of borrowed credit resources also becomes lower due to their volume, and the total operation is cheaper due to the greater number of flying aircraft. Then the snowball effect will begin - successful implementation a small starting order will inevitably lead to larger orders. In Soviet times, the development of the production of a new aircraft took place this way, everything began with a piece launch, and then production grew to 70 aircraft per year. The airline, leasing company, manufacturing plant, component suppliers must be linked by one integrator. Now no one takes on the full role of such an integrator.

It is clear that the production process of a piece aircraft is extremely laborious and costly. A lot of manual locksmith, fitting work. In addition, under good streak we could buy stamping, but stamping is expensive for one aircraft, since the tooling is included in its price, which means that we have to buy not stamping, but forging. When processing forgings, we work with chips. That is, we save on purchases and lose on labor intensity, and labor intensity is the same money. And when the labor intensity is high, the price of one aircraft set is also high; accordingly, it is impossible to offer a competitive price for the entire product.

-So what is more profitable in terms of money, to process and manufacture parts on site or to purchase ready-made products?

Interest Ask. If in the old days all factories were aimed at closed-cycle production, excluding the engine and avionics, now, as time has shown, it is economically unprofitable. I am in favor of reasonable and economically viable outsourcing, for the transfer of production of products to centers of effective competence, for the construction of aircraft according to the Lego principle. The main task of the aircraft plant is to carry out the final assembly, carry out a set of works on ground and flight tests and transfer the aircraft into operation - this is the competence of the aircraft manufacturing plant. Naturally, we must not forget about the after-sales service.

We have a very large cooperation on the An-140 aircraft - 180 enterprises-suppliers of PKI excluding materials, of which over 30 are Ukrainian enterprises. We have no problems with Ukrainian suppliers, but working with them we are forced to pay VAT, which, although it is subject to reimbursement, is withdrawn from circulation 18% of the cost of the product, at least for reporting period... There is, of course, the Ashgabat Agreement, which allows you to avoid paying VAT, but in the current edition it does not work effectively. In short, the procedure under this agreement should be simplified, then it will help aircraft builders.

- How many orders are there for the An-140 aircraft now?

We are currently building one aircraft for the Ministry of Defense. The state defense order has not yet been approved for the next year, and we do not know whether the An-140 will be included in it. Also, despite all the assurances of the UAC leaders, the aircraft has not yet been included in the corporation's product line. It is also not included in the FTP "Development of Civil Aviation until 2020". And this despite the fact that there is an airplane that flies well, makes a profit and there is a demand for it on the horizon of 5 years, about 60 aircraft. Three aircraft are operated by the Yakutia airline, the fourth, purchased in Ukraine, flies to Krasnodar. But in any government or corporate programs, unlike other types of aircraft, the An-140 is absent.

This would be understandable if the An-140 had an alternative. But in this niche, the most massive in the air transportation market, there is nothing. Moreover, this is the most difficult segment of aviation, there will never be excess profits, it will always be subsidized.

There are at least three countries in the world that will never give up on regional aviation: Russia, Canada and Brazil - countries with a huge territory without a full-fledged ground transport infrastructure.

- Let's talk about the operation of the An-140 aircraft. Recently, talking with the head of one of the Russian airlines, I asked if he was planning to purchase an An-140 aircraft. At the same time, he expressed his concerns that the operation of an aircraft with a helicopter engine and a complex gearbox may be difficult and costly.

The TV3-117SBM-1 engine on the An-140 is far from the worst option. Outwardly, it seems complicated, taking into account such an L-shaped gear scheme. Frankly, at the beginning of the operation of the An-140 there were many engine removals due to its high MTBF. You yourself understand that at this stage there is no “childhood illness”. But the specialists of Motor Sich and the Developer promptly made the corresponding improvements, and now there are no complaints about the engine. He reliably fulfills his resource.

- Do the companies express many comments at the time of the aircraft acceptance?

I will put it another way: we have vast experience in transferring the Tu-154 aircraft into operation. Probably, it is impossible to hand over the plane to the customer without comments. Another thing is their number. If we take the experience of transferring the Tu-154 as a basis, then the number and quality of comments on the An-140 aircraft does not exceed the average statistical level. I will say more, we looked at the statistics of failures during the commissioning of the Tu-154 and it turned out that the failure rates were then comparable to the An-140 at the initial stage. Mastering a new technique is always associated with similar problems, and this should be taken absolutely calmly. There is no need to speculate on this, you need to systematically eliminate the shortcomings and bring the plane to perfection. It is a permanent process of everything life cycle aircraft.

- Not so long ago, the President of Motor Sich, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Boguslaev, said that the UAC had plans to transfer the production of the An-140 aircraft to Voronezh. But no one in the UAC confirms this.

Such conversations took place two years ago. Firstly, Voronezh is now fully loaded with the production of An-148 aircraft for several years to come and the Il-96 aircraft. Secondly, transferring production to another plant is an insane cost. Thirdly, the competence at Aviakor was retained even after all the optimizations. We can only discuss the change in the composition of our cooperation with other enterprises, but if everything is fine, then why even touch the topic of transferring the production of An-140 to another site. Now we are able to build up to 6-8 aircraft per year. I understand perfectly well that the plant was created for the production of aircraft of a different class. But we do not have another aircraft than the An-140 yet, so we will make the An-140.

- Recently Aeroflot announced its plans to purchase domestic aircraft and even to start negotiations on the An-140 aircraft.

We learned about the An-140 not from Aeroflot, but from your esteemed publication. The next day we received a request from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, to which we gave our extended positive response. Yes, we jumped at this perspective. But for now, I would say that Aeroflot's mood on this project is calm. As far as I know, it is planned to purchase our aircraft through the Russian Technologies leasing company, and this issue is under consideration. We declared our readiness for active negotiations and said that if their intentions for three aircraft next year are serious, then we need to start work now. I have already said that cooperation on purchased components alone, excluding materials, is 180 factories. The same engines must be ordered now, and they must be delivered at least two months before the aircraft is rolled out on the LIS. Will Motor Sich be able to adjust its plans for 6 engines for the next year and start supplying them in six months, given that they have their own cooperation. In general, Aviakor has a historically close relationship with Aeroflot, even on the Tu-154.

- Did I understand you correctly that in the next 5 years most of the Soviet regional aircraft will be decommissioned, and your production capacity at the moment does not exceed 6-8 An-140 aircraft per year? Will this be enough to replace the abandoned fleet?

According to our estimates, the need for such aircraft in the next 5 years will be about 50-60 units, and on the horizon of 10-15 years - about 250. To fully satisfy domestic demand, it is necessary to at least double the production capacity of these aircraft, and this is us we will not cope without state support, we estimate the investment program at 2 billion rubles.

- What is the catalog value of the An-140?

Over 500 million rubles.

- How is the issue of crew training for the An-140 being resolved now, in particular, for the Yakutia airline?

In Yakutia, there is a training center for training for the An-140 aircraft. We can also conduct training in our training center on the basis of the enterprise. To retrain on An-140, an An-24 pilot needs about 20 theory hours and five flight hours. Compared to retraining for the same ATR, the costs are simply not comparable, but ground support facilities, control testing equipment, etc.

- How is the process of technical re-equipment of the enterprise going, how many employees are working at the plant now, their average age, and how do you attract young people?

The company currently employs 2,200 people. This is exactly the amount necessary to fulfill the existing orders. We are building two Tu-154Ms by order of the Ministry of Defense and one An-140, and now the plant has two Tu-154 aircraft undergoing overhaul. We also performed various types of routine maintenance on eight Tu-154s and eight An-74s with our MRO. In addition, we also carry out orders for the equipment of Tu-95 aircraft, which we finished producing in the early 90s.

We have lowered the average age of the company's employees, now it is 50, and we are not stopping there. There are various programs to attract young people, including university students under contract contracts, for example, from the Samara Aerospace University, one of the leading aviation universities in the country.

Despite the fact that in previous years Aviakor lost all of its own social infrastructure, now at our own expense we have built a dormitory for young professionals, and now we can provide housing for employees on preferential terms.

Now about rearmament and modernization. In the now popular word modernization, in my opinion, there is a solution to at least four problems: 1) it is necessary to carry out internal audit and understand the production status of the enterprise, 2) according to the developed development strategy, and taking into account the logistical characteristics, to release and prepare the necessary production areas, 3) to prepare personnel to work on the latest equipment, which assumes the availability of modern literate workers, 4) to make the optimal purchase of exactly the equipment that is necessary for the developed strategy.

At Aviakor this process is consistently carried out. At this stage, two tasks have already been solved. We have cleared the area of \u200b\u200boutdated equipment that has outlived its age, leaving only what is necessary for the tasks of current programs. We have optimized the enterprise so that the costs of intra-plant logistics are minimal. We can deliver the latest equipment to the vacated and prepared areas even tomorrow.

To implement the third and fourth tasks, we need an understanding of Aviakor's strategy after its integration into the UAC. For example, if the task is to build fifty An-140 aircraft within 10 years, then this is one approach, and if two hundred, then it is completely different. And besides that, there is also a business portfolio for component production for other projects. In a word, after the final determination of the Aviakor competence center within the UAC, subsequent modernization tasks will be solved. As you can see, modernization itself is far from just buying new equipment.

- How much money has already been spent on the technological re-equipment of the enterprise and whose money is it?

In the pre-crisis period, our main shareholder invested about 4 billion rubles in the enterprise, which were mainly spent on setting up the production of An-140 aircraft. In general, the enterprise lives off self-sufficiency and does not have any government subsidies. In modern conditions, this is simply incredible, but it is a fact.

Despite the fact that the plant shrank significantly, in less than five years we built five Tu-154M, three An-140 and made seventeen major overhauls of Tu-154 aircraft. Held maintenance several dozen Tu-154 and An-74 aircraft. This is comparable to any other plant included in the UAC.

Today, despite all the difficulties, we continue to develop Aviakor. We understand that this plant was not created by our generation, and it should not be closed by our generation. Our task is to hand over a highly efficient plant to those who will come after us - the future generation.