Types of industries and their technical and economic characteristics. Types of production, their technical and economic characteristics. The main ones are

The organization of production processes, the choice of methods of preparation, planning and control of production is largely determined by the type of production of the enterprise.

Production type is a complex characteristic of the technical, organizational and economic features of production, due to the breadth of the range, specialization, volume and repeatability of the production of products.

Industrial enterprises differ in structure and volume of products, breadth and stability of its nomenclature. Depending on these factors, workplaces, sections, workshops and enterprises are divided into several organizational types production. The main feature of the division into types of production is the specialization of jobs. Its level is determined by the coefficient of consolidation of operations. The main indicator characterizing the type of production is the coefficient of consolidation of operations (), which is determined by the formula:

where is the number of operations performed on i-th worker location;

- the number of jobs on the site or in the shop.

Depending on the value of the coefficient of securing operations, the type of production is determined according to the data in Table. 4.1.1.

Table 4.1.1.

Correspondence of the ratio of consolidation of operations and production range

The type of production determines the structure of enterprises and workshops, the nature of the workload and the movement of pile items in the production process. Each type of production has its own characteristics of the organization of production and labor, the equipment and technological processes used, the composition and qualifications of personnel, as well as material and technical support. A planning and accounting system is built for a specific type of production.

There are three types of production: single, serial and mass... (table 4.1.2.)

Table 4.1.2.

Comparative technical and economic characteristics of types of production

Parameter Production type
Single Serial Massive
Product range Wide, unlimited Limited series Narrow (one or more types)
Consistency of the product range Does not repeat Repeats periodically Constant production of the same products
Specialization of jobs Various operations Recurring operations One continuously repetitive operation
Type of equipment Universal Specialized Special
Equipment location Technological principle Subject-technological principle Subject principle
Rigging Universal Unified Special
Qualification of workers High Average Low
Unit cost High Average Low

To determine the type of production, the serial production level can also be used (formula 4.1.2.)

This indicator is the reciprocal of the coefficient of fastening the operation (Kzo) ,. For mass production, its value is 0.8 ... 1, for serial - 0.2 ... 0.8, and for a single less than 0.2.

Single production characterized by a wide range of manufactured products, the production of which has not been repeated for a long time. Workshops and sections are specialized according to the technological principle. The workplaces are practically not specialized, i.e. different operations are performed. The workers' qualifications are high. Universal equipment prevails, universal technological equipment is used. Technological processes and standards are developed with an indication of interdepartmental technological routes and necessary equipment... They are being refined and refined in workshops and workplaces. Equipment, tools and fixtures are used mainly for universal use. Their dimensions and kinematic capabilities must ensure that various works this profile. The equipment is arranged in groups of similar machines. Refinement of the technological process at workplaces requires the use of highly qualified workers. Workplaces, as a rule, do not have operations assigned to them and are loaded with various operations without a certain alternation. The transaction fixing ratio is not regulated and can be more than 40.

Enterprises with a single type of production are designed for the manufacture of products of limited consumption in the national economy, such as rolling mills, high-power excavators, turbines for power plants.

Mass production characterized by a limited range of products manufactured in periodic batches, with a relatively large production volume. Depending on the number of products in a batch or series and the value of the coefficient of fixing operations, small-batch, medium-batch (batch) and large-batch production are distinguished.

In serial production, workshops, as a rule, have subject-closed areas, universal and special equipment is located along the technological process. A limited number of work parts are assigned to jobs. Unified technological equipment is used, the qualifications of workers are medium and high on CNC machines and flexible automated lines. The transfer of objects of labor between operations in parallel is sequential.

Under series means the number of structurally and technologically identical products launched into production simultaneously or sequentially.

The uniformity of design solutions in the product allows the production of a significant number of standardized parts, which makes it possible to assign a number of parts (operations) to workplaces for constant or periodically repeated execution.

The repeatability of the manufacture of the same products economically justifies the use alongside fromversatile and specialized equipment, fixtures and tools, which leads to the specialization of jobs. Quickly readjustable automatic machine tools, manipulators, machine tools with numerical control(CNC), which makes it possible in conditions of mass production to increase labor productivity, reduce the duration of the production cycle.

In serial production, a technological process is developed in detail, which makes it possible to reduce machining allowances and increase the accuracy of workpieces.

Depending on the scale of production, the range of products, the level of specialization of jobs, there are: small-, large-and medium batchproduction.

Small-scale production is characterized by the release of products in small quantities and a diverse range of products. The consolidation ratio of operations is 21-40.

Large-scale production specializes in the production of a relatively narrow product range in large quantities. It is typical for many processes in mechanical engineering, for shoe and sewing enterprises. The consolidation ratio of operations is 2-10.

Medium batch production is intermediate between small and large batch production.

Mass production characterized by a limited range of products continuously manufactured over a long period of time in large volumes. In mass production, flow mechanized and automated lines, specialized equipment and technological tooling are widely used. The specialization of the shops is based on the subject matter. Each workplace can be assigned 1 - 2 operations. The qualifications of workers are relatively low on production lines, high on automated lines. The production of parts and products is built according to a given rhythm. A parallel view of the movement of objects of labor is used.

Mass production provides the highest level labor productivity and low cost of manufactured products. Mass production (see Table 4.1) is characterized by a limited range of processed products at a large scale of its production (for example, the production of televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, tractors, cars, watches). Special equipment, tools and technological equipment are used. Automatic machines, manipulators and automatic lines are widely used. Workers perform a limited range of operations. The consolidation ratio of operations is 1, which ensures their narrow specialization.

The technological process is developed in detail for each operation, indicating the modes equipment operation, the tool used, the norms of the time spent, materials. The equipment is located along the technological process; a parallel method of combining operations is used, which leads to a significant reduction in the duration of the production cycle, the amount of backlog; higher labor productivity is achieved and production costs are significantly reduced.

Each type of production has its own methods of organizing it.

An independent type should be attributed experienced production. Its purpose is the production of prototypes, batches, products for scientific - research works, development of design and technological documentation.

State Committee for fishing of the Russian Federation



Institute of Economics


By discipline: "Organization of production at the enterprise"

Topic: "Types of production, their technical and economic characteristics"


Group student ZFE-88


D.E.N, O.K.

Types of production, their technical and economic characteristics

The organization of production processes at an enterprise, the choice of the most rational methods of preparation, planning and production control is largely determined by the type of production.

Type of production - a set of organizational, technical and economic characteristics and features of the combination of factors and elements of the organization of production, due to the nomenclature, scale and regularity of production.

In turn, the nomenclature and scale of the products produced determine the levels of concentration, specialization, cooperation and combination of production.

The following factors are the basis for the classification of types of production in an enterprise:

1) the nomenclature of products, which characterizes the specialization of production;

2) the scale of the output (production volume);

3) frequency of issue;

4) the nature of the workload and their specialization, i.e. assignment of certain operations of the technological process to workplaces.

Depending on the combination of the listed forms of organization of production and its elements, the following types of production are distinguished: mass, serial, single type of production.

One of the indicators for determining the type of production can be the serialization ratio, which characterizes the level of specialization of jobs.

where is the total number of details of operations performed in this division (at the site, in the shop);

The number of pieces of equipment (jobs) in the workshop.

Mass production is characterized by the continuous production of a large number of the same or several of the same type. Mass production is focused on the production of a limited range of standardized products (items) in large volumes over a relatively long period of time. The equipment is special, the type of movement of objects of labor is parallel. Workshops and sections are specialized mainly on the subject principle. The factories have a simple and well-defined production structure. For example, cars, tractors, agricultural machinery products.

The characteristic features of mass production are:

1.continuity of production of homogeneous products, when individual units of manufactured products either do not differ from each other, or have differences in individual modifications, depending on the configuration of the final product, oriented to a specific consumer;

2. manufacturing of units, parts, components at specialized enterprises that produce the same type of products and are part of the structure of a company or production department or purchased from independent supplier firms;

3. the presence of a specialized assembly line production based on the release of products from unified units and parts of the established quality and standard sizes, arriving in a certain sequence on the technological conveyor line;

4. high level of production specialization, concentration in one enterprise for the production of products of one or several modifications or standard sizes;

5. mandatory standardization and unification of parts, assemblies, assemblies, during their design and subsequent assembly;

6. specialization of workplaces for the performance of specific operations following on the conveyor in a certain sequence;

7. automation of the technological process, the use of flow methods of work;

8. the use of workers of low qualifications, performing a specific operation assigned to each worker;

9. short duration of the production cycle based on assembly production;

10.continuous dispatching of production using automated systems enterprise management (ACS);

11.Full automation of quality control with wide application statistical methods product quality management;

12. Thorough production planning;

13.comprehensive use of all factors of productivity.

The main ones are

Narrow specialization of workplaces to perform one constantly repeating operation

Rigid assignment of a relatively small number of operations to jobs;

Unidirectional movement of raw materials, semi-finished products, products from one workplace to another;

Arrangement of equipment, workplaces along the movement of the technological process (in accordance with the principle of direct flow);

Wide range of specialized equipment;

Combination of basic and service operations;

Limited range of products.

Advantages of mass production;

Full use of equipment;

High level labor productivity,

The lowest cost per unit of production due to savings on conditionally fixed costs and the use of high-performance equipment;

Reducing the duration of the production cycle;

Reducing the volume of work in progress;

Acceleration of turnover working capital.

As a result, it becomes possible to use continuous production methods, organize production processes and widely introduce mechanization and automation of production.

Ideal option mass production is a production that ensures the continuity of the movement of products in all operations of the production process from the start of the raw material to the release of finished products

Serial production (series production) - the manufacture of structurally identical products in batches or series of a certain size, periodically repeated at intervals.

Series - a number of products of the same type launched into production.

Characteristic features of the serial production type:

1.making in batches of a wide range of recurring homogeneous products;

2. decentralization of production activities by production units (departments, factories and workshops), specialized in the performance of specific operations, on the release of goods of various types;

3. production of products, both on the basis of preliminary orders of buyers, and for consumers unknown in advance;

4. frequency of production of products in batches, processing of parts for assembly in separate batches;

5. use in the production process of workers of average skill; specialization of workplaces for performing several operations assigned to them, a small amount of manual labor;

6. short duration of the production cycle;

7. typification of the technological process in connection with the unified composition of parts and components entering the assembly production;

8. availability of specialized technological equipment with fixed workplaces;

9. different requirements to the processing of specialized products produced in separate batches, hence the following of products in the processing process along different routes with optional passage through all workshops and sections;

10. automation of quality control of manufactured products and the use of statistical methods of product quality management;

The disadvantages of the serial type of production are:

High duration of the production cycle due to the irregular operation of the equipment,

Increase in unproductive time consumption as a result of frequent changeovers of equipment, large interruptions in production, due to pre-production work in the process of manufacturing products.

Increase in unit cost;

Decrease in the turnover of working capital;

Reduced labor productivity.

Depending on the number of simultaneously manufactured identical products included in the series, small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production are distinguished.

Small-scale production is a type of organization of the production process in which departments or processing centers specialize in certain operations... The processed products are produced in small batches of a wide range. The regularity of batch rotation during the year is either absent or irregular, and batch sizes are unstable; the enterprise is constantly mastering new products and stopping the production of previously mastered ones. ...

Small-scale production is equipped mainly with universal equipment, tends to single-handed.

Medium batch production takes an intermediate position between small batch and large batch. This type of production is characterized by a large number of series of limited nomenclature. The series is repeated with a known regularity according to the launch period and the number of items in the batch; the annual nomenclature is still broader than the release nomenclature for each month. A narrower nomenclature of operations is assigned to jobs,. The equipment is universal and special, the type of movement of objects of labor is parallel-sequential. The factories have a developed production structure, the procurement shops are specialized according to the technological principle, and subject-specific sections are created in the mechanical assembly shops.

Large-scale production is characterized by the assignment of a small number of operations to the workplace, and the batches of processed products are large and consistently repeated, at predetermined intervals. In large-scale production, the range of products is stable, but limited. Jobs have a narrower specialization,. The equipment is mainly special, the types of movement of objects of labor are parallel-sequential and parallel. The factories have a simple production structure, the processing and assembly shops are specialized according to the subject principle, and the procurement shops are specialized according to the technological principle. Large-scale production takes on the features of a mass production type.

The development of serial production and an increase in the number of produced batches depends on the level of specialization of this production, the deepening of which creates favorable conditions for replacing single-piece production, a significant increase in batches, and the transition to mass production. The increase in batches increases labor productivity and reduces the cost of the product.

Unit production (job shop production) is focused on the production of piece goods of a varied and unstable nomenclature for a specific purpose, when each unit of the final product is unique in design, tasks, location or any other important characteristics. This makes it impossible to permanently assign operations to individual jobs,. In this type of production, universal equipment is used and, in the main, a sequential type of movement of batches of parts according to the operations of the technological process. The factories have a complex production structure, and the workshops are specialized according to the technological principle.

This type of production system is characterized by:

1. a wide range of specialized products, usually not repetitive;

2. decentralization of production activities in specialized units;

3. single non-repetitive nature of the production process;

4. manufacture of products based on consumer orders, taking into account their requirements at the stage of project approval and technical and economic documentation of products;

5.use in the production process of highly skilled work force specialists - engineers and workers broad profileperforming high volume manual work;

6. high duration of the production cycle, when the release of each unit of production takes several weeks, months, years, hence the high proportion of work in progress at the end of the reporting period;

7. planning the activities of the company, depending on the availability of orders and the timing of the manufacture of each single product;

8. Implementation of quality control of products on an individual basis - for each single item.

The disadvantages of a single production type are:

Frequent equipment changeovers,

Lack of a detailed technology for the manufacture of various products;

A large proportion of manual work, consolidated methods of labor rationing;

High duration of the production cycle;

Large volume of work in progress;

High production cost.

A type of single production is the implementation of large projects (design system), when all the resources of the production system in a given period of time are directed to the implementation of one or more projects

One-off production includes the production of the largest machines, unique instruments, equipment, powerful hydraulic turbines and generators, rolling mills, walking excavators, nuclear reactors and other products, as well as non-standard products for individual orders.

The assignment of an enterprise to one or another type of production is conditional, since at any enterprise and even in individual shops it is possible to find not one, but several simultaneously existing different types of production processes.

Features of production types

Elements of the production process

Single production

Mass production

Mass production

1. Nomenclature of products manufactured per year


limited to series

one or more products

2. Frequency of release

does not repeat

repeated periodically

constantly repeating

3. Level of technological and functional specialization

4. The number of parts of operations performed at one workplace,

5. The level of inter-design and specific unification of the product and its elements

6. Manufacturing process

route technology

detailed, operational

operational technology

7. Technological equipment


universal, partly special


8. Equipment location


group or chain

9. Cutting and measuring tool


universal, partly special


10. Workers

highly qualified

average skill

low qualifications

11. Interchangeability


12. Metals utilization rate

13. The level of production automation

14. Labor intensity and production cost per unit of production

15. Product quality



16. Degree of implementation of the basic principles of organization of production

low degree of process continuity

medium flow rate

high degree of continuity and direct flow of production


1. Avrashkov L.Ya. Adamchuk V.V., Antonova O.V., et al. Economy of an enterprise.- M., UNITI, 2001.

2. William J. Stevenson Manufacturing Management. - M., ZAO Publishing House BINOM, 2000.

3. Gruzinov V.P., Gribov V.D. Enterprise economy. Textbook.-M.: IEP, 2004.

4. Kalacheva AP Organization of work of the enterprise.-M .: PRIOR, 2000.- 431p.

5. Sergeev I.V. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. allowance. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2004. - 304s.

Production type concept.

Production type - this is its generalized characteristic, determined by signs breadth of nomenclature, volume, regularity and stability of product release.

The breadth of the range of productsrepresents the number of product names assigned to the production system and characterizes its specialization. The wider this nomenclature, the less specialized the system, and, conversely, the narrower it is, the higher the degree of specialization. A wide range of products provides a wide variety technological processes and operations, equipment, tools, tooling and worker professions.

Production volumeis the number of items of a certain type that are produced and produced by the production system during the planning period. The volume of output and the labor intensity of each type of products determine the specific weight of products of this type in the entire range of products assigned to the production system and have a decisive influence on the nature of the specialization of this system. The list of product names with an indication of the volume and release date for each product is called a product release program.

Regularity of product release- This is the repeatability of the manufacture and release of products of a given type in successive periods of time. If in some planning periods products of this type are produced, and in others they are not produced, then there is no regularity of their release. Regular repetition of all operations and processes for the manufacture of this type of product is one of the most important prerequisites for ensuring the rhythm of production. In turn, the regularity depends on the volume of production, since a large volume of production can be evenly distributed over successive planning periods, in each of which some part of the given volume will be produced.

Stability of product releaseconsists in the fact that the nomenclature of products and the number of products of each type produced for the same successive planning periods remain unchanged. It is closely related to regularity. If for regularity it is enough only for the fact of the repetition of the release of products of a certain type in each successive planning period, then the stability of the output also requires its equal volumes in these periods. If the regularity of production refers mainly to one type of product, then stability requires that the nomenclature composition of manufactured products remain unchanged in successive planning periods. The stability of the production of products is another important prerequisite for the rhythm of production and allows organizing both a rhythmic production of products and a rhythmic, regularly repeating mode of operation of production systems.

When attaching to the production system, the release of many types of products is used as a so-called batch mode of operation,i.e. production of products in batches.

Batch of products- it is a collection of products of the same type, launched into production simultaneously or continuously over a certain period of time. Batch size - this is the number of items in the batch.

In conditions of wide specialization of production systems, work in batches of rational size increases the productivity of workers and reduces the cost of performing preparatory and final work. At the same time, the regularity and stability of the release of products are realized in the form of repetition in each planned period of release of the same batches of each type of product.

The most important indicator production systems, largely reflecting the joint manifestation of the four factors discussed above, is the coefficient of consolidation of operations.

Retention rate of operations- this is the number of types of operations that are successively alternating during the month, which, on average, is one workplace production system.

where FROM- the number of jobs in the production system;

t i- the number of successively alternating types of transactions during the month i-thworkplace.

In this case, the same type of operation is included in the number t ias many times as it was repeated in alternation with other types of operations at this workplace during the month.

The coefficient of consolidation of operations comprehensively characterizes the conditions of production, and its decrease reflects an increase in the degree of specialization of jobs, an increase in the size of batches of manufactured products, a reduction in the costs of preparatory and final work, an increase in production skills and labor productivity of workers. The value of this coefficient is one of the most important parameters for determining the type of production.

Each type of production in the industry has a specific technology and forms of organization of production and, depending on it, the issues of specialization and concentration of production, technical, economic and operational planning, accounting and analysis, labor organization, rationing and wages are resolved in different ways.

Description of the types of production.

Depending on the degree of specialization, volume, regularity and stability of the release of products, three types of production are distinguished: single, serial and mass.

Single productioncharacterized by non-recurring or irregularly recurring production of single items of a wide range of products. This makes it impossible to permanently assign operations to individual jobs, and the K 3. aboutthere are more than 40 here, that is, each workplace is set up to perform a new operation on average twice during the working day. Such production uses universal equipment and requires high qualifications of workers. Small production volumes make the use of special devices and tools economically unprofitable. At the same time, the products have a high labor intensity and cost, a large, duration of the production cycle. Single-piece production exists at enterprises that produce complex radio-technical devices and systems or manufacture prototypes and pilot batches of products.

Mass production characterized by the release of a limited range of products, a relatively large volume and repetitive batches at regular intervals. Depending on the number of operations assigned to each workplace, the frequency of repetition of batches and their size, three types of batch production are distinguished:

ü small batch, in which from 20 to 40 operations are assigned to each workplace ( K 3 .o \u003d 20h-40), products are produced in small batches, repeated irregularly;

ü medium batch (or the actual serial), in which 10 to 20 operations are assigned to each workplace (K 3 .o \u003dYuch-20), the production of products is carried out in batches of medium size, and batches are regularly repeated;

ü large-scale, in which each workplace is assigned from 2 to 10 operations ( K 3 .o \u003d 2 - \u003d - 10), products are produced in large, regularly repeated batches.

The limited range of products, rather large volumes of production and the regularity of repetition of batches of products in serial production allow each workplace to specialize in performing a limited number of operations. This, in turn, ensures an economically efficient use of special technological equipment, a decrease in requirements for the level of qualifications of workers and an increase in the rhythm of production. With an increase in serial production, the duration of the product manufacturing cycle, their labor intensity and cost, decrease, labor productivity and production efficiency increase.

Massiveproduction is characterized by the release of a narrow range of products over a long period and a large volume. In this production, each workplace is specialized in performing one, constantly repeating operation ( K 3 .o \u003d 1). With complete synchronization of operations, strictly rhythmic work and rhythmic output of products, as well as continuous movement of products through all operations, are ensured. Mass production is organized in the form of continuous production with the widespread use of high-performance special equipment, conveyors and special technological equipment, makes the lowest requirements for the qualifications of workers, ensures the minimum duration of the production cycle, reduces the labor intensity and cost of manufacturing products and allows you to achieve high labor productivity.

The types of production are the basis for establishing the type of enterprise or its subdivision. However, there is no one-to-one correspondence between them, since in reality at each enterprise there is not one specific type of production, but there is a complex combination different types... In this case, the type of enterprise or its subdivision is determined by the type of final production prevailing on it. In accordance with this, distinguish make-to-measure enterprises,which are dominated by make-to-order processes, serial production enterprises,the bulk of the production processes of which are of the serial type, and mass production enterprises,on which the leading is the mass production.

7. Manufacturing process and types of production

7.2. Types of production and their technical and economic characteristics

Production type - the totality of its organizational, technical and economic features. The type of production is determined by the following factors:
- the range of manufactured products;
- the volume of the issue;
- the degree of constancy of the nomenclature of manufactured products;
- the nature of the workload.

Depending on the level of concentration and specialization, three types of production are distinguished:
- single;
- serial;
- massive.

Enterprises, sections and individual jobs are classified by types of production. The type of production of the enterprise is determined by the type of production of the leading workshop, and the type of production of the workshop is determined by the characteristics of the area where the most important operations are performed and the bulk of production assets are concentrated.

The assignment of a plant to one or another type of production is conditional, since a combination of various types of production can take place at an enterprise and even in individual shops.

Single production It is characterized by a wide range of manufactured products, a small volume of their production, and the performance of very diverse operations at each workplace.

IN serial production a relatively limited range of products (in batches) is manufactured. As a rule, several operations are assigned to one workplace.

Mass production It is characterized by a narrow range and a large volume of production of products continuously manufactured for a long time at highly specialized workplaces.

The type of production has a decisive influence on the features of the organization of production, its economic indicators, the structure of the cost price (in unit production there is a high share of living labor, and in mass production - the cost of repair and maintenance needs and equipment maintenance), different level of equipment.

Comparison by factors of types of production is given in table. 7.2.

Table 7.2

p / p


Production type




Nomenclature of manufactured products


Consistency of the nomenclature

Is absent

Issue volume

Assigning operations to workplaces

Is absent


Applied equipment


Universal + special (partially)

Mostly special

Applied tools and equipment


Universal + special

Mostly special

Qualification of workers

Mostly low

Production cost

Production specialization of workshops and sections





Production type -this is its generalized characteristic, determined by signs nomenclature, volume, regularity and stability of product release.Nomenclature of manufactured products represents the number of product names assigned to the production system and characterizes its specialization. Production volume is the number of items of a certain type that are produced and produced by the production system during the planning period. Regularity of product release - it is the repeatability of the manufacture and release of products of a given type in successive periods of time (week, month, quarter, year). Stability of product release consists in the fact that the range of products of each type, produced for the same planning periods, remain unchanged.

When many types of products are assigned to the production system (a wide range), products are manufactured in batches. Lot of products - it is a collection of products of the same type, launched into production simultaneously or continuously over a certain period of time.

The most important indicator of production systems is the rate of consolidation of operations. Retention rate of operations - this is the average number of operations per job in the production system on average.

C is the number of jobs in the production system; m i - the number of types of operations at the i-th workplace during the month.

Individual production - characterized by non-recurring or irregularly recurring production of single items of a wide range of products. This makes it impossible to permanently assign operations to separate jobs. K z.o. more than 40, i.e. on average, each workplace is set up to perform a new operation twice during the working day. Such production uses universal equipment and requires high qualifications of workers. Products have a high labor intensity and cost, a long production cycle.

Serial production is characterized by the release of a limited range of products, a relatively large volume and repetitive batches at regular intervals.

Small batch- from 20 to 40 operations are assigned to each workplace (products are produced in small batches, repeated irregularly

Medium batch -each workplace is assigned from 10 to 20 operations (K z.o \u003d 10-20), the production of products is carried out in batches of medium size, and batches are regularly repeated.

Large batch -from 2 to 10 operations are assigned to each workplace; products are produced in large, regularly repeated batches.

Massive production is characterized by the release of a narrow range of products over a long period and a large volume. In this production, each workplace is specialized in performing one, constant operation (K s.o \u003d 1). With complete synchronization of operations, strictly rhythmic work and rhythmic output of products, as well as continuous movement of products through all operations, are ensured. High-performance special equipment is used, low requirements are imposed on the qualifications of workers, the minimum duration of the production cycle is ensured, the labor intensity and cost of products are reduced, and high labor productivity is achieved.