How to invite people to network business. How do you invite people to your online business? Product presentation and business invitation

Any networker understands that MLM is built on people, but he has no idea how to invite people to a network business correctly. The overwhelming majority of consultants have the same problem, how to make a person subscribe to their team.

Some pseudo teachers argue that you need not give up, constantly work, be motivated, etc. Fed with one motivationwithout giving really necessary advice.

It is much worse when a person gets into a company that will never take a leading position in your country. Here you need to learn. Otherwise, you will then have to run around the companies and look for a better place.

Remember! A well-known brand attracts attention, but an unknown one is alarming. This is true for online businesses as well. And advertising on TV is proof of this.

More on this in the video

As experienced mentors, we have noticed a trend. Even after giving detailed training on building a structure, people still manage to get zero result... We thought for a long time why someone succeeds, and some, even with daily control and help from a mentor, cannot get a positive result.

After analyzing this problem, we came to the banal and simple conclusion that failures only pursue those consultants who do not understand the essence of the network business, and therefore cannot effectively invite new partners.

The image of a successful networker

Network business- this is, first of all, communication, and the result will depend on how competently you communicate with a potential partner.

And the most interesting thing is that today, you can communicate with partners, not only at a distance of thousands of kilometers, but also by doing something else, or even while sleeping. But more on that later.

If you have to communicate with a potential partner personally, then this communication should be competent, answering all questions and even solving some problems. Therefore, in order to invite people to your business, you need to understand all the nuances and conditions of the marketing plan, the conditions for calculating payments, know the products, etc.

You shouldn't have any questions at all, even in the smallest nuances. In other words, you need 100% competence in your field.

In our online project, we pay special attention to training and leading partners to the result. If you want to receive free training, then fill out the registration form and become our partner.

You need to be able to calculate your payments to the penny. You need to know where and at what speed you are moving. Competent partners attract people, while ignorant ones repel them.

On the Internet, there is a bike that 99% of networkers do not earn at all (as they thought, it is not clear), but the vast majority of illiterate networkers in all companies who are just planning to make money.

Should such "ignoramuses" ask a simple question: "And if my structure has such and such a turnover, then how much will I get?" The answer is usually just killing: "Get about this much or inside and out."

What does about mean?

In all network companies payments are calculated strictly according to a certain formulawhere there are always tax deductions, structure variation also plays a role. Most importantly, the person must show you how he calculated this income.

From our experience, most of the networkers have no idea how to calculate the payments for their marketing, so they operate with approximate figures that their higher mentors call them.

Only after you have received and digested all the necessary information, you can proceed to finding and recruiting newcomers.

In this article, we will not consider recruiting outside the Internet with all the ensuing actions, such as compiling a list of acquaintances, holding personal meetings, inviting to presentations, etc. The fact is that molesting friends and acquaintances does not give any significant results, and often you can get negative.

Acquaintances tend to end, in fact, like acquaintances of acquaintances, and friends can generally run away from annoying invitations.

Therefore, we will invite people to the network business from the Internet. And here we have only 3 methods:

  1. Spam;
  2. Personal brand;
  3. Paid advertising.

Here you need to understand that there are no other methods... If someone tells you that he has a secret, working, better or some other way, then this is just one of the options for a method given above.

But, in all of these methods, there are different recruiting options. Let's look at all this in order.

How to invite people to your business using spam

Spam is good because it practically does not require financial investments from a spammer, and makes the novice networker understand his strengths and weaknesses in dealing with people. You can spam on forums, in social networks, websites, etc., but the vast majority target audience network companies are concentrated in the social. networks.

If you think that spam is bad, unethical, intrusive, etc., then answer the question: "Do you offer people something harmful, unprofitable, illegal?" If the answer is yes, then you have clearly chosen the wrong company. If the answer is no, then you are worried in vain, you just have to start and join the process.

The partners of each network company specific training materials have been created for spam: templates for correspondence, templates for working with objections, etc. All this gives the beginner to understand how to communicate with people, their fears and doubts. Further, experienced mentors, if the beginner is more or less able to work in this way, should together with him identify the target audience suitable for him. Only then does spam start to produce significant results.

Working in network marketing and not understanding your target audience is a huge mistake. You will not have enough time and energy to cover all people and understand their desires, capabilities and needs. And not everyone will be interested in what you offer, for example, not everyone goes to McDonald's and even discounts and promotions will not make them go there, no matter how beautifully you present all the benefits.

This method is good because when you communicate with a large number of people, you start understand people's needs, you will find out what questions they have, what doubts they torment. And finally, answering their questions, you yourself begin to better understand all the intricacies of your work. Therefore, all beginners are advised to work in this way first.

We develop a personal brand

Personal brand - This is positioning yourself as an expert in a specific field or several directions for a specific audience.

Not everyone, even seasoned partners of network companies, understand what a personal brand is. You need to understand that some value must come from you. People should look for you, not you people.

Sometimes it's funny to watch people who are illiterately trying to create their own personal brand. They and the page in the social. networks "correctly" set up and "smart" posts, taken in some well-known public, put on the page on their own behalf and ... that's all)). And what to do next, where to get traffic (people) they have no idea and again go to spam, but from a very "beautiful" page.

Sometimes in social. networks, you receive a friend request, and after accepting it, a template with an invitation comes. The most interesting thing is that in the invitation, that on the page of this person it is written: "I will teach you to work in the network without spam." A person is not even able to understand what he is doing - this is spam. Such grief mentors in all seriousness think that by adding to friends, their proposal ceases to be spam.

Also, many already successful leaders of network companies create their blogs and the same is taught to downstream partners. It looks something like this. A multi-page or one-page website is created and most often free, filled with information and then they sit and wait for people to come to the site. And people don't go !!!

It can be concluded from this that expertise alone is not enough, it is not enough to customize the landing page, and it is not enough to know and understand your target audience. You need to be able to bring people to your sites (pages, sites, blogs, channels, etc.). But this is half the trouble, it is also necessary to teach all this to your lower-level partners.

As you can see, we know how to attract visitors to our sites. This allows us to build not only our own structure, but also help our partners with real registrations. If you have a desire to make money with us, then register.

We will not dwell in detail on the methods of promoting our own brand on the Internet, since this is a very extensive topic that requires the study of algorithms search engines and popular sites. Everyone has their own experience and no one just shares such secrets. All this is taught individually.

Therefore, it is better to find yourself a mentor or a project in advance, where partners understand where and how to look for people for their business. After all, it is traffic to your site, is the most important engine of any business. Most mentors simply do not have such knowledge, such a conclusion was made based on the competition in Yandex and YouTube. There are at least several million Russian-speaking networkers, and several dozen literate ones.

The main advantage of creating personal brand is that when you sleep, relax, do other things, at this time your brand works for you. That is, people come to your site, blog, YouTube channel, read and watch information, thereby there is a process of communication between you and a potential partner. Therefore, your knowledge is very important here, on which the literacy of the content and the interest in information of potential colleagues will depend.

Paid advertising

We recommend using this promotion method for people who have already achieved some results by working with the two previous methods. Because You yourself understand that paid advertising requires financial investments and at the initial stage not everyone can afford to invest money.

In addition, in order to correctly place an advertisement, you need 100% knowledge of your company, marketing, all promotions, target audience, etc. It is also necessary to scrupulously prepare the site to which the traffic is conducted so that the potential partner immediately understands what needs to be done. After all, if a person comes from advertising, he will demand from you the very attractive conditions that were promised.

With extensive experience in setting up advertising, we are by no means we do not recommend that beginners spend money on itsince it will be extremely ineffective. How to make paid advertising correctly and where to publish it should be helped by a competent mentor.

- Yandex.Direct;

Google adwords

- Thematic sites;

An undeniable advantage this method, of course, when used correctly, is its effectiveness and the increase in the rate of growth in the company. But also a significant disadvantage is that a certain amount is required money, it can be a thousand rubles, and maybe tens of thousands.


Since in the network your income is pushed back in time, many mentors, and sometimes entire projects, give only one option for work and without variations. Or, on the contrary, they give so much information that it is unrealistic to digest it, and new consultants are dizzy, and they do not know where to start and what to grab at all.

It is clear that no motivation from the outside is needed for those who succeed in everything. They are motivated by their own result. But those who really need help need to be helped, and not told 100 times about how much everyone around them earns.

Usually, the motivation is that the newcomer allegedly works little and needs to work 2 or even 3 times more. But what about the promise that you will need to work 2-4 hours a day?

Actually exists two key mistakesthat prevent you from getting the result:

- insufficient amount of time spent, i.e. less than 2-3 hours, it depends on how fast you work, because all people have different productivity;

- incompetent communication with potential partners.

Having experience in networking, we note that people who really came to work devote a sufficient amount of time to recruiting, but at the initial stage they can simply "merge" potential partners and clients.

This problem is solved solely by using individual consultations with a superior mentor. Many people stand still because they are afraid to ask what actions they are doing wrong.

So, we can conclude that a person should motivate himself. Because you won't be full of motivation from outside for a long time. You need to understand that career growth, money, cars, apartments, etc. need you, you came into business for this! So to get all this you need to act. Half of the country in our country wants to open their own business, not work for an uncle, but at the same time they sit in offices and only dream about it and think about it later. AND successful people, and the difference is that they are used to acting, not dreaming.

Perhaps by reading this section, someone recognized himself in him, realized some of his mistakes. You may disagree with something, we are always open to dialogue and we hope that this information was useful to you and brought you closer to achieving success.

Most networking companies recommend that you first make a list of all your acquaintances, family, and friends to attract new distributors, whether you consider them suitable candidates or not. Next, you need to establish contact with everyone and talk about the business as about your own opportunity for earning, gradually moving on to the main question.

Alas, such a scheme in the modern flow of information has lost its effectiveness, because people hear about such ideas literally every day. It is much more productive to immediately pay attention to the interested audience. This can be done in the following ways:

  • Analysis of the list of friends and relatives... It is nevertheless necessary to draw up the above list, but it is worth choosing only the most active and optimal candidates for the direction of the company. For example, if it is an MLM cosmetics distribution network, you are more likely to get consent when interacting with a female audience.
  • Attracting a certain category of users through social networks... By creating communities about business and making money, and advertising opportunities for additional income, you can attract the most responsive candidates to your kind of network. These can be students, women on maternity leave, aspiring entrepreneurs. Example declaration: “ One employee is required to manage the online store remotely. 2-3 hours a day at any convenient time. Everyone who wants to bet +1».
  • Advertisements on job sites or in thematic headings of newspapers... You can invite applicants to presentations by posting your own vacancies or by analyzing suitable resumes. These can be vacancies of the following types: sales manager, part-time job for students and retirees, salesperson in trading network, sales representatives.
  • Search for partners through your own blog... This is the longest, but also the most convenient waybecause your potential partners will look for you themselves. You only need to publish interesting content about earnings, business and network marketing.
  • Distribution of flyers and street announcements... Most often, such methods are used by financial pyramids, which leaves a corresponding negative imprint. Therefore, it is worth using this method only in cases when other channels are not available.

In addition to the listed methods of searching for potential partners in the network business, the tactic of cold calling by phone was also used earlier, but today it does not bring any results at all.

Step by step recruiting process in MLM business

Attracting a distributor in network company Is actually selling your lifestyle and worldview. The general concepts of active sales techniques are applicable to this process, and therefore, in practice, it is necessary to guide a potential partner through several important stages that make it possible to realize all the benefits of the decision.

First contact and attracting attention

Will you make phone calls, communicate in person, chat on a social network or e-mail, if you directly offer people to participate in multilevel marketing, go to the second stage of communication (attend a presentation or come to a meeting to get acquainted with the product), at best 2% will agree.

You can significantly increase the number of interested parties if, before inviting to the network business, you attract attention and force the interlocutor to concentrate on the information provided. For this, the following techniques are used:

  • Interest in the candidate... If you are communicating with a stranger, it is best to know something about him beforehand. For example, ask about education, study your profile on social networks (if you are attracting via the Internet), ask to send a resume (when searching through job sites). If this is your friend, ask how he is doing, remember your last meeting.
  • Compliment... Assess the merits of the candidate, highlighting his competence in the field related to the considered option of earnings. For instance: " You are a psychologist by training, which means you understand what people need and would have achieved success in a large trading company».
  • An offer you can't refuse... In order for an invitation to a network business to hit the target, you must initially show exactly the advantage that a potential partner is looking for. It can be not only money, but also status, free schedule, self-realization, gaining new connections, learning new things, participating in a socially significant project. Example: " Are you worried about global warming? Would you like to work for a company that cares about nature?».
  • Rush... A person who values \u200b\u200bhis time and is in a hurry is perceived as more significant. For a telephone conversation, it is optimal to take no more than 5 minutes, for a personal conversation - no more than 10-15 minutes. Taking a little time for the first contact and not being sprayed with details, you demonstrate to the interlocutor that your business is very successful and you will not waste time on those who are not ready or not suitable for this job. Example: " Your skills are impressive, but now is not a good time to explain the details. When will you be able to meet with us so we can assess if you are the right fit for the job?».

The main purpose of the first contact is to establish a relationship of trust and invite a detailed discussion of details. If the conversation does not go in the right direction for too long, it must be stopped and postponed for a while. Some time must pass between the first contact and the main presentation of the business, during which the candidate will be ready to receive valuable information. However, this interval should not be more than 48 hours, otherwise the candidate's interest will fade away.

You can use three effective tactics for inviting people to your MLM business to get to the main issue during the first contact:

  • Direct approach - an open offer to become a partner. Example: " Would you like to build a business without investment?».
  • Indirect approach - obtaining expert opinion. Example: " You have worked in trade, do you think such products will have prospects in the market?».
  • Indirect approach - exclusion of the interlocutor as a candidate for partnership. Example: " This business may not suit you, but maybe you have acquaintances who would like to become financially independent?».

Product presentation and business invitation

The most important point in how to properly invite a person to a network business is the presentation of an MLM company. One of the common mistakes of this stage is the unification of all candidates into one group. Since motivation and final goal is different for everyone, then it is necessary to present the prospects accordingly. So, you can pre-divide the candidates into the following groups:

  • Regular customers (preferred customers)... For this category, products are of the greatest interest. They want you to be their personal advisor. As a rule, these are successful and wealthy people. They are your "sleeping" partners who, after some time, may be interested in building their own branch of the network. And you should keep this in mind in the future, constantly demonstrating opportunities and your own income.
  • Ordinary sellers... For this category, the main emphasis during the presentation should be precisely on the possibility of additional income through resale. Their main pain points are discounts, bonuses, rewards for high turnover. They are not yet sure about the possibilities of building their own branch, but understanding the principles of trade, they see potential in products.
  • Leaders... This category of candidates is directly interested in the construction of the structure. In some cases, they already have knowledge and even experience in the network, and therefore, when communicating with them, it is important to show how your MLM company is better than others. This is your main group on which your personal future success will be based. Most often this includes young and active people.

If the meeting takes place in the format of a personal conversation, you can determine the category of the candidate directly during the conversation, asking leading questions and identifying the main problem of the interlocutor. So, if your MLM company is engaged in cosmetics and a woman who comes to a meeting emphasizes that she has not been able to find effective products for a long time, she is, first of all, your potential buyer. If this is a young guy who dreams of financial independence, he is the future leader of a new branch.

During collective presentation it may turn out that some candidates are mistakenly in the wrong group. So that they do not leave network marketing forever, it is important for a recruiter to notice this in time and invite them to another meeting. This can be done by asking questions during the event or using a short questionnaire.

Dealing with objections and arguments "against"

If objections arise at the stage of first contact, it is better not to insist. Today, thanks to the Internet, you have access to an unlimited number of people and wasting time reducing your own self-esteem due to numerous refusals is simply ineffective.

On the other hand, those who agree to a meeting as soon as they understand that we are talking about an MLM company will find a number of reasons why such a business is not suitable for them. To cope with this stage, you can use specially designed invitation templates for online business, which are prepared in advance based on the most common arguments. In doing so, you can use three communication tactics:

  • Consent with the interlocutor and new knowledge... Example: " Network marketing is cheating», - « Yes, I also adhered to this opinion, until I learned how to distinguish an MLM company from financial pyramids».
  • Clarification and clarification... Example: " I will not be able to do sales», - « Have you had any experience in trading? You cannot know what you haven't tried. Everything is different with us».
  • Arguments and Facts. « Only those who are at the top earn in MLM», - « This is a common misconception. The largest MLM companies started operating in the 50s of the last century and they still earn good money at all levels.».

Special attention should be paid to working with objections when considering how to invite people to network marketing over the Internet. The lack of an emotional and temporal component in this communication format does not have the best effect. The interlocutor has the opportunity to remain silent and find weighty arguments (statistics, reviews) on the network. Your level of knowledge and erudition can compensate for this deficiency. Remember that any article on the Internet can be refuted by a counter quote or a link to useful material, but winning this battle of arguments is possible only if you are sincere and honest with the candidate and know well the business that you offer to others.

Knowing the basic rules of how to invite people to a networked business, you can avoid common mistakes, save personal time and internal resources. This will allow you to believe in yourself and form a reliable team, ready to work and learn.

On BLOG pages "MLM Online" I shared with you my experience on inviting people to social networks, as well as the technique of inviting to a meeting through 5 touches... These topics dealt precisely with inviting a person to a meeting about network marketing. However, many people ask me the question: "How to invite to network marketing directly in the meeting?"

To begin with, you should define the basic principles of inviting you to an MLM business:

Always remember to invite the person to grow the business. This should be said so that the person understands that he is not called to work, or "part-time work." When I first got into business, I made a lot of cold calls for resumes and various job advertisements. I made appointments, people came. During the meeting, we touched upon the topic of business, and most of the candidates answered that "business is not very interesting, I am looking for a regular job." Time was wasted, the candidate is unhappy, I am upset. The second principle is to invite only the target audience. I wrote about how to find my target audience in special article... The fact is that in this way you can immediately "weed out" a lot of potential candidates who do not suit you. Hence, save time and effort. But if you work only with target candidates, then the results will please you, and less nerves will be spent. The third principle is to invite people with whom you will be pleased to work. I will share my experience again: when I started my business, I did not understand what the principle of inviting only “nice” people meant. I connected everyone in a row, including those who were unpleasant to me. It turned out that I had to communicate with these people every day, and this caused negative emotions in me. I became more irritable and stopped enjoying the business. I began to avoid working with these people, and they eventually left my team.

The principles are very simple, but not all networkers follow them. How does a person usually act? He invites everyone in a row, just to hold a meeting. He is ready to "talk" a person if only a new partner appears. He holds meetings with everyone who just "turns up" by the arm. Naturally, this approach is followed by one failure after another. The fuse ends in a month, and the person leaves the network business. I call it “typical beginner mistakes”.

What to look for when holding a meeting?

Remember one simple thought - a person at a meeting should see the real benefits that he will receive if he starts doing business.

Remember how you were invited to network marketing. What interested you then? Perhaps it was possibility of additional income, and you realized that in this business you can have it. Or were you interested possibility own business ... Or are you interested the opportunity to get a car (apartment, travel and other bonuses).In any case, you saw your personal gain, and presented how you will develop your business and get what you dreamed of.

Actually, this is what you need to build on when you invite a person to the MLM business. Network marketing is a unique type of business that allows a person to get what he started this business for - money, freedom, a new environment, travel, a car, etc. Therefore, at the first meeting with a potential candidate, you should find out what interests him in life now and offer a solution with the help of a network business. To do this, you need to ask the right questions, listen carefully, be positive and open. After all, we do not conduct an interview, we talk with a person about the case.

Examples of the right questions to help you understand what your candidate is currently interested in:

Please tell us about yourself, what are you doing now, what do you like to do in your free time, do you like your job? Why do you work in this particular field? What do you dislike about your work? Why did you accept my offer of a meeting? Have you ever thought about your own business? What business did you want to do? Why didn’t you start developing your business? If you had opportunity, would you start your own business?

The list goes on. However, I think the principle is clear: we ask open-ended questions to which a person gives a detailed answer... Naturally, they somehow relate to the topic of business and work. They seem to make the candidate think of his own business. And when we get down to a brief presentation of our capabilities, the human brain is already tuned in to talk about starting a business.

Naturally, the answers of our potential candidate will determine how we will invite him into business and what should be emphasized. For example, a person loves his job but needs extra money. Naturally, we must talk about how he can get additional income in partnership with you. He does not need to talk about serious business, international seminars, etc. A person needs to be told how he will earn 5,000-10,000 rubles, which he lacks. You should not overload a person with information. He will find it himself on the Internet, or he will hear from you at the second or third meeting.

Another example: a person is already in business, for example, he has his own grocery store... The man is tired of constant problems with suppliers, sellers, customers. He has a headache because he has to control his business 24 hours a day. What to tell such a candidate about? Of course, about that freedomthat the leaders in network marketing have! You need to show him the principle of geometric progression, and give examples of your mentors who have already created large teams, and now they are traveling and enjoying life. He himself learns how to make money, but most importantly, such a person needs to be "hooked" on what is interesting to him.

There are also people who already know about network marketing, maybe even have experience in this business. As a rule, they are negative. Here you can do the following - ask questions: “Why did you stop doing business? What did you fail? " The answer will make it clear why the person stopped doing business. Let's say he replies, "I couldn't recruit people." In this case, you can offer him assistance in recruiting, perhaps some kind of system (if your company has one), thanks to which he will be able to connect 5-10 people in the first month of work. And draw in his head a picture of how his life will change if he has new partners every month. Perhaps the person will answer, "I couldn't sell." In this case, you can show a person how much money he will earn if he invites people to the business and builds a team, without selling products.

I think the principle is clear to you - to invite a person to network marketing, you need to identify his interests and needs, and then make an offer that the person cannot refuse.

What mistakes should be avoided when inviting a person to network marketing:

You shouldn't tell everything you know about the company and products at the first meeting. Usually at the first meetings, networkers tell us that the company has been on the market for so long, that it has a wonderful product, an excellent President, production abroad, etc. A person, as a rule, is not interested. This does not affect his personal interests, and he does not understand how the President of the company can influence his business. Talk about opportunities that the person might not be interested in. For example, if a person is interested in additional income, you should not immediately say the possibilities international business... Or, on the contrary, if you have a serious businessman in front of you, then you shouldn't tell him that by selling two or three packages of goods, he will earn 5000-6000 thousand rubles. Conduct the meeting as an interview. The person who comes to the first meeting is usually worried. And if you ask him questions like in an interview, then he is unlikely to open up to you. It is unlikely that it will be possible to build a constructive dialogue in this way. It is much more effective to communicate with a person on an equal footing, to immediately engage in a dialogue, to arrange the interlocutor with a smile. In this case, the potential candidate will answer questions more openly, and will be more receptive to your proposal.

Let's sum up

To invite a person to network marketing, you need this person to be pleasant to you, because you will have to work closely with him in the future. In addition, it must be a person from your target audience, otherwise you will spend a lot of time and effort communicating with those who do not suit you.

When inviting a person to a business, you need to show him the benefits that he will receive when he starts cooperation with you. Ask open-ended questions, identify his interests and needs. Make an offer based on what interests him.

To make it clear once and for all how to invite to the network business, I will tell you about one guy named Sergey. He works in a bank and, it would seem, his example is completely unrelated to MLM, however, this is only at first glance

The most interesting thing is that there is always a line to Sergey. Other employees can sit around waiting for clients, and he works almost without interruption. It happened that people, as in one of the jokes, came to him to buy a "hook for a fishing rod", and left satisfied, having acquired an "expensive motor boat."

He has a large base of regular customers. Often they call him in advance to arrange a meeting, and on his days off they refuse the services of other consultants, saying: "I'd better come to Sergei tomorrow." In addition, the base is expanding due to the fact that satisfied customers recommend it to their friends.

I asked Seryozha why this is happening, why he attracts people so much.

There is no secret - he answered. - I ask the person leading questions in order to understand from the very beginning what exactly he wants. And then I’ll tell you how he can use the services of our bank to solve his problem. Those. I explain to him its benefits. At the same time, I speak in a simple, understandable language. You can talk to a person using our professional terms and flowery phrases, but this often leads to the fact that the person leaves, because I understood little, and in this case usually says: "I will think about it." As a result, the client is lost.

- Well, no, of course, that's not all. We are trained to work with clients at special trainings and I will definitely use all the knowledge gained in my work.

- If all of you are taught this, then why is there such a line only for you?

- I easily respond to objections and respond correctly to rejections. It came with practice. I see how many are lost when they are told no. But why is it easier to explain to a person what this “no” means for him personally!

- What else is important in working with clients?

- It is also important to be friendly and sincerely help people solve their problems. financial difficulties... I remembered a case when a very aggressive woman came to us with claims, and as a result of our conversation, she took out a loan for two million and left with words of gratitude.

- Seryozha, with such skills you could achieve great success in the network business and you could get much more for your work.

- No no! This is where I intend to succeed. I'm interested in what I do.

Well, let's wish Sergey good luck! I am sure that with such an attitude towards people and towards his work, everything will turn out for him in the best way.

It is a pity that he is not in my structure. But on the other hand, using his example, you can learn how to communicate with potential clients of the company or our partners.

From all of the above, we draw conclusions on how to invite to the network business. We need

  1. To delicately find out the needs (problems) of the person.
  2. Show ways to solve a problem using MLM business or company products.
  3. Be able to so that the person understands how much he loses in case of refusal.
  4. At the same time, our main desire should be the desire to help a person.

Who disagrees with this?

Network business or network marketing is a system for the sale of various goods and services through a system of independent distributors. Participation in the network gives its distributors various benefits on goods, and income is made up of sales commissions and referral fees. Not everyone knows how to invite people to an online business.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any business, MLM has its pros and cons. Not every person will be able to achieve success in it. To do this, you need to have a certain entrepreneurial streak, assertiveness, the ability to build a system of connections, communication skills.

The pluses include a minimum of funds for a start, the organization of working hours at your own discretion, the unimportance of such social qualitieslike education and age. Networked business can also be inherited. Newcomers are provided with an integral training and adaptation program, and a whole system of benefits is provided. For those who have just come into business, training seminars and trainings are held. With the development of the world wide web you can start.

The disadvantages include the skeptical attitude of people towards network marketing. At first, in the absence of sufficient experience, getting bounced from customers and partners is inevitable. The same skepticism, as well as the high turnover and difficulty of building a networker-client relationship, reduces the prestige of the profession. Many people, initially fired up by the idea, face difficulties, cannot stand it, leave the business and carry the opinion to the masses about the futility of network marketing.

The legal status of the network distributor is not specified in any way, which can create legal problems with the manufacturing organization. It is also worth remembering that networking business is time-consuming in the beginning.

Despite the fact that Russians are skeptical about network marketing, there are many examples of success. So, in America, half of the existing millionaires received their first million thanks to network marketing.

Rules for creating a network business

First, you need to define the purpose of the business. It would be wrong to think that the first priority is selling. Pursuing this goal, you can lose a lot of clients, earn a bad reputation as a "brazen salesman" and lose all the benefits of network marketing. The main task of building a system is to offer customers the goods and services they really need. This will help build a strong distributor-customer relationship that will certainly lead to success.

The second rule of creation successful business is subject knowledge. It is necessary to thoroughly study the proposed product, its advantages and disadvantages, and the possible benefits from its acquisition. Product presentation includes all possible means - from electronic presentations and telephone offers to special catalogs. It is important here to cover all possible channels of perception so that the product is of interest to audial, visual, and kinesthetic.

The third rule is to clearly plan activities, then analyze the results and adjust plans. It is necessary to define long-term and short-term goals, break them down into feasible tasks, and set priorities. This will allow you to achieve the goal step by step, receiving satisfaction from its achievement both in the material and psychological aspects.

The fourth rule requires a preliminary study of the market and drawing up a portrait of the target audience. The description includes age, socio-cultural indicators, information about education and status, profession. That is, the image of the buyer is drawn up, who will certainly be interested in the product. Having received a client, in no case should you leave him to the mercy of fate - his accompaniment will take time, but it will be rewarded a hundredfold. A satisfied customer can become a permanent customer, raise the seller's reputation and become an additional source of customer acquisition.

The fifth rule says about the need for self-study. Time free from organizing a business should be spent looking for new methods of doing business: attending training seminars, trainings aimed at development necessary qualitiesreading professional books.

In addition to the above rules, the correct positioning of the seller as an honest and convenient partner is of particular importance.

Basic ways to invite

Determined to start a network business, a novice distributor faces the challenge of recruiting customers and partners. There are many ways to attract. The most common ones are:

  1. Warm market. This definition includes a wide range of acquaintances - both past and present. It includes relatives, acquaintances, acquaintances of relatives, work colleagues, persons with whom there are contacts on other issues, for example, a hairdresser, beautician, trainer. Many people reject offers for network marketing, so you shouldn't go “boarding” right away. It is necessary to act gently, for example, over a joint cup of tea. It is better to get instructions from your curator in advance - his experience will avoid typical mistakes newbies.
  2. Cold contacts. Having worked out a warm market, which must include at least 100 people, it is necessary to move to the next attraction channel. The circle of cold contacts includes direct communication with strangers. First, you need to start a conversation, which can start with a banal question: "How to get there?" This is followed by an unobtrusive continuation of the conversation, which includes an acquaintance, a short presentation of the product and the exchange of phone numbers or business cards. To practice cold contacts, it is necessary to master the art of communication, the training of which requires significant psychological restructuring.
  3. Lifting. It requires the expense of printing leaflets, and to get a return, you need to distribute more than one thousand copies.
  4. Advertisements (on poles, in newspapers, on the Internet). They also require money, and in addition, the text should be selling, bright, calling for action.