Personal and business qualities successful. The main professional and personal qualities of a consultant. Managerial and social competencies

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1. Characteristics of the assessment of the business and personal qualities of managers and specialists

1.1 The system of business qualities of managers and specialists

1.2 The system of personal qualities of managers and specialists

2. Methods for assessing the business and personal qualities of managers and specialists for the management process


List of sources used


The success of the enterprise (organization, firm) is ensured by the workers employed on it. That is why the modern concept of organization management involves the separation of a large number of functional areas management activities the one that is associated with the management of the personnel component of production - the personnel of the organization.

Currently, more and more attention is paid to human resources. If earlier the personnel service was represented by the personnel department, the main functions of which were personnel accounting, control over compliance with labor legislation and document flow, at present personnel work is aimed at forming efficient and efficiently functioning personnel. To achieve this goal, different methods and procedures can be used, specific to different stages of development of the organization. But in practice, no direction of personnel work in one way or another can do without personnel assessment. business executive employee staff

Personnel assessment is a procedure that allows you to measure the performance of employees, the level of their professional competence, business and personal qualities and potential in the context of the company's strategic goals.

Many organizations try to use their personnel assessment systems in order to determine the importance of employees to the organization and stimulate changes in their activities for the better. Any manager expresses his attitude to the work of subordinates, but most often such an assessment is vague and emotionally charged. When properly designed and implemented, an assessment is effective tool, allowing you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees, draw up a professional development plan, build an open corporate culture and trusting relationships with the manager, increase business profitability through more effective personnel management.

Determination of work results, the level of knowledge and skills of personnel, business and personal qualities of employees, the possibility of personnel rotation and creation personnel reserve, the basis for the development of a system of motivation, development and training of personnel - all this is received by the company after personnel assessment.

The employee also receives some benefits from the assessment: determination of the place and role of each employee, a clear understanding of the tasks set, the criteria for success, the dependence of the amount of remuneration on labor results, the opportunity to receive feedback from the head, the ability to plan further development and assess career opportunities.

Personnel assessment is an integral part of personnel management in all its subsystems. A comprehensive and objective assessment of personnel helps to achieve goals, as in the production area modern marketand in the field of personnel development, which correspond to the company's strategy for the future. Therefore, the topic chosen for writing a term paper is quite relevant.

The purpose of this work is to study the business and personal qualities of managers and specialists and to solve the main problems associated with the lack of ongoing measures to increase the productivity of managers and specialists.

1 . Characteristics of the business and personal qualities of managers and specialists

1.1 The system of business qualities of managers and specialists

Business qualities are understood as the presence of the following abilities of managers and specialists:

· The ability to find the shortest path to achieving the goal;

· Ability for independent thinking and prompt decision-making;

· The ability to consistently and proactively ensure their implementation;

· The ability to release human energy (initiative, enthusiasm).

A business executive or professional must:

· Be able to conduct a qualified analysis of the situation and understand a difficult situation;

· Accurately perceive the orders of superior managers;

· Develop alternative solutions with the subsequent selection of the most effective;

· Timely determine the content of actions required to resolve emerging problems;

· Clearly set tasks for subordinates and exercise effective control over their implementation;

· Show will and persistence in overcoming emerging difficulties;

· Remain self-critical in assessing performance.

Competence is understood as a thorough knowledge of one's own business and the essence of the work performed, as an understanding of the connections of various phenomena and processes, as finding possible ways and means of achieving the intended goals. A specialist cannot be equally competent in all the issues in the solution of which he takes part, and there is nothing compromising in this.

However, a specialist or manager cannot do without a certain amount of professional knowledge, sufficient for a clear understanding of goals, for the perception of new ideas, for qualified proceedings in emerging situations and for making informed decisions on them. An incompetent, not versed manager or specialist inevitably finds himself in a humiliating dependence on his environment. He is forced to assess the situation according to the prompts of his subordinates or higher superiors. He, as a rule, finds it difficult to express weighty judgments, take active actions, and give useful advice on special issues. He is often incapable of real and responsible action. To hide his ignorance of the matter, he usually seeks to surround himself with equally incompetent people and alienate capable workers.

Organizational abilities of managers and specialists are expressed, first of all, in the following:

· In the ability to highlight and clearly formulate both promising and the most important tasks in each specific situation;

· Ability to timely make reasoned decisions and ensure their implementation;

· In the ability to coordinate their plans with the conditions of reality;

· In the ability to organize, coordinate, direct and control the activities of subordinates;

· In the ability to constantly and successfully cooperate with other departments and with control bodies.

A good organizer usually has a sharp and flexible mind, combined with a strong will. He implements the results of his decisions promptly and without undue hesitation. He always achieves the completion of the work begun. At the same time, he can take a certain risk, acting in conditions of uncertainty, boldly and decisively, without waiting for instructions from above and showing resourcefulness in difficult circumstances.

A capable organizer relies on the mind of the entire team, his perseverance never turns into stubbornness and intolerance to other people's opinions, he teaches subordinates to independence. Organizational work is inconceivable without firm discipline and order, otherwise large and well-thought efforts to improve the organization of activities can be nullified. Compliance with discipline and order presupposes, in turn, control by the leader.

Organizational abilities are largely determined by natural inclinations, but they are also acquired in the process of study and work. Thus, to become a true business leader or specialist, competence alone is not enough, that is, the amount of knowledge that allows you to deeply understand the matter and solve emerging problems.

For the realization of the very competence and implementation decisions taken organizational skills are also required, that is, the skills of establishing joint work of many people and the ability to achieve implementation of the decisions made.

One of the most complete lists qualification requirements to management personnel:

· Understanding the nature of management processes, knowledge of the main types of organizational management structures, functional responsibilities and work styles, knowledge of ways to increase management efficiency;

· Ability to understand modern information technology and communication tools necessary for management personnel;

· Oratorical skills and ability to express thoughts;

· Possession of the art of managing people, recruiting and training personnel, regulating relations among subordinates;

· The ability to build relationships between the firm and its clients, manage human resources, plan and predict their activities;

· The ability to self-assess their own activities, the ability to draw correct conclusions and improve qualifications;

Based on practical experience, requirements for the professional competence of managers were developed:

· Knowledge of job and functional responsibilities, ways to achieve goals and improve the efficiency of the organization;

· Understanding the nature of managerial work and management processes;

· Possession of the art of human resource management and effective motivation of personnel to achieve the set goals, improve organizational culture;

· Mastery of the art of establishing effective relations with the external environment;

· Ability to use modern information technology and communication tools required in the management process.

Practice shows that some managers and specialists skillfully lead people, successfully overcoming difficulties that arise, while others in such conditions cause only distrust on the part of their subordinates and fail.

The inability to convince, motivate the actions of subordinates and, finally, influence the person so that he wants to fulfill the decision made by the leader, indicates that such a leader does not have the full set of qualities that he needs.

1.2 The system of personal qualities of managers and specialists

For a manager or specialist to be able to successfully manage a workforce, he must meet certain requirements for his personality. These requirements are quite multifaceted and tough. It is rather difficult to clearly define the content of the qualities required for a leader. If executive appointees are asked to compile a detailed list of these qualities, then their positions will almost certainly diverge.

There are many approaches regarding the methodology and practice for determining the quality requirements of executives.

Qualities inherent in a modern leader.

A good leader is a person:

· Open, extroverted (outward-facing);

· Inquisitive, receptive;

· Decisive, result-oriented;

· Experienced, critical, patient with mistakes;

· Charming, calm, inspiring confidence;

· Attentive and kind-hearted, ready to listen to others;

• brave, imperturbable, flexible, free from prejudices;

· Ready to contribute to the development of others.

It is impossible to list all the personal qualities of a leader and specialists. There are different points of view. Consider the Russian literature on management and management. Professor B. Miller emphasizes the following: “Professional honesty, ability to take risks, commitment, enterprise and constant obsession with work, the ability of the leader to listen to the interlocutor, the ability to speak so that subordinates understand without ambiguity in setting tasks, taking into account age, psychology, experience, temperament , the ability to write correctly, conduct business correspondence, the ability to behave with people. ... "(Miller B. Such a simple and complex management! Interview, Ogonyok - 1989, No. 9, February, pp. 3-5)

All the variety of requirements for managers can be summarized in three groups: ideological, business, moral and psychological. But it is important not only to correctly establish objective requirements professional suitability head. It is equally important to develop methods for recognizing them in people, to master a sound technology for assessing and selecting personnel.

Values \u200b\u200bare what is important, meaningful, worthwhile for a person. They determine his attitude to various attributes (significant signs) of life: social, material, spiritual. Even in ancient times, they knew that a person has spiritual strength, loyalty to his convictions and confidence in his righteousness, which gives courage to overcome many difficulties. According to Aristotle, such a person is at the highest level of spiritual greatness and courage. It consists in equally openly expressing love and hate, in order to judge and speak about anything with complete sincerity, and in order to value the truth above all else, to ignore the approval and censure of others.

A person's values \u200b\u200bare his point of view, which he is ready to adhere to, fight for and improve it. Values \u200b\u200bare not something that can be seen and therefore they elude understanding. They can only be recognized by studying the reactions and attitudes underlying human behavior.

Values \u200b\u200bcan be determined by considering a person's attitude towards the following attributes of life:

· To the authorities (with respect, questioning ...);

· To the result of work;

· To risk;

• to help others;

· To life and work;

· To encouragement and punishment;

To pleasure, etc.

Some values \u200b\u200bcan be shared by all members of society, others are not. There may be complete support for the views, agreement with the views, the ability to reconcile, or complete disagreement. The development of human value attitudes occurs in a rather complex way of education, observation, life experience.

With the accumulation of experience, the nature of values \u200b\u200bfor a person can change. When choosing a leader, it is important to know what moral and spiritual rules a person is guided by in life, work, communication; what are his ideals, values.

The ideological qualities of a leader are understood as his ideological convictions and views, his dedication to the cause, his life position (life philosophy), which forms a certain system of values \u200b\u200band ideals. In dealing with many of the issues that a manager meets, there are usually several alternative solutions. He is given a certain freedom to choose what to do and how.

The choice of this or that option depends on what the manager considers valuable, that is, important and correct. The decisions made by the leader have a great impact on his life, on how he relates to others, what kind of person he becomes. Decisions made in the past determine behavior in the present, they become the basis of values.

Personal qualities - the ability to fulfill obligations and promises, determination and perseverance in achieving goals, thinking outside the box, initiative, a high level of education and erudition, strength of character, fairness, tact, neatness, accuracy, ability to win over, a sense of humor, good health.

A separate requirement is the ethical standards of behavior of a manager and a specialist. Ethical norms are the observance of the norms, first of all, of business ethics, that is, the ethical norms of a manager's behavior in a market economy must obey his high moral principles and ideals and correspond to the growing requirements of the corporate culture of the organization.

With regard to the management of an organization, first of all, it should be about the following:

· Profit maximization should not be achieved at the expense of the destruction of the environment;

· in competitive struggle you should use only "permissible techniques", that is, observe the rules of the market game;

· Fair distribution of benefits;

Personal example of compliance ethical standards at work and at home;

· Discipline and moral stability.

· Personal resources of a manager and a specialist are information and information potential in general, time and people. Skillfully using these resources, a leader or specialist gets high results, constantly increasing the competitiveness of the organization he leads.

The effectiveness of the management itself is influenced by:

· The ability to determine the temperament and character of subordinates;

· Ability to manage oneself;

· Ability to evaluate and select efficient personnel;

· Ingenuity and ability to innovate;

Knowledge of modern management approaches, market patterns. Restrictions in the self-development of a leader or specialist. Of particular interest in this regard is the concept of constraints. Its idea is that all managers and specialists have the opportunity to develop and improve the efficiency of their work.

However, there are areas in which managers or specialists are incompetent, which is a limitation for them.

By identifying such limitations, one can focus on those factors that prevent the full realization of all personal opportunities manager or specialist. In this regard, there are ten potential limitations in the activities of a manager or a specialist. Separately, it should be said about such a requirement as the formation of a team, the success of which in management practice is determined by the real leadership of the leader. Leadership always involves the use of power or the ability to influence others, since it is one of the important and effective mechanisms realization of power in the group. Power itself can be based on personality or position in an organization.

Leadership is the ability to effectively use all available sources of power to turn a vision created for others into reality. Since the effectiveness of leadership depends on the amount and type of power that the leader uses, the important question is: what are the sources of power and how they should be used to achieve greater efficiency. A manager or a specialist should bear in mind that the work collective as a unit of society performs two interrelated functions: economic and social. The economic function is that the collective carries out joint labor activities, as a result of which material or spiritual values \u200b\u200bare created.

The social function is to meet the social needs of the members of the work collective - the opportunity to work, receive remuneration for work, communicate with members of the collective, and receive recognition. Participate in management, use your rights in accordance with the law (the right to work, rest, health care, etc.) Forming a team is a complex and controversial process. This is due to the fact that the fundamental interests and goals of its members have differences and contradictions (often personal goals and interests conflict with the goals of the organization).

Depending on the correspondence of individual goals and attitudes to group interests, we can talk about the social maturity of the work collective. The indicator of maturity largely determines the nature and content of the manager's management activities. The development of the team is a constant process, it continues and is expressed in the development of the creative forces of the team, self-government, strengthening the socio-psychological climate and strengthening the social sphere.

Analyzing the features of a modern leader, one cannot but name such an important value in managing an organization as the authority of a leader. Authority is the earned trust that a leader enjoys from subordinates, superiors, and colleagues at work. This is the recognition of the personality, the assessment by the team of the compliance of the manager's subjective qualities with the objective requirements. The authority of a leader or a specialist is associated with the performance of basic functions in accordance with the position held, we reinforce it with personal example and high moral qualities. In this sense, two statuses are distinguished:

· Real authority, determined by the actual influence of the leader, real trust and respect by his team (subjective authority). (Bialiatskiy N.P. et al., Personnel Management: Textbook. Manual; Minsk: Interpressservice, eco-perspective, 2002. - 149 p.)

Thus, successful business managers realize that human resources deserve attention, as they are an important factor in making strategic decisions. management decisionsthat determine the future of the firm. In order for a firm to operate effectively, three critical elements are required: the task and the strategy (its implementation); organizational structure and personnel management. However, it is important to remember that it is the people who do the work, provide ideas, and let the firm live. And for this it is necessary that the personnel of the organization be highly qualified and professionally trained.

2. Methods and approaches for assessing the business and personal qualities of managers and specialists in the management process

It is very difficult to create an assessment system equally balanced in terms of accuracy, objectivity, simplicity and comprehensibility; therefore, today there are several personnel assessment systems, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Application modern methods objective assessment of the work of managerial staff, and especially managers, in a market economy and democratization of management is of particular importance. Conducting such assessments on the eve of certification, in the process of electing a manager or specialist, in the formation of a reserve of personnel for promotion, as well as in the current reshuffle in the staff - these are the main practical directions appraisal activities organizations. Evaluation is an integral and essential element in the structure of labor management of management personnel.

The performance assessment system must provide accurate and reliable data. The stricter and more definite it is, the higher the probability of obtaining reliable and accurate data.

There are the following methods for assessing the business and personal qualities of a manager or specialist:

1. Quantitative methods

2. Qualitative assessment methods

3. Evaluation by the trait method

4. Assessment based on labor analysis

5. Functional assessment

6. Methodology for determining the style of leadership

7. Target assessment method

Quantitative methods

Quantitative assessments, for example, the business and organizational qualities of an employee, are made, as a rule, using expert assessments... At the same time, to characterize a candidate for a position, 6-7 criteria are first established (taking into account the specifics of production and working conditions).

For instance:

· The ability to organize and plan work;

· Professional competence;

· Awareness of responsibility for the work performed;

· Contact and communication skills;

· Ability to innovate;

· Hard work and efficiency.

For each of these criteria, based on the study of the activities of candidates for the position, an appropriate assessment is given according to a selected, for example, five-point scale (excellent - 5; good - 4; satisfactory - 3; not - satisfactory - 2; bad - 1).

Criteria scores are usually ranked according to increasing quantitative value. For example, when evaluated by the criterion "ability to organize and plan work":

1-clearly disorganized employee and manager;

2 - does not know how to organize and plan his work and the work of subordinates;

3-knows how to organize labor processbut not always planning work well;

4-knows how to organize and plan well their work and the work of subordinates;

5-knows how to create and maintain a clear order in work based on effective planning.

In terms of their importance in the overall assessment of a candidate for a specific position, certain qualities always have different specific thweight that is established by an expert. For example, according to the six criteria above, certain values \u200b\u200bcan be taken.

To determine the overall assessment of the business and organizational qualities of a candidate for a managerial position, a special assessment sheet is drawn up. Naturally, the higher the overall assessment for each group of qualities, the more worthy the candidate is to fill a position in the management apparatus. The highest possible score is 5 and the lowest is 1.

Education, work experience and age of the employee must be taken into account when assessing business qualities. The point is that education - one of the main qualitative characteristics in determining the level of qualification of an employee, work experience - a quantitative measure of experience, and age is correlated with work experience.

The most important conditions for the application of this method is to ensure the anonymity of the assessments given by experts and the validity of the selection of the composition of the expert commissions. If anonymity is achieved through a special questionnaire or testing, then the validity of the selection of the composition of experts consists in their thorough preliminary assessment, as well as in the methodologically competent and purposeful formation of the quantitative and qualitative composition. For example, the main requirements for an expert are his competence in production management, morality, deep knowledge and a recognized ability to solve special problems in accordance with certain - functions.

Selection, coordination and approval of expert commissions are usually carried out by the head of the personnel department and the head of the organization. The head of the human resources department introduces the assessment methodology to the experts with the help of a scientific consultant, who for the first time practically leads the entire work. At the organizational level, expert commissions (a commission for evaluating the heads of the management apparatus, a commission for evaluating line managers of production units, a commission for evaluating specialists in the management apparatus) usually include 3 - 5, but not more than 7 people. In this case, the number of experts should include both the assessed one and his leader.

Qualitative assessment methods

To date, a significant number of management personnel assessment systems have been developed in domestic and world practice, which can be classified on various grounds. The solution to the question of the content (or subject) of the assessment is one of the initial ones in the formation of any system. The analysis of what is the content of the assessment - namely, which aspects of management activities are measured, analyzed and interpreted, allows us to identify several main approaches.

As an item manager's assessments in various methods are:

business and personal qualities (properties, traits) of managers and specialists;

characteristics of their behavior in various situations;

quality of execution management functions;

characteristics of the management tools used;

performance indicators of the headed teams;

results of organizational activities;

success in setting and achieving management goals for specific teams.

Also distributed comprehensive assessment, the content of which includes various combinations of the named subjects of labor evaluation. The degree of development of each of the approaches is not the same. Some (for example, quality assessment) are brought to a completely complete methodological support, and even automation, others (for example, target assessment) are presented only in the form of certain principles

Scoring by the trait method

The assessment of managers and specialists using the method of traits has become widespread. At its core - recognition of the influence of a person's psychological properties on the characteristics of his activity. Among the techniques , based on this approach, includes a point assessment of the degree of severity in managers and specialists of a certain set of business and personal qualities, an assessment of those traits that are most correlated with the effectiveness of managers and specialists in specific teams. For this, a computer is used to select (without interpretation quantitative assessments) such a list of properties that most distinguishes each manager and specialist and helps to compose his business portrait.

The difference in methods is associated with the methods used to measure personality traits and the proposed lists of traits. However, despite the variety of modifications of such techniques, the subject of assessment is the same everywhere - the personality traits of a leader and a specialist. As a result, a socio-psychological characteristic of the assessed person is always obtained and his possession of certain properties is stated.

The experience of using such assessment systems allows us to identify their main drawback. - subjectivity of the knowledge received. The reasons for this are rooted in the method itself, which is associated with the will and consciousness of the subjects involved in the assessment. This is not about obtaining biased or incompetent assessments, which is possible with the implementation of any approach, but about the content of the assessment being made.

Assessment based on labor analysis

The definition of psychological properties based on the analysis of the labor of management personnel occurs within the framework situational assessment, which, however, is similar to trait assessment. Only in this case, relatively invariant features of the manager's behavior, which are manifested in the process of solving specific managerial tasks, act as stable psychological characteristics.

The situational assessment methodology provides for a procedure for selecting typical managerial situations in a specific team, in the structure of which the manager's work is described, and then his behavior is assessed. The rational basis for this assessment is that the heterogeneity of the elements work situation in each case develops into a certain complex of conditions and tasks of management activity. The solution of these tasks is extremely difficult and the effectiveness of a manager's actions, of course, is determined by his personal characteristics.

The methodology is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bmanagerial situations as units of analysis of the labor of a managerial worker, but it is their structure that remains insufficiently developed. The situations used in the course of assessing the situation (lack of consistency in work plans with related departments, conflicts caused by an unclear delineation of functions, lack of financial resources, lack of staffing in the department) are, in essence, only a description of individual management problems.

The results of assessing the behavior of managerial workers, as in the case of assessing qualities, is a socio-psychological characteristic, only more professionally oriented. It contains information about how (effectively or not) the employee acted, in which situations it was more, in which it was less effective. but this way does not help to find out the reason for this behavior and its consequences.

Functional assessment

The functional assessment of a manager or specialist is based on an analysis of the labor process, finding out how well he copes with his job responsibilities... The work of a manager or specialist in this case is described in the structure of the specific functions he performs to regulate joint activities. For example, in one of the methods, such management functions as planning, organization, staffing, leadership and leadership, control are distinguished.

This method is based on an idea of \u200b\u200bthe special tasks of organizational activity, which distinguish managerial work from performing work and have some universal content, as well as an understanding of the place and role of the leader in the work collective.

We can say that the main tasks of his (manager or specialist) activities as a subject of management are:

· Elimination of discrepancies in approach, time of action, efforts of jointly working individuals;

· Setting and maintaining the rules and norms of labor behavior and interaction in the team, as well as a certain system of values \u200b\u200bin the world of work;

· Coordination of general and individual goals of activity;

· Ensuring the maximum contribution of everyone in obtaining the overall result.

The conditions of managerial activity, the sphere of joint labor, the parameters of the team headed only concretize these tasks, fill them with substantive content, without changing the essence of the functions performed. Functional assessment has the virtue of looking at what managers are actually doing. It allows you to identify weaknesses in the work of specific managers based on knowledge of the general tasks of management.

Methodology for determining leadership style

Analysis of the quality of work performance also involves determining the style of leadership. A leader or a specialist creates value not directly, but through other people, regulating their behavior and modifying it in the direction necessary to achieve common goals. The means of solving all problems in the team for him is a purposeful and systematic impact on people in the process of joint work.

The main in the activities of a leader or a specialist are personal position, style business communication, the chosen method of interaction with subordinates. And if the analysis of managerial functions allows us to reveal the content of the work performed by the manager, the range of tasks to be solved, then the definition of the leadership style reveals the system of responsibility introduced by the manager or specialist into the work process and acting as an important means of his influence on other people.

With this approach, the subject of assessment is the nature of the relationship between the manager and his subordinates. It allows you to reveal the personal characteristics of the leader's behavior in the system of "leadership - subordination" relations. The method of influencing people is of fundamental importance for successful work manager, ensuring effective joint activities, therefore, the assessment of the used management tools is an important aspect of the analysis of the quality of managerial work.

Target assessment method

Goal-setting is at the heart of any management and is an essential element of managerial work. Goal management is now seen as a necessary component of effective governance. In addition, it is difficult to expect from a manager (as from any other employee) effective workuntil its final results remain unclear, or at least the guidelines for which it needs to strive are not outlined. This determines the rational basis on which this method of assessment is built.

The advantage of the approach is the ability to plan and monitor the activities of managers, setting goals and monitoring the degree of their implementation. The information obtained in the course of such an assessment allows us to judge how well the manager worked, whether the intended management goals were achieved.

The weak side of target assessment is the fact that the leader can achieve and not achieve goals against his will. And the point here is not only in the delimitation of competence, but also in the need to take into account uncontrolled or unforeseen factors - those circumstances that can significantly affect the results of the leader's activities, regardless of his personal efforts. Therefore, using this method, only the operational work of managers is assessed. And although the target assessment has not yet received due theoretical and methodological development, this method is considered by specialists as one of the most promising.


In this term paper studied the topic "Business and personal qualities of managers and specialists."

The first chapter covers theoretical aspects assessment of the business and personal qualities of the leader; the approaches and methods of business and personal qualities of a leader, influencing the management process, have been studied;

Employees are workers whose work is one or another kind of mental work. The content of employees' labor differs significantly from the labor of workers: after all, the labor of workers is primarily physical labor. Another difference between the work of employees is that its results are difficult to directly quantify. Moreover, the results of the labor of management personnel often become obvious not immediately, but only after a certain period of time, sometimes quite long.

Organizations periodically assess their employees to improve their performance and identify professional development needs. Studies show that regular and systematic staff assessment has a positive effect on the motivation of employees, their professional development and growth. At the same time, the results of the assessment are an important element of human resource management, since they provide an opportunity to make informed decisions regarding remuneration, promotion, dismissal of employees, their training and development.

In the structure of the organization's personnel, the category of workers with vocational education, the category of workers with the age of 40-49 years, predominates to a large extent.

Human potential, the ability of a leader to set goals correctly and effectively manage resources become the main factor in the success of an organization. The problems of human resource management of the organization are highlighted. An individual approach to a person allows the company to achieve the best results. A talented leader always acts as a role model among subordinates, peers, and even higher managers. Original methods of management, norms of behavior are difficult to convey through conversations and moralizing, they are more effectively transmitted through behavior, actions that can be constantly observed during industrial contacts.

The modern approach to organization is a balanced combination of human values, organizational change and continuous adaptation to change. external environment... All this requires significant changes in the principles, methods and forms of working with people in the organization.

FROMlist of used sources

1. Shevlyukov A.P. Financial management at the enterprise: tutorial... / A.P. Shevlyukov. - Gomel: GKI, 2009 .-- 562 p.

2. Bialiatskiy N.P. and others, Personnel Management: Textbook. Allowance; Minsk: Interpressservice, ekoperspektiva, 2002 .-- 352 p.

3. Vachugov, D. D. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook.-M .: Higher. School, 2001.-367s.

4. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu.Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .; UNITY, 2005 .-- 560 p.

5. Management: textbook for bachelors / under general. ed. by I. N. Shapkina. - M .: Yurayt Publishing House, 2013 .-- 690 p.

6. Abryutina, M. S., Grachev, A. V. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise: Study guide. - M .: Delo and Service, 2003 .-- 318 p.

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    Characteristics of an effective system for assessing the performance of personnel. Methods for assessing behavior. Assessment process, errors during assessment and assessment training strategy. Forms of behavior of managers in assessing personnel.

    abstract, added 07/27/2010

    Organizational and legal characteristics of the enterprise. Analysis of the structure and culture of its personnel, the effectiveness of personnel work. Program-targeted approach to the implementation of the strategy to improve the assessment of the performance of managers and specialists.

The qualities of most specialists are divided into three groups: professional, personal and business.

The professional include those that characterize any competent specialist and the possession of which is only a necessary prerequisite for the performance of his duties as a leader. They are:

  • - a high level of education, production experience, competence in the relevant profession;
  • - open-mindedness, erudition, deep knowledge not only of their own, but also related areas activities;
  • - striving for constant self-improvement, critical perception and rethinking of the surrounding reality;
  • - search for new forms and methods of work, help others, their training;
  • - the ability to plan your work, etc.

There are three groups of skills that form the basis of the professional activity of a manager: conceptual (at the highest level, its share reaches 50%), interpersonal and special (technical). At the lower levels of government, its share is also about 50%.

The personal qualities of a leader should also not differ much from the qualities of other employees who want to be respected and reckoned with. Mention may be made here:

  • - high moral standards; - physical and psychological health; - internal and external culture;
  • - justice, honesty; - responsiveness, caring, kindness to people; - optimism, self-confidence.

However, a person is not made a leader by professional or personal, but by business qualities, which must be attributed to:

  • - knowledge of the organization, the ability to provide its activities with everything necessary, to set and distribute tasks among the performers, to coordinate and control their implementation, to induce to work;
  • - vigor, dominance, ambition, striving for power, personal independence, leadership in any circumstances, and sometimes at any cost, an overestimated level of aspirations, courage, decisiveness, assertiveness, will, exactingness, uncompromising in asserting their rights;
  • - contact, sociability, the ability to win over people, to convince them of the correctness of their point of view, to lead;
  • - Purposefulness, initiative, efficiency in solving problems, the ability to quickly choose the main thing and concentrate on it, but if necessary, it is easy to reorganize;
  • - responsibility, the ability to manage oneself, one's behavior, working time, relationships with others, to educate them;
  • - the desire for transformations, innovations, the willingness to take risks yourself and entice subordinates with you, etc.

Requirements for leaders in relation to these qualities are not the same at different levels of management.

On the grassroots, for example, decisiveness, sociability, some aggressiveness are valued; in the middle - mostly communication skills, partly conceptual skills; on higher levels the ability to think strategically, assess the situation, set new goals, carry out transformations, and organize the creative process of subordinates are put forward in the first place.

According to management experts, the rarest quality of a leader at all levels is objectivity.

Since a manager of any level not only organizes and directs the work of employees, but, if necessary, influences their behavior, including off-duty, he must be well prepared pedagogically.

There are a number of national characteristics that complicate development leadership qualities from Russian managers. Some of them are explained by the cultural specifics of the country, others are due to the recent past of Russian organizations and enterprises, and still others are associated with youth. russian business... Among key features the following can be distinguished:

  • - domination of personal relationships over professional ones. This situation can be considered normal only at the stage when companies are just being formed and loyalty is more important than professionalism. But in established firms, they serve as a hindrance to making optimal decisions. In many russian organizations in fact, an alternative hierarchy has developed, built on personal connections and often contrary to the requirements of the case;
  • - inability to work in a team, which today becomes an obstacle, especially in organizations such as law and consulting firms, research and production companies;
  • - excessive control and unclear distribution of responsibilities, giving rise to theft and corruption at different levels;
  • - lack of experience and culture of staff, emphasis on financial ways stimulating employees and insufficient attention to other, no less effective motivating factors - involvement in a common cause, emotional attachment to a job or a team, etc.

Investigating the personal and business qualities of a leader allows the graphical profile method, which consists in the fact that experts (higher managers, colleagues, subordinates) assess the frequency of manifestation of the qualities listed in the list or formulated independently on a 5-point scale.

Then a graph is built on which the evaluation factors are laid down horizontally, and its upper and lower boundaries are laid down vertically. Within their framework, the following are distinguished: superzone, prospective, potential and nominal zones.

To determine the upper and lower boundaries, the maximum and minimum assessments of qualities for a given set of studied managers can be used, and for the internal boundaries of the zones - averaged ones (calculations are carried out with an accuracy of 0.1 points). Individual profiles of the assessed leaders are superimposed on the overall chart, making it easier to compare them.

It is necessary to say separately about the specifics of the manifestation of business qualities in women. They, as a rule, adapt worse than men to leadership positions due to the need to combine difficult working conditions, irregular working hours and household chores.

In addition, women as a whole are less mentally stable, independent, proactive, brave, able to control themselves, overcome difficulties, and retire earlier.

Often, a professionally well-trained woman cannot adapt to a stereotype of management tailored according to the male model and assuming as a positive model the presence of purely masculine qualities - rigidity, assertiveness, authoritarianism, a tendency to impersonal management, moral asceticism. In this situation, a woman must break herself and accept a model of behavior that is contrary to her nature (this is what the first women leaders did), which affects her usual way of life, or make great efforts to establish a female management style. The current generation of women leaders are already developing their own approaches based on their experience.

Therefore, women are more likely to be content with middle posts or lead small organizations (subdivisions) with a simple structure.

But in any case, women occupying leadership positions, differ significantly from women in general (male managers are more typical than women, representatives of the same gender). They must have more strengths and fewer weaknesses, be able to manage subordinates, and be more demanding than men in order to be successful.

Key characteristics of strong managers in Russian firms:

  • - deliberate search for contacts with employees in the workplace; - desire to increase their authority;
  • - maintaining independence in judgments and actions; - the desire to create a workable team and rely on it in work; - the ability to block the intervention of top management; - the inexorableness of demands for the implementation of their own recommendations; - the desire to develop their own position; - the ability to correctly distribute responsibilities; - the desire to have clear goals of work and development; - no attempts to evade decision-making; - ability to achieve a common way of thinking and acting.

Signs of a weak leader include:

  • - inability to assess problems and anticipate the development of the situation; set goals; - the use of stereotypical approaches; - overestimated self-esteem, the desire for self-affirmation at any cost; - an attempt to do everything yourself: participate in everything, do several things at the same time, which is why he always does not have time;
  • - work late, 10-14 hours, often seven days a week; - littered with papers, many of which have not been read and scattered haphazardly on the table; - postponing decisions until tomorrow or making hasty decisions; - endless search better solutions instead of correct; - presentation of reality in black and white; the tendency to make an elephant out of a fly, to pay a lot of attention to secondary issues; - the desire to get rid of responsibility and to blame others; search for a scapegoat; - the manifestation of excessive emotional reactions, etc.

The foundations of a leader's success are:

Interest and creative position; - ability to cooperate, motivate subordinates; - ability to see the main thing; - willingness to change and manage them; - broad outlook; - ability to manage oneself and one's time; - willingness to maintain contacts with subordinates; - independence in judgments and actions ; - exactingness; - having one's own position in relation to the goal of work and development; - the ability to properly distribute responsibilities; - willingness to take responsibility for decision-making, risk; - the ability to create a team, etc.

In conclusion, I must say about the image of the leader. It is formed by the furnishings of the office, clothing, appearance, behavior, neatness, taste, etc. All of them in a certain way are symbols that must correspond to the affairs and position of the company.

IN office space it is better to emphasize equality: for example, in the reception area, place chairs in a row, and not opposite each other, do not hang the office with photographs of the authorities and awards, because this creates an idea of \u200b\u200bthe hierarchy of the organization and the ideology of its internal life.

Subordinates are impressed by a leader who admits mistakes, does not try to evade responsibility, and makes decisions boldly.

  1. Identification of development zones for specialists conducting recruiting.
  2. Development of competencies in the following areas: personal and business qualities of a recruiter, professional knowledge, knowledge of the subject area.
  3. Competence development methods.

Our company is based in Rostov. In order to identify areas of growth of employees of the Center for Business Development [A] 5 (including consultants leading the selection of personnel) as a method was used. Along with the above, the objectives of the course were: the formation of the Company's personnel reserve, and, as a result, the determination of the need for training (on the basis of which the training plan was developed).

Preliminarily, before conducting, a profile of key competencies required for an employee was developed [A] 5. The required degree of expression of each of the competencies for each position was developed separately. Thus, a so-called ideal profile for each position was obtained. Based on the results of the assessment center methodology, an individual profile was formed for each employee. After that, the individual profile was compared with the ideal one, which made it possible to determine the zones of proximal development and growth for the employee, including consultants leading the selection of personnel.

Consultant key competencies profile. recruiting is a list of personal and business qualities, the presence of which makes his work as efficient as possible, provided, of course, that these qualities are at a certain level of expression.

2. Areas of development of competencies: personal and business competencies of a recruiter, professional knowledge on the topic "search and selection of personnel", knowledge of the subject area.

Personal and business competencies.

Personal and business qualities that determine the success of a specialist leading recruiting are presented here on the example of a list of key competencies of employees of the Business Development Center [А] 5

  1. Contact - willingness and ability to establish, maintain and complete contact. It includes goodwill, tact, correctness, competent speech, a positive optimistic attitude towards communication.
  1. Communication flexibility - the ability to adequately use a variety of communication tools in different situations.
  1. Self-confidence -self-confidence, in their own competence.
  1. Ideological- as commitment and conscious acceptance of the corporate value system. The coincidence of personal and corporate values.
  1. Analyticity- the ability to collect complete information using various sources, to highlight the main meaning of information based on specific and verified facts.
  1. Learnability - ability to learn, openness to new information. Ability to apply, use existing knowledge and experience in other conditions. General erudition.
  1. The dynamics of thinking - the ability to quickly switch from one activity to another, analyze, draw conclusions and establish / build logical relationships.
  1. Planning and organization -organizes and coordinates events, use of resources. Develops plans and schedules, controls their implementation.
  1. Quality orientation -demonstrates knowledge of the goals and standards of the enterprise focused on the highest quality standards. Strive to achieve high standards of quality and efficiency.
  1. A responsibility- the ability to accept responsibility ("internal locus of control"). Ability to independently make decisions and take responsibility for their implementation. The ability to realize and accept one's own guilt in case of a wrong decision.
  1. Discipline and organization- the ability and desire to act in accordance with the rules within the framework of a certain competence and authority, to fulfill the specified conditions and requirements.
  1. Focus on results -the ability to make efforts and remain active to achieve the set goals and objectives.
  1. Commanding- the ability to work in a team, to accept and share the goals and values \u200b\u200bof the company as their own.

Professional knowledge

Along with the named personal and business competencies, the success of a recruiter is determined by the presence of certain professional skills and knowledge in the subject area. Professional knowledge and skills, in turn, can be divided into 2 components:

  1. knowledge of the business process, the ability to choose the optimal strategy and tactics for the search and selection of personnel;
  2. possession of technologies for the selection and assessment of personnel.

Knowledge in the subject area.

A recruiter's success is directly influenced by his awareness of the areas of activity in which he selects specialists. For example, in the Center for Business Development [A] 5 subject areas are production, construction, information Technology, telecommunications and B2B. For the successful work of recruiting consultants in our company, certain basic knowledge of these industries is required, it is also important to keep track of all the latest news in these areas.

3. Methods for the development of competencies.

Based on the data obtained during the assessment, a program for the development of the competencies of the company's specialists, including recruiters, is formed. In our company this plan, as a rule, combines in various methods of competence development and training and is implemented in a coaching format.

The following methods are used:

  1. Internal training - allows you to take into account internal specifics: work standards, features of the business process.
  2. External training - allows the recruiter to broaden his horizons, use external experience.
  3. Self-study on a given topic with a report on the studied information - allows you to systematize the knowledge gained;
  4. Writing Articles for the Company's website, for the publication in the media of both articles themselves and expert opinions. This method affects, inter alia, the self-esteem of a specialist.
  5. Material preparation for internal learning ;
  6. Preparation and implementation of public speaking (the method "works", including for the development of communicative competence);
  7. Participation in non-core projects. For example, projects for personnel assessment, training, organization of events.
  8. Here - performing unusual, previously not performed functions. For example, the resecher acted as the project manager (see. Social project "My profession"), which made it possible to work out the skills of organizing the process, organizing and planning one's own actions and the actions of other employees involved in the process. In addition, I gained experience in negotiating at various levels - I had to learn how to "negotiate"

Report to round table within the framework of the meeting of the Department of Recruiters of the South Russian Club of HR Managers.

Assessment Signature ______________________________

Full name, position of the head of practice from the enterprise ______________________________


Tel. ______________________



Branch of the Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher education

Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

in Veliky Novgorod

Department economics and Management


On industrial pre-diploma practice

Place of practice ______________________________

Velikiy Novgorod



Balance sheet

on 31th of December g. Codes
Form No. 1 according to OKUD
Date (year, month, day) 20__
Organization by OKPO
Taxpayer identification number TIN
Kind of activity by OKVED
Organizational and legal form / form of ownership
according to OKOPF / OKFS
Measurement unit: thousand rubles. by OKEI
Location (address)
Date of approval
Date of dispatch (acceptance)
Assets Indicator code At the beginning of the reporting year
I. NON-CURRENT ASSETS Intangible assets
including: patents, licenses, trademarks (service marks), other similar rights and assets
Fixed assets
including: land and natural resources
buildings, machinery and equipment
Construction in progress
Profitable investments in material assets
including: property for leasing
Property provided under a rental agreement
Long-term financial investments
including: investments
other long-term financial investments
Deferred tax assets
Other noncurrent assets
Total for Section I
Assets Indicator code At the beginning of the reporting year At the end of the reporting period
including: raw materials, materials and other similar values
work in progress costs
finished products and goods for resale
goods shipped
Future expenses
other supplies and costs
Value added tax on acquired valuables
Accounts receivable (expected to be paid more than 12 months after the reporting date)
advances issued
other debtors
Accounts receivable (expected to be paid within 12 months after the reporting date)
including buyers and customers
advances issued
other debtors
Short-term financial investments
including: loans granted to organizations for a period of less than 12 months
other short-term financial investments
including: cash desk
settlement accounts
foreign currency accounts
others cash
Other current assets
Total for Section II
Passive Indicator code At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period
Own shares purchased from shareholders
Extra capital
Reserve capital
including: reserves formed in accordance with the legislation
reserves formed in accordance with constituent documents
Retained earnings of previous years
Uncovered loss of previous years
Retained earnings of the reporting year
Uncovered loss of the reporting year
Total for Section III
including: bank loans payable more than 12 months after the reporting date
loans due more than 12 months after the reporting date
Deferred tax liabilities
Other long-term liabilities
Total for Section IV
including: bank loans due to be repaid within 12 months after the reporting date
loans payable within 12 months after the reporting date
Accounts payable
including: suppliers and contractors
advances received
debt to the organization's personnel
indebtedness to state off-budget funds
debt to the budget
other creditors
Debts to participants (founders) for the payment of income
revenue of the future periods
Provisions for future expenses
Other current liabilities
Total for Section V

REFERENCE on the availability of valuables recorded on off-balance sheet accounts

Indicator name Indicator code At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period
Leased fixed assets
including leasing
Inventories accepted for safekeeping
Goods accepted for commission
Debt written off at a loss insolvency of debtors
Security obligations and payments received
Security for obligations and payments issued
Depreciation of the housing stock
Deterioration of objects of external improvement and other similar objects
Forms strict accountability
Leased property, plant and equipment
Inventory and household supplies
Means of payment for communication services
Intangible assets received for use

It can be quite difficult to separate what should be attributed to personal and what to business qualities in a resume. If you are talking about character traits that relate to work, then they can be safely attributed to the latter. Examples of business qualities for a resume will help you figure out what and how best to write in this column.

Popular options

Most often, the following business features appear in the requirements of employers and the resume of applicants:

  • ability to work independently;
  • determination;
  • assertiveness, focus on results;
  • communication skills;
  • purposefulness;
  • organizational skills;
  • fast reaction,
  • increased efficiency;
  • ability to make decisions;
  • love of planning;
  • oratory;
  • the ability to formulate your thoughts;
  • diligence, ability to complete tasks, ability to follow instructions;
  • tact, politeness, tolerance.

It is not necessary to list all the business qualities of a person known to you. It is necessary to enter in the provided resume only what is most suitable for you.

Connection with professions

It is necessary to choose business qualities depending on the requirements for the vacancy for which you are applying.
For example, when submitting a resume to an open managerial position, you need to carefully select your words. You can indicate the following business qualities:

  • desire to work, develop and learn, responsibility, sociability, stress resistance;
  • flexibility, ability to adapt, organizational skills, public speaking skills;
  • tolerance, loyalty, ethics, honesty, the ability to work in any conditions and in different teams;
  • logical thinking, the ability to highlight important, professional flair, the ability to analyze and see the perspective.

It is better for technical specialists, analysts, economists, accountants, clerks to focus on other qualities in their resume:

  • pedantry, attention to detail, dedication, accuracy;
  • perseverance, the ability to retain the necessary information in memory, analytical warehouse mind;
  • foresight, ability to collect and analyze data, accuracy, focus on results;
  • scrupulousness, punctuality, ability to plan and organize a work process, analytical skills.

If the position involves active communication with people, then the following qualities will be priority:

  • communication skills, the ability to see the client's problem, cooperate, find an individual approach;
  • collectivism, love of teamwork, sociability, efficiency, ability to negotiate;
  • easy adaptation, ability to work in stressful conditions, competent speech, energy, organization;
  • politeness, tolerance, knowledge of the ethics of business communication, decency, honesty, purposefulness.

But this example is not a ready-made template. It is better to make a selection from several options so that the given characteristic reflects your qualities in the best possible way.