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The US Navy strike aircraft carrier Enterprise (operating code CVN-65) was in many ways the first: the first nuclear-powered ship of this type, the first, albeit the only, representative of Enterprise-class aircraft carriers, the first, i.e. the largest warship ever to exist ...

Construction of the ship began on February 4, 1958 at the shipyard in Newport, launched in September 1960, and was included in the fleet on November 25, 1961. The first combat mission in which Enterprise participated was the blockade of Cuba in 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis.

The Enterprise class aircraft carrier design was a development of the previous KittyHawk class. The cost of construction turned out to be very high - 451 million dollars, which was the reason that more ships of this class were not built.

The hull is smooth-deck, with a one-sided corner deck. The armored flight deck is integrated into the ship's power structure, providing longitudinal hull rigidity. The length of the flight deck is 331 m, the maximum width is 78 m. There are 4 lifts for the delivery of aircraft from the hangar. Up to 43 aircraft can be on deck at the same time. Ammunition delivery is handled by 3 lifts.

4 steam catapults are intended for aircraft launch; pair at the bow on the corner deck. Gas shields rising behind the catapults protect the deck from hot gases jet engines... The catapult is capable of accelerating SuperHornets up to a speed of 200 km / h in 2 seconds along a hundred-meter runway, with overloads reaching 4g. Using all 4 catapults, the aircraft carrier can launch planes every 15-20 seconds.

Aircraft braking after landing is provided by 4 aerofinishers. If they fail to stop the plane completely, an emergency barrier is provided, which is a lifting net, to prevent it from falling into the water.

The power plant of the ship consists of 8 nuclear reactors. To increase survivability, each 2 reactors operate on a separate propeller shaft with a five-blade 32-ton propeller with a diameter of almost 6.5 m. To increase maneuverability and reduce the radius of the ship's circulation, each propeller is equipped with its own rudder. One refueling with nuclear fuel can last more than 10 years of service.

Using a nuclear facility had several advantages. Firstly, the absence of the need to store a large volume of fuel for the engines made it possible to increase the stock of aviation fuel to over 9 million liters. Secondly, due to the absence of chimneys and large air shafts, it was possible to reduce the size of the deck superstructure ("islands") and increase the flight deck area by 400 square meters. m, to exclude its smoke. Thirdly, ammunition storage facilities have increased to 2,500 tons.

But there were also disadvantages. A large number of reactors, their size, anti-radiation protection and some other reasons forced to increase the width of the ship's hull, which, in turn, led to an increase in its length to ensure the specified speed characteristics.

Aircraft carrier characteristics:

  • Maximum displacement 93284 tons
  • Length 342 meters
  • Width at the waterline 40.5 meters
  • Maximum width 78.4 meters
  • Draft 12 meters
  • Flight deck area 18,211.5 m2
  • SSU power 280,000 hp
  • Maximum speed 33.6 knots (62.2 km / h)
  • Maximum capacity 5828 people
  • Crew 3,000 (2,700 privates, 150 senior command personnel, 150 medium command personnel)
  • The aircrew is 1,800 people (250 pilots and 1,550 technical personnel).
  • Armament: 3 launchers Mk 29 NATO Sea Sparrow, 3 20 mm Phalanx CIWS Mk 15
  • Home port: Norfolk (Va)

Aviation group

The main armament system of the largest aircraft carrier is an aviation group that performs various tasks from protecting the ship to air support for ground forces and striking enemy targets.

The ship has 8 squadrons:

  • A long range aerial reconnaissance squadron using E2C-Hawkeys.
  • The Vikings squadron is designed to destroy enemy submarines and refuel in the air.
  • Anti-radar squadron. It includes Prowlers aircraft.
  • 3 squadrons of F-18 Hornets fighter-bombers.
  • A squadron of F-18 SuperHornets multipurpose fighter-bombers and attack aircraft. Despite the similarities to conventional F-18 Hornets, this is a completely new aircraft with a longer range, new weapons, new avionics, and more.
  • A squadron of Seahawk helicopters. Their main tasks are the search for enemy submarines, search and rescue operations, the transportation of goods and personnel between the ships of the squadron.

Aircraft carrier accident

On January 14, 1969, being 140 km from Hawaii and heading for a combat zone in Vietnam, one of the missiles exploded on the take-off deck of the ship, causing a large fire and detonation of bombs from nearby aircraft. The ship was seriously damaged, 27 people were killed and more than 300 were injured. The repair took 51 days.

Escort ships

Given the enormous firepower, the aircraft carrier is one of the main targets for enemy attacks. A small squadron of support ships constantly escorts the Enterprise to protect it. Among them:

  • Cruiser - equipped with an early detection system, capable of destroying any air target.
  • Frigate - protects the aircraft carrier from enemy missiles
  • Anti-missile boat - protects against homing missiles, air raids and submarines
  • Supply ship - ensures the functioning of this group, supplies everything you need, from food to ammunition.
  • Submarine

End of service.

During its entire service period, the aircraft carrier made 25 cruises, took part in many hostilities and operations. On December 1, 2012 it was decommissioned and is being prepared for disposal. His name will pass to the new ship CVN-80 ("Ford" type).

Updated: 21.10.2019 13:35:05

Expert: Lev Kaufman

* Review of the best according to the editorial site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

An aircraft carrier is a warship that serves as a mobile base for carrier-based aircraft. It can accommodate various types of aircraft and helicopters: combat (including aircraft carrying nuclear weapons), reconnaissance, transport, rescue, and so on. Today, aircraft carriers are the largest warships in service. Some of them are equipped with a nuclear power plant, which allows for long voyages without the need for refueling. The cost of one such ship can reach six billion dollars. But they are the most powerful tool to protect the state's borders from the sea or to gain local superiority in the zone of military conflicts.

Rating of the largest aircraft carriers in the world in service

Nomination a place Aircraft carrier Length, m.
Rating of the largest aircraft carriers in the world in service 10 183
9 244
8 261
7 265
6 283
5 284
4 304
3 305
2 332
1 337

This light aircraft carrier is in service with the Royal Thai Navy. It was built by a Spanish shipbuilding firm in 1997. "Chakri Narbet" is 183 meters long and can accommodate up to 600 crew members. The maximum speed of the vessel is 26 knots. An air group is located on its deck, including AV-8S Matador assault aircraft and S-70B multipurpose helicopters. The ship's defensive system is represented by Mistral short-range homing missiles. The aircraft carrier has a relatively low combat capability, and most of the time it serves either as a base for rescue operations or as a tourist destination. It is also often used by the ruler of Thailand, for which it was nicknamed the world's largest royal yacht.

The Italian aircraft carrier Cavour has been in service since 2008 and is 244 meters long. It was named after Count Cavour, famous for his merits in the unification of Italy. The ship can serve as a base for more than 20 aircraft and helicopters, as well as a couple of dozen tanks or 50 heavy combat vehicles. The number of the ship's crew exceeds 500 people. Currently, the AV-8B Harrier II vertical take-off and landing attack aircraft are based on the deck, which are subsequently planned to be replaced with Lockheed Martin F-35 multi-functional fighters. The aircraft carrier is equipped with modern radar equipment, for protection it has artillery installations and missile weapons. Potentially "Cavour" can be used as a landing ship and as a command center. The maximum speed of the aircraft carrier is 28 knots.

The largest aircraft carrier of the French naval forces, was launched in 2001. The ship with a length of 261 meters can carry on its decks (flight and hangar) up to 40 combat aircraft and helicopters, as well as more than a thousand crew members. The main aviation armament is Dassault Rafale fighters, in addition there are Super Étendard attack aircraft, radar warfare aircraft and several types of helicopters. The flagship of the French fleet is equipped with a nuclear installation, which significantly expands its autonomous range. It is capable of moving at a speed of 27 knots. The flight deck with steam catapults allows the release of two aircraft per minute. Own naval armament consists of a missile system and a huge set of target detection equipment. The aircraft carrier has a unique automatic stabilization system SATRAP, which allows takeoff and landing in sea waves up to six points.

The Brazilian aircraft carrier used to be called Foch and belonged to France. He took part in a number of military operations. Since 2000 after overhaul the ship was transferred to the Brazilian fleet. On board the 265-meter vessel, more than 30 aircraft and almost two thousand people. Its main attack units are light attack aircraft A-4 Skyhawk and anti-submarine helicopters Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King. In addition, there are transport and search and rescue aircraft equipment. The aircraft carrier's defense complex is represented by two launchers of an anti-aircraft missile system, a pair of artillery mounts and five machine guns.

The Indian aircraft carrier has a length of 283 meters, it can transport up to 40 aircraft on its deck, the ship's crew exceeds 1500 people. Previously, she was a heavy aircraft carrier, was part of the Russian Navy and was called "Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet Gorshkov". After a deep modernization, the vessel was transferred to the Indian Navy. Deck aviation is represented by Russian-made aircraft and helicopters: MIG-29, Ka-28, Ka-31.

The aircraft carrier was built to replace the obsolete Invisible class ships. The ship with a length of 284 meters is capable of placing a maximum of 70 aircraft units on its deck, if necessary. Thanks to the highest level automation, the number of the crew is less than 700 people, but the total capacity of the vessel exceeds one and a half thousand people. The regular composition of the Quinn Elizabeth air group consists of fighters with vertical take-off / landing F-35B, anti-submarine helicopters AW101 Merlin, AW159 Wildcat and heavy transport CH-47 Chinook. The flight deck does not have catapults, instead it is equipped with a springboard for aircraft, it is possible to simultaneously take off and land on it. The ship's propulsion system allows a speed of 26 knots. The aircraft carrier's own armament consists of the Mark 15 Phalanx CIWS anti-aircraft artillery system.

The aircraft carrier of the Chinese naval forces "Liaoning", formerly bearing the name "Varyag", was built at the Nikolaev shipyard and entered service in 1988. Ten years later, it was sold to China for $ 20 million, where the ship underwent a major refit. The aircraft carrier has a length of 304 meters and can accommodate up to 50 units of aviation combat equipment, as well as more than two thousand people. Especially for him, the Chinese created a carrier-based version of the J-11 fighter, which is an almost exact copy of the Soviet Su-27 aircraft. In addition to fighters, anti-submarine and search and rescue helicopters are based on the ship. After the modernization, the aircraft carrier lost its offensive weapons and is currently equipped with only three short-range artillery systems and three FL-3000N anti-aircraft missile systems, which can hit targets at a distance of up to 6 kilometers.

Heavy aircraft carrier is one of a kind. It has a huge flight deck with a total area of \u200b\u200b14 thousand square meters and is designed for the basing of 40 aircraft. The basis of its naval aviation is made up of MiG-29 and Su-33 fighter-bombers. In addition, there are Ka-52 attack helicopters and Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopters on board. The maximum crew capacity is two thousand people. The power plant is capable of propelling the massive 305-meter vessel to a speed of 29 knots. The Admiral Kuznetsov is equipped with an advanced radar system and a large number of anti-aircraft missile launchers. In addition, there are six AK-630M rapid-fire artillery mounts. But the most formidable armament of the ship is twelve installations with Granit cruise missiles, the range of which exceeds 500 kilometers.

The American aircraft carrier "Nimitz" is capable of accommodating up to 90 units of combat aircraft, as well as about five thousand crew members. The vessel is 332 meters long, is equipped with two nuclear reactors and can move at speeds up to 31 knots. It is home to F / A-18 fighters, EA-6 Prowler electronic warfare aircraft and Seahawk multipurpose helicopters. Automated defense systems operate two missile launchers of the RIM-116 complex and two RIM-7 Sea Sparrow air defense systems with guided missiles. The aircraft carrier has already established itself by taking part in several real combat operations.

The largest of the modern aircraft carriers (and warships in general) is 337 meters long. Its dimensions exceed three football fields, and in height it is approximately equal to a 35-storey building. The ship got its name in honor of the 38th President of the United States. The construction of the aircraft carrier cost the US government $ 3.3 billion. It is equipped with a powerful power plant, which includes two nuclear reactors, which provide complete autonomy and do not need to replace the fuel rods until the very end of the ship's expected 50-year service life. The ship replaced the aircraft carrier Enterprise; it is not only modern, but also more economical due to the introduction of automation systems, which reduced the number of the crew to 2,700. The maximum speed that the ship can develop is more than 30 nautical knots. The core of the air group is made up of the latest F-35C Lightning II fighters, F / A-18E / F Super Hornet fighter-bombers, electronic warfare and reconnaissance aircraft, as well as multipurpose aircraft and transport helicopters... The anti-aircraft missile system allows intercepting targets at a distance of up to 50 kilometers.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

In this review, I would like to talk about one of the mandatory attributes of military superpowers - aircraft carriers. To have one in your arsenal is a status task, albeit not at all cheap.

Currently, there are only 10 countries that have aircraft carriers in the Navy. In total, there are 22 operational aircraft carriers (21, not counting the unused American Enterprise and Vikramaditya, which has not yet been transferred to India).

The unconditional first place in the number of aircraft carriers is occupied by the United States. This country boasts 11 ships in service.

The second place with 2 aircraft carriers in the ranks is shared by Italy and Spain.

The third place is taken by a group of countries, which, at the moment, have 1 aircraft carrier each. These are Russia, China, Brazil, France, Thailand, India (in the near future it will join the second group with 2 aircraft carriers) and Great Britain.

Considering the relatively small number of operating aircraft carriers, we present a list of them, in order of commissioning:

  1. Enterprise USA (discontinued December 2012, due March 2013)
  2. Nimitz, USA
  3. , USA
  4. Carl Vinson, USA
  5. Illastries, UK
  6. Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italy
  7. Theodore Roosevelt, USA
  8. Viraat, India
  9. Prince of Asturias, Spain
  10. Abraham Lincoln, USA
  11. Admiral Kuznetsov, Russia
  12. George Washington, USA
  13. John Stennis, USA
  14. Harry Truman, USA
  15. Chakri Narubet, Thailand
  16. Sao Paulo, Brazil
  17. Charles de Gaulle, France
  18. Ronald Reagan, USA
  19. Count Cavour, Italy
  20. George Bush, USA
  21. Juan Carlos, Spain
  22. Liaoning, PRC
  23. Vikramaditya, India (not yet completed)

We begin our series with the US Navy's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the oldest aircraft carrier in operation.

Aircraft carrier Nimitz, United States Navy

Aircraft carrier Nimitz (USS Nimitz (CVN-68)) was laid down back in 1968, launched in 1972 and commissioned in 1975. Named after Chester William Nimitz, Admiral of the Fleet, Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet during World War II, the man who signed Japan's surrender on behalf of the United States on September 2, 1945.

Nimitz participated in Operation Eagle Claw, Desert Storm and the Iraq War. Provided security for the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games.

The Nimitz-class aircraft carriers were the largest warships produced in the 20th century.

Name: USS Nimitz (CVN-68)

Nickname: Old Salt (seasoned sailor, "sea wolf")

Classification: Nimitz-class supercarrier

Manufacturer: Newport News Shipbuilding

Lifetime: until 2025 (50 years)

Approximate cost: $ 4.5 billion when commissioned at 1975 prices (approximately 8.3 billion at 2007 prices)

Annual operating cost:$ 160 million

Home port: Naval Station Everett, 47 ° 59 ′ 33.54 ″ N, 122 ° 13 ′ 5.79 ″ W

Ship motto: Teamwork, a Tradition

TTX aircraft carrier Nimitz

Displacement: 98425 standard

Length: 317 m waterline
332.8 m maximum

Width: 40.8 m waterline
76.8 m longest

Draft: 11.3 m normal
12.5 m limit

Booking: secret information (thanks to whoever finds it!)

Engines: 2 nuclear reactors Westinghouse A4W
4 steam turbines, 4 propellers,

Power: 260,000 HP

FROMcrust: up to 31.5 knots (58.3 km / h)

Sailing range: not limited

Autonomy of work: 20-25 years old

Crew: Team: 3200 people
Air wing: 2,480 people



Air surveillance radar:
AN / SPS-48E
AN / SPS-49 (V) 5

Fire control radar:
4 × Mk 91 SAM Sea Sparrow
4 × Mk 95 SAM Sea Sparrow

Air traffic control radar:
AN / SPN-46
AN / SPN-43C

Landing control radar:
AN / SPN-41


Electronic warfare system
AN / SLQ-32A (V) 4

Anti-torpedo protection system
AN / SLQ-25A

Rocket 2x SAM Sea RAM
2x SAM Sea Sparrow
Air group up to 90 planes and helicopters
As of 2010:
55 F / A-18C and F / A-18E / F
4 EA-6B
4 E-2C
4 SH-60F
2 HH-60H

Strike Group of the aircraft carrier Nimitz

The aircraft carrier Nimitz is part of the 11th Carrier Strike Group Eleven (CSG-11) and carries the 11th Air Wing Eleven (CVW-11). Nimitz is the flagship of the battle group and the headquarters of the commander of the 23 Destroyer Squadron 23.

Ships of the DESRON-23 destroyer squadron

  • USS Curts (FFG 38)
  • USS Vandegrift (FFG 48)
  • USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53)
  • USS Pinckney (DDG 91)
  • USS Sampson (DDG 102)
  • USS William P. Lawrence (DDG-110)
  • USS Spruance (DDG-111)

Air wing squadrons CVW-11

  • 154th Strike Fighter Squadron 154, VFA-154 Black Knights, F / A-18F Super Hornets
  • 323rd Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 323, VMFA-323 Death Rattlers, F / A-18C Hornets
  • 146th Strike Fighter Squadron 146, VFA-146 Blue Diamonds, F / A-18C Hornets
  • 146th Strike Fighter Squadron 147, VFA-147 Argonauts, F / A-18E Super Hornets
  • 142nd EW Squadron (Electronic Attack Squadron 142, VAQ-142) "Gray Wolves", EA-6B Prowlers
  • 117 Squadron AWACS (Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 117, VAW-117) Wallbangers, E-2C Hawkeyes
  • 6th Sea Combat Helicopter Squadron (Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 6, HSC-6) "Screamin" Indians, MH-60S
  • 75th Naval Attack Helicopter Squadron (Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 75, HSM-75) "Wolf Pack", MH-60R
  • 3rd Section of the 30th Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 30 Detachment 3, VRC-30 "Providers", C-2A Greyhounds

Current events

12 November 2012 The aircraft carrier Nimitz, the 11th Aircraft Carrier Strike Group (CSG-11) and the 11th Air Wing (CVW-11) have successfully completed Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX), a foreign source said. These exercises were designed to test the group's ability to operate in a hostile and challenging environment with other US and coalition forces.

The integrated exercises combine separate war zones to prepare for the forthcoming deployment of a strike force.

“Nimitz, CSG-11 and CVW-11 have demonstrated tremendous resilience and competence in performing training tasks as an integrated force in JTFEX,” said Rear Admiral Pete Gumataotao, commander of the 11th Aircraft Carrier Strike Group. "After the integrated exercises, I am confident that we are now fully operational and ready to fight in order to quickly respond to any naval operation."

More than 8,000 sailors have worked together to improve their operational skills in preparation for the upcoming deployment. At the conclusion of the exercise, US 3rd Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Gerald Beaman confirmed 11th Aircraft Carrier Assault Group's readiness to carry out "critical combat operations" and to deploy. According to him, CSG-11 is capable of supporting any naval strategic mission of the US Navy before its deployment.

“I am extremely proud of the actions of the 11th Combat Group over the past two months of integrated and joint exercises,” said Rear Admiral Guamataotao. "We are ready to support US Navy missions anywhere, anytime."

The US 3rd Fleet leads naval forces in the East Pacific off the west coast of North America and is responsible for delivering realistic and meaningful exercises necessary for the global effectiveness of the US Navy.

November 23, 2012 another foreign source said that technical problems had been identified on the aircraft carrier Nimitz that would keep it off shore for at least two months.

Aside from scrutinizing the aging U.S. naval forces, Nimitz's powerplant problem will leave only one aircraft carrier in the Gulf, for the first time since December 2010.

With an estimated lifetime of 50 years, Nimitz is more than 10 years away from possible decommissioning. This lifespan is expected with regular maintenance and overhauls such as that performed at Nimitz in Bremerton, Washington in 2011.

The aircraft carrier spent more than a year in port for maintenance and returned to service in March 2012, and the extent of the powerplant malfunction following such an extensive overhaul is still subject to confirmation by the US Navy.

In the meantime, another Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN-69, will be weakened and will cover Nimitz's rotation in the Persian Gulf. It is already in this part of the world with the US 5th Fleet in Bahrain, but will be returned to its home port in Norfolk to renew the runway deck before going back.

The replacement schedule is part of the life of the US Navy, and crew members and their families struggle to keep it in mind as they go with the flow. But it is also a violation of the life schedule of each participant in these events, the source says.

Nimitz-class aircraft carrier device

May 25, 2005: USS Nimitz CVN-68 leads a group of ships of the US Navy and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forces in the Pacific Ocean

September 6, 2003: USS Nimitz CVN-68 in Indian Ocean, supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom

USS Nimitz CVN-68 in dry dock

2010 year:USS Nimitz CVN-68 based at the Coronado / San Diego Navy, California,32 ° 41 ′ 57 ″ N, 117 ° 12 ′ 55 ″ W ... Nearby -USS Ronald Reagan CVN-76

5 November 2012: Leisure of the aircraft carrierUSS Nimitz CVN-68, Pie in the Face competition. Impressions of the competition participants (officers):

"I was sent (to the competition) from my department to take care of him and represent him with dignity ... We had a good time. I was able to relax and be out of the work environment for a bit, change it."

"This event was a moral stimulant, giving sailors the opportunity to have fun with members of their work centers by smearing whipped cream on their faces ... This is good way relieve stress from sea trips and is not a form of ridicule. This is pure entertainment. "

01/15/2016 at 11:17 PM · Pavlofox · 11 730

Most large aircraft carriers in the world in service

Aircraft carriers are in the world. They amaze with their size and functionality. On the deck of such a ship, several dozen units of aircraft can be accommodated, among which there may be attack aircraft, fighters, anti-submarine aircraft, helicopters, etc. In addition, all modern offshore structures have a powerful power plant and can sail without refueling for several years.

At the moment, only 10 countries of the world have aircraft-carrying sea vessels in their composition. Most of them belong to the US Navy.

The TOP-10 includes the largest aircraft carriers in the world in service.

10. Chakri Narubet | 183 meters

“” (Thailand) - light aircraft carrier unlocks the ten largest ships in the world in service. It is also the smallest modern aircraft carrier. The main tasks of the Thai vessel are search and rescue operations and air support. The low combat capability of the ship is associated with a lack of funding and infrequent trips to the sea. The length of "Chakri Narubet" is 183 meters. The ship can accommodate over 600 crew members. Since the aircraft carrier is inactive most of the time, visiting tourists can visit it. In addition, “Chakri Narubet” is nicknamed as the largest royal yacht in the world, as during the outings to the sea, the royal family is often present on it.

9. Cavour | 244 meters

“” (Italy) - the largest aircraft carrier of the Italian Navy. It got its name in honor of the statesman of Italy Count K. Cavour. It was entered into the fleet in 2009. The length of the vessel is 244 meters. The deck accommodated 8 AV-8B "Harrier" aircraft and 12 helicopters. In addition to aircraft, it can accommodate more than 500 people, 24 tanks or 50 units of heavy combat vehicles.

8. Charles de Gaulle | 261 meters

“” (France) - a large aircraft carrier, part of the French Navy. "Charles de Gaulle" came to replace the outdated aircraft carriers of the "Clemenceau" class and is the most combat-ready aircraft carrier in the world, after the American "Nimitz" and the Russian "Admiral Kuznetsov". The vessel with a length of 261.5 meters is designed for 40 air units and more than 1,500 crew members, including the air group. The ship actively participated in military operations around the world, including the Afghan war against the Taliban in the 90s of the 20th century.

7. Sao Paulo | 265 meters away

“” (Brazil) - the only aircraft carrier of the Brazilian Navy. Until 2000, it belonged to France and belonged to the Clemenceau type of ships. Its former name is Foch. The length of the vessel is 265 meters. On board the "Sao Paulo" can accommodate over 1,500 people, including flight crews, as well as more than 30 aircraft. While still in the French Navy, the aircraft carrier took part in military operations in Bosnia, the Persian Gulf, Lebanon and others.

6. Vikramaditya | 283 meters

“” (India) - a large aircraft carrier in India, part of the Navy. Previously, a heavy aft-carrying cruiser belonged to Russia and was named Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet Gorshkov. The ship was completely modernized and transferred to the Indian Navy. The length of the vessel is 283.4 meters. On its deck, the Vikramaditya can carry up to 40 aircraft and more than 1,500 crew members.

5. Queen Elizabeth | 284 meters

Aircraft carriers of the type "" (England) are known under the code name CVF. British naval vessels are being built to replace Invisible-class aircraft carriers. Two ships are the largest ever built for the Royal Navy. It is planned that one of them will enter service this year, the other will be commissioned into the fleet only in 2018. The Queen Elizabeth deck, with an area of \u200b\u200b13,000 square meters, will be able to accommodate over 40 aircraft and helicopters. Aircraft will be able to simultaneously take off and land on the deck. The capacity for the crew is 1,500 people, including the air group. The length of the ship is 284 meters.

4. Liaoning | 304 meter

“” (China) is a Chinese aircraft carrier, which is the first and only one in the PLA Navy. It was built in the USSR and belonged to the aircraft carriers of the type "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov". In 2012 it was purchased by China and reconstructed. The size of the modernized vessel is 304.5 meters in length. The Liaoning deck can accommodate 40 aircraft and more than 2,000 people. The Navy uses the aircraft carrier mainly for the purpose of training pilots for subsequent service on the ship.

“” (Russia) is the only aircraft-carrying cruiser in the Russian Navy. It got its name in honor of Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsova. Unlike its domestic predecessors, the cruiser is able to provide takeoff and landing of aircraft. The flight deck area is over 14,000 square meters. The aircraft group of a ship can include up to 30 aircraft and 10 helicopters. The crew is designed for 2,000 people. The length of the aircraft carrier is 305.1 meters.

2. Nimitz | 332 meters

The "" type aircraft carriers (USA) are the largest warships in the world and are in service with the US Navy. A total of 10 such aircraft carriers were built. They are also the most expensive sea vessels: the cost of each is about $ 4.5 billion. On its deck, "Nimitz" is ready to receive up to 90 aircraft and helicopters - this is the maximum capacity indicator among the existing maritime transport. In addition, more than 5,000 crew members can be accommodated on board, including the air group. The length of one such offshore structure is 332.8 meters. Aircraft carriers are actively involved in military operations (Yugoslavia, Iraq), and also provide humanitarian support to countries affected by natural disasters (tsunami in Indonesia - 2004; earthquake in Haiti - 2010). The average service life of such a vessel is 50 years.

1. Gerald R. Ford | 337 meters away

»(USA) - the largest modern aircraft carrier, which has been under construction since 2009. The colossus is 337 meters long. It was planned that "Gerald Ford" will replace the giant "Enterprise". But the latter was already decommissioned in 2012. The operation of the new vessel is predicted to cost 4 billion less than the Enterprise due to a reduction in the number of crews. Modern aircraft carrier it will be able to accommodate about 4660 people. In 2013, the launching ceremony of the vessel took place. Introduction to composition american Navy scheduled for November this year. The aviation group will consist of more than 75 aircraft, helicopters and "unmanned aerial vehicles" (UAVs).

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