Top 10 largest aircraft carriers in the world. Russia will build "the world's largest" aircraft carrier to compete with the United States. The rating of the biggest aircraft carriers in the world in service

Modern shipbuilding is constantly developing in different directions. One of the main things is the creation of powerful, fast and maneuverable warships that will be equipped with the weapons of the last generation. The size of aircraft carriers and cruisers are affixed. The largest of them are the property of the army of the country, and some even became the relic of history.

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The United States planned to build five such ships, but due to the high costs ($ 450 million for each) from a large-scale project had to be refused. In 1961, a shock aircraft carrier with a nuclear power plant was released in its class.

Crew - 3325 people. Thanks to nuclear fuel, the ship has the opportunity without refueling to carry the service of 13 years and sailing during this time to one million miles. In the motion of this "monster" leads the power plant in eight A2W type reactors, with four turbines. With a scale of 342 meters in length and 78.5 width, it is placed on board a total weight of more than 2,500 tons. Aviation fuel supply of 10 million liters provides intensive aircraft flights within 12 days.

By perimeter, the housing has a double bottom with the separation of compartments by transverse bulkheads. Flights are carried out on a deck area of \u200b\u200b18.211 m2, which is equipped with four taking steam catapults. Thanks to them, every 15-20 seconds, aircraft can instantly climb into the air. To stop aircraft, an aerofinisher is provided in the form of stretched cables, but if for some reason it did not work, then the special rising emergency grid at the end of the site is able to stop the aircraft.

The number of air carriers on board up to 90 units with a personnel of 1800 people. During the service in US naval forces, Enterprises participated in one dozen operations, including hostilities in Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq and during the Caribbean crisis.

In the early 90s, the ship was upgraded in accordance with modern demands. In 2002, the power plant and the case of the hull was repaired.

Aircraft carrier - US Development. Began to build since 1968. The ship turned out to be large (length 333 meters, maximum width 78), reliable and most importantly, not as expensive as its predecessor - enterprises. Cost of manufacture different sources, came out about a few hundred million dollars. Therefore, it was decided to put a project on the flow and release in the total number of ten aircraft carriers. An individual number and name is assigned: No. 68 Nimits 1968, No. 69 Eisenhauer 1970s, No. 70 Winsle 1975, No. 71 Roosevelt 1981, No. 72 Lincoln 1984, No. 77 Bush 2003 and others.

Nimiz is not only a big, but also a heavy ship. Some ammunition is on board 1954 tons. Atomic power plant - two A4W nuclear reactors (total power of 260 thousand horsepower) and four diesel engines by 10,720 liters. from. Thus, the aircraft carrier can easily develop the speed of up to 30 knots, and without refueling to be swimming for ten years. To protect against enemy shells, the housing is sewn 64 millimeter Kevlar tissue.

The aircroup is divided into several zones: take-off and landing stripes, parking. Accordingly, each of them is equipped with special equipment. Thus, four steam catapults are installed on the runway to start aircraft.

To protect the vehicle body from reactive aviation exhaust, a barrier is provided, ventilated by supplying cold water directly from the side. Special cable brakes are installed on the landing lane and the most important thing is electronic devicehelpering in poor visibility conditions without the participation of the pilot land the aircraft on board. The automatic landing system is called ACLS. In the parking area, 86 combat aircraft are placed at the same time.

In case you need to reflect the attack on the aircraft carrier or strike directly with the regular guns, then a powerful weapon is located on board. These are the four anti-aircraft artillery complex "Volcano Falanx" 20 mm and three rocket plants "Si Spar". In the process of modernization, a three-pipe 324-mm torpedo tube was placed on the nimitz.

Manages the ship, and also supports it in a combat condition, the crew of 3200 people, the composition of the air group - 2480. For the vital activity of people in the hold, cabins are equipped, a dining room, a freezer for long storage of products.


The largest military submarines are in service with Russia. These are Nuclear Courts of Project No. 941 "Akula". Since it was planned to equip a new vessel with solid-fuel three-speed R-39 R-39 rockets that have impressive sizes, then the dimensions of the submarines must match. The developers were LPL "Rubin" Leningrad. After several years of construction, the launch of the work occurred in 1980.

In front of the side, depicted a shark, which personified power and maneuverability. Later she became a symbol of the ship's team and appeared on Chevron. From the planned 12 submarines, made half.


In order to reload the ammunition on the "Shark" submarine, I had to build a special electro-diesel transport ship "Alexander Brykin" with a displacement of 16 thousand tons.

The aircraft carrier made in the USSR has interesting story the buildings. Initially in 1979, the Engineering Bureau prepared sketches for the construction of a cruiser, they approved them by S. Gorshkov (commander at the time of the Navy), but subsequently a decision was made on the fundamental changes in the project. Thus, due to all delays in the design, the ship was set down to the water only in 1987.

Maximum displacement of 61390 tons, length 306 m, width 72 m, height 64.5 m. Like most warships that serve and take part in combat operations, the case must be additionally protected. Thus, at the Admiral Kuznetsov, there was a booking of high-strength steel, with a three-layer anti-pedoidal protection of 4.5 m, which is able to withstand the direct hit of the four hundred kilogram TNT projectile.

The powerful ship was equipped with the Besur navigation complex, the Mars Passat radar system, "Fregat Ma", "Podkat", "Vaigach" and "Resistor". For communication, Bius "Lesorb", "Buran 2", Gak "Polynom", Zvezda M1 gas and Reb complex "Constellation". As can be seen, the electronics ship is stuck to the teeth, well, but about weapons, there is still more serious here. On board the anti-aircraft artillery is located on 48 thousand shells, anti-submarine combat unit for 60 bombs. Rockets "Granite" 256 pcs., "Dagger" 192 pcs. Since, the ship is aviance, then on it simultaneously have the opportunity to be 50 aircraft and helicopters.

It leads to the movement of this military "Monster" a power plant consisting of four parroid turbines with a total capacity of 200 thousand horsepower and nine turbogenerators of 1500 kW. At the same time, the maximum speed vessel develops up to 54 km / h, and the autonomy of navigation is 45 days.

The aircraft carrier during the service in the Navy made six swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, and once visited North Atlantic. In 2000, it was involved in the operation to save the Kursk submarine. In 2016, it was necessary to participate in hostilities against military terrorist groups "Islamic State" and "Jebhat An-Nusra" on the lands of Syria. During the campaign from the ship, 420 flight aircraft departures were made, while 1252 terrorist objects are affected.

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Naval forces are one of the main components of the army of any power that has access to the sea and the oceans. Many empires, such as, for example, the United Kingdom, built their power due to a strong fleet that can respond to any threat for many thousands of kilometers from their native land.

Of course, modern warships are very different from their progenitors. The flagship of any flotilla is today is an aircraft carrier, which allows attacking and defending not only with the help of installed tools, but also placed on the decks of aircraft.

The presence of aircraft makes requirements for the size of ships. All aircraft carriers boast of impressive volumes, but some of them are allocated even on this background. In this article we will tell us just about such ships, and also answer the question: "What is the most large aircraft carrier in the world?".

First place - Enterprise (United States of America)

This ship is the first representative of aircraft carriers with a nuclear fuel engine. It was laid off on the water in 1961, but still remains the largest vessel in the world in its class. The cost of the construction of enterprise cost a state of 450 million dollars. The high price has become one of the reasons why this series of ships is limited only by one aircraft carrier, although it was originally planned to create several more such vessels.

The length of the ship is as 342 meters. It accommodates about 80 aircraft. The full crew of the aircraft carrier is more than three thousand people. Enterprise has 4 steam catapults. Half is placed in the front of the ship, and the second half is on the landing stripes. With the help of catapult, enterprises can lift one aircraft in the air for a quarter of minutes.

On the contrary, the aircroup landing is carried out with the help of Aerofinisher, which consists of four cables that are tensioning in a sublock room and help the work of special brake cylinders. In addition, there is a nylon grid on the aircraft carrier, which is capable of catching an aircraft in case of unforeseen circumstances, it will fly an aerofinisher position.

Second place - Nimitz (United States of America)

More modern American aircraft carrier who also has a powerful atomic engine. The first ship was lowered in 1975. The production lasted until 2009, when the last ship came to the service. During this time, 10 such ships were created. The length of the ship is 330 meters. These ships were actively used during several military conflicts, including in Yugoslavia and Iraq.

The cost of one ship is four and a half billion US dollars. The aircraft carrier transfers 66 ships of various purposes (48 of them - multipurpose fighters). The nuclear reactor, which is installed in the ship, allows it to work for about 25 years without replacement. A year for the maintenance of one aircraft carrier, the state spends about 160 million US dollars.

Nimitz can be operated for more than 50 years. To date, all 10 ships carry combat service.

Third place - Kitty Hawk (United States of America)

The aircraft carrier was lowered in 1955. Its length is 325 meters. These are the first ships of their class, not having a rich artillery arsenal, instead of which rocket complexes are installed. In addition, these are the last American aircraft carriers that nuclear reactors have not been installed. The aircraft carrier at the time of descent on the water had all the modern electronics and a hydrocarbon station. The last ship of this line (there were only four of them) was disabled in 2007.

Fourth place - Forrestol (United States of America)

Another American aircraft carrier belonging to the largest one. Its length is 320 meters. Forrestol was created for needs reactive aviation After the end of World War II, whose experience was taken into account when creating a ship. On the water, the first vessel line was lowered in 1955. Interestingly, this aircraft carrier among American sailors was considered unfortunate and received many mocked nicknames due to a larger number of accidents associated with fireflows on the ship. As a result, about 135 people died as a result of one of them.
The last ruler ship was disabled in 1993. It was sold at auction for one center, since the wishing to buy it was not, except for one single company.

Fifth place - John Kennedy (United States of America)

Having received his name in honor of the famous American president, this ship was lowered in 1968. Its length is 320 meters. This ship belongs to Kitty Hawk class. Just like other ships, he did not have a nuclear engine (although initially the installation was planned). Instead, gas turbine equipment was used.

Most of the time the aircraft carrier was located in the Mediterranean, performing various tasks there during the Cold War. The ship served for about 40 years and during that time several serious repairs have undergone. In a fleet, the ship was not as good as the most successful, since during operation survived several collisions.

The largest accident occurred in 1975 as a result of the collision of the ship with a cruiser, which was almost completely destroyed from the strike.
John Kennedy was removed from service in 2007, a whole ceremony was organized on its wires.
The aircraft carrier also became a movie star. It is he who is depicted in the film 2012 that fell on the white house.

Sixth place - Midwi (United States of America)

This is not only a major aircraft carrier produced in the year of completion of the Second World War, but also the first heavy aircraft carrier as part of the American Navy. The ship was operated for 50 years. During this time, he participated in several military operations of the country, including in Vietnamese and Iraq.

He left the Midvey service in 1992, and five years later, a huge fleet museum was created at his base. The length of the ship is 305 meters.

In addition, the vessel participated in the famous rescue operation during the end of the Vietnam War, when Vietkong captured the capital of South. In order to plant a plane loaded by refugees that saved from an imminent massacre and totalitarian regime, the aircraft carrier crew relied the helicopters into the water, which were on board, with a total cost of over 10 million dollars. This operation entered the US military glory pages.

Seventh place - Admiral Kuznetsov (USSR, Russian Federation)

The most powerful aviance ship in the USSR and in Russia. The ship was created in Nikolaev and received the name of the famous Soviet admiral. After the collapse of the USSR, he entered the Russian Navy. Today it serves as part northern Fleet. It has fighters and anti-submarine helicopters.

The ship was laid in 1982, and he was launched in 1985 on the water. It is interesting that at the time of the bookmark he was assigned the name "Riga", and at the time of the first descent - "Leonid Brezhnev". After the descent, work continued on the construction of a ship on the water. In 1989, the ship, even unfinished, entered the sea for testing with aircraft. In 1990, construction was completed, and the ship was renamed again.

Currently, he passes overhaul. Already in the summer of this year, the ship's campaign is planned to the Mediterranean Sea, most likely to the shores of the Syrian Arab Republic. Ship length - 300 meters.

Eighth place - Lexington (United States of America)

The oldest aircraft carrier in this list. There were two vessels of this type, both accepted active participation At the beginning (for the USA) of World War II. One of the aircraft carriers was destroyed in the spring of 1942 during heavy battles with the Japanese. The second ship, despite numerous damages, survived the war and was flooded after participating in the test of nuclear weapons in 1946.

Lexington was able to accommodate 63 aircraft. Most of the fighters, as well as intelligence aircraft. The aircraft carriers of this series appeared as a result of hot disputes between US military experts. At that time it was a conflict between two opinions about the future of naval battles. One part of the specialists advocated the creation of coastal airfields and powerful battleships, as it believed that the planes were not good enough in the destruction of ships. The other part insisted on the creation of powerful aircraft carriers, giving them a decisive role in future battles. As a result of the tests conducted with the help of trophy German courts, the second point of view defeated, and, which confirmed the second world War, quite reasonable.

Ninth place - Varyag (USSR, Ukraine, PRC)

Another long aircraft carrier belonging to the Soviet Union. The story of "Varyag" is indeed interest. Its construction began in Nikolaev in 1986. Two years later, he was already launched on the water, after which the work was continued on the water. After the USSR ceased to exist, the ship went to the Ukrainian Navy, but since then he has not been used, the cash infusion has ceased to it, and the necessary repair work was not carried out, so the ship slowly degraded.

As a result, Varyag was sold to a Chinese company for $ 20 million, which is much lower than its actual value. Buyers stated that they planned to create on its basis entertainment Center. However, the vessel was subsequently honored as a warship. He was renamed Liaoning and now successfully performs combat problems in the composition of the Chinese Navy.

Tenth place - Shinano (Japan)

The longest Japanese aircraft carrier of the Second World War. Initially, it was built as a battleship, but after the first serious defeat against the American fleet in 1941, the Japanese command decided to make a bet on aircraft carrier, seeing the advantage of American aircraft carriers on the water.

The vessel was completed in one year. At that time it was the most secure aircraft carrier. Especially well protected containers for the storage of aviation fuels, which, when the enemy projectile, could destroy the entire ship.

To date, there are a large number of giant aircraft carriers. The main requirement for the modern army is mobility. It is for this simple reason that there is nothing more effective aircraft carriers who can carry tens and a large number of people on their board. Let's consider with you the biggest aircraft carriers in the world. Some of them fulfill their function today, others have long been derived from operation and serve as museum exhibits.

The largest aircraft carrier type nimitz

It is safe to say that the Nimitz aircraft carriers are considered the largest in the world. With a length of 333 meters and the width of the flight deck more than 76 meters, these giants contain about 90 aircraft units. Among them are 64 fighter and 26 helicopters. The full crew of the aircraft carriers "Nimitz" is 3,200 people. From here you can allocate 2,800 flights of flights and 70 people team. Almost all ships have the same specifications, design solutions and weapons on board. It is impossible not to note the fact that the Nimitz aircraft carriers can work about 20 years without replacing the power carrier. Simply put, it can be sent for 20 years to long sailing. The first line of the line was lowered in 1975 and had the name "Nimitz".

More detailed description of the aircraft carriers of the Nimitz

Separate few words must be said about the ship's power installation. It consists of the main and auxiliary systems. The main includes two water reactors, each of which feeds 2 turbines. The peculiarity of the water reactor lies in the fact that he uses conventional water under pressure as a coolant and a retarder. Today in the world, such a view of the aircraft carriers is the most popular and efficient. If you fold the power of four turbines, the result is a device for 280,000 horsepower. Auxiliary installation is 4 diesel engines with a total capacity of 10,700 horsepower. These largest aircraft carriers in the world are equipped with weapons to protect against air opponents and underwater threats. In the first case, 3 anti-aircraft missile systems are installed, as well as 4 anti-aircraft caliber of 20 mm. To protect against torpedoes, there are two torpedo devices of a 324 mm caliber. Currently built 10 aircraft carriers "Nimitz", the last one of them is "George Bush", we will consider it now.

Aircraft carrier "George Bush" - the most powerful combat ship in the world

This ship is the latest development of the Nimitz project. It has a number of distinctive improvements that make it really unique. As you can understand, we called this aircraft carrier in honor of the 41st president of the United States of America - George began in 2003 and cost the US execution of almost $ 6.5 billion. In 2009, George Bush was officially adopted. To date, this is one of the largest and powerful aircraft carriers in the world. The length of the giant is 332.8 meters at a displacement of 110 thousand tons. It can develop speed up to 60 kilometers per hour and carry on its board 90 units of combat technology. Many call it a modern "Noah Ark". Due to the fact that the designers managed to shift the cut and antennas to the edge of the deck, it turned out to be somewhat expanding the take-off strip, which is very important for the ship of such an appointment. Well, now let's consider other largest aircraft carriers in the world, because there are quite a lot of them.

About Enterprise in details

Of course, it is impossible not to mention the longest ship in the world, which was laid on the water more than half a century ago. This is the world's first atomic aircraft carrier with a crew of almost 5,000 people and a length of 342 meters. The government planned to release 6 Enterprise ships, but after the first cost $ 450 million and significantly influenced the treasury of the United States, they refused the rest. For many years, it was said that Enterprise is the peak of the military development of the army. During the service, the aircraft carrier visited many conflicts, ranging from Vietnam and finishing North Korea. For 52 years of operation, more than 100,000 people served at Enterprise, so we can safely say that this ship is worthy of attention. In 2012 he was written off and still disassembled on scrap metal, the process plan to complete by the beginning of 2015.

Sad History "Sinano"

If this Japanese vessel cannot be called something ingenious from the design point of view, then the giants can be attributed without a branch of conscience. During the fulfillment of his first task, this cruiser sank, it happened back in 1944. The length of the ship was about 266 meters, and the displacement of almost 70 thousand tons. But the active conduct of hostilities did not allow the designs of 100% to complete the ship, so it was released on the water and sank after 17 hours after leaving the port. It was torpedible and since the waterproof partitions were initially installed incorrectly, and the team had no experience, then after 7 hours after the torpedo hit was on the day.

Great "Admiral Kuznetsov"

Among Europe and Asia, there is a ship, named after Admiral of the Sea Fleet Admiral Kuznetsov, who is one of the largest and most powerful. Develop this giant began in 1982 in the city of Nikolaev. Judging by technical characteristics, "Admiral Kuznetsov" was supposed to become an advanced aircraft carrier. The deck of the ship was somewhat elongated for the possibility of take-off SU-25 and Su-27 fighters. It is noteworthy that it was on this cruiser for the first time an optical system "Moon" and the side lifts of fighters were applied. The length of the ship is 302 meters, and 25 helicopters and as many aircraft are placed on its board. If you call the most ambitious aircraft carriers of the world from the point of view of weapons and radar equipment, then "Admiral Kuznetsov" will be among the leaders. It has 12 launchers "Granite", 8 installations "Cort", 6 artillery installations AK-630M and 4 installations "Dagger". Such a large amount of weapons, as well as a huge slender allows the ship to lead a continuous fire for a long time. To date, this actual ship is a complete replacement of SU-33 fighters on MiG-29K, in 2015 it is planned to overhaul.

History of Cruiser "Varyag"

We have already listed many of the largest aircraft carriers in the world, but it is worth mentioning about the ship called "Varyag", or Liaoning. He began to build in Nikolaev in 1986, and finished in 1988. After decay Soviet Union The cruiser went to Ukraine. Until 1998, he was only supported for afloat and did not invest in development, repairs, etc. It was later decided to sell the aircraft carrier for only $ 20 million, which was just a funny price. Its length is 304 meters when dismisted in 60 thousand tons. The Chinese private firm who bought the "Varyag" was completed and modernized him, so he still swims and successfully fulfills the tasks.


So we reviewed with you the most famous aircraft carriers around the world. Of course, what was said about, it is only a "drop in the sea." There are still such famous ships as "Theodore Roosevelt" with a length of 317 meters long, Ronald Reagan is 332 meters and others. Almost every modern country is trying to build as a powerful fleet as possible. Many acting aircraft carriers of the world can accommodate a small army on board a small army from aircraft and helicopters that are ready for takeoff at any moment.

In this review, I would like to talk about one of the mandatory attributes of military superpowers - aircraft carriers. Have such in his arsenal - the status, though completely not at all, the task.

Currently there are only 10 countries, in which aircraft carriers are in the Navy. In total, there are 22 acting aircraft carriers (21, except for not used American enterprises and still not transferred to India Vikramooty).

The urgent first place in the number of aircraft carriers are occupied by the United States. This country boasts 11 ships in service.

The second place with 2 aircraft carriers in the system each divide Italy and Spain.

The third place is occupied by a group of countries at the disposal of which, at the moment, there are 1 aircraft carriers. It is Russia, China, Brazil, France, Thailand, India (in the near future will join the second group with 2 aircraft carriers) and the United Kingdom.

Given the relatively small number of operating aircraft carriers, we give their list, in order to commission:

  1. Enterprise, USA (not used since December 2012, must be written off in March 2013)
  2. Nimitz, USA
  3. , USA
  4. Karl Vinson, USA
  5. Hellastries, United Kingdom
  6. Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italy
  7. Theodore Roosevelt, USA
  8. Viraate, India
  9. Prince Asturian, Spain
  10. Abraham Lincoln, USA
  11. Admiral Kuznetsov, Russia
  12. George Washington, USA
  13. John Stennis, USA
  14. Harry Truman, USA
  15. Chakri Narrow, Thailand
  16. Sao Paulo, Brazil
  17. Charles de Goll, France
  18. Ronald Reagan, United States
  19. Count Cavur, Italy
  20. George Bush, USA
  21. Juan Carlos, Spain
  22. Liaoning, PRC
  23. Vikramooty, India (not yet handed)

We are starting our series of publications from the US Navy's atomic aircraft carrier - the oldest aircraft carrier from the current.

Aircraft carrier Nimiz Navy USA

Aircraft carrier Nimitz (USS Nimitz (CVN-68)) was laid back in 1968, launched in 1972 and put into operation in 1975. Named in honor of Chester William Nimitsa - Admiral Fleet, commander-in-chief of the Pacific US Fleet during World War II, a person who has signed on September 2, 1945 on the surrender of Japan on behalf of the United States.

"Nimitz" participated in the operations "Orlin Claw", "Storm in the Desert" and in the war in Iraq. Provided the security of the Olympic Games in Seoul in 1988.

The aircraft carriers of the "Nimitz" were the largest military ships produced in the 20th century.

Name: USS Nimitz (CVN-68)

Nickname: Old Salt (craft sailor, "Sea Wolf")

Classification: Super-like "Nimitz"

Manufacturer: NewPort News Shipbuilding

Lifetime: until 2025 (50 years)

Nearby cost: 4.5 billion dollars when commissioning at 1975 (approximately 8.3 billion in 2007 prices)

The cost of annual operation:160 million dollars

Port of registry: Naval Station Everett, 47 ° 59 '33.54 "N, 122 ° 13' 5.79" W

Ship motto: Teamwork, A Tradition (Command Work - Tradition)

TTX aircraft carrier Nimitz

Displacement: 98425 Standard

Length: 317 m on Waterlinia
332.8 m Major

Width: 40.8 m on Waterlinia
76.8 m Major

Draft: 11.3 m normal
12.5 m limit

Booking: Secret Information (Who will find - Thank you!)

Engines: 2 Westinghouse A4W Nuclear Reactor
4 steam turbines, 4 drivers,

Power: 260000 hp

FROMbACK: up to 31.5 knots (58.3 km / h)

Swim range: not limited

Autonomy of work: 20-25 years old

Crew: Team: 3200 people
Avicrylo: 2480 people



Air Review radar:
AN / SPS-48E
AN / SPS-49 (V) 5

Radar control fire:

Air traffic control radar:
AN / SPN-46
AN / SPN-43C

RLS landing management:
AN / SPN-41


Reb system
AN / SLQ-32A (V) 4

System of anti-detver protection
AN / SLQ-25A

Rocket 2x SEA RAM SPC
AviaGroup up to 90 aircraft and helicopters
As of 2010:
55 F / A-18C and F / A-18E / F
4 EA-6B
4 E-2C
4 sh-60f
2 HH-60H

Aircraft carrier shock group Nimitz

The aircraft carrier Nimitz is part of the 11th shock aircraft carrier (Carrier Strike Group Eleven, CSG-11), on board it is located 11th Aviacryla (Carrier Air Wing Eleven, CVW-11). Nimitz is the flagship of the fighting group and the headquarters of the 23rd squadron of the destroyer (Destroyer Squadron 23).

Ships Squaders Desron-23

  • USS Curts (FFG 38)
  • USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53)
  • USS William P. Lawrence (DDG-110)

Squadron Aviacryl CVW-11

  • 154th Squadron of Percussion Fighters (Strike Fighter Squadron 154, VFA-154) "Black Knights" (Black Knights), F / A-18F Super Hornets
  • 323th Squadron of Sea Fighters (Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 323, VMFA-323) "Death Rattlers), F / A-18C Hornets
  • 146th Squadron of Percussion Fighters (Strike Fighter Squadron 146, VFA-146) "Blue Diamonds" (Blue Diamonds), F / A-18C Hornets
  • 146th Squadron of Percussion Fighters (Strike Fighter Squadron 147, VFA-147) "Argonauts" (Argonauts), F / A-18E Super Hornets
  • 142nd Rab Squadron (Electronic Attack Squadron 142, VAQ-142) "Gray Wolves" (Gray Wolves), EA-6B ProWlers
  • 117th Squadron Dero (Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 117, VAW-117) "Wallbrangers" (Wallbangers), E-2c Hawkeyes
  • 6th sea squadron of combat helicopters (Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 6, HSC-6) "Screaming Indians" (Screamin "Indians), MH-60S
  • 75th Sea Shock Helicopter Squadron (Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 75, HSM-75) "Wolf Pack" (Wolf Pack), MH-60R
  • 3rd Department of the 30th Auxiliary Truck Squadron Fleet (Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 30 Detachment 3, VRC-30) "Suppliers" (providers), C-2a Greyhounds

Current events

November 12, 2012 Aircraft carrier Nimitz, 11th Impact aircraft carrier (CSG-11) and 11th Aviakrew (CVW-11) successfully completed joint teachings (Joint Task Force Exercise, JTFEX), reports a foreign source. These teachings were aimed at checking the ability of the group to act in a hostile and complex setting together with other forces of the United States and Coalition.

Integrated teachings combine certain military zones in order to prepare the upcoming deployment of the shock group.

"Nimitz, CSG-11 and CVW-11 demonstrated huge stability and competence when performing task As an integrated force on JTFEX teachings, "said the commander of the 11th shock aircraft carrier counter-admiral Pit Gumataoto (Pete Gumataotao)." After integrated teachings, I am sure that we are currently completely combed and ready for battle in order to quickly. respond to any maritime operation. "

More than 8,000 sailors worked together to improve their operational skills in preparing for the upcoming deployment. Upon completion of the exercises, commander of the 3rd US Flot, Vice Admiral Gerald Benman (Gerald Beaman) confirmed the readiness of the 11th shock aircraft carrier to perform the "most important combat operations" and to deployment. According to him, CSG-11 is able to support any naval strategic mission of the US Navy and before its deployment.

"I am extremely proud of the actions of the 11th Combat Group over the past two months of integrated and joint exercises," said Council Admiral Guamataoto. "We are ready for the support of the US Navy missions anywhere, at any time."

The 3rd US Fleet leads sea forces in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean from the West Coast of North America and is responsible for carrying out realistic and significant exercises necessary for the global effectiveness of the US Navy.

November 23, 2012 Another foreign source said that at the aircraft carrier Nimitz, technical problems were established, which will keep it at the shore at least for two months.

In addition to careful testing of the US aging naval forces, because of the problem of Nimitsa with a power plant in the Persian Gulf will remain only one aircraft carrier, for the first time since December 2010.

With the estimated duration of service life of 50 years, Nimitz is in more than 10 years from the possible output of their operation. This duration of the service life is expected to regularly maintain and capital repairs like the Nimice in Bremerton, Washington in 2011.

The aircraft carrier spent more than a year in the port of maintenance and returned to service in March 2012, and the degree of malfunction of the power plant after such an extensive overhaul still subject to confirmation of the US Navy.

In the meantime, another Nimitz aircraft carrier - Dwight Eisenhower (USS Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN-69) will be weakened and will cover the rotation of the nimitsa in the Persian Gulf. It is already in this part of the world with the 5th US Flot in Bahrain, but will be returned to his position to Norfolk to update the coverage of the runway before falling on the reverse course.

The replacement schedule is part of the life of the US Navy, crew members and their families try to remember this by following this. But this is also a violation of the life schedule of each participant of these events, the source reports.

Nimitz aircraft carrier device

May 25, 2005: USS Nimitz CVN-68 aircraft carrier leads to a group of US Navy and the Marine Self-Defense Forces in the Pacific Ocean

September 6, 2003: USS Nimitz CVN-68 in the Indian Ocean, support for Iraqi Freedom operation

USS Nimitz CVN-68 in a dry dock

2010:USS Nimitz CVN-68 based on the Navy Koronado / San Diego, California,32 ° 41 '57 "N, 117 ° 12' 55" W . Nearby -USS Ronald Reagan CVN-76

November 5, 2012: Armchair crew leisureUSS Nimitz CVN-68, Competition "Pie face". Impressions of the participants of the competition (officers):

"I was sent (for competitions) from my branch to take care of him and represent it worthily ... We had a good time. I was able to relax and stay a little outside the work environment, change it."

"This event was a moral stimulant, giving sailors the opportunity to enjoy members of their working centers, smeared whipped cream on their persons ... it good way Remove stress from marine trips and is not a form of ridicule. This entertainment is in its pure form. "

01/15/2016 at 23:17 · Pavlofox. · 11 730

The largest aircraft carriers in the world in service

Aircraft carriers are in the world. They are affected by their size and functionality. On the deck of such a ship can accommodate several dozen units of aircraft, among which there may be attack aircraft, fighters, anti-submarine airplanes, helicopters, etc. In addition, all modern marine facilities have a powerful energy installation and can make sailing without refueling over several years.

To date, only 10 countries of the world have in their composition Avianeishing sea vessels. Most of them belongs to the US Navy.

The top 10 includes the largest aircraft carriers in the world in service.

10. Chakri Norbituet | 183 meters

"" (Thailand) - Light aircraft carrier opens the top ten largest ships in the world in service. He is the most small modern aircraft carrier. The main tasks of the Thai vessel are search and rescue operations and providing air support. The low combat capability of the ship is associated with the lack of financing and infrequent yields in the sea. The length of the "chakri norboat" is 183 meters. The ship can accommodate more than 600 crew members. Since the aircraft carrier is inactive most of the time, visitors can visit him. In addition, the "Chakri Northern" is nicknamed as the largest royal yacht in the world, as the royal family is very often present during the years.

9. Cavour | 244 meters

"" (Italy) is the largest aircraft carrier of the Italian Navy. I received my name in honor of the statesman of Italy Count K. Kavura. It was introduced into the fleet in 2009. The length of the vessel is 244 meters. On the deck there are 8 aircraft AV-8B Harrier and 12 helicopters. In addition to aircraft, more than 500 people, 24 tanks or 50 units of heavy combat vehicles can accommodate here.

8. Charles de Gol | 261 meters

"" (France) is a major aircraft carrier, which is part of the VMS of France. "Charles de Gol" came to replace with obsolete aircraft carriers of the "Clemanso" type and is the most efficient Avealesive ship in the world, after the American "Nimitsa" and the Russian "Admiral Kuznetsov". The vessel with a length of 261.5 meters is intended for 40 air units and more than 1,500 crew members, including the airgroup. The ship actively participated in military operations worldwide, including the Afghan war against Taliban in the 90s of the 20th century.

7. São Paulo | 265 meters

"" (Brazil) is the only aircraft carrier of the Navy Brazil. Until 2000 belonged to France and belonged to the type of ships "Clemanso". His former name is "FOSH". The length of the vessel is 265 meters. On board "Sao Paulo" is able to accommodate over 1500 people, including a flight and technical composition, as well as more than 30 aircraft. Being still as part of the Navy France, the aircraft carrier participated in military operations held in Bosnia, Persian Gulf, Lebanon and others.

6. Vikramamiya | 283 meters

"" (India) is a major aircraft carrier of India, which is part of the Navy. Previously, a heavy anaean cruiser belonged to Russia and wore the name "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union of Gorshkov." The ship was fully modernized and transferred to the Indian Navy. The length of the vessel is 283.4 meters. At its deck "Vikramamy" can transport up to 40 aircraft and more than 1,500 crew members.

5. Queen Elizabeth | 284 meters

Aircraft carriers of the type "" (England) are known under the CVF codename name. British sea vessels are built to replace aircraft carriers of the type "information". Two ships are the largest of all that were built for the Royal Fleet. It is planned that one of them will be commissioned this year, the other will be introduced into the fleet only in 2018. On the deck of "Queen Elizabeth", the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 13,000 sq.m., will be able to accommodate over 40 aircraft and helicopters. Air cars can simultaneously take off and land on the deck. The capacity for the crew is 1500 people, including the aircraft. The length of the maritime vessel is 284 meters.

4. Liaoning | 304 meters

"" (China) is a Chinese aircraft carrier, which is the first and only of NAAK Navy as part of the Navy. It was built in the USSR and belonged to the aircraft carriers of the "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov". In 2012, China was bought and reconstructed. The size of the modernized vessel is 304.5 meters in length. On the deck of "Liaonina" can accommodate 40 units of aircraft and more than 2,000 people. The Navy uses the aircraft carrier mainly in order to train pilots for subsequent service on the ship.

"" (Russia) is the only aviance cruiser As part of the Navy of Russia. I received my name in honor of the Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsova. Unlike its domestic predecessors, the cruiser is able to provide takeoff and landing aircraft. The area of \u200b\u200bthe flight deck is more than 14,000 square meters. The aircraft group may include up to 30 aircraft and 10 helicopters. The composition of the crew is designed for 2000 people. The length of the aircraft carrier is 305.1 meters.

2. Nimitz | 332 meters

Aircraft carriers like "" (USA) are the largest military ships in the world in the world in service with US naval forces. A total of 10 such aircraft carriers were built. It is also the most expensive sea vessels: the cost of each is about 4.5 billion dollars. At its deck "Nimitz" is ready to take up to 90 aircraft and helicopters - this is the maximum index of the capacity among the existing maritime transport. In addition, on board can accommodate more than 5,000 crew members, including the airgroup. The length of one such marine structure is 332.8 meters. The aircraft carriers are actively involved in military operations (Yugoslavia, Iraq), and also provide humanitarian support to affected countries from natural disasters (Tsunami in Indonesia - 2004; Gaiti earthquake - 2010). The average life of such a vessel is 50 years.

1. Gerald R. Ford | 337 meters

"(USA) is the most huge modern aircraft carrier whose construction is conducted since 2009. Mahina size is 337 meters long. It was planned that "Gerald Ford" will come to replace the Giant "Enterprise". But the latter was already removed from the composition in 2012. Operation of the new forecast ship must do with a 4-billion cheaper than "enterprise" due to the reduction of the crew. Modern aircraft carrier can accommodate about 4660 people. In 2013, the shutter ceremony was held for water. The introduction of the American fleet is planned in November of this year. The aviation group will make more than 75 aircraft, helicopters and "drone" (CAP).

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