American transport helicopter with two propellers. USA helicopters. Fighting vehicle with reinforced armor protection

Helicopters of Russia and the world video, photos, pictures watch online occupy an important place in common system the national economy and the Armed Forces, honorably fulfilling the civil and military tasks assigned to them. According to the figurative expression of the outstanding Soviet scientist and designer ML. Mil, "our country itself is, as it were," designed "for helicopters." Without them, the development of the endless and impassable spaces of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East is unthinkable. Helicopters have become a familiar element of the landscape of our grandiose construction projects. They are widely used as a vehicle in agriculture, construction, rescue service, military affairs. When performing a number of operations, helicopters are simply irreplaceable. Who knows, the health of how many people was rescued by the crews of the helicopters who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The lives of thousands of Soviet soldiers were saved by combat "turntables" in Afghanistan.

Russian helicopters, before becoming one of the main modern transport, technological and military means, helicopters have passed a long and not always smooth path of development. The idea of \u200b\u200blifting into the air with the help of a main rotor originated in mankind almost earlier than the idea of \u200b\u200bflying on a fixed wing. In the early stages of the history of aviation and aeronautics, the creation of lift by "screwing into the air" was more popular than other methods. This explains the abundance of rotary-wing projects aircraft in the XIX - early XX centuries. Only four years separate the flight of the Wright brothers' plane (1903) from the first ascent of a man into the air in a helicopter (1907).

The best helicopters were used by scientists and inventors, they hesitated for a long time which way to give preference. However, by the end of the first decade of the XX century. less energy-intensive and simpler in terms of aerodynamics, dynamics and strength, the aircraft took the lead. His successes were impressive. It took almost 30 years before the creators of helicopters finally managed to make their vehicles operational. Already during the Second World War, helicopters went into mass production and began to be used. At the end of the war, the so-called "helicopter boom" arose. Numerous firms began to build samples of new promising technology, but not all attempts were crowned with success.

Combat helicopters of Russia and the USA It was still more difficult to build than an aircraft of a similar class. Military and civilian customers were in no hurry to put aviation equipment of a new type in a row with the already familiar aircraft. Only the effective use of helicopters by the Americans in the early 50s. in the war in Korea convinced a number of military leaders, including Soviet ones, of the advisability of using this aircraft by the armed forces. However, many, as before, continued to consider the helicopter "a temporary error of aviation." It took more than ten years until the helicopters finally proved their exclusivity and indispensability in performing a number of military missions.

Russian helicopters played an important role in the creation and development of Russian and Soviet scientists, designers and inventors. Their significance is so great that it even gave rise to one of the founders of the Russian helicopter industry, academician B.N. Yuryeva consider our state "the homeland of helicopters." This statement, of course, is too categorical, but our helicopter pilots have something to be proud of. These are the scientific works of the school of N.E. Zhukovsky in the pre-revolutionary period and the impressive flights of the TsAGI 1-EA helicopter in the pre-war years, the records of the post-war Mi-4, Mi-6, Mi-12, Mi-24 helicopters and the unique Ka helicopter family of coaxial design, modern Mi-26 and Ka -32 and much, much more.

The new Russian helicopter is relatively well covered in books and articles. Shortly before his death, B.N. Yuriev began writing the fundamental work "History of Helicopters", but managed to prepare only the chapters concerning his own work in 1908-1914. It should be noted that insufficient attention to the history of such an aviation industry as helicopter construction is also characteristic of foreign researchers.

Russian military helicopters in a new way illuminating the history of the development of helicopters and their theory in pre-revolutionary Russia, the contribution of domestic scientists and inventors to the world development process of this type of technology. Review of pre-revolutionary domestic works on rotary-wing aircraft, including previously unknown ones, as well as their analysis were given in the corresponding chapter in the book "Aviation in Russia", prepared for publication in 1988 by TsAGI. However, its small volume significantly limited the size of the information provided.

Civilian helicopters in their finest colors. An attempt has been made to cover as fully and comprehensively as possible the activities of domestic helicopter industry enthusiasts. Therefore, the activities of leading domestic scientists and designers are described, and projects and proposals are also considered, the authors of which were significantly inferior to them in their knowledge, but the contribution of which could not be ignored. Moreover, in some projects, which generally differed relatively high level elaboration, there are also interesting proposals and ideas.

The name of the helicopters marked significant qualitative changes in this type of technology. These events are the beginning of the constant and systematic development of helicopter projects; construction of the first full-scale helicopters capable of taking off from the ground, and the beginning of serial production and practical use of helicopters. This book tells about the early stages of the history of helicopter construction: from the birth of the idea of \u200b\u200blifting into the air by means of a propeller to the creation of the first helicopters capable of taking off from the ground. A helicopter, unlike an airplane, a flapper and a rocket, has no direct prototypes in nature. However, the screw with which the lift helicopter, has been known since ancient times.

Small helicopters Despite the fact that propellers were known and there were empirical prototypes of helicopters, the idea of \u200b\u200busing a main rotor for lifting into the air did not spread until the end of the 18th century. All the projects of rotary-wing vehicles developed at that time remained unknown and were discovered in the archives many centuries later. As a rule, information about the development of such projects has been preserved in the archives of the most prominent scientists of their time, such as Go Hong, L. da Vinci, R. Guk, M.V. Lomonosov, who in 1754 created the "airfield machine".

Private helicopters literally dozens of new designs were created in a short time. It was a competition of the most varied schemes and forms, as a rule, "one- or two-seater vehicles, which had mainly experimental purposes. The natural customer of this expensive and complex technology was the military departments. The first helicopters in different countries received the appointment of liaison and reconnaissance military vehicles. In the development of helicopters, as in many other areas of technology, it is possible to clearly distinguish two lines of development - but the dimensions of machines, that is, the quantitative and almost simultaneously emerged line of development of the qualitative improvement of aircraft within a certain size or weight category.

A site about helicopters which contains the most complete description. Whether the helicopter is used for geological exploration, agricultural work or for the transportation of passengers - the cost of an hour of operation of the helicopter plays a decisive role. A large share of it is depreciation, that is, the price divided by its service life. The latter is determined by the resource of the units, g, that is, their service life. The problem of increasing the fatigue strength of blades, shafts and transmissions, rotor hubs and other helicopter assemblies has become a paramount task that still occupies helicopter designers. At the present time, the resource of 1000 hours is no longer a rarity for a serial helicopter and there is no reason to doubt its further increase.

Modern helicopter combat capabilities comparison authentic video preserved. Found in some publications, its image is an approximate reconstruction, and not in all indisputable, carried out in 1947 by N.I. Kamov. However, on the basis of the above archival documents, a number of conclusions can be drawn. Judging by the method of testing (suspension on blocks), the "airfield vehicle" was undoubtedly a vertical take-off and landing apparatus. Of the two methods of vertical lift known at the time - by flapping wings or by means of a main rotor - the first seems unlikely. The minutes said the wings moved horizontally. In most flies, they are known to move in a vertical plane. A flywheel, whose wings oscillate in a horizontal plane with an installation angle that changes cyclically, despite repeated attempts, has not yet been built.

The best helicopter design is always forward-looking. However, in order to more clearly imagine the possibilities of further development of helicopters, it is useful to try to understand the main directions of their development from past experience. What is interesting here, of course, is not the prehistory of helicopter construction, which we will only briefly mention, but its history from the moment when the helicopter as a new type of aircraft became already suitable for practical use. The first mentions of an apparatus with a vertical propeller - a helicopter are contained in the records of Leonardo da Vinci, dating back to 1483. The first stage of development stretches from the model of a helicopter created by MV Lomonosov in 1754, through a long series of projects, models and even built-in-nature vehicles , which were not destined to take off, until the construction of the world's first helicopter, which in 1907 managed to get off the ground.

The fastest helicopter in the outline of this machine, we learn a schematic diagram of the most common single-rotor helicopters now in the world. B.I.Yurev managed to return to this work only in 1925. In 1932, a group of engineers headed by A.M. Cheremukhitsnch built a TsAGI 1-EA helicopter, which reached an altitude of 600 m and held out in the air 18 m / sh which was an outstanding achievement for that time. Suffice it to say that the official flight altitude record, set 3 years later on the new coaxial Breguet helicopter, was only 180 m.At this time, there was a pause in the development of helicopters (helicopters). A new branch of rotary-wing vehicles - autogyros - has come to the fore.

The new Russian helicopter, with a greater load on the wing area, came face to face with the then new problem of a spin, a loss of speed. It turned out to be easier to create a safe and quite perfect gyroplane than to build a helicopter-helicopter. The main rotor rotating freely from the incoming flow eliminated the need for complex gearboxes and transmissions. The hinged fastening of the rotor blades to the hub used on gyroplanes provided them with much greater strength, and stability for the gyroplane. Finally, stopping the engine ceased to be dangerous, as it was with the first helicopters: the autogyro autorotting easily made a landing at a low speed.

Large helicopters for the landing of marines from ships determined the further development of military helicopter construction as transport and landing. The S-55 helicopter landing at Incheon during the Korean War (1951) confirmed this trend. The size range of transport and landing helicopters began to be determined by the dimensions and weight of ground vehicleused by the troops and which had to be airlifted The point is "" in conventional armament, mainly artillery, transported by tractors, weighing close to the weight of the tractors themselves. Therefore, the carrying capacity of the first transport helicopters in foreign armies was 1200-1600 kg (the weight of a light military vehicle used as a tractor and corresponding weapons).

USSR helicopters correspond to the weight of light and medium tanks or the corresponding self-propelled chassis. Whether this line of development will be completed in such a number of dimensions depends on the constantly changing military doctrine. Artillery systems are largely replaced by missiles, therefore, we find requirements for the foreign press. The capacities did not lead to an increase in the payload. Indeed, but at the technical level of that time, the weight of screws, gearboxes to the entire apparatus as a whole increased with increasing power faster than the lifting force increased. However, when creating a new useful and, all the more, new for the national economic application, the designer cannot put up with a decrease in the achieved level of weight efficiency.

Soviet helicopters, the first samples, were created in a relatively short time, since the specific gravity of piston engines always decreased with increasing power. But in 1953, after the creation of a 13-ton Sikorsky S-56 helicopter with two piston engines of 2300 hp. with the size range of helicopters on the Zapala was interrupted and only in the USSR, using turboprop engines. In the mid-fifties, the reliability of helicopters became much higher, therefore, the possibilities of their use in the national economy expanded. Economic issues have come to the fore.

Who is interested in the topic of Aviation, can remember ours And today I saw on the Internet disputes and discussions of the Indian tender between "Chinook" and Mi-26 and decided to take a closer look at it. And then we'll look at our Mi-26, compare and find out what is the reason for such a decision or such a message in the media :-)

Boeing CH-47 "Chinook" (English Boeing CH-47 Chinook) - American heavy military transport helicopter longitudinal scheme. In March 1959, the command of the US Army, having considered proposals from five American helicopter companies, chose the Boeing Vertol Model 114 as the most suitable for the requirements for a promising

army transport helicopter. It must be all-weather, have a rear cargo hatch, lift up to 1814 kg of cargo in the cabin or up to 7258 kg on external sling, take on board at least 40 paratroopers in full gear and with weapons, be able to carry any of the elements of the Martin Marietta Pershing missile system and also be adapted for the evacuation of the wounded.

In June 1959, a contract was issued for the assembly of five pre-production YHC-1Bs, which were renamed YCH-47A Chinook after entering the army.

The Model 114 was actually an enlarged and more powerful version of the Model 107 helicopter designed by the same company, differing in a four-point instead of a tricycle landing gear, completely sealed along the entire length of the lower fuselage and the presence of sagging on both sides - due to this, it was possible to ensure the buoyancy of the machine and the possibility of landing and take off from the water surface.

The first YHC-1B took off on September 21, 1961, by which time the development company had already received the first contract for the supply of a batch of serial CH-47A.

Two Lycoming T55-L-5 engines with a capacity of 2200 hp were chosen as the power plant. s, later replaced by the T55-L-7 with a capacity of 2650 liters. from. Delivery of the CH-47A began in August 1962, with a total of 354 helicopters ordered.

To date, a whole family of Chinook helicopters has been developed and built on the basis of the basic model. The first of these was the CH-47B, which featured two T55-L-7C engines with a capacity of 2850 hp. with rotor blades with an increased chord and improved profile, as well as having a number of other improvements. The first of the two prototypes took off in October 1966, and deliveries began on May 10, 1967. A total of 108 helicopters of this modification were delivered.

The next member of the family was the CH-47C (export designation Model 234 or Model 414), which had 3750 hp T55-L-1 1A engines. s, reinforced transmission and increased fuel capacity. The first aircraft took off on October 14, 1967; deliveries to the customer began in early 1968. 270 of these helicopters were delivered, of which 182 were later upgraded by installing a more damage-resistant fuel system and composite rotor blades. Nine of these machines were built by order of the Canadian Armed Forces and received the designation CH-147 (deliveries began in September 1974).

During the Vietnam War, four ACH-47A were fired, which were CH-47A with armor for the cockpit and vital parts of the helicopter, as well as an armament system from a 40-mm M5 automatic grenade launcher mounted in the bow on a rotating turret and placed on pylons 20 mm cannon and 7.62 mm machine gun or block for 19 unguided missiles. In addition, in the cockpit - along the sides and in the rear - there were five turrets with 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine guns. Three of these helicopters were actively used in the interests of the special operations forces in Vietnam, but the program did not receive further development.

Helicopters of the Chinook family are still the main ones in the American Army, and the helicopters of the CH-47A, CH-47B and CH-47C modifications that were in service have been repeatedly upgraded. In particular, within the framework of one of the programs developed to increase the resource and carrying capacity of these helicopters, one of the machines of all three modifications was subjected to overhaul and modernization - they became prototypes of the new CH-47D modification. The first of three prototypes took off on May 11, 1979, and the first production CH-47D took off on February 26, 1982. The new model was equipped with more powerful 4500 hp T55-L-712 engines. With, more than a dozen improvements were introduced - the transmission was strengthened, new rotors and an auxiliary power unit were installed, electronic and hydraulic equipment and in-flight fueling systems were improved, and the airframe structure was strengthened. Boeing was awarded a contract worth more than $ 3.5 billion to modernize 472 previously built helicopters; the first modernized helicopter was delivered to the customer in May 1982.

The British Air Force ordered 33 helicopters designated Chinook HC.Mk 1, built according to the Canadian CH-147 standard, but received British avionics and other equipment. Later they were upgraded to the Chinook HC.Mk 1B standard. The first helicopter was delivered to the customer in August 1980, and then their fleet in Great Britain was increased to 41 aircraft. The next step was the modernization of British helicopters to the Chinook HC.Mk 1A standard, and 32 machines were later upgraded to the Chinook HC.Mk 2 version (analogous to the American CH-47D), including by installing the T55-L-712F engines. Additionally, the British military ordered 17 helicopters: two Chinook HC.Mk 2, four Chinook HC.Mk 2A, the rest in the Chinook HC.Mk 3 modification, similar to the MH-47E helicopter used by the US Special Operations Forces. However, the machines of the latest modification were not immediately put into operation - due to problems with avionics, they were placed in storage, but in 2008 they began to re-equip them into the HC.Mk 2 / 2A version (the delivery of the first is planned for 2010).

In the 1970s, the licensed construction of Chinook helicopters in Italy began - they were supplied to European and Middle Eastern customers, the rights to their production were acquired by the company "Elicotteri Meridionali". In July 2008, the license passed to the AgustaWestland company - for the Italian army, it must assemble the modernized CH-47F.

The export version of the helicopter was produced by Boeing Vertol (then Boeing Helicopters, later simply Boeing) under the designation CH-47D International Chinook (Model 414-100), and recently the company has focused on the production of helicopters of the CH-47F modification ...

In addition to Canada and Great Britain, helicopters of this family were purchased in different time Argentina, Australia, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Italy (CH-47C Plus), Japan (CH-47J, licensed assembly by Kawasaki), Libya, Morocco, Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan and Thailand.

In the summer of 1978, Boeing announced the development of a civilian version of Chinook, two basic modifications were planned: Model 234LR (Long Range) in passenger, "combi", or cargo versions, as well as Model 234UT (Utility Transport) for solving special tasks such as exploration of minerals, transportation of oversized cargo or performance of construction and installation work. Later, the Model 234ER (Extended Range) helicopter was released with additional fuel tanks installed in the cockpit.

The Model 234LR program began in November 1978 after signing a contract with British Airways Helicopters for three vehicles (later the order was increased to six), which were supposed to be used to transport passengers and urgent cargo from Scotland to offshore oil platforms. In the passenger version, such a helicopter could take up to 44 people.

Avco Lycoming AL 5512 engines were installed on civilian vehicles, and in emergency both rotors could be powered by one engine. Additional large-capacity fuel tanks were installed in the fuselage overflows. The same influxes provided the helicopter with a fairly good buoyancy.

The first Model 234LR took off on August 19, 1980, two more helicopters were also involved in the test program, and the first machine entered service on July 1, 1981.

Helicopters of the Chinook family were often converted to solve various tasks in the interests of special operations forces. Thus, in the early 1990s, Boeing produced 26 MH-47E helicopters equipped with T55-L-714 engines for the US Army Special Forces, where they worked in close cooperation with the converted serial CH-47D SOA (Special Operations Aircraft) and MH -47D SOA. The helicopters had reservations, offensive and defensive weapons, additional fuel and an in-flight refueling system. The vehicles also received the latest avionics, electronic warfare systems and all-weather navigation systems (including night vision goggles, a forward-looking IR camera, an inertial navigation system with a GPS signal receiver and an APQ-174 radar).

Since the late 1990s, Boeing has been working to equip the CH-47F helicopter with 5000 hp engines. with, new rotors, high-capacity fuel tanks and new avionics. The new aircraft made its first flight on June 25, 2001; it had Honeywell T55-714A engines - 25% more power than the engines of the CH-47D helicopter. It is assumed that the US Army will purchase 513 vehicles of the new modification - of which 452 will be new, and the rest will be modernized from those in service. The latter received the designation MH-47G.

The first unit was completely re-equipped for the CH-47F modification in July 2007, and by the middle of the following year, the development company received orders from Australia, Canada and the Netherlands. Turkey and India have shown interest in this helicopter.

Boeing also developed an upgraded version of the HH-47 in response to requirements issued by the US Air Force for a new helicopter to replace the MH-53M Pave Low fleet (CSAR-X program). The proposal was sent to the Air Force command in November 2005, and in November 2006, Boeing was declared the winner of the tender for a promising helicopter. Boeing's rivals were the US101 S-92 variant and the Lockheed Martin helicopter. These companies filed a protest, disagreeing with the results of the tender - as a result, in November 2007, the US Air Force was forced to re-announce its requirements for a promising machine, and as of August 2009, the decision on the choice of one or another helicopter was not announced.

In August 2007, Boeing announced plans to build an enlarged version of the CH-47F, which will feature increased range and payload. The launch of this program can be carried out already in 2010.

In 2011, the US Army and the American aircraft manufacturer Boeing began to develop requirements for an upgraded version of the CH-47 Chinook heavy military transport helicopter, Flightglobal reported. It is expected that a preliminary list of requirements could be drawn up as early as 2011. In 2019, Boeing will supply the US Army with the last of the ordered CH-47Gs, after production lines will need to be either closed or reoriented to the production of new machines.

There are three options for further upgrading the helicopter platform used by the US military since 1962. The first option, developed by the Army and Boeing jointly, involves minor changes in the design and on-board systems of the helicopter. In addition, the carrying capacity of the machine can be increased from 12 to 13 tons. To do this, you will not have to make changes either to the design of the propellers or to the power plants of the helicopter.

The US Army is leaning towards the second option, which provides for an increase in payload by 30 percent - the maximum take-off weight of the modernized Chinook will be 29.5 tons against the current 22.7 tons. This will require revising the design of the propellers, as well as installing new engines with a shaft power of 7,500 horsepower on the helicopter. Currently, the CH-47 is powered by Honeywell T55-GA-712 turboshaft engines with a shaft power of 4868 horsepower.

The third option is offered by Boeing. As part of this upgrade option, the hull width can be increased. In addition, it is planned to revise the design of the propellers and install more powerful engines. Thanks to this, the maximum take-off weight of the helicopter will increase by 50 percent to 34 tons. True, in this case, one of the requirements for a transport helicopter will be violated - the CH-47 must be placed in the cargo compartment of the C-17 Globemaster III military transport aircraft.

The Boeing concern has offered a slightly modified version of the CH-47 modernization to the German Ministry of Defense. Together with the European company Eurocopter, Boeing plans to sell Chinook transport helicopters with a wider body and a payload capacity of 33 tons to the German military department. Currently, the French Ministry of Defense is also looking for a new heavy transport helicopter.

CH-47 Chinook is capable of speeds up to 315 kilometers per hour and flying up to 741 kilometers. The helicopter is designed to carry 55 paratroopers or 24 pairs of stretchers with the wounded and three doctors, or ten tons of cargo (the CH-47F / G has 12 tons).

During their service, British Chinook helicopters have gone through many military conflicts. These machines were widely used as part of the British contingent in Germany. In 1982, Chinook HC.Mk 1 received the baptism of fire, supporting the operations of the British Expeditionary Force during the conflict with Argentina over the Falkland Islands. Three of them died aboard the Atlantic Conveyor container ship, which was hit by the Argentinean Exocet anti-ship missile system. During Operation Desert Storm, in addition to transport missions, helicopters were used to support the actions of the Special Operations Forces. For this, several vehicles received an experimental "night camouflage" system satellite communications and onboard armament. After the end of hostilities, Chinook went into action to provide humanitarian aid to the Kurdish tribes. During the conflict in Bosnia, six modernized HC.Mk 2, which received an armored shield and airborne defense systems, supported the operations of the 27th airmobile brigade. Two helicopters from the 7th Squadron of the British Air Force flew in Serbian Extreme under the UN flag, and in June 1999, eight machines took part in the operation of NATO troops in Kosovo. Since 2003, the main combat mission for British transport helicopters has been to support the actions of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, where they are still used today.

The commander's seat is located on the starboard side, the co-pilot is on the left. There is a folding seat for the third crew member in the aisle. Like all British Air Force and Army Aviation helicopters, the Chinook HC.Mkl is equipped with a Decca navigation system. The cockpits of some of the Air Force helicopters were adapted for crew operations with night vision goggles. One of them - with the side designation BN (Bravo November) - during the Falklands conflict escaped death aboard the Atlantic Conveyor container ship converted into air transport and carried out transportation in the interests of British troops until the end of the war.

The first Chinook HC.Mkl helicopters to enter service with the British Air Force were equipped with metal rotor blades and Textron Lycoming T55-L-11E turboshaft engines. During the modernization, the helicopters were equipped with T55-L-712 engines, 3750 hp, developed for the CH-47D modification (HC.Mk 2) and a new fire extinguishing system. The propeller blades were replaced by carbon-plastic ones with a titanium leading edge, with a chord increased to 64 cm (12.5 cm) and a resource that increased to 3000 hours, which significantly reduced the cost of operating the machines .

The helicopter is equipped with a fixed four-bearing landing gear. All struts are equipped with oil-pneumatic shock absorption. The tire pressure is about 6 atm. The twin wheels of the front struts are equipped with single disc hydraulic brakes. Removable skis can be installed if necessary.


A hydraulic winch can be installed on the starboard side of the helicopter above the cargo compartment door. The rotors throw a powerful stream of air down, and hovering is usually done at a fairly high altitude. Over the sea, this operation is rarely practiced to prevent corrosion of the machine.

Fueling points

Refueling of the helicopter with fuel can be carried out both through the filler necks of separate tanks, and through the centralized refueling unit located on the starboard side. This design of the fuel system allows for both general and selective refueling of the tanks of the machine.

The helicopter is equipped with three cargo locks, which significantly increases its ability to carry cargo. The middle lock is the main one and is designed for a load of 11,300 kg, which makes it possible to transport even the FH-70 howitzer on an external sling. The front and rear locks, designed for a maximum load of about 9000 kg each, can be used separately or together. In the latter case, the machine is capable of lifting a standard shipping container, or even another Chinook. Although if you remember in Afghanistan, Russian Mi-26s have repeatedly evacuated damaged and defective helicopters Chinook :-)


All-metal, semi-monocoque construction, with rectangular section with rounded corners; has a two-seat crew cabin, on each side of which there are resettable emergency doors, and a cargo compartment with a volume of 41.7 m3, in which 44 seats (33 main and 11 additional, along the central aisle) are installed, a rear part with a cargo hatch, the folding flap of which forms a loading ramp , equipped with three folding sections, and compartments for the pylons of the main rotor. The cargo compartment with dimensions of 9.19 x 2.29 x 1.98m and a floor area of \u200b\u200b21m2 has a large sliding door with a size of 1.68 x 0.9m on the right side and additionally emergency exit hatches. The cargo compartment and the cockpit are connected by a walkway. In the sanitary version, the cabin can accommodate 24 wounded on stretchers and 2 accompanying nurses; in the passenger version, seats for 44 passengers are installed, 4 in a row with the central aisle. For the transportation of goods on an external sling under the fuselage there is a central cargo hook designed for a force of 11970 kg, and front and rear cargo hooks for 7140 kg each.

Carrying screws

Three-bladed, with articulated blades, rotating in opposite directions. The blades are rectangular in plan, with an area of \u200b\u200b7.43 m2 each and a chord of 0.81 m. The D-shaped blade spar is made of epoxy-based fiberglass, with titanium and nickel alloys toe fittings, tail sections are also made of fiberglass with nomex core. Counterweights are installed in the toe of the blade, and replaceable tungsten counterweights are also installed in the spar to adjust the taper. The blades have an improved aerodynamic profile VR-7 (and on the front part, where the flow velocity corresponding to the number M \u003d 0.85 is achieved - the profile VR-8) and a linear twist of -12. Installation of an anti-icing system on the blades is provided. The peripheral speed of the ends of the blades is 215 m / s.

Electrical system consists of two independent circuits, powered by two air-cooled alternators (40 kVA) driven by a central gearbox.

Electronic equipment standard, includes a VHF radio station ARS-164 UHF with AM; SPU S-6533; "friend or foe" identification system Bendix ARX-100, omnidirectional VHF beacon ARM-123, radio altimeter ARN-209, radio compass ARN-89B; Standard flight instruments include an AQV-6A horizontal position indicator.

Hydraulic system modular design ensures the operation of hydraulic boosters of the steering system, the braking system of the chassis and the main rotor. The pressure in the hydraulic control system is 20MPa, the mixture flow rate is 53l / min, there is a spherical reservoir with a capacity of 5.32l with a pressure of 0.17MPa. In a general-purpose hydraulic system, the pressure is 23 MPa, the mixture flow rate is 51.5 l / min, there is a piston hydraulic reservoir with a volume of about 7 liters with a pressure of 0.39 MPa.

Control systembooster, improved, manufactured by Hanwiell, which maintains the position and speed of the helicopter, as well as the choice and keeping of the course and altitude; includes hydraulic boosters and stabilization system.

Military modifications

  • CH-47A: basic transport helicopter.
  • ACH-47A
  • CH-47V
  • CH-47S: modification with new engines.
  • CH-47D
  • NS.Mk. 1 and Mk.1V: options for RAF.
  • S / MN-47E: a multipurpose variant with increased range and in-flight refueling, weapons and new equipment.
  • CH-47F
  • MH-47G
  • CH-47J: Japanese Armed Forces option.
  • HH-47
  • MH-47D

Civil modifications

  • Model 234LR (Long Range)
  • Model 234ER (Extended Range)
  • Model MLR (Multi Purpose Long Range)
  • Model 234UT (Utility Transport)
  • Model


Crew: 2-3 people (2 pilots, flight engineer or operation commander)

Passenger capacity: 33-55 soldiers or 24 bedridden patients with 2 accompanying

Length: 30.14 m

Fuselage length: 15.87 m (without refueling rod)

Main rotor diameter: 18.29 m (each)

Height: 5.59 m

The area swept away by the rotor: 525.3 m2

The base chassis: 7.87 m

Empty weight: 12210 kg

Normal takeoff weight: 22680 kg

Maximum takeoff weight: 24494 kg

Payload weight: 12,284 kg

Fuel weight in internal tanks: 6815 kg

Volume of fuel tanks: 7828 l (+3 × 3028 l additional tank in the cargo hold)

Power plant: 2 × turboshaft Honeywell T55-L-714

Engine power: 2 × 4168 hp (2 × 3108 kW)

Cargo compartment dimensions

Length: 9.19 m

Width: 2.51 m

Height: 1.98 m

Floor area: 21.0 m²

Useful volume: 41.7 m³

Flight characteristics

Maximum speed: 285 km / h

Cruising speed: 259 km / h

Combat radius: 935 km

Ferry range: 2333 km

Service ceiling: 3090 m

Static ceiling:

using ground effect: 1675 m

without using the ground effect: 2985 m

Climb rate: 9.35 m / s

Thrust-to-weight ratio: 229.4 W / kg (per transmission at maximum takeoff weight)


Small arms: 3 × 7.62 mm machine guns (2 in the doors and 1 on the ramp)

October 15, 2009 The downed Chinook near Kandahar was evacuated on an external sling by a Mi-26 helicopter belonging to the Vertikal-T company

NATO helicopter crash on August 6, 2011: On August 6, 2011 in Afghanistan, during an operation against militants in Wardak province, south-west of Kabul, a transport helicopter was shot down by a rocket (according to other information, by a grenade launcher). The victims of the helicopter crash of the international forces were 38 people, including 30 US servicemen, Afghan special forces soldiers, military air traffic controllers, a civilian translator and a dog handler with a dog.

Indicate that this is the largest one-time loss of American troops during the Afghan war. At the Dover military base, US President Barack Obama personally took part in the farewell ceremony for thirty American servicemen on board the helicopter.

In all military conflicts of recent decades, helicopters have played a very important role, which are used to transport goods, evacuate the wounded and strike the enemy. It was the helicopters that did most of the dirty work in Vietnam, Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf. Stand alone here attack helicopterscreated for destruction and destruction. Meet the ten best attack helicopters of our time, which are located in the best balance of speed, firepower, maneuverability and electronics.

10. Mi-24 (USSR)

The Mi-24 is one of the world's first specialized attack helicopters designed to support infantry on the battlefield and destroy enemy armored vehicles. It has become an alternative to the American AH-1 Cobra, albeit with its own specifics. In addition to powerful weapons and good armor, the Mi-24 can be used as a transport helicopter to carry up to eight people. This veteran, whose production began in the early 70s of the last century, remains in service to this day, boasts a bunch of modifications and has shown himself well in numerous military conflicts.

9.Z-10 (China)

Z-10 is the first Chinese attack helicopter, which was created when active participation European companies Augusta & Eurocopter. The helicopter is made according to the classic modern scheme with a narrow fuselage, the cockpit in which the pilots sit one after the other, and all the critical components are hidden behind armor plates. The Z-10 is armed with a 30-mm cannon, HJ-9 or HJ-10 anti-tank missiles, TY-90 air-to-air missiles and unguided missiles. Its main task is to destroy armored vehicles, defensive structures and ensure superiority over the enemy on the battlefield.

8. AH-2 Rooivalk (South Africa)

South African company Denel Aerospace Systems boasts the design and manufacture of the AH-2 Rooivalk attack helicopter. The vehicle is designed to destroy enemy personnel, armored vehicles and fortifications. Although this helicopter was designed from scratch, some of the components, including the engine and rotor, were borrowed from the Aerospatiale Puma. To date, 12 pieces of AH-2 Rooivalk are in service with the South African Air Force.

7. AH-1W Super Cobra (USA)

The AH-1W Super Cobra is an American twin-engine attack helicopter based on the AH-1 Cobra single-engine helicopter, which has increased its survivability on the battlefield and its payload. The helicopter was produced in several versions: AH-1J SeaCobra, AH-1T Improved SeaCobra and AH-1W SuperCobra. AH-1W Super Cobra, the main armament of which has become a 20 mm cannon, air-to-surface missiles, air-to-air missiles, plus containers with unguided missiles, bombs or cannons can be attached to the suspensions.

6.A-129 / T-129 (Italy / Turkey)

Agusta A129 Mangusta (this is the official name of this device) became the first attack helicopter developed and launched into mass production in Western Europe in the second half of the 80s of the last century by the Italian company Agusta. The helicopter turned out to be very compact, where the use of armor plates was reduced to a minimum, which was compensated by a special arrangement of units, duplication of important systems and self-tightening tanks / tubes. Traditionally for attack helicopters, the pilots are located in the cockpit one after the other. In 2007, the Turkish company Turkish Aerospace Industries received a license for its production of helicopters, which produced a simplified version of the helicopter under the T-129 index (it is impossible to install part of the armament) adopted by the Turkish army. The helicopter is armed with three 20-mm cannons guided by air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles and a block of unguided missiles.

5. AH-1Z Viper (USA)

The AH-1Z Viper is actually a further development of the twin-engine AH-1W Super Cobra helicopter, which has become even more deadly and dangerous, adopted by the US Marine Corps. It uses a new composite four-bladed main and tail rotor, a new transmission and guidance system, which allows you to effectively fight at night and in poor visibility.

4. Mi-28N "Night Hunter" (Russia)

The Russian attack helicopter Mi-28N is designed for use at any time of the day and in any weather, designed to replace the veteran Mi-24. A 30-mm cannon is installed in the nose of the helicopter, and blocks with unguided missiles, guided air-to-surface missiles for destroying enemy armored vehicles or pillboxes, guided air-to-air missiles or cannon containers can be mounted on four external suspensions.

3. Eurocopter Tiger (France / Germany)

Attack helicopter Eurocopter Tiger, created by the Franco-German company Eurocopter, was adopted by Germany, France, Spain and Australia. There are two Rolls-Royce MTR390 turboshaft gas turbine engines, and the body is almost entirely made of polymeric materials reinforced with carbon and kevlar threads. The crew members are arranged in tandem one after the other, but at the same time slightly offset to the side to improve viewing angles. The Eurocopter Tiger is armed with a 30mm cannon, guided air-to-surface, surface-to-surface missiles and unguided rockets.

2. Kamov Ka-50 / Ka-52 (Russia)

Russian, although it is correct to call it Soviet, after all, the USSR created and brought it to mind, the Ka-50 attack helicopter is a truly unique machine. Firstly, it is single, and secondly, it has a double coaxial main rotor without a tail rotor. The helicopter turned out to be very compact, fast and nimble, having a range of 250 km and capable of accelerating to 350 km / h. The Ka-50 is equipped with a 30-mm cannon, and on four external suspensions, guided air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles, blocks with unguided missiles, cannon containers or bombs can be attached. Ka-52 is a two-seat helicopter modification.

1. AH-64D Apache Long Bow (USA)

Attack helicopter AH-64D Apache Long Bow is a real killer of tanks and armored personnel carriers ready to do their dirty work day or night in any weather. It is literally all stuffed with electronics, which allows you to strike from afar, while remaining invisible to the enemy. The helicopter is capable of simultaneously carrying 16 AGM-114 Hellfire Missiles guided air-to-ground missiles, 76 Hydra unguided missiles, and that is not counting 1200 30-mm rounds for the automatic cannon. AH-64D Apache especially distinguished itself during the military campaigns in the Persian Gulf, becoming a real killer of Iraqi tanks.

The vast majority of modern helicopters are built on a single-rotor design. Exceptions are so rare that they become a kind of visiting card of designers, and even the country of origin. In the USSR and Russia, such an exception was the Kamov Design Bureau, which designs coaxial helicopters.

And in the United States, Frank Pyasecki went “against the rules” - his company was made famous by helicopters with two propellers located longitudinally. The most famous of these, the Chinook, is still in operation today, is constantly being improved, and remains the main heavy helicopter of the US Army.

History of the appearance of CH-47

The creation of "Chinook" is a rather simple and short story, without tragic episodes.

In 1956, the US Army expressed a desire to replace the CH-37 helicopter with piston engines with a new machine with gas turbine engine... Later, the requirements expanded - the "turntable" was supposed to replace the cargo H-21 and H-34, while being able to transfer up to 15 paratroopers.

The creator of the H-21 helicopter, Piasecki Helicopter (by this time renamed Vertol), was already developing a prototype of a new helicopter - V-107, and it suited the military. But, in the end, the V-107 was considered too light for transport tasks and too heavy for assault missions.

From now on, the future “Iroquois” was to provide tactical mobility, and the engineers were to create another “flying car”.

The V-107 eventually entered service with the US Navy and Marine Corps under the name CH-46.

The new, larger and more powerful Vertol helicopter received the internal designation V-114, and the "military" - HC-1B.

The Model 114 made its first flight in September 1961, after the company was bought by Boeing. Already in 1962, the V-114 was put into service, renaming it CH-47. And the emerging tradition of naming helicopters in honor of Indian tribes brought CH-47 another name - "Chinook".

Construction description CH-47

The CH-47 Chinook helicopter is built according to the traditional Piasecki scheme with two longitudinal rotors. The scheme is perfect for transport workers - you can get a roomy compartment and make the most of its volume. True, due to the complexity of the design and worse maneuverability.

The first series of CH-47 helicopters flew with Lycoming T-55L-5 turboshaft engines with a capacity of 2,200 hp.

Later they were replaced by T55-L-7 engines (2650 hp), and the 47B version - T55-L-7C (power reached 2850 hp). The power plant of the later Chinook models was brought up to 6500 hp, and these motors belonged to the same T-55 family.

In all versions, the turbines are installed in the tail section of the helicopter, on both sides of the main rotor. The torque is transmitted to the CH-47 screws through the motor gearboxes, the main gearbox, connecting shafts and screw gearboxes. The transmission is cooled by air from the air intake in the rear pylon. The helicopter's lubrication system is duplicated, 330 minutes of operation without oil is allowed.

Three-blade propellers with a diameter of 18.3 m (for a CH-47 F helicopter) rotate in opposite directions. Rectangular blades are made of fiberglass, the toe is forged with titanium alloy. An anti-icing system can be installed.

The all-metal semi-monocoque fuselage CH-47 is rectangular in cross-section, the corners are rounded. The two-seater cockpit has two emergency doors, a passage leads from the rear of the cabin to the cargo compartment. Inside the Chinook there are 33 seats along the sides, an additional row of 11 seats is placed in the center, along the aisle.

Ambulance helicopters could accommodate up to 24 stretchers with the wounded and two accompanying nurses. Sliding door - on the starboard side of the CH-47, in the rear there is a loading hatch with a folding ramp. The helicopter cockpit has round windows, some of which are part of the emergency evacuation hatches. Chinook is equipped with three hooks for transportation of goods on an external sling. The center hook can take up to 11,970 kg, the front and rear ones - 7,140 kg each.

The rotor pylons CH-47 are on top of the fuselage.

Six sealed fuel tanks are located along the sides, inside the fairings. If necessary, additional tanks (up to three) with fuel are placed in the cargo compartment.

The capacity of the main tanks "Chinook" - 3900 liters, each additional - 3025 liters. The four landing gear legs of the helicopter are made non-retractable, have shock absorbers and hydraulic disc brakes. The wheels of the front struts are double, uncontrollable. The rear wheels are steerable, single.

The Chinook's control system is equipped with hydraulic servo drives.

The main gearbox drives two alternators, supplying two independent circuits of the electrical system. An auxiliary power unit is provided - a Solar T62 gas turbine, on the Boeing-Vertol CH-47A Chinook with a capacity of 80, and on the CH-47B / C Chinook - 90 hp.

Armament "Chinook"

Initially, it was not planned to arm the Chinook transport, but the transitional modification of the CH-47 B was equipped with three machine-gun installations. M60D 7.62mm machine guns were installed in the doorways and on the cargo ramp. Subsequently, the armament was replaced with M240 machine guns of the same caliber.

The ACH-47 (Armed CH-47) attack aircraft possessed an impressive arsenal.

It carried up to five 7.62mm (or 12.7mm) machine guns, two 20mm automatic cannons, two 70mm unguided rockets, and a 40mm grenade launcher. Machine guns were placed in doorways and portholes, a grenade launcher - in a movable nose turret, cannons and blocks of NAR (unguided aircraft missiles) - course.

CH-47 helicopter modifications

The Chinook's cargo variants, from CH-47 A to F, differed from each other by the installation of more powerful engines, increased carrying capacity, and improved electronics. The F-series helicopters also have a redesigned fuselage for easy maintenance.

Modification of the MH-47D should provide for the actions of special forces. 12 units received the 160th air regiment special purpose... They were equipped with an air-to-air refueling system and a cable launching device.

The next series, the E, had an increased flight range, new avionics. Built 26 units. In the mid-90s, the Royal Air Force ordered its own version of the Chinook for special operations - the Chinook HC3. Eight of these helicopters were assembled, but due to problems with avionics, they were converted into transport ones.

The newest spetsnaz "spinner" - MH-47G, has improved electronic equipment and structural elements from the CH-47 F.

To meet the needs of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, the CH-47 J model was produced under license with other engines and avionics.

The civilian Chinooks were indexed “Model 234”. There were three options: passenger, transport, cargo and passenger. Passenger CH-47s could carry 44 passengers, the seats inside were installed in four rows.

The "civilian" performance of the D-series Chinooks became known as the "Model 414".

In 1965, four Chinooks were converted into heavy attack helicopters ACH-47. Three such attack aircraft, heavily armed and protected by armor, were sent to Vietnam to undergo military tests, but logistical difficulties stalled the program. The fighting helicopters were lost in battle, and the only one that survived to this day is used as a training helicopter.

Flight performance of CH-47 and similar helicopters

The table shows the basic data of "Chinook", comparing it with the closest domestic and foreign analogues. Small-scale and experienced helicopters are not counted.

ParameterCH-47 ECH-53 DMi-6SA.321 SuperFrelon
Fuselage length, mm1554 20470 33160 19400
Height, mm5770 5220 9160 6660
Main screw diameter, mm18590 22020 35000 18900
Cargo compartment length, mm9200 9140 12000 7000
Cargo compartment width, mm2290 1980 2500 1830
Cargo compartment height, mm1980 2290 2650 1900
Maximum speed, km / h298 307 340 249
Cargo weight in the cabin, kg8164 13608 12000 6700
Suspended load weight, kg10341 9072 8000 5000
Flight range, km2026 1641 1450 1020
Ceiling, m3215 2195 2250 2170
Passenger capacityup to 55up to 55up to 90up to 37
Armament3 x 7.62mm machine gun2 x 12.7mm machine guns1 x 12.7mm machine gun1 x 20mm cannon

The main competitor of the Chinook was his compatriot - the Sikorsky CH-53 helicopter. When the marines felt the need for heavy helicopters, it was the CH-53 that won the announced competition. And the fleet used these helicopters as anti-submarine.

The French helicopter SuperFrelon (Super Hornet), not inferior to CH-47, was in little demand, was used, first of all, by the fleets of several countries, although China even established its licensed production. The choice of "Hornet" by the armed forces of South Africa is generally explained simply. France was not a NATO member, and therefore could sell to South Africans military equipment.

The Soviet Union built direct analogues of "Chinook" (longitudinal helicopters), but they were not widely used.

The only representative - Yak-28, has set two world records, during the entire period of operation there has not been a single disaster with its participation. But the "circulation" of forty pieces (according to other sources - fifty) is a crumb against the background of more than a thousand CH-47.

But it became widespread. It had impressive performance, set 16 world records, but lost out to the CH-47 in durability and was not widely used. And in battle, "Hook" (NATO designation Mi-6) was used to a limited extent.

By itself, this does not mean anything, but against the background of Chinook's impressive merits, it does not look like an advantage. The descendant of the Hook, the giant Mi-26, surpassed the CH-47 in terms of capacity and carrying capacity so much that it can even be considered a representative of a different class.

Combat use of "Chinook"

When the Vietnam War broke out, the Chinooks immediately got there as part of the 1st Cavalry (Airmobile) Division. Helicopters carried soldiers, pulled out damaged equipment, transferred armored personnel carriers and light tanks, and delivered artillery pieces to positions inaccessible in any other way.

In other words, they transported everything they could lift. Used CH-47 as makeshift bombers, dropping tear or incendiary bombs from the tail hatch.

In the 70s, the United States supplied twin-rotor helicopters to Iran.

After the overthrow of the Shah, the supply of the Chinooks stopped, and the American CH-47s had to take part in the Iran-Iraq war. In 1982, Iranian Chinooks played a key role in Operation Fathol Mobin, disembarking soldiers behind Iraqi lines.

Libya in 1976 acquired 24 Italian-assembled Chinooks. They were used to a limited extent during the war with Chad, and by 2002 most Libyan CH-47s were sold, due to the inability to maintain their working condition.

In the Falklands, the Chinooks had to fight on both sides. The Argentines used four helicopters - one was destroyed by the British on the ground and the other was captured. Three British CH-47s were killed along with the container ship Atlantic Conveyor, and the fourth became famous, transporting a total of 1,500 soldiers, 95 wounded, 650 prisoners of war and 550 tons of cargo.

Chinooks have been and continue to be used in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The tasks of the honored helicopter remain the transfer of troops, the evacuation of damaged light equipment, and the supply of remote checkpoints.

Miscellaneous about CH-47

The already mentioned British "Chinook" with the call sign Bravo November, operating in the Falklands, is famous not only for the volume of transported cargo. Along with the Atlantic Conveyor ship, not only other heavy helicopters were lost, but also all spare parts for the CH-47, along with tools.

During one flight, BravoNovember “due to” a malfunction of the altimeter and poor visibility hit the water at a speed of 175 km / h. The crew retained control of the vehicle and returned to base, and the damage was considered minor.

20 years later, the old Chinook (ordered back in 1978) distinguished itself in Iraq, delivering soldiers of the Royal Marines to the battlefield, and in 2006, in Afghanistan, evacuated wounded soldiers from Taliban fire. Four of the pilots flying the Bravo November were honored with the Distinguished Flight Merit Cross.

One American "Chinook" participated in a not so heroic, but no less interesting story... In 1988, the Libyan forces threw an Mi-24 attack helicopter into the desert. In order to take possession of a sample of enemy equipment, CH-47 took it out at night, during a sandstorm. The operation ended successfully.


The predecessors of the Chinook, Korean veterans, were outdated and out of service rather quickly. But the CH-47 turned out to be a representative of the samples of technology, which was destined for a very long life. The newest and best, at the beginning of the sixties of the last century, it is still being operated and produced after 50 years.

The helicopter did not set world records, did not surpass the parameters of competitors - and still, many countries chose it.

This popularity cannot be attributed to American influence - the American CH-53 is much less common.

The Chinooks' qualities were also proved by their rich (for a cargo, not even a universal model) combat career. And the fact that the experience of creating "Chinook" did not allow the development of new machines is easily explained - the replacement of the old CH-47 is not yet required.


Today in the world there are no more than 30 models of attack helicopters. But which one can be safely called the best combat helicopter in the world? What is most important in this type of technique? Weapon accuracy and power, speed, stealth or security?

We decided to compile our own list of attack helicopters, which according to the site are the best in the world.

Our analysis is based on a combination of performance, power, speed, protection, crash rate, agility, firepower and avionics capabilities. It includes only the best attack helicopters in the world currently in service.

All of the helicopters mentioned here are incredibly powerful and capable of inflicting colossal destruction.

Mi-24. the USSR

The Mi-24 is one of the most widely recognized combat helicopters in the world. Production of the Mi-24 was discontinued in 1991, but the aircraft is still considered one of the best and most advanced helicopters ever made.

Today this helicopter is in service in more than 50 countries around the world. In the entire history of helicopter construction, more than 3,500 Mi-24s have been created, which is a record among combat helicopters. In second place is the American "AH-64 Apache" with ≈ 2000 copies.

The Mi-24 was used in many local conflicts, including the Afghan war and fighting in Chechnya.

Maximum speed: 335 km / h

HAL Light Combat Helicopter. India

This helicopter is still undergoing flight tests, but its declared characteristics are simply impressive.

It is undoubtedly the most modern helicopter made in India. Its development began in 2006. The model was created for the destruction of equipment, as well as enemy manpower in various conditions, including work in the highlands. That is why the altitude ceiling for this helicopter is 6500 m. In this parameter, HAL Light Combat Helicopter is not inferior to any other helicopter from this list.

The helicopter is equipped with two TM333-2C2 engines, each with a capacity of 1200 hp.

Combat equipment: swivel 20 mm cannon, guided missiles.

Maximum speed: 330 km / h

Harbin Z-19

Harbin Z-19 is rightfully ranked second among the best combat helicopters in China. This is the little brother of the CAIC WZ-10, which is slightly lower on our list. In addition to striking targets, it was also created for reconnaissance and escort of the WZ-10.

Has a standard tandem crew layout. The blades are made of composite plastic and the body is made using stealth technology. Has two engines with a total capacity of 1700 hp.

Maximum speed: 280 km / h

Boeing AH-64D Longbow Apache. USA

The Boeing AH-64 Apache is a four-door, twin-turbine-powered helicopter that has been the main attack helicopter of the US Army since the mid-1980s.

It proved to be excellent in the Gulf War, after which the model was considered the most powerful anti-submarine weapon system in the region. Helicopter for a long time responded to all the tasks assigned to him, the main of which was work in any weather conditions, at any time of the day or night, as well as a truly lethal arsenal of weapons.

The AH-64 Apache has a 30mm M230 cannon and carries 16 anti-tank missiles, although the armament may vary. Air-to-air missiles, 70mm Hydra 70 NAR and many other weapons are often installed on this Apache.

The unit is equipped with two T700-GE-701D engines (2000 hp each).

Max. speed: 293 km / h.

And about the most in the world on our site there is a very interesting article.

Agusta A129 Mangusta. Italy

The first ever attack helicopter to be produced in Western Europe.

Agusta A129 Mangusta - one of the most modern combat "turntables", is a two-seater twin-engine light combat vehicle designed specifically for anti-missile attacks.

It has a 20mm cannon; Can be equipped with 12 mm machine guns. It is equipped with 8 TOW-2A anti-tank missiles, Medusa missiles measuring 52x70mm or over 81mm.

Two LHTEC CTS800-4A 1360 hp engines were installed in August. each.

In 1993, August A129 helicopters took part in hostilities during the UN Blue Helmets operations in Somalia, making about 900 sorties.

Max. speed: 352 km / h.

Denel AH-2 Rooivalk. South Africa

The Rooivalk is a new next generation helicopter from Denel Aviation of South Africa. The helicopter began operating in 1999.

At the heart of the combat vehicle are two 1500 hp turboprop engines.

The AH-2 Rooivalk can carry a range of weapons depending on the mission profile. It is equipped with an Armscor 20mm cannon and 4-way anti-tank missile launchers.

Max. speed: 309 km / h.

CAIC WZ-10. China

This flagship of the Chinese military helicopter industry is the first KNS assault helicopter with a tandem cockpit.

The helicopter possesses enormous combat power, which, using the most modern technologies, makes it one of the best in the world.

Several leading countries of the world took part in the creation of this model. The main scheme of the WZ-10 was developed on the basis of a project carried out by the Russian Design Bureau. Kamov. China secretly placed an order for the development of a modern helicopter project in 1995. In addition, the engines for these combat vehicles were manufactured in the United States.

It was with the engines for this car in the early 2000s that a big scandal was associated. United Technologies (USA) supplied Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6C-67C engines with a capacity of 1530 hp. to China without notifying the US authorities, for which she was later heavily fined.

Max. speed: \u003e 300 km / h.

Eurocopter Tiger. France / Germany

Currently, this combat vehicle is in service with the German, Spanish, French and Australian air forces.

It is a four-bladed, modern, twin-engined medium-weight helicopter that first entered service in 2003. Equipped with two Rolls-Royce engines with a capacity of 1464 hp. each.

The main differences from competitors are the widespread use of modern composite materials in the construction of the apparatus, as well as the latest stealth systems.

The helicopter has a 30mm cannon and carries eight HOT 2, HOT 3 or Trigat 2 anti-tank missiles; Four Stinger 2 or Mistral anti-aircraft missiles, air-to-air missiles, 68 × 68 mm missiles and 12.7 mm machine gun cannons.

Max. speed: 322 km / h.

Bell AH-1Z Viper. USA

This modern military helicopter is based on the legendary Bell AH-1 Super Cobra. Compared to its progenitor, the Viper has four-blade composite tail rotor propellers, improved avionics and General Electric engines (2 * 1800 hp).

All this allows you to use the car in extreme weather conditions and fight in complete darkness.

Max. speed: 296 km / h.


Now let's look at the top three leaders in our rating. These are helicopters that today set the general vector for the development of the entire industry.

Mi-28. USSR / Russia

The Russian all-season, two-seater Mi-28 is one of the most advanced armored attack helicopters, the operation of which began in 2013.

This device is made specifically to be in the very center of hostilities. It is capable of operating in conditions of active hostilities, and is designed to destroy enemy tanks, armored vehicles, helicopters and manpower.

Possessing the most powerful weapons, it is capable of flying at speeds up to 320 km / h. The power plant of the Mi-28 is represented by two VK-2500-02 engines with a capacity of 2200 hp. each.

In Russia, the helicopter is called the Night Hunter, while in NATO it is called the "Ravager".

The Mi-28 is capable of performing many aerobatics that modern aircraft can perform. Among them, such figures as the "dead loop", the roll, the Immelman loop, side flight, backward flight, and a sharp turn.

AH-64E Apache Guardian. USA

As for the best attack helicopters, the American Apache Guardian is by far the most technologically advanced helicopter ever built.

This is a deeply modernized version of the AH-64D Block III helicopter, which differs from its predecessor in more powerful engines (T700-701D of 2000 hp each), the use of composite materials in the structure of the machine and in the blades, the most modern radar, as well as an improved drive , transmission and avionics.

The "Pinwheel" has a 30-mm cannon and carries a huge range of weapons, including different types missiles.

Max. speed: 365 km / h

Ka-52. Russia

The Americans consider their AH-64E Apache Guardian to be the best attack helicopter in the world, but our military has a different position regarding this title.

The new, improved two-seater version of the Ka-50 is one of the fastest and most advanced attack helicopters in the world. Kamov Ka-52 Hokum-B - this is the name of the helicopter according to NATO classification. It is a multipurpose, incredibly strong all-weather attack helicopter. One of the most maneuverable new generation helicopters, capable of operating day and night.

The Ka-52 is equipped with 30mm cannons (460 rounds), in addition, many types of guided missiles can be installed, as well as unguided missiles of various calibers. The total mass of weapons can reach 2800 kg.

Power point: VK-2500 (2 * 2400 hp). In terms of engine power, this helicopter takes the leading place among the other models in this list. In addition, it significantly exceeds its competitors in terms of climb rate (16 m / s).

Currently, helicopters are used in a military operation in Syria (including the ship modification of the Ka-52K).

Max. speed: 350 km / h



Choosing the best attack helicopter is not an easy task. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Many of the machines have not yet reached their full potential. Time will show how right we were in compiling this list. The editors of the site ask you to write in the comments what other attack helicopters in the world have not been undeservedly in the focus of our attention.