Russian attack helicopter MI 35 m. Modifications of the main model

The Mi-24 attack and transport helicopter created in the USSR, nicknamed the crocodile for its unusual shape, formed the basis of the armed forces of many friendly states, although according to NATO classification it is Hind - "Doe". However, it did not last long, the rapid development of new types of weapons and on-board electronics required the creation of new technology. It was this type of machine that was created by the Mil Design Bureau, an upgraded version of the helicopter under the designation Mi-35.

The machine has retained the versatility and reliability of its predecessor and can be used as a combat, transport or ambulance helicopter. The production and modernization of early models of equipment is carried out by the Rosvertol corporation plant located in Rostov-on-Don.

History of creation

The development of an improved version of the Mi-24V strike machine began at the end of the last century. The aim of the work was to increase the competitiveness of the helicopter in foreign markets. New variant The 24V machine received the designation Mi-35, and the Mi-35P index was used for the modified version of the 24D. Moreover, such machines were not intended for deliveries to the domestic market.

In 2000, under the modernization program for this helicopter, the first machines were finalized, which were subsequently delivered to the Zimbabwean Air Force. During the revision, much attention was paid to improving the electronic equipment. Helicopters began to use night vision devices and thermal imaging target finders capable of detecting objects at a distance of up to 4000 m.

The onboard armament operator sees objects around the Mi-35 in the sector of 240 degrees, which increases the likelihood of hitting targets.

For orientation, a satellite navigation system was used with information display on a separate multifunctional screen. Optional equipment allows the helicopter to operate from unprepared sites at any time of the day and under various weather conditions.

In the 90s, a draft of a modified version of the Mi-24VM appeared, which was exported as the Mi-35M. The prototype of the new car appeared in 1995, but testing took almost 10 years. Helicopters of the Mi-35M model arrive on the domestic market - for Russian army delivered at least 60 units.

Helicopters are well supplied abroad - apart from a number of CIS countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), the aircraft are available in the Air Forces of the countries of South America and the Middle East. The plant is working on the creation of further modifications - Mi-35M2 and M3, differing in weapons and on-board electronics. A sample of the helicopter was demonstrated at the MAKS-2017 exhibition.


The key difference between the Mi-35M attack helicopter is the use of a fixed landing gear with reinforced shock absorption and attachment points. This decision is dictated by the specifics of using the helicopter - the execution of strikes from low altitudes. In the event of damage, the pilots of the Mi-24 often did not have time to release the struts, and the car was destroyed when it fell.

On Mi-35 machines, a wing with a reduced span was used, which has two points of suspension of weapons.

The decision somewhat reduced the arsenal transported, but had a positive effect on the aerodynamics of the helicopter. On the early releases of the helicopter, turboshaft units of the TV3-117V model were used, which were produced on the territory of Ukraine. Soon their place was taken by the Russian analogs of the VK-2500-II, developed at the Klimov Design Bureau.

In fact, the new engines are an evolution of the TV3-117V model and provide power up to 2700 hp. on a short-term emergency mode. In normal operation, Mi-35 motors develop 1500 hp each. According to the pilots, the tonality of the engines is different, despite the unified design.

The hydraulics of the Mi-35 have a duplicated design, supplemented by an auxiliary circuit. Helicopter control is powered from the main system, the auxiliary one is used to operate the damper in the control system. The helicopter has a pneumatic system equipped with an individual compressor. Compressed air is used to operate the brakes on the main landing gear, to seal the cockpit and cargo compartment door openings, and to supply anti-freeze fluid to the cockpit windshields.

The fuel supply on the Mi-35 is in five internal tanks with a total capacity of 2165 liters. The fuel is supplied directly to the engines from individual supply tanks. All tanks are interconnected by highways and equipped with transfer pumps. Additional tanks are located on external hangers under the fenders. Motors and main gearbox are equipped with individual lubrication systems with separate supply tanks.

The Mi-35 helicopter was equipped with an improved main rotor with composite blades. To improve efficiency and increase service life, a modified auto-tilt mechanism and wear-resistant bearings have been introduced. The tail rotor of the machine is made according to the traditional X-shape for modern helicopters, has blades made of composite material.

Helicopter propellers, cockpit windshields and engine air inlets are equipped with a mains powered ice removal system. The inlet channels of the engines are equipped with warm air blowing, the compressors are heated with hot oil.

On the Mi-35, the crew consists of two people - the commander and the pilot-operator.

According to some reports, the Mi-35M may have a third crew member - an onboard technician. To protect the crew, power plant components, critical components of the hydraulic system and the main gearbox of the propeller drive, steel plates up to 5 mm thick are installed. Armored glass is installed in the cabins and doors.

The cockpit is pressurized. To ensure comfortable conditions, an air conditioning system was used, which includes the crew cabins and the cargo compartment. On the basis of the Mi-35P version, there is an ambulance capable of transporting two lying and two sitting wounded, as well as an escort. The transport of a troop consisting of eight people is allowed. The transport option is capable of transporting 2400 kg of cargo on the internal and external sling.

The Mi-35M helicopter has a freon-based fire extinguishing system. Fire extinguishers are installed in the engine compartments, near the main gearbox, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe supply tanks and additional installation. Additional extinguishing agents are available in the cockpits and in the cargo compartment of the vehicle.

In the bow of the Mi-35M helicopter there is a fixed shooting point NPPU-23, equipped with a remotely controlled 23 mm GSh-23L cannon. Ammunition is located inside the installation and includes 450 rounds installed in belts. Distinctive feature the guns are two barrels, which allowed for increased firepower. The gun is used to combat armored ground and air targets at short and medium distances.

To reduce the negative effect of recoil and to remove the flow of powder gases, a localizer is used. In the future, it is planned to install the GSh-23V gun, equipped with a liquid cooling system. A vehicle with similar weapons will be designated Mi-35M2.

On the Mi-35P version, a stationary GSh-30 cannon with a caliber of 30 mm is installed on the right fairing of the nose of the fuselage.

Four suspension points allow a combat load of 1500 kg. Helicopters can use freely flying C-13 or C-8 missiles installed in guide blocks.

Due to the different caliber (122 and 80 mm, respectively), the number of blocks for missiles is, respectively, two or four. Experimental flights were carried out with S-24 missiles having a caliber of 240 mm. To combat armored vehicles, the "Shturm-V" or "Attack-M" guided complexes are used.

In total, there can be up to eight such missiles on board. It is possible to install two additional containers with GSh-23L double-barreled cannons. The ammunition load of each container consists of 500 rounds. The Mi-35M2 variant is capable of carrying air-to-air missiles that are part of the Igla-V complex.

Flight performance and use in battles

The comparative table shows that, despite the largest weight in its class of helicopters, the Russian aircraft is second only to the Denel AH-2 in terms of range. But the South African car was released in a circulation of only 12 copies, so it cannot be considered as a serious rival.

ParameterMi-35MDenel AH-2McDonnell AH-64D Apache
Manufacturer countryRussiaSouth AfricaUSA
Length, mm17490 18730 17760
Height, mm4160 5185 4660
Main screw diameter, mm17200 15580 14630
Tail rotor diameter, mm3840 6355 2790
Maximum weight, kg11500 8750 9525
Power plant power on takeoff, hp2*2200 2*1845 2*1695
Maximum speed, km / h300 309 365
Combat radius, km550 704 482
Ferry range, km1000 (with external tanks)1260 1899
Ceiling, mup to 5400up to 61004465
Crew, people2 2 2
Lifting capacity2400 kg or 8 people2032 kg771 kg

AH-2 helicopters use a 20 mm cannon with a significant (700 rounds) ammunition load. The 30 mm M230 cannon used on Apache also has an expanded (up to 1200 pieces) stock of cartridges. The Russian Mi-35 vehicle can oppose foreign counterparts with suspended containers with small arms. The list of rocket armament on helicopters is similar, it includes unguided and guided missiles designed to combat ground targets.

Due to the small number of vehicles built, it is of limited use in military conflicts. The first loss of the combatant Mi-35M occurred due to insufficient crew qualifications and erroneous radar operation. In early autumn 2012, a helicopter crashed into a mountainside in Dagestan.

The first relatively combat experience in the use of technology was the patrolling of the border zones of Russia and Ukraine, carried out during the period of the annexation of Crimea. The Mi-35M helicopters entered into a real battle during the fight against Islamic terrorists on the territory of Iraq. In mid-2014, two vehicles were destroyed by ground fire, killing both crews.

On account of the Iraqi helicopter pilots there are several dozen killed terrorists. The machines are used by the Russian Aerospace Forces in hostilities in Syria. To date, the loss of two Russian helicopters has been officially recognized.

The complex of improvements carried out made it possible to breathe life into the aging Crocodile.

In addition, the company continues to modernize its equipment. The downside is scarce funding and the simultaneous release of the Mi-28N helicopter, which requires resources for further development. Despite the difficulties, the plant's staff is bringing the Mi-35 machines to new markets.

So, in 2017, Pakistan, Mali and Nigeria received the first cars. This year, Mi-35 deliveries to these countries will continue. In 2018, it is planned to transfer 12 to Uzbekistan. These facts indicate that the Mil OKB equipment continues to be in demand on the world arms market.


The Mi-35 is a highly qualified modernization of the most famous Soviet combat helicopter, the Mi-24, or Crocodile. For this period, it is produced directly for the Russian Air Force and for export to foreign countries... This air vehicle is used to destroy enemy tanks and armored vehicles, it also provides assistance to infantry and airborne troops (fire support and removal of the wounded). Less efficient use of the helicopter is associated with the transport of goods and various materials. Production is assigned to OJSC "Rostvertol" in the Rostov region. Ministry of Defense Russian Federation ordered 22 helicopters of this brand. In 12, there were 12. Later, the contract was renewed at 27. The same helicopter is supplied to Venezuela, Brazil and Azerbaijan.

The upgraded Mi-35 is a multipurpose attack helicopter. He is able to carry out difficult tasks in all weather conditions. At the forefront of the armament are the GSh-23L double-barreled artillery mount (23 mm caliber), Shturm missiles (anti-tank).

Shortened wings and lightweight landing gear (not retracted) have positively reduced the weight of the helicopter. And thanks to the X-shaped tail rotor, handling is improved and noise is reduced.

High-precision hits were ensured thanks to the OPS-24N sighting and surveillance system. The helicopter is capable of performing operations at night (the OPS-24N was combined with the avionics). This effect is enhanced by the installed TV system. The satellite navigation system and on-board computer allow you to calculate the route 2 times faster.

There are four ways to use the Mi-35: military, landing, cargo and ambulance. The military provides fire support and carries out independent operations. The landing version of the helicopter is capable of transporting paratroopers in full ammunition, cargo - ammunition or other cargo weighing up to one and a half tons, and thanks to the external sling, the transported tonnage can grow to 2,400 kg. The sanitary option provides transportation of two lying and two seated people, including a medical worker.

This aircraft was created on the basis of the Mi-24 for improved combat performance regardless of the weather and time of day. Thanks to the tests carried out, it was decided to install high-precision weapons on the helicopter, which made it possible to carry out more complex operations. Also, the round-the-clock execution of combat missions for this helicopter was allowed by the built-in GOES-342 (gyro-stabilized optical-electronic station), OPS-24N, PrVK-24 (sighting, computer complex), KNEI-24 (electronic display and navigation complex) and special lighting equipment.

NVG, or night vision goggles, have led to a special adaptation of outdoor and indoor lighting equipment. They operate in the 640-900 nm range. Night vision devices are responsible for night piloting at altitudes from 50 to 200 meters, target detection, help to carry out takeoff and landing, climb and turns, and permit search and rescue operations.

The nose of the helicopter is armed with NPPU-23 (double-barreled cannon GSh-23L). Among other things, there are several options for weapons for the Mi-35:

  • ATGM ("Attack-M" and "Shturm-V" up to eight pieces);
  • from two to four B8V20-A units with S-8 type NAR;
  • cannon armament of the GSh-23L suspended type.

The updated carrier system has improved flight performance. It includes an updated main rotor (improved aerodynamic profile) with composite blades. Lightweight blades increase the technical resource. For the first time on this type of helicopter, a new rotor hub with elastomeric joints was used (they do not require lubrication). The main parts are made of titanium alloys.

High maneuverability, combat survivability and low acoustic signature are provided by the new carrier system. Even if a projectile of up to 30 mm caliber hits the blades, the helicopter's performance will not decrease. Both propellers provide their blades with an anti-icing system.

Thanks to the VK-2500-02 engines, the power has increased. This engine was developed on the basis of TV3-117. New engines made it possible to use the helicopter efficiently in the mountains and at high temperatures. In the design itself, the creators used universal heat-resistant materials, reinforced the compressor disc and electronic-mechanical engine control systems. Thanks to this, the rotational speed of the turbocharger increased by one and a half times.

Although the wings were shortened, this in no way affected the functionality. Thanks to the DBZ-UV holder, an APU-8/4-U launcher is installed on the wing, on which guided missiles are placed. The same holders provided fastening, lifting of various loads.

The new takeoff and landing device allows you to change the ground clearance, open the machine while on the ground, and not feel the load during takeoff or landing. The fixed landing gear is not only lightweight, but also allows for a relatively safe flight at a short distance from the ground.

The modernization of "Crocodile" took place in 1999. Employees of "Rostvertol" were engaged in it. The result was the Mi-35 - air fighting machine to carry out complex operations and support the infantry. Thanks to the installed innovative television surveillance systems (IRTV-445MGH), the helicopter is able to track and detect hidden objects at a distance of four kilometers.

The GPS115LGarmin system with VPS-200 pairing is responsible for determining the coordinates, navigation parameters and displaying data on the screen.

Modifications of the Mi-35 helicopter

    Mi-35 is an export helicopter based on the Mi-24V. In the technique, the ASP-17V sighting system and engines produced by Motor Sich - Klimov TVZ-117V have been changed.

    Mi-35P is an export model of the previously created Mi-24P. The main system, three-bladed tail rotor, long wing and retractable landing gear are typical of the Mi-24P. Of the weapons, there is a stationary cannon installation on which a GSh-30K double-barreled cannon (30 mm caliber) was installed.

    Mi-35PN - the same Mi-35P, with additions for performing combat missions at night. The "Zarevo" system - a night sighting TV set was installed. The crew is equipped with specialized night vision goggles (NVG).

    The Mi-35 PM is a doublet version of the Mi-35P with new X-shaped tail rotor and main rotor with blades made of composite materials.

    The Mi-35M is equipped with a non-retractable landing gear that protects the helicopter during a fall (absorbs part of the impact on itself), OPS-24N and its inherent gyro-stabilized optoelectronic system GOES-324, a laser rangefinder, a shortened wing and VK-2500 Klimov engines.

This aircraft-military vehicle is in service with Russia (24 copies of the Mi-35M and an order for 49 helicopters has also been made), Azerbaijan (16 pieces of the Mi-35M and an order for 24 helicopters of the same marking), Venezuela (10 Mi-35M2), Indonesia (seven representatives of the P marking), Myanmar (50 Mi-Ps available), Peru (two Mi-35P helicopters and a contract for two more Mi-35Ps was signed), Afghanistan (9 Mi-35 helicopters).

Currently used for military purposes in Iraq.

Mi-35 characteristics:

    Crew: 2 (pilot and weapons operator)

    Passenger capacity: up to 8 soldiers or 2 seriously injured stretchers and a paramedic

    Payload: 2400 kg

    Length: n / a

    Fuselage length: 17.51 \u200b\u200bm

    Main rotor diameter: 17.3 m

    Tail rotor diameter: 3.91 m

    Maximum fuselage width: 1.7 m (6.66 m with docked wing consoles)

    Height: 3.97 m (with tail rotor)

    Area swept by the rotor: m2

    Base chassis: 4.39 m

    Chassis track: 3.03 m

    Empty weight: 8620 kg

    Normal takeoff weight: 11,200 kg

    Maximum takeoff weight: 11,500 kg

    Fuel weight in internal tanks: 1500 kg + optional 1000 kg

    Volume of fuel tanks: n / a (+ 4 x 500 l in PTB)

    Power plant: 2 × turboshaft "Klimov" TV3-117VMA manufactured by "Motor Sich"

    Engine power: 2 × 2200 hp from. (takeoff)

Flight characteristics of the Mi-35:

    Maximum permissible speed: 340 km / h

    Maximum speed: 320 km / h

    Cruising speed: 280 km / h

    Practical range: 450 km

    Ferry range: 1000 km (with PTB)

    Flight duration:

    with maximum fuel capacity:

    Static ceiling: 1750 m

    Dynamic ceiling: 4500 m

    Climb rate: m / s

    Rate of climb: m / s

Armament of the Mi-35:

    Small arms and cannon: fixed gun mount NPU-30 with double-barreled cannon GSh-2-30 of 30-mm caliber and 250 rounds of ammunition (Mi-35P) or non-removable mobile gun mount NPU-24 with double-barreled cannon GSh-23 23-mm caliber ( Mi-35M)

    Suspension points: 6 (4 for the Mi-35M)

    Guided missiles:

    air-to-ground missiles: 8 x "Shturm-V" or "Attack-M"

    air-to-air missiles:

    Unguided rockets: S-8 of 80-mm caliber or S-13 of 130-mm caliber or S-24 of 240-mm caliber

    Additional armament: bombs and cassettes with caliber from 50 to 500 kg, mine - container KMGU-2

The Mi-35 is a modernized version of the Mi-24 helicopter. This attack helicopter is produced both for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense and for export.

The main tasks assigned to this combat vehicle are:

  • destruction of enemy armored vehicles;
  • fire support for ground and airborne units;
  • evacuation of the wounded and sick;
  • transportation of goods in the cab and using an external sling.

Features of the Mi-35

The development of this combat vehicle began in 1968, and its final appearance was only formed in 1973. Essentially, the Mi-35 is an export version of the strike multipurpose helicopter Mi-24. From a constructive point of view, the great advantage of the helicopter was the unification of many of its units with those used in the Mi-8 and Mi-14.

The characteristics that the Mi-35 possesses fully justify the fact that it is often called a “flying infantry fighting vehicle”. The fact is that from the very beginning the crew was equipped with flight armored helmets and body armor, the cockpit windshield and crew seats were armored, local armor plates were installed on the engine hoods and on the sides of the cockpit.

The stability of the helicopter at speeds exceeding 200 km / h is ensured by the fact that it has a wing with a negative sweep of -12 °. To improve efficiency track control a tail rotor is used. All this made it possible to increase the speed of the car to 300 km / h.

Helicopter armament

The armament with which the helicopter is equipped also fully justifies the title of a flying infantry fighting vehicle. In particular, from the very first days of its existence, it was installed:

  • falanga-M missiles with a manual control system;
  • machine gun installation NUV-1 with machine gun A - 12.7;
  • beam holders for NUR or free-fall bombs.

Subsequently, the armament of the combat vehicle was improved, thanks to the fact that it had a USPU-24 machine-gun mount with a YakB-12.7 machine gun with a rate of fire of 4,500 rounds per minute, and the Falanga-P missile system.


The flight and combat characteristics of the helicopter are largely ensured by the successful formula used in its design. The Mi-35 is designed in accordance with the classic single-rotor design; it has a five-blade three-articulated main rotor and a three-blade tail rotor. The retractable landing gear consists of three struts, with the front support being steerable.

The two-seater cockpit, intended for the crew, is made in a tandem scheme and is located in the bow of the vehicle. A separate front cab is dedicated to the shooter. The pilot's cockpit, located in the background, is raised above the front cockpit by 0.3 m to provide a better view. The flight mechanic is placed on a folding seat installed in the equipment compartment, located behind the cockpit. Both cockpits are pressurized and have a heating and ventilation system. They maintain an overpressure of a small level, which makes it possible to exclude the ingress of contaminated air in a combat situation.

The safety of the machine and personnel is ensured by booking with steel plates:

  • crew cabins;
  • drive boxes;
  • engine oil tanks;
  • gearboxes;
  • hydraulic tank;
  • a pilot's seat, which has a folding armored backrest and an armored headrest;
  • partitions between the cabins.

Moreover, the windshields are also armored, on which windshield wipers are installed to provide visibility.

The central part of the fuselage includes:

  • a cargo compartment capable of accommodating eight paratroopers;
  • the rear tapered part, where the equipment and niches for cleaning the main landing gear are located.

To ensure stable speed and stability during forward motion, the rotor axis is simultaneously tilted 4.5 ° forward and 2.5 ° to the right.

Instrumentation equipment

The helicopter has modern instrumentation that increases the accuracy of the use of the weapons installed on board and ensures the orientation of the crew.

In particular, round-the-clock detection and identification of objects at a distance exceeding 4 km is provided with the help of night vision devices, as well as an IRTV-44 MGH thermal imaging surveillance system. The accuracy of determining the current coordinates of the combat vehicle is guaranteed by the modern satellite navigation system GPS 115L GARMIN.

Thus, the Mi-35 helicopter is a well-armed and reliable combat vehicle capable of performing a variety of missions in combat conditions.

Video about Mi-35

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Mi-35 - multipurpose attack helicopter, "flying infantry fighting vehicle", developed at Mil Design Bureau. The helicopter is an export version of the Mi-24V multipurpose attack helicopter. Helicopters have been delivered to many countries around the world. In 1999, Rostvertol developed a modernization program for these helicopters. In 2000, under this program, four helicopters for the Zimbabwean Armed Forces were modernized.

As a result of the modernization, the helicopters are equipped with night vision devices russian production... Installation of the new IRTV-445MGH thermal imaging surveillance system makes it possible to detect and recognize objects at a distance of more than 4 km around the clock. The GPS115L GARMIN satellite navigation system with a VPS-200 interface unit installed on modernized helicopters provides determination of the current coordinates of the helicopter and navigation parameters of the flight when working in the GPS system, as well as the issuance of navigation data to the video monitor screen of the surveillance system and recording of information on video tape.

As PRIME-TASS previously reported, the Mi-35 and Mi-35P helicopters (the designation for the domestic market is Mi-24V and Mi-24D, respectively), serially produced by Rostvertol, are designed to destroy armored vehicles, fire support for ground forces, airborne and the evacuation of the wounded, as well as the transportation of goods in the cabin and on the external sling.

Both helicopters are equipped with 2 TVZ-117VMA engines with a capacity of 2225 hp. each, providing maximum and cruising speeds of 320 and 280 km per hour, respectively, with a normal flight range of 450 km. Normal ferry range is 1000 km. Takeoff weight - 11.2 tons, maximum - 11.5 tons. Static ceiling - 1750 m, dynamic - 4500 m. Crew - 2 people.

The armament of the combat version of the Mi-35P and Mi-35 helicopters includes the Shturm-V anti-tank guided missile system (up to 8 9M114 missiles with a cumulative warhead), S-8 unguided missiles of 80 mm caliber and S-24 of 240 mm caliber, gondola with suspended small arms and cannon weapons in various versions (machine gun 9-A-629, caliber 12.7 mm; 2 machine guns 9-A-622 caliber 7.62 mm; grenade launcher 9-A-800 caliber 30 mm), as well as bomb (bombs weighing from 50 to 500 kg) and mine (container KMGU-2) weapons.

The Mi-35P combat helicopter, which is a modification of the Mi-35 helicopter, differs from it in that instead of the built-in 9-A-624 machine-gun mount of 12.7 mm caliber, a fixed GSh-30 cannon mount of 30 mm caliber is located on the right of the forward fuselage ...

The Mi-35P and Mi-35 helicopters can also be used in an airborne transport version (8 paratroopers with mine weapons /, a transport version with an external suspension with a carrying capacity of 2.4 tons. In addition, the Mi-35P has a sanitary version (2 lying and 2 sitting wounded, accompanied by a paramedic).

Flight performance


The MI-35M helicopter is a modernization of the famous MI-24 transport and combat vehicle, which was nicknamed "Crocodile" among the military. It is designed to attack armored vehicles, evacuate the wounded, and provide fire support for ground and airborne troops. In addition, it can be used to transport all kinds of cargo and weapons, in the cab or on an external sling. Let's take a closer look at this helicopter!

general characteristics

The deep modernization program has made the MI-35M helicopter a universal machine capable of performing assigned tasks anywhere and at any time. The helicopter is armed with a double-barreled 23-mm artillery mount and anti-tank missiles of the Shturm type.

Shortened fenders and a lightweight, non-retractable chassis contribute to the weight of the vehicle. Thanks to the modification of the X-shaped tail rotor, the helicopter became less noisy and easier to control. Thanks to the use of more powerful motors, the designers managed to significantly increase the flight altitude.

The MI-35M helicopter, whose photo is probably familiar to many aviation enthusiasts, has received an improved surveillance and sighting system that works in conjunction with night vision equipment and can be used at any time. In addition, the vehicle is equipped with a modern satellite navigation system connected to the onboard PC. Thanks to this, procedures such as calculating the route, determining the coordinates and issuing the route to the monitor are significantly accelerated. Now about this and many other things in more detail.

History of creation

The history of the MI-35M helicopter began in 1994, when the first prototype was created at the Mil Plant Design Bureau. However, the serial production was launched only in 2005. The main task of the designers was a deep modernization of the MI-24V / VP model to improve its flight performance, increase the level of unification of the MI family helicopters and ensure the possibility of round-the-clock combat missions in any geographic conditions. During the production of the MI-35M, it was not only supplied to the Russian Air Force, but was also actively sold abroad, in particular to such countries: Brazil, Azerbaijan, Venezuela and Iraq.

24/7 execution of tasks

In order for the helicopter to be able to cope with its work around the clock, the following equipment was installed on it:

  1. Surveillance and sighting system model OPS-24N, which includes gyro-stabilized optoelectronic equipment GOES-324.
  2. Aiming and computing complex of the PrVK-24 model.
  3. Navigation and indication complex KNEI-24.
  4. Lighting technology adapted to work with night vision goggles.

After installing these systems, the machine was able to:

  1. Round-the-clock detection and recognition of ground and surface targets.
  2. Guided missile guidance.
  3. Determining the distance to the object of attack.
  4. Accurate aiming when using mobile and stationary small arms and cannon weapons, as well as unguided rockets.
  5. Flight in semi-automatic mode along a predetermined route.
  6. Reducing the physical load of the crew in the process of controlling the vehicle and using weapons.

The internal and external lighting equipment of the MI-35M army attack helicopter was adapted for the pilot's use of night vision goggles. These glasses are capable of recognizing objects with illumination from 5x10 -4 lux. The wavelength range in which they operate is 640 to 900 nm.

Thanks to night vision devices, pilots get the following opportunities:

  1. Piloting at an altitude of 50-200 meters with visual control of the underlying surface.
  2. Detection of enemy targets such as "power line mast", "Armored vehicles", "road" and so on.
  3. Take-off, landing, flight and landing with touching the ground on unequipped and unlit areas.
  4. Performing terrain observation, as well as search and rescue operations at night.


The MI-35M helicopter is armed with a non-removable bow mobile unit with a GSh-23L 2-barrel cannon.

In addition to it, depending on the weaponry, it can be a carrier for such types of weapons:

  1. Anti-tank guided missile model "Shturm-V" or "Attack-M". Up to 8 units are installed on a helicopter. They can have different warheads, depending on the type of target.
  2. Unguided missile type S-8. Installed in the form of 2 or 4 B8V20-A blocks.
  3. Suspended cannon armament. Consists of a pair of containers of the UPK-23-250 type with GSh-23L cannons.

Crew protection

The crew, which includes two pilots, is equipped with armored helmets and vests. The windshield and pilot seats are also armored. In addition, the sides of the cab and the engine hoods are protected with local plates.

Carrying system

To improve flight, technical and aerodynamic characteristics of the MI-35M helicopter, a new carrier system was installed on it. It consists of an updated main rotor and blades attached to it, which are made of composite materials. The propeller differs from its predecessors by a new aerodynamic profile. As for the blades, they received less weight and increased technical resource. Their survivability during combat damage was significantly increased. In addition, this helicopter used a new rotor hub, which has elastomeric joints that do not require lubrication. And the main parts of the bushing are made of titanium alloys.

The 4-blade tail rotor has a two-tier X-shaped arrangement of blades, is equipped with a torsion bar suspension and is also made of composite materials. The number of lubricating points for its bushing has been reduced to a minimum.

Thanks to the new carrier system of the helicopter, he received: high level maneuverability, low acoustic signature, increased combat survivability. Composite rotor blades mounted on MI-35M retain their functionality after being hit by artillery shells up to 30 mm in caliber. In addition, they are equipped with an electrical de-icing system.


The helicopter was equipped with modern VK-2500-02 engines, which are further development line TV3-117. These engines have increased parameters: power, altitude and resource. Thanks to this, the helicopter can be effectively used in high altitude and high temperature conditions. In addition, in the event of a breakdown of one of the motors, the power of the second will be sufficient for the helicopter to fly to the landing site and land safely. For this, the corresponding engine operating modes are provided: "Emergency" and "Maximum".

The turbine of the motors was built using modern heat-resistant materials. The disc of the 1st stage of the compressor was strengthened. The motors are controlled by an electronic-mechanical system. By increasing the rpm of the turbocharger, the pilot can safely increase the temperature of the gases.


The helicopter has a shortened wing on which a DBZ-UV beam holder is installed. It allows equipping the vehicle with APU-8/4 / -U multi-seat launchers used for mounting guided missiles. In addition, the wing of a shortened configuration increases the possibilities for equipping the aircraft with various special cargoes, thanks to the lifting mechanism installed in it.

Takeoff and landing equipment

Among other things, the MI-35M round-the-clock combat helicopter received new take-off and landing equipment. It is designed to absorb the loads during takeoff and landing, taxiing a landed vehicle and changing its parking clearance. Also, the helicopter has a non-retractable landing gear, which ensures the safety of its flight at extremely low altitudes or, if necessary, an emergency landing.


In addition to combat purposes, the helicopter can be used as a cargo, landing or ambulance. In the airborne version, it accommodates 8 soldiers with personal weapons. The transport version of the helicopter allows you to transport cargo or ammunition weighing up to 1.5 tons. In addition, the presence of a reliable external suspension allows you to transport up to 2.4 tons of cargo outside the cab. In the sanitary modification, the helicopter can transport 3 patients (2 lying and 1 sitting) and one accompanying medical worker.

Flight performance

So, let's get acquainted with the main parameters of the helicopter:

  1. Length - 17.5 m.
  2. Height - 4.16 m.
  3. The diameter of the main and tail rotor is 17.2 and 3.84 m, respectively.
  4. Empty vehicle weight - 8.36 tons.
  5. Normal weight 10.9 tons.
  6. Maximum weight - 11.5 tons.
  7. Engine power - 2200 hp. from.
  8. The number of motors is 2.
  9. Maximum speed: at low altitude - 300 km / h, cruising - 260 km / h.
  10. Static ceiling - 3.15 km.
  11. Dynamic ceiling - 5.1 km.
  12. Practical range: without PTB - 450 km; with PTB - 1000 km.
  13. Crew - 2 people.


The characteristics of the MI-35M helicopter, the description of which we have considered, fully justify the fact that it is often called the "Flying BMP (infantry fighting vehicle)". It has strong weapons, solid carrying capacity, sufficient maneuverability and speed, and the ability to work around the clock. Thus, the helicopter poses a serious threat to the enemy and can become a loyal assistant for the soldiers, whose state army is armed with it.