Online cash register "Evotor" helps to conduct business. Personal account of the Evotor platform: features, login and registration

According to changes in the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation, from July 1, 2017 to replace the usual cash registers modern smart terminals have arrived, transmitting reports to the tax office online. Under the influence of the requirements of FZ-54, the Evotor system appeared - a full-fledged tool for small businesses, which includes an online cash register, a service with an application store and an entrepreneur's personal account. Let's talk about the advantages of the project and how to get started with the Evotor terminal.

Evotor is a subsidiary of Sberbank, which takes its name from the phrase "evolution of trade". The main task of the company is to implement simple and functional systems for business management. Evotor systems produced by the company include:

  • smart terminals entered in the register of the tax service and working with all operators of fiscal data;
  • the Evotor service, which allows you to connect basic programs for different businesses ();
  • personal account for remote access to Evotor terminals and tracking business performance in real time.

Evotor from Sberbank has the following advantages:

  • has a simple and intuitive interface;
  • adjusts to the needs of the user;
  • allows you to quickly create a product directory using a barcode scanner;
  • operates without the Internet - in areas with poor communication, the Evotor cash register is supported in an offline mode;
  • suitable for trade in alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
  • due to its compact size it fits on any counter;
  • connects to trading equipment free of charge;
  • allows you to track revenue from your phone.

Basic software connects for free. Operating instructions for Evotor terminals are widely available. Through the company's website, terminal and personal account, the user can always contact the technical support service.

When buying an Evotor terminal, an individual entrepreneur on a patent and UTII have the right to receive a tax deduction of up to 18,000 rubles and return the cost of the cash desk.

Personal account features

The Evotor personal account helps to manage the business remotely. This practical tool allows you not only to monitor cash registers and keep records, but also receive up-to-date information on changes in legislation. The main functions of the personal account:

  • mapping of stores;
  • adding information about product lists, employees;
  • remote control of Evotor terminals;
  • distribution of roles of employees with the ability to restrict their access to some functions of Evotor;
  • analysis of the company's sales and profits;
  • change of PC settings, personalization.

Personal Area Evotor platforms can adapt to the needs of the user, it is enough to transfer important buttons to the main screen of the service.

The main sections of the personal account:

  • ... This menu item displays comprehensive information about the number of sales, the size of the average bill and discounts, issued returns. Reports are drawn up by periods. The user can view the general report or select a specific cashier.

  • ... The section shows data about each transaction: the method of payment for the purchase, the amount, the amount of the discount, the return

  • The shops. In this section, a map of stores is compiled with a description of product groups and employees in it. Online cash registers are linked to stores, to which all the specified information about the outlet is automatically transferred.

  • Terminals. This item of the personal account allows you to control the work of cash registers: it displays data about the device firmware, current state, information about the last appearance on the network. Also in the section you can change the details of the Evotor terminal.

  • Employees. Here you can assign roles to employees that extend or limit their access to the functionality of Evotor smart terminals. For example, the user has the right to close the merchant's access to the store's profit reporting or prohibit the cashier from accepting returns without reason (check).

  • Settings. The section allows you to change the authorization data for access to your personal account.

Information on managing your personal account is described in the Evotor user manual, available on the Evotor ru support page. The company's developers regularly add new functions to the system and simplify settings.

Registration in LC Evotor

Let's take a closer look at the registration process in the Evotor personal account:

Users can log into Evotor's personal account through the official website of the company by clicking the corresponding icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

After registration, the entrance to the office is carried out after entering the phone number and password in the window that opens:

Users can register and log into Evotor through an account social network In contact with.

Getting started with the terminal

Before turning on the Evotor for the first time, you need to prepare the device:

  • insert a cable into the terminal connector and connect to a 220V outlet;
  • using USB ports and additional connectors to pair the device with other external equipment for trade: a bank terminal, barcode scanner, price tag printer, etc .;
  • install check tape in a special compartment;
  • insert a SIM card if there is no wi-fi connection;
  • start the device and press the button Get started with Evotor.
  1. Purchase a verification key certificate electronic signature at the certification center at one of the available addresses.
  2. Register the smart cash register in the personal account of the Federal Tax Service and get registration number cars - RNM.
  3. Connect the device to the fiscal data operator (OFD) on the website
  4. In the "POS printer maintenance" menu on the smart terminal, drive in the PHM data, the port and address of the OFD, the INN and the serial number of the device. Break the first check.
  5. Enter data from the check in the personal account of the Federal Tax Service and complete the registration of the cash register.
  6. Confirm device connection on the website of the fiscal data operator.

More detailed information on setting up and registering a smart cash register can be obtained from the instructions for working with Evotor, disclosed in the article “” and ““.


Before starting to trade, having formed a reference book of goods and filling it with information about the balances. Use one of the following methods:

  • exchange with the Evotor cloud, which previously generated data from other smart cash registers;
  • fill in the data manually;
  • use a barcode scanner.

To work in manual mode, you must enter the menu "Products / list of products". Also in this section of KKM Evotor, you can add / remove groups of goods and make changes during acceptance / inventory.

A detailed guide to using Evotor and working with product groups is described in the article ““.

The Evotor company provides new opportunities for automating the work of small and medium-sized businesses. This is a set of services and tools: smart terminals, an application store, and more. To operate and manage products, the Evotor company has created a user's personal account (hereinafter referred to as the LC). In this article we will talk about registration and login to the service, its functionality.

We will select the Evotor cashier, install and configure it in 1 hour.

Leave a request and get a consultation within 5 minutes.

To create a personal account on, go to the official website of the company Follow these steps:

  • click on the button "My Account", which is located in the upper right corner of the resource;
  • click on the button “Create a personal account” on the opened page for entering your personal account from Evotor;
  • enter your phone number and password into the form;
  • click on the "Register" button;
  • wait for an SMS with a confirmation code and enter it in the window that opens;
  • enter your personal account from Evotor.

In the future, to enter your personal account from "Evotor", follow the link and log in.

Evotor has several personal accounts: partner, client and OFD Platform. The personal account of the Evotor partner is available to members of the company's partner network, who earn on the sale of online registrars, service and other services.

LC "Platform OFD" was created to work with the operator of fiscal data.

The client's personal account from "Evotor" is a service for businessmen who work with the company's smart terminals. Next, we will tell you in detail about its benefits and functionality.


The section contains a list of outlets and online cash registers that are linked to them. To view information about the cash register online, buy the Remote Terminal Access program from the application store. Install the software. Operations with the application can be performed without leaving your personal account.

In the "Terminals" section you can find:

  • assigning the cash register to the outlet and changing this information;
  • editing the terminal name;
  • view the status of the machine.

Here you control the operation of the smart terminal, see if it is on or off.


The section contains detailed information on the issued fiscal documents:

  • operation number;
  • type of operation (successful or not);
  • shift number;
  • the amount of the sale;
  • discount on the check.

Information is displayed for any selected period: hour, day, week and so on. If you click on the check, a window with detailed data will appear. They contain a list of purchased goods, the quantity, amount and amount of the discount.


The section contains information about employees:

  1. surname, first name;
  2. phone number;
  3. role, for example, cashier or merchandise expert;
  4. binding to a point of sale.

The information is edited, new roles are added, the employee is given the necessary access rights to the terminal and personal account.


The section generates 4 types of reports per week or month:

  1. Terminals: the number of checks (operations performed) pierced per day.
  2. Checks: average check size, sales amount per day, number of fiscal documents per day.
  3. Sales: daily revenue, profit, number and amount of returns.
  4. Discounts: total amount of discounts, size and percentage of average discount.

The functions of the section allow you to display a report on all cash registers or select a specific device.

The shops

The section is registered outlets... The name of the store and its location are displayed. New points are added after pressing the "+ STORE" button in the upper right part of the screen.


In this section, the password that is used by the client of the Evotor company to enter his personal account is changed.

Benefits of the personal account "Evotor"

The client's personal account helps:

  • control the business;
  • remotely monitor the work of outlets;
  • view analytical and statistical data;
  • speed up the work of the cashier;
  • remotely configure an online checkout;
  • buy additional software.

The company has developed an application that allows you to enter the LC with mobile device and use all the functionality of the service. Personal account of the client "Evotor" is a free and convenient service for your business.

We used to have a regular cash register and paper reports. The seller searched for the price of goods in the catalog, added it up on a calculator, then pushed in the amount by hand at the checkout. I marked each product sold in a notebook, and at the end of the day transferred these notes to a special form. At the end of the month, I gave the forms to the accountant so that he could enter them into 1C.

Now we have bought a new cash register, and nothing else needs to be driven in by hand: the seller reads the barcode - the name of the product appears at the checkout. Then the seller indicates the quantity, and the cash register itself calculates the purchase amount. When the seller knocks out a check, all information about the purchase is sent to the accountant.

We work in white, and it is convenient for us that the reports themselves will be sent to the tax office. Previously, it was necessary to submit reports every month, now everything is via the Internet.

In business, apart from numbers, it's a failure: you don't know what you bought, what you sold, and what is left. Previously, we tried to do some kind of analytics, but it's difficult manually. Now I can see at the checkout how many such packages and tapes I have left. For example, we didn’t know before that most people buy a tape exactly one centimeter wide. We saw this in the terminal and now we buy more of it.

If you trade in ordinary goods, you can figure it out by eye: for example, there are still chocolates, but the cookies are running out. But I don’t see how much beer has gone - the kegs are opaque. A keg costs - how much is in it? I used to write everything down in a notebook, and then I sat and mixed. You have to do this every day: if you don’t flatten for two days, nothing will come together.

Now there is no such problem, the cash desk "Evotor" calculates the balance itself. I open the list of goods and see what is left: "Czech" - 0, "Creek" - 15. There are 30 liters in a keg, so I figure out whether it's time to buy. And sometimes the seller calls and says: "A guy came, took the Russian-imperial stout, there are only two types left, we need to buy" - based on this we order.

I also really like such a cash register function as a personal account - I go into it from my phone. I live in it, every five minutes I drop in: "Soooo, how much has been bargained there?" While he was gone, I kept wondering how things were going. And now once - looked.

I had a lot of online checkouts, I was looking for the optimal one. First there was the hipster checkout on the iPad. Everything is fine, but no one says that to work with such a cash register, you need 5 devices, each of which has its own socket. When you have a small dot, it is important - there is simply nowhere to put all this.

This is where Evotor came to the rescue. Of all the cash registers, he was the first to work under 54-FZ, and he only needs one outlet. I received the cash register the very next day after ordering. The sellers immediately figured out how to use it, the guys are all with experience. The cash register has a touch interface, and you can upload a photo of the product. There were absolutely no problems. True, once they managed to introduce a sale for 0 rubles, and change for 100 rubles, and the cash register was frozen for an hour.

I use Evotor not only as an online checkout. I work for the STS, and now I keep all management accounting on Evotor with the My Warehouse application connected. I immediately see the stock in the warehouse, promptly track sales and calculate the cost.