Creation and development of a personal brand. What happens if you neglect your personal brand. Why is it relevant to promote through a personal brand

Personal branding Is a way to form a certain opinion about a person in the minds of strangers. Creation of a personal brand is a long and difficult process associated with painstaking and hard work, work on oneself. A person who wants to become a brand must learn all their strengths and weaknesses and be able to use them correctly. In the article you will find detailed plan on the formation of a personal brand.

You will learn:

  • What does it mean to create a personal brand.
  • What budget is worth spending on personal branding?
  • What tools do leaders use to form their personal brand.

What is a personal brand

Your personal brand is you. This is your image that you want to present to the world and what you want to appear in the eyes of the world. With branding, you can create the right image and develop it in accordance with set goals .

A personal brand is not based on empty ambitions, but on realized talents that have led to success. It is not a means of making money, but rather the result of having it. There is money, but this is not the root cause.

The main thing when creating your image is to understand where and how you can use your full potential to the fullest and achieve the highest results. Money in in this case - just a "side effect". The main thing is to become a person and a guarantor of your own business.

Who needs a personal brand

Management guru and one of the world's largest personal branding specialists, Peter Montoya, identifies three main business categories for which you need to create a personal image:

  1. Service professionals... This category includes artists, athletes, politicians, and other similar professionals.
  2. Businessmen working in the personal services sector, - owners of art galleries, directors educational institutions, owners of large stores, etc.
  3. Professional sellers, capable of increasing the value of the product with one appearance. These are the owners of recording studios, clothing stores, etc.

If you provide quality services or produce an interesting product, you have stable business and do not have problems with the state or criminals - be sure: a well-designed personal brand will be of great benefit and will work for you for a very long time.

What a personal brand does

A personal brand is the image you create. It can be of great benefit, but it can also be harmful. It all depends on how you present yourself. A personal brand performs the following functions:

  • Creates a positive opinion and builds loyalty from potential customers.
  • Allows you to build the most trusting relationships with partners and clients.
  • Lets you in the best way position yourself in comparison with competitors.
  • Helps to build and develop an excellent reputation.
  • Unleashes your potential to the fullest, reveals previously unknown opportunities and helps you connect with people on a completely different level.
  • Teaches you how to manage yourself and your business.
  • Increases awareness of the corporate brand, which is inseparable from the image of its owner.

A personal brand is the best assistant where everything depends on one person, his personality, character.

The way of thinking can change the structure and anatomy of the brain in the direction you want, regardless of various factors. This was proved by Estanislao Bachrach, who developed a set of exercises, by performing which you will pump your thinking abilities.

All exercises are available in our article. You no longer have to wait for inspiration or opportunity - you will learn to work productively and come up with new ideas in any situation.

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Personal brand planning

The first is always planning. Decide how you want to see yourself in the eyes of others. Among other things, a number of issues need to be worked out:

  1. purpose... Why do you need to change your image? What is your the target audience ? What is suitable for respectable businessmen is unlikely to be popular with young people. Will your new brand be associated with the company, or would you prefer to develop individually?
  2. Content... Do you have something to offer other people? The quality of the content offered will determine how you look in the eyes of others. If you position yourself as an expert in any issue, you need to prove it. Any case study or practical recommendation will do.
  3. Distribution channels... Do you have a personal or corporate website? Fine. Do you run a blog or social media group? Fine. Promote your brand wherever you can, from your own blog to specialized Internet forums and communities.

Stages of brand creation

Having decided on the purpose, target audience and content, we proceed to brand development... This takes place in several stages.

  1. Self-identification... You need to analyze yourself. Interests, beliefs, desires, opportunities. Highlight positive traits and try to focus on them.
  2. Knowledge... What area are you an expert in? Can you bring something new to this area?
  3. Life experience and personality traits.
  4. Development of socially significant goals... You already know what you want to achieve from the brand. Can you bring something to the world and change your life target audience?
  5. Big idea... Which you will promote throughout the entire life of the brand. Everyone chooses a big idea for himself.
  6. Create a legend... Everyone has their own path to success. Someone invents a new car model, someone an operating system, someone has earned hundreds of millions for retail... Describe your story as you see it. Successes, achievements, defeats, victories, undertakings.
  7. Uniqueness... How are you different from hundreds of competitors? Each has some flavor that no one else has. Try to find yours.
  8. Create an image. Appearance: style of dress, style of speech, demeanor.
  9. Getting to know the target audience... Knowing who you will have to work with will help you decide where you should promote your brand.
  10. Personal brand relationship with corporate... Analyze the ideas of your company and try to match it somewhat. Once detailed, your personal brand will also become part of the corporation.

You should not actively promote a new image until you have thought out all the subtleties and nuances. This is the backbone and foundation of the future brand. If you fail to create a convincing enough image, everything else will go to waste.

After you have formed your image, work on all aspects of the future brand - build a reputation, achieve the fullest possible audience coverage. It all depends on the characteristics of your brand:

  • Design your own website.
  • Be more active on social media.
  • Write books and articles for specialized publications.
  • Maintain a Youtube channel.
  • Attend and speak at thematic forums and conferences.

A reputation is made up of all possible "evidence of expertise": awards, reviews, completed projects and much more. In sum, this will complement your image quite well and inspire confidence in the audience.

Personal brand promotion

If a person is already well-known enough, the competent promotion of his image on the Internet will consolidate the trend. If a person is a bright personality, but was still in the shadows, he can be made famous in a short time due to viral publications. A solid toolkit has been developed for this.

Promotion of the image on social networks

Do what you can do best. Tell us what you think about the work done, about possible difficulties and achievements. You don't need to be online all the time - there are a number of delayed publishing services that allow you to post a new post at a predetermined time.

You can have not only supporters, but also opponents, which is also not bad. Timely reaction to negativity will allow you to analyze your shortcomings and avoid further dissemination of unwanted information. In any case, you will be able to declare yourself as an expert, or at least a sufficiently qualified specialist.

There are a number of stereotypes: in one social network they do not like to read long articles, in others there are schoolchildren, in others they often block accounts, in the fourth, a serious style must be maintained. This is not entirely true: you can promote your personal brand anywhere, and the style depends only on your image and the chosen strategy.

To begin with, you should choose one social network and achieve results there. Promote your profile, analyze the audience - you may have misjudged their expectations. Work with potential clients and get feedback from them. Evaluate the demand for your products and services in the market and finally decide on a niche.

Once you have decided on all the nuances, you can go to other social networks and hire professionals who will promote your personal brand in the future. By this time, you will already have the material necessary for promotion, and you will know exactly what to expect from promotion in social networks.

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Creating your own website or blog

Your own website is the next step in promoting your personal brand. Here you can post your own articles and publications, repost to other media. The site serves as a resume and portfolio. Thanks to technological progress, this is the first thing that potential target audience pays attention to.

When promoting your own website, it is important that you already have a specific target audience. In addition, you need a competent approach to website promotion and bringing it to the first places in the search selection.

If the company has several bright enough personalities, everyone should be given the opportunity to promote their blog related to the main field of activity.

YouTube channel maintenance

When using a website for personal branding, it's worth considering a strategy. Some companies create creative stories, both business and staged, that are recognized to prove to the client that ordinary people work in a reputable firm with vast experience. Others prefer official business style... In the first case, it is allowed to post videos from corporate events, in the second - not. If you are promoting not only yourself, but also indirectly the company, the positioning style of a person and a company should coincide at least in basic features.

YouTube channel maintenance

It also depends on what the person can offer the audience. You can upload training videos or interviews, life hacks and much more. Employees of the company can share their practical experience. Thanks to this, the audience will be able to receive interesting information, learn about the company and meet its representatives.

Thematic communities

Every professional industry has thematic forums, blogs, sites where you can post guest posts. Create topics in professional communities, participate in discussions of important issues - and they will begin to recognize you.

If development is planned in a highly specialized environment, the blogosphere is preferable social networks... The blogging audience is tuned in to more serious content.

Media promotion

The mass media initially have the widest audience. On the one hand, this means rapidly building your brand awareness in no time. On the other hand, such promotion requires significant financial costs. The mainstream media demand payment for publication, and whether this will make you an authority in the eyes of visitors is a question.

When working with the media, you need to carefully weigh your capabilities and abilities. If you are confident in yourself and your image, publications in the media will highlight your status.

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How to create your own brand: considering the nuances

Many people do what they do not need and are not interested in. The only motivation is to make a living. They lack the motivation for self-improvement, and they can never become the best in the chosen business. People who create their professional brand should do what they really care about. It inspires to move forward, even if there are certain difficulties right now.

  • Maintain a corporate ideology. If the head of the company supports and popularizes its ideology, it will be an excellent advertisement. The clients of the firm will confirm the quality of the offered product - the founder himself advertises it. If the corporate values \u200b\u200bwin the respect of customers, they will always give preference to your brand.
  • Don't be afraid of criticism. If you a famous person, any of your actions will be examined under a microscope. Most critics are not constructive, but some allow you to see and analyze the weaknesses of the new image.

A few words about the creation of the legend. There is no need to invent something that did not exist and take over unnecessary achievements. It is enough to correctly submit what was. And don't forget about context: in different conditions and for different audiences, the same achievements can have the opposite meaning.

Personal connections and environment

One of the most important tools for creating and promoting a new image and achieving most other goals are personal connections... Take the time to create new personal and business contacts and develop old ones.

The right environment is already advertising and support. An indiscriminate attitude towards connections can lead to various negative consequences and, as a result, affect your reputation. Therefore, many successful peoplehaving reached a certain level, they break off most of the old ties.


Many people think that it is enough to become a good specialist in some industry, but the image and how you look - it doesn't matter. They say, everyone will appreciate the work. This is not entirely true. First of all, a person is judged by how he presents himself. Steve Jobs did not immediately come to his usual image in jeans, sneakers and a turtleneck. Two or three decades earlier, he had borrowed money for a good suit to wear to meet potential investors.

There are no such concepts as "good" or "bad" in creating an image. It is important how convenient and comfortable it is for you, how much it meets your requirements and wishes, and how much it meets the expectations of your target audience.

Clients already have a stereotype in their heads of what the head of a company should look like. If you don't meet the usual criteria and are not Steve Jobs, customers are unlikely to come to you.

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Communication with customers

It is important to study and understand customers - people in whose heads you want to create a certain image. If you do not understand them, they may have an unexpected impression of you. Everyone has their own prism through which they look at the world. If you pass through this prism, you can be perceived and heard. Everything is important here - from how you look and to what core values \u200b\u200byou declare.

Word of mouth

The real promotion of your personal brand begins when you start talking about yourself wherever you can. There is no need to be ashamed - you just need to speak, not imposing, but explaining. Relatives, friends, random people, up to taxi drivers or sellers. When people start talking about you, you won. And in the future, you can check how high-quality image you have chosen.

Kira Kamenskikh has already built her personal brand. It is easy to build if you work hard and do not hesitate to talk about yourself - not brag, but share everything. Here Kira tells how she deliberately dug up the topic of branding. The result is impressive, according to these notes, you can build a plan for moving forward for the year ahead.


I have never studied the topic of personal branding as it exists and is known. I worked with candidates for regional and federal elections throughout the CIS - until 2010. Then my area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility was texts for public appearances and texts for promoting various ideas of candidates. Making the hunter Vitka a candidate for governor Viktor Mikhailovich is still a personal branding, believe me. But no one called our work that way, we did not study any special books on personal branding. The political machine works a little differently, the tools are more serious and large-scale, the influence is stronger, there is more money. Not everything from this set is suitable for a business, and especially not everything is available and permissible.

It so happened that over the years I had my own agency, which for the third year has been exclusively engaged in content marketing and conversion texts. We create strategies for promoting companies and people. And if everything is clear with companies and there are enough applications, then people turn to us much less often. But it is with people that I personally find it more interesting to work, although it is more difficult.

Last fall, we created a separate line of services specifically for people and are testing the possibilities of content marketing and PR for promoting people. Now we are actively developing a portfolio and do not offer services to the general public. It is not surprising that during this period I wondered if we were missing something important. Since personal branding is almost a separate area today, aren't there tools and opportunities that I don't know anything about, but that would be useful to our clients? And I also wanted to know if it was worth the candle, is it worth doing personal branding at all, and if it is, then to whom and how.

I've done my own research. I will say right away - to study the topic, I used only foreign sources of information and one book translated into Russian. I did not seriously study domestic specialists, because it is obvious that all ideas about personal branding came to us from the West, and it is unlikely that our practice made a significant contribution to this area or somehow changed it. And in order not to read free retellings, I turned to primary sources - I just typed “personal branding” in Google and began to read everything.

Three things were most helpful to me:

1. The book by Hubert Rampersad "Authentic Personal Brand" (translated into Russian and published in Russia).

I usually leave these tasks for lunch or at the end of the working day, sit in a leather armchair "with legs", pour another 700 ml into my water bottle, immerse a straw and ... open lectures. I use these tips and lessons to build my holistic personal brand with might and main. Something turned out, I was already doing it intuitively, but something inspired me to take a more serious approach.

Olga Mark

Alexandra Solovyova

A very cool topic for those who are undecided, who are lost and in general for those who like everything to be put on the shelves. The tasks seem simple, but nevertheless, they are aimed precisely at putting everything in its place in your head, helping to understand yourself, to understand what you want and what they want from you. Understand how to present yourself correctly, what story to tell about yourself and how. Many thanks to the girls for the very idea, I will support and supervise.

Alexandra Solovyova

Olga Nikolaenko

The course has become for me a powerful and exciting quest into myself, into my mind. Sometimes a question arises in our thoughts, and we cannot find the right answer for a long time ... Then "bam"! A certain book falls into the hands, and, reading chapter by chapter, you find the answer! The course of Elena and Nadezhda is a huge “book”, you can call it an “encyclopedia”.

Olga Nikolaenko

Anastasia Venzel

I personally could not stop after the first year at the IDEA-class School and wanted to penetrate deeper and deeper into the smallest moments of this system. Until now, such a system of an associative approach to the analysis of a person's appearance, where they proceed precisely from the general impression of personality traits, was not familiar to me and I consider it an absolute uniqueness in the sea of \u200b\u200bother systems! Great, guys, that you are - keep up the good work!

Anastasia Venzel

Julia Dondo

I was pleased with the collaboration with IDEA-class. The exercise regime was comfortable for me. Feedback well established. I have not experienced any problems in the learning process. I especially want to emphasize the depth of the presentation of the material. I have not studied at other schools, so I have nothing to compare with, but the knowledge gained at the School not only broadened my horizons in the field of fashion and style, but also launched a mechanism for independent knowledge of the aesthetics of visual images in art, cinema, photo shoots, the world around me ...

Everyone has a personal brand - a famous marketer, a housewife, a child. This is your image that develops in the minds of other people: associations associated with you, your products or services. In a sense brand is equal to reputation: it can evoke negativity, respect, hatred, love or other emotions.

A personal brand is needed to:

  • increase the loyalty of the target audience to your products, services, offers;
  • increase awareness among a wide or narrow target audience;
  • position yourself as an expert in any field and thereby increase the cost of services or goods - an expert product always costs more.

Examples of

There are many examples of successful personal branding. For example, world famous personalities:

  • Elon Musk - entrepreneur and inventor. He - general director two large companies Tesla Motors and SpaceX. Both companies work with new technologies, so Elon positions himself as an adherent of new solutions. In fact, he is. Elon drives a Tesla car and plans to carry out a human flight to Mars in 2020-2025. His secret of success is constant development.
  • Vladimir Putin - politician, president Russian Federation... He is known to everyone in our country. Positions itself as a candidate from the general population and actually works with them - takes into account the interests of different social groups, religions, ages.
  • Quentin Tarantino - producer. His films are known throughout the world without exaggeration. He positions himself as a person who brought a special humor to the cinema. The key to Quentin's success is precisely in him: the audience laughs at what is not so funny in reality.
  • Queen Elizabeth II. Her personal brand began to build right after her coronation, and she still successfully maintains it. Every day, Elizabeth answers letters from ordinary residents, and during her entire reign she shows really worthy royal manners and restraint.

Other examples are lesser known. These people are known in narrow circles:

  • Artemy Lebedev, designer, owner of a design studio. Its popularity is largely due to its active anti-religious position and expressive statements. Many of his notes become catch phrases among designers, editors, and authors.
  • Ilya Balakhnin - Marketer, gender at Paper Planes Consulting Agency. He achieved success through painstaking work: he worked for large companies, including Coca-Cola, Beeline, Russian Standard and others.
  • Dmitry Kot - copywriter, author. He is widely known in the circles of copywriters, authors, editors. Dmitry conducts webinars, shares useful information with colleagues, writes texts. Its success is based on the competent promotion of its name.

Books: What to Read About Personal Branding

1. Tom Peters. “Transform yourself into a brand! 50 surefire ways to stop being mediocre "

In his book, Tom Peters talks about why he thinks the era of “i-brands” will come soon and how to effectively promote your personal brand. Published 50 ways to build a brand, each with step by step guide, answers to questions, examples.

2. David D'Alessandro. “Career Wars. 10 rules for building a successful personal brand "

This book will be useful to anyone who wants to "stand out from the crowd" and build successful brand in your name. It does have 10 basic rules for personal branding. In addition, it provides details on how to remain yourself, how to work with bosses, how to learn to admit and neutralize your mistakes, and what to do with competitors.

3. Igor Mann. "Number 1"

This book is fully adapted to Russian realities, because it was written by a well-known Russian marketer who works with local brands. It describes in detail useful tipsthat will help competent personal branding, as well as given practical tasks... You could say that the entire book is a simple route that leads you to become number one in your niche.


Personal branding is a laborious, costly, long process. But it gives excellent results: your opinion will be reckoned with, you will be asked for advice, and the value of the goods and services you offer will increase significantly.

To create a brand of your own personality is YOUR personal creation. But we can help make a beautiful "packaging" for him. A personal brand is an IDEA, a promise, a REPUTATION and an expectation that is formed in the minds of people regarding your person.

Each person is absolutely unique. Believe me, there is no second individual like you. Just turn on the right hemisphere and let your personality out, give it freedom of self-expression, allow your person to BE!

Conditions under which you can build a personal brand

The goals of creating a personal brand are many and, as a rule, they are all ambitious. You can create for yourself such an image that is easy to fall in love with, which you want to imitate and which you want to follow. But in order to realize them, you will need to comply with the conditions under which you can build a successful personal brand.

Do what you love

Your brand is your corporation. The term "corporation" comes from the Latin "corpus" which means "body." So at the root of personal branding is a complete cycle that ensures the process of creating a "product":

  • your own production department is your main activity;
  • procurement department - purchasing the resources you need;
  • sales department - selling a "product" or service;
  • finance department - financial planning;
  • administrative department - everything that ensures good physical condition;
  • development department - acquisition of new skills, self-study;
  • personal marketing - developing relationships with the target audience.

Be yourself

Many people make the mistake of trying to imitate another, even a famous and popular person. However, with this approach, you will become a dull copy of a bright original. Real fame and popularity can only be achieved if you are real, authentic, and not imitating someone.

Create environment

If you have those who are rightfully called brands in your environment, you can learn a lot from them, identify their successful models and algorithms, adapt them and apply them to achieve the same success.

  • find out the secrets of their popularity,
  • use the tools they use,
  • study the experience of famous people

Be a leader

True leaders instill in those around them confidence in their own personality and demonstrate by their example how to use personal marketing tools to solve more than tasks. It works 100% in all spheres: business, politics, sports and religion. The greatest leaders are brands:

  • Steve Jobs - "APPLE"
  • Richard Branson - "VIRGIN"
  • Henry Ford - "FORD"
  • Coco Chanel - "COCO CHANEL"
  • Calvin Klein - "CALVIN KKEIN"
  • Giorgio Armani - "GIORGIO ARMANI"

Visualize a dream

The visualization technique has long been a proven tool that has proven its effectiveness more than once. Use it without fail! Anything can be used:

  • Markers to write on paper what motivates you and hang on the walls
  • Pencils, brushes and paints to paint pictures of your future life as a brand person.
  • Scissors, glue and magazines to cut out your dream look and make collages.

Show results

Any of your activities is a process of working on a project that has a result. And these results, let's call them Portfolio, need to be demonstrated. If you do not have such a Portfolio, then it must be done. Otherwise, it will be much more difficult for you to show your real value to representatives of your target audience.

If you are determined to create a personal brand, remember, there are no small things. Absolutely all of its elements must be exclusively individual and implemented in such a way that "a mosquito does not undermine the nose."

3 whales on which a personal brand stands

Your NAME (brand name) is the very first thing that people hear and it must be sonorous in order to immediately "imprint" into consciousness and catch on there for a long time. But first you need to create this name for yourself by your own affairs and have:

  • YOUR OWN BUSINESS associated with a person (trainings, consulting, own production ...)
  • EXPERTISE - recognized as number 1 in its professional field
  • THE FAMOUS is really wide. Whatever your goal - you need followers, numerous supporters, students, fans, readers and clients, and there must be many of them.

Benefits of a personal brand

Any person decides for himself whether he needs a personal brand or not, but if you are still at a crossroads, perhaps having appreciated all the advantages of personal branding, you will make a choice in its favor.

Crisis resilience

In any economic crisis and difficulties, people-brands will always have an advantage. Because the ability to become the best is not going anywhere. Such a person, having a NAME, can always develop a new business based on his experience, skills, connections. No matter how the world or circumstances change, the person-brand will invariably be in better conditions.

Capitalization of everything

A person-brand is always in a position of strength, because he is exclusive. In all spheres of his life and activity, he creates additional capital and additional factors of production. He himself chooses the direction of his activity, dictates the amount of remuneration, chooses "his" clients, and receives a higher remuneration. Social benefits and social privileges are also capitalized.

New opportunities

Everyone has new opportunities, but everyone can notice them. A personal brand opens up wide horizons and allows you to see prospects from the perspective of development, to act in the chosen direction, realizing these opportunities and make independent non-standard decisions.

A sense of self-worth

Your sense of self-worth increases because you become a “guru” for your target audience. A human brand can not only create, but also focus and hold the audience's attention. When the focus is on your persona, you can easily convert it to what you need. A strong brand will help you gain a winning position among hundreds of competitors.

Trust is building

A worthy brand forms not just a large, but often unlimited trust in a person. Therefore, the more truthfully your brand reflects the inner values \u200b\u200bof your personality, the more trust the people who do business with you will feel. Your environment begins to perceive you as an expert and to experience more and more confidence in doing business together.

Boomerang effect

First, you invest in the creation and promotion of a personal brand, and then it will support you in times of crisis or decline in your own performance. A personal brand accumulates energy and when the focus of other people is focused on you, it becomes a powerful source and gives impetus for a new round of development.

The path to personal brand success will require testing the strength of your intentions. Success in any area of \u200b\u200blife comes when a certain critical mass of efforts, knowledge and skills is accumulated, which takes you beyond the boundaries of fierce competition to a new professional level in a completely different weight category. If it were not so, success would not be such a coveted and rare coin.

What we do to promote a personal brand

If you have respect in your professional field, popularity with customers and a network of like-minded people is a great foundation to build a strong personal brand. True credibility and recognition as an expert is your strongest competitive advantage.

Get ready, the battle for recognition begins! To build a successful personal brand is extremely important to be able to present yourself. We use the 3P personal brand promotion model, which was developed by the authors of the book L. Petrov, V. Makovich. “Make a name for yourself! Building a personal brand "

What can we do to promote your brand: PERSON, PRODUCT, PROMOTION

  • PERSON - we think over in detail and execute all the attributes of your personal brand
  • PRODUCT - we prepare a convincing presentation, we brand your products or services (brand design, we prepare branded content)
  • PROMOTION - comprehensive brand promotion: we develop and implement a PR strategy

Don't wait for tomorrow. Time is the only irreplaceable resource! Remember Bill Gates' appeal: “When it occurs to you a good idea, act immediately! " and start moving to your personal peak, because any road begins with the first step.