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Find out the passport data of a person by last name for free Hello, dear friends.

I saw a funny case the other day with the participation of my friend Artem.

He lives 200 kilometers from me and finally came to visit.

We went with him to a sporting goods store for new sneakers. And they just had some kind of action.

But to participate, they needed data from a passport, which, of course, Artyom did not have with him. I had to tell him about the opportunity to find out the passport data of a person by last name for free.

He was very surprised at this opportunity, which became the reason to introduce you, friends, with this useful information.

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How to find out passport data. Access to passport data

Many organizations of any form of ownership, for example, the tax office, financial institutions, the organization in which the subject works, etc. have personal data of citizens, including passport data.

However, the dissemination of such information is limited by state legislation, in particular by the federal law "On Personal Data". There are also many third-party databases that contain personal information, but access to them is as limited as possible to a narrow circle of people.

Information about passport data may be required to check the tenant, the second half before marriage, a potential business partner, find the debtor, determine the borrower's solvency, etc.

Passport data of a person can be found out knowing the last name, first name and patronymic, telephone number, registration address, identification code, car number, etc. Features of passport data:

  • They serve to identify a person, because contain a set of information about the subject: last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, place of registration, marital status, etc.
  • Refers to the category of personal data.
  • Are confidential information, their distribution and use is prohibited without the permission of the subject.

The use of passport data is possible only if the original document is available and in the presence of its owner or with his permission by power of attorney.

Fraud is possible if an unscrupulous person who has the passport data of another entity is in collusion with official organizations, for example, credit. As a result of criminal actions, the subject of personal data acquires material obligations without his knowledge and consent.

The Internet is replete with offers "We will help you find out your passport data." Many sites offer this service, but most of them are dangerous for the computer of the interested person.

As a result of visiting such resources, a PC may be infected with a virus that downloads personal data from the hard drive, deletes it irrevocably, and / or others.

In some cases, the service asks for the phone number of the interested person to activate the account, then offers to send an SMS message to a short number. What will be the cost of sending a message is a mystery. In addition, there is no certainty that the answer to the request will be correct.

Data search

The most reliable way is to contact detective agencythat uses lawful methods to obtain information. Often, employees of such organizations served in the past in law enforcement agencies, thanks to which they have a wealth of experience, knowledge and connections to quickly perform such tasks.

Detective agencies have access to electronic databases, which speeds up the process of obtaining a response to a request. The cost for providing such services is different for each agency.
Detective agency website

If you need to find out the passport details of a member of a self-regulatory organization, then you should refer to the register of SRO members. All register data are published on the website "State Register of Self-Regulatory Organizations".

Unless there is a federal ban on that. Passport details and residential address are not published if there is a prohibition in accordance with federal law. Dissemination and transfer of passport data to third parties by the responsible officer is prohibited without the written consent of the personal data subject.


How to pierce a person?

This instruction is intended to check your counterparties, clients, friends, acquaintances living in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Latvia and is of a recommendatory nature.

This manual is perfect for brokers, real estate agencies, and other companies that require customer verification. The more information you already have about a person, the better and easier it will be to find the rest of the more detailed information.

The check will be as complete as possible if there is at least the passport data of the person being checked. If you know only single data (for example, name or phone number or address), then use the instructions that apply to your data, but in this case the result of your check will not be exhaustive.

Checking the validity of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Go to the website of the Federal Migration Service in the appropriate fields, type in the Series, Passport number, captcha (code in the picture). If in response you receive the answer, this passport is "Valid", then everything is in order.

If the answer to this passport is "Invalid", then this passport is invalid, that is, fake or it has expired. If it is replaced with a new one.


This will also be reflected in the received message "Invalid (REPLACED WITH A NEW)" Lack of information about the requested passport (answer: "In electronic records The Federal Migration Service of Russia is not currently listed ”) does not mean that the passport is invalid.

Such an answer is given if information on the issued passport has not yet been received from the relevant territorial authority, or if the passport record is being tested in software package Base.

Find out the TIN number

Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service, follow the link to fill out the request form, fill it out and in response you will receive a TIN number

If you received the answer "According to the information you specified in the FBD USRN, the TIN assigned when you were registered with the tax authority was not found," this means that the person does not have a TIN, which is extremely rare, therefore I recommend that you check the correctness of the input data request.

Tax debt

In order to check a person's tax arrears, you need to know his TIN, but not everyone has a TIN, you can check this in "Find out the TIN number"

Come here and register. After registration, you are automatically redirected to the data entry form, enter the required data. In return, you will receive a List of debts as of the date of verification.

In this list you will see the amount of debts, their nature (taxes, penalties), as well as the type of tax for which there is a debt (this, by the way, indicates what is owned by our auditee).

Check yourself out because you are more likely to find yourself in debt. If there is no debt - you are well done! If there is, then you should not panic, select the debt, the payment method, check the box below and type in your home address. Print out a ready-made receipt and go pay.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget that unpaid taxes on time carry you the risk of restricting travel abroad, and you will also have to deal with bailiffs.

We find out the address of a person's registration and his home phone number

Go to the Address Directory. After registration, you get to the page where you select your country, then the city, drive in the name of the person being checked. In response, you receive the address of his registration and in some cases his home phone.

Conviction and courts currently underway

To check a person's criminal record or see the courts that are ongoing in relation to him at the moment, you need to know where he is registered. It is not necessary to know the full address, the main thing is to know at least in what area. If you have a copy of your passport, then just open it on the registration page and see the registration address.

If you don't have a passport, then go to the item "Find out the address of the person's registration and his home phone number" and find out the person's registration. If the person is not registered anywhere, then look at the previous place of residence. If registered, but there is data on previous locations registration, then do not be lazy and check them too.

Knowing the area of \u200b\u200bresidence of a person (for example, a person is registered in St. Petersburg in the Admiralteysky District), drive in Yandex "Admiralteyskiy District Court" Since there is no Admiralteyskiy Court in St. Petersburg, but it is called by the old "Leninsky District Court".

Then go to the page of the Leninsky District Court (Link). Go to the page "case flow information (Link)" sometimes called "Litigation". In the search line, enter the name of the person.

According to the search results, CAREFULLY see what information is available on the person being checked. It often happens that the names are the same, so see the correctness of the initials.

See what cases there are in relation to the auditee, who is the plaintiff, who is the defendant, the essence of the claims, follow the link of the case number and study the information card and information about the progress of the case. Study the information received.

Since, according to the law, a statement of claim is filed with the court at the address of the person's residence, then in the above way you can find court cases in which the person being checked is involved as a defendant.

If you want to find out whether he sued someone, then for this you need to check the courts of all districts of your city in exactly the same way as described above.

Search for suspects in crimes

Come here and click on the "Create a topic" button (registration may be required first). Then write the name of the person and any additional informationyou know. The more information you have, the faster your search will be. The search takes 15 minutes on average. The service is free.

Search for enforcement proceedings

Go to the website of the Federal Bailiff Service in the search bar, select your region, type in the full last name, first name, patronymic of the person (note that the search is extended) and click on the find button.

In response, you will receive a message about the information found, usually this is "Nothing was found for your request" - this means everything is in order, and the person is not on the wanted list for enforcement proceedings.

But just in case, to be sure 100% below the search line, click on the link "Show all results from the selected region" and you will see a list of people wanted in your region, check the list for the surname of your being checked, make sure that it is not there and go to next check point.

Does a person have a car

Go to the website of the Traffic Police Base, although the base is a bit old, but useful information there are a lot. Fill in the person's full name, and in response you receive a list of people in different regions suitable for your search parameters, find there the right person and see what kind of car he has and its license plate.

Debtor car search

If the person you are checking has a car, then you need to check this car if it is on the wanted list. Go to the website of the Federal Bailiff Service in the search bar, select your region, drive in the state. car number (note that the search is possible extended) and click on the find button.

In response, you will receive a message about the information found, usually "Nothing was found for your request" - this means everything is in order, and the car is not on the wanted list for enforcement proceedings.

But just in case, to be sure 100% below the search line, click on the link "Show all results from the selected region" and you will see a list of cars and their owners wanted in your region, check the list for the presence of state. the license plate and the car you are checking, make sure that it is not there and go to the next check point.

Checking the data bank of enforcement proceedings

Go to the website of the Federal Bailiff Service. To work with a databank, you need to select a subsection in the search section - search by individuals, or search by legal entities.

In chapter " Territorial bodies"Indicates the region of official registration of an individual, place of registration in the IFTS legal entity.

Date of birth for an individual is optional. If the data matches, for more accurate identification, you can fill in the field in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

If you have information about the number of enforcement proceedings, you can get information from the database of enforcement proceedings through the section "Search by number of enforcement proceedings"

Type in the full name of the person being checked, click on the find button and in response you will receive a list of debtors, the number of enforcement proceedings, the subject of execution. Carefully review the information received and look for the person you are checking.

Checking through the Internet search engines

It is imperative to check the person on the Internet search engines. Here you will find many things that you do not even know right away (for example: advertisements for sale, registration on sites of interest, mentions in the press, etc.).

To do this, open several tabs in your browser with the search engines you know: Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler and sequentially type in each search engine in full Surname, First name, Patronymic, just the last name and initials.

Enter the received information in parts (phrases) into the search bar search engines... Make similar clicks on the links found. Collect and summarize the information found.

Once found maximum amount information, you also repeat it yourself only with a known phone number in various interpretations: +7 921 XXX XX XX, 8921XXXXXX, 8-921- XXX-XX-XX, etc.

And again you repeat the search for various parametersthat you could find per person in the previous paragraphs of the instructions.
Accumulate and summarize all the information found in one document.

Checking via social networks

Go to social networks where you are already registered - "Odnoklassniki", "Vkontakte", "LiveJournal", "My World on", "Twitter", "Facebook", "linkedin". Using the information accumulated after the previous search, you are looking for a person by full name (DO NOT forget that girls can still be searched for by their maiden name), photographs, place of residence, alleged hobbies, etc.

After you have found a person suitable for all parameters, determine the circle of interests and acquaintances, education, preferences, place of work, you can often find contact information, if necessary, add to friends, ask his friends for information of interest.

Show interest in photos posted by users, videos, view status history. Pay attention to the signatures, determining the shooting dates and the circle of participants. Summarize all the information received in a separate document.

Punch a person by car number

If you know that a person has a car and you know its state. number, then go to the website of the Traffic Police Base (Link), although the database is a bit old, but there is a lot of useful information here. Drive in the state. the number of the car you know, and you will find out to whom it is registered as well as the phone number of the owner.

Another option to find the owner of the car absolutely free is to go to the website social network Numplate (Link), it appeared not long ago and is still poorly promoted, therefore it does not have a very large base, but it may help you find the right person. Instead of the proposed example x000xx00, drive in the required state. number, in response you get the page of the owner of the car.

Punch a person by phone number

If you have a home phone number, go to the Telephone Directory (Link), select your country (at the bottom of the page), then the city, select the phone number of the person being checked in stages. In response, you receive the person's full name and home address. If you can't find the information in the above reference, here are a few more options to find:

Moscow telephone directory, drive in the phone in the format XXXXXXX and press the search button, in response you will receive your full name, age and home address. If you know a cell phone number, then in this directory you can find out which operator a person has and how long the number has existed.

You can punch a person by a cell phone number using search engines. To do this, open in your browser several tabs with search engines known to you: Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler and sequentially drive into each search engine with a known phone number in various interpretations: +7 921 XXX XX XX, 8921XXXXXX, 8-921- XXX-XX- XX, etc.

Follow the links found and carefully read all the information found, ads, various references, see photos and videos. Enter the received information in parts (phrases) into the search bar of search engines. Make similar clicks on the links found. Collect and summarize the information found.


Attention! Avoid various offers on the Internet, offering to punch a subscriber by number for a minimal fee cell phoneas they are all fraudulent.

You should also not get involved with offers to buy a database of all subscribers. mobile communication, since such information is considered classified, and its illegal distribution is punishable by law.

By ip address

If you know the ip address, you can find out a lot of useful information about its owner. To do this, you need to use a special service - whois. Go to the Check ip addresses site and register.

After registering in the window with the name WHOIS Lookup, type in the ip address in response to receive all the information available on it. If the ip is static, then using this service you can find out the name of the person to whom this ip address is registered, his e-mail and phone number.

You can also find out when a given range was rented, for how long and for which organization. Attention! If the given ip address is dynamic, then the service will show only information about the provider. Further, using the available data, act on other points of this instruction and thus completely pierce the person.

How to check a company

Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service, fill in the search fields and click the find button. In response, you will receive a list of companies suitable for your request parameters, select the one you are looking for and click on its name, in response you will receive up-to-date information about the legal entity and information about the records made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in relation to the legal entity


Little tricks for collecting passport data from the sandbox

Of course, the collection was carried out, including passport data. As is often the case, an exhaustive TOR was not formulated and some things had to be completed in the process. I would like to talk about the intricacies of accounting for individuals for programmers who are faced with such a task for the first time.

The article will only touch upon the issues of name, citizenship and identity documents. The material turned out to be somewhat chaotic due to the fact that it contains only personal experience without retelling generally known facts and citing official documents.

First, about the surname, name and patronymic. First, it is not always obvious to an ordinary Russian that there may be no middle name. Moreover, it may not be like foreigners (which is understandable).
So it is with citizens of the Russian Federation (for various reasons). If this is not taken into account immediately and the field is made mandatory, then operators will be forced to enter any garbage like hyphens there.

The third nuance: foreigners (especially from Asia), when renewing a Russian visa, can get a Russian name in a new transcription, this is the level of work of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Therefore, it would be a good practice to introduce fields for the first and last names of foreigners in the Latin alphabet in the system.

Now about citizenship and identity documents. With citizenship, everything is almost simple: with rare exceptions (we will consider them at the end), a person's citizenship coincides with the country that issued him a passport (or other document). And with documents it is a little more complicated.

First, we will briefly list the main documents proving the identity of citizens in Russia. Usually, people apply with the most ordinary internal passport of the Russian Federation.

For military personnel, a military ID is also possible, in addition, representatives of certain professions may have such exotic things as a sailor's passport or an official passport. While waiting for a new passport to be ready, for example, upon reaching 20 or 45 years, the document is a temporary identity card in the form of T-2.

It should be borne in mind that the T-2 form is not at all the same certificate from the passport office that is issued there when the old passport is returned! The certificate is needed to exchange it for a new passport, and can also satisfy the curiosity of a faculty member or someone who is not too demanding of documents.

It is unlikely that you will be able to get a bank loan on it, for this you need a full-fledged temporary certificate with a photo. Its registration is voluntary and is carried out by contacting the FMS department directly. A passport only certifies the identity of those citizens who have left for permanent residence abroad.

Usually their passports were obtained from foreign embassies and have a special series - 51 or 53. In general, the series for these documents consists of two numbers, the number - of seven, and the codes of the issuing units are not at all similar to the codes of internal passports.

Most foreigners verify their identity with a foreign passport of their country, but citizens of some states can stay in Russia with an internal passport (there are pages with duplication of basic information in Russian). These countries include Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

However, the most widespread category of documents faced by an average organization in Russia is the internal passports of the Russian Federation, so we will focus on them. There are some features that allow to some extent automate the control of the correctness of their details.

Passport series - as you know, 4 digits. The first two usually correspond to the OKATO / OKTMO code of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which they were issued, but with a number of exceptions. One of them is Crimea and Sevastopol. As far as can be understood from publications on the Internet, last year stocks of blank passports from all over Russia were brought there.

The last two digits are approximately equal to the year of issue of the passport, but may differ by 1-2 units in any direction. In addition, the series is associated with an insoluble question: is there a need for a space between these groups of numbers?

Even federal departments do not have a unanimous opinion. The FMS, which manages the issuance and accounting of passports, processes the series without spaces in the database on its website, and the FMS (tax) in the forms requires separating the groups with a space.

A good practice, in my opinion, is to enter and store a series without a space, and when generating documents in which it is needed, add it on the fly.

Passport numbers are 6-digit, assigned sequentially within each series and I do not know any tricks associated with them.

The date of issue of the passport, according to the chapter "Calculation of terms" of the Civil Code, should not fall on birthdays at 14, 20 and 45 years and the following weekends and holidaysotherwise, in some particularly picky organizations, the document will be declared invalid.

The department that issued the passport and its code are the longest fields in the list of passport details. Accordingly, the largest number of mistakes is made in them.

The department code consists of two groups of 3 digits, separated by a hyphen. The first 2 digits are the region code, but for some reason not according to OKATO / OKTMO, as in the series, but according to a reference book that roughly corresponds to KLADR or car codes. 3rd digit - type of unit (FMS, OVD, etc.).


The last 3 digits are the actual serial number of the unit. To optimize the input of this data, you can organize autocompletion according to the directory of departments and their codes.

It will also be useful to know that the FMS provides a service for checking the list of invalid passports. Actually, their entire list is available for free download.

The problem is that the file with this list is over 1 GB and it can be a difficult task to organize its processing on an average server. In such cases, you can use the service for automated passport verification.

Now about those cases when a person's citizenship differs from the country in which the identity document was issued. First, one must bear in mind the category of stateless persons in general, whose identity can be verified by a residence permit.

Secondly, many residents of the partially recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as the unrecognized Pridnestrovian-Moldavian Republic, have Russian citizenship and a Russian passport, which gives them all the rights and obligations of Russian citizens.

Thirdly, these are some residents of the wonderful European country of Latvia, who are mainly of Russian origin. They are considered “non-citizens” and have documents that are called “non-citizen's passport”. Fourth, they are refugees.

TIN is a digital code used to register taxpayers of the Russian Federation with the Federal Tax Service. Refers to the main details of the company or individual entrepreneur.
For Legal Entities, the Taxpayer Identification Number consists of 10 digits and is assigned at the time of registration of the organization. The first two digits in the code designate the subject Russian Federation, The 3rd and 4th digits are the tax authority code, from the 5th to the 9th - the USRN record number, the 10th digit is the verification one. A foreign legal entity operating in the territory of the Russian Federation and falling under taxation in the territory of the Russian Federation also receives an INN from the Federal Tax Service, which will always start with 9909.
For individuals, the TIN consists of 12 digits and is assigned with a personal appeal to the tax service at the place of registration of the citizen. The first two digits in the code indicate the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the 3rd and 4th digits are the tax authority code, from the 5th to 10th - the record number, 11th and 12th verification digits.
For Individual Entrepreneurs, the TIN is the Taxpayer Identification Number of an Individual. If an individual has not previously been assigned a TIN, then the TIN is assigned to him at the time of registration of the individual entrepreneur. After assigning the TIN number, a certificate of registration is issued.

On the ZACHESTNYBUSINESS portal, you can check the company or individual entrepreneur by TIN for free, get full data on the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / USRIE by TIN.

The data on the portal is daily updated and synchronized with the service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation *.

You can search for free by TIN Legal entity / Individual entrepreneur / Head of the company / Founder of the company

The company card obtained by searching by TIN contains all open official information about companies and entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation.

To search, use the search box:

TIN identifies a legal entity or an individual and is issued once by the tax service of the Russian Federation. In case of loss of certificate and loss of data, at the request of the Federal Tax Service issues a duplicate. In the event of a change in the data of a company or an individual, the TIN remains unchanged. After the liquidation of the company or the death of an individual, the TIN is not assigned to another entity.

For Individuals, the TIN is used in tax accounting, for identification, instead of personal data. An Individual has the right to refuse the assignment and use of TIN. To do this, you must submit an application to the tax service of the Russian Federation.

A legal entity and an individual entrepreneur are not entitled to refuse to assign a TIN. The financial statements of organizations must contain a taxpayer identification number.

A branch or representative office (separate subdivision) of a legal entity is not assigned a TIN, since a separate subdivision is not an independent taxpayer. Separate subdivision when registering for tax accounting, its own checkpoint is assigned (Code of the reason for registration), and the TIN is used by the parent organization.

We wish you fruitful, comfortable work on the portal, using the search by TIN of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs!

* Data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP are open and are provided on the basis of clause 1 of article 6 Federal law dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ "O state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs»: Information and documents contained in state registers are open and publicly available, with the exception of information, access to which is limited, namely information on identity documents of an individual.

Today find out TIN according to the passport of an individual, organization (legal entity) or an individual entrepreneur, you can online on the tax website. To fulfill the request, it is enough to know the passport data or the name of the company.

A tax number is considered an important document and may be required by various public services Russian Federation and private organizations such as banks. To check the TIN on the website of the tax office, it is enough to follow the instructions presented in this material.

What is TIN

INN Is an abbreviation that stands for individual taxpayer number... Issued to all individuals from the moment of birth, as well as to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the process of state registration.

Your TIN number is stored in a specialized register, which is accessible from any region, region and even country at any time of the day.

How to find out the TIN of an individual

A unified instruction will help you find out the TIN of a citizen in 3-5 minutes. The following steps must be performed sequentially:

  1. Open the website address of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in a browser on a personal computer (the "Find out TIN" page):
  2. Enter information about natural person... The first block requires entering the Surname, First name and Patronymic (if there is no patronymic, check the box opposite). Next, fill in the date and place of birth in accordance with the automatic prompt. Indicate the data of the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (series, number, date of issue of the document).
  3. Carefully check the form, write down the protective symbols in the line and click "Send request".
  4. Immediately after processing, your individual tax number, which consists of 12 digits, will be displayed on the page above.

Helpful information: the service allows you to find out the TIN by the passport of the Russian Federation and a foreign document, a birth certificate, as well as by a permit for temporary and permanent residence.

According to the passport in the tax office

You can find out the TIN by passport at the regional office of the Federal Tax Service during working hours.

Go to the hall administrator and inform about your intention to find out your TIN and wait in line with the ticket. The request is formed immediately after the application, however, in order to receive the number on the state form, you must wait.

An employee of the tax inspection will notify you of the terms regulated by law. A paper copy of the document may be required for official employment, therefore it is recommended to issue such an extract in your free time.

It works around the clock, providing access to all services after registering on the site.


  1. Sign in to the State Services personal Area through the official website (the service is available for individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs).
  2. With a confirmed account, you will not need to enter data, the TIN will be displayed immediately on the page

Important: to find out the INN by SNILS allows the service public services, since during authorization you can use either the phone number and the address email, or the number of the insurance certificate.

How to find out the TIN of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur

To find out the identification number of a legal entity, you need to go to the tax website where the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register) is located, it is available at

Select a tab to refine your request:

  • Entity. Fill in the name in the line (full name without errors) and click the "Find" button.
  • Individual entrepreneur / peasant farm. For individual entrepreneurs, everything is similar to the first paragraph, only instead of the name of the organization, you must enter the full name and surname.

Debt by TIN

By using an individual tax number, you can check and find out the debt online, without visiting a branch of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

In order to understand what debts to the state for the payment of taxes there are, you need to know your TIN number, therefore, first make a request to clarify this information. Read more about how you can read in this material.

How to check the TIN debt correctly:

  • Individuals. Open or FTS and go through authorization (the standard number is used mobile phone and password). After logging in, the main page will display the debt or lack thereof.
  • Legal entities. Turn on your work computer with the installed and configured software to enter using a cryptographic key (EDS). Go to your account and look at the main page, where information on debt or overpayment of taxes will be detailed.
  • Individual entrepreneurs. Similar to the previous option, the only exception is the authorization procedure, since you can enter from or from the State Service website. The tab for changing the presentation form is at the top.

Please note that verification of debt by TIN is carried out through state databases, the so-called register of taxpayers. The information is current at the time of the request.

Support service

Qualified assistance will be provided to all citizens who apply for tax issues using several methods and means of communication:

  • Through the official. A specialized Internet resource contains a lot of relevant information that can solve all questions by providing an exhaustive answer.
  • By multi-line telephone contact center. Call on hotline FTS by number 88002222222 and wait for the operator to connect to the dialogue (the response time can be from 1 to 30 minutes).
  • IN mobile application IFTS of Russia. The phone application has the function feedbackwhich can be used online.

Video instruction from the Federal Tax Service according to TIN