Yuri A. Chernous has been appointed to a new position. MOVD "Khanty-Mansiysk", Khanty-Mansiysk. Interviewed by vladimir andreev

Yuri Chernous has been heading the Shchelkovskoye inter-municipal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for just over a year. You can summarize some, albeit intermediate results. We began our interview with the chief police officer of the district with a question about this.

I have always said that our work should be evaluated primarily by citizens. How quickly our employees arrive at the scene, how they communicate with people, how soon they investigate crimes and with what result, do the residents of their precinct police see how traffic police officers work - in all respects, in all divisions there are clear assessment criteria, and we try to stick to. But our most important assessment is when people say "thank you" to us.

We have summed up the results of our activities for six months of this year - the results are the best over the past few years. However, I cannot say that it was possible to achieve radical changes in the work of the Shchelkovo policemen. There are both subjective and objective reasons for this. We will improve.

- Yuri Alexandrovich, you often met with the public ...

- Now communication has become a little less. But after the September 13 elections, we will again begin to actively engage in dialogue with residents.

- Public divorces on Lenin Square in Shchelkovo were remembered by many ... But for several months they have not happened.

- Firstly, it is a quarterly, not a weekly event. Secondly, the area is currently under reconstruction. As soon as it is over, we will definitely renew the divorce.

- How did the idea of \u200b\u200bholding them come about?

- This is provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs - there is a corresponding order from the minister. Citizens should see how many people, what outfits are taking over security public order.

“It’s August and there’s a peak in seasonal crime. Are there areas worth paying special attention to?

- Sleds are stolen in winter, bicycles in summer. We just choke on these thefts. Another problem is juvenile delinquency. A group of minors was recently detained. I will not yet qualify the offenses and even crimes committed by them, but they are very serious.

- Does the number of crimes committed by teenagers increase in summer?

- I would not say that. Yes, young people commit crimes, sometimes even serious ones, but in principle we control the situation. Police officers are required to deal not only with the disclosure of offenses, but also with their prevention, including through conversations with both ordinary young people and those who have broken the law.

- Judging by statistics, a lot of thefts are committed in stores. Why did people so often become tempted to take someone else's?

- Guards in stores are not doing enough. There is no theft prevention. And she is in strict control, including with the help of video cameras for each sector point of sale... This is our mentality: no supervision - you can take it. Therefore, only a well-organized set of measures aimed at preventing small and large thefts on shopping facilities, can reduce the number of such crimes.

- You initiated the expansion of the Safe City program, at what stage is it currently?

- We have been allocated about 12 million rubles for the installation of video cameras. Now we are analyzing how many cameras we need and where they need to be installed. To do this, we raise the statistics: we look at where the most street crimes take place. I think this work will be completed at the end of September. Then we will hold an auction.

Characteristic of our time - arson of cars, periodically occurring in the area. Is it coincidence or someone's intent?

- We have citizens whom we suspect of committing this type of crime. It's not that simple - there must be an evidence base. But I think that in a month and a half the results will be - we will identify exactly those who set the cars on fire. However, I cannot help but notice: a fire is not always the result of arson, often the residents themselves provoke a fire, neglecting elementary rules fire safety.

- A year ago, the problem of illegal migration and the growth of crime in connection with it was very urgent. Now they practically don't talk about it. Has the acuity subsided or is it an apparent sensation?

- The situation has changed radically. When I arrived in the district in 2014, there were a lot of migrants, all without registration. The underground shop stood in the underground shop. Even on weekends we raised the alarm and worked in this direction. And now the economic situation has changed - citizens from the near abroad can earn the same money in their homeland. Those who come, have become more disciplined, because tracking their stay in Russia begins already at customs, and they try to have as few questions as possible from law enforcement agencies. They register at once, only a few, a very small percentage, neglect registration. If there's stable work, migrants buy a patent and work without any problems. I can say with confidence: 85 percent of foreigners have patents, have all the documents that are required in Russian Federation... And we work with the remaining 15 percent.

- On the question of the crisis: optimization of the states is going on everywhere. Has it touched your administration and the internal affairs bodies in general?

- The head of the head office decided to cut only the administrative staff. And those who work "on the ground", personnel, operatives, district police, external services, optimization did not affect at all. We are very pleased that there is such an understanding.

- Ahead of the day of the city and district. You will probably have a boost? In September - elections. The hardest part of the year coming?

- Naturally, 100 percent of the personnel will work in an enhanced mode. This has always been the case when it comes to large, socially significant events. So far we do not have a script for the upcoming holiday program, so we plan to cope on our own, but I do not exclude that we will ask for the help of colleagues from other departments. This is a common practice.

- I remember you talked about the fireworks last year. It was spent an hour later in time ...

- All cultural events must be completed before 22.00. Of course, people would like to walk until 12 at night, and until 1 o'clock, but there is a law that provides for the end of any holiday until 10 pm. I think that this time there will be no excesses.

- In 2015, we celebrate 70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War... How did your department approach the celebration of this date?

- We distinguished ourselves: probably the only ones in the Moscow region opened a monument to our victims in different years colleagues. The money was collected by the whole world: the employees took part in the fundraising, they gave the entire salary in one working day, our veterans helped, the entrepreneurs did not stand aside either. Thank you all very much. We managed to build a magnificent monument and on May 9th it was opened. A lot of people came, including veterans of the security services. Everyone was very pleased that such a good deed had been done.

- Tell me, does the international situation, in particular the events in Ukraine, somehow affect the service?

- Not to say that now there is some kind of tension. We work at a normal pace. Yes, we have exercises, and we bring political information to the employees, as we said before. But we do not enter into political debates, our task is to protect public order and solve crimes.

- What is the situation with the distribution of drugs in the area?

- Very difficult. We work together with Federal Service on drug control, but the results that citizens want to see are not yet available. We are now focusing not on those who use, but on those who import and sell this nasty thing. Everything must be done to suspend these particular threads.

- Suppose I am an abstract resident, where can I find the name of my district police officer?

- We have developed business cards, and I demanded that the policeman came with a business card. Public advice helped us: we made about five thousand pieces, but this is very little for a city with a population of 120 thousand. I demand that precinct officers work like firefighters: wherever something goes wrong, they should be the first. Citizens have the right to know their district police officer, his phone number should always be at their fingertips. But I cannot but say something else. Very often, when asked whether a citizen knows his district police officer, a negative answer follows. Meanwhile, the district police officer visited this house several times, but the citizen either forgot about it or did not want to communicate with the police officer. We have this: if everything is fine with me, why would I know the name and telephone number of the district police officer? Even if a person is faced with a problem, but the police have worked well, then he does not need to get acquainted with the district police officer. And in vain. The district police officer is the first defender of the rights and interests of citizens.

The website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region has all the information about district police officers. There are maps with location: you enter your address, up to garage cooperatives and horticultural associations, and you get full information about your precinct - with phones, reception days and a photo.

Interviewed by Vladimir ANDREEV

More than six months have passed since the election of the head of the city. Power has changed - new heroes have appeared. The surname of the former head of the city, Yuri Chernousov, disappeared from the front-page news, as did the names of his first assistants. The leader, who for five years made decisions that were fateful for Orsk, became an ordinary citizen. What is life after power like? What is the former head of the city, the ex-chairman of the City Council proud of and regrets about? It turned out to be difficult to arrange a meeting. Yuri Alexandrovich now works in Moscow, comes home very rarely. But it's not only that. “I like being in the shadows,” he admitted. - Now no one discusses my decisions and actions, does not criticize, does not send letters. There are fewer reasons for my parents to worry, who have always taken any criticism to my address to heart. " And yet Chernousov agreed to meet because he never avoided dialogue with journalists.

"... a saber and a horse
yes to the line of fire ... "
- Yuri Alexandrovich, tell me. How did you get settled in the capital?
- Fine. Now i general director Verkhne-Volzhskaya investment and construction company. We work with the administrations of Vladimirskaya, Ivanovskaya, Yaroslavskaya, Nizhny Novgorod regions... We participate in tenders for land, acquire land plots, deal with mortgage issues and much more. Honestly, I was not going to work in another city, but it happened. On railroad did not want to go back. Moreover, a lot has changed there. And the offers that were, did not suit me.
- If it's not a secret, where did you invite?
- Including to the branch of the bank, but it's not mine - to count the money. I am a mobile, mobile person. I would have a sword and a horse and on the line of fire ... The President of the Upper Volga Company called me several times then, and then he could not resist - he flew in and took me with him. And by that time I had already matured. He is a man of high moral character, very comfortable to work. We build even when it is unprofitable to build. In Moscow, the Moscow region, the company has super-profits and spends these "extra" on Kostroma, Ivanovo and other regions, because housing is needed everywhere, and the volume of construction must be large. We help local authorities. For example, a million rubles were allocated for organizing the City Day in Ivanovo.
- Does your company operate in Orsk?
- Not yet. Maybe in the future…
- Do you think to move your family to Moscow?
- My home is here. My wife works in Orsk. And then. I have something to compare with. I visit Kostroma, Ivanov, Yaroslavl. From there I come home as if to the south. Warm, good weather. When you live here without getting out, you don't appreciate all this. As for the capital, the company rents an apartment for me in the center of Moscow, on Tverskaya. I live alone like an owl in a "three-ruble note" of the old type. Within a year they promise to buy an apartment in their ownership.

"God saved ..."
- How did you cope with your defeat in the elections? Was it a shock?
- I am a supporter of the authoritarian style of leadership, so I had many questions about the division of the branches of government into legislative and executive. Although I said that this was correct, in my heart I could not agree with this. There was an increase in tariffs for my term utilities, monetization of benefits, the issues of providing veterans with medicines were acute. With such a “burden” I decided not to conduct an active election campaign. There was not a single propaganda poster, not a single leaflet. I cannot honestly say why I did this. What happened happened. As my mother rightly said, God saved me. Gold words. Therefore, there was no drama about the defeat. Only relief came. Now they see me in my family more often than in the days when I was the head of the city. I always come home calm, in a good mood.
- To those in power, they like to cram into friends-buddies. After the elections, has the attitude of people with whom you had to communicate changed?
- Of course, but I knew it would be so. Some people whom I helped in difficult times for them turned away. On the other hand, I understand that such people survive, lead us, that is why we live so badly. There are those for whom my status is not the main thing. This is also an interesting and rewarding experience. As it turned out, there are more decent people among women. They usually don't change their attitude, whoever you are.
- You invited someone from your team to new job?
Commercial director the company employs Sergey Nikolaevich Dubinkin, head of department design work - Sergei Mikhailovich Panov. I invited those whom I trust. But mostly I try to use local staff who know the situation.
- Was there a transfer of affairs to the head of the city, Yuri Berg? What is your relationship with him?
- In a normal relationship. We talked before the elections, and after about three days we met. No problem. Moreover, the leading experts remained in the administration.
- Do you communicate with ex-mayor of Orsk Nikolai Tarasov?
- Not. I only visit Moscow on Monday and Friday, so there is no time for meetings. I'm not a party person, I need to do something. But I can judge the work of the heads of various regions and cities. I know how well the governors of the Nizhny Novgorod and Yaroslavl regions work, they attract large federal funds. Serious programs, contacts and in the Ivanovo region. Kostroma is a completely different matter. I am convinced that much in politics depends on the personality of the leader.

It's past
- At one time, you almost completely replaced the management team. How did you feel about the dismissal of your proteges?
- I believe that every leader, when he comes, should select a team for himself. After all, a city is a huge enterprise that needs to be managed. This is not surprising, as well as the fact that in the process of work there are rotations, new people come. New tasks are set that other specialists are able to perform. This happened with the sale of municipal property. A local specialist tried to complete this task - it did not work. Therefore, they invited Kravtsov from Chelyabinsk.
- Do you regret that you invited Kravtsov?
- Not. With the sale of city property in the city, everything changed. Now in place of dilapidated shops - modern shopping centers... The money received from the sale of city property was used to build housing and solve urban problems. The region practically did not allocate funds, and we built a house for veterans, took up long-term construction, boiler houses. Yes, we did not sell the property through auctions because we didn’t want the region to cut subsidies. The second question is whether they sold expensively or cheaply. The price was set by independent appraisers, so I can't say anything about that. Maybe some premises could have been sold at a higher price, but then many Orsk entrepreneurs could not have bought them out.
- As it turned out, some city premises were sold just before the elections, as if the administration was in a hurry to leave the successors with nothing.
- The situation is understandable. After all, many completed documents during the year, because they could not immediately deposit the required amount. Realizing that the government may change, and this is a certain risk, entrepreneurs rushed to close all issues before the elections.
- Have you acquired something?
- Not. Not a single room.
- How did it happen that the registry office was sold to private traders, and now the city is forced to pay rent?
- We had a different agreement with the buyers. We allocated a site for the construction of a new building, agreed that when they are built, our office will move to a new building, and will not pay any rent. As a result, everyone is fine - the money from the sale goes to local needs, the city does not lose. But when the land was "slaughtered" for them, the owners demanded a rent.
- The Yubileiny Sports Palace is in the stage of bankruptcy, on its neck there are multimillion-dollar debts that have been accumulating for many years. How did you allow this?
- This is a common situation for such structures. With debts, he came to us, but they lived for five years, the Palace worked for five years. This is a management problem and one solution is to host as many events as possible. I really didn’t want Yubileiny to turn into another market.

View from the outside
- Now you are out of politics and can watch the events taking place in the city from the side. What did you note for yourself?
- Today much more enterprises involved in social partnership issues. And this work needs to be promoted, expanded and used. On the other hand, the administration apparatus has increased, new departments and sub-departments have been formed, which, in my opinion, only slows down a number of processes. Unfortunately, so far none of the officials have declared themselves like Kravtsov, so that it is clear that this is a person. The communal apartment is very worried. Severed relations with investors on the water utility. You will see how the situation in Orenburg, Kostroma, Barnaul has changed with the arrival of the investor. They did not invest much money in the Orsk water utility, because there was no certainty. Disturbing sensations of tram handling. It must be maintained, in spite of everything, because as soon as the tram disappears, the cost of travel in minibuses will sharply increase. And so ... Flowers are planted as they are planted. Everyone has water.
- At one time you tried to put things in order on Korolenko Street, but it didn't work out. Maybe it was worthwhile to act more harshly, as the current administration is doing?
- When I got into the problem, I realized that Korolenko Street should be in our city. Another thing is that the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision needs to put things in order there. Or maybe it is really very interesting for our city that there is such a street. Every hostess has visited Korolenko at least once. This year my wife bought apricots there for jam. Not a problem - to curtail trade. But the interests of the Orcs who enter this market will suffer.
- What do you regret today?
- About nothing. I tried my best. I was not criticized a lot for not working little. It was necessary to solve a number of problems and tasks, which gave rise to assessments. And at the city council I firmly defended my position, because, meeting once a month, you cannot decide strategic objectives... I spent several days preparing for the meeting, shoveled all the documents so that correct solution to accept. How much effort it took! Now we can say: "So the city council decided."

The word "cop" is a symbolic term of our time. For some it is abusive, for others it is surrounded by a halo of romance. One thing is for sure - no one is indifferent to it, and employees of the internal affairs bodies sometimes deliberately avoid using it. However, the hero of this number says to himself: “I am a cop” simply, without challenge and reverence. He considers his service to be not just work, but also a calling. If you are a born policeman, be one. We talked about this and many other things with the head of the MU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Shchelkovskoye" Yuri Chernous.

Chernous Yuri Alexandrovich

Born on September 2, 1967, higher legal education. He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in 1990 in the Kaliningrad region, and went from a district police officer to the head of a district police department. Since May 2014 - Head of the MU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Shchelkovskoye". Prior to that, he served for twenty years in the north of the country, in the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs.

- Yuri Alexandrovich, our readers complain that it is difficult to get through to the city police department, what's the matter?

Fryazino is one of the most difficult parts of the district at the moment. Citizens complained about the lethargy of the Fryazin policemen, their unwillingness to leave when called by residents, and even refusals to register appeals. We are working to rectify the situation, now voice recorders of citizens' messages are installed right in the offices of the city department, so the number of applications received has increased significantly. If two months ago they were registered 15-20, then today - 40-50 daily.

I am not used to darkening and smoothing corners, to be blunt: police performance is measured by the percentage of reported and solved crimes. But how to increase the resolution if there is a chronic understaffing of the department? The entire police are now experiencing a shortage of personnel, not only in Fryazino.

- What to do?

Work no matter what. We know what people expect from us - so that we can walk the streets without fear, so that our employees arrive at the scene in a matter of minutes after the alarm signal, and so on. The Fryazinsky department cannot work at full capacity, there are not enough people, but we will do our best. The city needs policemen, and if among the residents of Fryazino there are those who want to join us, we will be very happy with them.

- Is it really that simple? What about professional requirements?

The professionalism of a police officer lies primarily in the ability to treat citizens politely and carefully. Often it is enough just to listen to a person, explain the situation to him from the point of view of the law and everyday life, this is already help. People should feel that we are with them. But, unfortunately, in our country (in the country in general, not only in the localities) the law enforcement agencies and the people are on their own. It is very important to change this system so that both sides know that the police are working for the people, not against them. Our the main task - not to admit offenses and crimes.

- And yet, people with what qualities should go to work in the police?

Yes, ordinary people! You cannot impose any special requirements on a policeman, except for one thing: he must be a decent person. If there is decency and respect for other people, this is an already established police officer. A little professional specific training - and nothing else is needed. Another thing is that not everyone will go to the police. work week, holidays not with family, but at the post ... To work here, you need to love your job very much. I am already at my workplace at seven in the morning, I leave at 10-11 pm, and my employees are still working.

It is especially difficult for the families of police officers. Wives and children hardly see us. My daughter grew up without really communicating with me. We met (and even then not every time) in the morning for breakfast, and I came home from work when she was already asleep. The only joy were snatches of weekends and once a year vacation. The same is with my employees, especially for the "combat" units - operatives, district police. Beloved women in such conditions quickly "boil", demand to change jobs, and often families collapse, unfortunately.

- How do you like our land after the North? Is there any specificity?

The proximity to the capital is felt, of course. More and more concentrated - people, events, distances. Here, five kilometers is already a lot, and there 250 km is a normal way to the store. But this does not affect the speed of police work, which is interesting - both here and there the same amount of time is spent on collecting information, on considering case materials.

Here the professionalism of police officers is much higher, and there is much better discipline. It is this problem with diligence and discipline that I solve today. Otherwise, we are people in uniform, this is necessary. I always say: if a chicken is stolen from my grandmother, please, find a chicken or catch a crook. And to pile up grandmother's meaningful words from the series “we are carrying out operational measures to uncover this offense” is at least useless.

- During four months of work in the Shchelkovsky district, did you have to change a lot in the local government?

You know, whenever a new boss is appointed, everyone expects his arrival to mean big changes. My approach is different. I changed four jobs during my service, and everywhere I came alone, looked at the existing personnel. True, I immediately warned: guys, if you want to work, then you must follow my orders and give the results of work visible to people. No - we will part.

In Shchelkovo I was lucky - my predecessor was a strict boss, he cleaned the ranks well. Now I am in the process of mutual grinding with the management staff, but I think everything will be fine. Shchelkovo management will not be the worst in the region.

- What areas of work do you plan to focus on in the near future?

My main tasks are to put things in order on the streets so that people can not be afraid of robbers and hooligans. The specificity of Fryazino is also in the fact that the city is severely affected by drug addiction, many young people die because of this disaster. It is difficult to fight it from the outside, and we very much count on the help of the public. Often people can give us information that they themselves think is a trifle, but for us becomes extremely valuable. I myself like to communicate with people, because from the office it is hard to see what is happening “on the ground”.

- Soon - Police Day, yours professional holiday... What do you want to wish your subordinates?

All employees want one thing - to relax, to celebrate at home. But 90% of the personnel will be on duty that day! First of all, I can wish my colleagues good health, we work hard, and everyone will find it useful. And patience - for themselves and their families. Let at home, no matter what, they are always loved and expected, understood and supported. A strong rear is the most important thing in our work.

- What is your service in the first place?

This is a calling. This is what a wise and very experienced person said, and every year I am convinced of his correctness more and more.

When I came to the police 24 years ago, as expected, I had a mentor. Vladimir Nikolaevich Generalov, still a SMERShevets, he was over sixty, but he shot perfectly with two hands from a TT pistol. Like in a movie, only for real.

Vladimir Nikolaevich was a real professional and an excellent teacher. He said: “Son, remember once and for all: a real cop is the one who will work, no matter how much he is paid, a ruble or ten kopecks. Because it cannot fail to work. "

At first I did not understand these words of him, I thought, well, of course, everyone should receive money. But every year I understand their meaning better and better. When young people come and first of all ask how much they will receive, I understand that, most likely, they will not work with us for long. A real cop tears the ground beneath him for interest, he wants to work, and the question of money is in second, or even in tenth place. He will listen to people and solve crimes. I don’t believe in any set of qualities that guarantee success in the work of a police officer. It must be a calling. And the word "cop" is not a curse, I pronounce it with pride.