He who wants to work will always find it. Who wants - is looking for opportunities, who does not want - reasons. Why is it important

In Tyura-Tam he was delayed for an hour due to negotiations between Belyaev and Leonov and Brezhnev. Shortly before leaving for the airfield to meet the new space heroes, a group of chief designers and flight leaders (Korolev, Keldysh, Tyulin, Rudenko, Pilyugin, Barmin, Kerimov and others) gathered in the "Marshal's" dining room on the tenth site. Korolev proclaimed a toast to cooperation: “Friends! Before us is the Moon. Let us all work together for the great goal of conquering the moon. Do you remember how our team worked together? " And then I heard V.P. Barmin, who was sitting next to me, quietly said: "We worked together when everyone was in charge ... And now - one chief theoretician and one chief designer ..." Yes. Vladimir Pavlovich is right: the former friendship between the members of the "space cooperation" has long been gone, and this is part of the fault of Korolev himself. He often makes rash decisions and is tyrannical in relationships with his assistants. Not without reason, local wits called him "Scorpion-4". The fact is that when a threat to Baikonur from foreign agents arises, the General Staff immediately notifies the relevant services of the landfill with coded signals. The "Scorpion-1" code means that foreigners are passing by the railway in the area of \u200b\u200bthe landfill - they can track the operating radio stations and thereby determine the location and number of launch sites. Signal "Scorpion-2" means the flight of scouts in airplanes civil aviation, "Scorpion-3" - other, more serious actions of foreign intelligence. On any of these signals, life at Baikonur freezes for a few minutes ... Korolev learned about "Scorpion-4" three days ago and at the most inopportune moment. There were about two hours left before the launch of Voskhod-2, the preparation of the rocket, the ship and the crew was proceeding strictly according to the schedule, the situation at the start was calm. Perhaps that is why the pre-launch minutes seemed especially long to us. To somehow pass the time while waiting for the launch, Korolev, Barmin, Severin and I decided to discuss our plans for the future. Enmeshed business conversation took place in a relaxed manner and only occasionally was interrupted by small pauses. And in one of these pauses, Severin unexpectedly turned to Barmin with the question: "Do you know what Sergei Pavlovich is called at the test site?" - began to talk about "Scorpions" ... The reaction of the Queen was stormy. Flushing, he declared in a choking voice: “I have never been a fascist scorpion! "Scorpio-4" is a stupid invention of a narrow-minded person. I hope that my friends will not spread such vulgarities about me ... ”Having burst out this tirade, Sergei Pavlovich left us - there was an awkward silence. Most of all, of course, GI Severin was worried, inadvertently insulting his elder friend. Korolev treats Gai Ilyich with paternal kindness, appreciates his engineering talent and pins great hopes on him. Needless to say, Severin joked very unsuccessfully then ...

Wise thoughts

(February 12, 1809, Curdin County, Kentucky - April 15, 1865, Washington, DC)

American statesman, 16th President of the United States (1861-1865), first President of the Republican Party, liberator of American slaves, national hero of the American people.

Quote: 52 - 68 of 119

Who wants - is looking for opportunities. Those who don't want to look for reasons.

A hypocrite reminds me of a man who killed his parents and asks the court for leniency on the grounds that he is an orphan.

Hypocrite: a person who killed his parents ... and asks for mercy on the grounds that he is an orphan. (Hypocrite: the man who murdered both his parents ... pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan.)

The best part of our life is made up of friends.

It is better to keep quiet and seem like a fool than to open your mouth and completely dispel doubts. (Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.)

The best thing in a person's life is friendship with other people.

The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.

People who have no faults tend to have few merit.

The world will hardly notice and will not remember for a long time what we are saying here, but it will never forget what they did here ...

It doesn't matter to me what they say about me behind my back, as long as they tell a lie about me.

I don't like this person. So, we need to get to know him better.

I don't want to end my speech. We are friends, not enemies. We don't have to be enemies. While passions may have heated up, they should not break our bonds of friendship. The unknown strings of memory, stretching from every battlefield and from every war grave to every beating heart and to every hearth on all our vast land, will support the voice of the Federation with their sound when they are touched again, otherwise it cannot be, our guardian angel soul. (Inauguration Address, March 4, 1861)

I don't care what they say about me behind my back, as long as they tell a lie about me.

Many can withstand the blows of fate, but if you want to really test a person's character, give him power.

You can fool some all the time; you can fool everyone for a while; but you can't fool everyone all the time.
Clinton Address Sep 8 1858 g.
Johnes, p. 605
This phrase was also attributed to the American impresario Phineas Barnum (1810-1891). \u003e Jay, p. 227.
It is also quoted in the form: "You can deceive the whole people for a while, you can deceive part of the people all the time, but it is impossible to deceive all the people all the time." \u003e Sandberg K. Lincoln. - M., 1961, p. 112.

You can fool a part of the people all the time; you can fool all the people for a while, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Those who want are looking for opportunities, those who do not want are looking for reasons

The most purposeful person is the one who really wants to go to the toilet: all obstacles seem insignificant, for him everything except the goal is insignificant. Agree, it's funny to hear phrases like: "I wrote myself because I didn't have time to go to the toilet; because I was too tired; because I lost hope and no longer believed that I could run!"

And also "Well, of course, he ran, but his legs are so long!"; “This is clearly not for me”, “I knocked on the toilet, but they didn't open it!”, “I didn't have enough motivation” or “I decided to do it tomorrow ...”.
These are all phrases from the Sacrifice dictionary. Attention, question: are these your phrases? Do they help you achieve your goals?

A frequently encountered situation in life: "I do not work because the work itself does not want to come to me." Do you know this statement from people who justify their idleness by not wanting to look for a job?
It is more customary to lie on sofas and make a suffering face of a victim of cruel circumstances.

People often make choices that they do not want to admit to themselves, and, as a psychological defense, cover them up with far-fetched, false excuses.

"I was late because I wanted to get more sleep. Well, I really wanted to sleep!" - with the subtext "I wanted to sleep so much that there was no strength to resist. It was objectively impossible."

People make excuses for themselves - it's easy. It is easy to call your laziness to collect yourself and move forward an age crisis, the fear of building new relationships is easy to formulate for yourself (and others) by the self-sufficiency of your nature, intemperance to justify your character, and to explain your bad manners with your emotionality ...

Once invented excuses are so plausible that it is impossible to overturn them from the outside, only the person himself can admit the lie. It also happens in another way, when a person deceives himself for so long and successfully that it is difficult to figure it out without outside help. Strong and responsible people in this case can act as educators. Sometimes this happens in psychological training.

At the training, the answer is specified: "To be honest, I certainly wanted to sleep, but I myself decided that I could be late. It was my choice. If I thought it was very important, I would get up on time and not be late."

How to educate people to become the authors of their lives? The main thing is to teach people to be attentive to themselves, so that they stop lying to themselves, covering up their real elections with fake excuses and excuses. Further - to develop and strengthen the already existing author's position.

If you are ready to work on yourself in order to develop your author's position, recommendations for you: Keep your word. Keep your posture and smile. Get up off the couch and look for ways out of the dead ends you have created.

Getting to know each other in life is, of course, better than on the Internet, less fantasies. Everything is visible almost immediately - it will stick together or not stick together with a normal feeling of oneself and the other is clear from the first minutes.

Let's talk about dating sites. In truth, to clients who have trouble communicating with the opposite sex, I recommend them.

Ease - the key to success when meeting

Getting to know each other in life is, of course, better than on the Internet, less fantasies.Everything is visible almost immediately - it will stick together or not stick together with a normal feeling of oneself and the other is clear from the first minutes.

Women can also initiate dating in life, but this is not in our mentality. Our young lady is used to sitting in the tower and waiting for the prince on horseback to jump to her.

Although there are simple and very feminine ways to meet ... But probably for this you need to feel like a woman and to be healed from trauma.

One must be able to withstand the gaze of another, be able to maintain close distance, be able to speak first…. Oh, this opens up a wide scope for fears, from fear of rejection to fear of being a bad girl.

The game (and flirting and acquaintance is a game) requires inner freedom and drive. If there are too many cockroaches in your head, the game won't start. And without her, it is better not to start an acquaintance, anyway, overwhelm with your awkwardness and a sense of inappropriateness. Ease is the key to success when meeting.

In this sense, dating sites are good decision for single people to avoid direct contact with another person. There is an opportunity to hide and take refuge in your burrow by slamming the laptop lid if something goes wrong.

In addition, dating sites allow you to see how many single people of the opposite sex are. Often women complain that there are no free men (read, “I don’t see them in my environment”), dating sites reveal a picture that there are many different men with varying degrees of freedom.

There is generally a choice, you just need to clearly understand who you are looking for and for what purpose. At the same time, it is advisable not to lie to yourself: if you declare that you want a serious relationship, and you yourself think that this is impossible with you or impossible on the site, then declare what you believe in.

Some women are afraid of bad messages from inadequate men. But here everything is like in life: they can say “no”, they can send, they can ... You never know what a person has in mind.

As in life, there is a filter on the network: do not like it, do not communicate. If it hurts a lot from someone else's rudeness and rudeness, then this should be dealt with with a psychologist. In general, the question of the environment is a question of personal boundaries.

A dating site is an option, a very good option to feel, research, how the opposite sex works.True, if you go there with your own line “all men need one thing” or “all women are mercantile”, then you will find just such people there. Selectivity of perception!

And if you are the type you want a relationship, but are sure that a dating site will not give you anything, then you do not want a relationship. Your unconscious does not allow you to do this, and refusing the available ways to have them is just a form of resistance, not your beliefs.

Those who want are looking for opportunities, those who don't want reasons.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet