The program for the work of the retail market administration. On approval of recommendations on maintaining the register of sellers and the register of contracts for the provision of a trading place in retail markets located in the Moscow region. Templates for printing

Visualdata retail market - Program for automating the work of the administration of the retail market.

Complies with the requirements federal Law №271 dated December 30, 2006 "On retail markets and amending Labor Code Russian Federations. "

The main features of the program:

Tanner accounting: legal entities, entrepreneurs and farmers, tenant workers, contractual history, conclusion of a treaty from a tenant card, printing summary information on the tenant.

Accounting of contracts: a complete contractual history of the market, contracts acting on a given date, analysis of contracts requiring extension within certain period, Formation of the book of registration of contracts, registers of contracts for the year for IP, Yul and citizens, a report for the tax on the trade and warehouse areas of the vmenchychikov.

Recovering sellers: consolidation of employees for the tenant, keeping accounting labor relationship Employee and Tenant, seal of the seller's card with a photo in several views, the formation of the registry of the valid seller cards at a given date.

Specialization or activities in the market: indicating the type of activity in the contract for each trade and warehousing place, analysis of trade and warehouse places in terms of specialization.

Market scheme (as in the cinema): a graphic representation of free and occupied places on the market for a given date, the transition to a trade and warehouse card by clicking on the image of a place in the scheme.

Working with photos: a photo for tenants and sellers, work directly with a webcam (the fastest and cheaper (from 400r) way to organize the issuance of sales cards from the photo, you can take pictures of the person or his photo, for example, in a passport), you can use photos stored on a computer.

Printing contracts: the ability to add an unlimited number of templates for printing contracts (for example, in addition to the main contract for delivery shopping place For rent, you can print an agreement for electricity and other additional agreements with a tenant). The program fills in the report template by the Subcisions of the tenant and the data of the contract. The template is created using MS Word or Open Office Writer.

Register of individuals: All sellers, tenants, which are IP, enter the general list, where their passport data are presented, photo, place of residence, Inn.

Contains a full reference book economic activity (OKVED).

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of 30.05.2007 N 403/18 "On measures to implement the Law of the Moscow Region" On the organization and activities of retail markets in the Moscow region ":

upon design and issuance of a personal chest card of an individual who directly performs the activities of the goods selling (work, providing services), and the seller's cards on the retail market;

according to the register of sellers and the register of contracts on the provision of a trading place in retail markets located on the territory of the Moscow region.

3. Development management consumer market and services (Davydova E.S.) to ensure this order to the management of companies.

4. Control over the fulfillment of this order to entrust to the First Deputy Minister of Consumer Market and Government Services of the Moscow Region Klevakina E.V.

Minister V.V. Fomichev

2. Registry - a list of information about sellers formed by the company's management market and meets the requirements established by the Federal Law of December 30, 2006 N 271-FZ "On Retail Markets and Amendments to the Labor Code Russian Federation".

provides the organization of the receipt of information included in the registry, from tenants of trading places in the market within the time limits established by these Recommendations. Information is submitted by persons who have entered into a trading plan, the company's management market on paper;

represents at least 1 time per month in an automated mode to the 10th day of the month following the reporting in the registry information to the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region.

5. The registry includes the following information about the seller:

full Name;


data certifying personality;


details of a document confirming the maintenance of the peasant (farmer) economy, personal utility farm or gardening, gardening, animal husbandry, - for individuals;

the name of the legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, with whom a trade-ending agreement concluded an individual for the sale of goods (performance, service provision);

series and seller's card number (form is given in Appendix 1), the date of issue and its validity period;

the series and number of the personal cheerful card seller (form is given in Appendix 2), the date of issue and its validity period.

6. The registry is conducted according to the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region form (Appendix 3).

8. In the event of changes in the information provided for in paragraph 5, the person with whom a trading place is concluded is obliged to notify the management market on such a change in the prescribed manner. Such a change must be included in the registry no later than the day following the day when information about changes was presented.

10. The registry of sellers must be stored and in places inaccessible to unauthorized persons, in conditions under which loss, distortion, fake information is ensured.

11. The market manager must ensure timely and accurate records in the register of sellers, as well as the completeness and accuracy of the authorities provided state power or local self-government information from the register of sellers.

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────── ───────────────┐│ │ ││ │ Moscow region ││ emblem │ Market name ____________________________││ │ market type _________________________________ ││ │ │├──────── ───────────────────────────────────────────── ─────┤│ Seller card ││ series __________ N __________ ││ │├─────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────────────────────── ┐ │││ │ surname: ________________________________ │││ location │ Name: _____________________________ │││ for │ Patronymic: _____________________________ │││ photos │ Citizenship: _____________________________ │││ │ passport: ________ N _________ issued ___________ ││───── ─────────┘ ______________________________________________ │ The right to attract to labor activity: _______ ││ ___________________________________________________________ ││ (date, number and validity of the document) ││ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ││ │ │ │ │ ││ _______________________________________________________________ ││ Legal address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ││ ┌───────┬───────────────────┬──────────┐ ││ Inn: │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││ └────────────────────────────────┴── ─┴───┘ ││ │ to the provision of a trading place: _____________________ ││ (number and date) ││ term of the end of the contract for the provision of a trading place: _____ │ │ Retail of a trading place (trading places): _____________________ ││ Seller's card actions: from _____________ to ___________ ││ _________________________ _____________ ____________________ ││ (name position (signature) (deciphering the signature) ││ with an indication of the managing ││ company's market) ││ M.P. │└──────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────┐ │┌──────────┐ │ ││ │ Market name: _____________ │ ││ emblem │ │ ││ │ Personal Chest │ │└───────────┘ Seller card │ │ series _________ N _________ │ │┌────────────┐ │ ││ surname: _____________________ │ ││ Place │ Name: ___________________ │ ││ for │ Patronymic: _____________________ │ ││ Photos │ │ ││ │ Citizenship _________________ │ │└────────────┘ │ └───────── ─────────────────────────────────────┘.


┌─────────────────────────────────────────────. ┐ │ │ │ │ name of the person who provided │ │ trading place ________________________________ │ │ │ │ │ numbers of trading places ______________________ │ │ │ │ validity period from _____________ ____────────────── ─────────────────────────────────┘.

Form of register sellers on retail markets located in the Moscow region

┌───────────────────────────────────────────────. ──────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────── ───────┐│N │Familia, │Ween │ DOCUMENTS │CHUDNITION │Names │revizes of the document, │Name │ Effective breastplate │ Cartoon of the seller ││ │Inuya, │ The focutiones, │ │o │Euridic face "Seller'sCarter │ ││ │othepiece" │-based │ │Registration of IP, │In-│In-ip, with whom ──────────────────────── ─┼───────────────────────┤│ │ │ │ Definition │ │ Document, │Cresstyansky, │ Included Agreement │seria │ Date │ SERIES │ Data │ Urd ││ │ │ │ │ │-attracting │ Fertilizer │ │ │ │ │ │ │Something│Iniments│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Establishment of information │Use (for physical │ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ in Err IP │ LIC) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │├────────────────────── ┼─────────────────────────────────────────────. ───────────────────────────────────────────────── ┼──────────────────────────. ─────┤│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │└────────────┴─ ─────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────┴───────┘.

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region of June 22, 2007 N 5-P

1. These recommendations are designed to ensure the uniform formation and maintenance of the register of contracts for the provision of a trading place in retail markets located on the territory of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as the registry), the market management company.

2. Register - the company generated by the management market and meets the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2006 N 271-FZ "On Retail Markets and Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" The list of information provided by persons with the management of contracts on the provision of agreements Shopping.

3. The registry is formed and maintained by the company's management market.

4. Market management company:

organizes software and technical support required to maintain a registry in an automated mode;

provides the organization for the receipt of information included in the registry, from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs In the time limits established by these Recommendations. Information is submitted by persons who have entered into a trading plan, the company's management market on paper;

ensures the organization of processing information received from trading tenants, and, if necessary, check their reliability;

organizes the creation and maintenance of the archive of documents related to registering;

if necessary, requests additional informationnecessary for registering in accordance with the procedure established by law;

represents the information contained in the registry to the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region as needed, but at least 1 time per month in an automated mode to the 10th day of the month following the reporting date.

When organizing a post (mobile group), collecting information for monitoring the market activities, the functions for processing the information received and the verification of their authenticity are assigned to this post (mobile group).

5. The registry includes the following information:

number and date of the contract;

term of providing a trading place and its use;

trading room number;

shopping area;

type of shopping place (tray, tent, pavilion, kiosk, etc.);

for legal entities:

full and (in case there is) abbreviated name, including brand Name, and organizational and legal form of a legal entity;


state registration number records of the creation of a legal entity and document data confirming the fact of making information about legal entity in one state Register legal entities;

surname, name and patronymic of the head and contact phone;

for individual entrepreneurs:

surname, name and patronymic of an individual entrepreneur;


state registration number of the record of state registration individual entrepreneur and data of the document confirming the fact of making information about the individual entrepreneur into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;

contact number;

taxpayer identification number;

data on registration in the tax authority;

CAT at the place of implementation;

the list of sellers attracted by the person with whom a trade location agreement was concluded;

information about the commodity producer, including the activities carried out by them in accordance with All-Russian classifier species of economic activity, in the event of a trade location of commodity producers in the agricultural market, as well as about the class of supplied goods in the market of goods in accordance with the product range established by federal organ executive authority that performs functions to develop public policy and regulatory management in the field of trade;

for citizens:

surname, name and patronymic of a citizen;

place of his residence;

data certifying his identity;

information about citizenship;

details of a document confirming the conduct of a citizen of the peasant (farmer) economy, a personal subsidiary farm or gardening, gardening, animal husbandry.

6. The registry is conducted according to the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region form (Appendix 1).

7. The information specified in clause 5 is subject to the registry within three days from the date of the conclusion of the Treaty on the provision of a trading place.

8. In the event of a change in the information submitted when concluding a trading place, a person who has entered into such an agreement is obliged to notify the management market on such a change in the procedure established by it. Such a change must be entered into the register no later than the day following the day when the company managed the company learned or was to learn about such a change.

9. Registry maintenance is carried out on paper and electronic media during the entire period of action for the right to organize the market.

10. The registry must be kept and in places inaccessible to unauthorized persons, in conditions under which loss, distortion, information fakes is prevention.

11. The company management company should provide timely and accurate records of registry entries, as well as the completeness and accuracy of information provided at the request of state authorities or local government information from the registry.

Form of the register of contracts for the provision of a trading place

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┬. ────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────┐│N │Number │ Ladow │The room │Lick │Lip │ For legal entities ││ │I Date │Production-│TROT-│TEROGO- │Torgovny├────────── ─┬───────────────────────────────────────────────. ─────────────────────────────────────────────┤│ - │ │ │ │In-like │-grade │Full │ mixture │ State │Familia, │inn │ Data │CPP at the place │Notten -│ -│Register │ Item, │ │ Document │ Forwards│loads, │Oo │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Palatka, │ │ │ │ │ Attached │ │ Optionant ││ │ │ And its goals │ │ │Pavilion, │Night, │ │Unidic face │RUK-│ │Name │ │ ogin │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ and data of the document, │eer, │ │ │ Incountable │ │ Dual │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Fact │Tephone │ │ in tax- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ design │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ in the unified state-│ │ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │├─────────────────────────────────────── ┼─────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────────────────────────. ──────────────────┤│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ │ ──────────────────────────────────────────────┴─. ────────────────────────────────────────────────. ─┴───────────────────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────┐│ For individual entrepreneurs │ For citizens │├───── ─────────────────────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────. ┬─────────────────────────────────────────────. ─────────────────────────────────────────┤│Familia, │Ex │ Government │Contact │Name │Dad │CPP │Next │Information │Familia, │ mixed │Dads │ │revizes │ │Interior-│-│ Document, │Register │Tephone │ UK Production-│Im, │ │ │ Document, │Oh.- │ │ Document, ││othetics, │night │-based │-tore record of creating │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Distance │ Convigating │Inididity-│ │ │ │ by the personality of │uridic face │ │ │ On accounting │ │ │ │ │rgenhip │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ and document data, │ │ │ in tax │ - │Indise- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ price ││ │ │ │ │ │ │-conducive fact │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ END-│ │ │ │ │ │ (farmer) ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ th of the state-│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Helastics │├───────────────────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────────────────────. ─┼──────────────────────────────────────────────. ─────────────────────────────────┤│ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │ 19 │ 20 │ 21 │ 22 │ 23 │ 24 │ 25 │ 26 │ 27 │ 28 │ 29 │ 30 │└────────────────────────────────┴ ──────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────────────────────────. ─────────────────────────────────────────┘.

Version 1.8 dated January 14, 2016

  • The ability to select the display of the article before the name of the goods or after the name in brackets.

Version 1.7 of 10/22/2015

  • Added checking the document number to repeat. If the number is already there, the following is proposed.
  • Added the ability to set rights to access directory.
  • Made sorting in all lists not on the article but by product name.
  • Added the possibility of mass change in fixed prices.
  • In the workplace setting, you can disable the display of colors and sizes in the lists of goods (due to this product name increases).
  • New field in the client card - "Limit of debt, rub."
  • Help About the client in the sale window (displays the customer's debt and debt limit).
  • Report "Trading turnover on point." Shows sales, returns and payment of customers for the selected period.
  • Binding employee to all documents.
  • User Directory: An opportunity to specify employees with whom the user can work. Thus, the user sees documents only those employees who are allowed to be allowed (for example, only their own).
  • The ability to block the specified group of goods at the specified point for overcame. You are blocking the goods from any movements in a warehouse for a while, you will move and remove the lock. (Service settings - blocking for overcame).
  • Trade point May see the movements made to her, but can not change them.
  • HTML view of the account, invoice and TORG-12 (printed from sales).
  • Function "Presence in warehouses". Displays the availability of goods on other warehouses. You need to click \u003e\u003e and choose "Availability in warehouses".
  • Recalculation of prices in the invoice.

Version 1.6 dated 04.11.2012

  • Changes related to the new form of invoices (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137):
    • new printed form of invoice (added code of equipment, country code of origin, name and currency code);
    • new form of invoice in HTML-form;
    • 2 fields have been added to the product card (the code of the country and the country code);
    • the possibility of changing the country's code and the code of the unit has been added to the mode of mass change in the characteristics of the goods.
    • Recommendations:
      • to enter codes of countries and unmements, use the mass change mode;
      • for printing invoices in the old way, use previous versions of the program (do not delete old version after update);
      • okay classifier (units of measurement) can be viewed here:
      • classifier OXM (country of the world) can be viewed here:
  • Fixed a bug in the report "Results of work" (in the case of returns incorrectly formed profits).
  • Fixed a bug when choosing sorting by groups in a new invoice.
  • User Reference:
    • there was an opportunity to specify the warehouses with which the user can work;
    • prohibition of the procurement price display when selling;
    • prohibition of price changes by the user when selling;
  • Customer Handbook: An opportunity to bind a specific price to the client (for example, sale3). Then on sale when choosing this client, the selected price will be immediately displayed.
  • In the system settings, you can limit the period for editing documents (valid for all other than the administrator).
  • A filter on the client has been added in the profit report.
  • Ability to print an account from the order of the client.

Version 1.5 dated 04/06/2011

  • AT printing form The account has been added a sample of filling out the payment order.
  • In the directory firms, you can put a check mark "VAT is not subject to". This phrase will be printed in the documents instead of the VAT amount.
  • Added the ability to remove information about photos to the product (button "X"). The photo itself is not deleted.

Version 1.4 of 02.03.2010

  • New report: Warehouse - missing goods. Gives a list of goods that are missing on the selected trading point.
  • The new field "Minimum Stock" in the product card (for the purchase report).
  • New report: Warehouse - report for purchases. This report allows you to see the goods purchased from the selected supplier, their minimum stock (set in the product card), the current balance, the last purchase price of both the supplier has a selected supplier and the last procurement procurement, as well as The required quantity for the purchase (as the difference between the minimum reserve and the current residue).
  • Field discount in the invoice for sale.
  • In the invoice window for sale - a column with a discount display.
  • Sales receipt - prices without discount, but as a result, the amount with a discount. Downstairs, an extract from the Consumer Rights Act.

Version 1.3 of 01.10.2008

  • Added binding photos to the product. Ability to view photos when choosing goods in the invoice.
  • Expanded Report Card Products. Fixed error - when returning the supplier in the report, the stars displayed.
  • Fixed a bug that occurs after reporting reports in the network version.
  • Fixed error: not everywhere displayed, calculated from parishes, prices. Also, when calculating the price from the parish did not work rounding.

Version 1.2 dated 25.02.2008

  • New Mode - Trade - customer orders. You can enter customer orders and track their execution.
  • Customer orders reports:
    • List of ordered goods for the period
    • Report on the ordered goods in context of flowers and sizes
    • Announcement of coming on customers - Displays those who came in the selected interval and those clients to whom these products must be shipped
    • List of orders
  • Increased windows related to the choice of goods
  • Improved overhead search mode for the product
  • In sales when entering prices and quantities, the percentage of margin
  • The selection of a firm for printing price lists is made. To do this, it is necessary to log in to configure printing and choose a firm
  • There are 2 forms of price list, which can be configured using the report editor.
  • Field Article Extended to 15 characters
  • In the report setting, a field "Duplicate the report header each ... rows" appeared. If you put any number here (for example 30, 40, 50), then on each page will be printed by the report cap and the specified number of rows
  • The report "Warehouse residues" is now displayed in context of colors and sizes.
  • In windows with a list of documents Added column "Note"
  • In the Status Status window, a column with a selected price is displayed. Expanded certificate of product
  • Updated invoice and trading-12

Version 1.1 dated 03.07.2007

  • Changed input of the quantity of goods during arrival: the same product with different colors / dimensions are entered in one window
  • New two-dimensional reports: residues in size, residues in colors, sale in size, sale in colors
  • Sales reports take into account returns
  • In some reports, it was possible to assign additional. parameters (for example: in the statement of the state of the warehouse can be displayed, where the number of\u003e 10)
  • Fixed a bug - a new exchange rate was installed

Version 1.0 dated 04/11/2007

  • Release of the program

Retail Market (RetailMarket). User's Manual.

About the program................................................ .................................................. ....................................... one

Program installation................................................ .................................................. .......................... 3.

Running the program .................................................. .................................................. ............................... four

Function keys in the program .............................................. .................................................. . five

Search in lists ........................................................... .................................................. .................................... 6.

Formation of the scheme of the market ............................................... .................................................. ................. 7.

Templates for printing contracts and additional agreements........................................................... 9

Data transfer from version 2.x. x on any older version ............................................ ......... eleven

Transferring data from version 3.x. x on older .............................................. ............................... 12

Report in statistics (form 3-market) ......................................... .................................................. ......... thirteen

About the program.

Computer program for automating the work of the retail market administration. Complies with the requirements of Federal Law No. 000 of 01.01.01 "On retail markets and on amendments to the Labor Code of Russian Federation".

The main features of the program:

l Accounting of tenants: JUR-Persons, entrepreneurs and farmers, employees of tenants, contractual history, conclusion of a contract from a tenant card, Printing summary information on the tenant.

l Accounting of contracts: a complete contractual history history of the market, contracts operating at a given date, analysis of contracts requiring extension during a certain period, forming a book of contract registration, registers of contracts for the year for IP, Yul and citizens, a report for Tax and Warehouse Squares Wengins.

l Accounting of sellers: consolidation of employees for the tenant, keeping accounting for labor relations of the employee and tenant, printing a seller's cards with a photo in several performances, forming the registry of existing seller cards to a specified date.

l Specialization or activities in the market: an indication of the type of activity in the contract for each trade and warehousing place, an analysis of the trade and warehouse places of the market in terms of specialization.

l Market scheme (as in the cinema): a graphical representation of free and occupied places in the market for a given date, the transition to a shopping and warehouse card by pressing the location in the scheme.

l Working with photos: a photo for tenants and sellers, work directly with a webcam (the fastest and cheaper (from 400r) way to organize the issuance of sales cards with photos, you can photograph a person himself or his photo, for example, in a passport), you can use Photos stored on the computer.

l Printing contracts: the ability to add an unlimited number of templates for printing contracts (for example, in addition to the main contract for renting a trading place for rent, you can print an agreement for electricity and other additional agreements with a tenant). The program fills in the report template by the Subcisions of the tenant and the data of the contract. The template is created using MS Word or Open Office Writer.

l Registry of individuals: All sellers, tenants, which are IP, enter the general list, where their passport details are presented, photos, place of residence, Inn.

Contains a full reference book of economic activities (OKVED). The program is conveniently navigated between forms, an intuitive user interface. Usually all related information is available at each program for viewing or moving.

Program installation.

To install the program must be downloaded installator (RetailMarket-X. X.x. EXE) from WWW. *****. Next launches installator. Possible 2 options for installing the program: single-user and multiplayer.

For single-user The program and the base are located on one computer, while there are no access to the base from other jobs to the database. For this type of installation, select installator Item "Local work".

For multiplayer Work is possible access to the database from several jobs on the network. For this type of installation, it is necessary to 1 computer (let's call it server) Install the program as "server". For each workplace Employee to establish a program as a "client". It is desirable that server It was not a workplace, but was a separate computer. It is dictated by considerations of reliability, performance and availability for service.

Starting a program.

For local Installation The program starts with a shortcut on the desktop or from the Start-\u003e Program menu-\u003e Retail Market.

For multiplayer Installation (client server) first need to start the server. You can do this from the "Start-\u003e Program-\u003e Retail Market" -\u003e Server ". If you want the server to start automatically when loading the system, copy the "Server" shortcut from "Start-\u003e Programs-\u003e Retail Market" in the Start-\u003e Program folder-\u003e Startup or Start-\u003e All Programms-\u003e Startup »In the English version of Windows.

After starting the "Server" program in the workplaces, you can run the client client program from the desktop label or from the Start menu. When starting, the program will need to specify the address server. The address may be a network name or IP address of the computer on which the "server" is running.

Function keys in the program.

l Beginning of the editorial office

l Completion of the editor

l Start a choice from the directory

l Selection in the directory

l stop the edit of the field

l Close form

l Cancel the creation of a new row in the list

l stop the edit of the line in the list

Tab, arrows

l Move the focus of input between the elements

l Move the cursor in the text

l Moving the current line in the list

l Create a string in the list

l Delete a string in the list

HOME /End.

l moves to the first / last element of the list

Page Up / Page Down

l moves to the page up / down in the list

Search in lists

In the directories of large volumes, it is convenient to use the search for finding the desired entry. Habit use the search significantly saves time. The search can be carried out according to any column of the list: by last name, date, number, code, and so on. You can perform accurate search or search by applying a filter. To start searching, to start, make the current column where it is necessary to produce it.

Accurate search (positioning):

1. Cancel the beginning of the information. For example, in the OKVED code column it is necessary to find 72.40 . You can enter a full code 72.40 Or his beginning 72 .

2. Press "ENTER". If a full code was entered, then the current list line will be on it, unless the first part, then the current will be the line with the code 72 .

Search by applying filter:

1. Make the current column in the list, where you want to search.

2. Enter the symbol * , and behind him is the desired text. For example: * Ivan.

3. Press "ENTER". Only lines containing "Ivan" will remain in the list.

For example, we are looking for in the list of people in the FUL's column. Entered filter * Ivan.. All Ivanov, Ivanov, Ivanovichi, and so on, remained in the list. To shorten the search results, you can set a more accurate filter, for example: * Ivan * Peter. Such a filter will leave in the list of all Ivanov Petrovichi, Petrov Ivanovich and so on.

To remove the filter from the column, impose an empty filter: *

Formation of the market scheme.

1. Enter the "Retail Market" program all the trade and warehouse places of the market. To do this, use the "Trade and Storage Places" label, and in the form that opens, select "By category". To identify a trading place, it is sufficient to use or number or name.

2. In any graphic editor, draw a market scheme. Each trading place in the diagram is depicting a rectangle in the center of which is the number of this place. Save the drawing in BMP, PNG, JPG or JPEG format.

3. Open the market scheme in the Retail Market program, start the layout of the circuit (right-click on the diagram, then select "Start layout"). After this action, the scheme goes into layout mode, which can be seen by the appearance of marking.

4. Go to the schema properties and assign a background image. To do this, right-click on the diagram, select the "Scheme Properties" menu, in the "Background Image" section, click the "Image Downloads from the file" section and select the file created in paragraph 2. Click OK. The "object map" window closes and the background image will appear in the diagram.

5. Important! Adjusting the size of the background image of the circuit. After execution of paragraph 4, it may turn out that the scheme turned out to be too large or small. To change the size of the background image, use the same menu item "Scheme Properties" and section "Scheme Size".

6. Placing images of places in the diagram. Places are depicted in the form of rectangles. If the place is free - the green rectangle, if the place is occupied - the red rectangle. To place a place on the diagram, select the menu item "Add Element", then "Image of Place". Appears on the screen full list places entered into the program. Select the desired location, press "ENTER". In the scheme, in the place where the mouse has been pressed, a translucent red or green rectangle will appear. Close the list of locations window. The size and location of the scene on the diagram can be changed using a mouse. Place the image of the place where its rectangle is drawn with the number.

7. Packet placement of places in the scheme. If you leave the window in paragraph 6 with the list of seats open, you can move to another place, click "Enter" and its image will appear next. Thus, any number of seats can be placed on the diagram. Package options can be configured. To do this, use the Add Member menu item, then the "Placement Parameters" button. The "Settings" setting window opens. For example, you can configure the size of the image.

8. Completion. At the end of the layout of the circuit, use the "Complete Layout and Save Status" menu item. After that, the program proposes to save the demolished changes to the scheme or cancel them.

You can form and modify the scheme in several approaches.

In order for the market scheme to be comfortable and beautiful, when drawing a background image, leave free space with each of the sides so that trading places do not stick to the edges. When drawing a background image, you can sacrifice real proportions in favor of convenience.

If the market is large, that is, it makes sense to use the "market sector scheme". To do this, use the "Sectors" label, create sectors and form their contents in the same way as the market scheme.

Rememberthat busy or free space is displayed relative to the current date. The place is occupied if there are existing contracts for this place on a given date. If the "Allow multiple place" option is set up in the chamber of the trade and warehouse place, the place is considered constantly free.

Example of market schemes:

Templates for printing contracts and additional agreements.

The template is the text of the contract, with marked places to insert information from the program. For example, in the text of the contract, it is necessary to insert the name of the tenant to whom the trading place is provided.

For versions of the program, including 3.0.2.

Creating a print template in DOC format (from Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer):

The main text of the contract. In a text editor Microsoft Word. Or OpenOffice Writer dial the full text of the contract format text. Designation of places for inserts from the Retail Market program. These places in the contract, where the program should insert the data must be identified by the lattice symbol and the sequence number. Saving a template. By saving the dialed pattern, select the extension (format) of the ".htm" file or ".html", which is equivalent to the designation "Web page" or "Filter Web page". Placing a template in the program. In the Retail Market program using the "Report Templates" shortcut, create a new template, enter it. In the "File Template" field, select the file saved in step 3. You can not fill in the file entry field in this case. Fill out the "Insertion in Template text" table. In the "# number" field, the insert number, in the "What Paste" field select the required option. For the following example, the table will be filled as follows:

1. Treaty. room

2. Treaty. Date of conclusion

3. Tenant. Name

4. Tenant. The basis of new action

5. Treaty. Numbers of seats

6. Treaty. specialization

Creating a print template in TXT format (any text editor):

Steps are the same. In paragraph 2, use any text editor. In paragraph 3, we save in the format ".txt". In paragraph 5, specify the "result file", be sure to expand ".txt", for example "C: \\ Temp \\ Report. TXT. "

For versions of the program C 3.0.3.

Starting with version 3.0.3. Creating a print template has been much simplified. Points from 1 to 5 do not need to be performed. After clicking in the program to create a new template, the program itself creates the template body in the desired format and fills the demonstration text. It remains to give a name template and set inserts.

An example of a template of the contract.

Treaty #1

rostov-on-Don #2

Market management company Market", in person general Director Semenova Nikolai Nikolaevichoperating on the basis of the Charter and in accordance with the permission to organize the retail market from "01" June 2007 No. 000 issued by the G. Rostov-on-Don administration, hereinafter referred to as the company's management company on the one hand, and #3 , acting on the basis #4 Hereinafter referred to as the tenant, on the other hand, and together here, the parties, have concluded this Agreement on the following:

Article 1. Subject of the Treaty

1.1. The company's management company reports the tenant for temporary use for the fee Trading Place No. #5 In accordance with the approved scheme for placing trading places in the market "Urban" Rostov-on-Donfor the sale of goods for the sale of goods (performance, service) on specialization #6 square # 7 square meters. M..

Article 2. Rent and settlement procedures

2.1. For the use of the trading place, the tenant pays the rental fee in the amount of # 8 (# 9) rubles # 10.

2.2. Rental rental is made #11.

2.3. The company receives the company is entitled to change the size of the rent, but not more often than once a year.

Article 3. Obligations of the Parties

Article 11. Details and Signatures of the Parties

Market Managing Company:


Rostov-on-Don, ul. Market, 105.

South Trade Bank Rostov-on-Don



__________________ ___________________


Data transfer from version 2.x. x on any older version.


1. Data transfer from version 3.x. x Read more in the next section.

2. At the moment, the transition to the version is lower than 3.0.7 is not recommended.

Create a copy of current databases (optional)

To securely save the dialed data, we advise you to record them on a CD or DVD or a USB flash drive. In the program installation catalog, we will need an SDB directory. Do not necessarily save all the contents of the SDB directory. Most of the information in it - backup data. Be sure to save the files directly in the SDB directory. Save also the BLOBS directory is the template storage location.

Installing a new version of the program.

Database transfer.

Copy the SDB directory (without subdirectories) to the installation directory of the new version of the program.

Running and converting data.

When you first start a new version of the program, the old database will be converted to a new format. In this case, current actions will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. If you have a lot of data, you have to wait. The completion of the conversion is marked by the appearance of the desktop of the program (if the local version) or the absence of the action indicator (if the server started). Complete the program.

Transfer patterns.


Start new program, Check, availability of data (for example, a form with a list of all contracts). On the desktop you read that the version is not less than 3.0.0. Open the form "Important", the data version in the task is not less than "9". Check the print data output. You cannot check the data entry, as you need a new key to remove restrictions from the program.

Getting a new key to remove restrictions from the program.

Get from developers (see contacts on the site) The key for the new version of the program (free for those who have already bought any previous version of the program). Now the key is tied to the following data:

- name of the management market company

- market name

- INN management market company

This data will be required to receive the key.

You can get the key in advance, even before installing the new version.

Enter key.

See the key input instructions.

Transferring data from version 3.x. x on older

To go to this version with the previous ones, you must perform the following steps:

Create a copy of the current databases (optional).

To securely save the dialed data, we advise you to record them on a CD or DVD or a USB flash drive. In the program installation catalog, we will need a VDS directory. Do not necessarily save the entire contents of the VDS directory. Most of the information in it - backup data. Be sure to save the files directly in the VDS / WorkArea directory. Save also the BLOBS directory is the template storage location.

Installing a new version of the program.

See the Installation Instructions for the Retail Market program in the documentation.

Database transfer.

Copy the VDS / Workarea directory in the setting directory of the new version of the program.

Transfer patterns.

Copy the BLOBS folder from the old program to the new one.

Running and transition of versions.

When you first start a new version of the program, a version of the database from the current to the installed is translated. In this case, current actions will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. If you have a lot of data, you have to wait. The completion of the conversion is marked by the appearance of the desktop of the program (if the local version) or the absence of the action indicator (if the server started). Complete the program.

If you have questions, refer to the contacts specified on the WWW website. *****.

Report in statistics (form 3-market).

The form "Report in Statistics" is here: Desktop Program \u003d\u003e Advanced \u003d\u003e Report to statistics.

To make the program correctly formed this report, you must consider the following points:

The number and nomenclature of trading places entered into the program must comply with the approved market scheme.

The seller's cards issued without the contract do not fall into this report. Some markets do not print the Treaty for tenants who came for one day, but give them only the seller's card. But in this case, we recommend fixing the fact of renting a place to lease at the conclusion of the contract, even one day.

The contracts should indicate the specialization in which the tenant is traded in places under this contract. It is on the basis of this information that the report is filled.

You must fill in the report settings in statistics.

If the trading place has surrendered at least one day at the specified month of the calculation, then it enters the report.

If the place in the month of the calculation was handed over to trade with various groups of goods, then the place is only on only one goods.

If the report settings have been changed in statistics, then before receiving the report itself, you must click on the "Run Recalculation of Product Groups"

Let your market trade in 20 groups of goods specified in the statistical report. Then the minimum of the same specializations should be used in the program at the conclusion of a contract with the tenant. If specializations are less, then the detailed report cannot be obtained. For example, if you enter only two specializations: " foodstuffs"And" non-food goods ", the program will not be able to allocate such groups of goods as" meat and a bird "or" fabric "from them into the report.

\u003d\u003d Form Description \u003d\u003d

The appearance of the form is shown in the figure above. Explain the appointment of its elements:

Month of calculation. Here it is necessary to specify for which month you need to count the statistics. Report date and date of compilation. Two values \u200b\u200bfalling directly to the report, do not affect calculations. The number of days of the market work in the reporting month. It is filled in manually, it falls directly into the report, it does not affect the calculation of the report data. Total relevant places. The value is calculated by the program according to the nomenclature of trade and storage spaces, the value comes directly into the report. The number of IP, carrying out trade in the market. The value is calculated by the program, the value comes directly into the report. Data in the table. This is the data for Section No. 2 "Distribution of trading places for shopping zones at the reporting date." Row code and name - group of goods for which it is necessary to report to statistics. The number of trading places assigned to individuals - Number of places in the market allocated to trade on the relevant group of goods. Used - the number of places trading in this group of goods in the settlement month. The last four columns are the distribution of places by the types of tenants. The report "Layoff by groups of goods" is auxiliary form implemented at the request of an economist one of the markets. Used to review the situation in the market for groups of goods. Button "Perform Retreat of Group Groups". The button must be pressed if the settings for the classification of specialization in groups of goods have been changed. The "Form 3-Market" button forms a report to statistics for the specified month of the calculation. The "Settings for Report" button opens the settings form that we consider separately.

If the calculated columns in the table are empty, then:

It is possible that the estimated month is chosen in which there are no contracts in the reports of the reporting month, the specialization did not configure the report - specialization are not attributed to groups of goods.

\u003d\u003d Setting the report in statistics \u003d\u003d

Data from this form enters directly to the report as it is. The data is simply entered by hand once and are used to form all subsequent reports. You need to know the purpose of the buttons of this form:

l Specialization of trading places by default. If the destination is the default specialization, then when concluding a contract for this place, this specialization will substitulate automatically. The default specialization can be set on a trading place card. By the "Default Specialization Specialization" button opens a form that allows you to do this for a list of places much faster. Directly on the statistics report, this appointment does not affect. The button is located here historically, when there was a need to designate specializations to the Specialization to fall automatically in the Agreement, and the report in the statistics of the following periods was formed correctly.

l Button "Group of goods and their specialization". From this button, the form for analysis is opened, which specializations are related to groups of goods. This form It is auxiliary for the form "Appointment of a group of goods for specialization in the market."

l Button "Appointment of a group of goods to specialize activity in the market." This is the basic setting for the statistics report. In the opening form there will be a complete list of specializations for which tenants market traded. It is necessary to attribute each specialization to the group of goods from statistics. See the form below. The program will attribute all settlement month contracts into groups of goods in accordance with the settings of the classification of specialization on the product group. The second group of goods should be specified only for the specialization of the "Poultry meat", as it falls into the group of goods "including bird meat" and in the Meat and Bird group.

\u003d\u003d And a few more points \u003d\u003d

l The program does not save reports in statistics. Each time the "Form 3-Market" button, a new calculation is performed on the available data. If the data has changed, a modified report will be received. If you want to save a report, do it after the report is generated. On the top panel there is a button that allows you to save the report to the specified place on the PC.

l Due to non-strict enhancing information into the program, due to error input or for other reasons, a generated report for some parameters may not arrange you. To adjust the report data, you can use one of two ways. First - unload report to format spreadsheet, Open the Excel or Open Office Calc program and modify it. The second is to make the necessary adjustments before printing. This is done by the selection of the report element by the mouse, by pressing the "ENTER" button.