The spreadsheet is for the test. The active cell is the cell


Table processor - category softwaredesigned for working with spreadsheets. Initially, spreadsheet editors allowed processing exclusively two-dimensional tables, primarily with numerical data, but then products appeared that, in addition to this, had the ability to include text, graphic and others. multimedia elements... The spreadsheet toolbox includes powerful math functions to help you perform complex statistical, financial, and other calculations.

Spreadsheets (or spreadsheet processors) are application programs designed to perform spreadsheet calculations. The advent of spreadsheets historically coincides with the rise of personal computers. The first spreadsheet program, a spreadsheet processor, was created in 1979 for computers like the Apple II and was called VisiCalc. In 1982, the famous Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet processor appeared, designed for the IBM PC. Lotus combined the computational power of spreadsheets, business graphics, and relational database functions. The popularity of table processors grew rapidly. New software products of this class: Multiplan, Quattro Pro, SuperCalc and others. One of the most popular spreadsheet processors today is MS Excel, which is part of the Microsoft Office suite.

What is a spreadsheet? This remedy information technologies, which allows you to solve a whole range of tasks: First of all, performing calculations. For a long time, many calculations are performed in tabular form, especially in the field of office work: numerous calculation sheets, tabulagrams, cost estimates, etc. In addition, the solution by numerical methods of a number of mathematical problems; convenient to perform in tabular form. Spreadsheets are a handy tool for automating these calculations. The solution of many computational problems on a computer, which previously could only be carried out by programming, it became possible to implement mathematical modeling. The use of mathematical formulas in ET allows you to represent the relationship between different parameters some real system. The main property of ET is instant recalculation of formulas when the values \u200b\u200bof their operands change. Thanks to this property, the table is a convenient tool for organizing a numerical experiment:

  1. selection of parameters,
  2. forecasting the behavior of the modeled system,
  3. dependency analysis,
  4. planning.

Additional convenience for modeling is provided by the graphical presentation of data (diagrams); Using a spreadsheet as a database. Of course, compared to DBMS, spreadsheets have fewer capabilities in this area. However, some data manipulation operations inherent in relational DBMSs are implemented in them. This is a search for information by specified conditions and sorting of information.

Spreadsheets also provide a graphical mode of operation, which makes it possible to graphically represent (in the form of graphs, diagrams) the numerical information contained in the table.

Basic data types: numbers, both in normal and exponential format, text - a sequence of characters, consisting of letters, numbers and spaces, a formula. Formulas must start with an equal sign, and can include numbers, cell names, functions (math, statistics, financial, text, date and time, etc.), and math operation signs.

Spreadsheets are easy to use, quickly mastered by non-professional computer users and greatly simplify and speed up the work of accountants, economists, scientists.

Key elements of spreadsheets:

  1. Column,
  2. Column headers,
  3. Line,
  4. Row headers,
  5. Inactive cell,
  6. Active cell.


The idea of \u200b\u200bspreadsheets was first formulated by the American scientist Richard Mattessich, who published a study in the city called "Budgeting Models and System Simulation". The concept was augmented in Pardo and Landau, who applied for a corresponding patent (U.S. Patent 4,398,249 (English)). The Patent Office rejected the application, but the authors, through the courts, obtained the cancellation of this decision.

The generally recognized pioneer of spreadsheets as a separate class of software is Dan Bricklin, who, together with Bob Frankston, developed the legendary VisiCalc program in the city. This spreadsheet editor for the Apple II computer became a "killer application" that turned the personal computer from an exotic toy for technophiles into a mass business tool.

Subsequently, numerous products of this class appeared on the market - SuperCalc, Microsoft MultiPlan, Quattro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel, Calc, AppleWorks spreadsheets and

List of software products


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Spreadsheets" are in other dictionaries:

    A computer program that supports the presentation of data in the form of tables consisting of rows and graphs, at the intersection of which cells (table cells) are located. The value in the numeric cell of the table is either indicated explicitly, or ... ... Financial vocabulary

    Spreadsheets - A computer program in the form of spreadsheets representing digital data on a computer screen, organized in rows and columns, and allowing you to analyze financial information, make calculations and make changes to these calculations on ... ... Investment Dictionary

    Graphic images and elements of numerous and varied devices and devices of electronics, automation, radio and computing technology... The design and development of basic electronic circuits and more complex systems created from them is just ... Collier's Encyclopedia

    Optoelectronic detectors - 4.2.2. Optoelectronic detectors Optoelectronic detectors with a linear or surface narrowly targeted detection zone (such as a curtain) are recommended for blocking windows (including double-glazed windows), doors, walls, ceilings, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    This is a collection of chemical elements with a similar arrangement of valence electrons in an atom. The similarity lies in the fact that the valence electrons with the highest energy they occupy an orbital of the same type. The term first appeared in works ... ... Wikipedia

    Category of spreadsheet software. Initially, spreadsheet editors allowed processing exclusively two-dimensional tables, primarily with numerical data, but then products appeared, ... ... Wikipedia Calc Spreadsheet is a computer program that allows you to perform calculations with data, pre ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    Type of spreadsheet word processor presentation ... Wikipedia

    A review article about currency signs (symbols) Currency signs For individual signs see the articles Ruble symbol, Dollar symbol, Euro symbol, Pound symbol, Dram symbol, Drachma symbol, Denarius symbol, Rial symbol, Rupee symbol, Yen symbol, Symbol ... ... Wikipedia


  • Spreadsheets, functions, databases and relationships. Diagrams. Lists. Macros, Svetlana Muratova. This laboratory practice is used in the study of the course "Spreadsheets, functions, databases and relationships" (section "Charts. Lists. Macros") and is a continuation ...

Kolpashnikova I.A. Teacher of OGOU NPO "PU No. 35"



1. A spreadsheet is:

    an application program designed to process data structured in the form of a table;

    application program for processing code tables;

    a PC device that manages its resources in the process of processing data in tabular form;

    a system program that manages PC resources when processing tables.

2. The spreadsheet is intended for:

    processing predominantly numerical data structured using tables;

    orderly storage and processing of significant amounts of data;

    visualization of structural relationships between data presented in tables;

    editing graphical representations of large amounts of information.

3. The spreadsheet is:

    a set of numbered lines and columns named by letters of the Latin alphabet;

    a set of rows and numbered columns named by letters of the Latin alphabet;

    a collection of numbered rows and columns;

    a collection of rows and columns, named by the user in an arbitrary way.

4. Rows of the spreadsheet:

    are numbered.

5. In general, the columns of a spreadsheet are:

    denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet;

    are numbered;

    designated by letters of the Russian alphabet;

    are named by users in an arbitrary way;

6. For the user, the cell of the spreadsheet is identified by:

    by sequentially specifying the name of the column and the row number at the intersection of which the cell is located;

    machine word address random access memoryreserved for the cell;

    special code word;

    a user-definable name.

7. Calculation formulas in the cells of the spreadsheet are written:

    in the usual mathematical notation;

    in a special way using built-in functions and according to the rules adopted for writing expressions in programming languages;

    according to the rules adopted exclusively for spreadsheets;

    according to the rules adopted exclusively for databases.

8. Expression 5 (A2 + C3): 3 (2B2-3D3) in the spreadsheet looks like:

    5 (A2 + C3) / 3 (2B2-3D3);

    5 * (A2 + C3) / 3 * (2 * B2-3 * D3);

    5 * (A2 + C3) / (3 * (2 * B2-3 * D3));

    5 (A2 + C3) / (3 (2B2-3D3)).

9. Select the correct formula entry for the spreadsheet:

    C3 + 4 * D4

    C3 \u003d C1 + 2 * C2

    A5B5 + 23

    A2 * A3-A4

10. When moving or copying in a spreadsheet, absolute references:

    do not change;

    are transformed depending on the new position of the formula;

    are converted depending on the rules specified in the formula.

11. When moving or copying in a spreadsheet, relative links:

    are transformed regardless of the new provision of the formula;

    converted depending on the length of the formula;

    do not change;

    are converted depending on the new position of the formula.

12. Range is:

    a set of cells that form a rectangular region in the table;

    all cells of one row;

    all cells in one column;

    set of valid values.

13. The active cell is the cell:

    to record commands;

    containing a formula that includes the name of a cell in which data entry is performed;

    a formula that contains references to the contents of a dependent cell;

    in which commands are entered.

14. What formula will be obtained when copying to cell C3, the formula from cell C2:

    A1 * A2 + B2;

    \u003d $ A $ 1 * $ A $ 2 + $ B $ 2;

    \u003d $ A $ 1 * A3 + B3;

    \u003d $ A $ 2 * A3 + B3;

    \u003d $ B $ 2 * A3 + B4?

15. What will be the value of cell C1, if you enter the formula \u003d A1 + B1 into it:





16. What will be the value of cell C1 if you enter the formula \u003d SUM (A1: A7) / 2 into it:






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Attention! The slide preview is used for informational purposes only and may not represent all the presentation options. If you are interested this workplease download the full version.

The purpose of the lesson:to develop the skills of creating, editing, formatting and performing the simplest calculations in spreadsheets

Lesson Objectives:

  • Educational:
  • repetition during the lesson of the basic terms and concepts of the topic "Spreadsheet";
  • developing skills in working with a spreadsheet;
  • formulation of the concept of settlement operations in a spreadsheet, the purpose and possibilities of using formulas in ET.
  • Developing:
  • development of skills of individual practical work;
  • development of the ability to reason logically, draw conclusions.
  • Educational:
  • development of cognitive interest, education of information culture.


I. Organizational moment

  • greeting students;
  • mark absent;
  • setting goals and objectives of the lesson (actualization and motivation).

II. Theoretical part

(In the course of presenting new material, the teacher uses the presentation, the students take notes). Spreadsheets are reviewed based on Calc.

Slide 1. Definitions

Electronic Sheets (ET) Is a program for mathematical, statistical and graphic processing of text and numerical data in rectangular tables. They allow you to automate the execution of the same type of calculations and recalculation with changing source data, as well as to process numerical information in an array of databases, analyze finance, income, taxes, and so on.
A large number of spreadsheets are currently developed: Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Corel, Spread32, Calc, Works, QuattroPro, Superplan other.
Among them, a commercial product is distinguished - MicrosoftExcel and open source - Calc .

Slide 2. Structure

The structure of the spreadsheet is discussed.

Slide 3. Columns, rows, cells

On the 1st click, the column is selected, on the 2nd - the row, on the 3rd, the cell is selected.

Slide 4. Range of cells

By clicking, an image appears with a selected range of cells, students need to name the range, and then click on the correct answer.

Slide 5. Types and formats of data

The basic types and format of data, methods of setting and changing them, as well as an example of writing a formula are considered.

A definition is given and an example is considered first of a relative and then an absolute reference.

A definition is given and examples of mixed links are considered.

III. Exercise for the eyes.

Complex number 1.

1) Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.
2) Close your eyes tightly (count to 3), open your eyes and look into the distance (count to 5). Repeat 4-5 times.
3) Stretch your right arm forward. Follow with your eyes, without turning your head, for slow movements of the index finger of an outstretched hand to the left and right, up and down. Repeat 4-5 times.
4) Look at the index finger of an outstretched hand at 1-4, then look into the distance at 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.
5) At an average pace, do 3-4 circular movements with your eyes to the right side, the same amount to the left. Relaxing the eye muscles, look into the distance at the expense of 1.
6) Repeat 1-2 times.

IV. Practical part

Slide 8. Pinning

Use a hyperlink to open the simulator ( Appendix 1 ). Made in Notebook software for the SmartBoard interactive whiteboard.
We consolidate the knowledge gained through a frontal survey, completing tasks.

1. Fill in the blank blocks by choosing the correct answer

Answer options: Window Control Buttons, Title Bar, Scroll Bars,
Menu bar, Function wizard, Cell address, Active cell, Input line, Sheet shortcuts, Status bar, Toolbars, Cell

2. Fill in the blank blocks by choosing the correct answer

Answer options:

C4: F4, B2: D2, A2: A11, C2: E2, C4: F11, B2: B6

3. What will be the value of cell B5 if you enter the formula \u003d SUM (B1: B4) / 2 into it. (Move the answer to an empty block)

Answer options:120, 220 , 110, 200

4. What formula will be obtained when you copy the formula from cell C2 to cell C3. (Move the answer to an empty block)

Answer options:

\u003d $ A $ 1 * A2 + B2,
\u003d $ A $ 1 * $ A $ 2 + $ B $ 2,
\u003d $ A $ 2 * A3 + B3,
\u003d $ A $ 1 + A3 * B3

5. What values \u200b\u200bwill appear in cells D2 and E3 if you copy cell C1 to the cell data? (Move the answer to an empty block)

Answer options:

0.2 and 0.5; 0.4 and 1; 2 and 5; 1.25 and 2.5

After we proceed to the test, the base with questions is attached ( Appendix 2 ). Made in the iTest program.

1. A spreadsheet is ...

  • code table application applied
  • program for processing table-structured data
  • a PC device that manages its resources in the process of processing data in tabular form
  • system program that manages PC resources when processing tables

2. The spreadsheet is intended for:

  • processing predominantly numerical data structured using tables
  • orderly storage and processing of significant amounts of data
  • visualization of structural relationships between data presented in tables
  • editing graphical representations of large amounts of information

3. The spreadsheet is ...

  • a set of numbered lines and columns named in the Latin alphabet
  • collection of numbered lines
  • a set of columns named by letters of the Latin alphabet
  • a collection of rows and columns, arbitrarily named by the user

4. Rows of a spreadsheet

  • denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet
  • are numbered

5. In general, the columns of a spreadsheet

  • are numbered
  • randomly named by users
  • denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet
  • denoted by letters of the Russian alphabet

6. For the user, the cell of the spreadsheet is identified

  • by sequentially specifying the column name and row number at the intersection of which the cell is located
  • special code word
  • the address of the machine word of RAM allocated for the cell

7. Calculation formulas in the cells of the spreadsheet are written:

  • in ordinary mathematical notation
  • in a special way using built-in functions and according to the rules adopted for writing expressions in programming languages
  • according to the rules adopted exclusively for spreadsheets
  • according to the rules adopted exclusively for databases

8. Expression 5 (A2 + C3): 3 (2B2-3D3) in the spreadsheet is

  • 5 (A2 + C3) / 3 (2B2-3D3)
  • 5 * (A2 + C3) / 3 * (2 * B2-3 * D3)
  • 5 * (A2 + C3) / (3 * (2 * B2-3 * D3))

9. Select the correct formula entry for the spreadsheet

  • C3 + 4 * D4
  • C3 \u003d C1 + 2 * C2
  • \u003d A2 * A3-A4
  • A5B5 + 23

10. What will be the value of cell A8 if you enter the formula \u003d SUM (A1: A7) / 2 into it:

11. What is the address of the active cell?

12. Cell B4 of the spreadsheet contains the formula \u003d $ C3 * 2. How does the formula look after cell B4 is copied to cell B6?

  • \u003d $ C5 * 4
  • \u003d $ C5 * 2
  • \u003d $ C3 * 4
  • \u003d $ C1 * 2

13. What formula will be obtained when copying to cell C3, formulas from cell C2

  • \u003d A1 * A2 + B2
  • \u003d $ A $ 1 * $ A $ 2 + $ B $ 2
  • \u003d $ A $ 1 * A3 + B3
  • \u003d $ A $ 2 * A3 + B3

14. What ranges of cells are highlighted in the image?

  • B2: B12
  • D2: G2
  • D2: F10
  • D5: F10

15. What values \u200b\u200bwill appear in cells D2 and E3 if you copy cell C1 to the cell data?

  • 0.4 and 1.2
  • 8 and 12
  • 0.8 and 1.2
  • 4 and 12

Vi. Homework

Slide 9. Homework

p. 1.5.2 p. 96-99
Practical work 1.14 p. 99

Vii. Lesson summary

Slide 10. Reflection

The guys in a circle express themselves in one sentence, choosing the beginning of the phrase from the reflective screen. Reflective screen

  • i found out…
  • it was interesting…
  • it was difficult…
  • i performed tasks ...
  • i realized that ...
  • now I can…
  • i felt that ...
  • i bought ...
  • i learned…
  • i managed …
  • i could ...
  • i'll try…
  • surprised me ...
  • classes gave me something for life ...
  • i wanted…

Grading a lesson.

A spreadsheet is a computer program that allows you to perform calculations with data presented in the form of two-dimensional arrays that simulate paper tables. Some programs organize data into “sheets,” thus offering a third dimension. Spreadsheets (ETs) are a handy tool for automating calculations. Many calculations, in particular in the area accounting, are performed in tabular form: balances, payroll, cost estimates, etc. In addition, it is convenient to solve a number of mathematical problems by numerical methods exactly in tabular form. Using mathematical formulas in spreadsheets allows you to represent the relationship between various parameters of some real system. Solutions to many computational problems that previously could only be accomplished through programming have become possible through mathematical modeling in a spreadsheet.

At the intersection of a column and a row is cellwhich has a unique address. A spreadsheet cell address is composed of a column heading and a row heading, for example Al, B5, EZ. The cell with which some actions are performed is highlighted with a frame and called active... So

Columns, rows, cells. A spreadsheet is made up of columns and rows. Headings columns are designated by letters or combinations of letters (A, C, AB, etc.), headings strings - numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.).

In Table 1.1 below, the active cell is cell S3.

Worksheets and books... When working on a computer, the spreadsheet exists in the form worksheetwhich has a name (e.g. Sheet 1). Worksheets are combined into booksand the user can insert, copy, delete and rename worksheets. When you create, open or save a document in spreadsheets, it is actually about creating, opening or saving a workbook.

When working with spreadsheets, you can enter and modify data on multiple worksheets at the same time, and perform calculations based on data from multiple sheets.

Range of cells... In the process of working with spreadsheets, it is quite often necessary to select several cells - a range of cells. The range is specified by the cell addresses of the upper and lower range limits, separated by colons. You can select several cells in a column (range A2: A4), several cells in a row (range C1: E1) or a rectangular range (range SZ: E4) (Table 1.2).

Appearance tables... You can change the appearance of a table, selected ranges of cells, or individual cells. For cell borders, you can set different types lines (single, dotted, double, etc.), their thickness and color. The cells themselves can be painted in any color by choosing a color from the color palette.

Editing sheets... You can delete columns, rows, ranges of cells, and individual cells from a table. When deleting ranges of cells and individual cells, you need to specify in which direction (left or up) the cells will be shifted.

You can insert columns, rows, and cells into a table. When inserting ranges of cells and individual cells, you need to specify in which direction (to the right or down) the cells will be shifted.

The use of spreadsheets simplifies the work with data and allows you to get results without manual calculations or special programming. Spreadsheets are most widely used in economic and accounting calculations, but also in scientific and technical problems, spreadsheets can be used effectively, for example, for:

· carrying out calculations of the same type over large data sets;

· automation of final calculations;

· solving problems by selecting parameter values, tabulating formulas;

· processing the results of experiments;

· searching for the optimal values \u200b\u200bof the parameters;

· preparation of tabular documents;

· building charts and graphs from available data.

One of the most common tools for working with documents that have a tabular structure is microsoft program Excel.

Creating Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets

Microsoft Excel is designed to work with data tables, mostly numerical. When forming a table, they enter, edit and format text and numerical data, as well as formulas. The presence of automation tools facilitates these operations. The created table can be printed out.

Basic concepts of spreadsheets

The Excel document is called working book.The workbook is a set worksheets,each of which has a tabular structure and can contain one or more tables. The document window in Excel displays only currentworksheet with which work is carried out. Each worksheet has name,which is displayed on sheet tab,displayed at the bottom. Shortcuts can be used to switch to other worksheets in the same workbook. To rename a worksheet, double-click on its shortcut.

The worksheet consists of strings and columns.The columns are headed by uppercase Latin letters and, further, by two-letter combinations. In total, a worksheet can contain up to 256 columns, numbered A through IV. Lines are numbered sequentially with numbers from 1 to 65536 (the maximum allowed line number).

Cells and their addressing... At the intersection of columns and rows, table cells. They are the minimum elements for storing data. The designation of a single cell combines the column and row numbers (in this order) at the intersection of which it is located, for example: A1 or DE234. The cell designation (its number) serves as its address. Cell addresses are used when writing formulas that determine the relationship between values \u200b\u200blocated in different cells.

One of the cells is always activeand stands out the frame of the active cell.This frame acts as a cursor in Excel. Input and editing operations are always performed in the active cell. You can move the frame of the active cell using the cursor keys or the mouse pointer.

Range of cells.Data located in adjacent cells can be referenced in formulas as a whole. This group of cells is called range. Most often use rectangular ranges, formed at the intersection of a group of consecutive rows and a group of consecutive columns. A range of cells is denoted by specifying a colon separated by the cell numbers located in opposite corners of the rectangle, for example: A1 :C15 .

If you need to select a rectangular range of cells, you can do this by dragging the pointer from one corner cell to the diagonal opposite. At the same time, the frame of the current cell expands to cover the entire selected range. To select an entire column or row, click on the column (row) header. You can select multiple consecutive columns or rows by dragging over the headings.

Entering, editing and formatting data

A single cell can contain data of one of three types: text, number or formula ,– and also stay empty. ProgramExcel when saving the workbook, it writes to the file only the rectangular area of \u200b\u200bthe worksheets adjacent to the upper left corner (cell A1 ) and containing all filled cells.

The type of data placed in the cell is determined automatically as you type. If this data can be interpreted as a number, the Exc programel it does so. Otherwise, the data is treated as text. Formula input always starts with“=” (equal sign).

Enter text and numbers.Data is entered directly into the current cell or into formula bar , located in the upper part of the program window directly below the toolbars. The insertion point is marked with a text cursor. If you start typing by pressing the alphanumeric keys, the data from the current cell is replaced by the text you enter. If you click on the formula bar or double-click on the current cell, the old cell content is not deleted and you can edit it. The entered data is displayed anyway: both in the cell and in the formula bar.

To complete the entry, saving the entered data, use the buttonEnter in the formula bar or keyEnter ... To undo the changes made and restore the previous cell value, use the buttonCancellation in the formula bar or keyEsc ... The easiest way to clear the current cell or selected range is to use the keyDelete.

Formatting the contents of cells.Text data is by default aligned to the left of the cell, and numbers– on the right. To change the display format of data in the current cell or selected range, use the commandFormat\u003e Cells... The tabs of this dialog box allow you to select the data recording format (number of decimal places, indication of the currency, date writing method, etc.), set the text direction and alignment method, define the font and style of symbols, control the display and appearance of frames, set the background color.

Calculations in spreadsheets

Formulas.Calculations in program tablesExcel carried out by formulas.The formula can contain numeric constants, linkson cells and functions Excelconnected by signs of mathematical operations. The parentheses allow you to change the standard order of actions. If the cell contains a formula, the worksheet displays the current calculation result for that formula. If you make a cell current, then the formula itself is displayed in the formula bar.

The rule of using formulas in a programExcel is that if the cell value really depends on other cells in the table, alwaysa formula should be used, even if the operation can be easily done in the mind. This ensures that subsequent editing of the table will not compromise its integrity and the correctness of the calculations performed in it.

Cell references.Formula may contain links,that is, the addresses of the cells whose contents are used in calculations. This means that the result of calculating a formula depends on the number in another cell. The cell containing the formula is thus dependent.The value displayed in the cell with the formula is recalculated when the value of the referenced cell changes.

You can specify a cell reference in different ways. First, the cell address can be entered manually. Another way is to click on the desired cell or select the range for which you want to enter the address. The cell or range is highlighted with a dotted frame.

All Excel dialog boxes that require you to specify cell numbers or ranges have buttons attached to their respective fields. When you click on such a button, the dialog box is minimized to the smallest possible size, which makes it easier to select the desired cell (range) by clicking or dragging.

To edit a formula, double-click on the corresponding cell. In this case, the cells (ranges) on which the value of the formula depends are highlighted on the worksheet with colored frames, and the links themselves are displayed in the cell and in the formula bar in the same color. This makes it easier to edit and validate formulas..

Absolute and relative links.By default, cell references in formulas are treated as relative.This means that when a formula is copied, the addresses in the links are automatically changed to match the relative positions of the source cell and the copy being created.

For example, in the cell IN 2 there is a cell reference AZ... In relative terms, we can say that the link points to a cell that is one column to the left and one row below the given one. If the formula is copied to another cell, this relative reference will be preserved. For example, when copying a formula to a cell EA27 the link will continue to point to the cell to the left and below, in this case the cellDZ28.

When absolute addressingthe addresses of the links do not change when copied, so the cell that the link points to is treated as non-tabular. To change the addressing method when editing a formula, select the cell reference and press the keyF4. Cell number elements using absolute addressing are preceded by $. For example, with successive presses keys F4cell number A1 will be written as A1, $ A $ 1, A $ 1 and $ A 1In the last two cases, one of the components of the cell number is considered as absolute, and the other as relative.

Copying the contents of cells

Copying and moving cells in the programExcel can be done by drag and drop or via the clipboard. When working with a small number of cells, it is convenient to use the first method, when working with large ranges- the second.

Drag and drop method.To use drag-and-drop method to copy or move the current cell (selected range) along with the content, move the mouse pointer over the frame of the current cell (it will become an arrow). Now the cell can be dragged anywhere in the worksheet (the insertion point is marked with a tooltip).

To select a method for performing this operation, as well as for more reliable control over it, it is recommended to use special dragwith the right mouse button. In this case, when you release the mouse button, a special menu appears, in which you can select a specific operation to be performed.

Clipboard application.Transferring information through the clipboard has in the programExcel certain features associated with the complexity of control over this operation. First, you need to select the range to be copied (cut) and give the command to place it on the clipboard:Edit\u003e Copy or Edit > To cut... Pasting data into a worksheet is possible only immediately after it is placed on the clipboard. Any attempt to perform any other operation will result in canceling the started copy or move process. However, no data is lost because the "cut" data is only removed from its original location at the time of the paste.

Search for a solution.This add-in is used to solve optimization problems. Cells for which optimal values \u200b\u200bare selected and constraints are set are selected in the dialog boxFinding a solution , which is opened with the commandService\u003e Finding a solution.

Template wizard for collecting data.This add-in is designed to create templates that serve as forms for entering records into the database. When a workbook is created from a template, the data entered into it is automatically copied to the database associated with the template. The wizard is launched by the commandData\u003e Template Wizard.

Web Forms Wizard.Add-in Designed to create a form to be hosted on a Web site. The form is organized in such a way that the data entered by visitors is automatically added to the database associated with the form. The Excel data collection form must be created on the worksheet in advance. Setting up the data collection system is organized using a wizard, which is launched by the commandService\u003e Master\u003e Web Form.

Building charts and graphs

In a programme Excel term diagramused to refer to all kinds of graphical representations of numerical data. The construction of a graphic image is based on a number of data.This is the name for a group of cells with data within a single row or column. Multiple data series can be displayed in one chart.

A chart is a plug-in object embedded in one of the sheets of a workbook. It can be located on the same sheet as the data, or on any other sheet (often a separate sheet is taken to display the chart). The chart maintains a relationship with the data on which it is built, and when that data is refreshed, it immediately changes its appearance.

To build a diagram, usually useChart Wizard button clickedChart Wizard on the standard toolbar. It is often convenient to pre-select the area containing the data that will be displayed in the chart, but you can specify this information during the wizard.

Chart type... At the first stage, the wizards choose the shape of the diagram. The available forms are listedType on the Standard tab ... For the selected chart type, several options for presenting data are indicated on the right (the paletteView ), from which you should choose the most suitable one. In the tabNon-standard a set of fully formed chart types with ready formatting is displayed. After defining the shape of the diagram, click on the buttonFurther .

Data selection.The second stage of the wizard is used to select the data on which the diagram will be built. If the data range has been previously selected, a rough preview of the future chart appears in the preview area at the top of the wizard. If the data forms a single rectangular range, then it is convenient to select them using the tab

Data range... If the data does not form a single group, then the information for drawing individual data series is set on the tabRow ... The chart preview is automatically refreshed when the set of displayed data changes.

Chart design.The third stage of the wizard (after clicking on the buttonFurther ) consists in choosing the design of the diagram. On the tabs of the wizard window, you can set:

· chart title, axis labels (tabHeadings);

· display and labeling of coordinate axes (tabAxles);

· displaying a grid of lines parallel to the coordinate axes (theGrid lines);

· description of the plotted graphs (tabLegend);

· displaying labels corresponding to individual data items on the chart (tabData signatures);

· presentation of the data used in the construction of the graph in the form of a table (the tabData table).

Some of the tabs listed may not be present depending on the chart type.

Placement of the chart.At the last stage of the wizard (after clicking on the buttonFurther ) indicates whether to use a new worksheet or one of the existing worksheets to place the diagram. Usually, this choice is only important for later printing a document containing a diagram. After clicking the buttonDone the diagram is built automatically and inserted into the specified worksheet.

Editing the diagram.The finished diagram can be modified. It consists of a set of individual elements, such as the graphs themselves (data series), coordinate axes, chart title, plot area, and so on. When you click on an element of the diagram, it is highlighted with markers, and when you hover over it, it is described by a tooltip. You can open a dialog box for formatting a chart element through the menuFormat (for the selected item) or through the context menu (commandFormat ). The various tabs of the dialog box that opens allow you to change the display parameters of the selected data item.

If you need to make significant changes to the diagram, you must re-use the diagram wizard. To do this, open a worksheet with a chart or select a chart embedded in a worksheet with data. By starting the chart wizard, you can change the current parameters that are considered in the wizard windows as default.

To delete a chart, you can delete the worksheet on which it is located (Edit\u003e Delete Sheet), or select a chart embedded in the data worksheet and press the keyDelete.



1. A spreadsheet is:

    an application program designed to process data structured in the form of a table;

    application program for processing code tables;

    a PC device that manages its resources in the process of processing data in tabular form;

    a system program that manages PC resources when processing tables.

2. The spreadsheet is intended for:

    processing predominantly numerical data structured using tables;

    orderly storage and processing of significant amounts of data;

    visualization of structural relationships between data presented in tables;

    editing graphical representations of large amounts of information.

3. The spreadsheet is:

    a set of numbered lines and columns named by letters of the Latin alphabet;

    a set of rows and numbered columns named by letters of the Latin alphabet;

    a collection of numbered rows and columns;

    a set of rows and columns, named by the user in an arbitrary way.

4. Rows of the spreadsheet:

    are numbered.

5. In general, the columns of a spreadsheet are:

    denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet;

    are numbered;

    designated by letters of the Russian alphabet;

    are named by users in an arbitrary way;

6. For the user, the cell of the spreadsheet is identified by:

    by sequentially specifying the name of the column and the row number at the intersection of which the cell is located;

    the address of the machine word of the RAM allocated for the cell;

    special code word;

    a user-definable name.

7. Calculation formulas in the cells of the spreadsheet are written:

    in the usual mathematical notation;

    in a special way using built-in functions and according to the rules adopted for writing expressions in programming languages;

    according to the rules adopted exclusively for spreadsheets;

    according to the rules adopted exclusively for databases.

8. Expression 5 (A2 + C3): 3 (2B2-3D3) in the spreadsheet looks like:

    5 (A2 + C3) / 3 (2B2-3D3);

    5 * (A2 + C3) / 3 * (2 * B2-3 * D3);

    5 * (A2 + C3) / (3 * (2 * B2-3 * D3));

    5 (A2 + C3) / (3 (2B2-3D3)).

9. Select the correct formula entry for the spreadsheet:

10. When moving or copying in a spreadsheet, absolute references:

    do not change;

    are transformed depending on the new position of the formula;

    are converted depending on the rules specified in the formula.

11. When moving or copying in a spreadsheet, relative links:

    are transformed regardless of the new provision of the formula;

    converted depending on the length of the formula;

    do not change;

    are converted depending on the new position of the formula.

12. Range is:

    a set of cells that form a rectangular region in the table;

    all cells in one row;

    all cells in one column;

    set of valid values.

13. The active cell is the cell:

    to record commands;

    in which commands are entered.

14. What formula will be obtained when copying to cell C3, the formula from cell C2:

    \u003d $ A $ 1 * $ A $ 2 + $ B $ 2;

15. What will be the value of cell C1, if you enter the formula \u003d A1 + B1 into it:

16. What will be the value of cell C1 if you enter the formula \u003d SUM (A1: A7) / 2 into it: