What is a multimedia presentation and its constituent elements. Multimedia presentations. Interactive multimedia presentation

Presentations are a powerful way to convey complex information to the public at a scientific conference or business meeting. But their "usefulness" is not limited there. Presentations can also be useful in everyday life: for example, with their help, you can tell your family and friends about the brightest moments of your life in colors. To do this, you need to create a multimedia presentation from photos and add signatures to the images. In this article we will tell you how to make a project in the program for creating video slides "PhotoSHOW PRO".

Step 1. Installing the program

Doesn't take much of your time. When the download is finished, start the distribution and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. Select a folder for installation, create a shortcut for the software on your desktop and wait for the process to finish. Learn how to create a multimedia presentation in PhotoSHOW PRO. Add photos and videos, customize text design and animation - hundreds of editor options are waiting for you!

Step 2. Forming the content of the project

Create " New project”, Then browse to your PC and drag and drop the images that will make up your presentation onto the pasteboard. If something is messed up - it doesn't matter! Photos can be deleted or swapped during operation.

Pay special attention to the intro and credits. In the tabs of the same name, you will find dozens of ready-made slides on which you can put information about your project: title, authorship, etc. Drag any of the options onto the timeline and fill in the columns with the data you need.

Complete your project with titles and a splash screen

Step 3. Add transitions

If you want to impress the audience and hold their attention for a long time, then do not forget to select transitions for all slides in the menu of the same name. In the collection "PhotoSHOW PRO", unlike other programs for creating presentations, animation for every taste is presented. Here you will find classic fade transitions, chess, and more, as well as 3D, gradient and double animations. With this arsenal, you will quickly create a quality presentation!

Set transitions and the change of slides on the screen will become dynamic!

All available options can be previewed in the player. Click on the transition, then the program will show how the slide selected on the timeline will change to another during the show.

Step 4. Setting up the slides

You can edit all of the slides on the timeline to your liking. Just double-click on the frame of interest with the mouse, then "PhotoSHOW PRO" will immediately transfer you to the editor. Here you can add on top of the slide:

  • new photos, GIFs and videos;
  • static, glowing or animated inscriptions;
  • natural and unusual shimmering effects;
  • geometric shapes and colorful clipart.

Add new layers on top of the slide

Remember, don't overuse decorative elements and effects when making presentations. The more there are, the sooner the audience gets tired. Try to create harmonious, not overly cluttered slides. You will be pleasantly surprised in the end: your future viewers will appreciate your work.

The appearance of all elements on a slide can be customized to your liking. For example, you can change the style of the text. Use presets from the catalog or edit the caption yourself: choose a fill, adjust the stroke, size, font and other parameters.

Choose ready-made styles or customize the text design yourself

Animate the caption if necessary. Text can pop up dramatically on a slide, make unimaginable turns, and more. All this is available in the "Animation" tab. So you will be able to be unusual and eye-catching.

Customize the animation for the caption!

Step 5. How to make animated presentations: examples

Do you want to capture the attention of viewers by 100%? Add dramatic animation to your slides. Use ready-made solutions from the program directory or configure everything yourself in the editor. With the help of "PhotoSHOW PRO" tools you can make any element move from top to bottom or bottom to top. To do this, create two key points. In the first frame, place the desired element off the slide, and in the second, put it back in place. Change the animation type if desired and view the result in the player.

You can also complement the composition with animated GIFs, which will make the project more alive. Images with a transparent background will look best. For example, you can add an animated character to your project. Such a presentation will definitely grab the attention of the audience and make them wait in awe on the screen for the appearance of a new slide. The hero can also move around the slide. For example, from right to left. Set the desired route through keyframes - it will take less than a minute.

You can also download some interesting atmospheric sounds from the Internet and embed them into slides. If we are talking about trains, then add the clatter of wheels. About books - the rustling of pages when moving from one slide to another. Later in the collection of transitions, you can set the appropriate turning animation, then the presentation will look even more interesting.

Step 6. Save the project

Now you know how to do animation presentations quickly and efficiently. It remains only to save the result: click on the "Create" button and select the format into which you want to convert the file. It can be AVI, MP4, MOV, etc., also "PhotoSHOW PRO" allows you to burn clips to DVD and save with optimal settings for publishing on the network.

Save your presentation in a video format convenient for you

Use the knowledge gained in practice, then you can easily conquer any audience. Just install the "PhotoSHOW PRO" program and it will not cause you any difficulties!

A variety of public appearances often require the use of demonstration material. Such a need arises when reading a report at a scientific conference, presenting a new technical development or a new type of product, a report on a developed project and in many other cases. In former times, for this purpose, posters were drawn on sheets of Whatman paper; then projection technology appeared: epidiascopes, slide projectors, overhead projectors.

Recently, these demonstration methods have been replaced by multimedia presentations. The word "presentation" means a presentation, a demonstration. Usually for computer presentation a multimedia projector is used to reflect the contents of the computer screen on a large screen displayed in the classroom. A multimedia presentation is a multimedia product that can include text and text special effects, speech and music, animations, video clips, picture and slide galleries (slide shows), etc. The more effective the presentation is, the more it uses the capabilities of multimedia technologies.

Multimedia presentations can be delivered by a person on stage, shown through a projector, or on another local playback device. The presentation can be broadcasted live or pre-recorded. Broadcasting or recording can be based on analog or electronic technologies for storing and transmitting information. It is worth noting that online multimedia can either be downloaded to the user's computer and played in any way, or played directly from the Internet using streaming technologies. Media streaming technologies can be either live or on-demand.

A presentation is a sequence of slides. A separate slide can contain text, pictures; photography, animation, video and sound.

When creating presentations, as a rule, hyperlinks are organized between slides. Thanks to this, it becomes possible not only an unambiguous sequence of viewing the slides, but also arbitrary viewing according to semantic connections. ”For example, a presentation can begin with a slide containing general information about the submitted material and a list of its main sections. Each item on the list is a hyperlink. By clicking on the hyperlink, the presenter can jump to any section of the presentation.

If the technology of hypertext is applied to non-text elements of the presentation, then we get a class of systems called hypermedia. The presentation is a hypermedia system, since hyperlinks can be superimposed on graphic and sound objects. For example, after clicking on the image of a historical monument, a transition to a slide with detailed information about it will be made.

Various formats of multimedia data can be used to simplify the perception of information by the consumer. For example, provide information not only in text form, but also illustrate it with audio data or a video clip. In the same way, contemporary art can present everyday, everyday things in a new way.

Various forms of providing information make it possible for the consumer to interact with information interactively. Online multimedia is increasingly becoming object-oriented, allowing the consumer to work on information without having specific knowledge. For example, in order to upload a video to YouTube or Yandex.Video, the user does not need knowledge of video editing, coding and compression of information, knowledge of the design of web servers. The user simply selects a local file and thousands of other users of the video service have the opportunity to view the new video.

There are a number of programs that allow you to create multimedia presentations. The simplest and most common presentation option is a PowerPoint presentation ( power presentation Point), which is widely used in the business environment. Power Point format allows you to integrate video and audio files into a presentation, create primitive animation at the “slide show” level. The main advantage of this presentation format is the ability, without special knowledge and skills, to make changes to the presentation, adapting it to different audiences and purposes. Among these programs, programs that can capture video clips from the screen and convert them to AVI and EXE video files are of great importance. Such programs include MicroSoft Camcorder, Hiper Cam, Lotus ScreenCam. However, these presentations are not interactive, but they can form part of a larger interactive presentation.

Thus, multimedia presentations are the most extensive presentation type in terms of its capabilities. This format of interactive presentations allows you to integrate sound, video files, animation, interface (menu-control system), three-dimensional objects and any other elements into the presentation without compromising quality.

The indisputable advantage of multimedia presentations is the ability to incorporate virtually any format into them - power point presentations, pdf presentations and video presentations. With the help of a convenient menu system, you can make it possible to "download" various files, up to the automatic exit to the site of the presentation object. In fact, multimedia presentations (multimedia presentations) can be branding, i.e. as an image video (animation video), it can be used perfectly at presentations, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and any other events, and can easily replace a sales manager, speaker or lecturer, advertising catalog or company website. The technological capabilities of multimedia presentations allow you to cope with almost any task. The balanced use of information, namely the alternation or combination of text, graphics, video and sound, all this makes multimedia presentations (multimedia presentations) as comfortable and convenient to use as possible.

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Modern multimedia software has great capabilities in displaying information, significantly different from the usual ones, and have a direct impact on the motivation of students, the speed of perception of the material, fatigue and, thus, on the effectiveness of the educational process as a whole.

One of the types of multimedia products that have received the most widespread use in the educational process is a computer presentation.

A computer presentation created in the PowerPoint software environment is a sequence of slides containing multimedia objects (music, animation, and video clips). The transition between slides is carried out using control objects (buttons) or hyperlinks.

The undoubted advantage of computer presentation in the modern educational process are:

visibility for listeners;

thesis for the speaker.

Basic unit electronic presentation in PowerPoint is a slide or frame presentation educational informationtaking into account the ergonomic requirements of the visual perception of information.

The following types of presentations are distinguished:

static: the user (student or student) studies the information material placed on the presentation slides, but does not have the ability to change the content of the slides (write down or mark the correct answer on the slide); the sequence of viewing slides is designed by the developer of the presentation in the form of a rigid navigation scheme and cannot be changed in the process;

interactive: the user, in addition to studying information materials, can change the content of the slides; the navigation scheme of the interactive presentation is dynamic, the sequence of transitions between slides is determined by the user's actions in the process of educational tasks placed on the slides.

When preparing multimedia presentations for educational purposes, it is necessary to consider:

general didactic principles of creating educational programs;

requirements dictated by psychological characteristics perception of information from the screen;

ergonomic requirements.

When creating a multimedia presentation, you should be guided by the following principles:

the presentation should not be superfluous: each slide should represent the necessary link in the story and work for the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe electronic product;

the presentation should be short, accessible and compositionally holistic;

the duration of the presentation with the script should be no more than 20-30 minutes;

the presentation should complement, illustrate what is discussed in the lesson, and not duplicate the lesson material;

Flexibility is one of the keys to a successful presentation. You must be prepared to make changes during the presentation in response to student reactions.

The presentation can have two versions:

for the student;

for the teacher.

The electronic presentation is constantly updated with new materials and improved. For the student, his presentation is supplemented by personal works. Modern software and technical means allow you to easily change the content of the presentation and store large amounts of information.

The development of a presentation can take place in several stages.

Stages of multimedia presentation development.

List of presentation works


Determination of the type of multimedia presentation;

determination of the audience to which the presentation is targeted.


Navigation scheme selection;

slide design development.


Preparation of text and illustrative material for filling the slides;

preparation of speech accompaniment;

preparation of video support;

preparation of a file for other application programs (audio / video files, voiceover, Microsoft Office documents, graphic files, Internet links, etc.)

Software implementation

Filling slides with information material;

color design of slides;

setting up multimedia effects;

setting up hyperlinks to menu items in accordance with the navigation structure.


Elimination of errors in text and illustrative materials;

checking multimedia effects;

checking of hyperlinks that implement the navigation scheme.


Carrying out classes, demonstration at conferences, exhibitions.


Improving multimedia presentation.

What is multimedia Multimedia is an interactive (dialogue) system that provides simultaneous work with sound, animated computer graphics, video frames, static images and texts. A relatively young industry of new information technologies. Multimedia - "many environments" (multi - many, media - environment) Simultaneous impact on the user through several information channels. Game programs - multimedia products

Computer training programs -What student communication channels are used? Advantages 1. Helps to better understand and memorize educational material. 2.Interactive mode allows the student himself to influence the pace of learning, check the degree of mastering the material, Return to the repetition of incomprehensible fragments of the lesson Electronic reference books Dictionaries Encyclopedias Art and music albums

Interactive presentation Dialogue between user and computer. The user controls the presentation. In this mode, the student works with the training program. When individual work no multimedia projector required. Property: Event driven.

Scripted presentation Slide show led by the presenter (presenter). May contain: titles running across the screen, animated text, diagrams, graphs and other illustrations. The order of changing slides is determined by the presenter. He also develops the presentation. Used in the educational and extracurricular work of schoolchildren.

Presentation development program Each of the existing programs of this class has its own individual capabilities. General: 1. Built-in animation creation tools. 2. Means of adding and editing sound. 3. Means of importing images, videos. 4. Means of creating pictures.

Introduction. 3

1. The concept of presentation and multimedia presentation. four

2. Benefits of multimedia presentations. four

3. Stages of creating presentations. four

4. Software tools for the development of multimedia applications. five

5. Errors when creating multimedia presentations. 6

6. Preparation of multimedia presentation. 6

6.2. Features of creating text slides. 7

6.3. Design features of data slides. 7

6.4. Features of the use of various types of slides. 7

7. Slide design. 8

7.2. Design features of scientific and business presentation slides. 9

8. Animation rules. eleven

9. Rules for images. eleven

10. Using slides. eleven

11. Features of using slides in a presentation educational activities. 12

12. Excessive use of slides. 12

References .. 15


A multimedia presentation is a very capacious and dynamic way of presenting a particular information.

A modern multimedia presentation is a combination of graphic, textual and audiovisual information, combined into a single structure. The alternation or combination of text, graphics, video and sound series allows you to convey information in the most visual and easily perceived form.

But the most successful presentations are made in accordance with the this manual recommendations.

About what a multimedia presentation is, structure, specifics of creation, design of a multimedia presentation - all of the above - not strict requirements, but recommendations.

Presentation and multimedia presentation concept

Presentation- a coherent sequence of slides made in the same style and stored in a single file.

Multimedia is an interactive information technologythat combines text, graphics, sound and video. Multimedia documents differ from ordinary ones in that, in addition to traditional text and graphic data, they can contain sound and musical objects, animated graphics, video fragments

Multimedia presentation is a combination of computer animation, graphics, video, music and sound, which are organized in united environment... As a rule, a multimedia presentation has a plot, script and structure organized for easy perception of information.

The dynamic visual and sound range allows you to convey any information in a visual, easily perceived form.

A distinctive feature of a multimedia presentation is its interactivity, i.e. the possibility of interaction with multimedia images created for the user by modern computer means.

Benefits of multimedia presentations

Visibility is the key argument for using multimedia presentations. Distinctive features, the specific properties of the material contained can be demonstrated very realistically precisely with the help of modern graphic and video technologies for multimedia presentations.

Interactivity - the ability to directly influence the course of the presentation is one of the most important advantages of multimedia.

Information capacity -the ability to place a large amount of graphic, text and sound information in one multimedia presentation;

Compactness and mobility - as carriers for multimedia presentation can be used different types disks, USB cards or electronic business Cardsbut regardless of shape and capacity, all of these types of media are compact and easy to store.

Emotional will attractrationality - multimedia presentations make it possible to present information not only in an easy-to-understand sequence, but also to effectively combine sound and visual images, to select dominant colors and color combinations that will create a positive attitude towards the information presented in viewers.

3. Stages of creating presentations

There are three steps to creating a presentation: planning, designing, and rehearsing the presentation.

I. Planning a presentation is a multi-step procedure including:

Defining goals;

Study of the audience;

Determination of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe presentation;

Selection additional information;

Formation of the structure and logic of material presentation;

Creation of presentation structure;

Checking the logic of material presentation;

Preparation of the conclusion

When defining the purpose of your presentation, try to articulate your goals starting with the words:

At the end of my presentation, the audience will ______________________________________________________________

The purpose of my presentation ________________________________

I will talk about _______________________ in order to ______________________________________________________________

II. Presentation development - methodological features of preparing presentation slides, including vertical and horizontal logic, content and correlation of text and graphic information.

III. Rehearsal presentation - this is checking and debugging the created "product". You check - how well the material is "edited", how appropriate the transitions from slide to slide. The test stage of the presentation is in progress: its effectiveness, compliance of the content of the presentation with the set goal.

4. Software tools for the development of multimedia applications

Multimedia teaching materials can be developed in different environmentsthat allow you to create full-featured multimedia applications, such highly professional programs as Authoware Professional, Macromedia Director or simpler packages: HyperStudio, DreamWeaver, etc.

The simplest and most affordable software product is Microsoft PowerPoint, which can be used to create multimedia resources or “multimedia accompaniments” for video and audio activities.

Microsoft program PowerPoint is a software tool that is part of the Microsoft Office suite that allows you to design and present slides to either a monitor or screen. The capabilities of this software package allow for a sufficient high level develop multimedia educational materials, including photographs, drawings, diagrams, diagrams, text fragments, and even video clips and animations. During the presentation of the slides, the presentation may be accompanied by sound recordings - narration or music. Despite its simplicity and ease of use, powerPoint program supports three basic principles of multimedia:

1. Presentation of information in various formats;

2. Creation of a branched presentation that allows you to support several storylines, built by the user himself;

3. Using a variety of forms, templates in the design, interface and navigation tools.

5. Errors when creating multimedia presentations