What is mass recruitment. Mass recruitment of personnel. Regional print media and free classifieds newspapers

The successful work of any company largely depends on the talent, competence and dedication of its employees. That is why personnel search for any manager is a very important issue. However, this task requires an integrated approach that takes into account the features that a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe organization's activity possesses.

Personnel policy

This concept is relevant in any organization, even if its main provisions are not set out on paper. Personnel policy is a certain set of rules and principles that predetermine effectiveness in personnel management. Moreover, its main features directly indicate how attractive the company is for potential employees in the labor market.

The main goal of any personnel policy consists in providing all structures of the enterprise with the necessary workers with a certain qualification. Moreover, such activities include the following areas, which include:

Hiring employees;
- selection and further promotion of personnel;
- training of qualified workers and their ongoing training;
- placement of personnel in accordance with the existing production system;
- analysis of the labor potential of employees.

Hiring staff

One of critical areas the personnel policy pursued by the enterprise is the formation of the necessary personnel. And the first step in this process is hiring staff. It can be described as a series of actions aimed at attracting specific candidates, the qualities of which the organization needs to achieve its goals.

Recruitment of personnel is a whole complex of organizational measures, which include such stages as recruitment and assessment of personnel, selection of applicants, as well as their further admission to the staff of the enterprise.

List of required procedures

Organizational activities involving staffing activities consist of:

1. Set. This process is the creation of a database of candidates most suitable for the vacant positions. In other words, it is a massive attraction of applicants.

2. Selection. Yes, at this stage, the most suitable candidates are selected from the reserve created during the recruitment. Selection is part of the recruitment process and is the selection of a number of candidates from a large number of people who want to take this position. The goal that HR services are pursuing at this stage is to assess the conformity of personal and professional suitability candidate to the requirements of the vacant position. This task can be solved in the shortest possible time using legally, ethically and economically justified means.

3. Selection. This stage is the choice of a position or activity that contributes to the fullest realization of all the employee's capabilities. When recruiting personnel, the identity of the characteristics of the candidate and the requirements of the position, as well as the organization as a whole, is established.

4. Choice. This stage involves the adoption of a commission decision on the preference of a certain candidate, based on the results of public procedures.

Staff recruitment

This stage is the most responsible in the work of personnel services. After all, mistakes made today will cost the organization dearly tomorrow. In order to hire suitable people for the enterprise, the person involved in the selection of personnel must have a certain talent. Indeed, when hiring worthy employees, the company will certainly work well, and the bad ones, in addition to their unsatisfactory work, will negatively affect others.

That is why recruiting is a continuous and painstaking job that will require special character traits and abilities, skills and knowledge. The high professionalism of a recruiter requires a deep knowledge of economics and law, psychology and sociology. In this case, certain methods of personnel selection should be used. The organization decides which one to choose. However, as a rule, the most common recruitment methods are used by HR services. Let's consider them in more detail.

Intra-organizational search

Sometimes, with the successful operation of an organization, it expands or there is a certain movement of employees within the company itself. What recruiting methods can be used in such cases? One of them is intra-organizational search. Its main goal is the selection of employees for the positions of top and middle managers.

In such cases, the management appoints those employees who are already working in the organization to vacant places. This method has several advantages. It contributes to an increase in the level of loyalty to the organization, and also attractive in that candidates do not have to go through the path of integration into the team. Among the shortcomings of the intra-organizational method, one can single out limitations in the selection of applicants, the lack of the possibility of the arrival of new forces, as well as the encouragement of parochialism among the heads of structural units.

Help from workers

Often, an organization requires employees for ordinary positions, as well as unskilled personnel. What recruiting methods can be used in such cases? At the same time, personnel services can use the help of workers. The advantages of this method include a high degree of compatibility. Among the shortcomings, the ignorance of the workers who offered their help, the specifics of the vacancy, as well as their lack of experience in recruiting, stands out.

Appeal to the media

Searching and recruiting methods sometimes involve the use of media space. This provides the largest possible audience coverage of potential applicants. Moreover, when using this method the organization will require small financial costs. The success of such an event, as a rule, depends on the frequency of publication, circulation, ease of registration on the site, ease of use, etc. But, be that as it may, when placing an advertisement in the media, personnel services must be prepared for the appearance of a large number of candidates.

The modern labor market is in a state of development: new vacancies and professions appear, conditions and circumstances of employment change, the requirements of employers and the needs of job seekers are changing.

Personnel is a relatively new phenomenon. It is due to the emergence of large organizations, the expansion of successful businesses, and the increased demand for reliable employees.

What does the concept of "mass recruitment" mean?

This term refers to the process of finding, recruiting and hiring a large number of employees for the same or similar positions. Mass recruitment has several distinctive features that make it possible to identify and formulate the specifics of this type of activity:

  • The set must be completed within a certain period time.
  • The presence of a large number of similar vacancies.
  • Attracting large human resources.
  • An impressive budget.

Selection in such conditions is notable for its scale, efficiency and work with huge amounts of information.

When embarking on mass recruiting, specialists are aware of the fact that there is a specific date for the completion of staffing. Therefore, they pay maximum attention to the development of detailed work plans and the correct distribution of future costs.

Who is engaged in large-scale recruiting

Large companies, which require employees of all levels, are usually interested in mass recruitment of employees: hypermarkets, chains of stores and catering establishments, training centers with a large number of branches, banking institutions, manufacturing enterprises and many others.

Typically, these companies have their own department or service that deals with the recruitment of new employees. The use of their resources is justified by the fact that employees personnel service are well acquainted with the scope of the enterprise, with its atmosphere and procedures. Therefore, it is logical to assume that they will be able to more accurately and succinctly assess candidates, understand their needs and explain their future responsibilities.

The recruiting agency is used in cases where the employees of the enterprise cannot cope with the volume of work on their own due to insufficient staff size, lack of time, experience or qualifications.

Selected nuances of the process

The large number of new vacancies that need to be closed is associated with the processing of a huge number of applications and questionnaires from applicants. Each enterprise has its own recruiting system, but they all have some common features.

Bulk recruiters perform initial sorting of resumes (paper and emails), evaluate candidates by telephone and draw preliminary conclusions. Applicants are selected based on the established unified set of criteria.

At the next stages, group meetings are held with candidates who have passed the initial assessment and selection, and then individual interviews. As a result, such a recruitment process is a fairly large-scale project, in which almost all personnel specialists are involved. The decision to hire freelance workers is taken in order to release some of their employees and ensure the normal operation of the enterprise in other areas (solving personnel issues not related to these events).

The recruiting agency provides a variety of services: from direct search for candidates to the distribution of promotional materials.

Among the important issues that the company's management decides is the allocation of resources (human and financial) for organizing training for newly arrived workers and their adaptation to working conditions.

Mass recruitment: algorithm and methodology

At the first stage, all employees engaged in the search and hiring of new employees draw up a plan of their actions. Of course, there are no such systems that would suit absolutely all companies, therefore, a simplified version of the algorithm that each recruiting specialist uses to one degree or another is proposed below:

  1. Determination of the positions and number of employees to be found.
  2. Specifying clear deadlines for when employees should already go to work.
  3. Limiting the project budget.
  4. Determination of the ideal and real portraits of the candidate.
  5. Average indication wages, which is determined after monitoring similar vacancies.
  6. Preparation of formalized criteria characterizing specific types of vacancies.
  7. Carrying out advertising campaign to attract potentially interested applicants.
  8. Conducting an initial selection, as well as individual interviews.
  9. Providing support for newly hired employees.

In the following paragraphs, the stages that allow for mass recruitment of personnel will be described in more detail.

Certain aspects of an advertising campaign

In order for promotional events to be successful, and money was not wasted, they should be organized by a person who is able to draw up a clear plan of action, is familiar with the main communication channels and understands the primary and basic criteria for selecting personnel.

First, HR specialists determine the characteristics of the target audience to which the mass recruitment tools will be directed. Among the most effective ways the impact on the audience can be listed:

  • PR-actions with the participation of promoters.
  • Distribution of flyers and leaflets.
  • Presentations.
  • Participation in job fairs.
  • Placing various materials in print and online publications (ads, videos, viral news).

Advertising procedure

When undertaking advertising activities, one should take into account the company's popularity in the market. In case of insufficient popularity or unsatisfactory reputation, the formation of a favorable image may require additional financial investments.

And, of course, one should not overlook such an important stage as determining the requirements for candidates and drafting an application. The specific document "Application for the selection of personnel" together with the description of the vacancy contains information not only about the professional, but also about the personal qualities of the desired employee.

Working with the stream of applicants

This stage, without exaggeration, can be called the most laborious. Depending on how many people and what kind of employees are required to work in the company, the specialists conducting the selection of candidates have to study and process from several dozen to several hundred questionnaires.

At the same time, compliance with deadlines and timeliness is given one of the main values. In addition, the quality of the incoming stream requires careful attention. It can be optimized by tuning in only to work with the target audience. By gradually narrowing it down and filtering out unsuitable candidates, the recruiter seeks to improve the average of the candidates.

When informing the audience, you should take care of even distribution of peaks of incoming calls, as well as provide for periodic updates of advertising messages.

General presentations: how and why they are held

Candidates for vacant workers who have responded to the widespread advertising information are invited for personal communication. However, they are usually grouped into small groups.

Strictly speaking, the presentation should be attributed to an advertising campaign, since it is a continuation of it. Here the employer talks about the company, its history and value system. It also highlights stated goals and tasks to be performed. The most important part of the presentation is becoming a more detailed story of the manager about vacancies.

Attending such an event, the applicant can ask the questions that have arisen, and the manager has the opportunity to get to know him better.

Questionnaire stage

Those candidates who meet the conditions proposed by the company move to the next level. In an effort to save time and at the same time get the most reliable results, employers use a variety of methods:

  • Questioning.
  • Testing.
  • Different types business games and educational trainings.

All of these techniques are designed to quickly and effectively filter the incoming stream of candidates. Technicians that do this can be said to be truly effective.

Staff recruitment using questionnaires is convenient for comparing the key characteristics of candidates, and testing reveals their skills, potential and abilities.

Other ways to get information

Conducting business games and trainings can provide the maximum amount of information about the applicant. By analyzing this data, an experienced specialist can form an idea of \u200b\u200bwho the candidate is and what he breathes. Given the emergency mode in which mass recruiting often takes place, a quick study of personal and professional qualities candidates becomes the key to the success of the entire campaign.

When processing the results, experts apply a point score, or scoring.

When conducting interviews, the recruiter does not aim to deeply assess the personality and professionalism of the candidates. Often the duration of the meeting is a quarter of an hour, and this time allows you to complete the collection of data on the candidate, check the documents required for hiring and clarify clarifying questions.

How to identify potentially unscrupulous workers

Many companies are ready to hire very young employees, even those who have no work experience. However, in this case, the employer has no way to check the reliability of the candidate. You can find out how serious the applicant's intentions are by asking a simple question: "Why do you need this job?" The way a person answers what exactly and how confidently he speaks perfectly characterizes him.

Alcohol abuse among staff is becoming a problem for managers. This phenomenon is often common among unskilled workers (loaders, handymen, construction workers) or among the lower levels of personnel.

There are effective and efficient methods for detecting this addiction: Michigan alcohol screening test, Poltavets and Zavyalov's methods.

The final stage

The last in a series of measures for mass recruiting is training and adaptation of those candidates who have successfully passed previous tests. The selection of applicants is also carried out here, however, its scale is much smaller.

Candidates are trained to comply with the existing regulations and procedures of the organization, familiar with the standards. If necessary, the employing company will use external training centers for better or specialized training of personnel. Some enterprises, taking care of retaining the recruited staff, use the support method: for a short time, a newcomer is consulted by an experienced worker. Its goal is to maintain confidence in the right company choice.

It is becoming common practice for candidates to be screened by security personnel and for medical examinations. An additional interview with a supervisor may also be scheduled.

Burger King is a well-known fast food restaurant chain in Russia that successfully competes with more famous fast food brands. In the coming months, the company needs to close several hundred vacancies in 255 restaurants in Moscow and the region. First of all, these are mass personnel of different categories: kitchen workers or cashiers, but there are also positions for restaurant managers. In order to better understand the internal atmosphere of the company and the intricacies of the customer service process, the employees of the TOTAL Company spent a whole working day in one of the Burger King restaurants. The information received will help us to more accurately build the search and recruitment process for our client.

1,300 employees for 130 stores

Azbuka Vkusa is a grocery store chain. This customer left us a very large request. In a fairly short time, it was required to select 1,300 cashiers, sellers, and other employees for 130 stores of the chain. Region of application - Moscow. This is a classic case of mass recruitment, when dozens of candidates a day pass through TOTAL recruiters, interview, test and go on an internship, and if necessary, are replaced by others. This process of recruiting and hiring takes place at a high pace and it is important not to relax your vigilance, letting so many applicants through yourself. However, the TOTAL company has long earned a reputation as a reliable partner in work with personnel, including the general public.

Urgent selection of 100 network installers

MGTS is a company ahead of its time. To move forward requires modern technology. The company is completing an ambitious project. It will cover Moscow with a network of GPON fiber-optic cables. Connecting to this network opens up new opportunities; in the future, a "smart city" will be created with its help.

MGTS urgently needed to find 100 installers for cable inventory. Employees must already be trained, have certificates giving them the right to start work. A huge scope of work awaits new employees - checking 1.8 tons of cable per day.

300 specialist installers in telecom

The telecom company "NVBS Solution Group" is one of the largest in Russia, working in the field of high technologies. Its branches are located throughout Russia. The main field of activity is the creation of communication networks. These are intra-office networks, networks of Internet providers and others. The main personnel of the company are installers who are engaged in laying networks, both inside offices and between buildings.

On the eve of summer, NVBS announced the need for three hundred specialists, installers and installers. The highlight of this project is that summer is a low season for telecoms and to fill such a number of vacancies, we will have to work hard.

Mass replacement of personnel for CF "Balabaev"

"Balabaev" is a well-known confectionery factory in our country. The chocolates and sweets made in their production are an exquisite delicacy in many Russian families. For a long time, many citizens worked at the factory Customs Union... The management of the company has decided to opt out of the services of foreign citizens and provide jobs primarily for citizens of the Russian Federation.
In this regard, it was required to conduct a massive recruitment of personnel of all working specialties.

Mass recruitment for industrial production

Georg Polymer is one of the largest manufacturers of polypropylene products in our country. The production facility produces polypropylene film, plastic containers, moisture-absorbing napkins, trays, as well as devices for sealing polyethylene products. Modern packaging of the highest quality is produced here. Not surprisingly, today's growing production regularly needs new workers.

The TOTAL company has signed a contract for the mass recruitment of personnel for production. The application includes handymen, pickers, packaging staff and other personnel.
The client was very pleased with the cooperation.

1,100 closed vacancies for Wildberries

Wildberries is the largest online store where you can find almost everything. There are household appliances, the most modern clothing for men and women, and much more.
Before the contract with TOTAL, 28 outsourcing companies provided the necessary employees for Wildberries, which spoiled the HR brand quite badly. We alone managed to completely cover the client's need for personnel - in 4 months the agency found 1100 people. This is one of the most successful examples of mass recruiting in Russia.

Recruitment for DODO Pizza

"DoDo Pizza" is a well-known brand and a chain of restaurants that offer real italian pizza... Young people love to relax in such establishments, it is not surprising that the network of pizzerias has decided to expand.
Recruitment at DoDo Pizza included both the selection of mass personnel and the recruitment of qualified employees. In addition to kitchen workers, cashiers, waiters, cleaners, it was necessary to find professional pizza makers - specialists who know how to make delicious pizza.
"TOTAL" closes vacancies on time, for which it has earned the respect and trust of its clients.

Selection of agricultural workers for Miratorg company

This is one of our key customers, a food manufacturer. This year the enterprise needs both a massive recruitment of working personnel and qualified specialists-engineers.
Miratorg farms are located all over Russia, and this year the TOTAL agency is recruiting qualified engineers to service the vehicle fleet and agricultural workers to work in the Bryansk and Tula regions. Only one tractor driver required 150 people at once.

The task is complicated by the fact that the set must be done at the beginning of the sowing campaign, when there is an increased demand for specialists in this category. However, it is not the first time for TOTAL to solve problems of increased complexity.

30 registered sales managers in 3 weeks

The Commercial Educational Institute asked to close 30 positions of sales managers as soon as possible. The client was at the peak of the sales season. Thanks to the strongest recruiting service and dedicated project team, the project was closed within 3 weeks.

300 medical specialists for DOC +

As part of cooperation with DOC +, the TOTAL team has implemented a project of extremely high complexity for the selection of 200 medical specialists - general practitioners, pediatricians, ENT specialists, as well as more than 100 representatives of junior medical personnel.

Thanks to a wide regional network, unique methods of selection of candidates, the TOTAL team has conducted more than 1000 interviews for the selection of highly professional candidates, as well as more than 600 professional tests for the selection finalists. Also, the Customer was supported by TOTAL in finding and renting housing for specialists hired from the regions to work in Moscow.

More than 1000 employees in 4 months for the TELE2 operator

The mobile operator TELE2 needed recruiting support as part of its strategy of aggressively entering the Moscow market.

Thanks to our company, which keeps up with the times and uses progressive tools in its work, we provided for the Customer within 4 months the selection and recruitment of more than 1000 employees, thus fully meeting the client's needs.

1000 targeted candidates per month for Leader Team

For the Leader Team company, a project for the selection of working personnel (handymen, salesroom worker, pickers, packers) is underway throughout the year, while a prerequisite is the creation of a high-quality stream of candidates in the amount of 1000 people per month.

The TOTAL team successfully implements this project largely thanks to a unique tool - our own regional network of representatives from Kaliningrad to the Urals, who locally, in the regions, point-wise help to select personnel of the required level of training, conduct interviews locally in any single village, district center and the regional city.

In this article, you will learn about the five main stages of mass recruiting, as well as five methods for finding candidates. We will tell you how to "top five" to carry out a massive selection, ensuring quality.

In the article:

Useful documents on the topic:

Where mass recruiting is needed

You have been given a task in limited time fill hundreds and even thousands of vacancies with employees of the required qualifications. At the same time, despite the limited time frame, the scale of recruiting activities should not reduce the quality of selection. The task is difficult, especially in the regions, but doable.

As a rule, mass recruitment of personnel is carried out for line positions. This is required if:

  • a fast-growing company conquers new markets and expands its business;
  • the company is launching a new major project.

An expert from Sistemy Kadry will tell you about

The process of mass recruiting is especially relevant for such areas. economic activity, as:

  • trade;
  • building,
  • hotel business;
  • agriculture;
  • production;
  • oil and gas industry, etc.

Agricultural and logging enterprises are faced with the need for mass recruitment of personnel for seasonal work.


The coffee shop chain opened three new cafes at once. The chefs, administrators and directors for these cafes were found in advance. The HR service needs to find 80 line workers at once in a month - waiters, bartenders, room cleaners, electricians and drivers. HR director Sergey came up with a non-standard approach to recruiting. He placed flags in public places - at railway and automobile stations, in central parks of the city and at the entrance to a metro station. The text was printed on the cloth: “Come to our work. Excellent conditions guaranteed ”and indicated the name of the company and its contact details.

Thanks to this approach, in the first month we managed to find 75 employees, that is, practically solve a difficult task.

After you have been assigned the task of recruiting a large number of employees in a short time, answer the following five questions, this will facilitate its solution:

  1. What groups of candidates are planned to be hired (different qualifications, different professions etc.)?
  2. What are the professional and personal selection criteria?
  3. How long does it take to fill vacancies?
  4. Looking for candidates in the short or long term?
  5. What is the budget allocated for the search and selection company?

The experts of the "HR System" will tell you how to form recruitment budget

★ 5 stages of mass selection: algorithm ★

  1. Build an effective mass recruiting team.

Include in it only those employees of the HR department, but also the best specialists working in the company. For example, when there are several hundred customer service managers to be hired, recruit the best existing customer service personnel on the recruiting team. They can participate in on-the-job selection.

  1. Determine the selection criteria that candidates need

Involved specialists will help formulate specific selection criteria line personnel and improve its quality. The HR manager must supplement the list of competencies with those that correspond to the values \u200b\u200band corporate culture of the company.

  1. Develop a clear and detailed plan

Make it up according to the deadline. Sistema Kadry experts will tell you how do it effectively

  1. Carry out an advertising campaign

Choose the right place to place your ad. You cannot catch fish where it is not found, just as you will not find the necessary talents where they simply do not exist. Use for mass recruiting analytical reports about the human resources of major recruiting portals operating in Russia: Google Analytics, Popsters or Yandex, as well as regional job search sites.

  1. Select and select candidates

Use modern methods and technologies. Read in the magazine "HR Director"

Candidate search methods

The more you manage to attract candidates, the higher the likelihood that the required quality of selection will be provided. Take advantage of the benefits of using such sources.

Method # 1. Internal recruiting

Seek recommendations from professionals who already work for the company. Your employees communicate on social networks with colleagues in other organizations and regions. Even if each of 100 employees of your company has 100 such colleagues as friends, 10,000 people, professionals working in your industry, will be able to recognize that you are carrying out a massive recruitment of personnel. It is a powerful resource for attracting potential job seekers.

Method # 2. Notice Boards and Job Fairs

Mass recruitment ads are a traditional but still effective channel for large-scale hiring. Recruiters can find many active and passive candidates on recruiting portals SuperJob, HeadHunter, AVADA message boards and "I Want a Job".

By contacting a job fair, within a few days you will be able to receive thousands of CV responses. Large enterprises, well-known brands can organize such a fair right in the office, offline.

Method number 3. Educational institutions: universities, colleges, vocational schools

If the vacancies of the company allow for a lack of experience, contact the best specialized universities. Partner with regional universities, colleges and vocational schools to provide the skills your company needs. Thus, you can save time and budget not only in mass recruiting, but also in filling current entry-level vacancies. Please note that for this category of applicants, the selection should be carried out more carefully.

Look for professionals of the required qualifications on the thematic pages on Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki.

5. Recruitment agencies

Yes, by contacting recruiting agency with the application, the company will spend additional funds. But this will significantly save time, and, therefore, recoup the costs incurred. You can save budget even if the final interview will be conducted by your company's recruiters.

On the features of mass recruiting and how how to organize the process correctly , the expert from "Systems of Personnel" will tell you.

Large-scale filling of new vacancies has its own specifics. When recruiting massively, the methods that are relevant for Russia are not much different from those used by Western companies.

What can guarantee the timely and quality filling of a large number of vacancies? Having analyzed the experience of foreign and Russian companies, we can advise the following:

Tip 1. Automate the process of recruiting candidates

Use the modern capabilities of high technologies - automated modules for searching and recruiting personnel - ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems). ATS, including allowing:

  • Place job advertisements on the given resources;
  • Process and store resume;
  • Compare them with the description of available vacancies;
  • Accumulate responses received for the vacancy;
  • Personally interact with the applicant during the selection process, etc.

On the market digital HR ATS is presented as multifunctional expensive systems designed for large enterprises, as well as free cloud development. Popular ones: Newton Software, Kenexa-Brassring, Ultipro, Jobscore, iCims, Hrsmart, Taleo, Lumesse, Bullhorn.

Tip 2. When recruiting massively, conduct interviews and questionnaires on the Internet

Use free popular instant messengers and online testers for video interviews. Through Skype, not only video interviews are carried out, but also testing programmer candidate , since the messenger has a built-in function that allows you to jointly edit the program code. Through the Internet and the Skillaz service, the user can send the candidates a questionnaire and record a video interview with them. On the HeadHunter portal, the employer creates a chat bot that will process the applications of candidates. To communicate with job seekers, bots use messengers Viber, Telegram and Facebook Messenger.

Tip 3: structure the interview

When there is a limited time for mass recruiting, use structured interviews with a structured way to evaluate candidates. For example, in the first stage of the interview, each candidate answers eight identical questions. Recruiters use clear criteria for evaluating the best candidates based on their responses. The selected candidates participate in the next stages of the interview, where they answer another fixed set of questions, etc.

Tip 4. Conduct mass interviews

When there is little time for selection, and especially when the selection of personnel is carried out for the same position, it makes sense to interview candidates in large quantities. Instead of interviewing groups of several people each day, conduct interviews in large groups once a week or every two weeks.

Thus, the process of onboarding newcomers will become structured and efficient. Hiring briefings will also be less frequent, and existing employees will be less distracted by hiring newcomers.

Tip 5. When hiring a candidate, immediately ask him for contacts of other specialists

As is the case with the company's employees, newcomers are familiar with other professionals in the field of mass recruiting. You immediately get new recommendations and contacts to attract those who have the necessary experience and qualifications.

Collection output:


Abramov Sergey Mikhailovich

cand. ped. Sci., Associate Professor, Ural State Mining University, RF, Yekaterinburg

E- mail: Abramowwwsm@ mail. ru

Kolodina Alexandra Andreevna

student of the Ural State Mining University, RF, Yekaterinburg


Abramov Sergey

candidate of Pedagogic Science, Associate Professor of Ural State Mining University, Russia, Yekaterinburg

Kolodina Aleksandra

student of Ural State Mining University, Russia, Yekaterinburg


This article deals with the problem of mass recruiting. The possibility of using mass recruitment in crisis conditions by changing the qualitative composition of personnel has been revealed. On the example of a telecommunications company, the technology of selection for a mass position is analyzed.


In the article the problem of mass recruitment is considered. Possibility of application of mass selection in the conditions of crisis by change of qualitative structure of the personnel is revealed. The example of the telecommunication company technology of selection on a mass position is analyzed.

Keywords:mass selection; sources of personnel attraction; the target audience; group interview.

Keywords:mass recruiting; sources of recruitment; target group; group interview.

The topic of mass recruiting has recently become more and more relevant. The need for mass selection is dictated by modern conditions labor market. During a crisis, most domestic companies reduce their recruitment costs, in some cases they even suspend recruitment, while mass recruiting remains an underutilized resource. Refusal from it blocks the sustainable economic development of the country, and, therefore, there is a danger of its transformation into an insurmountable obstacle for russian society... It can be argued that in a crisis, mass selection does not have effective replacement methods. Negative trends in economic development countries are objectively forced to reduce costs, and at the same time maintain the profitability of production. Therefore, companies can focus on recruiting candidates with minimum requirements. In this case, due to the change in the quality of the personnel, the organization has the opportunity to reduce the cost of wages of employees. It must be admitted that changes are necessary, this necessity is dictated by the development of Russian society, and those economic contexts into which Russia has already plunged over the last twenty years of transformations, and from which it cannot "jump out". It is pointless to deny this negative trend: the facts are there. It seems that in this case, due to the increased role of mass recruitment of personnel (along with more efficient use of work force) Russia today can get an additional innovative resource, leading to an increase in profitability and sustainability of the country's economic potential.

It is important to note that the theoretical basis that reveals the features of mass selection and its specifics remains poorly developed and meaningful. Prospects for further consideration of this topic, in our opinion, may be associated with a more detailed study of the technology of mass selection and the identification of factors affecting its effectiveness. An extremely important task of our time is to understand what gives rise to mass recruitment of personnel, how it should be carried out, as well as how domestic companies (enterprises, organizations) can absorb the quintessence of the experience of mass recruiting, while not forgetting that it must be approached gradually and steadily ...

In the specialized literature on personnel management issues, you can find many definitions of personnel selection. For example, P.V. Zhuravlev. and Odegov Yu.G. define selection as a process of examining candidates. In turn, Egorshin A.P. considers selection as a process of selecting candidates for jobs based on the reserves of personnel at the labor exchange and at the enterprise.

However, there is still no generally accepted definition of “mass recruiting”. Only by generalizing and thoroughly studying practical experience, it will be logical to formulate the definition as follows:

Mass recruitment is, as a rule, the selection of the required number of employees for the same type of position. The essence of mass recruitment is to find the required and desired number of employees as quickly as possible who are ready to master the necessary and additional skills and get down to work as soon as possible. Moreover, it cannot simply suddenly "arise", it must be achieved through, first of all, managerial decisions.

The specifics of mass selection can be viewed through the experience of domestic companies. Let us analyze the phenomenon of mass recruiting using the example of MTS in Yekaterinburg.

For MTS in the Urals, the problem of mass recruitment was most acute in 2011, when it acquired the company CJSC Comstar-Regions, which provides fixed-line communications ( home Internet, digital television, home telephony). In the course of these changes, a vacancy for a fixed-line sales agent was opened. The sales agent's responsibilities include advising individuals on tariffs and valid shares and registration of applications for connection to services. Despite the fact that the work of an agent is connected with direct sales (one of the most difficult areas of sales), the company prefers to recruit candidates with no experience or with minimal experience in this area and "grow" its specialists.

The agency channel in the Ural Macroregion brings 43% of the fixed business income. Given such strong performance, MTS has set itself ambitious targets for recruiting sales agents.

In 2014, the plan to attract agents to the Sverdlovsk Region (Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Kamensk-Uralsky, Pervouralsk) was 259 people per year, taking into account the outflow. In fact, 679 agents were employed during the year. This statistic suggests that one should not forget about the characteristic feature of mass recruitment - high staff turnover: the churn rate for the previous year in the company was 300%. For 2015, the target number of agents is 222. Selection of agents for the sale of services for Sverdlovsk region three recruiters are involved. The ultimate goal of a recruiter is to fill vacancies. The average recruiting plan is 20 agents per month.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to maintain a continuous incoming stream of applicants. For this, in turn, all possible sources of search for candidates should be used.

When choosing sources of mass recruiting, the following parameters are of great importance:

1. The target audience... Before placing an advertisement, it is very important to predict and take into account the methods and sources of obtaining information for a particular category of candidates. A sales agent candidate profile assumes two target audiences:

1) youth (students of higher or secondary specialized educational institutions, the purpose of which is to gain experience in the field of sales, work in a prestigious company, unlimited income, career growth);

2) the age group (35-55 years old), who wants to combine additional employment with the main place of work, focused on obtaining additional earnings, work experience in a stable and prestigious company.

To attract young people, the best sources will be the Internet, social media and job fairs in educational institutions. The easiest and least costly way to find candidates is to post a vacancy on one of the job sites (the so-called "job sites"). A recruiter engaged in the selection of sales agents uses the following sites: e1, HeadHunter, SuperJob, Rabota66, JobLab, UralJob, etc. It is guaranteed that job sites are visited by people interested in work, and on the same day you can get responses for a vacancy. Moreover, there is the possibility of active search, which involves sending vacancies and searching for resumes by certain parameters and keywords.

A good response from candidates for the vacancy of a sales agent is brought by the social network Vkontakte, the main user of which is young people. A social network in mass selection is one of the most effective and acceptable sources of search. With the help of a social network, it is quite easy to find suitable candidates. It is a huge source of information and people.

The working conditions of sales agents (flexible hours, the ability to combine with studies) and the requirements for candidates (lack of experience, desire to earn money) expand the possibilities of searching for applicants among students of educational institutions. Agreeing with universities and colleges is costly in terms of time resources, but can guarantee cooperation with institutions on an ongoing basis.

MTS participates in job fairs for universities, conducts job presentations at training sessions, organizes promotions with the distribution of leaflets in educational buildings, posts information on message boards in educational institutions themselves, as well as in student dormitories. On an ongoing basis, systematic cooperation is carried out with the following universities and colleges: Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ural State Pedagogical University and, especially, Ural State Mining University, etc.

To attract the age category, the most effective sources are advertising in transport, creeping lines on television, printed publications, and employment services.

Advertising in transport, at bus stops, running lines on television are one of the sources of attracting mass personnel. They can ensure a wide audience reach and a steady stream of candidates. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that significant resources are required to filter the stream.

The main source of attracting candidates in Nizhniy Tagil, Kamensk-Uralsky and Pervouralsk are printed publications. Announcements are published monthly in the newspapers Chronicle and Tolkuchka (Pervouralsk), Novy Compass (Kamensk-Uralsky) and Reklamny Vestnik (Nizhny Tagil). The placement of vacancies in the media has a recommendatory effect: the ads can be seen by friends, relatives, acquaintances of the applicant and convey information.

When carrying out mass recruiting, you should use as many sources of attracting candidates as possible. Focusing on the age category, it is necessary to cooperate with employment services: periodically post information about vacancies, participate in activities held by employment centers.

When working with one or another source of candidate search, it is recommended to track its effectiveness: note the number of responses, the number of interviews conducted and candidates arranged. This approach allows you to adjust the search channels for job seekers, reject the most ineffective ones.

$ 12. Company image.

When choosing a job, many job seekers assess primarily the image of the company as an employer and the image of the company as a whole. A strong brand significantly increases a company's competitiveness in the job market.

At the end of 2014, MTS was recognized as the best in the "Career Start" nomination in the HR-Brand 2014 rating in the field of personnel management. The company took the leading place based on two studies conducted by the portal Career.ru: a survey of young professionals about the preferences among employers and a survey of employing companies that are ready to attract applicants among students and graduates of universities.

The next aspect of mass recruitment technology is the assessment of candidates. Most effective tool evaluating candidates for a mass position is definitely considered a group interview. This method significantly saves time and human resources. A group interview involves interviewing one recruiter with several candidates applying for one position.

At MTS, an interview with a candidate for the vacancy of a sales agent takes place every day at a set time. The one-hour meeting allows two to five candidates to be evaluated. If there are more than 20 scheduled interviews, you should divide all applicants into two (if necessary, three) stages, or distribute among recruiters. In order not to demotivate candidates and reduce the level of stress that each of them experiences, you need to inform them in advance by phone about the format and duration of the meeting.

A group interview for a sales agent vacancy consists of several stages:

Stage 1 - filling out a questionnaire by the candidate

A questionnaire is a way to select the most objective information about a candidate. Therefore, it duplicates almost all the information submitted in the resume. First of all, in the questionnaire, you can request the information that is traditionally not provided in the resume, but which may be useful for the employer.

Stage 2 - acquaintance of the recruiter with candidates ( general information, work experience, criteria for choosing a job, etc.);

Stage 3 - company presentation;

Stage 4 - job presentation;

Stage 5 - meeting the head of the group of agents.

Based on the interview results, suitable candidates are invited on the first day of training. After completing two trainings (on the product and on the sales technique), the candidate enters the internship. As soon as the agent makes the first sale, a civil contract is drawn up with him.

Thus, having traced all the stages of mass selection, we can highlight its most significant advantages and disadvantages.


· Wide audience coverage.

· Large influx of candidates.

· Opportunity for the organization to reduce personnel costs.

Bulk recruiting problems:

· Mass selection is labor intensive. You need to understand that 20 employed agents per month means at least 80 interviews with candidates, about 250 successful telephone interviews (the result of which is the scheduled interview) and more than 800 calls.

· Mass recruitment is characterized by high staff turnover.

· Another problem of recruiting for mass positions in a telecommunications company is high competition in the industry. It is chosen by the candidate, not the employer. Job seekers among young people are "spoiled" by offers on the labor market.

After analyzing the "pros" and "cons" of mass recruiting, you can give a number of recommendations:

1) It is necessary to track the number of applications for a particular source of attracting candidates, evaluate their effectiveness, thereby regulate costs and correctly plan the funds allocated for the search and attraction of candidates;

2) Constantly increase the number of sources used to search for candidates;

3) Periodically changing ad texts, choosing the most attractive ones for the target audience;

4) Cooperate on an ongoing basis with educational institutions, employment services;

5) Design a system corporate eventsaimed at employee retention to reduce staff turnover.

So, mass recruitment is, of course, an additional innovative resource for domestic companies, allowing them to confront modern challenges that are pushing society today to the periphery of the energy of economic creativity. The task of organizations is to competently and productively, first of all, for the company to apply it. Without pretending to fully and complete disclosure of this topic, we emphasize that today it is impossible to provide a solution to the general task of sustainable and profitable development of domestic business without mass selection of personnel. The ideas and recommendations we have outlined are aimed at giving the necessary impetus to better coverage and understanding of the problem of mass recruitment and its role in increasing the potential of domestic companies. Moreover, many of our recommendations are quite simple and are an integral part of effective HR management.


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