Detailed progress report example. How to draw up an analytical report: step by step instructions. From problem to solution

Labor process consists of setting tasks by the head and their implementation by a company employee. From time to time, each employee draws up a report on the work done. The frequency depends on the internal rules of the enterprise, as well as the form. Do not underestimate the importance of this document to management.

In this article, we will look at how to properly draw up a progress report, a sample document filling out and some tips for drafting it.

Why you need to be able to correctly report on work

The workflow can be represented as a complex mechanism in which each employee of the company is a gear. In this example, the head of the organization acts as an engineer who must ensure that all mechanisms work smoothly and as quickly as possible.

IN real life It’s quite difficult for bosses to assess how well employees are doing their jobs if they don’t see the results of their work. Therefore, in almost all enterprises, the management obliges each employee to regularly draw up a report on the work done. Often, this document is created every 1 week. This way, the bosses can see what the employees were doing, as well as how useful they were to the enterprise.

Wrong example

A document is drawn up in free form. Perhaps that is why there are a large number of reports that do not tell the management about anything or make one think that the worker is not performing the functions assigned to him. At the same time, a specific employee can be a real hard worker and overfulfill his plan. The blame is the incorrectly drawn up report on the work done. A sample of such a document is given below.

Type of document: report on the work done for the period from 15.02.16 to 19.02.16.

The following was done:

  • the timing of the working time of the production department was carried out;
  • included in work program timing results;
  • calculated new norms of time;
  • compiled responses to inquiries from labor inspectorates, as well as several clients;
  • took part in a conference on improving labor efficiency at the enterprise.

Date of compilation: 19.02.16

Signature: Petrov Yu. R. "

If an employee draws up a report on the work done in this way, then the management will consider that he is not sufficiently loaded.

What are the mistakes?

The above example clearly shows the standard errors in the preparation of such documents.

The main ones are:

The above requirements should be used both when drawing up weekly forms, and when a report is generated on the work done for the year.

Suitable option

It is likely that it will not be possible to draw up a high-quality report the first time. In order to make it easier for you to do this, we give an example of how it was necessary to write a report to the manager on the work done, indicated in the first example:

“To: chief planning department Ivanov P.M.

From: Economist of the 1st category of the planning department Petrova Yu. R.

Report on the results of labor for (15.02.16-19.02.16)

For the reporting week, the following tasks were assigned to me:

All tasks were completed, namely:

  • 5 time measurements were carried out and the same number of new standards for the work of the production department were drawn up;
  • took part in the conference, a memo with proposals is attached.

Also, work was carried out with the incoming documentation, namely:

  • Compiled 2 responses to IOT inquiries.
  • Answers to letters from gr. Yurieva A.A., Zhakova S.I., Mileeva K.B.

For the period from 02.22.16 to 02.26.16, a business trip is planned to check the work structural unit Pechersk branch.

Date of compilation: 19.02.16

Signature: Petrov Yu.R. "

Agree that this version of the report reads better, and the management can see how well one of the employees is doing.

How do I write reports for longer periods?

Of course, it is not difficult to paint a period of one week beautifully on paper. It is more difficult to draw up a report on the work done for half a year or even a year. However, this is easier to do than it might seem at first glance. For example, if you have weekly reports for the required period, then you can safely use them.

Maximum volume - 1 A4 sheet

In this case, it is worth trying to somewhat enlarge the information so that the result fits on 1-2 pages. In the event that weekly totals are not held in the organization, but you were obliged to generate a report on the work done for the year, you should not panic and be hysterical.

All information is around you: look at the message history in the document logs or in e-mail, open the folder with your reports, study the travel sheets. All this will help you remember the deeds that you performed during the working year.

Let's sum up

Above, we have given some examples of how to write a progress report. The main thing is to describe the operations performed, indicating the quantitative characteristics (so many times or such and such a number of pieces, etc.). In this way, you will notify the management of exactly how much work you have completed.

Do not forget to indicate at the beginning of the report a list of specific tasks that have been brought to you for execution. Completion of the report is also an important part. Be sure to write what you want to implement at work in the near future. By this you will show that you look wider than only at the area of \u200b\u200byour immediate duties and functions that must be performed in accordance with job description.

You can also consider the example above.

In order to make it easier to draw up such reports, you can in a notebook or electronic document record the work done daily. You will spend only 3-5 minutes a day on this little thing. It's not that much. However, due to such records, you can easily create a report on your work for any period in the future.

The activities of any organization or company always involve accountability. Even if the company is completely independent, and it does not have a senior management, a report on the activities of such a company is necessary for the management of the company itself to assess the effectiveness of work for a certain period, to build further prospects for the development of the campaign.

Drawing up a report, like drawing up a business letter, would seem to be a simple question ... but where can difficulties arise?

Usually, those who make it for the first time have difficulties in how to draw up a progress report. Having drawn up such a report once or twice, having corrected it according to the comments received, the specialist who compiles it no longer experiences any special difficulties in drawing up the following.
Make up a progress report for the first time, and make it right, not like that easy taskas it seems at first glance.

A little about the accounting report

The simplest, in terms of execution, is the accounting report. It can be large in volume and time consuming, requires precision and accuracy in its preparation, and yet it is somewhat easier to compile than a text report on the work done. When drawing up an accounting report, there is usually a strictly defined form of reporting, expressed in all kinds of tables.

You need to fill these tables with digital indicators of the organization's performance, and that's it. Of course, all indicators should be reliable and be combined with each other, but it is still easier to calculate and insert numbers into the corresponding columns than to draw up a text report on the work done, when you need to describe all aspects of the organization's activities in words.

Sometimes when drawing up an accounting report, it requires an explanatory note. It is usually not large in volume and some figures are explained in it. For example, why some indicators decreased, what caused the growth of other indicators, what is the general trend for growth and development, according to the figures in the report.

Classification of progress reports

Reports are classified according to two criteria

  • By the time of the reporting period: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual.
  • In terms of composition and volume: a report on the work done by one division of the organization and a report on the work of the entire organization.

Drawing up a daily or weekly progress report is rarely difficult. Usually, they consist of several digital indicators that reflect the main activities of the organization. The volume of monthly reports on the work done is larger, but also, mainly, expressed in numbers. And quarterly, semi-annual and annual, most often, they imply text versions of reports on the work done.

A text report on the work done is a creative process

Drawing up a report in figures is a responsible task, but easier than drawing up a competent, qualified text report on the work done. Compiling a report in a text version is a kind of creativity.

It should reflect the activities of a department or the entire organization as a whole, it should be written in the language of the document, but it should be easy to read, there should not be excessive "water" in it, the text should be confirmed by numbers, it should reflect a comparison with the indicators of the previous the reporting period or indicators of the same period last year, and it should end with some conclusions.

Drawing up a report on the activities of the entire organization as a whole, the work of all its departments and divisions is usually entrusted to the head of the organization. General practice the provision of reports assumes that the higher authority sends to the organization, which must provide a report on the work done, the structure of the upcoming report, which indicates what exactly needs to be highlighted in the report on the work done which numbers, indicators and areas of activity should be reflected in the upcoming report.

The head of the organization acquaints the departments with the structure of the report of each department, and each department prepares its own report on the work done. The manager checks all reports, if necessary, corrects them, and forms a general report on the activities of the organization.

Basic requirements for drawing up a progress report

And although drawing up a report on the work done is a creative process, and it must reflect all aspects of the organization's activities, it is still a document, and not an essay on a specific topic, it must meet all the requirements of a business document. Therefore, the progress report should not contain any sentences with personal pronouns, for example, “I said, they did, we achieved,” and the like. Here is a small example of what vocabulary should exist in the text of the report:

“The number of sales by the equipment department for the 2nd quarter of 2014 was 205,000, which was 27% of total sales. This is 10% more than the number of sales for the corresponding period last year. Sales in the Engineering Department for the 2nd quarter were up 7% compared to the 1st quarter. This increase in sales was due to the expansion of the sales market (creation of new points of sale, activation of agents).

It is impossible to insert into the report on the work done, when it is said about the improvement of some indicators, such proposals as “thanks to the hard work of the leader, thanks to the improvement of the team's work”. Firstly, this is an incorrect style of drawing up a business document, and secondly, such proposals do not reflect the true reason for the increase in the level of indicators. What, before the leader did not work hard, but somehow? The team worked poorly before this reporting period, and then for some reason began to work well?

When drawing up a report on the work done, in the corresponding sections of the report, you can insert a description of some specific events, actions, presentations that contributed to the improvement of work, increase in performance.

Progress Report Sections

So, what sections should a text report on the work done contain, if a specific structure of the report is not attached to its preparation.

  • The introductory part where it is given short description organization, its position among similar organizations in the city, region, or some other information about the organization or region where its activities are carried out
  • Followed by reports on the work done by each unit (department). If the organization is small and there are no departments in it, then the main part of the report on the work done is made by the head of the organization on the basis of the data provided by each specialist of the organization.
  • The final part, which summarizes the results of the organization's work for reporting period, conclusions are made about successes and failures, forecasts are given on further activities.

Options for progress reports

The structure of the report on the work done may have some other options related to the specifics of the activities of this organization, but the following data must be present in it:

  • A complete and objective report on all areas of the organization's activities, with digital indicators, possibly diagrams
  • Conclusions on the work of the organization for the reporting period
  • Ways and prospects for the development of the organization for the upcoming reporting period.


I wonder why this brace yourself

The Management by Objective (MBO) technology was proposed by Peter Drucker in the 1950s. At that time, the West began to clearly understand that Western methods require change and correction. Today, many methods are used in management to assess the effectiveness of both companies and individual employees. These are, for example, a balanced scorecard BSC (Balanced Scorecard), management by MBO goals, business performance management BPM (Business Performance Management), management based on key performance indicators - KPI (Key Performance Indicators). In the Soviet Union, in the 60-70s of the XX century, the concept of program-target planning (PCP) became widespread, the ideas of this concept in many respects overlap with the ideas of MBO. Most American companies use MBO ideas in planning and management. This technology is taught in almost all American business schools. And some authors attribute America's economic success to this very approach. One of the manager's functions is to set tasks for employees and monitor their implementation. The performance of such tasks determines the efficiency of project implementation, competitiveness, and, ultimately, the company's profit. Having a manager with a convenient task management tool is a guarantee of his personal efficiency and coordinated work of all employees. The key is the concept of SMART tasks - these are operational orders and activities formed within the framework of the existing goals of the company. Each task is formed in accordance with the SMART principle. The task in this case is considered not as a task (operation) within the framework of a business process, but as a goal-goal for an employee for a period. A task can be decomposed (isolated) from a larger-scale goal-task formed for a long period. For example, as part of the task of creating a website for a company, an employee may have a task of choosing a contractor for a month. Smart tasks have their own weight in the general list and must be approved by the superior manager. Unapproved tasks are not included in the employee performance calculation. The initiative for the formation of tasks comes from both the manager and the performer himself. An experienced employee is able to independently prepare a plan of his work, using the principles of SMART. In this situation, the leader will only have to approve the tasks before implementation, and then ensure control. At the end of the period, the employee must transfer the completed tasks to the manager. In other words, the responsibility for the “handover” process of the task lies with the employee. When summing up the results for the period, the manager assesses the completion of the task based on the previously described criteria. This ensures high level objectivity of assessments.

Well, there is a lot of such a pseudo-scientific blizzard ... In short, you need to feel it yourself.
You won't take my word for it anyway.
Western, so to speak, style of work according to Western standards of "effective management" ...

(The material was prepared by I. Kurolesov, Leading Legal Adviser of SPAR RITAIL CJSC)

Increasingly, employers demand from their employees reports on the work performed, and it does not matter what kind of work they do, what positions they hold, how long they have been working in the company. And, as a rule, such an employer's right is not spelled out in any internal documents of the company. Despite this, employees unconditionally draw up reports for a month, for a quarter, for a year - depending on the purpose of their preparation (after all, it is extremely difficult to object to the employer). In the article we will talk about why a report on the work performed is needed, who and under what conditions can demand it to be presented, what it should contain, whether it needs to be approved
its form and store in accordance with all the rules.

What is the report for?

It is known that the need to attract personnel should be economically justified, because the remuneration of employees for the organization is an expense item, and quite significant. Almost every head of a structural unit of the organization, selecting through personnel service employees must justify the following important points to management:
- the staffing of the unit;
- wages fund of the unit;
- organizational structure divisions;
- functionality of the department employees;
- requirements for candidates (education, qualifications, work experience, professional skills, etc.).
Only after the motivated proposal of the head of the structural unit to hire employees is approved by the management, it will be possible to open vacancies and look for candidates. However, the justification for the need to "maintain" this or that employee is not
ends after hiring. On the contrary, it is just beginning. So, he will need to perform a certain amount of work by his immediate supervisor. I must say that in a rare organization, production rates are calculated (this is usually done by economists and financiers, who, if they work in a company, always have more important work). In practice, the task of distributing the amount of work among the employees of a structural unit, as a rule, lies on the shoulders of the head of the unit, who must act according to the principle "every employee must be in business." At the same time, the head of the unit must plan the work of his charges. In turn, the employee, in order to work more efficiently, must plan his own work time... After the plan is drawn up and approved by the head of the structural unit in the manner established by the organization, it must be adhered to by the head
structural unit, and subordinate employees. Of course, in order to take into account the work done by both the unit as a whole and its individual employees, when comparing it with the approved plan, there is a need for a report.
Thus, the employee's report is necessary for:
- justification of the costs of remuneration of employees of the structural unit;
- using it as a basis for the purpose of submitting reports to counterparties under civil law contracts on the provision of services / performance of work by its own personnel (including outsourcing and outstaffing contracts);
- creating a kind of order and discipline in the unit;
- quick establishment of communication: which of the employees, when and what work performed (for example, when conflict situationsconnected with non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the employee of his job responsibilities).

When is the report required?

It is important to note that the issue of providing employees with reports on the work performed is regulated by law only if the employee is sent on a business trip.

As for the rest of the cases, it is obvious that it is necessary to submit reports on the work done on a mandatory basis only to those employees whose job responsibilities include this, i.e. who has it written in employment contract and / or job description. Here are some excerpts from these documents as an example.

Who can claim a report?

The question arises: to whom exactly should the employee report? To answer it, it is important to understand who the employee reports directly to. As a rule, this information is indicated in the employment contract, as well as the job description (if any). Therefore, this immediate manager of the employee has the right to demand a report from him. Moreover, he has the right to demand a report not only on the implementation of the planned work, but also any other.
Please note: the employee's report on the work performed can be used as the basis for the bonus system, i.e. encouraging employees of the organization. Then its content may indicate following indicators for the appointment and payment of bonuses:
- compliance with the standard;
- performance of additional scope of work within job responsibilities employee;
- high-quality and prompt execution of especially important tasks and especially urgent work, one-time tasks of the management within the framework of the employee's job duties, etc. And vice versa: if the employee was instructed to perform a certain job, but for some reason he did not complete it, the report will help the immediate supervisor identify the reasons (more precisely, you yourself must demonstrate them to him in the report).

If there is no report

"What if an employee refuses to submit a report on the work performed," sometimes managers ask, "can he be punished for this?" Theoretically it is possible. Section 192 Labor Code RF envisages disciplinary responsibility for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the employee of the labor duties assigned to him. Accordingly, if the submission of a report on the work performed is the employee's obligation (i.e. it is enshrined in the employment contract and / or job description), then the employer has the right to apply the following disciplinary sanctions for non-performance or improper performance of this obligation: reprimand or reprimand (depending on on the seriousness of the disciplinary offense).

Of course, it is unlikely that any of the employers in practice will punish the employee in this way for the fact that he has not submitted a report on the work at the right time. Moreover, the employer, rather, needs not the report itself, but the performance of the work. And usually an employee who did not submit a report at the request of the employer has problems not with the report itself, but with
performing the assigned work. Therefore, it is more correct for the employer to apply a disciplinary sanction precisely for failure to comply or improper performance an employee of their direct labor duties, rather than for failure to submit a report.

What is the content of the report?

An employee report may contain:

- the work performed (can be listed in quantitative or percentage terms, indicating the time of work execution and without it, etc.):
- planned work;
- unscheduled work;
- FULL NAME. and the position of the person who is the customer of the work (or the name of the customer organization);
- the status of the work (completed in full or only some part);
- the result of the work (a document was prepared, a meeting was held, etc.);
- to whom the result of the work was transferred;
- with whom the employee interacted while performing the work;
- whether the work performed corresponds to the approved plan;
- the date of the report, as well as the period following which the report was drawn up.
Of course, these are only approximate components of the report. It may not be as detailed.

A simplified version of the report is appropriate in cases where an organization or a specific structural unit has a system for submitting daily reports by employees. In a simplified version, the report mainly contains the following elements:
- FULL NAME. and the position of the employee;
- structural unit where the employee works;
- work performed (planned and unplanned);
- the date of the report, as well as the period following which the report was drawn up.
Please note: the report must be signed by the employee and submitted to the immediate supervisor.

Do I need to approve the report form?

As you know, there is no unified form for the employee's report on the work performed.
Firstly, because the law does not oblige employees to make such reports.
Secondly, each organization has its own specifics of activities and leadership style. This means that, in principle, it is not possible to approve a uniform report form for all.
However, if the organization has established a workflow, documents are properly taken into account and stored, then it will be quite adequate to approve the form of employee reports on the work performed. You can approve it in one of the following ways:
- as part of a local normative act, for example, instructions for office work or staff regulations (if employees centrally report on the work done);
- by order (if employees of only individual structural units are engaged in this).

Do I need to store a report?

Regardless of whether the employee's report form on the work performed in the organization is approved or not, such reports are subject to storage. The question arises, how long should they be stored? Regulatory legal acts there are no rules for storing reports on
the work performed, the compilation of which is optional. Nevertheless, here are some excerpts from the List of Typical Management Archive Documents 2010.
We recommend, based on the above items of the List, to adhere to the following retention periods for reports:
- the employee's report on the work performed by him (except for "business trip") - within 1 year;
- consolidated report on the work of the structural unit - within 5 years.

This and other advice on topical issues you will find in the information bank "Accounting press and books" of the "ConsultantPlus" system.

It is very important to compile a report on the work done in order to briefly but succinctly present the results of your activities. Are there any special reporting rules that you need to know when starting to write such documentation?

Progress Report - Writing Requirements

Why do you even need to make a progress report? Reporting helps:

  1. monitor the performance of employees of their duties;
  2. identify problem areas in the work of a particular employee and the department as a whole;
  3. find out whether enough effort has been made to solve the task;
  4. support labor discipline a team;
  5. justify the costs of employee salaries.

What are the main requirements for a report? You need to talk about the results of your work in a business-like manner, but at the same time indicate the entire volume of work done.

A sensible report will not only give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow well you have worked, but will also present you in a favorable light - an employee who knows how to express his thoughts in an accessible way, highlighting the main things and not being distracted by unnecessary details.

Progress report - what are the types

From the point of view of frequency, the report can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual.

Sometimes an employee reports on a specific activity (for example, how the presentation of a new book was organized, which took several days to prepare and carry out, or a three-day sales training).

The title of the report should include information on the timing, for example, "Report on the workshop on hR administration October 7-9, 2015 ".

A business trip report is mandatory for all employees, regardless of its duration.

The report on the work done can be written in text form and in statistical form. A textual report is a coherent narrative, supplemented by various graphs, diagrams and tables.

And if you prefer statistical form, then focus on illustrative materials, to which write explanations in the form of text.

Report structure

There is no uniform standard for writing a progress report, as well as an employee's autobiography. Each organization may have its own requirements for the structure of such documents.

For example, the following presentation looks logical: the first section is "Introduction", in it, briefly describe the tasks set for you, the methods that were used to solve them, and the result obtained.

In the "Main part" describe in more detail the sequence of your work:

  1. preparation for the implementation of the project;
  2. stages of its implementation (indicate all resources used: marketing research, analytical work, experiences, business trips, attracting other employees);
  3. problems and difficulties, if any;
  4. suggestions for eliminating difficulties;
  5. achieved result.

The report in the form of a table will look more visual, structured and concise.

If you often have to draw up ongoing reports on the work done, it will be convenient to prepare a template in which you regularly need to enter the necessary data.

And in order not to forget anything important over the past working day, take a few minutes from your schedule, writing down everything you did. Otherwise, be sure to miss something later.

When you draw up an annual report, analyze the dynamics of the achieved results, comparing with the previous year and giving a forecast for the next year.

As an addition to the main part of the report, attach materials that confirm the stated facts - copies thank you letters and entries in the guestbook, publications in the press about events held, checks and invoices.

It is better to separate the financial part in a separate section, which should be filled in as required by the accounting department of your organization.

The progress report concludes the Conclusion section. In it, you formulate conclusions and suggestions arising from the results of the work done, if you consider them useful for improving the activities of your organization.

The report on the work done is printed using A4 sheets. Pages should be numbered and a title page should be drawn up.

When your document is large enough, compose a table of contents separately so that it will be easier to navigate your report.

There may be such a variant of the report:

FULL NAME.________

Major achievements over the past period:

  • in professional activities;
  • in terms of personal development.

What failed and for what reason.
The need for additional training.
Suggestions for improving the organization of your work.
Desired areas of responsibility and career development.

The ability to draw up a sensible report on the work done will help you to present concrete evidence that you are working conscientiously, coping with your duties. And, besides, this is a weighty argument for the bosses if you decide to raise the issue of how