Presentation of working hours and working hours. Time relax. Rest time - the time during which the employee is free from work duties and which he can use in his own way. Presentation on the topic

concept and types of working time;

working hours and the procedure for establishing them;

work outside the normal working hours;

concept and types of rest time;

the right to vacation and its guarantees; concept, types of vacations and the procedure for their provision.

For minors, disabled people and some categories of workers (from 2.5 to 7 hours a day)

For parents with children under 14, pregnant women, caregivers, etc.

Cannot exceed 40 hours per week

Working time is the time during which an employee is in accordance with the rules work schedule organization and conditions employment contract must perform his job duties, as well as other periods of time that are in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts.


working hours

Incomplete working time


is established



employed on

For medical

up to 16 years old - 24 hours


work with harmful and

workers -

in Week;

I and II groups

dangerous conditions

no more than 39 hours

from 16 to 18 years old -

- 35 hours a week

labor - no more

per week, etc.

36 hours a week

36 hours a week

Working hours and the procedure for establishing it

Working hours are called

distribution per day, week, start and end of work. The regime also includes the structure of the week, shift schedules as well as internal and inter-shift breaks in work, the beginning and end of the working day, shift, week. The regime includes a rotational work method, flexible, sliding schedules.

Working time meters

Working day

Working shift

Work week

Working day

Working hours established by law during the day. Duration daily work, its beginning and end, breaks during the working day provide for the rules of the internal labor schedule, and for shift work - also shift schedules, including on a rotational basis... A shift is called work in 2, 3, 4 shifts. It is prohibited to work for two shifts in a row.

Working shift

The duration of the working time established by the schedule for a group of employees, and its alternation with other shifts during the week, month. Shift schedules

are drawn up by the employer taking into account the opinion of the trade union committee and attached to the collective agreement; as a rule, they are not communicated to employees later than a month before

their implementation.

Work week

Duration and distribution

working hours during the calendar

weeks. By its duration, the working

week maybenormal, short, and

incomplete (for example 2-3 days a week). By

structure the work week can be

five days with two days in a row and

six-day with one day off that

are determined by the organizations themselves. At the same time, the beginning

and the end of the working day, plant shifts,







self-government so that transport is not overloaded during rush hours.

Time tracking

is necessary to determine whether or not it actually worked

the employee the assigned labor standard in working hours. It is obliged to lead

employer. Three types of time tracking:

Daily if the employee has all working days

the same duration;

Weekly, if the same number of working hours are worked out every week; possible with

shift work;

Summed up, with shift work per month, quarter, year with different duration of workers

shifts per week, as well as part-time work,

sliding, flexible schedule, on a rotational basis and in continuously operating industries on average

working hours were equal to the norm

working day; established by collective

agreement, (or the administration in agreement with

trade union committee).

Varieties of working hours

Irregular working hours

Flexible working hours

Changeable operating mode

Working day divided into parts

Shift method

Duration of work

The duration of the working day or shift, directly

preceding a non-working holiday, decreases

for one hour.

On the eve of the weekendduration of work at six days working week cannot exceed five hours.

Work at night

The time is nightfrom 10 pm to 6 am.

When working at night, the set

the duration of the shift is reduced by 1 hour.

Duration of night work is not reduced

time for workers to whom

reduced working hours and for workers specially hired to work in

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

WORKING TIME and REST HOURS Chernetsova Olesya Valerievna GBPOU VMK named after A.A. Kozeradsky

2 slide

Slide Description:

Working hours The time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations of the organization and the terms of the employment contract, must perform labor duties, as well as other periods of time that, in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts refer to working hours. Normal working hours cannot exceed 40 hours per week. The employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee.

3 slide

Slide Description:

Reduced working hours Normal working hours are reduced by: 16 hours per week for workers under the age of sixteen; 5 hours a week - for employees with disabilities of I or II groups; 4 hours a week - for employees aged sixteen to eighteen; 4 hours a week or more - for workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, in the manner prescribed by the Government Russian Federation.

4 slide

Slide Description:

Part-time work By agreement between the employee and the employer, part-time or part-time work can be established both upon hiring and subsequently. The employer is obliged to establish a part-time or part-time working week at the request of a pregnant woman, one of the parents (guardian, guardian) with a child under the age of fourteen (a disabled child under the age of eighteen), as well as a person caring for the sick a family member in accordance with a medical report.

5 slide

Slide Description:

Duration of work on the eve of non-working holidays and weekends The duration of a working day or shift immediately preceding a non-working holiday shall be reduced by one hour. B continuously operating organizations and on certain types work where it is impossible to reduce the duration of work (shift) on the pre-holiday day, overwork is compensated by providing the employee with additional rest time or, with the employee's consent, payment according to the norms established for overtime work... On the eve of weekends, the duration of work with a six-day working week cannot exceed five hours.

6 slide

Slide Description:

Work at night Night time - from 10 pm to 6 am. The duration of work (shift) at night is reduced by one hour. The duration of work (shift) at night is not reduced for employees who have a reduced duration of working hours, as well as for employees hired specifically for work at night, unless otherwise provided collective agreement... The duration of work at night is equal to the duration of work in the daytime in those cases when it is necessary for working conditions, as well as in shift work with a six-day working week with one day off. The list of these works can be determined by a collective agreement, local normative act. Not allowed to work at night: pregnant women; employees under the age of eighteen years, with the exception of persons participating in the creation and (or) performance of works of art, and other categories of employees in accordance with this Code and others federal laws... Women with children under the age of three, disabled workers, workers with children with disabilities, as well as workers caring for sick members of their families in accordance with a medical certificate, mothers and fathers raising children under the age of five years old, as well as guardians of children of the indicated age may be involved in night work only with their written consent and provided that such work is not prohibited by them for health reasons in accordance with a medical report. In this case, these workers must be informed in writing of their right to refuse to work at night.

7 slide

Slide Description:

Working hours The working hours should provide for the duration of the working week (five days with two days off, six days with one day off, a working week with days off according to a sliding schedule), work with irregular working days for certain categories of workers, the duration of daily work (shifts ), the start and end times of work, the time of breaks in work, the number of shifts per day, the alternation of working and non-working days, which are established by the collective agreement or the internal labor regulations of the organization.

8 slide

Slide Description:

Shift work Shift work - work in two, three or four shifts - is introduced in cases where the duration production process exceeds the permissible duration of daily work, as well as in order to more efficiently use equipment, increase the volume of products or services provided. In case of shift work, each group of workers must perform work during the established duration of working hours in accordance with the shift schedule. When drawing up shift schedules, the employer takes into account the opinion of the representative body of employees. Shift schedules, as a rule, are an annex to the collective agreement. Shift schedules are communicated to employees no later than one month before they are put into effect. Work for two shifts in a row is prohibited.

9 slide

Slide Description:

Irregular working day Irregular working day is a special mode of work, according to which individual employees can, at the request of the employer, be occasionally involved in the performance of their labor functions outside the normal working hours. The list of positions of employees with irregular working hours is established by a collective agreement, agreement or internal labor regulations of the organization.

10 slide

Slide Description:

Dividing the working day into parts In those jobs where it is necessary due to the special nature of labor, as well as in the production of work, the intensity of which is not the same during the working day (shift), the working day can be divided into parts so that the total duration of working time is not exceeded the established duration of daily work. Such division is made by the employer on the basis of local normative act, adopted taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body of this organization.

11 slide

Slide Description:

Rest time is the time during which the employee is free from work duties and which he can use at his own discretion.

12 slide

Slide Description:

Types of rest time The types of rest time are: breaks during the working day (shifts); daily (inter-shift) rest; weekends (weekly uninterrupted rest); non-working holidays; vacation.

13 slide

Slide Description:

Breaks for rest and meals During the working day (shift), the employee must be given a break for rest and meals lasting no more than two hours and at least 30 minutes, which is not included in the working hours. The time for the break and its specific duration are established by the internal labor regulations of the organization or by agreement between the employee and the employer. In jobs where, according to the conditions of production (work), the provision of a break for rest and meals is impossible, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with the opportunity to rest and eat during working hours. The list of such works, as well as places for rest and eating, are established by the internal labor regulations of the organization.

14 slide

Slide Description:

Special breaks for heating and rest For certain types of work, it is envisaged to provide employees during working hours with special breaks due to the technology and organization of production and labor. The types of these works, the duration and procedure for granting such breaks are established by the rules of the organization's internal labor regulations. Employees who work in the open air or in closed unheated rooms during the cold season, as well as loaders engaged in loading and unloading operations, and other employees, if necessary, are provided with special breaks for heating and rest, which are included in working hours. The employer is obliged to provide facilities for heating and resting employees.

15 slide

Slide Description:

Weekends All employees are provided with days off (weekly uninterrupted rest). With a five-day working week, employees are given two days off per week, with a six-day working week - one day off. The general day off is Sunday. The second day off with a five-day working week is established by the collective agreement or the internal labor regulations of the organization. As a rule, both days off are provided in a row. In organizations where the suspension of work on weekends is impossible due to production, technical and organizational conditions, days off are provided on different days of the week to each group of employees in turn in accordance with the organization's internal labor regulations.


  • 40 hours a week.
  • Shortened week for minors, teachers, doctors, hazardous industries, etc.
  • Duration on holiday and holiday days is reduced by 1 hour.

Night time

  • From 10 pm to 6 am.
  • Not allowed: pregnant women, disabled people under 18 years of age.
  • With the written consent of an employee raising a child under 5 years of age alone

Part-time job

  • Work performed outside normal working hours at the initiative of the employee.
  • Work no more than 4 hours a day and 16 hours a week.

Overtime work

  • Work performed by an employee on the initiative of the employer outside of working hours.
  • Duration - no more than 4 hours for 2 consecutive days and 120 hours per year.
  • When carrying out work necessary for the defense of the country, prevention of an accident, elimination of the consequences of a natural disaster.
  • When producing publicly necessary work for water supply, gas supply, heating ...
  • Finish work if necessary, if non-completion will result in loss of life.
  • To continue work in the absence of a shift worker.

Time relax

  • The time during which the employee is free from work duties and which he can use at his own discretion.










  • Break during the working day for rest and meals: 30 min -2 h.
  • At least 42 hours a week.
  • Weekends: 1-2 days.


  • Days established by law, dedicated to outstanding events, memorable historical dates.
  • January 1-5
  • January 7th
  • February 23
  • March 8
  • 1st of May
  • May 9
  • 12 June
  • November 4th

Work on weekends and holidays

  • Forbidden.
  • In addition to work to prevent accidents, catastrophes with the written consent of the employee.
  • Involve disabled people, women (children under 3 years old), if there is no prohibition by doctors.

Paid holiday

  • At least 28 calendar days
  • Eligibility for vacation after 6 months of work
  • In case of illness during vacation, vacation is extended
  • Can be divided into 2 parts
  • Over 28 days may

be replaced by cash

Working time concept
Working hours - the time during which the employee is in accordance with the rules
internal labor regulations and the terms of the employment contract must comply with
labor duties, as well as other periods of time that, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation,
other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian
Federations refer to working hours. (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
Normal working hours cannot exceed 40 hours per
Reduced working hours are established (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
for employees under the age of sixteen - no more than 24 hours a week;
for employees aged sixteen to eighteen years - no more than 35 hours per week;
for employees who are disabled of I or II groups - no more than 35 hours per week;
for workers whose working conditions at their workplaces are based on results special assessment conditions
labor attributed to harmful conditions work of 3 or 4 degrees or hazardous working conditions - no more than 36
hours a week.
Part-time working hours (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
The employer is obliged to establish part-time work (shift) or part-time
working week:
at the request of a pregnant woman,
one of the parents (guardian, trustee) who has a child under the age of fourteen
(a disabled child under the age of eighteen),
as well as a person caring for a sick family member in accordance with medical
a conclusion issued in the manner prescribed by federal laws and other regulatory
legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Working time concept
When working on a part-time basis, the employee is paid
in proportion to the time he worked or depending on the volume he performed
Part-time work does not entail any
restrictions on the duration of the main annual paid leave, calculation
work experience and other labor rights.
The duration of daily work (shift) cannot exceed (Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
for employees aged fifteen to sixteen years - 5 hours, aged from
sixteen to eighteen years old - 7 hours;
for students in basic general education programs and educational
programs of secondary vocational education, combining during
academic year education with work, from the age of fourteen to
sixteen years old - 2.5 hours, aged sixteen to eighteen years old - 4 hours;
for disabled people - in accordance with a medical certificate issued in accordance with the procedure
established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts
Russian Federation.
For workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, where
a shorter working time is established, the maximum permissible
the duration of daily work (shift) cannot exceed: at 36 hours
working week - 8 hours, with a 30-hour working week or less - 6 hours.

Working time concept
Work at night (Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
Night time - time from 22:00 to 6:00.
The duration of work (shift) at night is reduced by one hour without
subsequent working off.
The duration of work (shift) at night for employees is not reduced,
for whom a reduced working time is established, as well as for
employees hired specifically for night work, unless otherwise provided
collective agreement.
Not allowed to work at night:
pregnant women;
workers under the age of eighteen, with the exception of persons participating in
creation and (or) performance of works of art, and other categories
employees in accordance with this Code and other federal laws.
Women with children under the age of three
disabled people,
employees with disabled children,
as well as workers caring for sick members of their families in accordance with
with a medical certificate issued in the manner prescribed by federal
laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation,
mothers and fathers raising children under the age of five without a spouse, and
also guardians of children of the specified age can be involved in work at night
only with their written consent and provided that such work is not prohibited by them by
state of health in accordance with a medical report.
In this case, these workers must be familiarized in writing with their
the right to refuse to work at night.

Working time concept

Overtime work is work performed by an employee at the initiative of the employer for
working hours established for the employee: daily
work (shift), and with the summarized accounting of working time - in excess of the normal number
working hours for the accounting period.
Hiring an employee to work overtime by the employer is allowed with his
written consent in the following cases:
1) if necessary, perform (finish) the work begun, which, due to
unexpected delays in technical specifications production could not be performed
(completed) during the working hours established for the employee,
if non-performance (non-completion) of this work may lead to damage or death
the employer's property (including the property of third parties held by the employer,
if the employer is responsible for the safety of this property),
state or municipal property or pose a threat to life and health
of people;
2) when performing temporary work on the repair and restoration of mechanisms, or
structures in cases where their malfunction can cause the termination
work for a significant number of employees;
3) to continue work in the absence of a shift worker, if the work does not allow
break. In these cases, the employer is obliged to immediately take measures to replace
replacement by another employee.

Working time concept
Overtime work (Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
Engaging an Employee to Work Overtime without His Consent
allowed in the following cases:
1) during the performance of work necessary to prevent a disaster,
industrial accident or elimination of the consequences of a disaster, industrial
accident or natural disaster;
2) when performing socially necessary work to eliminate unforeseen
circumstances disrupting the normal functioning of centralized systems
hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) sewerage, systems
gas supply, heat supply, lighting, transport, communications;
3) in the performance of work, the need for which is due to the introduction of an emergency
or martial law, as well as urgent work in emergency
circumstances, that is, in the event of a disaster or threat of disaster (fires, floods, famine,
earthquakes, epidemics or epizootics) and in other cases that endanger life or
normal living conditions of the entire population or part of it.
Involvement in overtime work is not allowed:
pregnant women,
employees under the age of eighteen,
other categories of employees in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.
Overtime work should not exceed 4 for each employee
hours for two consecutive days and 120 hours a year.

Working time concept
Working hours (Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
Working hours should include:
the length of the working week (five days with two days off,
six-day with one day off, work week with the provision of days off
days on a rolling schedule, part-time work week),
work with irregular working hours for certain categories of workers,
duration of daily work (shift), including part-time work
start and end time of work,
breaks in work,
number of shifts per day,
alternation of working and non-working days, which are established by the rules
internal labor regulations in accordance with labor legislation and
other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms,
collective agreement, agreements, and for employees, working hours
which differs from general rulesestablished by this employer - labor

Working time concept
Shift work (Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
Shift work - work in two, three or four shifts - is introduced in cases where
the duration of the production process exceeds the permissible duration
daily work, as well as in order to make more efficient use of equipment,
increasing the volume of products or services provided.
In case of shift work, each group of workers must perform work during
established working hours in accordance with the shift schedule.
When drawing up shift schedules, the employer takes into account the opinion of a representative
body of workers in the manner prescribed by Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the adoption of local
normative acts. Shift schedules, as a rule, are an attachment to
collective agreement.
Shift schedules are communicated to workers no later than one month before
putting them into effect.
Work for two shifts in a row is prohibited.

Rest time concept
Rest time (Article 106 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) - the time during which the employee is free from
performance of labor duties and which he can use at his own discretion.
The types of rest time are:
breaks during the working day (shift);
daily (inter-shift) rest;
weekends (weekly uninterrupted rest);
non-working holidays;
Breaks for rest and meals (Article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
During the working day (shift), the employee must be given a break for rest
and food lasting no more than two hours and at least 30 minutes, which during working
time does not turn on.
The duration of a weekly uninterrupted rest cannot be less than 42 hours.
With a five-day working week, employees are given two days off at
week, with a six-day working week - one day off.
The general day off is Sunday. The second day off with a five-day
the working week is established by the collective agreement or internal rules
work schedule. As a rule, both days off are provided in a row.

Rest time concept
Employees are granted annual leaves with preservation of their place of work (position)
and average earnings.
lasting 28 calendar days.
Annual basic paid leave of more than 28 calendar days
days (extended main leave) is granted to employees in accordance with
this Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.
Annual additional paid leaves are provided to employees:
employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions *,
employees with a special nature of work,
employees with irregular working hours,
workers working in the Far North and equivalent areas,
as well as in other cases provided for by this Code and other
federal laws.
* Annual additional paid leave is provided to employees, conditions
work at workplaces where, according to the results of a special assessment of working conditions
classified as hazardous working conditions 2, 3 or 4 degrees or hazardous working conditions.
Minimum duration of additional annual paid leave
employees are 7 calendar days.