The most acute pains for newcomers to the info business. The ten worst newbie mistakes in the info business. We use a real return address

If you are faced with the question of choosing a niche in the info business, then most likely you are just taking the first steps in this business. And now I want to give you 5 simple tips, which he would have given to himself five years ago, when he himself was just starting to look closely at the info business.

Here are 5 tips:

  1. Rake wide
  2. Don't be afraid of competitors
  3. Don't go for failed topics and niches
  4. Do it wrong quickly
  5. Never trust anyone

Now let's get a little more detailed and with examples.

1 - Rake wide

Let's immediately define our main goal... Our goal is not to “pick a niche”. Our goal is to make about a million a month, right?

And for this you must have a base of people on whom you could make money. You can't get away from this - you need either an email database or a subscriber base in in social networks... In terms of emails, the experience of generations shows that real money starts at about 15,000 semi-active subscribers.

That is, this is the very money when you can travel whenever and wherever you want, buy almost everything you want and so on. Therefore, you need a niche where you can gain such a number of subscribers in at least a year and a half (if longer, then the first subscribers may already "die out").

You can also make money from a small number of subscribers, but then they need to sell some really expensive products. The price tag should start from 50 thousand rubles (or even from one hundred). But this, in my opinion, is not quite an info-business, and certainly not for beginners.

If you can sell something with a check of one hundred thousand rubles (provided that you do not sell yourself into lifelong slavery), then you most likely have no problem with choosing a niche - you are already an accomplished professional in some business.

If not, then rely on a lot of inexpensive sales for now. And for this, going back to the beginning, we need a good base. Therefore, choose a wide niche, recruit a lot of cheap subscribers (for example), and then sell them different products, for different narrow sub-topics.

And there are not so many broad (by definition, monetary) niches in the info business. More precisely, there are only four pieces:

  1. Money
  2. Beauty / health
  3. Self-development and personal growth
  4. Family / relationships

Before coming up with your new unique sub-niches - first look at which key niche your talent belongs to. Which of these four global themes do you like best? Which one have you read the most books on?

If you are inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bearning a lot, unite people with the same dreams around you. Learn for them, conduct experiments, share your knowledge with them. The same is with healthy way life, relationships and personal growth.

As you work with people, you may change your specialization several times, but it’s almost unrealistic to choose “life's work” right away.

2 - don't be afraid of competitors

If you take any broad niche, there will probably already be more than one hundred competitors there. And there will even be great and terrible gurus who "have taken over the market for themselves." And it may seem to you that you have nothing to do there, because you cannot compete with such well-known names.

In fact, this is not the case. In RuNet today there are hundreds of small "groupings", led by their own opinion leader. The undisputed leader and tough specialist in one corner in contact may be completely unknown in another corner. You may well create such a grouping around you.

The main thing is not to be afraid of anyone and not to imitate anyone, and not to ask anyone for anything. Do not knock on famous specialists with a request to "promote you" in one way or another. Do not try to get a “trainer in the wings” for them, so that you can be promoted to their audience. Yes, a recommendation from a famous person will make a name for you very quickly. But then you will lose it just as quickly when this a famous person will say that he no longer works with you.

Therefore, create your audience around you. You have your own unique characteristics - your own way of explaining the material, your examples, your product format. And you will be attracted by people who are similar to you, and who like your manner of communication.

In a small niche, of course, you will be the first and only one, but will you have money with this? This is the question.

3 - don't go for failed topics and niches

Let's now take a look at the niches that are best left untouched because they are inherently failures.

I remember how a couple of years ago I was sitting in a cafe with one terribly cool business consultant and an opinion leader in our city. He made a name for himself by building sales teams for businesses and training sales managers.

And then he came up with the idea to transfer this whole thing to the Internet (sooner or later this idea comes to all offline trainers and consultants). And for this he decided to hire me. I immediately asked what exactly he was going to teach people on the Internet. To which he replied that he wants to train people ... in sales.

This is one of such failed topics that I am talking about - you cannot teach "sales" on the Internet. It is imperative to clarify what kind of sales. Is it text sales? Or webinars? Or advertising? Or marketing?

As it turned out later, the opinion leader was going to train sales managers in live sales (sales in the hall, face-to-face meetings, and so on, what he did before). After my remark that this also cannot be done in the info-business, another assistant and personal friend of this opinion leader intervened.

Why are you negative ?! What do you mean you can't ?! Why are you undermining his self-confidence ?! - And so on and so forth. Yes, these guys were all very spiritual, purposeful (and even were right about something - see below). But by that time I had already made a decision for myself that I would not work with them under any sauce, so I just wished them good luck and left.

As far as I know, this opinion leader has not done anything in the info business so far, and still conducts live consulting and trainings.

The thought that I want you to understand is that if your students need to do something live to achieve a result (drive or fix a car, go to personal sales meetings, meet girls, fight, perform and speak in front of a live audience) - then there will likely be problems selling online courses.

Offline, live - no problem, you can teach them this. But info-business is exactly training via the Internet (and ideally, even without your personal participation). So make sure your theme is packaged for remote delivery.

4 - do it wrong quickly

And so I gave you a bunch of tips that added to another bunch of tips that you gleaned somewhere else. And you may think that now you will definitely do everything right at once. But this is a big mistake.

It is impossible to do it right at once. Simply because there are a thousand factors and a million features of your personality that neither I nor anyone else have a clue. You will still have to learn almost everything from your own experience. And so you need to get this experience as quickly as possible.

If you sit and plan how to get it right, you won't get anywhere. And if you start doing it (even if it is incorrect and suboptimal), you will already have results and money. and experience.

Therefore, my most important advice is to do it wrong quickly. The sooner you make your critical mass of mistakes in your first wrong niches, the faster you will achieve the desired result.

5 - never trust anyone

The last piece of advice I would like to give you is never take anything for granted. Don't even believe me. I told you that training salespeople over the Internet is a bad idea. Don't trust me. If you feel like it, check this niche with money. Check out my material on that, and test each of your ideas with sales.

Perhaps it is your unique fusion of talents and life experience that will allow you to make money in this particular niche. Everyone to whom I did not tell about the fact that I work in the niche of training translators - to put it mildly, were surprised.

If I met any living guru at the very beginning of my journey, I'm sure he would tell me - don't even think about doing this niche. And then nothing would have worked for me. But, thank God, I did not meet this at that moment. I didn’t know that it’s impossible to make money in this niche, and therefore I calmly earned in it.

Therefore, once again - never trust anyone. Check everything with money and sales. And yet, your ideal niche in the info business will find you by itself after a certain number of attempts. The main thing is to keep trying.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience for 10 years \u003d)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov

Millions are made in the info business! In information business you can earn millions too! And this is reality. But there are many pitfalls in the info business that are not discussed.

Finally, sensational information has appeared, exposing many the dirty sides of infobusiness... And it's not a joke!

This is the truth to know. If you want to make big money in infobusiness... Take off your rose-colored glasses and find out how the info business really works! Learn about the pitfalls of information business and how to avoid them. Find out what is real, real infobusinessand what benefit you can derive from this.

Read the new book by Andrey Vilinsky "The Dirty Truth About Infobusiness"and you will open your eyes to how you can make net millions in the info business. I'm not kidding. After reading this book, I got exactly this feeling: I now know how to make money in the info business.

Exposing info business

Gurus, pseudo-gurus and self-proclaimed "experts" daily bombard inexperienced beginners with hundreds of commercial proposals. Judging by the description of these "miracle manuals", make money in infobusiness as easy as ... sending an email!

Here are some of the actual descriptions of such products:

It's genius just to have BIG money in the Internet! Do it! It's easy! Step by step guide for passive income up to a million rubles per month! Earn for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones!

Making money online is easier than you think! Who said that info business is a very serious business? ...

Friends! In the century information technologies everyone can become a millionairewithout leaving your own apartment.

How to make $ 100,000 with a starting capital of $ 6 ...!

How to Earn 300,000 rubles. in 7 days.

It couldn't be simpler, a ready-made business! A simple site that, after setting up, will bring you unlimited profit on the machine!

Take the products - assign your name - just launch the already prepared website - earn up to 200,000 rubles a month!

Earning scheme for those who want to make money on the Internet from 15,000 rubles a week without problems. Even a child can figure it out!

Working scheme earnings 10,000 - 15,000 rubles per week from absolute zero for a beginner.

System for earning 1000-2000 rubles a day via the Internet. Briefly about the course: Guaranteed income from 65,000 rubles per month! Time required for work 2-3 hours a day... Does not require additional costs.

4000 rubles per week! I discovered a simple, step-by-step system with which it allows you and any to another person, earn incredible income in the comfort of your own home. You are minutes away from the secret. But the main thing ... All you need is access to the Internet ...

You are offered step-by-step instructions, following which without single money you can build a super profitable business in a short period of time. If you do everything as written, in two months you will have a ready own business with a state of more $20000 , business, a doubling rate of income.

Get a secret with which you will start to make money successfully, not straining too much from $ 1,000 per month, giving it 1-2 hours a day ...

The video course "1000 dollars in VKontakte in 7 days" will teach in stages in practice how to create your own online store in VKontakte almost zero cost, create your own internet business and have decent earnings at least $ 10,000-12,000 per month.

I declare responsibly that anyone who repeated my recommendations will earn in the first month, significantly more than $ 100. The second part of the course was created to teach you how to make money $ 100 every day.

The method has been personally tested and works 100%.

Earnings on full autopilot from $ 100 per day.

5000 $ per day without investment - reliable stable system! I want to offer you to earn really big money without strainingand without investment.


All this is a great profanation. Simply put, it is a deception. There is no easy way to earn money!

Pay attention to the following phrases:

Ready business

Just launch the already prepared website ...

Each participant, having studied and applied this technique, will be able to ...

Working scheme of earnings ...

Guaranteed income ...

I discovered a simple, step-by-step system ...

Real earnings ...

The method works 100% ...

Because it is beneficial for them that you think so, that you sincerely believe in it. And they make you believe it, otherwise they will simply lose their income, otherwise no one will buy these wonderful courses!

Did you know that most of the ways to make money

about which the pseudo-gurus are shouting with delight - NON-WORKING?

Another misconception:

I have been in traffic arbitration for several years. I WANT AND YOU TO LEARN TO EARN GOOD MONEY FOR 15 MINUTES OF WORK A DAY ...

The method has been personally tested, it works 100% ...

No sane entrepreneur will share a really working scheme for making money if it really brings a lot of money. This is the law of competition! This knowledge comes to the market only after the entrepreneur has squeezed the maximum out of this scheme. Or after a conclusion has been made: he will receive more profit from the sale of the scheme than from its further implementation.

For an entrepreneur, only the result of the business is important, profit - and nothing else. There is no charity in Russian business, including information business!

Did you know that any way of making money, having become generally available,

LOSES ITS EFFICIENCY almost instantly?

Do you finally know that:

Real information about

what is info business in reality,


Today, thousands of people on the Runet are looking for information about information business. Thousands of people are planning to start their own info business - at least give it a try!

It is very difficult to start making money without truthful information about the info business.

Today you can get sensational and completely unique information exposing many dirty sides of information business (this is not a joke!).

Take off your rose-colored glasses. Be the first to know:

  1. What is info business in reality.
  2. Why in info business only 10% of training courses are of high quality.
  3. The origins of the dollar millionaires of the info business.
  4. Why most of the proposed ways to earn money are not working.
  5. About the fact that info-business in the educational niche uses the principle of pyramid schemes.
  6. About the fact that the info business is almost 100% licked off from American marketing schemes.
  7. Where did the hundreds of pseudo gurus and “experts” come from in the info business?
  8. Why pseudo gurus and “experts” fool beginners.
  9. Why beginners in information business will fail.
  10. How to get initial capital to launch your info business, DOING NOTHING (unlike pseudo-guru promises, this is absolutely real and accessible).

And much more!

Download the First Book on real info-business, which appeared within the framework of the global project "Real Infobiznes":

A.V.Vilinsky "The Dirty Truth About Infobusiness"

P.S. The project is supported and implemented by the author and analyst Andrey Vilinsky (journalist with 20 years of experience) and a number of well-known Russian information entrepreneurs.

P. P. S.Andrey Vilinsky swooped in like a tsunami, exposed the info business and disappeared somewhere. Even wondering where Andrey Vilinsky has disappeared? Maybe the calm before the next tsunami?

But the book is interesting, download and read.

In this article, I want to tell you what kind of "rake" the majority of newcomers come to, what kind of mistakes slow down the development of business, take away energy, take time, money and nerves. The topic is very relevant, because very often most information businessmen come to absolutely not the result they wanted to come to.
I really hope that the information presented below will help many to avoid a large number of mistakes on the way of establishing their own info-business.

So let's go in order.

1. Trying to make everything perfect.

Many newbies try to make everything perfect - they try to compensate for their lack of self-confidence - the perfect website with the perfect design, perfect product quality, perfect covers, perfect audio and video content, they are delusional to bring everything to the level of perfect quality.
But as you can imagine, such work, especially for a beginner, will take a very long time. If you invest your time in technical nonsense instead of focusing on the sale itself, then you will, yes, have quality websites, videos, newsletters, covers, and, no, you will not have sales.
Scrupulous refinement to perfection does not bring money, money brings sales. If you approached the problem of sales with the same scrupulousness, then you would earn an order of magnitude more. The better the information itself, the more fewer people looks at the technical side, if the information is high-quality, then everything else fades.

2. Using one tool.

This mistake affects everyone - even the advanced monsters of the info business. A profitable business is not built with one tool, just like, for example, a subscription list cannot be typed with one tool. To really take off, you need to use at least 10 instruments, and all at the same time!
This also applies to sales - the more tools you use to create profitable business, so more money start earning. This principle works everywhere, you cannot take on something using one achievement tool. The more chips and marketing techniques you can use, the better, and their importance does not matter, because for the mechanism to work fully, all the elements are needed.

3. Trying to do everything yourself.

Everyone knows the saying - "The poor value money, the rich value time." But this is what happens in life - a poor man tries to do everything himself - he regrets a penny and is ready to sit out his time for other things he does not understand. In the info business, there are enough "left" routine moments and there are a lot of them and they consume time, and you need to devote more time to sales and business development. What can be entrusted to another must be entrusted to another! You give money, but you gain time. And then you convert the time into money.

4. They regret giving out free quality content.

Selling without giving good free material is a problem of success and a guarantee of failure. A balance is needed between selling pressure and influence from free material.
If you overwhelm your customers with paid offers, then be prepared for the fact that your subscriber base will noticeably thin out. If you feed with free offers, the buyer will "get fat" and will not pay for information. And do not be greedy to give free material - anyway, everything that is given for free, a person does not remember and does not use - such is the psychology of personality.

5. They sell very little.

Whoever earns little, sells little!
Some of them release one information product for all their time. You have to come up with promotions, courses, projects at least once a month, and put everything else on the machine.

6. Poor assortment.
No choice, no sales. The range must be created, updated, expanded. And preferably as soon as possible and more. There are many options - by type of product, by price category, because the more assortment you have, the more likely a person will buy something from you.

7. Crazy in copywriting.

The most common mistake is an illiterate design of a sales letter or a selling page - it flickers, hurts the eyes, fonts change, it is not clear what is required of a person, how to place an order. Of course, the person who wrote everything is clear, but the potential client's brain is turned off and there is no time to buy.
Your copywriting is the face of your offering, it's what your product sells.
Another mistake is an attempt to create an “everything about everything” product - it is not clear what exactly is offered and what specific idea (goal, task) your information product has.

8. Weak offer.

Offer is your paid offer. A weak offer is when a paid offer is unattractive, unattractive, grayish, weak, unpretentious, repetitive, does not stand out from other offers, does not cause emotions. Free bonuses that don't generate interest at all make the picture worse.
Highly good example - “TVShhops - Stores on the couch” - how many emotions, positive emotions when presenting seemingly simple things.
Your goal is to make the offer so great that the client cannot refuse it.

9. An attempt to hide from people.

The most gross and ridiculous mistake. All sales are built on trust between the seller and the potential client. If the client does not see who he is buying from, then his trust drops very much. Trying to hide from people is the worst option in information business.

10. Few work.

Many beginning info businessmen do not work much, they stretch the tasks of info business for years. And it is true. The results of such people are negligible, while they have mountains of ambition.
I'll tell you what - if a business brings in less than $ 10,000 a month, then it's a hobby, and if it brings in less than $ 2,000 a month, then it's a waste of time. If you want to earn a lot - work a lot, work every day, often and intensively.

11. An attempt to optimize.

Very often, newbies try to "improve" clear guidelines and steps for action. It seems to them that it will be much better. As a result, they fly by, not understanding why nothing works, although everything seems to be done according to the instructions.
You don’t need to improve anything, you don’t need to reinvent a second bicycle, especially if you don’t understand the principles of operation of certain mechanisms.

12. Do not study the needs of people and the market.

To make good money, you need to sell what people need, and not what you think is necessary. Go to the Internet, see what products are already there, what thematic sites and forums exist, what they are talking about, what inquiries people have, what other info-businesses are already earning on. A beginner often takes an idea and starts working on it without testing the market, which leads to meager results.

Here are the most common mistakes aspiring info business people make.

Do you want to know about all the mistakes that beginners and even advanced businessmen make?

Want to get step by step instructions developing your business?

Subscribe to free course - How to make $ 1000 per month from scratch.

Hello dear readers of the site Today we will talk about the main mistakes of a beginner in the info business. Someone went through these mistakes, each in its own time.

The worst thing is that these mistakes greatly slow down the development of your business on the Internet, drain energy, steal time, nerves and money. This topic really needs to be disclosed, because, unfortunately, many newbies get the completely opposite result than they wanted to get.

1. The wrong choice of niche for running your business

At the beginning of their journey, it is very difficult for beginners to choose a niche, i.e. topic for doing business. A niche is a broad topic for your business. Most of the time, they start jumping from one niche to another and scatter their focus and focus.

In the end, after such rushes, newcomers earn nothing or very little. And disillusioned with such an information business, they leave it altogether.

2. The desire to do everything yourself

One good saying says that the poor always value money, and the rich always value time. And in our life everything happens the same way. A person who has very little money is enough to do everything himself. He saves money and is ready to waste his precious time, wanting to sort out absolutely all matters on his own.

There are always times when you can entrust some part of the work to another, i.e. to someone who understands this issue better. By giving money you will gain valuable time. And then you invest in money the same time.

3. Desire for perfection

Most newbies want everything to look perfect. So that their final information product meets the highest criteria. With this desire, they want to cover up their obvious self-doubt. And therefore they spend a lot of time on ideal audio and video material, on ideal
3-D covers, designs, etc.

I agree that all this should be at its level, but not at the expense of a long waste of your time! The longer we idealize everything, the faster someone will get ahead of us, and will earn more in the same niche with a lower quality design. If the information product is based on high-quality information, then all the technical aspects simply fade.

4. Are greedy to provide quality free material

Before you sell something, you need to provide your subscribers with some useful free material. This is the key to future success. In conducting your own, you need to strike the right balance between free and paid material.

Don't be greedy to provide quality free material. According to statistics, everything that is provided for free is never fully used and is not remembered!

5. Chaos in copywriting

One of the most common mistakes is not knowing how to properly design a sales letter or page. In most cases, these sales pages are eye-catching, distracting with flashing banners and changing fonts.

The main mistakes of a beginner in information business will save you time, money and nerves!

A visitor who comes to such a page does not always understand how to correctly place an order. Correct copywriting is primarily the face of your commercial proposalthat yours will depend on. But if you are all right with copywriting, then you can sell ...

6. Desire to earn a lot and immediately

Don't just chase after a bag of money. We must try to earn at least a small part of them. Most people who have achieved good success, differ from all the others in that they moved and developed gradually. From small to large. And this approach led them to serious results.

7. Desire to be invisible

This is the most ridiculous and gross mistake. In order to sell something, you need to build trust between yourself and your customers. If subscribers do not know who they are buying from, then trust decreases to zero or does not appear at all. The desire to remain invisible to people is a complete failure in the info business.

And in order to somehow inspire newcomers in the development of their info business, I want to give one cool example. (To help a newbie, you can read about goals).

So, surely many on the Internet know or have heard the name Evgeny Popov... In just a few years, this guy has achieved many heights in the information business with his hard work and diligence! First of all, it is open, and makes a lot of useful free material for its visitors and. Today its sites are visited by up to 100 thousand people a day !!!

This is of course a dream come true for every information businessperson! Evgeniy also has his own line of very high quality information products. Personally, I have 5 of his courses. I learned a lot from him and for this I am very grateful and grateful to him!

So, he, too, once started. He, too, was once a novice in the info business. Yes, he was one of the pioneers, and it was harder for him than for us today!

And at the end of today's post I want to introduce you a rare archive video by Evgeny Popov dated 05/10/2006.This is a tutorial on how to install the recommendation script on your website or blog. In terms of sound and voice quality, the video is not very good, the main thing here is quality content!

What is info business? Educational program for newbies in information businessReviewed by on Nov 25 Rating: 4.5

Hello dear friends and colleagues!

Today we will find out what information business is, or, as it is also called - online business. Call anyone you like

Stop! Wait, wait ... Isn't the info business and online business is it the same concept? We'll find out now ...

Infobusiness \u003d online business?

Actually, no. Infobusiness concept much wider... A business based on the sale of information can also be offline (conducting live trainings and seminars). BUT! We are now talking about making money on the Internet, therefore, in this context, we can consider the concepts of info-business and online businesssynonyms.

I want to note that I have been preparing to write this article for a whole year.

Why so long?

Because I did not want to rewrite someone's articles, but to delve into this serious topic myself and put everything on the shelves. So read carefully in order to understand once and for all what information business is and why the future belongs to it.

I'll start with the definition.

Infobusiness is one of the most common ways to make money on the Internet, in which an Internet entrepreneur sells an intellectual product or provides services. In other words it business based on the sale of information or monetization of the demanded expertise.

Explained clearly? Ok, let's see how it looks in practice and analyze specific examples.

How to start an online business (info business)?

1). Vladislav Chelpachenko enough for a long time interested in making money on the Internet. He tries out various ways of making money on the Internet (making money on clicks, file sharing, ankens, surveys, etc. crap) and begins to understand that all this is complete crap, a scam and a scam. You can only earn decent money by having your own product.

Where can I get it?

And what, apart from money, does he get from the information business?

Correctly. Promotes his name and gains a subscriber base (now he already has more than 9,200 people), which are the golden asset of any information businessman. How do you like this option for making money? I also think quite interesting and creative

2). created my blog. He writes great articles on it and has a lot of readers, blog traffic is increasing every day. His blog is becoming not only a favorite place for readers, but also an excellent platform for making money (placing paid advertisements, advertising in mailing lists, hosting services contextual advertising, copyright affiliate programs, affiliate programs of hosting providers and other services). In general, the blog is monetized due to the large number of visitors who purchase some kind of product or service.

3). Zakharova Anastasia works as a lawyer. She has quite a few clients who constantly need help in their activities. She conducts paid webinars, gives consultations via Skype (approximately 1500 rubles / hour) and accepts orders for drafting contracts online. From this, naturally, it has good earnings and lives does not complain

four). Oleg Goryacho created a service for the automation of information business, which is used by thousands of Internet entrepreneurs. The service is provided for a certain fee, and monthly - I personally use it, the service is excellent. So, Oleg has a constant flow of passive income for using his service. Created once, but sells the service many times.

five). Olga Fomina helps women to become slim, beautiful and happy. She does this through courses, trainings and webinars. At the same time, Olga works as a teacher and is engaged in information business in her free time, having 30,000-60,000 rubles a month of additional income.

I think you already understood what an info-business is or online business.

Can you do information business?